Teacher's pedagogical skills. Pedagogical skills. Professional growth and professional skills of a teacher. Excerpt from the fairy tale “Winter quarters of animals”

Svetlana Pavlovna Kiseleva
Pedagogical council “Professional skills of a preschool educational institution teacher” (business game)

Target: carry out analysis professional skills of teachers, identify the most effective ways to increase mastery of teachers;factors that positively influence professional skills of teachers, arouse interest in development professional abilities, develop the ability to work in a team with colleagues united by one task, and defend their point of view with arguments.

Preschool childhood is an important stage in a person’s life. The enormous responsibility for raising a preschooler lies with preschool teachers. A teacher is the first person, after the mother, that children meet on their life path. A good mother gives her children the best she has, good teacher puts his soul into his students. This is the inner meaning professions. For teacher Giving your soul is difficult and joyful. It is difficult because it requires the expenditure of not only mental, but also physical strength. It’s joyful because seeing the result of the work received, you understand the meaning of your activity.

The rapid development of the preschool education system and modern society, the special significance of the preschool period of life in the formation and development of personality place increased demands on the level of professional teacher's preparedness, cause the need to constantly improve it pedagogical skill. So what is it pedagogical skill? Try to define this concept in one sentence. Teachers pass the soft toy around. Everyone expresses their opinion.

Now let's get acquainted with scientific definitions.

Pedagogical excellence- this is the highest level pedagogical activity, manifested in creativity teacher, in the constant improvement of the art of teaching, education and human development. Pedagogical creativity is seen as a state pedagogical activity, in which a fundamentally new creation occurs in the organization of the educational process, in solving scientific and practical problems.

...the activity of a teacher is, in essence, the activity of an organizer. AND skill teacher is nothing more than skill organizer of children's lives. A. S. Makarenko.

Mastery is the ability to create pedagogical situations stimulating the effective development of children. Not immediate solutions to issues in pairs "teacher-child", and the organization of creative collective activity is a way to create conditions for an educational impact on the team and each individual.

Pedagogical skill is the activity of a teacher at the level of samples and standards tested in practice and already described in methodological developments and recommendations. Teacher's skill is not directly related to his work experience.

The skill of the teacher is expressed First of all, in the ability to organize educational activities in such a way as to achieve the required level of education, development and knowledge of students under all, even the most unfavorable conditions. Real teacher will always find a non-standard answer to any question, will be able to approach the student in a special way, ignite thoughts, excite him.

Pedagogical excellence is the high art of raising and teaching children. Knowledge and skills based on it are the basis of content teacher's skill. To the important skills of a teacher relate: “the ability to correctly perceive the processes that occur in the world of children, each individual child, in various pedagogical situations; ability to analyze ratios "goal - means - result" in relation to the situation; ability to demand and trust; ability to quickly navigate and switch attention; skill Play with children; the ability to assess a situation from different angles; skill from diversity pedagogical facts highlight the essential; the ability to see the essential in a random fact; the ability to use different methods of influence in the same situation; the ability to accurately convey your moods, feelings and thoughts in words, facial expressions, movements.” (Azarov Yu. P. Art bring up: Book. for the teacher. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M., 1985. – P. 418-419.)

Essence pedagogical excellence manifests itself in knowledge and skills.

S. A. Makarenko

Art and teacher's skill It lies precisely in the ability to combine cordiality and wisdom. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

Pedagogical excellence- this is a personal fusion - business qualities and professional teacher's competence.

Pedagogical excellence this is a generalized concept that includes continuous improvement in mastery of the teacher or teacher a set of psychological and pedagogical abilities and skills that are combined with pedagogical intuition, developed way of thinking, professional passion and aesthetically moral attitude towards teaching as professional activity.

Pedagogical excellence, first of all, is expressed in the art of properly organizing the educational process in order to achieve the required level of development, education and knowledge of students even under unfavorable conditions. Real master will always select an answer that corresponds to its originality to a non-standard question, will be able to find a special approach to the student, and arouse interest in the learning process.

Business game: « Teacher's skill» .

Teachers are divided into groups(4) by drawing lots.

Group work

1. List the main qualities teacher - master(what it should be)

Constructive and planned activities involve predicting the development of a child in a preschool setting and selecting individual methods of working with him.

Communication skills are the ability of a teacher to find quick contact with both children and parents.

Gnostic skills are skills with the help of which the teacher studies the child and the entire children's group. Studying a child is necessary for a more in-depth knowledge of his inner world and capabilities in general, which is very important in solving emerging problems in the education and development of a student.

Organizational skills provide for a system of actions of the teacher and students to perform various types of activities.

Analytical activity is an analysis of the work done in order to adjust the further educational process.

To the special skills of a teacher relate: ability to sing, read poetry, act skill and gardener skills for growing plants, as well as a lot of other interesting activities.

The requirements for a teacher are very high. He must be a wise, knowledgeable mentor and artist at the same time, possess all the knowledge that develops and educates children and be able to professionally use them in classes with children in kindergarten. A teacher must have such qualities as patience, kindness, fairness, tolerance, well-readness, erudition, and a developed sense of empathy, because a teacher has to work not only with children, but also with parents. It is necessary to learn to respect parents, to take into account their opinion, even if it differs from the teacher’s ideas about pedagogy.

2. What ways to improve teacher's skills can be used. (self-education and self-improvement, advanced training courses, attending open events and conducting open classes independently, participation in research work, methodological work, self-analysis of one’s own activities, summarizing work experience, studying practical work experience teachers)

3. Forms of demonstration pedagogical excellence(open classes, performances at teachers' councils, exchange of work experience, participation in competitions pedagogical excellence, communication on social networks.

4. Factors positively influencing the formation teacher's skill. (What does it depend on teacher's skill: level of knowledge, education, desire for self-improvement in professionally, personal qualities teacher, responsibility for assigned case, creativity, having a good mentor, creating conditions for continuous growth, education, work experience, team cohesion).

After finishing the work, all sheets are hung on the easel, read out, and supplemented.

Ranking is carried out.

1. What qualities do you possess perfectly? Teachers evaluate themselves, choosing three qualities.

2. What are the forms of promotion? skill you consider most effective for you (every the teacher chooses three forms) .

3. What forms of demonstration pedagogical excellence most convenient for you.

4. Factors that positively influence the formation of your skill Ranking helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the team.

conclusions: Mastery is what it is, what can be achieved, and how they can be known master turner, beautiful master doctor, it should and can be wonderful master teacher. (A. S. Makarenko)

The teacher is the master - this is the teacher who, realizing his responsibility to society, achieves high results, optimally uses professional products, is distinguished by an individual style of activity and most fully realizes his creative potential. A multifaceted teacher always evokes only admiration from both children and parents.

Mastery The educator in each individual case is creativity. Teacher seeks and finds creative solutions in approaching children, in choosing means of influence on pupils. There should be no pattern or monotony in the content of the work, in the selection of means and methods of influencing children. Dull, monotonous work lacking creativity leads to premature professional decline, to the cessation of intellectual growth. The lack of teacher creativity negatively affects the development of children. The teacher must constantly improve his skill using achievements pedagogical science and best practices. We must move forward, master innovative technologies, unconventional methods, but we must not forget the good old things that have been preserved by the people for centuries, for example, oral folk art. Each teacher should engage in self-education, improve their professional intelligence. A variety of knowledge is needed to satisfy the curiosity of a modern child and help him understand the world around him.

Held a game"Associations". (Continue the phrase and explain your choice)

If teacher is color, then which one?

If teacher is a mood, then which one?

If teacher is a holiday, then which one?

If you imagine that teacher– who is this fairy-tale hero?

If time of year, what?

If teacher is a movie, then the name of this film...

If teacher - song, then which one?

If teacher is dance, then which one?

If teacher is a sport, then which one?

If teacher is a flower, that is…

If teacher is a book, that is…

If the teacher is a tree, then which one?

If teacher is the water element, then which one?

If teacher - number, then which one?

If teacher– this is a geometric figure, what is it?

If teacher– this is a precious stone, what kind?

If teacher is a drink, then which one?

If teacher is sweet, then which one?

If teacher is a toy, then which one?

If teacher is a fruit, then which one?

If teacher is transport, then which one?

Pedagogical excellence is defined as the high and constantly improving art of education and training, accessible to everyone teacher who works according to his vocation and loves children.

The world is changing, and so are the requirements. And a modern educator, despite age and other circumstances, must comply with them

At the end teachers council teachers receive a brochure« Teacher's skill»

Consultation for preschool employees

on the topic “Pedagogical skills of a teacher”

“The ability to educate is still an art, the same art as playing the violin or piano well, or painting well. The trouble with the art of education is that education can only be taught through practice and example. No matter how successfully a person graduates from a pedagogical university, no matter how talented he is, and if he does not learn from experience, he will never be a good teacher.”

A. S. Makarenko.

The preschool period in a person’s life is very important, and the teacher bears considerable responsibility for raising the younger generation. A teacher is the very first teacher a child meets after mom and dad. A good teacher will give children only the best knowledge and skills and invest their soul into them. This is very difficult work, taking a lot of not only mental, but also physical strength. And the main reward for the teacher is the result of his work, happy children and satisfied parents.

Graduates of pedagogical universities starting to work with children very often experience difficulties in carrying out educational work in children's groups. The skill of a teacher turns out to be a very difficult process than the skill of teaching, which is one of the means of educating a person, developing his intellectual potential, moral perfection, aesthetic sensitivity and education, hard work and the ability to work.

Modern preschool education is developing and improving quite quickly, and therefore the teacher is obliged to constantly maintain his professional skills, developing pedagogical skills. Pedagogical skill is the highest level of pedagogical activity, which manifests itself in the creativity of the educator, in his constant improvement of the art of teaching, upbringing and human development. Pedagogical creativity is considered as a state of pedagogical activity in which the creation of something fundamentally new in the organization of the educational process and in solving scientific and practical problems occurs. In each individual case, the skill of the teacher is creativity. Each teacher looks for his own ways of influencing children in a given situation. There can be no pattern or monotony in working with children. The creative nature of pedagogical activity encourages the teacher to study and borrow the best practices of colleagues, making him sensitive to innovations in the field of education. Lack of teacher creativity negatively affects children's development.

A.S. Makarenko, considering the work of a teacher, said that the activity of a teacher is, in essence, the activity of an organizer. And the skill of a teacher is nothing other than the skill of an organizer of children’s lives. Mastery is the ability to create pedagogical situations that stimulate the effective development of children. Not momentary resolution of issues in the “educator-child” pair, but the organization of creative collective activity can create conditions for educational influence on the team and each individual.

Pedagogical skill is the high art of raising and teaching children. Knowledge and skills based on them are the basis of the content of a teacher’s skill. The important skills of a teacher include: “the ability to correctly perceive the processes that occur in the world of children, each individual child in various pedagogical situations; the ability to analyze the “goal-means-result” relationship in relation to the situation; ability to demand and trust; ability to quickly navigate and switch attention; ability to play with children; the ability to assess a situation from different angles; the ability to single out the essential from a variety of pedagogical facts; the ability to see the essential in a random fact; the ability to use different methods of influence in the same situation; the ability to accurately convey one’s moods, feelings and thoughts in words, facial expressions, movements.” (Azarov Yu.P. The art of educating: A book for teachers. – 2nd ed., revised and supplemented. - M., 1985. – With 418-419.)

The teacher must be attentive to the surrounding environment, anticipate any little thing that could be dangerous to the life and health of children. The teacher must be tactful, observe decency, be able to behave appropriately, not get involved in quarrels with parents, watch his speech, since children are capable of imitation, and not infringe on children and their parents. The teacher must be able to see, listen, feel children, understand their mental state, and switch from one type of activity to another. Optimism is very important when working as a teacher. Faced with the difficulties of the pedagogical process, he does not give up, but looks for ways to solve them. You should never speak badly about a child or complain to parents so that they take the necessary measures, but on the contrary, believe in the capabilities of each student, encourage and encourage the child in his desire to be good. This is the wisdom of education.

The pedagogical activity of a teacher is quite multifaceted and interesting, and in order to develop his skills, constant improvement of various skills and abilities in working with children is required. These skills can be divided into constructive, communicative, gnostic, organizational and special.

Constructive and planned activities involve predicting the development of a child in a preschool setting and selecting individual methods of working with him.

Communication skills are the ability of a teacher to find quick contact with both children and parents.

Gnostic skills are skills with the help of which the teacher studies the child and the entire children's group. Studying a child is necessary for a more in-depth knowledge of his inner world and capabilities in general, which is very important in solving emerging problems in the education and development of a student.

Organizational skills provide for a system of actions of the teacher and students to perform various types of activities.

Analytical activity is an analysis of the work done in order to adjust the further educational process.

The special skills of the teacher include: the ability to sing, read poetry, acting and skills as a gardener in growing plants, as well as a host of other interesting activities.

A multifaceted teacher always evokes only admiration from both children and parents.

Each teacher must have unique skills in transferring their knowledge to children. The teacher must engage in self-education, develop intellectually, and constantly use new technologies in his work with children. The teacher's skill in each individual case is creativity. The teacher looks for and finds creative solutions in approaching children and in choosing means of influencing students.

Topic “Pedagogical skills of a teacher”

Date: September 2013

Target: identify the level of professional preparedness of educators; show your knowledge in the field of preschool pedagogy, psychology, methods of preschool education and upbringing; develop creative imagination, cohesion; develop the ability to think quickly and logically, communicate culturally, the ability to work in a team with colleagues united by one task; spark interest in healthy competition.

Mastery is what can be achieved and how can be

known master - turner, excellent master - doctor,

This is how a teacher should and can be an excellent master.

A. S. Makarenko

Leading.: One of the main tasks of the modern preschool education system is to improve the quality of educational work, to create conditions for the creative self-realization of the personality of each child. Improving the quality of preschool education is directly dependent on personnel.

Today, increasingly high demands are placed on the work of preschool institutions. These requirements are translated into a system of tasks facing preschool teachers, since the level and nature of a child’s achievements depend, first of all, on the professional competence of the teacher, his ability to work on himself, and constantly improve professionally. A teacher is not only a profession. This is a high mission, the purpose of which is to form the personality of a little person.

After all, it is the kindergarten teacher who, day after day, reveals to preschoolers the secrets of the world around them, teaches them to love and take care of their family, loved ones, and their homeland, and together with the students experiences their failures and rejoices at new discoveries. Today, society needs a teacher who is competent, comprehensively prepared, who is an example of philanthropy, decency, and a teacher who possesses pedagogical skills.

And so, in connection with the solution of one of the tasks of our annual plan (which sounds like this: to help improve the professional competence of teachers), today, on the basis of our institution, a 1 pedagogical advice in the form of a QUIZ on the topic “Pedagogical skills of a teacher”.

Let's split into two teams. Two teams of educators will compete. Come up with a team name. So, dear colleagues, welcome Team Friendship and its participants And team - rival Smile and its participants.

1 task: game “Abbreviations”. This game will not only help you get ready for work, but also in a gaming situation it exercises your imagination, demonstrates knowledge of the surrounding reality and intellectual development (I invite participants to decipher a number of common abbreviations):

1st team

2nd team

RF - Russian Federation

CIS - Union of Independent States

Ministry of Emergency Situations - Ministry of Emergency Situations

Ministry of Internal Affairs - Ministry of Internal Affairs

Labor Code - labor code

GOST - state all-Union standard

Moscow Art Theater - Moscow Academic Art Theater (named after M. Gorky)

Research Institute - Scientific Research Institute

DDV - children's preschool age

DDMSHV - children of preschool and primary school age

UVR - educational work

DOW - Preschool educational institution

UN - United Nations

AN - Academy of Sciences

ENT - Otolaryngology

ARI - acute respiratory disease

KGB - State Security Committee

UFO - unidentified flying object

2nd task:I suggest to educators the names of educational programs; they must determine comprehensive and partial programs and the direction of work on them:


“From sound to letter” E.V. Kolesnikova

Partial - preparation for literacy

“Design and artistic work in kindergarten” L.V. Kutsakova


“Little one” G.G. Grigorieva

Comprehensive program for the education and development of young children

“Mathematical steps”

E.V. Kolesnikova

Partial - the formation of mathematical concepts in preschool children from 3 to 7 years old

Program for the development and education of preschool children in the Educational System “School 2100” (“Kindergarten 2100”)


“Origins” L.A. Paramonova


“Colored palms” by I.A. Lykova

Partial - artistic and creative development

“Harmony” K.V. Tarasova

Partial - musical development of a child in preschool childhood

“Childhood” V.I. Loginova


“Musical masterpieces of O.P. Radynova

Partial - formation of the foundations of musical culture

“Gifted Child” L.A. Wenger


“Ladushki” I.M. Kaplunova

Partial - music education

“Development” L.A. Wenger


“We” N.N. Kondratieva

“Rainbow” T.N. Doronova


“Program of education and training in kindergarten” M.A. Vasilyeva


“The planet is our home” I.G. Belavina

Partial - environmental education

3rd task "Five Five".

In this case, this means that there are five problems discussed and the answers (words) to all questions in this round (game) also have five letters. So we get a comic pattern - “high five five.”

Topics (sectors) for discussion in this game are written on a piece of Whatman paper:

a).Speech development;


c).Physical education;


d).The surrounding world.

Speech development


  1. 1. A fairy tale about the benefits of collective work? ("Turnip")
  2. 2. A poem that can compete with a novel? (Poem)
  3. 3. A fairytale neighbor who fought for brotherly love? (Gerda)
  4. 4. Bound sheets of printed material? (Book)
  5. 5. “Gateway” language or specific dialect? (Slang)

  1. Art /
  1. 1. Finger dance? (Ballet)
  2. 2. A small piece of music and poetry? (Song)
  3. 3. A wind keyboard musical instrument of ancient origin that produces “Thunder” sounds? (Organ)
  4. 4. A theatrical performance that straddles the line between comedy and tragedy? (Drama)
  5. 5. High-speed photo viewing? (Movie)

Physical education

  1. 1. Running around in nature? (Cross)
  2. 2. Sports end? (Finish)
  3. 3. Beating out carpet with human spatulas? (Sambo)
  4. 4. Is the water stick a scoop? (Paddle)
  5. 5. A very smooth place for a "cow dance"? (Ice rink)


  1. 1. Addition result /sum/
  2. 2. Graphic expression of number /digit/
  3. 3. Mathematical sign for subtraction /minus/
  4. 4. 5 letter number /six/
  5. 5. The basic concept of mathematics is the quantity by which counting is done /number/

Getting to know your surroundings

  1. 1. Biggest puddle? (Ocean)
  2. 2. Black gold? (Coal)
  3. 3. In a word, all plants are /flora/
  4. 4. Unit of society /family/
  5. 5. Locality/city/

Warm-up to relieve emotional stress participants in the “Fly” exercise

Target: relieving tension from the facial muscles.

Sit comfortably: place your hands loosely on your knees, shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine that a fly is trying to land on your face. She sits on the nose, then on the mouth, then on the forehead, then on the eyes. Your task: without opening your eyes, drive away the annoying insect.

4th task:guess which work the lines are from and who the author is, in what age group they are used.

For the “Friendship” team:

1. It’s not for nothing that winter gets angry,

Her time has passed

Spring is knocking on the window

And drives him out of the yard... ( Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev “Winter is angry for a reason...”, senior group )

2. ... The mother mouse ran,

I started calling the duck to be my nanny:

Come to us, Aunt Duck,

Rock our baby... ( Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse” I 1st junior group )

3. The old bear had two sons... They decided to go around the world to seek happiness... Finally, all their supplies ran out... They came across a large round head of cheese... ( “Two Greedy Little Bears” Hungarian fairy tale, II 1st junior group ).

For the “Smile” command:

1. Winter sings and echoes,

The shaggy forest lulls

The ringing sound of a pine forest... ( Sergey Yesenin “Winter sings and calls...”, middle group )

2. The pigs meowed:

Meow meow!

The cats grunted:

Oink oink oink! ( Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky “Confusion”, I 1st junior group )

3. Once upon a time there lived an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a clumsy hen and a little mouse. Every time they went to fetch water... The bunny jumped, right at our water-carriers' feet... The grandmother groans... The granddaughter cries... The chicken on the stove clucks... The mouse squeaks from under the stove... They say correctly: “ ...what is not there, they see” ( “Fear has big eyes” Russian folk tale, II 1st junior group )

  • 5th task: Friendly cartoon (a moment of prank)

Dear players, now I will ask you to depict, using facial expressions and gestures, a teacher from the other team whom they must guess.

6th task: To complete the next task, I invite one participant from each team. Task for the development of expressive speech of the teacher. You need to pronounce the words “CUCUMBER” and “TOMATO” with different intonations: quietly, loudly, tenderly, surprised, ironically, enthusiastically, affectionately, demandingly, mysteriously.

7th task:Art teacher. In turn, I show each team reproductions of paintings by famous artists that are used in the educational process of the kindergarten. It is necessary to name the author and the title of the painting.

I.I. Shishkin “Morning in a pine forest”

V.M. Vasnetsov “Alyonushka”

V.M. Vasnetsov “Three heroes”

A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived”

I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”

V.M. Vasnetsov “Ivan the Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”

8th task:“Guess the melody” I invite teams to listen to excerpts of musical works, determine the name, author, and in what age group it is used.

9th task“Further... further...”:

1. Means of communication. (Language).

  1. 2.What is TRIZ. (Theory of development of visual tasks).
  2. 3. A sign inherent from birth. (Congenital).
  3. 4.Flora world. (Flora).
  4. 5. Praising the best traits of a person. (Compliment).
  5. 6. Free time from work. (Leisure).
  6. 7. Hostility towards another, caused by his advantage. (Envy).
  7. 8.Partner in dialogue. (Companion).
  8. 9. The desire to deliberately distort the truth. (Falsehood).
  9. 10. Speech of one person. (Monologue).
  10. 11.(Creative).
  11. 12.(Pessimist).
  12. 13. A person who looks at life soberly. (Realist).
  13. 14.(Reserve)

10 task – Psychological

Assignment: use the description to determine the child’s temperament type.

  1. 1.High sensitivity, gentleness, humanity, goodwill, low performance, suspiciousness, vulnerability. /melancholic/
  2. 2.Mobile, cheerful, successful in business, able to work, but prone to arrogance, frivolous, divides work into interesting and uninteresting. /sanguine/.
  3. 3. Energetic, enthusiastic, hard-working, purposeful, ardent, impatient. /choleric/.
  4. 4. Patient, reliable, steady, constant, slow, inexpressive. /phlegmatic person/

Conclusion: A modern teacher is, first of all, a competent and erudite specialist, / as you showed yourself today / who is well versed in a variety of programs and technologies. Also, a modern teacher must be a good psychologist, capable of understanding the complex system of relationships between children and their parents. And a good teacher is also a sensitive teacher who knows how to work in a team and respond to the requests of colleagues in a timely manner. Also, a professional in his field must constantly engage in self-education, look for new ways and methods of working with children, and at the same time try to use the best teaching experience. And if we have all this and we meet all the above requirements, then we deserve the title of a modern professional teacher. And we can be proud of it.

After all, an Educator is a person who professionally takes responsibility for the development of another person. And if we treat children with kindness, without indifference to them, then they will grow up to be just as kind and sensitive, capable of compassion and helping their neighbors.

Leading: Educator is our profession,

And sometimes without titles or awards

We still love our job

And we all hurry to kindergarten.

Year after year passes in worries.

Everything for them - for their own children

We study and implement

Innovations of today.

And in the flow of current life

Let us not forget about the peace of the soul,

To be sensitive, kind, brave

The babies came out.

Approval of the annual plan, curriculum, cyclogram of educational activities

Draft decision of the teachers' council.

Pedagogical skills.

The teaching profession is one of the most important and significant. Educator is a calling. You need to want and be able to constantly live your childhood with each child at work, look at the world through the eyes of children, be surprised, learn new things, help in difficult times, support - this is the main task of a teacher. To do this, you must be a creative, creative, sociable person, able to predict, evaluate the results of your work, and create conditions for the development of children.

Good manners - level of personality development, manifested in consistency between knowledge, beliefs, behavior and characterized by the degree of formation of socially significant qualities.

Many people think: how good it is to work in a kindergarten, I would like that too. Work in 2 shifts: came and played with the children, ate, lay down to rest during the day, played again in the evening, had dinner and went home. Not work, but a fairy tale.

However, being a preschool teacher is very difficult.

Only a person with a capital “H” can be an educator, since “education” is an art. And the art of education is possible only through example, through practice.

You can receive more than one honors diploma with honors, be a talented theorist, but not be a good practitioner and teacher.

In modern society, the educator bears a great responsibility for educating the younger generation. With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, the requirements for teachers are very high. Despite these requirements, the teacher must be patient, friendly, fair, tolerant, erudite, and sensitive, since in a team one has to work not only with children and colleagues, but also with parents, whom they have to respect, advise, support, and listen to.

Parents in the modern world are very well-read and literate people. In the age of informatization and computerization, our parents, having read various consultations on the Internet, corresponding in chat rooms, believe that they know EVERYTHING about the development and upbringing of children.

It is impossible to cook a delicious dinner, knit a beautiful scarf, or learn to ride a bike without theory. Likewise, parents, not knowing the conditions of the child’s physical and mental development, and not mastering the methods and techniques of teaching and upbringing, cannot raise a true person.

The constant development and updating of the preschool education system places high demands on the professional preparedness of the teacher, forcing the teacher to constantly improve his teaching skills.

The pedagogical skill of the teacher is manifested in the constant search for creative approaches to children, the choice of means of influence on children and parents. In addition, the teacher must be wise, omniscient, artistic, possessing professional knowledge and skills in teaching and developing preschoolers.

What should a teacher be able to do? You can name many verbs - actions related to the teacher: sing, dance, draw, teach, learn, tell, explain, compare, analyze and other actions.

It is important to note that the teacher must have a great sense of patience, as it is an important professional quality.

Pedagogical skill is manifested by the strong-willed qualities of the teacher, his initiative, perseverance, dedication, determination and independence.

The skill of a teacher is associated with the ability to see the reactions of children, parents, colleagues, change the pedagogical situation if necessary, be able to cooperate, and adequately respond to demands and relationships.

Victoria Volgina

Workshop for preschool teachers

on the topic “Pedagogical skills of a teacher”

1. Relevance, goals, objectives of the seminar

One of the main tasks of the modern preschool education system is to improve the quality of the educational process and create conditions for the creative self-realization of the personality of each child. Improving the quality of preschool education is directly dependent on personnel. Today, increasingly high demands are placed on the work of preschool institutions. These requirements are translated into a system of tasks facing preschool teachers, since the level and nature of a child’s achievements depend, first of all, on the professional competence of the teacher, his ability to work on himself, and constantly improve professionally. Today, society needs a teacher who is competent, comprehensively prepared, who is an example of philanthropy, decency, and a teacher who possesses pedagogical skills.

Pedagogical skill is the highest level of pedagogical activity, manifested in the creativity of the teacher, in the constant improvement of the art of teaching, education and human development. Pedagogical creativity is considered as a state of pedagogical activity in which the creation of something fundamentally new in the organization of the educational process and in solving scientific and practical problems occurs.

Pedagogical skill, first of all, is associated with the personality of the teacher, with a set of qualities that contribute to ensuring a high level of self-organization of professional activity. The set of qualities of a professional teacher, which helps him ensure the educational process at a high creative level, is quite extensive. The most important of them are citizenship and patriotism, humanism and intelligence, high spiritual culture and responsibility, hard work and efficiency. The main qualities of a master teacher are philanthropy and the ability to communicate with people. Pedagogical excellence from a technological point of view is a system whose main components are a high general culture, humanistic orientation, professional knowledge and skills, creativity and pedagogical abilities, and technological competence. The most important part of teaching skills is also professional knowledge and skills.

Goal: to identify the level of professional training of teachers.

1) develop cohesion, the ability to work in a team, and defend your point of view with reason;

2) improve the skills of teachers;

3) systematize the knowledge of teachers and provide an opportunity to comprehend their own approaches to work.

Duration: 90 minutes

Preliminary work: familiarization with the literature on the topic

pedagogical skills, selection of tasks, crossword puzzle,

questionnaires, certificates.

Organizers: educators Volgina Victoria Nikolaevna,

Stepanova Tatyana Viktorovna

Participants: Deputy Director for Preschool Department,

teachers, music director.

Before starting, each teacher is given a cut piece

pictures for uniting teachers into two teams.

Preliminary task: come up with a name

teams, motto and introduce the team.

Task 1 “Abbreviations”

Goal: to get teachers ready for work, to exercise imagination,

demonstrate knowledge of the surrounding reality and your

intellectual development.

Task 2. Blitz survey

Purpose: to check the level of awareness and interest

in the institution and staff of the kindergarten.

Task 3. Psychological ring.

Purpose: to determine the level of knowledge of psychological terms.

Task 4. Finish the poem

Goal: determine the level of proficiency in poetic form.

Task 5. Theatricalization

Purpose: to check the level of proficiency in theatrical performances

Task 6. Tongue twisters

Goal: to develop diction and clarity of pronunciation of teacher phrases.

Task 7. “Well done”

Purpose: to check the expressiveness of teachers’ speech.

Task 8. ISO crossword puzzle

Purpose: to check the level of knowledge in the field of artistic and aesthetic


Task 9. Encrypted pictures

Purpose: to check the level of attentiveness, visual perception


Task 10. Creativity

Goal: test creativity (level of non-standard thinking)



Scoring. Final words of the jury. Questioning.

Presentation of certificates.

Excerpt from the fairy tale “Teremok”

Characters: Bear, mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, narrator

The bear climbs into the tower. The house begins to shake and falls.

Residents of the tower are crying in the ruins.

What have you done, Mishka?

We warned you.

Our tower has been destroyed!

Left without a corner!

Well, forgive me

I didn't do it on purpose.

Even though your house fell from the stump,

You can live in it anyway.

Where is the underground to store

Supplies for the winter

In hot summer - cool

A barrel of mint kvass?

Where is my big closet?

Wet, with mosquitoes?

And a little light so that there

Should I spin in the evenings?

Where is the porch to the garden?

And the guardhouse is nearby -

Suddenly someone comes without asking,

Is he not welcome?

Yes! And there is no stove to heat

My back in winter...

Oh, why are you, bear,

Did you knock over the house?

How are we going to live now?

Can not imagine!

Frog (to Bear)

If you did something wrong,

Then manage to fix it!

Even though the bear is to blame,

We will help him!

Why regret the house?

Better put a new one!

The bear puts a new tower in place of the old one. Everyone shouts hurray. End.

Excerpt from the fairy tale “Winter quarters of animals”

Characters: narrator, old wolf, second wolf, ram, rooster, cat, bull, pig


But one day a wolf pack

Running past the house,

I saw the light in the window

And she stood nearby.

Then the Old Wolf said:

Old wolf. I won't understand it at all.

I didn’t see the winter hut in the summer.

Who lives in this house?

Second wolf. You rarely see a house in the forest.

You go do some reconnaissance.

Old wolf. If I start screaming.

Come running to help.

An old wolf enters the hut.

Leading. The Wolf entered the hut and straight

He landed on Baran.

Our Ram hid in a corner,

Ram. Ba-uh! -

I'll ask you now!

Leading. The cockerel saw the wolf -

Rooster. Ku-ka-re-ku! Get out, you impudent one!

Leading. The cat meowed:

Kotofeich. Meow, meow-y-y!

I'll add if it's not enough!

Bull. I'll horn you in the side,

G-get out, Gray Wolf!

Leading. The Pig heard a noise.


I come to your aid!

Who is a stranger in the winter hut?

Oink oink oink! Who to eat here?

Leading. Here the Wolf began to tremble,

The tail tucked and ran away.


to assess the quality of the workshop

Organizers: Stepanova Tatyana Viktorovna, Volgina Victoria Nikolaevna

Seminar topic: “Pedagogical skills of a teacher”

Date: "_20_"___ May 2015

No. Questions Yes No Difficult to answer

1 Have you learned anything new and useful for yourself?

2 Did you find the practical tasks interesting?

3 Did you feel comfortable?

4 Which tasks caused you difficulties?

5 How would you rate the organization of the seminar (on a five-point scale) 1 2 3 4 5

6. Your comments and suggestions ___

Thank you! Your opinion is important to us!

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