An original show for the New Year. Entertain people for the New Year? Easily! The best New Year's entertainment: games, competitions, skits, impromptu theater. Creative tips for leading children's New Year's parties

On the eve of the New Year, all show customers expect aesthetic pleasure, surprise and a sea of ​​joy for all guests of the corporate party - these are the main characteristics of our shows. Our reputation has been built over 10 years thanks to successfully organized and conducted shows. The satisfaction of our guests and the success of our clients are our top priorities. All technical and creative aspects of the Ultra Blow show are designed to ensure that all the wishes of the clients are realized. We pay attention to every little detail.

Shows and artists for the New Year

We adhere to the highest standards of performance. Our team only employs professional artists and technicians with the expert knowledge, skills, experience and passion for delivering luxurious and innovative shows and performances. We performed at New Year's corporate parties and various holiday shows dedicated to the New Year and New Year's celebrations for the most demanding clients.

New Year's show in Moscow

Book a show at Ultra Blow - and you will have performances from Cirque du Soleil performers, the country's best go go dancers, Russian and European champions in food bagging, world champions in tricking art and other most professional artists and athletes. Last year, on New Year’s Eve in Moscow alone, we performed for 45 thousand people. Leave a request so that our manager will tell you how to make the New Year a real holiday!

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Everyone strives to make the New Year's holiday bright and unforgettable. Some try to cheer up the guests on their own, while others trust the professionals and organizers of New Year's show programs. One of the New Year's services of our Banquet Moscow agency includes the organization of New Year's parties with the help of various guest stars, musicians and dancers. In the list of services you can see and order the following New Year's programs:

You can order artists right now by paying the cost for the program for a corporate event. Diversify your boring New Year's corporate parties with fun and unforgettable shows programs and evenings.

New Year's show program. New Year's corporate party with a show program, New Year's show programs for children, for adults

Reviews about New Year's show programs:

Nikolay, New Year's corporate party
It’s so good that they came up with such wonderful services that you can completely rely on in organizing any events, and the New Year’s corporate party is no exception. In all this pre-New Year bustle, just dial the number on the agency’s website and specialists will do everything on top level, taking into account all your wishes. Actually, that’s how it happened for me. There was only a little time left, and there was too much to do. So, on the advice of a friend, I decided to use the services of the Banquet Moscow agency. From the entire list of services I chose for New Year's corporate party gypsy ensemble, because I wanted a colorful New Year's evening. The artists performed an excellent New Year's show. I was especially impressed by their costumes and mischievous spirit. Every ruble spent on them was worth it. I have never seen such a New Year's show in a restaurant before. Super organizers and artists! From now on I will only use the services of your agency.

Olga, children's New Year's show
I decided to give a small holiday to the children of my friends. To do this, I came up with an interesting children's New Year's program. There was only one thing missing to bring it to life - order a New Year's Eve dance ensemble. It’s so good that your site came to the rescue. A good choice artists for New Year's parties are presented there. Prices are also affordable. The New Year's concert show includes several numbers. Great option add dancing to the New Year's children's program. The little spectators were satisfied, and this for me is the most important indicator of quality and the fact that everything was not done in vain. Thank you.

Ivan, New Year's show
My friends and I thought for a long time about how fun it would be to celebrate the New Year. There were many options spinning in my head, but everything was not very impressive, and it was also costly according to calculations. The idea came to mind to do a New Year's show in a restaurant. To do this, we just had to rent one of the separate rooms of the restaurant, discuss the menu and think about what artists we want to see at the New Year's party. A colleague advised me to order a New Year’s show program for adults from you. Without thinking twice, we agreed and ordered a program of oriental dancers as the basis for the show program. The girls performed amazingly. The movements were refined and smooth and did not allow one to take their eyes off them. The costumes are made like those of real oriental dancers. We really enjoyed. I even had to pay for extra time to enjoy the New Year oriental dances one more time.

Alena, party organizer
On New Year's Day the phone is always ringing off the hook with calls from clients. Everyone wants to see a twist at New Year's shows. And you help me organize amazing New Year’s programs. This is not the first year I have been ordering from you both shows of doubles and musical performers for New Year's corporate events. This year, for some reason, living statues are in particular demand. It’s good that you also keep up with the times and add to the list of services for organizing New Year’s show programs. It's a pleasure to collaborate with real masters of their craft. I especially wanted to highlight the stars’ doubles in the review, namely, Alla Borisovna’s double. The actor so skillfully transforms into the singer that, sometimes, it seems that Pugacheva herself is present at the event. Truly talent with a capital T. Super. I look forward to new participants and performers of show programs for the New Year and beyond.

Antonina, holiday for children
New Year's show programs for children have always been original and fun. It was hard to beat last year's new Year's Eve, but it turned out that nothing is impossible. And it was you and your amazing and vocal singers who helped me with this. It was intended this way New Year's show program for schoolchildren, that the singers will organize a kind of karaoke for children and will help and sing along with the children in every possible way. Having met in advance and discussed with the singers a musical playlist of songs that are now fashionable in school age we have put together a great show program new year party for children. The singers not only sang songs on their own to attract the guys, but also helped them sing along during difficult parts. Almost the entire school was pleased. I liked the fact that the New Year’s singers played it safe and prepared a lot more songs than we initially discussed. Because in fact, orders came in of a wide variety. It's good that you exist with such a talented team. A couple of hours of children's happiness cannot be compared with anything. And the cost of the entire event turned out to be affordable for the school budget. Now only you and your performers will accompany us on all holidays and all occasions.

It is difficult to imagine a holiday without entertainment and enthusiasm. Especially when it comes to New Year's corporate celebrations. The main objective of this event is to add zest to noisy feast, amuse and relax the friendly team.

Everyone present should have an unforgettable experience for at least the next year. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right show programs for your corporate event. The party should be fun and noisy so that the guests do not get bored. At the same time, absolutely all employees should be involved in it. And you can’t do it without the help of professionals. It is best to contact agencies that specialize in organizing holidays.

What do show business professionals offer?

  1. Invite experienced presenters to the party. They can work wonders and can brighten up any feast.
  2. Book a bartender show with a tasting of exquisite cocktails. Guests will demonstrate interesting tricks and prepare delicious cocktails for you.
  3. Well, what would a corporate party be without magic tricks, especially since on New Year’s Eve you really want to believe in miracles!
  4. A laser show program is usually attractive to everyone, especially if a person is seeing it for the first time. She will add unforgettable magic to the holiday and give a fairy tale to everyone present.
  5. Comedian performances are always interesting and fun. You can come up with jokes about funny cases from the life of the team. The main thing is not to offend anyone, but only to have fun.
  6. Invite Father Frost and Snow Maiden to the holiday. These are the “highlights” of the celebration! With them you can plunge into the world of childhood, dance in circles under the Christmas tree, dance and light lights.

Trust the organization

Entertainment program (SHOW) on New Year using original competitions conducted by experienced presenters and beginners. Each holiday host should have a fresh script for the New Year 2020 with a sufficient number of competitions and games that will captivate the guests.

For each competition, pairs or teams are usually formed to compete. Then the guests have fun and gradually relax.

If guests arrive early

Designing a New Year's newspaper is a great way to entertain early arriving guests. It lifts the mood and can distract guests who have arrived early and are in the way of visiting finishing touches(fill Olivier with mayonnaise).

It is optimal to offer them a pencil for entertainment.

You can also hold a competition to see who can guess all the newspaper tasks the fastest. After all, the newspaper contains crosswords, erudition tasks, and quizzes. It is worth giving the winner a prize.

At the beginning of the program there are usually outdoor games.

It is better to spend active entertainment in the first half of the evening. And for creative games Any time will do.
It is appropriate to prepare prizes for competitions - simple, small and inexpensive. If one of the players wins all the prizes, then it is necessary to reward the players who took second place.
Another option is available: put it under the tree, and the winner will choose.

The best competitions for a New Year's corporate party

New Year's corporate party is a good opportunity to have fun with colleagues. Employees - this sounds dry and ordinary, but at a common holiday you can get to know each other better and learn a lot about the people with whom you are doing a common business. With 2019 just around the corner, now is the perfect time to prepare for the upcoming holiday. Fun is always good, and a prepared and planned event is a double celebration, because there is not a second left for boredom!

Competitions are a companion to any corporate event. With their help, you can entertain people of any age, unite into teams those who occupy different levels in the service hierarchy, unite and unite the team. But for the idea to be a success, you need to choose the right competitions - witty and funny.

Competition "Special task"

To conduct this competition you will need preliminary preparation. Will be needed Balloons and paper. On small pieces of paper you need to write various tasks - for example, “sing a song”, “portray an ostrich”, “eat a lemon”. Place one note in each of the balloons and inflate them. Each person present must choose a ball and complete the task from the note.

Ice Cube Competition

To conduct the Ice Cube competition, you will need several ice cubes of the same size. If the company is small, those present are divided into two groups, if there are many people - into three or more. After the game starts, each group is given one ice cube. The group's task is to melt the ice cube as quickly as possible. But how to do this is up to the participants of each team to decide independently.

Competition "Mysterious Person"

All those present are divided into two teams. You must first prepare a bag containing notes with names and surnames famous personalities- actors, politicians, singers. Members of each team take turns taking one of the notes out of the bag. The “enemy’s” task is to guess who is being portrayed. The winner is the team whose assets include the most guessed mysterious personalities.

Competition "Lost Bagel"

On christmas tree hang a small donut = bagel, for example, using a string. The player is blindfolded. His task is to detect the lost bagel by touch, and after finding it, eat it. In total, only 60 seconds are given to complete this difficult and dangerous mission.

By the way, in order to start having fun, you don’t have to wait until after New Year’s dinner. A competition called:

"Sharp Eye"

Its essence is that one of those present names a letter (letters ы, ъ, ь, е, and exclude). Each person present at the table must, as quickly as possible, find on the table an object whose name begins with this letter. This could be a cutlery, a serving element, an ingredient in a dish, or anything else.

Creative tips for leading children's New Year's parties

1. Making a snowman

Props: Hats, Velcro blanks

We attach the blanks for the snowman to the canvas. A game based on a relay race: who blinds you faster.

2. Restyling of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Props: glasses, hats, ears, tinsel.

We are divided into two teams: those who dress up the Snow Maiden and those who dress up Father Frost. Who will dress up faster? Then we arrange a New Year's show

3. “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

We need a phonogram: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” Balagan Limited.

Traditionally, we dance in a circle and sing to the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest”

4. On horseback

Props: two horses.

I’m planning to buy horses: a horse’s head on a stick and organize a steeplechase race. It's the year of the horse after all)

5. Horse racing

Props: “horseshoes”, mouth bandage, “saddle”

We select several pairs. One of the pair will be the horse, the other will prepare it for the races. The first step is to equip the horse:

First stage:

shoe the horse (put some shoes on each horse's leg)
fasten the bridle (put a New Year's cap on your mouth)
attach the saddle (put something like a backpack on your back)
water (give the horse water).

Second phase:

We organize comic relay races between horses, for example, who can cover a given distance faster in a shuttle run.

6. Selection of fairy-tale characters.

Props: wolf, fox, Santa Claus hat, Snow Maiden hat, snowman, snowflakes, Christmas trees, tiger, etc.

We write the names of the heroes on pieces of paper in advance: Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Wolf, Fox, etc.
Then everyone draws someone for themselves. The host dresses him up. When everyone is dressed up, we will arrange a fabulous costume disco. You can also arrange a dance show for each character. Everyone goes to the center, shows his distinctive movement, and everyone else repeats him.

7. New Year's photo shoot

Props: cardboard smiles

Photos with different smiles.

8. Decorate the Christmas tree.

Props: tinsel, Christmas decorations, green raincoat.

We divide the guests into two teams. From each team we choose one person - a “Christmas tree”, dress him in a green cape or put on a star headband. All other participants will have to decorate the Christmas tree with toys, garland, etc. Of course, you can choose a winner, but the result of it all is funny “Christmas trees” around which you can dance

9. Snowdrifts and snowflakes

This is an attentiveness game with kids.

We are not afraid of frost, we are attentive in everything
I’ll say “drifts” - we sit down (squat)
I’ll say “icicles” - we get up (raise our hands up)
I’ll say “snowflakes” - we’re spinning (spinning)
“Christmas trees” - clap our hands (clap)

We will now find out which of you is attentive.

10. I'll freeze it

A well-worn, but beloved game by all. Santa Claus is trying to freeze hands, noses, heels, and tummies. Laughter guaranteed!

11. “Let’s not let Santa Claus out of the circle”

...and at some point the Snow Maiden and the children surround Father Frost and do not let him out of the circle, holding hands. The children, together with the Snow Maiden, lower their hands and squat as soon as Santa Claus tries to get out of the circle.

Entertainment for couples

New Year is the perfect time for married couples to take a break from your busy life. Games are one way to do this. If you and your spouse really enjoy celebrating the New Year at home, then this is the time to play various games to renew intimacy and more.

Love letters

Throughout the year, people are often too busy to stop and think about what their spouse means to them. The New Year can be a great time to reflect on how much you love your husband or wife. Set aside an hour during the evening to write a love letter to your spouse. Think about how this year has passed, whether you have learned to appreciate your spouse even more than before. Exchange envelopes or read them out loud to each other.


New Year's resolutions, or bad habits and character traits that you want to change in yourself.
Make a list of resolutions you plan to accomplish in the new year and what things you will stop doing that annoy your husband or wife. Read the lists out loud to each other. Alternatively, play a game where you and your partner make a list of resolutions for each other. Don't take everything to heart, and remember: you yourself must not offend your partner.

New Year's Quiz

New Year is the time to remember all the good and happy moments that happened to you in the past year. Make quizzes for each other about what happened last year. Ask questions out loud. These could be questions about politics or world events, or more personal events that happened in your family. Make this process an annual tradition.

Wine degustation

A quiet New Year's Eve celebration at home together is the perfect opportunity to try something decadent or expensive, like a nice bottle of wine. There is a tradition every year where you and your spouse can each buy an expensive bottle and do a blind tasting on each other. Taste your spouse's wine and try to guess the grape variety and price. Ask your spouse to do the same for your wine and you will see who knows their wine better.

New Year's entertaining games for guests


It is necessary to install obstacles: children's blocks, books, chairs, etc. It is necessary to make passages, but so that they are zigzag. The participant has flippers on his feet and binoculars in his hands. The player holds the binoculars so that they shrink objects; they must pass by without touching the objects. The one who does it without mistakes and faster deserves a prize.

Artists' competition.

Players receive paper and a pencil (pen, felt-tip pen, etc.). Each player must have a sheet of paper lined with 20 cells. The presenter announces the list. Players are given the task of drawing an object or concept. The player who reproduces the list most accurately will win (to complicate the game, you can increase the intervals from drawing to announcing the results, it is permissible to include some other events). Crafty players who write rather than draw should understand that the competition is for drawing, not calligraphy, and therefore the latter should be abandoned. When compiling a list, it is worth taking into account that a cup is easy to draw and is easy to remember from a drawing, but tea is more complex and interesting.

Here is the approximate content of a list of 20 words: chair, dishes, curtain, cream, street, lantern, pharmacy, night, chicken, fruit, library, sheet, physics, wind, stupidity, money, holiday, frost, hat, box.

Game: What's in common?

The presenter voices 2 words, for example, knife and light bulb. Players take turns saying what these items have in common. The player who names the last common feature wins.


Players choose a topic and take turns saying words on this topic. The player who says the word last wins.

Come up with a function.

The presenter voices the subject. Players agree not to name the main function, but can come up with what else the item might be intended for.

Dancing on the newspaper.

Newspapers are spread on the floor. The newspaper is a dance floor for the couple. After half a minute, the newspaper folds in half. After another half a minute, the same thing. The competition continues until there is a couple left that manages not to go beyond their piece of newspaper.

There are a great many competitions for New Year's corporate events. And it’s good that there is still enough time to prepare for the holiday. If the entertainment is selected and organized correctly, the participants of the holiday will not be bored.

Also look at: which many will like.

On the eve of each new year, leadership modern companies asks the question: what show should I order for a corporate party to make it even more interesting than last year? In this regard, we present to the audience the top 17 shows original genre which are popular nowadays.

1. Giant soap bubble show

In modern versions you will see bubbles with smoke, square bubbles and even an aquarium with soap bubbles. And most importantly, each employee will be able to find himself under the soapy film of a giant transparent ball!

Everyone will like this show format, especially if the majority of the team is women. A master class on preparing delicious dishes presented by an experienced chef will end with their tasting by all those present at the corporate party.

But the show of mixing exotic cocktails performed by skillful bartenders will delight the male part of any company.

4. Interactive paper show

A driving and emotional spectacle in which all employees take part. Falling paper ribbons, scatterings of confetti everywhere, paper figures of the most bizarre shapes - you have never seen this material in such quantity and from such a perspective.

Multimedia musical show with fountains illuminated by colored rays - a truly enchanting event, the beauty of which will not leave any of the guests indifferent.

6. Circus show with animals

Spectacular numbers with pigeons, trained monkeys or porcupines will decorate any corporate event. And amazing tricks with a rooster as the main symbol of the coming year 2017 will remain in everyone’s memory.

7. Parody show

Anyone who wants to hear congratulations from pop stars, politicians, and presenters at a corporate event should invite one or more artists who brilliantly imitate voices famous people and sounds made by animals. The rooster's cu-ka-re-ku will become final chord programs.

During such an event, artists whose bodies are colorfully painted with fancy patterns, drawings, and signs perform in front of the public.

9. Magic show

Card tricks and manipulations with objects performed by a professional magician will surprise you and plunge you into the illusory world of magic.

Those who have long been waiting for the onset of their “finest hour” - rejoice! Thanks to a karaoke show at a corporate party, both colleagues and bosses will learn about your singing talent.

Will suitably decorate your corporate event acrobatic duet or a trio with numbers filled with plasticity and grace.

Modern Russian heroes will amaze everyone with their ability to tie metal rods into knots, inflate rubber heating pads until they burst, and tear thick reference books in half.

Moving to the clockwork musical rhythms performers dressed in neon suits will perfectly “warm up” the atmosphere before the corporate disco. The show takes place in complete darkness, making the performers seem like space aliens.

Mesmerizing music, a dark hall and the hands of an artist creating light images on the screen. You can suggest any topic for playback, including one related to your company. You can choose a symbolic rooster as one of the characters in the dynamic picture.

15. Fire and pyrotechnic show

If festive fireworks at a corporate party are not enough for you, also invite “fire conquerors” with pyrotechnics. The combination will be explosive both in terms of the spectacle seen and the emotions received.

16. Aerialist show

All guests, without exception, will take their breath away from the complex tricks of fit gymnasts soaring in the air on belts and canvases.

17. Stilt show

Artists in unusual costumes, and also on stilts, will greet guests at the entrance to the corporate event. And the highlight of the 2017 New Year's corporate party will be a show ballet of stilt walkers decorated with bright feathers.

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