Why can't astronauts get drunk in space? (5 photos). Not all is calm on the ISS: astronauts return to Earth at a tense moment The asteroid belt is a dangerous place for spaceships

The tension in relations between the United States and Russia also affected outer space

On October 4, two American astronauts and a Russian cosmonaut returned to Earth, completing a 6-month mission to the ISS. The situation appears slightly tense between Washington and Moscow, threatening to develop into problems of cooperation.

Cosmonauts Andrew Feustel, Richard Arnold and Oleg Artemyev landed southeast of the city of Zhezkazgan (Kazakhstan). Russian and American officials have arrived for the landing, investigating the appearance of a mysterious hole on a Russian spacecraft docked at the orbital station. The hole, discovered in August, led to an air leak on the ISS, but was quickly sealed.

This week, the head of the Russian space agency, Dmitry Rogozin, said that the hole was made deliberately and was not a manufacturing defect. He also hinted at problems of cooperation between Roscosmos and NASA caused by American sanctions in connection with the situation in Ukraine in 2014.

Crew commander Feustel said ISS members were confused by suggestions of deliberate sabotage. NASA is also abandoning the idea of ​​deliberately drilling into the ship. Astronauts plan to perform a space walk in November to collect more data about the hole.

The ISS is one of the few areas of close Russian-American cooperation that has remained stable despite Washington's sanctions and political differences. The cosmonauts said goodbye to the remaining crew members: Alexander Gerst, Serina Aunien-Chancellor and Sergei Prokopyev. The next launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome to the station is scheduled for October 11.

Happy Landing

The crew smiles upon returning to Earth. Artemyev came out first and said that he would definitely eat a fruit and vegetable salad first. Fustel and Arnold also felt cheerful.

The journey proved especially important for Arnold, who spent 197 days of his life at the station. Moreover, Arnold was giving lessons that were intended to be taught by Christa McAulliffe (female astronaut), one of the 7 crew members who died in a fire in the Challenger space shuttle accident in 1986.

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In the absence of scientific knowledge about space, it is better to fly on a broom there

1. Introduction

At a time when spaceships plow the endless expanses of the expanding Universe, when every year new stars, constellations and even alcohol(!) Galaxies, and also taking into account the perfection of the mathematical apparatus used in the calculations, there is no need to repeat elementary truths.

However, we note that you cannot go into Space with a pig’s snout; not only “bricks” fly in Space, i.e. meteorites, planets, stars, but also UFOs.

In addition, it will be shown that Space is not a place for walking, but a living environment, and not understanding the meaning of this environment can ruin not only your mood.

Astronomy, as a science, has been developing since the moment when Homo Tsapus (man with brain elements) lost his tail. The profession of an astronomer is the third profession on Earth, and the entire load of knowledge acquired throughout the history of human development primarily concerns Space. The Earth successively (during this time) visited three whales (elephants), various strange luminaries dangled around the Earth. You could dangle your feet on the edge of the Earth and touch these luminaries with your hands. Then the Earth acquired rounded shapes and began to run around the Sun. As of today, all the parameters of the Earth and everything around it have been accurately calculated. It is known that we were all created from a dust cloud, and the brain of Homo Tsapus is a deposit of dust mixed with natural gases.

Considering the Cosmos not from the point of view of Przewalski’s horse (explanations are in the text of the constants), we come to the conclusion that Astronomy as a science does not exist , and all the known postulates - the measure of space, time, speed, questions of the existence of the Cosmos, and first of all - life support systems, will have to be reconsidered, whether one wants it or not. We see what we see - the cat also has an idea of ​​​​the Cosmos, but no one is interested in its description of the Cosmos. What does this phrase mean? The fact that a person with vision examines the Cosmos (and creates instruments) on the basis of his own vision, i.e. regarding the instrumental base that he received.

Changing the meaning of what has been said, we can add that a person sees only what he is given to see. It is known that Homo Tsapus is the king of nature, and in addition, he is also like God. But the king of what nature and what God - everything is so far described in fairy tales.

One can, of course, ask the question: is there life on Marx (artist Bloch), how much water is there on the Moon, how many years do we still have to bask under the gentle Sun, etc.

The Mir spaceship takes off to the applause of the Control Center and gently splashes into the Pacific Ocean.

What are these – engines again? Why doesn't the Earth somersault when moving in Space if its center of gravity is in the Southern Hemisphere? All knowledge about the Moon was obtained, of course, from modern sources, primarily from Kozma Prutkov - why is there a Moon during the day if it’s already light during the day? Why 59% of the Moon's surface is visible from Earth was not clarified even after the astronauts were there (a film about visiting the Moon was filmed on Earth). Of course, we know more about Space than about Earth, but again, at the level of Przewalski’s horse.

The presented material allows you to take a different look at the problems of the existence of Homo Tsapus, correct your worldview and not look like Don Quixote tilting at windmills. What is Space, how is movement produced in it, what is the atmosphere and how far does it extend, what is the Sun? How many planets can there be in a standard cosmic system, why do some planets, for example, Venus, rotate in the opposite direction, etc.

All this is set out in the monograph “Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics”. Selected excerpts are provided below.

Based on the dusty origin of the brain, it is reasonable to assume that there are no other forms of matter, everything that surrounds us is material bodies, some of them can be touched, weight, temperature, etc. can be determined. All material bodies can be arranged in the periodic table according to weight parameters. It is taken into account that the smallest mass (quark) is also material - a kind of speck of dust. All modern science rests on this speck of dust. However, there is also ball lightning, that is, not an inertial mass, and this is an anachronism, so if ball lightning appears anywhere, its place is at a power station - to heat water to generate electricity. Of course, a modern encyclopedia on physics can only be examined at meetings of KVN (the club of cheerful and resourceful people), and modern technical means are at the level of Jules Verne’s submarines.

The conceptual basis of the material is an addition to the monograph “Cold Nuclear Fusion”. Calculations and accompanying material are given only in relation to real physical quantities, the basis of which is given in the monograph.

2. Coordinate systems.

Astronomical coordinate systems. The direction of movement of the north pole of the world from 1600 to 2300. The starry sky has always been considered only in the coordinate system defined here. In China, however, there was no coordinate grid until the 15th century, until it was brought there from Europe. The coordinate grid was always considered from the current surface of the Earth, at a specific value of the gravitational constant.
Horizontal coordinate system. A – direction of apparent rotation of the starry sky. B – Zenith, C – nadir. h – Altitude – arc of the circle of height from the horizon to the luminary. L – Azimuth – arc of the horizon from the point of south to the circle of height of the luminary (scaled from 0 to 360 degrees west).
Equatorial coordinate system. A. Direction of apparent rotation of the celestial sphere. B. North Pole of the World.S. Point of autumnal equinox.D. Vernal equinox point.E. South Pole of the World.

Sigma - declination - the arc of declination from the equator to the luminary (from 0 to 90 0).

t is the hour angle - the arc of the equator between the local meridian and the declination circle (from 0 to 24 hours in direction A).

Alpha - right ascension - the arc of the equator from the point of the vernal equinox to the circle of declination of the luminary (from 0 to 24 hours in direction A).

Elliptical coordinate system.A – Direction of apparent rotation of the celestial sphereB – North celestial poleC – South celestial poleD – Autumn equinox pointE – Vernal equinox point

F – North Pole of the Ecliptic

G – South Pole of the Ecliptic

Veta – ecliptic (astronomical) latitude – arc of the circle of latitude from the ecliptic to the luminary (from 0 to (+/-) 90 0)

Lambda - ecliptic (astronomical) longitude - the arc of the ecliptic from the point of the vernal equinox to the circle of latitude of the star (counted from 0 to 360 0 in the direction of the apparent annual movement of the Sun)

(+/-) 90 0 – plus refers to the north, minus – to the south of the equator and the ecliptic, respectively.

As can be seen from the above coordinate systems used in astronomy, the Earth, as before (when it rested on three whales) is the center of the world.

The axis of rotation of the Earth is directed towards the center of the world, i.e. to the North Star. However, it should be noted that the Earth does not move in the direction of the North Star, but Mars, Venus and other planets have their own North Star.

A distinctive feature of the above coordinate systems is that their use is only permissible in Euclidean space, when any coordinate is rectilinear, that is, there is no propagation of straight sections of different densities or sections that change the direction of the beam (eye, device). Note that this applies only to human sensory organs.

Coordinate systems assume the presence of an equal value of the acceleration due to gravity at any measurement point (on Earth these readings are different).

Coordinate systems can be used where there are uniformly distributed masses. It is believed that Space is very far away, so all coordinate systems are designed to indicate a point mass. It is assumed that the Earth is a pile of debris resulting from the processing of cosmic dust, and the coordinate system can be used in any random way, without taking into account reference points in Space and the systems of the Earth itself.

3. Starry sky

Homo Tsapus is able to carefully examine the starry sky during the day, being at the equator. Using the available means of observation - eyes, a telescope, as well as the measurement systems given to him by Przewalski's horse (see the system of physical constants), he is able to assess the use of space for national economic purposes. When there are no clouds formed as a result of the evaporation of part of the water surface of the Earth, there is no Sun and Moon, you can not only observe individual galaxies, stars, planets, comets, meteorites, but also boldly imagine the edge of the Universe where Homo Tsapus has not yet set foot.

The Universe is the entire part of the material world surrounding us that is accessible to observation. . Everything else is not the Universe and is a misunderstanding. The most important postulate is the principle that the fundamental laws of nature (in particular, the laws of physics), established and tested in laboratory experiments on Earth, remain true throughout the Universe, and all phenomena observed in the Universe can be explained using these laws.

The basic unit of distance - the parsec - is the distance from which the average radius of the Earth's orbit (1 astronomical unit), perpendicular to the Homo Capus angle of view, is visible at an angle of 1 " (second). 1 parsec (ps) = 206265 AU = 31*10 15 m.

Light year = 0.3066 ps. Kilo and megaparsecs are used, the diameter of our Galaxy is 25 kpc (kiloparsecs).

Using the Doppler effect, based on the red shift, it is established that all Galaxies are scurrying away from us, but the speed of their scurrying does not exceed the speed of light. These Galaxies don’t even suspect that you can’t run far, they are already bound by the Hubble sphere. The Universe is a fairly young formation - no more than 13 billion years old (a little earlier than the flood on Earth), the radius of the Universe is 4 * 10 28 cm. Quasars have escaped farthest from us - more than 1.67 * 10 28 cm. The flight from us is chaotic , while the stars can even collide and step on each other’s heels.

As in the habitat of Homo Capus, the Universe consists of gas, dust (interstellar, not indoor) and fairly dense clumps of valuable minerals. Using the Archimedes lever and the latest advances in science in the field of metrology, it was possible to weigh especially valuable stars. Atomic nuclei and neutron stars have a density of up to 10 14 g/cm 3, planets and stars are of low value (of the general sequence) -

1 g/cm 3 , the Galaxy has a density of 10 -24 g/cm 3 . In addition, it was possible to hide from Homo Tsapus some part of the mass (the hidden mass of the Universe), which for some reason does not glow. There is an assumption that the age of the Universe is greater than the age of the Earth, but these are just guesses. Chemically, the Universe consists of hydrogen H, helium 4 He with a small admixture of 2 H, 3 He and Li. By mixing them, the periodic table was obtained. The small fraction of antiprotons in cosmic rays confirms the version that the basis of the Universe are proton atoms, i.e. matter predominates over antimatter. The Universe is filled with electromagnetic radiation with a black-body spectrum and temperature T = 2.7 K. This radiation remains from the early stages of the evolution of the Universe and cannot belong to stars, which is why it is called relic radiation. CMB radiation is anisotropic - its temperature does not depend on direction. Seasonal variations in dipole anisotropy are observed, corresponding to a change in speed (+/-) 30 km/sec, which are caused by the rotation of the Earth around the Sun (which provides new “cosmological” evidence for the correctness of the Copernican heliocentric system).

From the past of the Universe the following can be distinguished:

Gravitational interaction is the only one that is not screened or saturated (on the contrary, strengthened) with increasing amount of matter, so it dominates over other interactions on sufficiently large scales. One conclusion follows from different models - the Universe was homogeneous and on a smaller scale.

The initial stage of the expansion of the Universe, when the energy and radiation densities, as well as the temperature were high, is sometimes called the Big Bang, that is, the entire mass of the Universe, along with gases, dust, stars, radiation, was collected into a point and after receiving a kick, this point exploded. From Earth you can still observe the results of the development of the Universe. It is assumed that the galaxies will get tired of living on their own, running away from the Earth, and after 20 billion years they will turn back to come to their original form - to a point (this one will be clearly visible from the Earth). There are strong and weak versions of the anthropological principle in cosmology. The essence of the first of these is that our position in the Universe (both in time and in space) is still privileged in the sense that it must be compatible with our existence as an observer. The weak anthropological principle allows for specific and testable predictions. For example, the current age of the Universe can be approximately predicted before measuring the Hubble constant, if we take into account that the existence of life on Earth is associated with an influx of energy from the Sun, during the life of the Sun as a typical star is 10 10 years. According to a strong anthropological principle, the Universe itself, the laws of physics (built on the basis of Przewalski's horse constants) that govern it, and its fundamental parameters must be such that at some stage of evolution it allows the existence of an observer (Homo Zapus). This means that if there is no new flood, we will be able to observe a new Big Bang and, with the help of modern technical achievements, adjust the development of the new Universe in the direction necessary for the national economy. The second law of thermodynamics states: a process in which no change occurs other than the transfer of heat from a hot body to a cold one is irreversible, i.e. heat cannot transfer spontaneously from a cold body to a hot one (Clausius’ principle). For an equilibrium process there is a total differential of the state function S, called enropy . With irreversible processes, entropy only increases, with reversible processes it remains unchanged. Applying the second law of thermodynamics to a closed Universe, we obtain the conclusion about the “thermal death of the Universe”. But in the evolution of the Universe, gravity plays a significant role, which was not taken into account, and if it is found graviton, and it can be curbed by the Carnot cycle, then time and space can change significantly.

One of the features of the Universe is vacuum. It can also be obtained on Earth, and since vacuum is a medium containing gas at pressures significantly lower than atmospheric pressure, there is no data on what it is. Although the concept of vacuum has become an integral part of modern theories, there are reasons to believe that including gravity in the consideration leads to a serious problem. According to the principle of equivalence, vacuum energy gravitates and therefore enters into the equations of general relativity. The limitation on the vacuum energy density, which is obtained from experiment, turns out to be many orders of magnitude (about 10 46 times) less than the energy associated, for example, with the gluon condensate. The mechanism for reducing vacuum energy density is unknown.

The field of astronomy that studies the structure, stability and evolution of stellar systems is stellar dynamics. Objects of study are globular and open star clusters within galaxies, galaxies as a whole, and also clusters of galaxies. Relations are derived that take into account the self-consistent (at a meeting between stars) gravitational field, the collision of individual stars in the struggle for space and when escaping from the galaxy (collision terms of the equation - the collision integral). With gravitational instability, spiral galaxies develop. A star can evaporate, that is, disappear unnoticed from the galaxy. The evaporation of stars is the main factor determining the evolution of globular clusters. When the number of stars is greater than a certain value, as a result of collisional evolution, the cluster can shrink (out of fear) so much that its size approaches the gravitational radius, and this will lead to gravitational collapse. This is how black holes are formed. This is especially important for those who will travel between such stars - you may not be recognized and may be involved in the formation of a black hole.

Stars have an atmosphere, the electromagnetic radiation of which, without subsequent re-emission, leaves the star in tears in search of shelter. The temperatures of the stars were measured, catalogs and recommendations were compiled on which stars can be visited at what time of year. Stars are normalized by spectrum (see Przewalski's horse constants). Each star tries to create a wind (stellar wind) that can blow you away when traveling to another galaxy. Wind speed – up to thousands of km/sec.

Sometimes in Space you can observe a striptease - a star sheds its shell and turns into a neutron one.

Conclusions. Since the Earth is the base of Homo Tsapus, and the starting point of any observations and travels, it is necessary to answer a number of questions:

1. The Universe is expanding, but the vacuum energy density remains unchanged.

2. What a vacuum is is not yet clear to science.

3. In which direction is it better to move so as not to get lost, this is the subject of consideration in the following sections.

4. What principles of movement are best to use and how many pikes to take with you?

5. What to do if you run into a runaway star.

6. What are the safety precautions when falling into a black hole?

And also a lot of other questions, and after receiving answers, you can safely prepare for the trip.

The monograph “Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics” (824 pages) contains the following material:

Coordinate systems adopted in Astronomy
Solar system. Education, movement, energy parameters
Starry sky from Earth and from space benchmarks
Calculation of orbits using communication tubes
System of physical constants of non-inertial mass
Introductory course or ABC of Space
Constants of the Cosmos
Right-handed spiral systems in Space
Left-spiral systems in Space
The concept of space - time
Albedo and calculation of the balance of the Cosmic body
Orientation and a unified coordinate system relative to space benchmarks
The lattices of the Cosmos and the structures of the lattices of the planets
Principles of UFO movement
Inertial and non-inertial masses, Maxim's laws
Noosphere of the planet - purpose and structure. Noosphere on Mars
Life support systems, transitional states of a living cell
Conditions for unrestricted movement in space

Wine on the Moon... Whiskey on a space station... Reading as a child not the most children's books about space pirates, rangers and other daredevils, I never thought that drinking in space was not allowed. Indeed, space travel has a long and complicated relationship with drinking. Traveling thousands of kilometers from Earth into the gray abyss of the unknown is not so easy. Scary. Hard. Why don't astronauts relax at the end of the working day with a drink or two?

Alas, for those who love space and wet their lips with the strong stuff, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited by government agencies that send astronauts, for example, to the International Space Station. But soon an ordinary person will be able to go to the last frontier - for example, to colonize Mars. Obviously, booze should be allowed for such a long and painful one-way trip that will drag on for years? Or at least equipment for making your own alcohol on the planet?

Booze and outer space have a long and complex relationship. Let's see what can happen to an ordinary drinker who is an astronaut, and what can happen if we start sending ordinary drinkers into space.

It is widely believed that at high altitudes you feel dizzy and feel nauseous more quickly. Thus, it would be logical to assume that alcohol in orbit would have very strong effects on the human body. But this is not entirely true.

This myth was debunked back in the 1980s. In 1985, the US Federal Aviation Administration conducted a study that examined the behavior of people who drank alcohol at simulated altitudes while performing complex tasks and taking breathalyzer measurements.

As part of the study, 17 men were asked to drink some vodka at ground level and in a chamber simulating an altitude of 3.7 kilometers. They were then asked to perform a series of tasks, including mental calculations, tracking light on an oscilloscope using a joystick, and others. The researchers concluded that “neither the breathalyzer nor the performance assessment showed any interactive effect of alcohol and altitude.”

So it's a myth that you get drunk faster while flying? Dave Hanson, professor emeritus of sociology at the State University of New York at Potsdam, who has been researching and drinking alcohol for 40 years, thinks so. “I can’t imagine getting drunk in space any other way,” he says.

However, he also thinks that altitude sickness can mimic a hangover and also mimic intoxication. “If people feel inappropriate under pressure, they may also feel this way when they are intoxicated.” Conversely, people who claim to get drunk on airplanes faster than usual may simply be exhibiting a particular behavior. These people exhibit drunken behavior more when they think they are drunk rather than because they actually consumed alcohol.

"If people are on a plane and they think that for some reason alcohol is going to have an unusual effect on them, they will think that it is having an unusual effect on them," Hanson says.

It turns out that if there is no additional effect, you can sip a little strong drink on board the ISS? No you can not.

"Alcohol is prohibited for consumption aboard the International Space Station," says Daniel Huot, a spokesman for the Space Center. Johnson. "The use of alcohol and other volatile components is monitored on the ISS due to the impact their components can have on the station's water recovery system."

For this reason, astronauts on the space station do not even receive products that contain alcohol, such as mouthwash, perfume, and shaving lotions. Spilled beer on board can also pose a serious risk of equipment damage.

There also remains the question of liability. We don't allow drivers or fighter jet pilots to get drunk and drive, so it's no surprise that the same rules apply to astronauts inside a $150 billion space station floating around the Earth at warp speed.

However, in 2007, an independent panel created by NASA studied the health of astronauts and concluded that there were at least two astronauts in the agency's history who drank large amounts of alcohol immediately before a flight but were still allowed to fly. A subsequent review by NASA's safety chief found no evidence to substantiate the claims. Astronauts are strictly prohibited from drinking 12 hours before a flight, as they are required to be fully present in mind and body.

The reason for these rules is clear. In the same 1985 FAA study on the effects of alcohol at altitude, scientists concluded that every milligram counts. Regardless of the height at which the subjects drank, the breathalyzer readings were the same. Their performance also suffered equally, but those who took the placebo at altitude performed worse than those who took the placebo at sushi level. This suggests that altitude, independent of alcohol consumption, may have little effect on mental performance. The study concludes that this provides a reason to further limit alcohol consumption at altitude.

There is another reason to avoid foamy drinks like beer - without the help of gravity, liquids and gases accumulate in the astronaut's stomach, leading to unpleasant effects.

However, despite strict regulations, this does not mean that people in space will never come into contact with fermented liquids. There have been many experiments on board the ISS involving alcohol, but not excessive drinking, so no one really knows exactly how the human body will react.

“We are studying all possible processes of change in the bodies of astronauts in space, including at the microbial level,” says Stephanie Schierholz, a NASA spokeswoman. "And we have a very robust nutrition program that ensures astronauts' bodies have everything they need to stay healthy."

As part of the Skylab program, astronauts were given sherry with them, but it performed poorly during flights in microgravity.

And perhaps the most amazing thing is that the first liquid that was drunk on the surface of the Moon was wine. Buzz Aldrin said in an interview that he drank some wine while taking communion before leaving the lunar module in 1969. The ceremony took place during a communications pause, so it was not transmitted to Earth.

And although NASA has long imposed strict restrictions on alcohol consumption in space, Russian cosmonauts in the past could afford to relax. The astronauts aboard the Mir orbital station could afford some cognac and vodka. I wonder how they agreed to fly to the ISS with its prohibition.

In 2015, the Japanese company Suntory sent some of its best whiskey to the space station. This was done as part of an experiment to observe “the manifestation of taste in alcoholic beverages during use in microgravity.” In other words, since booze gains strength differently in microgravity, it will taste better and develop faster.

And a few years ago, from September 2011 to September 2014, NASA conducted an experiment to study the effect of microgravity on whiskey and charred oak wood, which helps the drink in the process. After 1,000 days in space, the tannins in the whiskey remained unchanged - but the space wood chips released higher concentrations of their aroma.

So even though astronauts are prohibited from drinking alcohol, even in space they continue to work on improving the taste of the alcoholic beverages we drink here on Earth. As for the Martian missions, which will last for years, it will definitely not be possible to do without alcohol.

Experts like Hanson, however, see no harm in further limiting alcohol. Besides practical safety considerations, there may be other concerns. Hanson believes that the many sociocultural differences of Earthlings living in a confined space for many years in a row will make drinking much more difficult.

“This is politics. This is culture. But this is not science,” he says. What happens if you find yourself among Muslims, Mormons or teetotalers? Harmonization of cultural perspectives in limited space will be a priority from the very beginning.

Therefore, astronauts who want to cheer up their spirit will have to enjoy the view from the window, and not the view at the bottom of the glass. But we'll leave some champagne for them when they come back.

Most people can only judge this from scenes from science fiction films, so they are susceptible to implausible myths.

What will actually happen to a person in outer space?

There are many theories about what will happen to a person who finds himself in outer space without a spacesuit. Most of them are based on fiction. Some believe that the body will freeze in a few moments, others say that it will be incinerated by cosmic radiation, there is even a theory about the boiling of liquid inside the human body. Let's consider the most popular myths about what will happen to a person without a spacesuit in outer space.

The body will immediately freeze

Scientists are ready to answer with certainty that this will not happen. Space is very cold, but its density is too low. At such a minimum density, the human body will not be able to transfer its heat to the environment, there is emptiness around it, and there is no one to take this heat. One of the main difficulties in the operation of the ISS is the removal of heat from the station, not protection from the space cold.

Man will be incinerated by cosmic radiation

Radiation in space reaches large values ​​and is very dangerous. Radioactive charged particles penetrate the human body, causing radiation sickness. But in order to die from this radiation, you need to receive a very large dose, and this will take a lot of time. During this time, a living creature will have time to die under the influence of other factors. In order to obtain protection from space burns, you do not need a spacesuit; ordinary clothing will cope with this task. If we assume that a person decided to go into outer space completely naked, then the consequences of this exit for him will be very bad.

The blood in human vessels will boil due to low pressure

Another theory is that low pressure causes the blood in the body to boil and burst its vessels. Indeed, there is very low pressure in space, which will help reduce the temperature at which liquids boil. However, the blood in the human body will be under its own pressure; for it to boil, its temperature must reach 46 degrees, which cannot be the case in living organisms. If a person in open space opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue, he will feel his saliva boiling, but he will not get a burn; the saliva will boil at a very low temperature.

The body will be torn apart by the pressure difference

Pressure in space is very dangerous, but it works differently. The pressure difference can double the volume of a person’s internal organs, and his body will inflate twice. But a spectacular explosion with entrails scattered in all directions will not occur, human skin is very elastic, it can withstand such pressure, and if a person is wearing tight-fitting clothes, then the volume of his body will remain unchanged.

The person will be unable to breathe

This is true, but the situation is not as many of us imagine. Pressure poses a huge danger to the human respiratory system in space. There is no oxygen in space, so the life expectancy of a person without a spacesuit will depend on how long he can hold his breath. While underwater, people hold their breath and try to float to the surface; this cannot be done in space. Holding your breath in space leads to rupture of the lungs under the influence of vacuum; in such a situation, it will be impossible to save a person. There is only one way to prolong life in outer space, you need to allow all the gases to quickly leave your body, this process can be accompanied by unpleasant consequences in the form of emptying the stomach or intestines. After the oxygen leaves the respiratory system, the person will have approximately 14 seconds for oxygenated blood to continue to feed the brain before the person will lose consciousness. However, and this does not mean inevitable death, the human body is not as fragile as it might seem at first glance; it is capable of withstanding the hostile environment of space. Scientists suggest that if a person, after a one and a half minute stay in outer space, is delivered to a safe environment for him, then he will not only remain alive, but will also be able to fully recover from such an ordeal.

To confirm this assumption, experiments were carried out on monkeys.
Studies have shown that after a three-minute stay in a vacuum, a chimpanzee returns to normal within a few hours.

During the experiment, all the symptoms that were described above were observed - an increase in body volume and loss of consciousness due to oxygen starvation. Similar experiments were carried out with dogs, dogs tolerate vacuum conditions less well, the survival limit for them was only two minutes.

The human body reacts to environmental changes differently than the animal body, so you cannot rely entirely on these experiments. It is clear that no one will specifically conduct such experiments on people, but in history there are several significant accidents with astronauts. Space technician Jim Leblanc in 1965 tested the tightness of a spacesuit intended for lunar expeditions in a special chamber. During one of the stages of the test, the pressure in the chamber was as close as possible to space pressure; the suit suddenly depressurized, and the technician in it lost consciousness within 14 seconds. Normally, it took about half an hour to restore normal earthly pressure in the chamber, but due to the emergency of the situation, the process was accelerated to one and a half minutes. Jim Leblanc regained consciousness when the pressure in the chamber became the same as on Earth at an altitude of 4.5 km above sea level.

Another example is the accident on the Soyuz-11 spacecraft. When the device descended to the ground, depressurization occurred. This accident went down in the history of astronautics forever, since the cause of death of three astronauts was an accidentally opened ventilation valve with diameters of one and a half centimeters.

According to information obtained from the recording equipment, all three lost consciousness 22 seconds after complete depressurization, and death occurred after 2 minutes. The total time spent in near-vacuum conditions was 11.5 minutes. After the spacecraft landed on the ground, unfortunately, it was too late to save the astronauts.

The Big Bang always captures our attention above all other scientific theories: the magnificent explosion that gave birth to our Universe. But what happened after the Big Bang?

For approximately 100 million years, the Universe was plunged into darkness.

When the very first stars finally lit up in space, they were larger and brighter than the stars of all subsequent generations. They emitted so intensely in the ultraviolet range that they turned the atoms of the gas surrounding them into ions. The cosmic dawn—beginning with the appearance of the first stars and continuing until the completion of this “cosmic reionization”—took a total of approximately one billion years.

“Where did these stars come from? How did they become the galaxies—forming the radiation- and plasma-filled Universe—that we see today? These are the key questions for us,” said Professor Michael Norman, director of the San Diego Supercomputing Center in the US, and lead author of the new study.

Norman's team solves mathematical equations in a cubic virtual universe.

“We have spent more than 20 years refining this computer code to further our understanding of Cosmic Dawn.”

This model calculates the formation of the first stars in the Universe. The model's equations describe the motion and chemical reactions within the clouds of gas that existed in the Universe before it became transparent to light, as well as the powerful gravitational pull of invisible dark matter.

The very first heavy elements were formed in the Universe as a result of the explosions of the first stars, which consisted almost exclusively of hydrogen and helium. The model contains equations describing the enrichment of the Universe with heavy elements.

“The transition was rapid: within 30 million years, all stars became enriched in metals. New generations of stars forming in galaxies were smaller and much more numerous than the primordial stars because chemical reactions between metals became possible,” Norman explained.

The increased number of reactions in gas clouds allowed them to fragment and form large numbers of stars, located inside "threads" of lower gas density, where the combining elements radiate energy into the surrounding space - instead of transferring it to each other.

“At this stage, we are observing the first objects in the Universe that can rightfully be called galaxies: a combination of dark matter, metal-rich gas and stars,” Norman notes.

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