Parchment paper for baking, what can be replaced. What can you use instead of parchment paper when baking?

Every housewife has had a story happen at least once when it was discovered that the parchment paper for baking was running out at the most necessary moment. And the store, according to the law of meanness, was not delivered. What to do? There is an exit. Read how to replace parchment paper when baking, as well as all the pros and cons of known methods.


Of course, not every one will do. Only office or from a notebook. Be sure to ensure that there is no text or drawings on the paper. Otherwise, all these images will be imprinted on your baked goods. Not aesthetically pleasing and of little use.

An indispensable condition: the writing paper must be oiled on both sides! If this is not done, then it is quite possible that it will stick tightly to the product. It will be very difficult to remove it.

Pros. A notebook sheet can be found in every home.

Minuses. This method is not suitable for baking light products: meringue, macaroon, soufflé.

Tracing paper

Do you remember when they used thin transparent paper in drawing lessons at school? This is what it is, a worthy replacement for parchment when baking. Well, there’s no need to explain to needlewomen. They know perfectly well what it is.

It is also advisable to lubricate tracing paper with oil, because it does not have a special coating. Otherwise, such a replacement is used as usual.

Pros. Tracing paper does not stick to products.

Minuses. Not every home has such paper. Tracing paper is not suitable for baking heavy, raw dough, because it has a much smaller safety margin than parchment.

Flour bag

Please note which bags the flour is currently sold in. This is almost ready-made baking parchment. But there are some nuances when using it:

  1. It still needs to be oiled.
  2. Place it on a baking sheet with the picture down so that the paint does not imprint on the baked goods.
  3. Some manufacturers put a polyethylene layer inside the paper. This type of baking bag is not suitable.

Pros. Always have it at hand. You can bake products from all types of dough.

Minuses. The paper area is too small. Some types are not suitable for baking.

Advice. In general, before using the alternative, try heating a small piece on a baking sheet in the oven. 15 minutes will be enough to determine whether the material is suitable for baking or not. This way you will protect yourself from unpleasant surprises and unnecessary spoilage of food.

Baking bag

Some housewives manage to use special baking bags, like baking parchment. Why not? It can withstand high temperatures and does not smell. By the way, it does not need to be lubricated additionally.

Pros. Sold everywhere, found in almost every home. Easily separates from baked goods. Has a large surface area.

Minuses. Requires supervision during cooking because it becomes fragile.

Silicone coated paper

A real miracle of technology. It looks like regular baking parchment. But it has the thinnest silicone film on the surface. Such paper has been on sale for a long time, but has not yet become widespread. But in vain, because it has a lot of advantages and is superior to ordinary parchment in all respects. By the way, it is quite inexpensive.

Pros. Does not require greasing or powdering before baking. One sheet can be used several times. Doesn't tear due to wet dough. It separates very easily from finished baked goods.

Minuses. Not yet sold everywhere.


Some sources suggest using kitchen foil to bake the dough. Perhaps not a very good idea. This material is ideal for baking meat, fish, and vegetables. In a word, everything that contains its own juice. The dough does not have this feature. Therefore, it will stick perfectly to the foil during baking. And tightly. Even if you use oil or powder.

Pros. Well, we didn’t find any dough for baking.

Minuses. Sticks to the finished product.

Semolina, flour and others like them

Sometimes it happens that you don’t have anything at hand that was listed above. And the dough is already on the way, it won’t wait until you run to the store or to your neighbors. What to do?

Use the old way. It has been tested by more than one generation. You will need:

  • oil
  • semolina

By the way, semolina can be replaced with regular flour. All you need to do is grease the baking sheet with oil and then sprinkle it with semolina.

Cunning. To ensure an even coating, place a good handful of cereal in the middle of the baking sheet. Then it is simply tilted slightly so that the semolina lies evenly on all sides. Excess cereal is poured back so as not to weigh down the baked goods.

Pros. There is flour or semolina in every home. You can sprinkle the shape of any configuration.

Minuses. Heavy, wet dough may burn.

Advice. Do not use sunflower oil for lubrication. It weighs down the finished product and can make it soggy. Plus, such oil burns and spoils the baked goods. If you don't have butter on hand, margarine will do just fine. Just don’t melt it, just warm it to room temperature. Liquid margarine greatly soaks any paper, and it can tear during baking.

Silicone mat

Many housewives have a silicone mat on hand. It is usually marked with circles of different diameters for ease of rolling out the dough. But not many people know that you can immediately bake on such a mat.

Just be sure to make sure that your kitchen assistant is made of silicone. Because some mats are made of special foam or food-grade plastic. They definitely won’t survive baking and may even catch fire.

Pros. The material does not require any lubrication. Can be used an infinite number of times.

Minuses. Not every housewife has such a rug.

Advice. You can also use special silicone molds. Then instead of one large cupcake you will get several small ones. But this will not affect the taste of the baked goods.

Now you won't be caught off guard by unexpected kitchen surprises. After all, you know how to replace parchment paper when baking. And you’ll definitely come up with something to bake.

Video: how to make baking paper

Fish, meat, vegetables and chicken can simply be baked in the oven or done using modern devices - wrapped in aluminum foil, rolled in parchment paper or put in a special sleeve. Each assistant has its own pros and cons, so choose what's right for you!

Foil, parchment and a baking sleeve appeared in our kitchens relatively recently and quickly won the love and respect of housewives. Because there is nothing easier than throwing a piece of meat or fish into one of the above-mentioned devices, seasoning it well with your favorite seasonings and sending the future creation into a hot oven, forgetting about it for a while. You definitely won’t allow yourself such a luxury with boiling and frying – you have to constantly be on guard with these methods. It’s not for nothing that simple oven baking is considered the easiest cooking method, and using foil or a sleeve makes the process even easier.

Firstly, you can cook almost everything in foil and a sleeve: vegetables, meat, fish, chicken, minced meat and their combinations, say, pork with potatoes or fish with zucchini. That is, the housewife does not have to think about what side dish to serve with the main product - they are baked at the same time! Chefs do not advise dealing only with raw cereals, which require a large amount of water to swell. Secondly, to cook in various types of airtight “shirts” you do not need to have special culinary talents - any dish in them turns out tasty, incredibly soft and tender, since it is cooked in its own juice. And the third pleasant point associated with kitchen assistants is that they protect the baking sheet and oven from grease, which during normal baking is sprayed in all directions and creates difficult-to-clean deposits on equipment. In general, sleeves, foil and parchment are a brilliant invention of mankind. The main thing is to choose the highest quality and safest devices and learn how to handle them correctly.

Purchase rules
Sleeve or bag? To be sure of the safety of the future dish, it is better to purchase a baking sleeve made in Europe, the label of which says: “Environmentally friendly” or “After disposal, the material does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere.” Before buying, be sure to look at what temperature it can withstand and how it is fixed. Ties made from the same material are more convenient. If you choose fasteners, it is better to choose plastic options, since iron ones heat up, and thin wires tend to fly off during cooking. By the way, instead of a sleeve, you can choose a baking bag. The main thing is to look at its size and decide whether it is suitable for your future dish. In all other respects, these assistants have no differences.

The most important quality of any sleeve and bag is their strength, but, alas, this can only be verified in practice. There are devices that fall into pieces right during baking, “solder” with the product, or are easily torn by hand after cooking. This doesn’t happen with a quality assistant! It is airtight, durable, and even after cooking it can only be opened with a knife or scissors.
Foil: thin and durable Some housewives believe that foil should be selected according to thickness. In fact, thick aluminum sheet may be too rigid and difficult to use. The ideal foil is strong, but at the same time thin, bends and folds well, takes any shape and does not tear. However, for some objects it is better to use two sheets at once. If you use imported products, give preference to European manufacturers, if domestic, look for GOST on the packaging.
Paper needs silicone! Parchment paper can be brown and bleached, rolled and cut into sheets to fit a standard baking sheet. Which of the listed options to choose is a matter of taste for each housewife. Much more important is the presence of an additional fat- and moisture-repellent silicone coating on the paper. For airtight baking, it is better to buy just such a copy.

The main thing is that the sleeve fits!

The baking sleeve is ideal for those housewives who are not very good at cooking and are not big fans of the kitchen. It is a pipe made of special food-grade plastic that can withstand heating temperatures from +200º C to +230º C (this should be indicated on the packaging). The sleeve width is on average 33 cm, and the length can be any, so you can bake one chicken breast or a whole leg of lamb in it. The most convenient way is to cut off the required part, tie it on one side, fill it with tasty contents and fasten it at the other end, getting a nice “candy”. Then don’t forget to make several punctures on top with a toothpick so that excess steam comes out of the sleeve during cooking, so that it doesn’t inflate like a balloon and doesn’t touch the walls of the oven. This risks the fact that the plastic may melt and tear (for the same reason, the device cannot be used on an open fire - grill or barbecue). If you follow such simple conditions, you can get a very tasty, tender and soft dish up your sleeve, since it will not just be cooked in its own juice, but under the powerful influence of hot steam circulating inside. Moreover, it is not necessary to add fat before cooking - the product will already be juicy. In addition, the tightness of the sleeve allows the use of marinades, wine and other liquids that can give the dish additional flavor. If you want the meat or fish to be not just tender, but also crispy, a few minutes before the end of cooking, cut the plastic on top and allow the treat to brown properly. Just remember that food in such a sealed device bakes much faster than without it. Let's say, a large piece of lamb takes an average of 3 hours to cook in the oven, and 1-1.5 hours to cook in the sleeve.

Prepare the turkey drumstick in a roasting pan. To do this, salt and pepper the meat, sprinkle with paprika and sprinkle with vegetable oil. After this, place it in a baking sleeve tied on one side and add the following ingredients: pour about a glass of dry white wine, add slices of red and yellow bell peppers, asparagus, fresh and sun-dried tomatoes. Lightly shake the contents of the sleeve, tie it on the other side, make punctures with a toothpick and place in an oven preheated to +200° C for 15-20 minutes. You can bake a portioned dish this way or put several shanks in the sleeve at once.

Foil dishes

Unlike a baking sleeve, food foil must be greased with oil before cooking, otherwise the product will stick to it. In addition, it cannot be exposed to strong acids such as vinegar, and it is problematic to add wine and liquid marinades to the baked dish. But aluminum sheet has its advantages! It can withstand temperatures up to +600º C, so you can safely wrap potatoes, beets, fish or meat in it and throw them directly into the coals or place them on the barbecue grill. This is the only device that is capable of such feats. The main thing is to place the necessary products (a piece of pork, a potato or a whole chicken) on greased foil, season them with your favorite spices and try to seal it as tightly as possible so that the juice cannot leak out. If you fill the entire baking sheet with portioned pieces, simply cover it on top with several layers of aluminum and tuck their edges. In this case, the dish will cook faster and be more tender.

Cook sea trout on a bed of vegetables in foil. To do this, clean the carcass from entrails, scales and fins and make three deep cuts on each side. Sprinkle each indentation and entire surface of the fish with lemon juice and sprinkle with sea salt. After this, roll the trout in flour and fry on both sides until golden brown. At this time, grease the foil with vegetable oil and place in two rows any chopped vegetables of different colors: bright sweet peppers, eggplants, onions, zucchini, tomatoes. Salt the fruits and apply vegetable oil. Place the fried fish between the rows of vegetables, wrap tightly in foil and bake for 20-30 minutes at +200° C. After cooking, place the vegetables on a plate first, and then the pieces of fish, boned as much as possible.

Not easy paper

Some housewives who adhere to environmentally friendly cooking do not like plastic baking sleeves and aluminum foil. If you belong to this category, then parchment is your option. Any food is also perfectly baked in it. Only for this purpose it is better to use not simple thin paper (it leaks), but an assistant with a silicone coating that will not allow a single drop of valuable juice to pass through. The parchment paper can be folded into an open-top baking pan, or you can curl the edges of the sheets and secure them with a regular stapler, as chefs do. In general, professionals are very fond of unusual paper and believe that dishes in it turn out tastier, more tender and more natural than in foil or a sleeve. It is especially good to cook whole fish in this environmentally friendly device. However, meat or vegetables in a parchment “shirt” also work well.

Cook the leg of lamb in parchment. To do this, make punctures in the meat with a knife and stuff it with salt, chopped garlic and rosemary. Then generously coat the piece of lamb with mustard, salt and sprinkle with paprika. After this, place the meat on a sheet of parchment greased with oil, place large pieces of potatoes (or small whole ones) next to them, salt them and sprinkle with oil. Place sprigs of thyme or rosemary on top, cover with a second sheet of parchment, twist the ends and secure them with a stapler. The leg of lamb should be baked for at least an hour at +200° C.

Baking stars
Evelina Bledans
A year ago I discovered a baking sleeve and now I can’t imagine my life without it! I cook absolutely everything in cellophane: chicken with vegetables, any meat and fish. It is very comfortable. Because the pan remains clean and the juices inside the product are retained, which makes the dish very soft and tender. Now I even regret a little that I didn’t know about such a wonderful kitchen device before.
Dana Borisova
I have never used foil or a sleeve, but I know another great way to bake in an airtight “shell” - using coarse table salt. The best thing to eat in a salty “coat” is sea bream, which my daughter adores. The fish is made in an elementary way. Pour salt onto a baking sheet, place the peeled sea bream on top and cover it again with salt so that it surrounds the fish on all sides. After baking, the white “coat” must be removed, and the dish is ready!
Vera Brezhneva
In my opinion, in a sleeve and foil, dishes turn out lighter and healthier, because they are cooked in their own juices and without adding fat. At the same time, even the most difficult and dry meat comes out juicy and tasty. For example, try simply baking a chicken or turkey breast in the oven - you will end up with a dry and tough substance. And in the sleeve and foil they come out incomparably soft and tender. True, for taste and aroma it is better to bake them with vegetables and Provençal herbs.

Sometimes housewives, carried away by preparing an unusual dough for a confectionery product, forget about the baking process itself. I've run out of parchment paper, but I don't want to risk baking sweets without it. How to replace parchment paper when baking meringues, cookies, sponge cakes?

Parchment paper is specifically designed for baking. It does not allow grease and water to pass through and is highly durable. Food baked on parchment does not lose its taste and does not absorb foreign odors. Baked goods do not dry out or burn. For baking, only food parchment is used; it does not contain any impurities dangerous to humans.

Is it possible to replace such a useful household item? The answer is yes! Available means include:

  • writing paper,
  • tracing paper,
  • silicone molds and mats,
  • foil,
  • baking bags,
  • flour packaging.

Replace with writing paper

You can replace parchment paper with regular paper. This method is suitable for baking sponge cakes. For such a delicate dessert as meringue, it is better to use thick paper. The main thing is that there are no images on it, as the ink will remain on the dough and spoil the taste.

Before placing the dough on the paper, you need to generously grease it. Butter or margarine works best. To speed up the process, the oil is first ground to a creamy state. It is not advisable to melt the butter: this will only cause the paper to fall apart.

Tracing paper

Baked goods will not burn on tracing paper. It is used in the sewing industry to make patterns for clothes. It is similar to parchment both in appearance and in its properties. Before use, make sure the material is clean.

The difference is that the tracing paper was not pre-greased. You need to do this yourself, by analogy with writing paper. You can replace baking paper with tracing paper if the dough does not need much time to bake. Tracing paper does not have the same durability as its culinary competitor.

Silicone molds and mats

Silicone molds are available for sale. Molds are made in different sizes and purposes: for cupcakes, for cookies. They even sell silicone mats for bulky confectionery products. The advantage of silicone is that it can be reused many times. The material is suitable for any type of baking.

Advice! To remove the cookies from the molds without damaging them, first let them cool slightly, then pry the edges with a spatula, turn them over and tap the bottom.

Silicone-coated paper is a new invention that has captured the hearts of housewives. It is available in sheets and rolls. Each sheet can be used up to 8 times. This material requires minimal maintenance, and they will serve you for a long time and reliably.


In emergency situations, when there is nothing else left, foil will do. This material is very fragile, so you need to be very careful when transferring the dough to it. Foil tends to heat up, so you need to constantly monitor the temperature in the oven so that the products do not burn.

Miss Clean magazine recommends using foil for baking foods that release a lot of juice. Usually fish and vegetables are wrapped in it. Foil retains the juice and aroma of food. It is rarely used for baking cakes, cookies and other sweets.

Baking bag and flour packaging

Baking paper can be replaced with a regular baking bag. The bags have high resistance to hot temperatures. It is better to use packages as a last resort, when there are no other means at hand. The product will prevent baked goods from burning - this is its only benefit.

Have you noticed what the flour packaging is made of? Its properties are very similar to parchment. Often this is ordinary baking paper. Pour the flour into a separate container, lightly oil the packaging and start baking. Place the dough on the inside of the package to prevent the paint from imprinting on your pies.

No additional funds

Cookies made from not too capricious dough can be placed directly on a baking sheet without the use of special tools. Just grease it with butter or margarine.

Advice! Do not use this technique for products such as meringues or macarons; without paper they will definitely burn. But the method is convenient and economical for baking pies, casseroles, and biscuits.

You can reduce the risk of the confectionery product burning if you have semolina on hand. Just sprinkle it on an oiled baking sheet. Instead of cereal, breadcrumbs are suitable. As a last resort, take wheat flour. If you have dry bread or large crackers, you can grind them using a blender. You can bake it in a non-stick frying pan. It does not require special coatings; just grease the bottom and sides with butter.

What not to use, safety rules

It is unsafe to use the following raw materials for baked confectionery products:

  1. Newspapers. This is a very fragile type of paper, and also impregnated with ink. They will leave imprints on the baked goods and are unlikely to be beneficial to your body.
  2. Dry writing paper is not used. Be sure to grease the paper with oil before you put the dough on it and put it in the oven, otherwise you will end up not being able to separate the food from the paper.
  3. It is not advisable to use vegetable oil for lubrication. The product does not prevent products from burning, no matter how high quality it is. But the taste and aroma will definitely be spoiled.
  4. Polyethylene. Its composition differs from baking bags. At high temperatures the substance may melt. Not only will the dish be spoiled, but there is also a risk of damage to kitchen utensils and household appliances, as well as accidents.

Before cooking using improvised means, you need to test them. What if they fail the oven test? Simply place a piece of the item in a preheated oven and wait 15 minutes. If the item does not catch fire, curl up or smoke, then it is safe, and you can start creating culinary masterpieces. Before cooking, make sure your baking materials are intact and free of dirty stains and foreign odors.

The kitchen is a place for true creativity. If you show your imagination, you can easily create masterpieces using improvised means!

How to properly use parchment paper? You will find answers to this and other questions below in the article.

Confectioners began using parchment to make baked goods back in the last century. Such paper can be purchased at any hardware store, eco-goods store, grocery store, supermarket or market.

  • Almost every housewife has parchment, but many do not know what it is for, and often such paper is used for other purposes.
  • What is parchment? Where can I buy such paper? How to use it correctly to make baked goods tasty and healthy?
  • You can find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Parchment paper is sold in packages and is often called "baking paper." During the Soviet Union, food products were wrapped in such paper when sold in grocery stores. But what is parchment paper, and what is it used for?

  • For its production, porous paper is used - 100% cellulose.
  • During production, fiber is treated with a solution of a special prepared acid. Hydrolysis of cellulose occurs and parchment is obtained.
  • It is washed with water, dried, cut into strips and rolled.
  • The result is thick parchment paper that does not swell from moisture and withstands high temperatures well.

Parchment paper is very convenient to use when preparing various dishes. Previously, it was used only for baking confectionery products. Modern housewives use parchment for preparing various meat, fish, and mushroom dishes, as well as for baking dough products.

  • Place a piece of parchment paper on a baking sheet and place the baked goods on top. You can grease the paper with a small amount of vegetable oil or butter.
  • Bake the products as usual: temperature, time.
  • Thanks to the parchment layer, baked goods or other dishes will not burn. This makes the pan easy to clean after use.

Parchment is also used for packaging food products - convenient and economical. After all, such paper is inexpensive.

Important: You can bake on parchment paper without adding oil. This often helps when you need to prepare meals for proper nutrition.

How to buy parchment paper for baking and packaging on Aliexpress?

If parchment paper is needed for home baking, then housewives often go to supermarkets or the market to get it. If you need a lot of this material, for example, for the operation of a confectionery shop or an entire production, then such paper can be purchased at Aliexpress.

  • Here the price is several times lower than in the store, and if you order the product in large quantities, you can negotiate a good discount with the seller.
  • If you are not yet registered on the largest online trading platform, then here is how to do it correctly.
  • You can also register by viewing instructions in the video clips at the link.

How to buy parchment paper for baking and packaging at Aliexpress? Follow these steps:

After registration, go to the main page Aliexpress, and in the search bar enter the words: “ parchment baking" or " parchment paper". A page with the product will open in front of you. Select, click on the image icon or product name.

How to buy parchment for baking and packaging on Aliexpress?

How to buy parchment paper for baking on Aliexpress?

Important: You can also type a query in English in the search bar: “ parchment paper baking », « cheap paper baking" If you need paper for packaging, dial " paper baking" If a page with other products opens in front of you, then using the filter on the right, you can find what you need. Click the required active links and the site will redirect you to the appropriate pages.

How to buy parchment paper for baking and packaging on Aliexpress?

Parchment, like foil, has two sides. Housewives often don’t know which side is correct to place parchment paper on a baking sheet in the oven. The parchment is placed on a baking sheet with the glossy side up.

In Soviet times, only those housewives who had “blat” in the store could afford to use such paper. Others baked on ordinary notebook sheets, greased with vegetable oil, so that the products did not stick to the baking sheet.

Many manufacturers impregnate parchment paper with silicone. Therefore, it does not need to be greased with oil before baking. Whether there is impregnation or not is usually indicated on the packaging. If there is no such information, then to bake yeast dough it is better to grease the parchment with a small amount of vegetable oil. Shortbread dough lubricates the paper with the oil released during baking. When baking meat or fish, it is better to grease the parchment.

If you often use parchment for baking, then perhaps you have had cases when you ran out of this paper at the most inopportune moment. You just have to cook food on a baking sheet. The products burn, and the frying sheet is then difficult to clean. But is it possible to replace parchment paper with tracing paper, foil, Teflon, and silicone baking paper? A few nuances:

  • Tracing paper- this paper is perfect for baking in the oven, but its top layer, on which the products will be placed, must be greased with vegetable oil.
  • Foil for baking products, place the matte side on a baking sheet. The top shiny side should be greased with vegetable oil if you bake dough products. There is no need to do this when baking fish or meat.
  • Teflon paper allows you to bake products not only in the oven, but you can also fry dishes in a frying pan. If you are afraid that the product will burn during cooking, feel free to place Teflon paper on any frying surface. The dish will turn out appetizing and tasty.
  • Silicone paper- excellent material for baking. This paper does not come into contact with food and holds high temperatures well. Housewives often use regular silicone table mats for baking. They are much denser than paper - the baked goods will not burn, they will be rosy and beautiful.

For baking, you can even use ordinary office paper, but clean and oiled on both sides, as well as food parchment, from which paper bags and packaging on products in supermarkets are made.

A multicooker, like a microwave oven, is found in almost every home. We cook, fry and bake in it. But is it possible to put parchment paper in a multicooker to make the dish more juicy, and the “saucepan” itself can be easily and quickly cleaned? Yes, parchment is used for baking and frying various dishes: meat, fish, and dough products.

A good, high-quality non-stick frying pan is expensive, and frying with a lot of oil on cast iron or steel kitchen utensils is unhealthy. Therefore, women often wonder: is it possible to bake meat, chicken, fish, or fry cutlets on parchment paper?

As mentioned above, parchment is actively used by housewives for cooking meat, fish, chicken and mushrooms. In addition, you can fry cutlets on such paper, both in the oven and in a frying pan. To bake cutlets in the oven, parchment paper does not even need to be greased, and for frying in a frying pan you will need a few drops of vegetable oil.

Tip: If you still want the dish in parchment to turn out golden brown and slightly fried, then the inside of the paper must be greased with vegetable or butter.

If we use the oven for a long time, then we know all the nuances of how to bake or fry a dish so that it turns out golden brown and does not burn. But, if the oven is new, and you want to cook everything at once as tasty and beautiful as in the old oven, then you should use parchment.

But often housewives do not always turn out products perfectly with this paper. Why do baked goods, dough, meringues, pies, pizza, meat and fish stick to parchment baking paper?

  • This may happen because you are using parchment incorrectly. It should be placed on a roasting pan or frying pan with the glossy side up.
  • But if the dough is liquid, then it can stick, just like meat, fish or meringue. Therefore, it is better to use special impregnated parchment paper.
  • Its cost is a little higher than the usual one, but nothing will stick to it.

Important: If your oven has its own characteristics and bakes products so much that even soaked paper sticks, then use special Teflon or silicone paper or a mat.

If the parchment does stick to the finished product, how can you remove it from baking? Do not try to remove paper from a hot product - nothing will work. Wait for the baked goods to cool or place them on a damp towel. After such actions, the parchment should come away from the product well.

It happens that it is difficult to remove baking paper, and you have to serve the dish to the table with it. Naturally, it is not always possible to completely clean it while eating, so the question arises: what will happen if you eat parchment paper? Parchment is made from a natural material - cellulose or fiber. Once in our stomach, it only swells a little, but is easily digested. Therefore, there will be no harm from eating a small piece of parchment.

The nutritional properties of food cooked on parchment paper are preserved, and the taste becomes even better. If you tie the ends of the paper tightly, you will get a kind of bag with which you can even cook dishes in water.

Video: Choosing baking paper - Advice from Everything will be fine - Issue 403 - 06/04/2014 - Everything will be fine

It is difficult to find a person indifferent to confectionery products. Cakes, pastries, buns, aromatic pastries, which many associate with home comfort. Many housewives prepare dough products at home, but they often encounter the problem of burning. This issue is easy to resolve if you know how to use baking parchment. Confectioners began using special paper back in the last century; it has gained particular popularity in modern cooking.

What is parchment

Baking paper used to be a common item in grocery stores. They wrapped food in it, not knowing what valuable qualities it possessed. To make parchment, huge sheets of cellulose (porous paper) are used. During the production process, they are treated with solutions of special acids, resulting in hydrolysis.

The resulting parchment is washed in several waters, followed by drying. The finished paper is cut into smaller sheets, rolled and packaged. In this form, parchment paper goes on sale. Thanks to special processing, it is able to withstand high temperatures, in addition, it does not limp when wet.

Which side should you put on the baking sheet?

If you look closely at the baking paper, you will notice that its sides, like those of foil, differ from each other. Before using parchment for baking, you need to understand which side to lay it on the baking sheet.

It is necessary to lay the paper with the glossy side up, this will help distribute the temperature more evenly over the surface. Experienced housewives, before the widespread appearance of parchment, used ordinary notebook sheets, pre-treating them with vegetable oil.

To lubricate or not

Despite the popularity of baking paper in modern cooking, not everyone knows whether it needs to be greased with vegetable oil before putting it in the oven. The answer to this question can be found on the packaging of the parchment. Some manufacturers treat sheets of paper with silicone, indicating this fact in the product characteristics. In this case, no additional manipulations are required. The baked goods are placed on parchment and sent to the oven.

If there is no impregnation marking on the package, the sheet can be coated with butter or vegetable oil. However, if you are planning to bake shortcrust pastry, you should not do this. The fat released from the product as the temperature rises will ensure the processing of the parchment.

Butter buns

Fans of homemade baking often encounter such a nuisance as burning. In addition, products with filling often leave black fried marks on the baking sheet, which are quite difficult to wash off. If you know how to use parchment for baking buns, this problem can be easily avoided.

If you are planning to make buns at home, you should get some parchment paper. The sheet is spread on a dry and clean baking sheet, if necessary, the protruding edges are trimmed and greased with vegetable oil. The dough is placed on parchment and left to rise in a warm place.

If you need to quickly prepare baked goods and there is no way to buy special paper, it can be easily replaced.

  1. You can use tracing paper instead of parchment. It is often used when sewing or drawing. This paper is thinner but has similar quality to processed pulp. Having covered the baking sheet, it must be coated with oil or fat.
  2. Foil, also greased with oil, is often used as a substitute for parchment. However, you should carefully monitor the baking. Thin metallized paper can increase the temperature, thereby speeding up the cooking process.
  3. Recently, many housewives have been using silicone baking products. These are all kinds of rugs, cookies, cakes. Using them in the kitchen, you can do without parchment.
  4. Use the tools at hand to effectively replace baking paper. Notebook, landscape, oiled sheets, baking sleeve, treated with fat. Even a foil wrapper for butter can successfully replace popular paper.

To avoid troubles, you should not use newspapers, cardboard, plastic bags, or plain paper for baking without pre-oiling.

Cake layers

Parchment paper is very convenient to use when baking cake layers for various cakes. They often come in a wide variety of shapes and thicknesses. It happens that when baking a thick cake, the top quickly browns and begins to burn. The cake itself remains raw. In this case, a sheet of parchment paper is oiled and the surface of the dough is covered with it.

Using parchment for baking cakes, like any other product, is very simple. It is enough to adjust a sheet of paper to the size of the mold using a knife or scissors, grease it with vegetable oil if necessary and lay out the dough. It happens that after cooking, the parchment is firmly fried to the cake. To separate it, there are several ways:

  • wipe the slightly cooled paper with a damp cloth to soak it;
  • you can cut the leaf with a knife with a long, thin blade;
  • Place the mold with the hot cake on a damp cloth and hold for 10-15 minutes.

If the problem with paper recurs frequently, it is better to use a product from another company.

Homemade pie

Many people are often faced with the question of how to use parchment to bake a cake. The principle of operation of popular paper is the same as for any other confectionery products. Usually, instructions for use can be found directly on the parchment packaging.

The emergence of various household appliances has made it easier for many housewives to work in the kitchen. The multicooker has become a truly indispensable device. With its help it is very easy to prepare a wide variety of dishes, and some even bake homemade pies in it. Even then, you can use parchment paper. This will prevent the baked goods from burning, and it will be much easier to clean the pan later.

Baking in the oven

The introduction of parchment quickly became widespread due to its multifunctional use. With its help, you can not only prepare homemade pastries, you can also simply bake poultry, fish, and meat with it. Some housewives place a sheet of parchment on the frying pan while frying the cutlets. This reduces vegetable oil consumption and makes washing dishes easier.

Before using parchment, you need to adjust it according to the size of the baking dish. If necessary, it can be oiled with any cooking oil. It is important to remember that you need to lay the parchment with the glossy side up.

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