Original salad “Anthill” with sausage and corn. Bergamot: effect on humans, beneficial properties and treatment. Bergamot in perfumery and cosmetology. Tea with bergamot

origin of name

The name “bergamot” was given in honor of the Italian city of Bergamo, where it was first cultivated and sold as an oil. According to another version, the name probably comes from the Turkish word “beyarmudu”, which means “princely pear” or “beg armudy” - master’s pear.

Bergamot received this name due to its unusual pear-shaped shape and light yellow color, which made the fruits of bergamot look like bergamot pears, but in fact it has absolutely nothing to do with pears.

Botanical description

Chemical composition of plant materials

In cooking

An Italian food manufacturer, Caffé Sicilia in Noto, Syracuse, Sicily, produces commercial marmalade using fruit as the main ingredient. In Greece, jam made from bergamot peel, boiled with sugar, is popular.

In perfumery

Bergamot oil is used to flavor ointments and in perfumes. Bergamot peel is used in perfumery for its ability to combine with different scents to form a bouquet of scents that complement each other.



  • Dudchenko L. G., Kozyakov A. S., Krivenko V. V. Spicy-aromatic and spicy-flavoring plants. - K.: Naukova Dumka, 1989. - P. 28-29. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN 5-12-000483-0


  • Bergamot: information on the website GRIN(English) (Retrieved August 18, 2009)
  • Bergamot: information on the website “Encyclopedia of Life” ( EOL) (English) (Retrieved August 18, 2009)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what "Bergamot" is in other dictionaries:

    bergamot- a, m. bergamote, it. bergamotto germ. Bergamote. 1. Pear with oval-shaped fruits. BAS 2. A type of round pear, covered with a thin gray greenish skin, having loose pulp, a sweet and sour taste. SAR 1806 1 176. The fruit is very similar... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (Italian bergamotto, from Turkish begarmoudi, from beg prince, and armud pear). 1) a genus of juicy pears. 2) a genus of thin-skinned oranges with an oblong shape and a sweet and sour taste, the fruit of the bergamot tree. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Citrus fruit, small, yellow, sour, similar to lemon; Bergamot peel contains oil that is effectively used in perfumery and cooking. Bergamot is cultivated especially actively in Calabria. Bergamot is also called lollipops... Culinary dictionary

    1) an evergreen tree of the citrus genus of the rue family. In the Mediterranean, India, Sri Lanka, and also in Georgia. Essential oil in fruits, flowers, leaves2)] Varieties of pear (autumn Bergamot, summer Bergamot, etc.) with spherical, somewhat flattened, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    1) an evergreen tree of the citrus genus of the rue family. In the Mediterranean, India, Sri Lanka, and also in Georgia. Essential oil in fruits, flowers, leaves2)] Varieties of pear (autumn Bergamot, summer Bergamot, etc.) with spherical, somewhat flattened ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A; m. [ital. bergamotto] 1. A small evergreen citrus tree with pear-shaped fruits, the peel of which contains essential oil; the fruit and seeds of this tree (used in perfumery and confectionery production). Tea with bergamot. 2... encyclopedic Dictionary

When this plant is mentioned, incidents sometimes occur. What are the benefits of bergamot? Ahmad tea with this additive is widely known, and many people think that the famous pear variety gives it a special aroma. Sometimes the plant is confused with the similar fragrant herb monarda. However, it is neither one nor the other.

What is bergamot

We can say that this is a peculiar type of orange. However, such a statement will not be entirely accurate. What is bergamot, from a botanist's point of view? It is a hybrid of citron (lemon) and bitter orange (a cross between tangerine and pomelo). Bergamot was bred by the ancient Chinese by crossing. There is another version according to which this is not a hybrid, but a form of natural mutation of the orange.

So, bergamot – what is it? Firstly, it is an evergreen tree. Secondly, it is a citrus that belongs to the rutaceae family. Fans of oranges, tangerines, and lemons should be disappointed by the fact that bergamot fruits are... inedible. Their taste is too sour and bitter. True, candied fruits, syrups, and liqueurs are made from ripe fruits. The main purpose of the fruit is the production of essential oil.

What does bergamot look like?

A tree 2-3 m high is a young bergamot. The height of the “old-timer” is 5-6, or even 10 m. What does bergamot look like? It has a spreading crown, prickly shoots directed upward at an acute angle from the trunk. The leaves are fragrant, especially if you rub them lightly. When the trees bloom, they give off an intoxicatingly pleasant bergamot aroma. The fruits are yellow-green, similar to lemons.

Where does bergamot grow?

It is believed that this fruit was brought to Europe by Italian merchants. How does bergamot grow? Plantations, the first of which were discovered in the south of Italy, in the vicinity of the city of Bergamo - hence the name of this plant. The industry for its cultivation is thriving here today. In addition, exotic citrus fruit is cultivated in India, China, Spain, France, Crimea and the Caucasus. Bergamot can grow both in the garden and as a houseplant.

What are the benefits of bergamot?

The plant has a whole “bouquet” of advantages. The beneficial properties of bergamot are truly diverse. Citrus is capable of:

  • destroy bacterial, viral, fungal infections;
  • heal wounds;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • relax, remove stress;
  • normalize and relieve pain from menstrual cycles;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive and genitourinary systems;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • regulate blood cholesterol levels;
  • increase brain activity;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • stimulate sexual desire;
  • improve skin condition.

Bergamot oil

Fresh goods can be distinguished by their greenish-yellow color and an exceptionally pleasant sweetish aroma of a light substance. During long-term storage, the product acquires a brownish tint, and the smell develops bitter notes. The beneficial properties of bergamot largely depend on the method of production of the essential oil. The best varieties are obtained from the peel of unripe fruits by cold pressing. Bergamot essential oil is used as a tea flavoring agent, a medicinal agent and an ingredient in perfume products.

Sometimes you can find mentions of orange lavender. This is also called bergamot oil. The reason for this is the presence of ingredients also contained in lavender extract. According to some sources, there are more than 200 active substances in essential oil, and according to others, about 500 active substances. The main ones are terpenoid esters, the presence of which explains the beneficial properties of the product.

To avoid allergic reactions, the product cannot be used in concentrated form. Before using it for medicinal purposes, it should be added to a base oil, for example, vaseline oil (1:10). You cannot drink tea with citrus essential oils dripping into the cup. Only dry tea leaves are flavored with this oil (1 drop per pack). Before first use, be sure to do a skin test.

Tea with bergamot during pregnancy

This drink will help the expectant mother relieve excessive nervousness and anxiety. However, the tea should not be very strong. You should not drink more than 3 cups daily, especially before bed. In the early stages of gestation, it is better to abstain from such tea. Strict contraindications include allergies and epilepsy. Bergamot can be harmful during pregnancy:

  • if there is a threat of miscarriage;
  • with severe pathologies of the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver;
  • with hormonal imbalances.

America gave us this wonderful perennial. Bergamot herb came to Europe in the 20th century, where gardeners discovered its extraordinary beauty and beneficial properties. But the most unexpected thing was the aroma of flowers, identical to the popular essential oil obtained from the hybrid citrus plant bergamot. The newcomer from distant America also began to be called bergamot. Later, the Spanish botanist Monardes, among other representatives of the American flora, described this plant, which received a second name - monarda in honor of the researcher.

What kind of plant is bergamot?

The herbaceous crop (family Lamiaceae) has excellent decorative qualities; it is used to decorate garden and summer cottage areas. Monarda is adapted to any soil and light conditions; it is not disturbed by either sun or shadow. For propagation, seedlings are made, seeds are sown, or bushes are divided.

During the flowering season

There are many types of bergamot in nature (red, double, fragrant, comb, dotted and scattered, etc.). But our gardeners prefer fragrant and lemon monarda. The grass grows up to 1.5 meters. Large flowers from soft pink to dark red tones adorn the plant.

How to grow

The first year of life of the monarda develops slowly, but the second year produces lush bushes with dense ring-shaped inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter

This is what flowers look like

Bergamot grass in the garden grows well in fertilized and drained areas, does not like acidic and swampy soils. It tolerates harsh Russian winters well without additional shelter. In order for the monarda to bloom profusely and decorate the flower beds, it is recommended to divide the bushes every 3-4 years.

Using herbs in everyday life

Real gardeners have long discovered the amazing qualities of the bergamot herb. It is harvested during flowering, when all above-ground parts contain the most essential oils. Dry, grind, store in a tightly closed container.

This spice is excellent seasoning for meat and fish, added to soups and salads. The green foliage of monarda gives an extraordinary taste and aroma to tomatoes, cucumbers, and mushrooms. But most importantly, they drink tea all year round, which is not inferior to the famous English tea.

Packaging of finished monarda

Interesting! Mosquitoes and midges cannot tolerate the smell of monarda.

Bergamot herb: Useful properties and contraindications

Even in ancient times, Native Americans - Indians of different tribes used the healing properties of the plant:

  • if you have a sore throat or inflammation in the mouth, rinse with the infusion, which also reduces toothache;
  • drank an infusion to restore strength after illness;
  • used to reduce gas formation in the intestines;
  • noticed that even being near a plant and inhaling its aroma relieves headaches caused by fatigue;
  • Fresh leaves were applied to heal wounds.

Bergamot is an antiseptic

The ability to disinfect is now used for eczema and other skin diseases, and just as in past times, the plant helps wounds heal faster. Used for burns, insect bites, snake bites. It was the antiseptic effect that surprised doctors and traditional healers.

Before the invention of antibiotics, it was used as a reliable means of eliminating various infections and inflammations. But even now, monarda is used in the treatment of viral and bacterial diseases, despite the presence of strong antibiotics.

This is explained by the presence of thymine in bergamot, a substance that has an antiseptic and analgesic effect.

Composition of grass

All parts of the plant contain useful substances:

  • antioxidants that allow patients to recover after chemotherapy, severe conditions, and operations;
  • retinoids (analogues of vitamin A), the action of which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails, teeth and brain function. Therefore, bergamot oil is widely used in cosmetology: it strengthens hair, fights acne, rashes, herpes;
  • vitamins – C and group B.

Dark purple flowers collected in terminals

Thanks to them, the plant strengthens the body and is used as a prophylactic against otitis media and sore throats, flu, colds, and sinusitis. It thins mucus well and restores vitality. Bergamot herb relieves vascular spasms and is used in combination with medications for heart diseases.

Good for men's health, because can increase sexual activity and potency. In nursing mothers, the plant causes an increase in lactation.

Monarda is an antidepressant

The plant copes well:

  • with stress, depression;
  • balances the psycho-emotional state;
  • improves brain function. It has been noticed that by regularly taking it, a person begins to think creatively, interesting thoughts and great ideas come to him.

An herb with the scent of bergamot, brewed in a cup of tea in the morning provides a positive mood for the whole day.

Since it contains a lot of aromatic and essential substances, monard oil is often produced from the plant.

Contraindications for use

Who should not use it and for which people there are contraindications:

  • those suffering from hypertension and stomach ulcers should use the plant with caution;
  • strictly prohibited for children under 12 years of age and pregnant women;
  • Contraindicated for people with allergies.

You should not drink tea with bergamot before bed - this tonic will aggravate insomnia.

Monarda, or garden bergamot, is a spicy and aromatic plant that has unique beneficial properties: it is not only a beautiful flower that is used beneficially in cooking, but also a powerful medicine that can fight the harm of viral infections or difficult-to-remove fungi. In everyday life, however, monarda is often confused with bergamot orange due to the similarity of names, citrus taste and aroma of the leaves of these plants. In addition, both of these cultures are used in tea mixtures. Therefore, information about the benefits and harms of monarda is necessary for a wide range of consumers.

What kind of plant is this

There are 3 completely different plants with the same name “bergamot”. They are often confused with each other, although they have different properties.

Stand out:

  • Bergamot pear, translated as “bey pear”, originates from the Ottoman Empire.
  • Orange-bergamot– citrus, reminiscent of lemon and lime, originally from the Italian town of Bergamo: hence the name “bergamot”;
  • Monarda herb, or garden bergamot, with a delicate lemon flavor and aroma similar to citrus bergamot.

Monarda is an aromatic medicinal honey plant of the Lamiaceae family with bright flowers from white to cherry tones, often cultivated in summer cottages. The plant was brought to Europe from America in the 20th century. It received its name in honor of the Spanish botanist Monardes, who first described it.

Varieties of monarda

There are many varieties of monarda, but the most useful are its two types, which combine decorative and aromatic properties with the highest content of essential oil:

Dudchata (tubular)- the most valuable essential oil monarda, which contains the substance thymol, the benefits of which are manifested in the high medicinal properties of the plant. Thanks to thymol, monarda fistula is widely used in medicine, cosmetology, and the perfume industry.

Lemon - with blue flowers - is most loved by summer residents due to the fact that it has both decorative and culinary uses - as a spice for various dishes. The invaluable universal properties of this type of essential oil are due to the substances included in its composition, which can, by similarity, replace herbs such as basil, mint, lemon balm, cumin, thyme, tarragon, dill, rosemary, hyssop, coriander, lemon.

Chemical composition of monarda

Monarda is rightfully considered a useful plant, rich in the following elements:

  • Essential oils. They contain about 40 substances: linalol, sabinene, borneol, cymene, terpinene, thuyene, thuyol, myrcene and others, from the concentration of which essential oil is obtained - the most powerful medicine against many diseases;
  • Antioxidants, which help rejuvenate the body, get back on your feet faster after illness;
  • Retinoids - useful substances responsible for the health of hair and nails, elasticity and youthfulness of the skin;
  • Vitamin C, which is very effective in treating colds, works well with the human immune system.

Useful and medicinal properties of monarda

Monarda flower has many beneficial properties, which were also used by Indian tribes for various medicinal purposes. The benefits of using monarda are varied:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • relief from pain;
  • rapid healing of wounds;
  • elimination of inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • treatment of the heart and blood vessels;
  • maintaining normal male potency (bergamot is a well-known aphrodisiac);
  • increase in breast milk in mothers during lactation;
  • reduction of fever, etc.

Since ancient times, a decoction was prepared from monarda, which they drank, used to wash wounds, and made inhalations. And fresh leaves of the plant were applied to abscesses, since its juice has extremely beneficial properties to relieve inflammatory processes.

Attention! It must be remembered that improper use of monarda can cause harm to health instead of benefit. Before using it, you should consult your doctor.

Traditional medicine recipes with garden bergamot (decoctions, infusions, tinctures, compresses)

To prepare a decoction of monarda, take fresh or dried flowers, stems and leaves of the plant and lightly chop them. 5 tsp. pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, let the broth brew for 20 minutes, then filter and use depending on the purpose: inside or in the form of inhalations, compresses.

For rapid healing of burns and wounds

All types of monarda contain thymine, a substance that acts as a strong antiseptic. Its properties neutralize the action of harmful bacteria and disinfect wounds.

The benefits of thymine are also evident in case of snake and various insect bites, in the treatment of burns, wounds, and eczema. Garden bergamot has antibiotic properties: it can be used to resist many bacterial infections.

How to use:

  • Treat the sore spot with a few drops of monarda essential oil;
  • Use the infusion to make a compress or simply wipe the wound with cotton wool soaked in the infusion.

For fractures

For salmonellosis

Monarda fistula is highly effective against infection with salmonella and worms. For this purpose, you can use both essential oil and plant infusion.

  • Monarda essential oil is applied to the abdominal area and rubbed well.
  • Prepare an infusion in the following proportion: 2 tablespoons of herbs to 2 cups of boiling water, then leave for 2 hours and filter. It is recommended to take orally in 5 doses per day.

For a cold

For colds, the benefits of monarda are simply invaluable! They work great as teas and inhalations.

For this purpose, 3 tablespoons of the herb are poured into 400 - 500 ml of water, boiled on the stove for 7 - 8 minutes and the patient is allowed to breathe in the vapors of the decoction for at least 10 - 15 minutes.

The same decoction of monarda can also be drunk as tea: 3 - 4 times a day, a quarter glass.

For pneumonia, asthma and tuberculosis

Treatment is carried out as follows:

  • 3 tablespoons of monarda are poured into 1 liter of boiling water, left for 2 - 3 hours, filtered. Drink 2-3 times a day, 100 ml.
  • For inhalations: pour a glass of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, then add a couple of drops of monarda essential oil. Breathe for up to 15 minutes, covering your head with a towel.

Advice! Be careful not to injure your face from hot steam.

Benefits and uses of monarda essential oil

Monarda oil unfairly remains in the shadows compared to more popular essential analogues. Its greatest benefit lies in its bactericidal properties.

Research conducted by the Yalta Research Institute of Physical Methods of Treatment and Medical Climatology has proven the powerful effect of monarda in the fight against bacteria of staphylococcus, streptococcus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, as well as such a difficult fungus as candida. When researching the benefits of monarda oil, its persistent and effective effect was recorded in comparison even with such a well-known antiseptic as tea tree oil.

Beneficial properties of monarda essential oil:

  • inhibits the aggressive pathogenic environment of bacteria;
  • restores immunity;
  • eliminates various inflammations;
  • heals wounds and cuts;
  • Removes pain;
  • stimulates brain function and prevents aging diseases.

In addition, monarda oil can protect the body from the harm of radiation and dangerous toxic substances.

This useful and universal oil can be used either in its pure form or mixed with another base oil in a ratio of approximately 1:2.

Garden bergamot oil is used to treat skin injuries in the event of wounds, scratches, cracks, burns, bedsores above the second degree, and diaper rash. To do this, add 2-3 drops of oil per bandage with each dressing.

The benefits of monarda essential oil have also been found in the treatment of inflammation of large joints. In such cases, add 2 drops of oil to the rubbing products.

For fungal diseases, monarda is used both independently and as part of complex therapy with antifungal drugs. The benefits are guaranteed only when the essential oil is used correctly. For example, when treating nails on your own, they begin to apply it only after removing the damaged nail plate.

Monarda essential oil is also used in aromatherapy. It can become a reliable protection against colds during the autumn and winter colds and an excellent assistant for spring vitamin deficiency.

How to use:

Add 3 - 6 drops of monarda oil to the aroma lamp per 16 meters of area of ​​the room in which it will be located.

When dealing with room dampness, you need to dissolve up to 10 drops of monarda essential oil in 0.3 - 0.4 liters of warm water. All damp places should be sprayed with this mixture, and the room must be ventilated after an hour.

The benefits of Monarda are so universal that even the cosmetic industry uses Monarda oil to create perfume potpourri.

For various diseases

Garden bergamot has a wide range of beneficial effects and is used in the form of:

  • decoction;
  • essential oil;

Benefits of Monarda for ailments:

Boils. Monarda essential oil ideally treats purulent rashes and chronic inflammation. When working with an abscess, wipe the inflamed area of ​​skin with a decoction of the plant, apply boiled leaves, and leave for some time. Essential oil is also useful: apply 1-2 drops to the abscess a couple of times a day. Can be diluted in water or base oil in a 1:1 ratio.

Diarrhea, colic. For diarrhea and excessive gas formation, it is recommended to drink tea with bergamot. The plant well normalizes the functioning of the intestinal microflora, prevents stool disorders, and gently removes harmful substances from feces;

Toothache. Rinse your mouth with the decoction several times a day. The plant has an antispasmodic effect, eliminates pain;

Anemia. Tea will help here. Regular use of it for several weeks increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;

Infections and itchy eyes. Remove all makeup first. The eyes are washed with a decoction of the plant in the morning and evening. Each eye separately. This is important so that germs do not pass from one eye to another;

Acne. Wash a clean face with monarda decoction in the morning and evening. This has a drying, antimicrobial effect on acne, normalizes sebum production, thereby reducing the appearance of new rashes;

Nail fungus. Garden bergamot has proven its benefits in destroying the pathogenic environment of microbes, eliminating excess sweating and unpleasant foot odor. Three times a day, apply 1 drop of oil to the affected nail and rub in. Treatment is carried out for 10 days.

Another option is baths: add 3 tablespoons of sea salt to 1 liter of warm water. 2-3 drops of iodine and monarda oil are first added to the salt. You can add fir oil. Feet must be kept in the bath for half an hour;

Seborrhea. To cure dandruff, add a few drops of monarda essential oil to balm and shampoo;

Chronic fatigue, depression, nervous breakdowns, hysterical state. To normalize the functioning of the nervous system, take a relaxing bath, drink tea with monarda, keep your feet in a basin with a decoction and massage with essential oil. For baths, take 10 drops of oil and a base of 1 tablespoon of honey, salt or sour cream. For massage, use a few drops and mix with grape oil in a 1:1 ratio.

Vomiting, intoxication, poisoning, genital diseases. Brew and drink tea with monarda 2-3 times a day.

In cosmetology

The beneficial properties of the monarda flower are used to combat skin diseases: acne, acne, redness, acne, nail fungus, dandruff. For this purpose, decoctions and masks are prepared, and monarda essential oil is also added to shampoos.

Face mask recipe

2 tablespoons of garden bergamot flowers are brewed with 200 - 250 ml of boiling water, left for 10 hours, then mixed with clay (white, blue) until creamy and then the mixture is applied to the face. After drying and rinsing off.

You can also use the decoction without adding clay to wash your face in the morning and evening.

Monarda essential oil has the ability to actively fight wrinkles, so it is added to creams. After applying the cream to your face, you need to massage the skin well: this will provide it with elasticity and a lifting effect.

The use of monarda in cooking

As a spice, monarda is a real find for chefs, as it combines the properties of a flavoring additive and a preservative.

Today it is known that the benefits of garden bergamot include a soothing, astringent and dyspepsia-supporting effect on the digestive system.

Monarda flowers are added to dishes fresh or dried, using petals rather than whole heads.

Monarda leaves should only be collected for food when they are young: they have a more delicate taste, while older leaves can be bitter.

In addition, monarda is successfully used:

  • for additions to teas: dried leaves are good to add to regular black and green tea, creating your own Earl Gray bouquet;
  • for fish: a little monarda will add piquant properties to salmon;
  • for meat: garden bergamot leaves will pleasantly enliven the taste and serve as an interesting addition to meat dishes;
  • for sauces: gourmets will appreciate interesting citrus notes, for example, in sauces for poultry or regular pizza;
  • for desserts - monarda flowers are more suitable here, since they have more refined and subtle taste properties compared to leaves, so you can safely add them to desserts and summer fruit salads, combining them with other spices: cloves, cinnamon, lemon balm, orange zest;
  • for canned tomatoes and cucumbers, jams, fruit drinks: preparations with a “note” of bergamot acquire a unique aroma;
  • to everything that your imagination suggests!

Benefits and medicinal properties of tea with monarda

The taste of tea with monarda is very similar to this famous Earl Gray with bergamot. It is this amazing similarity that is reflected by one of the names of monarda, which is of English origin: “wild bergamot”, or “wild bergamot”.

Exquisite herbal tea with the scent of bergamot can be made at home by adding the herb or a couple of drops of monarda essential oil to the teapot. This drink will be especially useful during the season of colds and viral diseases.

The benefits of tea with monarda for the human body are manifested in its following properties:

  • antidepressant effect;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • relieving fatigue, relaxing the nervous system;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • beneficial effects on the body as a whole.

How to brew tea with monarda

To prepare, take 1 teaspoon of crushed monarda leaves and brew with a glass of boiling water and leave for at least 5 minutes. Strain before serving.

When to collect and how to dry monarda

The collection and preparation of monarda occurs at the beginning of flowering: young grass is the most useful because it contains the most essential oils.

According to the technology, the upper parts of the plant are cut off, approximately 20 - 30 cm: they contain the maximum proportion of all useful elements.

Important! It is not necessary to grind the grass too much, as during the cutting process there is a loss of beneficial essential substances. Rough and thick parts can be removed. Garden bergamot should be dried in the shade.

The dried herb is stored in dry iron or glass jars with good lids so that it does not lose its beneficial properties.

Harm of monarda and contraindications

Carefully! The beneficial herb monarda can be harmful if used improperly.

The use of the plant is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Pregnant women. The action of bergamot has a tonic effect, which can lead to undesirable consequences: tone and contractions of the uterus, which can result in harm to the pregnancy.
  • Children under 12 years old;
  • For allergy sufferers. The use of garden bergamot herb, instead of benefit, can result in harm due to the fact that it provides so many benefits; it can also cause harm due to the content of substances that can cause an allergic response in the body;
  • Hypertensive patients;
  • People with stomach ulcers you need to be especially careful and consult a doctor;
  • In case of drinking alcohol: This combination causes direct harm to the body, as it threatens to impair kidney function.
  • Before going to bed. The herb has a tonic property, which makes it difficult to fall asleep.


Modern research has well studied the benefits and harms of monarda for the human body.

It has been proven, in particular, that this is a medicinal plant with universal use, the harm of which is limited only by individual intolerance to its components and contraindications to existing diseases.

Regular black tea will relieve depression forever if you add a drop of bergamot to it. You will forget about feeling unwell by introducing an invigorating drink into your diet. The yellow pear-shaped fruit contains secrets of health and beauty. The main thing is to find out who benefits from black tea with bergamot and what time of day is best to drink it.

Drink of the Gods: Black Tea with Bergamot

Whether you are a true gourmet or a novice connoisseur of tea ceremonies, do not ignore black tea with bergamot. The uniqueness of this drink lies in the combination of the astringency of strong black tea and the subtle spicy aroma of a unique fruit. One cup a day gives peace and confidence, two cups fill you with vitality and vigor, three cups give you health and longevity.

The first question of a novice tea drinker is quite logical: what is bergamot and what does it look like? An evergreen citrus tree from the rue family with long spines and pear-shaped fruits of bright yellow color - this is what this fruit looks like. Essential oil for flavoring tea is obtained from the leaves, flowers and peel of the fruit of the tree.

Bergamot: pear or orange?

There are several theories about the origin of this fruit.

  • Story No. 1. Some lovers of healthy tea consider the town of Bergamo in Italy to be its homeland. Hence the name of the fruit. It was here that it began to be cultivated and sold through perfume shops as an oil.
  • Story No. 2. According to another version, the birthplace of the unusually healthy fruit is Southeast Asia. Supporters of this theory believe that the name of the fruit is translated as princely or lordly pear and has Turkish roots.
  • Story No. 3. The third version has a touch of true British nobility. According to this theory, tea with a unique taste and pleasant aroma comes from China. The world learned about it thanks to the English Earl Gray (hence the name of the famous tea). The count promptly provided assistance to the Chinese ruler, and he, as a token of gratitude, presented his savior with a box of coveted tea.

No matter how much bergamot tea lovers argue about the origin of the plant, they completely agree on one thing: it is a charming drink with unsurpassed taste and beneficial properties.

What are the benefits of unique tea?

What is bergamot in tea? This is a drop of essential oil, which is successfully used in medicine, cosmetology, and perfumery. It contains more than three hundred useful substances, among which limonene, linalyl acetate and linalool play a special role.

Healing properties or benefits of bergamot tea:

  • Calming: a mug of aromatic tea and you will forget about depression and bad mood.
  • Antispasmodic: significantly improves the functioning of the digestive tract, has a beneficial effect on the muscular system.
  • Antiviral: regular consumption serves as the best prevention of colds and perfectly strengthens the immune system.
  • Antiseptic and disinfectant: you can and should drink it for infectious diseases.
  • Cosmetological: systematic use will help get rid of acne, solve the problem of enlarged pores and irritation.

When is the best time to drink this tea?

This tea is not just a drink to wash down sandwiches or porridge. A morning serving will give you an incredible boost of energy for the whole day. Experts have noticed that morning tea will improve the condition of the skin.

A cup during your lunch break will fill you with strength, put your thoughts in order and help you get down to business with renewed vigor. You will forget about digestive problems and concentrate fully on your work.

An evening portion of this unique drink will bring the desired rest and peace, normalize sleep, and have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Can bergamot tea be drunk with milk or honey? Yes. The beneficial properties and healing power of the drink will not be diminished at all by such proximity.

Caution: bergamot

Tea with aromatic oil is endowed with great healing power, but it is not always useful and not for everyone. Main contraindications: pregnancy and a tendency to allergies.

Women should introduce it into their diet with caution during pregnancy. Substances contained in the fruit can cause uterine contractions, so it is better to avoid this drink while pregnant. A nursing mother, on the contrary, needs to drink tea with a drop of invigorating fruit. Tea with bergamot is very useful during breastfeeding, as it has a positive effect on lactation.

Substances that are present in the fetus can stimulate menstruation. Therefore, it is advisable for women to take breaks from drinking tea with the oil of this fruit, alternating it with another drink.

People prone to allergies should not abuse this magic drink. Like any citrus, it can provoke an allergic reaction.

Interesting fact. There is an impostor in the bergamot kingdom. You can also brew an aromatic drink from its leaves, but it has nothing to do with the world famous tea. The lookalike plant is native to North America and its correct name is monarda. An equally delicious tea is brewed from the flowers, stems and leaves of lemon monarda.

The last argument in favor of black tea with aromatic bergamot is that it perfectly stimulates brain activity, has a positive effect on concentration and improves memory. An excellent reason to make exquisite and delicious black tea with bergamot your favorite drink!

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