What are nipples made of? Why do nipples become hard in men and women? Is everything OK

The very existence of breasts raised many questions among men. In 1300, the physician Henri de Mondeville wrote to the king about three reasons for placing the breast in this place:

  1. This is how you can see her best.
  2. Breasts warm the heart.
  3. Breast weight helps women maintain abdominal strength.

By 1840, knowledge about breasts was still very limited. Thus, the doctor Asti Cooper said that breasts help lower-class women withstand very strong blows in fights (beatings due to drunkenness).

Let's figure out what is now known about breasts and nipples and how to properly treat them.

Breast structure

The breast consists of adipose tissue, lobules, milk duct, and Cooper's ligaments. The lobules produce milk, the milk duct delivers it to the nipple, and Cooper's ligaments support the breast and give it its shape.


Many women have different breast sizes, and this is normal. Paired organs are not perfectly symmetrical.

Facts about breasts and nipples

1. Nipples may not always be the center of pleasure.

Dr. Debbie Herbenick, author of The Coregasm Workout, says the nipples may not be the most sensitive spot, even on the chest. For example, some people's upper and sides of the chest may be more sensitive, or even the most sensitive on the body.

Dr. Lowe has made a separate video on how to properly touch your breasts. Take a look to understand the scale of missed opportunities.

2. Orgasm from nipple stimulation is possible

Researchers Sex on the brain: What turns women on, mapped out. from Rutgers University used MRI to show that nipple stimulation activates the same nervous system as genital and clitoral stimulation. True, nothing compares to the effect of exposure. The nervous system is the same, but the force of influence is different.


So, theoretically, an orgasm from nipple stimulation is possible, but it is still rare.

3. Evolution has neglected male nipples

Women need nipples to remove milk and feed their offspring. But the purpose of male nipples has long been an object of scientific interest. The fact is that nipples are formed in the womb before the genitals, since men and women are created using the same genetic code.

At 6–7 weeks of pregnancy, a gene on the Y chromosome induces changes that lead to the development of the testes, the organs that produce and store sperm. After about 9 weeks of pregnancy, the testes begin to produce testosterone, changing the genetic activity of cells in the genitals and brain. But by this time the nipples are already formed. Therefore, they remain a rudimentary formation.

Scientists believe that over time, nipples in men did not disappear because it was not important for evolution.

4. Nipples come in different sizes, shapes and colors

Many women worry about the way their nipples look, but you shouldn't. Dark, upside down, big, small, brown, light - this is all the norm. Here is the whole variety of nipples in nature.


Areolas, the colored areas of skin around the nipples, are just as diverse. They can be darker or lighter, very small or large. And areola hair is normal. Throughout life, the amount of hair on them changes. And during pregnancy, nipples and areolas may become larger and darker.

The small bumps on the areola are called areolar glands, or Montgomery glands. They are named after the scientist William Montgomery, who first described them in 1837. They are also sometimes called “gummy bears.” The fact that they exist is normal, but their purpose is unknown.

Elisa Port, chief of breast surgery at Sinai Medical Center, says the areolar glands can secrete small amounts of fluid, but they have no special function. Another school of thought is that because of the texture of the glands, babies may use them to find their way to the nipple. But this is just a guess.

5. Three nipples are not that uncommon

Harry Styles and Mark Wahlberg live with three nipples. Statistics confirm that this anomaly, also called a supernatural nipple, is more common in men. Rates range from 0.22% to 5.6%.

In theory, extra nipples can appear along the milk lines, which start in the armpits on each side and end in the groin.

Usually this is still one extra nipple. But there is a man Seven nipples in a male: World’s second case report. with seven nipples and a man with a nipple on his foot Case report: ectopic nipple on the sole of the foot, an unexplained anomaly..

6. During menstruation, breasts become dense and nipples become hypersensitive.

Dr. Sherry Ros says this is due to an increase in the hormones estrogen and progesterone 1-2 weeks before your period.

If you are someone who suffers from PMS, your breasts will become firmer, heavier, and more sensitive during your period. The nipples may even be painful when touched by clothing. It's best to avoid caffeine and tobacco during your period, as they can increase these side effects.

7. Implants will not interfere with breastfeeding

The implants are inserted behind the breast or behind a muscle, so they will not affect breastfeeding.

But the pleasant sensations from touching will decrease - both in the nipples and in the chest. Even complete loss of sensitivity is possible. Research Nipple-Areola Complex Sensitivity after Primary Breast Augmentation: A Comparison of Periareolar and Inframammary Incision Approaches. They also showed a connection between the size of the implant and sensations: the larger it is, the lower the sensitivity.

Breast reduction can affect feeding, and it is almost impossible to predict - much depends on the operation. If the nipple is displaced during this procedure, the milk ducts will be cut out and breastfeeding will be impossible. However, more and more operations are being done so as not to damage the nerves under the nipple and ensure blood supply.

It is better to warn doctors in advance if you plan to breastfeed in the future. Ask if the operation can be done in a way that preserves the milk ducts.

8. Breastfeeding is harder than it seems

There is a myth about the naturalness and ease of breastfeeding. But in reality everything turns out differently. If you're having problems, don't be afraid to ask your doctors for help or see a lactation specialist.

In addition, breastfeeding has consequences in the form of cracked and bleeding nipples. It's not harmful to your health, but it can be incredibly painful, so you won't want to breastfeed anymore.

During this period, your nipples need to be looked after and moisturized. Consult your doctor and find out which ointment is best for you to use. If the ointment does not help, contact a specialist again. You may have a yeast infection. It is easy to cure, you just need to notice it in time.

Inverted nipples can also interfere with breastfeeding - it will be difficult for the baby to latch on to them. In this case, silicone nipple shields will help. They apply pressure to the areolas and nipples and break the small adhesions that hold the nipple in place.

9. Breast cancer doesn't care about gender

Yes, the ratio is different: every eighth woman and every thousandth man can get breast cancer, but this is not a reason to forget about the problem.

If you feel that your breasts have changed or you feel some kind of lump, be sure to consult a doctor. Watch your nipples. If they peel, become crusty, harden, secrete fluid, or have scratches, go to the hospital. These recommendations are important for both women and men.

Here you can see how to check your breasts:

And also - touch your breasts more often. Research has proven UC Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. that it is not only pleasant, but will also help in the fight against breast cancer.

Flat or inverted nipples (which seem to be hidden in the chest) occur in both men and women. This problem has many potential causes: some people have it since birth, while others develop it due to certain medical conditions. If you haven't had flat nipples since childhood or adolescence and you notice any signs of this problem, then you should consult a specialist. If you are over 50 years of age and notice changes in the shape of your nipples, you should immediately contact your doctor and be tested for breast cancer. In general, inverted nipples can cause both inconvenience for aesthetic reasons and, in more complex cases, present difficulties during breastfeeding. Fortunately, there are ways to solve this problem, ranging from manual stimulation to plastic surgery.


Making an action plan

    Determine the degree of nipple inversion. Take off your outerwear and stand near the mirror. Holding your breast at the edge of the areola (the dark area surrounding the nipple) with your thumb and forefinger, squeeze about an inch behind the nipple. Act carefully but confidently. Depending on the reaction of the nipple, three degrees of inversion can be distinguished.

    Find out the cause. If you have had nipples like this since childhood or adolescence, then they are unlikely to be a symptom of any disease. The opposite is also true - if the changes have occurred recently, and especially if you are over 50, then illness or infection may be to blame. Cancer and other serious pathologies (infections and inflammatory processes) can cause the development of nipple inversion.

    Decide on a treatment method. Treatment depends on the cause and severity of inverted nipples and whether you plan to breastfeed. If you have symptoms of breast cancer, infection, or blocked milk ducts, contact your doctor immediately.

    • If you have grade 1 nipple inversion, then it is likely that manual techniques can ease the fibrosis and allow your nipples to protrude normally.
    • If you have grade 2 or 3 nipple inversion, it is best to consult a doctor so that he can create an individual treatment plan for you. In some cases, non-invasive methods can be very effective, but in other cases, surgery is the best solution.
    • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor or lactation consultant.
  1. Roll your nipple between your thumb and index finger several times a day. Gently pull on the nipple and roll it between your fingers, causing it to stay out longer. Then wet a towel with cold water and rub it over your nipples to keep them erect.

Use of special means

    Buy breast cups. They are sold in maternity stores and online. Breast cups are soft, slightly convex discs with a small hole in the center that pushes the nipple forward.

    Use a breast pump. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, use this nipple traction device.

    Use an inverted syringe. Draw out the nipple using a clean syringe with a capacity of about 10 ml (the size of the syringe may vary depending on the size of the nipple).

    • Using clean, sharp scissors, cut off the tip of the syringe where the “0 ml” mark is (on the side opposite the plunger).
    • Remove the plunger and reinsert it on the side where you just cut. Push the plunger down until it goes all the way.
    • Place the uncut end over the nipple and pull the plunger out until the nipple protrudes.
    • If you feel discomfort, do not pull the plunger any further.
    • Before removing the syringe, apply slight pressure to the plunger to release the pressure.
    • After completing the procedure, wash all parts of the syringe in hot water and soap.
    • You can also purchase a special medical device called Evert-It. It is a similar slightly modified syringe and works on the same principle.
  1. Use Niplette corrector. The Niplette corrector is a device that lengthens the milk ducts, stretching the nipple for a long time. This is a small transparent nipple cap that is worn under clothing.

  2. Use Supple Cups concealer. Supple Cups, sold online, will help people suffering from nipple inversion by “pulling” them into a special cup. According to the results of clinical studies, complete disappearance of the problem was achieved in just a few weeks.

    • Place the Supple Cup on the nipple, then gently squeeze the bottom of the cap, pressing it gently against the nipple. This will create a vacuum, which will pull out the nipple.
    • It will be better if you use a small amount of nipple cream or oil. Apply cream or oil to the nipple and the inside of the Supple Cup. If that doesn't work, you may need to try a different size cap.
    • On the first day, you should wear the Supple Cups for 15 minutes. If this does not cause you pain or discomfort, then you can increase the time you wear the corrector, reaching 4 hours per day by the end of the first week.
    • Someone can wear this corrector under their bra without experiencing discomfort or creasing the caps. However, you can use Breast Shells together with Supple Cups to avoid the cap being crushed by a tight bra, too much pressure, or the cap being pulled away from the nipple.

Swollen nipples are a fairly common occurrence in women and are normal, especially around the time of menstruation. At the same time, pain and swelling should prompt you to think about why your nipples swell. Both men and women can experience swollen and sore nipples. Most often, the reasons lie in hormonal terms.

Swelling of nipples in women: causes

Nipples are one of the most sensitive parts of a woman's body. That is why pain in the nipples can become unbearable and difficult to bear. This pain can bring unpleasant sensations, as well as discomfort and inconvenience. But in order to get rid of this pain, you need to figure out what its cause is. If your nipples are swollen and sore, seek advice from an experienced specialist (endocrinologist, mammologist).

The causes of pain and swelling of female nipples are PMS, menstruation, pregnancy and feeding. For example, in the photograph you can see how a woman’s breasts change during pregnancy. Changes are visible to the naked eye: the breasts have increased in size, the nipples have swollen and also become larger. It turns out that pregnancy has occurred, the nipples have swollen and become more sensitive, which can cause pain and discomfort.

Also, the cause of pain can be various diseases, for example, mastitis or mastopathy, but if you observe not only pain, but also discharge from the nipples, then we can already talk about the presence of a tumor in the breast. But only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis; he must also deal with treatment.

Causes of nipple swelling in men

Swollen nipples in men, as well as their soreness, also indicate hormonal disorders. To find out the exact cause, you should also consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests. One of the causes of pain may be a disease called gynecomastia. It can be either unilateral (one nipple) or bilateral (both nipples).

I suggest taking a closer look at the photos of swollen nipples in men with gynecomastia. You can observe the condition of male nipples in a swollen and normal state. This disease can go away on its own if it is caused by hormonal imbalance, for example, in adolescence, but it may also require surgical intervention. Each case is considered individually and treated under the supervision of a specialist.

False gynecomastia can also occur, when nipple enlargement occurs due to fatty deposits, but in this case, pain in the nipples is quite rare.

Another cause of swelling and pain can be breast cancer. This disease occurs not only in women, but also in men with different symptoms. Cancer mainly manifests itself in old age.

The most sensitive part of a woman's body is the mammary glands. There is often a feeling of discomfort in this area. It’s worth talking in more detail about why nipples get hard.

Obvious reasons

Specialists in the field of gynecology identify several reasons why women's nipples become hard:

  1. Due to prolonged stress. As you know, a huge number of nerve endings are concentrated in the chest. If a young mother is nervous for a long time, then her milk disappears. Other women's nipples begin to harden.
  2. Changes in hormonal levels.
  3. Viral disease. In many females, when body temperature rises, the mammary glands may change.
  4. Strong excitement.
  5. Nipples can shrink and harden from any tactile touch.

Gynecologists claim that the most common cause of this symptom is the early stage of pregnancy.

Breast response to stimulation

As mentioned earlier, there are several reasons why female nipples become hard. It is worth taking a closer look at each of them.

Every body reacts differently to sexual intercourse. The mammary glands can change in some due to strong, in others due to mild excitement. And for some representatives of the fair sex they remain in the same state.

Why do nipples get hard when aroused? This is due to the intense production of endorphins - joy hormones. If a man sees that his partner’s areolas have shrunk, that the skin has acquired a rough outline, then he can be sure that he is doing everything right.

Emotional factor or illness

A less common reason why nipples become hard is stress. This change occurs in approximately three percent of women. The human body can be sensitive to worries and experiences. This leads to hormonal imbalance, and subsequently to a change in the menstrual cycle and a change in the appearance of the nipples.

Any disease is also a great stress for the body. Many young mothers have weakened immune systems during lactation. As the body temperature rises, some of them experience stagnation of milk and begin to harden, swell and turn red.

First sign of pregnancy

It is inherent in nature that a woman’s body is designed to create new life. As soon as the egg is fertilized, he begins to prepare for bearing the fetus. Many symptoms can notify the expectant mother of her interesting situation faster than experienced specialists or modern diagnostic equipment can do.

An obvious symptom is a change in the appearance of the nipples. They become darker, harden and swell. Often there is a feeling of discomfort and mild pain in this area. A woman may feel that her bust has even become one size larger.

What is this connected with? The body naturally prepares for postpartum lactation. Accordingly, an expansion of the mammary duct is formed. In 70 percent of women this occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, in 25 percent in the second and third, the remaining 5 percent do not feel any changes during pregnancy.

Effect on tactile contact or individual characteristic

Many women are interested in why their nipples get hard even from a light touch. The skin in this area becomes wrinkled and rough. This protective reaction is an individual feature of the body. Some ladies experience a similar symptom:

  • Due to temperature fluctuations. For example, if a woman, after a hot bath, dives into an ice hole; will go out of the house into the cold street in light clothing. Any sudden change in temperature leads to similar changes.
  • Due to physical activity. About 2 percent of women experience muscle spasms during exercise. The condition of the halos will recover on its own, 10-15 minutes after a grueling workout.
  • In almost 70 percent of women, nipples become hard and sore due to changes in hormonal levels in the body. This often occurs before menstruation or ovulation.

There is also a less common feature of the body when the breasts always have a compacted structure with hard nipples. Women live with this throughout their lives, and it does not bother them at all.

Incorrect choice

Why do nipples often get hard and hurt? Surprisingly, this symptom can also be associated with allergies. For example, if a female representative wears clothes made of poor quality material. Some ladies like to wear a bra one or two sizes smaller than the original one to make their dignity even more expressive. Because of this, a similar illness may also appear.

There's no reason to worry

As it has already turned out, there are a number of reasons why women’s nipples become hard. This phenomenon is absolutely normal if:

  • The pain is moderate. Has the same character throughout the day. Doesn't get worse over time.
  • There are no additional symptoms.
  • The pain is present for no more than three days.
  • No swelling.
  • No redness.

The absolute norm is this symptom during pregnancy, ovulation, lactation and before the menstrual cycle. In all of the above cases, specialist help is not required. Mild discomfort can be relieved by massaging the area with smooth movements and taking a warm shower.

Need specialist help

Sometimes hard nipples can be the primary symptom of a serious illness. You should seek the help of a specialist if the following symptoms appear:

  1. If the discomfort constantly gets worse. Subsequently, it is expressed by acute, barely bearable pain.
  2. When additional characteristic signs appear: fever, redness, erosion, swelling.
  3. With simultaneous pain in other areas of the body.
  4. If there is any discharge from the nipples. The exception is lactation or pregnancy.
  5. When a lump is detected in the chest area.

You should be wary if the above symptoms appear simultaneously with hardening of your nipples. They can become a harbinger of a serious illness, ranging from mastitis to cancer. You need to do the following:

  • Come for a consultation with a therapist, mammologist or gynecologist.
  • Pass a number of standard tests: urine, feces, clinical blood test.
  • Perform an ultrasound examination (ultrasound).
  • Get a mammogram.
  • If necessary, an additional biopsy is prescribed to detect cancer cells.

A number of studies will eliminate the risk of developing a serious disease in the early stages.

What about men?

The question of why nipples get hard worries women more. This does not mean that men do not encounter similar phenomena. They may experience a similar symptom in the following cases:

  • With strong excitement.
  • While intoxicated.
  • This often occurs in adolescents during puberty.

This symptom, just like in women, can be a harbinger of a serious illness.


There are a huge number of both harmless and serious reasons why nipples become hard. Listen to your body. Assess the nature of the pain. Analyze your condition for additional symptoms. All this will allow you to determine whether such a symptom is normal or whether it’s time to contact a specialist.

So, if you notice that...


1. You are gaining weight

After puberty, breasts grow as the rest of the body grows. Why does my weight increase? You may eat more, exercise less, sleep little, or live under stress. Plus or minus a kilogram is natural. If you gain more weight, your risk of getting cancer increases.

2. You are expecting your period, have started taking oral contraceptives or are pregnant

Hormones affect breast size. If both breasts are enlarged, there is nothing to worry about.


3. You are losing weight

Breasts are made up of fat, so if you are losing weight, they will be the first body part you notice. If your weight and breasts are decreasing for no apparent reason, you should see a doctor. After all, it could be hyperthyroidism or another disease.

4. New menstrual cycle

If the breasts increase before menstruation, it means that after it the swelling will go away and they will decrease. There is no reason to worry.


5. Nothing special

Breasts are not symmetrical, so if they have always been different sizes and shapes, that's okay.

6. Breast cancer

If the shape of one breast is changing, it's time to get checked for breast cancer.


7. Allergies

This happens when your bra wires are made of nickel, the soap didn't wash off after swimming, or you wore a sweater that irritates your skin. Hydrocortisone ointment will help you. If the irritation does not go away after a few days, see a doctor.

8. Intertriginous dermatitis

Or diaper rash. Very often in summer the skin under the breasts becomes chafed and inflamed. An antibiotic, steroid or hydrocortisone ointment will relieve the irritation, and a properly fitted bra will support your breasts and prevent recurrence.

9. The linen is no longer fresh.

Infrequent washing actually preserves the laundry, but bacteria or fungi can settle in it. The skin under the breasts sweats a lot and this is very beneficial for them.


10. Your weight is fluctuating.

As your weight fluctuates, your breasts grow and shrink. This causes stretch marks. This often happens after pregnancy and in women with thin, inelastic skin.


11. Nothing special

No, it's not cancer. Each woman's nipples are colored differently. The main thing is that it is symmetrical.


12. Nothing special

Our bodies are simply different. If they are symmetrical, there is no problem.


13. Nothing special

Breasts are intended for feeding babies. These tubercles are the exits of the milk ducts. Sometimes they get a little bigger, so if there are small bumps surrounding your nipple, you're fine.


14. Benign cyst or malignant neoplasm

Get tested as soon as possible to find out if there is any cause for concern.


15. Polycystic ovary syndrome

If you have started to grow hair around your nipple, your testosterone levels may have increased due to PCOS. Other symptoms include acne and irregular periods. Polycystic disease can lead to infertility, so you should see a doctor.


16. Shampoo or soap residue irritates the skin.

Rinse your skin with water and apply hydrocortisone ointment.

17. Allergy to clothes

This could be a reaction to the dye in a new bra or wool sweater. Apply hydrocortisone ointment to your nipples and change your clothes.

18. A new cycle will begin soon

Sometimes hormonal changes cause itching.

19. Paget's disease

Or breast cancer, a very rare disease. Its symptoms are itchy nipples and areolas, flaky skin, a flattened nipple, and yellow or bloody nipple discharge. See a doctor immediately.


20. A new cycle will begin soon

Depending on the phase of the cycle, the structure and sensitivity of the breast may change. You should see a doctor. One consolation is that if you have bumps but no pain, then most likely it is not a tumor.

21. Too much caffeine

Caffeine causes chest pain for some people, so just start drinking less coffee, tea and soda and the problem will go away.


22. Something stimulates milk production

Breasts are needed to feed babies. If the discharge looks like milk, something may be stimulating your milk production, even if you are not pregnant or caring for a small baby. The doctor will choose a medicine for you.

23. Side effect of antidepressants or antipsychotics

Some medications increase levels of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates milk production. In most cases, this is done safely, although it is unpleasant.


24. Benign neoplasm

Known as papilloma. You should see a doctor.


25. You're excited

If your nipples are symmetrical but firm, there is nothing to worry about. The muscles around the nipple simply contracted. This is usually related to sex.

26. You are cold

If it's not about sex, then the simplest explanation is cold. Just stay warm.

Inverted Nipple OR Dimples in the Nipple or BREAST

27. Breast cancer

Any dents could be a sign of cancer. You should see a doctor URGENTLY.


28. Everything is fine with you

Now it’s just another phase of the cycle when the breasts become denser. This is fine. Breast lumps that could mean something serious can only be detected with a mammogram.


29. Risk of skin cancer

Fair skin is usually pale and translucent. If so, you are at high risk of sunburn, but as long as you don't overextend yourself and use sunscreen, there won't be any serious problems.


30. Breast cancer

If your smooth breasts suddenly become uneven like an orange peel, and your areolas and nipples become hard, it may be cancer. You should see a doctor URGENTLY.


31. Benign cyst

If it is round and smooth and you can move it, it may be a benign cyst filled with fluid. It's not a tumor. You should see a doctor.

32. Breast cancer

Most often, pain and growths in the chest are the result of hormones. Every time you encounter them, the question arises: is it cancer or could it become cancer? Only the doctor will answer.

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