Singer Marina Zhuravleva - biography and personal life. Marina Zhuravleva - biography, personal life, photos, singer songs Daughter of Marina Zhuravleva

Name: Marina Zhuravleva

Age: 54 years old

Place of Birth: Khabarovsk

Activity: singer, composer

Family status: divorced

Marina Zhuravleva - biography

Marina Zhuravleva is a versatile creative personality. She herself composes songs and sings hits created in the Soviet Union and Russia. He is a laureate of the pop artist competition.

Childhood, singer’s family

Khabarovsk is Marina’s hometown. She was born into a military family. The mother was a housewife and raised her daughter, in every possible way supporting her desire to study music and singing. The biography of the aspiring performer began when her parents moved to the regional center of Voronezh. The girl was accepted into the Voronezh Palace of Pioneers as a soloist in the ensemble. Marina Anatolyevna graduated from music school, she studied piano.

A performance with the musical group “Fantasy” made the young soloist noticeable to the public, and soon the sixteen-year-old girl was invited to the Voronezh Philharmonic. There was a free place in the vocal-instrumental ensemble “Silver Strings”, and Marina agreed to become their soloist. Immediately after the final exams at school, a four-month tour began.


In Dnepropetrovsk, at the All-Union Competition of Young Performers, seventeen-year-old Marina Zhuravleva wrote a victory in one of the pages of her biography: she became a laureate. At the Soviet Song Competition, the accompanist for all participants was a pop symphony orchestra led by Yuri Silantiev. The jury included many famous musicians. The composer presided this time.

Returning to the city of her childhood, the girl set out to get a musical education. Vocal classes and learning to play the flute became her final choice. The girl could not finish school in Voronezh because she got married. After the birth of her child, she transferred to study in Moscow.

Career, songs

A new round in the singer’s biography began in the capital. She was invited to the jazz group Sovremennik. This orchestra worked under the direction of Anatoly Kroll. Continuing to work in the orchestra, the girl completed her studies at Gnesinka. A year later, he decides to leave his Moscow team. She takes part in recording sound for films, gives concerts, and writes poetry. She released her solo album, a year later her second album was released, and a year later a collection of her songs appeared. Her assistant during this period of creativity was Sergei Sarychev.

Diva Alla Pugacheva noticed the talented performer, and Marina was part of her theater for almost a year. The end of the eighties marked the peak of the singer's popularity. Everyone knew and sang her songs. What are her “White Bird Cherry” or “Scarlet Carnations” worth?! The performer's concerts were constantly sold out. Not paying attention to the resounding success in their native country, Sarychev and Zhuravleva go on an American tour.

During these tours, many pseudo-singers appeared in their homeland, posing as real performers. Zhuravleva's popularity in the nineties was great. She was offered a job in the states, and the singer remained abroad. Marina had to perform at restaurants, clubs and concert halls.

New direction

For the first time, the singer’s biography began to be supplemented with video works since 1998. Music videos appeared; artists led by Marta Mogilevskaya helped film the music video. Once the performer starred in an episode of the film “The Lawyer”. Seven years later, work in cinema resumed; she was invited to a small role in her favorite genre of films - detective. Marina Anatolyevna’s tours across all countries do not end; she still travels with concerts throughout Europe and Russia. In her albums, the singer includes only her best songs, written both at home and abroad.

Marina Zhuravleva - biography of personal life

Marina’s personal life is varied and full of surprises. An attractive girl with gorgeous golden hair, with the height and weight of a model, with a magnificent voice drove many men crazy. The performer changed her family life three times. Her first official life partner was a classmate with whom she studied at the Voronezh Music College. From this marriage a daughter, Julia, was born. The union was not destined to be strong, and the couple divorced. The second husband showed signs of attention and helped in his career. The singer is officially registered with Sergei Sarychev for the second time.

He was a successful rock musician of the Alpha group. This marriage was creatively successful, there were joint songs and tours, but the spouses did not have a strong personal relationship. Marina continued to live in America, where she met her third husband. An emigrant from Armenia, a resident of the United States, lived with Marina for almost 10 years. And the couple divorced again without finding mutual understanding.

In the States, Marina educated her daughter Yulia. After her daughter recovered from the disease and acquired the profession of a doctor, she continued to live and work in America. Marina brought her mother to America. After 18 years of living abroad, in 2010 Marina Zhuravleva came to Russia for the first time.

Marina Zhuravleva about herself.

At the end of 1961, at the railway station of the city of Khabarovsk, on one of the cold, blizzard, winter evenings, a train from the city of Orenburg arrived. A young, fragile woman named Lyubov came out onto the platform. She was met by her husband, a young officer, Anatoly Zhuravlev, who had just graduated from the Orenburg Rocket Military School and was sent to Khabarovsk for service.

In the summer of 1963, these two young, beautiful, people in love became my mom and dad. My dad gave me the name Marina, against my mom’s wishes. He allowed himself this, probably because I was very similar to him: blue eyes, dark curly hair. But by the age of one, so that my mother would not be offended, I changed my father’s hairstyle to my mother’s. I stayed with hair like this, straight and blond, for the rest of my life.

That same year, other changes awaited me and my parents. Dad was sent to serve in Ukraine in the city of Cherkassy. When I was six years old, fate, or rather my father’s service, threw our family from west to east, to Siberia, to the city of Irkutsk.

My most vivid memories of these seven years of my life: a frosty but sunny winter with ice skates and skis, wild rosemary and shaggy snowdrops, big as tulips, in the spring, a short, cool summer with a crazy amount of milk mushrooms, chanterelles and butterflies in impenetrable forests, icy even on the hottest days there is water in Lake Baikal, and a real, incredibly beautiful and sad crimson-golden autumn. Gloomy at first glance, but very kind and sympathetic people, friends from school and neighbors in a military town, parties of officer families on holidays with the singing of Russian songs, and mysterious New Year's evenings with real, like in a fairy tale, flakes of snow and the smells of a Christmas tree, oranges, apples and sweets that only came once a year.

One month a year, together with my parents, usually in the summer, we went on vacation, most often to visit my mother in our homeland, in the village of Cherny Otrog, Orenburg region. These impressions occupied a different and no less valuable place in my childhood consciousness. In a village that practically consisted of maybe only 4 streets, almost everyone was distant, but relatives. My grandfather Andrei Gavrilovich Ivanchenko was the head physician of the regional hospital. My grandmother Maria worked there as a nurse and midwife.

The warmest and most significant memories of my childhood are a village river, bird cherry trees in the forests, which made my mouth water, a patient cow that I learned to milk, the joyful dance of a gander in front of newly hatched goslings, still warm eggs that I took out when I stood up on tiptoe, this is the stove in which real bread was still baked, the girls knitting Orenburg shawls on the go, the village wedding of my dear uncle Misha, when the whole village walked for 4 days, low stars at night and then still singing, dressed up, walking after a hard work youth day.

It was then that I probably absorbed the real Russian spirit and romance of the Siberian city, the Ural village and the Black Sea south of Russia, where we also came, sometimes spending my parents’ holidays in Krasnodar, where my dad was from.

I don’t know exactly when and on which side of Russia, my dream was born slowly and grew with me - to become a singer. The stage, artistic life seemed to me something inaccessible, lofty, brilliant and fabulous. I myself didn’t understand then, didn’t notice that I had already begun to take steps towards this life. At first, of course, thanks to my parents, who sent me to a music school, where I studied piano. This was back in Irkutsk. And when we moved to Voronezh in 1977, I began singing in the school VIA - a vocal and instrumental ensemble.

At that time, recruitment was announced for the ensemble of the city palace of pioneers. There were many school VIAs, but there was only one in the city and the best were supposed to play in it. And naturally, after learning after the audition that it was me who was accepted, I was very proud. This was my first small victory.

Well, then everything turned out just fine. I took, of course, together with the ensemble and my director Vladimir Dmitrievich Sychev, first places in local television, city and regional competitions, there were awards - trips to Artek and Czechoslovakia. At the end of school age, I became a singer of the famous ensemble “Fantasy” in the city under the direction of Nikolai Dyatchin.

However, the greater my successes and achievements in amateur performances, the stronger my dream of getting on the professional stage became. And this dream has finally come true! And everything happened so quickly! Even before finishing my final exams at school, I received an invitation to work at the Philharmonic Society at the Silver Strings VIA. Immediately after the graduation party, at the age of 16, finding myself on my first professional tour in Sochi, I sat in a room at the Primorskaya Hotel and did not believe that I was me...

You get used to good things very quickly, successes make your head spin, it seems that you have everything, having talent. But thank God, I realized then that if the stage becomes a matter of life, serious musical education is necessary. After the first tour, which lasted four months, I returned to Voronezh with the firm intention of preparing and entering the Moscow Gnessin Music School. But it was not there...

They called me to the regional committee of the Komsomol (don’t be surprised, back then such organizations solved creative issues), they called me and said: “You will go from our black earth region to the All-Union Competition of Young Pop Song Performers in Dnepropetrovsk. You are the youngest of our professionals.” I was 17 years old then. On the one hand, I want to, but on the other, I’m missing the exams at Gnesinka. But I took a risk, went and... indeed, no matter what happens, everything is for the better. I became a laureate of the All-Union competition.

If this doesn’t mean anything to you, imagine the level: the chairman of the jury is Alexandra Pakhmutova, we are being filmed by Central Television, I am accompanied by the State Television and Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Yuri Silantiev, Well, and in the evening a jury member named Joseph Kobzon calls me in my room! And so, as easily as he asks an old friend, how are you doing, gives advice before the last round. In general, from all this, I was literally out of breath and my head was spinning from the abundance of masters.

My mother was told since childhood: your child is very reserved, he doesn’t show his emotions. And now, having watched the recording of my performance from the winners’ concert, I was amazed - no excitement, which I experienced more and more from tour to tour, no trembling in my knees, none of this is visible, I behave on stage as if I was born on it, with microphone and in front of the camera. I, of course, was very pleased with myself, although I understood: no matter how young, capable, and perhaps beautiful I was, a laureate’s diploma is just a loan, a ticket to the big stage.

Of course, I flew to Gnesinka for exams on time, but this loan and voucher opened the doors of the Voronezh Music College for me. I entered the pop department, and the instrumental one at that, and I had to not only sing, but also master some kind of instrument. And my teachers advised me to use an “easy” instrument—the flute. It is light, I must say, only in weight, but in terms of sound production it is far from light. During the first month, I lost consciousness more than once while I was trying to achieve a beautiful sound. The teacher turned out to be right when he said that my “device” was good, I quickly mastered the flute.

At the same time, in addition to studying, I managed to work at the Philharmonic Society, managed to get married and gave birth to a child. And then I felt that I stopped. It’s as if everything is going as it should: I’m studying, getting a diploma, working. But the big dream haunted me, and my intuition told me that I needed to move on.

And I went, or rather went, to the competition of pop departments throughout the country. It was held in Moscow, in the same Gnessinka. Maybe it was luck, maybe it was patience and work, but most likely all together this time finally transferred me from Voronezh to Moscow, the capital, the center of domestic show business. But again, not without the support and help of professionals, people who noticed and appreciated my talent. This time it was Anatoly Kroll and Yuri Saulsky.

So I got into the school I wanted. Gnesins, and now only in vocal class and with the excellent teacher Natalya Zinovievna Andrianova. From how many stars do I hear her name with respect and gratitude? How many people she has raised and is still raising! And we all love her and don’t forget her!

At the same time as Gnesinka, I joined the then main concert organization in the country - Rosconcert, the Sovremennik jazz orchestra conducted by Anatoly Kroll. These were interesting, eventful years when the dream became a reality. I recorded a lot on the radio, recorded music for films, and sometimes appeared on television. I went on tour throughout the then huge country, throughout all its republics, met, communicated and worked with many big and still rising stars of the Soviet Union.

They say the more you have, the more you want, and that’s always the case. May be. But My goals were not selfish. I never thought about big money, and that was the time then - we all worked at rates approved by the cultural department. For example, Sergei Sarychev, whom I met then, at the peak of his popularity, received only 8 rubles for a solo concert at a stadium or Sports Palace, where there were from 5 to 10 thousand seats. So, at that time, I can say with confidence, if they became artists, it was only because they were fanatics, musicians by vocation.

So, in 1987, I met, became acquainted and began working with such a fanatical person, musician, composer and singer Sergei Sarychev. At that time, he had already produced a lot of hits, gave solo concerts at the biggest venues and had a ton of fans. At the same time, he had no less a bunch of troubles from city authorities and the KGB for his songs “... mischievous reveler”, “Volchok”, “Storm”, “Tsunami” and others. It was he, Sarychev, with the creative pseudonym "Alpha", a member and creator of the now legendary group, who invited me to fully realize my dream: to record and perform songs that would be written especially for me, that is, the original.

The first album, “Kiss Me Only Once,” was released in 1989, the second, “Scarlet Carnations,” in ’90, and the third, “White Bird Cherry,” in ’91. The songs, especially from the second and third albums, “rolled” with terrible force. In 1990, my first solo concerts took place in Krasnoyarsk. Tickets to the 7,000-seat Sports Palace for 10 concerts were completely sold out.

This was the pinnacle of my dreams. She did not deceive me, she was not somewhere in the sky or on another planet, the dream was with me, in my hands, it was in the cry with which the stadiums greeted me, it was in a sea of ​​flowers, it was in the eyes and hearts my fans. The dream was with me all over the country: Krasnoyarsk, Kuibyshev, Omsk, Krasnodar, Rostov, Sochi, Voronezh, Izhevsk, Alma-Ata, Minsk, Pyatigorsk, Makhachkala, Nalchik, Grozny and many others.

And all this continued until the beginning of the cooperative period, the end of perestroika. In general, the peak of my popularity coincided with the beginning of this period. And at first, I, along with the entire group led by Sergei Sarychev, was happy about this. We could afford to buy equipment, improve the sound quality at concerts, and purchase studio equipment. After all, the only real studios were at the state giants Melodiya, Mosfilm and Central Television. We could even afford to do charity work.

But Freedom is a good thing, for good things. And at this time, and many remember this, the bad sometimes blossomed more magnificently than the good. For example, fraud: 6 Mirages and 7 Tender Mays traveled around the country. So the fake Marinas came after me. Once after a concert in the Rostov region in a hotel room, I was watching TV and heard in “MuzOboz”: “... Marina Zhuravleva did not have a concert in Vladivostok today, because during the first song the phonogram tape broke and people rushed to beat the equipment. .."

My director once called me in Voronezh, where I was vacationing then and said: “Marina, I caught a fake one in Krymsk (near Krasnodar). He went straight onto the stage and asked: “Who are you?”, she said: “Marina.” “What’s your last name?” She’s silent. She let her hair fall over her eyes.” Well, he told the whole stadium the truth into the microphone. He showed me a photo of him with me and my record. The people staged a pogrom there too...

The 90s were difficult, but still good. I don't want to remember the bad things. Everyone had to worry and survive... We worked then, as they called it, “from an apartment,” that is, on our own and for ourselves. Soviet-era concert organizations were abolished or simply went out of business, music cooperatives appeared, and a new expression in economics “to have a roof” appeared.

Under the dome of the Olympic Stadium, Sarychev and I also found our own “roof”, in the form of the Alla Pugacheva Theater, where we worked for a little over a year. And at the beginning of 1992, Sarychev and I were invited to go on tour to America. We flew to 20 concerts and left the car in the parking lot at Sheremetyevo. And it so happened that these tours dragged on for almost 20 years.

I never considered myself an emigrant. I composed and sang in Russia, and I do the same on the other side of the planet. I traveled many times with concerts to Germany and American cities. She released four more albums. Inspiration also comes from the sight of the ocean, palm trees and the Californian sun. So as of today, 2010, I have 7 albums so far.

What else can I tell you about myself?

I am very careful towards journalists and television crews.

And the rare communication with them that we had left little good.

To those who remember and love me! Don't believe stupid stories about me. I'm fine! And it will be even better!

I love my loved ones, I love music, books, travel, animals (especially dogs). I write new songs and sing. In general, I love life and believe that dreams come true! I wish the same for you, my dears.

Your Marina Zhuravleva

Marina Zhuravleva, song “I have a wound in my heart”, video

The popular Soviet and Russian singer, author and performer of songs Marina Zhuravleva (full name – Zhuravleva Marina Anatolyevna) was born in the city of Khabarovsk. The date of birth of singer Marina Zhuravleva is July 8, 1963 (07/08/1963). Marina Zhuravleva’s father is a military man.

Marina Zhuravleva became interested in music and vocals from early childhood. She studied piano at the Voronezh music school. Marina and her parents moved to this city when the girl was fourteen years old. Marina was a soloist in the school ensemble and in the ensemble of the local palace of pioneers. Together with these groups, Marina Zhuravleva often took first place in city and regional music competitions.
Marina Zhuravleva becomes the soloist of the group "Fantasy", which included amateur musicians.

In 1986, Marina Zhuravleva successfully graduated from the famous Gnessin Music College, where she studied vocals.

From 1978 to 1983, Marina Zhuravleva sang in the Silver Strings group, and from 1984 to 1987 in the Sovremennik jazz orchestra.

Marina Zhuravleva's first music album did not find a response in the hearts of music fans of that time. After much deliberation, the musicians decided to play simple, if not primitive, music created using computer technology. What to do, young musicians had to somehow survive in the harsh post-perestroika time of initial capital accumulation. Here Marina Zhuravlyova was waiting for success, everyone knew her songs. However, music critics wrote unflattering reviews about Marina Zhuravleva’s work, accusing the young artist of bad taste, vulgarity and “pop.” But it’s a strange thing - after more than twenty years, many music fans remember the songs of Marina Zhuravleva, but who can remember the name of at least one of her critics? Indeed, everything is tested by time.
In the early nineties of the last century, Marina Zhuravleva performed a lot on tour in Russia, near and far abroad.

In 1992, Marina Zhuravleva and her husband, Sergei Sarychev, leader of the Alfa music group, left to live and work in the USA. Marina tried herself in various musical styles and directions, but success no longer came to her. Four years ago, in 2010, Marina Zhuravleva returned to her homeland, Russia.

In 2013, Marina Zhuravleva’s music album “Birds of Migratory” was released.
Marina Zhuravleva has a daughter, Yulia.

Singer Marina Zhuravleva... In the 90s of the last century she was super popular in Russia. And then suddenly she ended up in the USA, where she stayed for many years. True, she did not change her profession, did not become a housewife, but continued to be creative. In the last couple of years, the singer has been a frequent guest in Russia. Both her former fans and new viewers come to her concerts, and she sings not only her old hits, but also completely new songs.

Marina Zhuravleva agreed to answer questions from Star Magazine.

Marina, how did you live after you left Russia?

She left to leave, but it was as if she never left her homeland. Because all these twenty years I constantly communicated with my compatriots and sang for them. There are a lot of Russian and Russian-speaking people in America in general. There are many who remember me from Russia, when I was popular here. I haven’t sat and don’t sit without work. And by the way, it’s been two years since I started coming to Russia and I’m performing here. However, not only in Russia, but also in general on the territory of the former USSR. With solo concerts and at “reserves”. I barely have time to travel from one city to another. For example, I arrived only two days ago, and during this time I had three concerts - in Moscow, Minsk and Novosibirsk. And tomorrow morning back home to Los Angeles.

So, your home is now there, in sunny California?

“It just happened,” Marina Zhuravleva smiled. - I went on tour once, and stayed there for a long time. My business trip lasted 20 years.

Tell us how this happened? And why did you decide to leave? After all, back then, in the 1990s, this was the peak of your popularity. From all the speakers came “Oh, white bird cherry” or “I have a wound in my heart.” What were you missing?

Security. Those years, you know, were what they were like. The peak of my popularity in Russia coincided with the peak of crime. If you remember what was going on then, you will agree: human life was worth little. And my child was growing up. And I myself wanted to live in peace.

But here a quiet life was too much of a luxury for me: every now and then I became the object of attacks from all sorts of aggressive individuals. Someone was constantly pestering me. Some wanted money, others wanted communication and attention. And the walls did not stop them. For example, during a concert, razor-tempered fans could break into my dressing room and almost at gunpoint force me to listen to explanations of “high feelings.” And how many “marina cranes” cruised around the cities and villages of our homeland, giving concerts to my soundtrack and actually setting me up. In general, the instinct of self-preservation pushed me to this departure.

Although, to be honest, I did not consider this as emigration or escape. It’s just that when my husband and composer Sergei Sarychev, during a tour, and I were offered to stay and work in the States, it didn’t take much time to think about it. Excellent climate, friendly surroundings and, to be honest, very favorable financial conditions. In general, we agreed and I have never regretted it.

Who did you work with there?

Misha Shufutinsky was one of the first to invite me. He was preparing a large program for a famous Russian restaurant in Los Angeles. There was a variety show and song numbers. I started singing there, and not only there. There is enough work for a Russian-speaking singer in America, believe me.

Which of our people did you communicate with then?

At that time, Sasha Marshal with his “Gorky Park”, Zhanna Aguzarova, Yuri Chernavsky lived and worked there. In fact, we communicated with them. Marshall and his guys were doing well, they were traveling around the States, they were popular, but then something happened, I think their manager died. After this, they began to have difficulties and had to return home. Zhanna also later left for Russia.

Were you close friends with her there? How do you like her as a person?

She's unusual. When we were first introduced to her, I was a little surprised by her somewhat, let’s say, defiant behavior. Well, imagine, we all, compatriots, that is, fellow countrymen, met and sat together in a restaurant. And we all know who we are, what and where we come from. And Zhanna suddenly begins to act like a foreigner: black glasses that cover half of her face, and, it seems, she doesn’t speak Russian. At the time I was a little shocked by this behavior. And Sarychev says to her: “Jean, that’s enough, everyone here is our own.” I must say, she quickly returned to earth, began to behave normally, and turned out to be such a nice person. Then we talked more than once, and I understood how vulnerable and sensitive a girl she was, and her shocking image was nothing more than a shield against a cruel environment. This often happens to gifted creative people.

At one time, Zhanna refused to support Alla Pugacheva, which is why, in fact, she left. You also worked at Alla Borisovna’s theater. Did any conflict with the prima donna contribute to your departure?

No, fortunately. Yes, I almost didn’t even depend on her, I simply performed under the “roof” of her theater. Although she was already quite popular then. And the theater gave additional confidence, protected from some purely organizational problems. In any case, I was treated equally.

-That is, Alla Pugacheva had no influence on your life and career?

She couldn't influence it. I came to her as a ready-made artist. All I had time to do was travel around the country with concerts. I’ve almost never been to Moscow.

What about personal communication with the prima? What impression did she make on you?

We didn't communicate often. Once, however, when Sergei and I had just registered for the theater with her, we had a chance to communicate closely with Alla Borisovna. We sat at her house for six hours, discussing creative plans. That's when I got to know her better. Well, she is an extraordinary, complex person. Of course, she holds herself high, but she really is in high positions, so it’s natural. But, in general, nothing human is alien to her. For example, she complained that her daughter did not want to become a singer. Christina was only dancing then... But, you see, her mother still managed to convince her. Now she sings.

So, it means that your creative plans, which you discussed with Alla Borisovna, were never destined to come true?

We only worked for her for a year, then that same tour happened, after which we did not return. As for the plans, well, how can I say... Then we talked to her about a lot of things, in particular, Sergei Sarychev offered her his idea, which was later embodied in the “Star Factory” project. He said that it was necessary to gather talented youth and prepare them for the stage. He imagined all this and described it exactly as it happened later. I’m not saying that Pugacheva stole this idea from him. Surely, someone would have guessed this already.

Who wrote your songs?

I wrote and write all the words myself. And Sergei wrote the music.

Why didn’t you fight for a place “under the sun” and look for fashionable composers? You had great potential...

Other composers offered me collaboration. For example, Maxim Dunaevsky offered me something. At one time I sang a song by Anatoly Kroll. Well, so... Fate didn’t bring it together, and I didn’t specifically look for such solutions. I composed it myself. And then she left.

Marina, everyone remembers your sparkling video “I have a wound in my heart.” Do you communicate with the guys who starred in it with you?

No, unfortunately, I don’t know how they live now. These were the guys from Imart-Video, from Marta Mogilevskaya’s team. We only shot one video with them. On the second, some problems started and filming did not take place. Since then, our contacts with them have been severed.

If it’s not a secret, how was your personal life? Are you still with Sarychev?

Sergei and I divorced, although we remained friends. I married again, to an emigrant originally from Armenia. She lived with him for ten years and also divorced. My daughter is already thirty years old, she is a health worker, an ultrasound specialist. She is highly valued at the clinic and hospital where she works.

What have you achieved creatively during your emigration?

She wrote many songs and released four discs. Made new friends. But most importantly, she did not lose touch with her homeland.

Do you think you have realized your creative potential?

In any case, I have enough work. I perform in clubs and receive orders for private parties. All this time I went to concerts in Germany, Canada and Israel, and now also in Russia. The most important thing is that I’m finishing recording my new album.

Where and when can I listen to you in Moscow?

Now I'm testing out my new program at concerts around Russia. New, as yet unknown songs are often better received than old hits. Thus, I am preparing a solo concert for Moscow, with which I hope to “consolidate” my return to the Russian stage.

Marina Zhuravleva - known as singer and author of many hits. Was born July 8, 1963 in Khabarovsk.

She began her professional career quite a long time ago and managed to record several hits, which provided her with a comfortable old age.


Marina was born in a typical military family, who was forced to constantly move. From a very early age, she showed good vocal abilities and had a rare ear for music. The parents did not interfere with their daughter’s development and encouraged her hobbies in every possible way.

Despite frequent moves, Marina regularly studied singing and playing the piano with different teachers. She was often among the best prize-winners in children's international competitions, and also became a soloist in the choir of the Palace of Pioneers.

In 1976 she graduated from high school in Voronezh. Having joined the group “Fantasers” as a soloist, she risked not going further to study. Despite the difficult time and the desire to become successful, she still entered a higher educational institution. While studying at the school, Marina performed vocals at small concerts. In 1978 she became the lead singer of the group "Silver Strings"

Thanks to her studies and good grades, she was able to pass the casting and performed at the All-Union Competition for Young Singers. Together with the symphony orchestra under the patronage Yuri Silantiev, Marina took first place. This victory turned out to be fateful in the girl’s life.

After some time, she was able to leave for Moscow and transfer to the Moscow Gnessin Music Institute. Worked while studying in the Sovremennik orchestra under the leadership of Anatoly Kroll. She graduated from her studies in 1986 with a vocal specialty.

After graduation, she began to be invited to programs on central television channels. And in 1989 she released her first album entitled "Kiss Me Once". Despite the deep meaning and good music, the project failed.

At the end of the year she managed to meet Sergei Sarychev, who offered the girl his patronage. He began to produce Marina and correct her image. They eventually started dating and soon got married.

Already being spouses, they decided to focus on pop music. The lyrics, previously filled with deep meaning, were shortened, the music became energetic and more electronic. This complete change in style and image made her the most popular singer of that time. Marina managed to gather audiences of millions and became the idol of many girls.

Marina opened the way to show business for many girls, as she became the founder of such groups as “Factory”, “Brilliant” and many other pop groups who were able to grab luck by the tail after Marina’s departure.

In 1990, she went on a world tour with new hits. She was able to conquer: Germany, Canada, Bulgaria and the USA. Hits such as: "White bird cherry"“There is a wound in the heart” - they sounded from every passing car. Ultimately, in 1992, she and her husband migrated to the United States.

Until 2010, nothing was heard about Zhuravleva, however, as it became known, she gave quite a lot of private concerts and was very busy with creativity. In 2013, she released a new album, “Birds of Migratory.”

Marina's personal life

Marina’s personal life is not shrouded in mystery, and she herself is ready to talk about it. Zhuravleva was married three times. She studied with her first husband in Voronezh, and even gave birth to a daughter from him, despite her young age.

With her second husband Sergei Sarychev, they worked on changing her image at the very beginning of her career, lived married for 20 years. After the divorce they remained best friends. Marina met her third husband in America, after living with him for 10 years, she was forced to leave him.

The daughter from her first marriage is named Yulia. The girl decided not to follow in her mother’s footsteps and entered the university to become a doctor. Despite a brain tumor and long treatment, she was able to graduate with honors. Now he works as an ultrasound specialist in America.

Marina Zhuravleva brought her mother to America. So that she has the opportunity to see her more often.

In one of the interviews, Marina talked about the reasons for moving to America. Due to her great popularity and envy, attempts were often made on her life. Now she is a US citizen. She was able to obtain citizenship after her marriage to her third husband. Marina has stated many times that she does not regret leaving. This extreme measure was able to save her dignity and career.

Now Zhuravleva continues to give concerts in the former CIS countries, Europe and America. She doesn’t think about moving back to Russia; she has nothing left here. She moved her mother several years ago to America to look after her. She believes that she owes her success to her second husband Sergei.

Their joint work made her a successful singer, and he was able to reveal his production potential.

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