Incentive phrases with get and have -causative in English. Grammar test. (Causative form) The causative in English


1 Emily ...has...

2 The Campbells ...................................their kitchen painted at the moment.

3 I hair cut short last week because I needed a change.

4 He........................his car serviced by the mechanic next Tuesday.

5 She ..................................... ...her carpets fitted yesterday when I called.

6 I.........just ........................... picture taken by a professional photographer.

8 Steve ...........................his wallet stolen while he was doing the shopping.

10 I rubbish collected on Fridays.

have , make orget , as in the example.



Progress Check (Module 5, Causative)

Starlight 10

1 Complete the sentences by putting the verbhave into the correct form, as in the example.

1 Emily ...has... her newspaper delivered every morning by her neighbor's son.

2 The Campbells ...........................their kitchenpainted at the moment.

3 I hair cut short last week because I needed a change.

4 He...................................his car serviced by themechanic next Tuesday.

5 She ..................................... ...her carpetsfitted yesterday when I called.

6 I.........just ........................... picture taken by a professional photographer.

8 Steve ...........................his wallet stolen while he was doing the shopping.

9 I jeans shortened tomorrow.

10 I rubbish collectedon Fridays.

3 Rephrase the following usinghave , make orget , as in the example.

1. Jack insisted that we organize a surprise party for our friend Mike.

2. My grandma often asks me to do the washing-up.

3. His ankle was sprained in a ski accident.

5. I think Molly will tell John to write down a shopping list.

4. She can easily persuade anyone to do something.

5. I think Molly will tell John to make a shopping list.

2 Rewrite the following sentences in the causative form, as in the example.

1 Holly is going to ask the seamstress to sew her dress.

...She is going to have her dress sewn (by the seamstress)....

2 Someone has tidied the garden for Mark.

3 When will they fix his telephone?

4 Pat pays someone to clean the windows every week.

5 Can you tell someone to move those boxes?

6 When will they deliver Dan's sofa?

7 Sally is going to ask the travel agent to book the tickets.

8 Howard should ask someone to deliver the package.

9 When will you service the car?

10 Pay someone to make the curtains for you.

11 Someone has shortened Alison's skirt.

12 Doug is going to ask the bank to pay some bills for him.

Have something done or Causative Form

Active and Passive voices are a very important part of grammar - without them it would be very difficult for us to convey information. But even these structures are not enough!

I cut my hair. - Active or Passive?

I didn't cut my hair myself. Hair is an object, but you can’t say - Look, my hair has been cut!
The hairdresser cut my hair, but this is not about him, and no one knows my hairdresser, so the sentence - “The hairdresser cut my hair.”- also not an option.

Causative Form is the solution to our problem!

First, let's remember the difference between Active and Passive voices . Depending on what we want to focus on, we choose one design or another:

Let's analyze the proposal
They fixed my car. -

Our option is design HAVE + SOMETHING + VERB (Past Participle) , also called Causative Form.
Typically, this design is used when we hire a professional to do something for us.

Construction of a sentence They fixed my car. it happens like this:

I had my car repaired.
I, as the recipient of the service, is at the beginning of the sentence, but I am not the subject. Therefore, the translation of the sentence begins with the pronoun ME, and not I. the verb HAVE carries a temporary load in a sentence - it can and should be changed depending on the time in which we are building the sentence.
In our case it is Past Simple.
In place of something we put the object on which the action takes place - the car.
the semantic verb in such a construction is ALWAYS in the third form.

I had my car repaired. - They fixed my car. - or literally - I had our fix.

Let's consider change in design over time (remember that only the form of the verb HAVE changes):

Pr. Simple I have/He has+ the house + painted. My/His house is painted (every summer).
Pr. Contin. I am/He is/They are having+ the house + painted. I / Him / They are painting the house now.
Past Simple I had+ the house + painted. My house was painted (yesterday).
Past Contin. I was/We were having+ the house + painted. My house was being painted (when he arrived).
Fut. Simple I will have + the house + painted. I need to paint the house.
Pr. Perfect I have/He has had+ the house + painted. My house had already been painted (when he arrived).
modals I must have+ the house + painted. I need the house painted. - literally - I must have the house painted.

The causative construction is used when the speaker does not perform the action himself, but encourages someone else to perform it.

Let's look at two examples:


1. I paint my house every spring. (Do I paint it? Yes, I do it myself.)

2. I have my house painted every spring. (Do I paint it? No, I find some painters and they paint it for me.)

So, when we want to say that we cause (arrange, force, allow, convince) someone to do something for us, we use the causative form.

There are 2 types of causative constructions - active and passive.

Active, or real, causative means ordering, forcing someone to act and is used with verbs - let, make, have, get.

It is formed according to the following model:

Subject + let/make/have/get + object + infinitive

1. Let's used to express permission:


She lets me borrow her clothes.

2. Make used to express coercion:


My mother makes me do the washing up.

3. Have used when we transfer responsibility for performing an action to another person, give orders or instructions.


I had my assistant type the report. - My secretary typed the report. (By my order)

4. Get used when we want to persuade or trick someone into doing something.


I got my daughter to eat the whole breakfast. - I was able to persuade my daughter to eat the whole breakfast.

Note: The get construction uses the particle to before the infinitive.

Passive causative means the arrangement (organization) of something independently or with the help of other people. It is used with the verbs have and get.

Subject + have/get + object + past participle


They had their car repaired. (Someone repaired the car for them. They arranged it)


They repaired their car. (They did it themselves)

She got the plates washed. (She asked John to wash the plates.)

If we want to indicate who is performing the action, then we add by + action agent.


He’s having his tattoo done by one of the best experts in the city.


Verb get in this construction it is considered more colloquial and is thus used primarily in colloquial speech. Besides, get implies all preparation for action, and have- only the result of the action itself.


I got all my work done yesterday. - Yesterday I finished all my work.

Don’t get your family involved in the business. - Don't involve your family in this matter.

He's having her house painted. - Her house is being painted now.

My mother has had her letter published in the newspaper. - My mother’s letter was published in the newspaper.

Causative constructions can be used instead of the passive voice when we talk about accidents or failures.


Adam had his phone stolen. (Adam's phone was stolen)

They had their garden destroyed by the storm.

Modal verbs can be used in causative constructions:


You should have your hair cut.

I have to get children get up early in the morning.

Let's practice completing the tasks:

1. She ________________ that he wouldn’t tell anyone.

a) made him promise

b) made him promised

c) promised to make

2. My tooth still hurts. I have to get a dentist ___________ soon.

b) to look at it

c) to get it looked at it

3. I ______________ a couple of days ago.

a) had my bike to be fixed

b) had my bike fix

c) had my bike fixed

4. I will not ______________ with this!

a) make you get away

b) let you get away

c) get you get away

5. The movie _____________ sad.

b) made him feel

c) made him feel

6. I ______________ from my other address.

a) have my mail forwarded

b) make my mail forwarded

c) get my mail forwarded

7. Don’t _____________ these things about you!

b) let him say

8. Have your assistant __________ these letters immediately.

9. He ____________ yesterday.

a) had his hair cut

b) got his hair to be cut

c) let hair be cut

10. The professor __________ early.

a) to let the students leave

b) let the students leave

c) let the students leave

Test yourself:


  1. Biboletova M.Z., Babushis E.E. English language 9th grade. - 2010.
  2. Vaulina Yu.E., Dooley D. English language 9th grade. - M.: Education, 2010.
  3. Kaufman K.I., Kaufman M.Yu. English language 9th grade. - Title, 2007.
  4. Golitsynsky Yu.B., Grammar. Collection of exercises - Karo, 2011.
  2. ().
  3. ().


1. Ex. 6, 7, p. 95 Vaulina Yu.E., Dooley D. English language grade 9. - M.: Education, 2010;

ex. 3, p. 56 (workbook) Vaulina Yu.E., Dooley D. English language grade 9. - M.: Education, 2010.

2. Rewrite the sentences according to the example:

1. Mike is going to ask a carpenter to put the doors up. - Mike is going to have the doors put up.

2. Tony asked a mechanic to fix the car.

3. You should ask a plumber to unblock the toilet.

4. Ask the maid to tidy your room.

5. Simon is going to ask a tailor to make a suit for him.

6. Did he ask the optician to test his eyes?

7. Tommy asks his brother to do his homework.

8. The girl asked her mother to read the story to me.

9. They will ask a chef to cook the meal.

10. The report is being typed by his secretary.

For all English language learners, one of the most mysterious constructions has always been the Causative form. In this article we will figure out what kind of construction this is, get acquainted with its forms, consider verbs that are causative and, of course, we will analyze all this with examples.

Features of the causative construction

First of all, it is necessary to determine what a causative form is in English. Let's consider these examples:

IwashmycareverySaturday – I wash my car every Saturday.
I have my car washed every Saturday – My carwasheverySaturday.

As we can see, in both sentences we are talking about washing a car, but in the first case the performer performs the action himself, and in the second example someone does it instead of him.

This is the main essence of the causative - it describes a situation when we find 3 people who will do some work for us. In this kind of sentence, the subject (in our example, “I”) is not the direct performer, he acts as an initiator, is the reason that the action will be performed. Hence the name of the construction - the causative form (translated from cause - reason, to cause - to encourage, to achieve).

Causative forms

In English, a distinction is made between active and passive causative phrases.


Its peculiarity is that the performer of the action, as a rule, will be designated - the proposal will indicate who specifically performs the work

I have my legal representative sign all the agreements. - Allagreementssignsmylegal. representative.

As we can see from the example, it is formed according to the scheme :

Subject– causativeverb– performer– infinitive

Subject + have/get/make/let/help + Person + Infinitive

In this case, the role of the performer is the person who will perform the action.

The active construction uses the causative verbs have, get, make, let, help.

  • 1.Have used when we shift the responsibility for performing an action to someone else, redirect the task (in most cases we are talking about providing us with some services, usually on a paid, profitable basis)
  • 2. Get- when we encourage someone to take action, trying to convince, motivate or in some way inspire them to carry it out. Sometimes it can also mean that we tricked someone into doing what we wanted.

How can we get all the students to attend the classes?
My daughter hates working in the garden; I can never get her to water the plants!

  • 3. Let's expresses permission to perform a task

I always let my kids watch some cartoons before going to bed - I always allow my children to watch some cartoons before going to bed

  • 4.Make used for orders and instructions, meaning “to force”

She made me act this way - She made me do this.

  • 5.Help- help someone do something

Jane helped me to clean the room - Jane helped me clean the room.

As for tense forms, the active causative construction can be used in all tenses, subject to the standard rules of grammar - all that is required of us is to put the verb in the correct form

  • We will get our college to contact you – Wewe'll convinceourcolleaguecontactWithYou ()
  • When they arrived I had had my sister clean the flat – WhenTheycame, mysisteralreadyremovedVapartment ()
  • I am making him do his homework – II forcehisexecutehomemadeexercise ()

It is not customary to use this construction with the verb have in the Continuous form; in these cases, preference is given to passive forms.

Passive causative

In sentences with Passive Causative form, i.e. in which there is a construction have something done, the emphasis is on the action itself, the performer is either clear from the context, or this information is not important at all. This construction is used with the verbs have and get and is quite widespread, occurring even more often than the active form.

She has flowers in her yard watered three times a week – FlowersVheryardwateredthreetimesVa week.

Here, like an active causative, the subject (in our example “She”) does not perform the action herself, but someone does it for her.

The following structures are built according to the following scheme:

Subject – causative verb – object – 3rd form of the verb

Subject -have/get-object –V3

Those. in general it will look like to have something done or get something done.

The passive causative phrase can be used in all types of tense forms, as shown in the table below

Difference between have and get

There are certain differences in the use of the causative verbs have and get.

  • As we noted above, have is used when transferring responsibility, and get is used when we manage to motivate a person to do something.
  • Another difference is that have often refers to a result, which may mean that an action has already been completed, while get places more emphasis on the process of persuasion.

Jane has had her boyfriend propose her. Jane’s boyfriend proposed to her.
Jane has got her boyfriend to propose her. – Jane managed to persuade her boyfriend to propose to her

  • And of course, as you have already noticed, after have we use bare Infinitive (without the particle to), and after get comes full Infinitive

This is the main feature of causative constructions in the English language. Memorizing them is quite simple, and their use will make your speech more vivid and vivid. In addition, they will help you get rid of the need to use complex sentences, which means you don’t have to think about coordinating tenses.

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