We are writing an essay on the topic “funny incident.” Stories from life An interesting episode from my life essay

Funny incidents often happen, especially among schoolchildren. The most important thing is to be able to beautifully talk about an event by writing an essay on the topic “A funny incident.” In order for a son or daughter to be able to describe the plot beautifully and competently, they will need the help of mom and dad.

How to make an essay plan

To make it easier for your child to write the assignment, you should prepare a plan. This will help you write an essay on the topic “A funny incident from life” in the correct sequence. You can take the following plan as an example:

  • At what time of year, in what area did the funny incident happen?
  • Who was present at the moment when an interesting plot happened.
  • What was the reaction of others to the situation?
  • What exactly do you remember about this funny incident?

Such a detailed plan will help the child complete the task in detail and in detail. Such an essay on the topic “Funny Incident” will certainly please the teacher. Thoughts presented in the correct order will certainly be appreciated.

Short essay on the topic “Funny incident”

Stories that make you laugh heartily may not always be long. A short essay on the topic “A funny incident” may well take place. The following ideas can be taken as an example.

“One summer, I was at home with my friend. We got a little bored and decided to come up with something to do. Edik and I found gouache and balloons in the nightstand. We didn’t have any malicious intent, we just wanted to decorate the bushes that grew under his balcony. To do this, we filled the balls with some water, then poured paint into them and began throwing our products through the balcony window.Edik lives on the eighth floor, so it was difficult to calculate the trajectory.

When we heard someone open the front door, we immediately left the balcony. When we went out into the corridor, we almost fell from surprise. Edik’s mother stood on the threshold, covered in red paint. Oh, and we felt ashamed. But thank God his mother had a sense of humor. When she saw balls filled with a strange liquid in the room, she immediately understood where the legs were coming from.

She did not scold us, but told us that we should play such games on the street, and not on the balcony. Then we all laughed heartily, every time we remember this day."

Your teacher will definitely like this essay on the topic “Funny Incident.” After all, the most fun situations that happen to a person will be described colorfully, vividly and with emotions.

An extended essay on the topic “A funny incident from life”

There are also situations when you need to take a long time to get to the funniest moment. In this case, you can describe the plot in more detail. You can take this idea as an example.

"In August we moved to a new apartment. Of course, we took our favorite pets with us: the rat Lariska and the parrot Gosha. Gosha lived in a cage on the balcony because he constantly chirped. And Lariska lived in the bottom nightstand of my closet. Our rat She was very well-fed, so there was simply no point in keeping her in a cage, she was cramped there.

One day a neighbor came to visit us to get acquainted. Her name was like our rat - Larisa. The long acquaintance and tea party lasted until the evening. Everything was calm, and during our communication, none of the animals made a sound.

And then sounds began to be heard from the balcony. “Lariska, come to me. Lariska, why did you go into the closet? Lariska, don’t touch my food.” In general, it lasted quite a long time. The neighbor was shocked and could not understand why and who was contacting her. But when a rat appeared near her table, there was so much screaming that probably all the neighbors of our multi-story building heard it.

When we explained to our neighbor who was speaking on the balcony and that Lariska was our rat, silence began to reign for a minute. And then we burst into laughter so much that we couldn’t calm down for a very long time. Until now, when we meet a neighbor, we involuntarily start laughing.

This is how our pets brought Larisa Petrovna and I even closer together. I will remember this situation forever, it’s not so fun every time.”

Such an essay will amuse your classmates and give a charge of good emotions to the teacher. Therefore, it is worth taking this story into account.

The most important thing in writing is sincerity. Therefore, real stories will always be funny and deserve high praise.

Everyone has stories that can be told in a noisy group to raise the temperature of the party. It may or, conversely, be something that is embarrassing to share. And sometimes events happen that cannot be explained, and you involuntarily begin to believe in the supernatural.

And God grant that there be fewer of the latter, and that successful moments “shoot” more often. Strangely, funny incidents from life are rare, and more and more disappointments are remembered. But memory protects us and wisely brings us at the right moment, not giving us in an unjust world. Here are a few incidents that will reveal the idea.

Let's omit names, dates and hide the location. Let's say that it was autumn in a large city. Well, a man got drunk - it doesn't happen to anyone. Holidays, good mood and affordable alcohol - no one is immune. As usual, accompanied by a drinking companion whom he recognized an hour ago, but is already ready to give his life for, our hero decided to go in search of affordable love in a nightclub.

It is not their status to walk on foot for such handsome men, and it was decided to catch the “cucumber”. Here a new comrade helped out, pointing to a parked car with the words “we’ll get there in a jiffy.” Friends sat down with a beer in the back seat, not embarrassed by the absence of a driver. But the driver was not easy. The local “lads” were collecting “tribute” at a small market and, out of habit, left their car nearby.

So raked, so raked

How surprised and delighted the “brothers” who looked like two barrels were when they heard the drunken “chef, two counters.” The fight was short-lived. Our hero hid in the bushes without a hat, and his new best friend migrated to the trunk. It’s funny to you, but when a person couldn’t find a friend anymore. This interesting real-life incident changed his life, giving him caution when choosing a taxi and a healthy liver. This is the lesson...

How many horror films began with the words “schoolchildren are going camping?” But here an analogy with a genre that combines comedy with mysticism is more suitable. Firstly, there were many strange warnings, as if a higher power was against letting teenagers into the forest. Forgotten telephones and an intractable salesman in the wine and vodka department got in the way. But nevertheless, the children escaped into nature, seizing tents and hiding the treasured bottle under their jackets.

The first evening went well. Young people warmed themselves by the fire, told horror stories and secretly ran into the bushes to sip some alcohol, so that the adults would not see through. The morning was slightly darkened by a hangover, but it was necessary to carry out recreational activities. Here an old, shabby grandfather’s vessel appears on the scene; even on the shore it did not inspire confidence.

But there is no one braver than a guy with a hangover, and fishing with a sore head is, in general, a tradition. And here’s an interesting real-life incident that could have ended badly: the old tarpaulin tore, and the guys began to drown in the middle of a huge lake. And the class teacher would have been in trouble if one of the unfortunate fishermen had not turned out to be a master of sports in swimming. He pulled out a friend. Without boots, pants or iPod, but he pulled it out. And the mysticism is that the previous evening the story about the drowned people living in this reservoir was a particular success. How can one not think about the revenge of the irritated dead?

Superstitious drug addict

One day a representative of the social bottom decided to buy some medicine for depression. I knocked down a ruble at the station and went. First he drove past the police parade. Then I met a traffic police car with the gloomy license plate "N 666 ET". And to top it off, a dirty, mangy cat struck a blow to the confidence of the superstitious drug addict.

And he wanted to turn back, give up and become a full-fledged citizen. However, the legs themselves were brought to the address, and we can say that the person was not to blame. These are all the damned shoes - they are to blame for his addiction. But we digress. How surprised the devout “Shirik” was when the treasured door was opened by a man in a mask. Strong hands jerked him into the apartment and threw him against the wall, against which a dozen of the same losers were already standing. Then there was a bullpen, several days and a tasty black eye. This sad and at the same time funny incident from life struck a drug addict. And instead of giving up, on the way to the point, he began to listen more carefully to the signs from above.

There is no morality - no one is to blame for the fact that people find themselves in drug captivity, and there are no signs that will help them quit or warn that the abyss is close. You can only fight unsuccessfully and wait for your raid.

The trick is that you have to live

All comes with experience. You won't be able to tell your friends an interesting story from your life if the world is limited to home and work. By sitting in an apartment and communicating only with ficus, a person deprives himself of happy ups, bitter disappointments and dangerous adventures. Nietzsche said that existence can be called complete when its sign is different from zero. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a plus or a minus, whether days pass in grief or in happiness - we live when we feel.

Who among us has not encountered comic situations in our lives? There probably aren't any. Starting from childhood, a person one way or another becomes the hero of funny, and sometimes simply hilarious, stories. Some funny incidents from life go among the people and turn into jokes. Others become excellent material for satirists. But there are some that remain forever in the home archive and are very popular during gatherings with family or friends. We will talk about them today.

Kids are born comedians; they can make adults laugh without making any effort, and every family has a lot of funny incidents related to children.

The parental position “you will always remain a child for us” is known to many. Therefore, when a baby appears in a young family, grandparents take an active part in his upbringing, thanks to them we know funny and instructive incidents from life. It seems to them that young parents are not able to take care of their child on their own, especially when it comes to his safety. Electricity, as we know, poses a serious threat, but you never know, maybe a two-year-old child might become interested in an outlet. Therefore, the responsible grandfather purchased plugs for all outlets in the house and honestly closed the source of danger. When the young father returned from work in the evening, the grandfather began to explain his position to him in detail and showed him the result of his work. At this time, the child was playing peacefully with toys, and did not seem to pay attention to the conversation of the adults. The enchanting result of the moralizing speech was a handful of plugs collected by the kid from all the sockets. After all, you need security, did I understand correctly?

For the sake of a nice word, they won’t spare their father

Parents eagerly wait for the baby to say the first word, but at some point there are more words, and they form a speech, which often puts adults in a position, frankly speaking, uncomfortable, adding to the family catalog of “Funny and awkward incidents in life.” .

A young couple with their four-year-old daughter went to a Sunday performance at the circus. It was decided to get there by public transport, which turned out to be overcrowded. A kind grandmother, sitting in the first seat of the trolleybus, offered to take the child in her arms and, as usual, started a conversation with the girl. I must say, the girl was sociable, and recently, while walking with her grandmother, she heard a new and beautiful word “alcoholic”. Until today, there was no opportunity to insert a beautiful word into her story, and then fate presented the girl with a gift in the form of such a grateful listener. The grandmother received a standard set of questions:

"What's your name? What about your mom? And your dad? What's your mom's job? And your dad's?"

And away we go. Since it was the height of honor for a child to work in her preschool, the girl, who was proud of her father, shamelessly showed her imagination and said that he works in the “True Friends” kindergarten.

"And by whom?" - asked the grandmother, and now it has come, the long-awaited moment.

"Alcoholic!" - the girl answered proudly. There was no point in making excuses; there was homeric laughter inside the trolleybus, and the clowns in the circus were unable to amuse the young parents more than their daughter.

Who, if not a school teacher, can tell a huge number of funny stories from the repertoire of their students? One respectable teacher once told an old funny story that her students and graduates love to this day.

After finishing a literature lesson in her senior year, the teacher decided to sit down at the table and write down the topic of the lesson in a journal. While leaving the classroom, one of the students accidentally touched a chair with his foot, and it moved; at the same time with this movement, the teacher sat down past the chair and found herself on the floor. The children who were still in the class froze in horror, waiting for the reaction of the strict teacher, but the teacher laughed and said: “That’s how I landed, softer than Gagarin.”

First graders

Another teacher recalled how she once attended an open lesson in first grade with other teachers. An excited young teacher addressed the class with the words: “The guys in our lesson today are wild animals.” The kids turned together towards the commission.

Another funny incident from school life was told by a primary school teacher. One day she was teaching an art lesson, and the kids’ task was to draw vegetables. Little Misha thought about the drawing, wondering what color to paint the cucumber. The teacher noticed the kid’s confusion and asked: “Well, why are you confused, what color is the cucumber?” To which Misha immediately replied: “Don’t you know?”

Humor is useful everywhere

Funny incidents from the real life of a work team are always fun to remember. It's no secret that people often spend most of their time at work, and if you're lucky with your colleagues, this time can be not only useful, but also enjoyable. In a team, as a rule, there is a joker who can turn any situation into a joke. This is the kind of humorist we will talk about. Of course, it is difficult to list all the funny things associated with him, but there were cases from life that were funny to the point of tears.

From time to time, the management of the company where our comedian worked began to fight for savings. This time the all-seeing eye turned its gaze to the excessive costs of printing paper. Therefore, each department received it separately and against signature. The photocopier, which the entire company used, was located in and, as always happens when you need to urgently make some copies, the employees ran to the supply office and discovered that they had not taken the paper, so they turned to the supply staff with a request. But when the latter experienced overspending, the shop closed. And then one day, a very active marketer, out of breath, ran to take the treasured copy of an urgent document, but there was no paper, then she turned to her colleagues with a fiery speech: “Guys, we are doing one common thing!” And our comedian was immediately found: “Yes, we are doing one common thing, but each with his own paper!”

Metaphorically speaking

Perhaps the funniest incidents in the life of the team occurred when the company’s management conceived of yet another innovation and invited specialists of the highest level to teach their careless staff in overseas wisdom. During one of the very necessary trainings, the team was faced with the task of overcoming shyness in front of management and behaving with the bosses on an equal basis, as with old comrades. It was necessary to describe in an accessible form the role of the manager and employees in the work process. One of the zealous managers volunteered to express his vision, so to speak, metaphorically. The essence of the speech was that the whole company is a hive, the employees are worker bees, and the director is the queen bee. When the training ended and the management left, our comedian enthusiastically exclaimed to his colleague (a bee lover):

Well done, you said such a speech.

Did you really like it? - he modestly looked down.

Why, it would be so bold to call the director a female genital organ in front of everyone!

All roads lead to Rome

Funny incidents from the real life of travelers are always interesting, because our people are not afraid of difficulties, and they feel at home everywhere.

The trip to Italy of a cheerful company was remembered not only for the centuries-old sights of this country. The journey began on February 23, so upon arrival, the first thing the tired but happy friends did was raise their glasses “For the Defenders of the Fatherland.” The evening dragged on until late at night, and part of the company went to bed; two members of the team, inspired by what they had drunk, decided that they had not come here to sleep. Taking the map with them, they went to explore the local attractions. Night Rome and conversations about the eternal led our researchers to the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore. Admired by the shrine, illuminated by moonlight, they went for the beauty and decided that the night Colosseum was not enough for them to complete the experience. But it turned out that for some reason the map indicated incorrect information. It was decided to act the old fashioned way, namely, to take the “tongue” and interrogate where this same Colosseum had gone. The city did not indulge in passers-by at night, and besides, the only person who more or less knew English was sleeping peacefully in the rented apartment.


Finally, those yearning to touch eternity came across an Italian who was passing by the wanderers. For some unknown reason, he decided to stop, and our people had a chance to see the pride of Rome. From a set of phrases of foreign languages, once studied at school, the native guessed that people needed to go to the Colosseum, and for a pack of cigarettes he agreed to deliver them there. Along the way, the passengers and the driver learned to understand each other and even got to know each other; it turns out that the savior’s name was Sanye. The night was beautiful, amazing, the ancient giant amazed with its beauty, and it was simply necessary to honor the memory and remember the builders, gladiators, and everyone in general. Dawn began to break, it was time to return home, but the map still did not help. After questioning a couple of frightened dog walkers along the way, lovers of night excursions were still able to get home. After sleeping for several hours, he and the rest of the team set off to absorb the information and admire the antiquities along the planned route.

All roads lead to Rome II

Having gained enough impressions, the whole company decided to consolidate the learned material. They fixed it with strong drinks. The travelers' story inspired another member of the company, and now the three of them set off on a night outing. Despite the fact that during the day they all visited the Colosseum together, at night the road and the map again allowed the sufferers to contemplate antiquity in the light of the moon. The experienced ones had a plan.

Colosseum II

A few stops at the fountains to freshen up and enjoy the beauty, a couple of patient locals, and here it is - the Colosseum in all its glory. Having admired the long-suffering antiquity from the heart, hugged it and drank, cried and confessed their eternal love, connoisseurs of beauty decided that they were tired, so it was time to go home.

The map and roads of Rome failed again, and passersby stopped coming across us. Only the carabinieri stopped; their similar tourists and life incidents are funny and not very long ago ceased to amaze. Having asked if everything was fine and hearing the answer “great and mighty,” the law enforcement officers smiled, waved their hands in a friendly manner, and were off. The travelers had no choice but to trust the instincts of the guide of one of the expedition members. The path was long and confusing, and suddenly the unfortunates heard a familiar voice. It was Sanye who called his night friends. He met them again in his car.

At least remember the address

Delighted by the meeting, the friends explained to Sanya in a language already familiar to him that they had gone again to admire the Colosseum at night, but with a new participant. A polite Italian offered help to a group of friends and said that he would give them a ride to the house completely free of charge. But then it turned out that none of those present knew the address, and after saying goodbye to their new comrade, the group moved on to follow their guide. Having arrived home in the morning, the tired and impressed comrades fell asleep, and in the morning they called home and told about their incredible adventures in Italy.

There have been many different interesting incidents in my life, but I want to tell you about how one day a small black and white kitten made me and my uncle laugh a lot. We often remember that incident and laugh, although Uncle Marquis’s cat has long become a serious and intelligent adult cat.

One day my uncle took me on a long trip to show me his new country house. We were traveling by car, so we arrived quite quickly. Along the way, next to the road, we noticed a small black and white lump. It turned out to be a small kitten, pressed against a lamppost and shaking violently, either from fear or from the cold. Uncle decided to take it for himself. On the way, we bought food for the baby and gave him something to drink. When we drove up to the house, he was already playing with the pendant that hung in the car.

The kitten happily ran around the house and got in the way. And when we entered the room where a huge mirror had already been installed, we noticed that the kitten had disappeared somewhere. Literally a minute later we found him - he himself came out of the box with building material in the hope of “defeating” the beast he saw in the mirror. His fur stood on end and he was seriously scared. He rushed at the mirror like a wild animal, but it looked incredibly funny and amusing. Then the kitten looked behind the mirror and began to realize that he was not in danger. This is how my acquaintance with my uncle’s country house and the kitten’s acquaintance with the mirror went.

We will never forget this incident. From that moment on, I fell madly in love with cats and begged my mother to get a kitten. Within a week, we also had a small kitten at home, which we adopted from a homeless animal shelter.

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