Why does burning appear on the lips and how to deal with it. Cheilitis - inflammation of the red border of the lips: causes, manifestations, treatment Lips around the edges are red and sore

Lips are very sensitive to the effects of various exogenous and endogenous factors. This is due to the structural features of this part of the body. The negative impact of the environment always negatively affects their condition. If your lips burn, the reasons may lie in the development of certain diseases. Also, the appearance of such a symptom may be preceded by exposure to wind, sun and other external factors.

Why do lips burn? Burning lips have several causes. Among them are the influence of external and internal factors. If there is a burning sensation in the lips, the reasons often lie in the influence of climatic conditions. Licking in the cold or wind often causes dryness and burning of the lips. During the hot season, increased dryness of the mucous membrane and other unpleasant symptoms occur under the influence of the sun and lack of moisture; you constantly want to lick your lips, their surface stings, and it can itch.

The surface of this part of the body is thin, there is no fatty tissue inside, and there are also a large number of nerve endings. Due to this, unpleasant symptoms appear at the slightest exposure. Next, we will consider the reasons why dryness, soreness, and a burning sensation appear.

Allergic reaction

If the body is intolerant to any food, medication or cosmetic product, a rejection reaction occurs. The body defends itself, the composition of the blood changes, this affects the blood supply to the lips. Since atypical components are present in the blood, their swelling and redness appear, this is accompanied by the development of a burning sensation.

Infectious processes in the oral cavity

A large number of different microorganisms are present on the surface of the epithelium. With a cold or untreated caries, dryness, microcracks or erosion appear in the area of ​​the upper or lower lip. Burning, irritation, itching, and redness may also appear around the lips.

Lack of vitamins

When there is a deficiency of ascorbic and folic acid and microelements in the body, the blood supply and oxygen supply to this area are disrupted, and against this background the condition of the epithelium worsens. Excessive dryness of the mucous membrane, soreness appears, the surface becomes thinner, and irregularities appear.

Dry mouth

This symptom indicates problems in the throat, dysfunction of the salivary glands or their ducts. Also, this phenomenon often accompanies the development of diabetes mellitus, when a person experiences constant thirst. Also, increased dryness can be one of the side effects after taking certain medications. A person constantly licks the skin, it dries, cracks appear, which itch and are accompanied by burning of the lips.

Overexcitation of the central nervous system

If a person regularly experiences a large number of positive or negative emotions, metabolic reactions accelerate in his body. This often leads to a rush of blood to the face, and the nerve endings in the lip area are irritated. Their surface seems to be on fire, a person feels that they are as if they are overflowing inside.

Negative impact of external factors

First of all, these are low-quality cosmetics. It is also often observed that fruits or berries with aggressive acids corrode delicate and sensitive skin. For example, pineapple can irritate your lips if eaten in excess, especially if the product is not fully ripe. After eating an orange, it can also burn; it also happens that pomegranate or grapefruit corrode the skin.


Inflammation of the red border and mucous membrane is cheilitis. There are different types of this disease, but the symptoms appear similar. The following types of disease are distinguished:

  • allergic cheilitis;
  • catarrhal;
  • glundular;
  • exfoliative;
  • eczematous;
  • atopic;
  • actinic.

All these types of disease are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • a burning sensation on the surface of the skin (at the same time there is a burning sensation from the inside and outside, inflammation appears on the lower and upper lip);
  • inflammatory process;
  • the disease is accompanied by redness of the skin itself and the border of the lips;
  • the disease is manifested by dry epithelium.

If the listed symptoms appear, treatment should be carried out only by a doctor based on examination and complaints of the patient.

Chronic fissure

Chronic cracked lips can appear for various reasons. Most often, this problem occurs due to the following factors:

  • individual structural features;
  • smoking;
  • frequent licking of the skin, biting;
  • stress, vitamin deficiency.

Herpetic infections cause burning, itching, and pain. This pathology is characterized by periods of outbreaks and remissions. The temperature may rise.


Sticking in the corners of the lips leads to unpleasant symptoms. Such lip diseases are accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process, cracks, and ulcers. The skin and mucous membranes itch and sting. It is important to find out which disease syndrome may exist, since this is not an independent disease, but only a sign of some pathology in the body.


When it develops, the lips burn, and a burning sensation also appears in the mouth, throughout the entire oral cavity. How to treat the disease should only be decided by a doctor after a preliminary examination and consultation.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you experience any unpleasant sensations, you should visit the following doctors: allergist, neurologist, psychiatrist.

If the cause is exposure to external factors, in such cases you should use natural and hypoallergenic cosmetics, and be sure to protect your skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Symptom treatment

Treatment directly depends on what disease is detected. If the cause of the damage is illness, you will need to treat your lips and mouth with medications prescribed by your doctor.

If you have increased dryness, you need to constantly moisturize your skin and drink plenty of clean water. Antihistamines are used to reduce the allergic reaction. You can cope with external negative signs and eliminate them from the inside with the help of: antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic, bactericidal agents.

Cheilitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane and skin of the lips. Symptoms of the disease can be observed not only on the lips, but also on the surrounding skin, as well as in the mouth, on the mucous membrane lining the lips on the inside.

Cheilitis is a very common, unpleasant, but not life-threatening disease. The reasons for its occurrence are different. There are different types of cheilitis. For example, allergic and atopic.

Depending on the extent of the inflammatory process, exfoliative, granular and angular cheilitis are distinguished.

Causes of cheilitis

Why does cheilitis occur on the lips, and what is it? The mucous membrane of the lips is subject to the harmful influence of various external factors, which is the main cause of cheilitis on the lips. There are quite a few reasons for the development of the disease.

Among the most common are highlight the following:

  1. Negative environmental influences, including changes in air temperature, lead to chapping and drying of the lips, which can trigger the occurrence of cheilitis;
  2. Also, cheilitis on the lips can form due to blockage of pores with lanolin (a substance contained in some lipsticks);
    unfavorable environmental conditions are another cause of cheilitis;
  3. Allergies and dermatoses, the cause of which is the touch of harmful chemicals with the lips;
  4. Diseases of the thyroid gland, immunodeficiencies, both congenital and acquired;
  5. , lichen can also be the cause of this disease;
  6. Diseases of internal organs, including the liver, or problems with the gastrointestinal tract can trigger the development of this disease;
  7. In children, cheilitis occurs, as a rule, due to disturbances in the physiological state due to improper breathing;
    Vitamin deficiency is also a common cause of this disease.

Cheilitis is the general name for a fairly large group of diseases that differ in origin and clinical manifestations. Even with similar symptoms, the causes may be different, and the treatment prescribed is different: medications of different effects for oral administration, ointments, creams, physiotherapy.


Depending on the causes of the disease, cheilitis can be of several types:

  1. Catarrhal cheilitis. One of the most common forms. In this case, the causes of cheilitis are frequent microtraumas and damage from chemicals. Externally, this is manifested by swelling, redness, peeling, redness of the lips and the skin around them.
  2. Hypovitaminosis. This disease in most cases develops against the background of hypo- or avitaminosis of group B. Symptoms of cheilitis include burning and dryness of the tongue, lips and oral mucosa. If the disease is not treated, vertical small cracks appear on the red border of the lips, which often bleed. The tongue may increase in size, and teeth marks are often visible on it.
  3. Exfoliative. Included in the group of primary cheilitis. It is usually divided into two types: dry and exudative. In the dry form, the lips become dry and begin to peel around the edges. Some time after they are removed, they begin to appear again. During the exudative form, the lips become swollen and painful.
  4. Atopic cheilitis. Appears in the form of pronounced redness and peeling of the lip border. Also, the symptoms of this cheilitis always include itching. It occurs against the background of allergic reactions of the body or due to the genetic predisposition of the patient.
  5. Grandular cheilitis. Characterized by pronounced symptoms. Dryness, peeling, then wounds and cracks appear, elasticity is lost. The mucous membrane of the lips is covered with red dots, and a cyst may form in the glands. The main cause of the disease is a congenital or acquired anomaly of the labial glands. The occurrence of granular cheilitis can be triggered by hygienic problems in the oral cavity (carious deposits, tartar), smoking or injuries.
  6. Meteorological. This disease is caused by increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, wind or cold. In most cases, it affects men aged 20 to 60 years. The exudative form is characterized by itching, burning of the lips, and the appearance of erosion. Small bubbles may appear, after opening which crusts form. In the dry form, erythema of the lips is observed, small white-gray scales appear. If left untreated, abrasions and erosion may develop in the future.

Treatment of cheilitis should be combined and vary depending on what form of the disease is present in the patient.


There are several different types of lip inflammation, each of which has individual signs and symptoms. If we take the general picture of cheilitis, the symptoms characteristic of all types are as follows:

  • Most often, patients complain of dryness, burning and flaking of the skin of the lips;
  • with some types of cheilitis, small painful blisters, ulcers and cracks may appear;
  • the standard location of inflammation is limited to the mucous membrane and red border of the lips, but in some cases it can spread to surrounding tissues;
  • with systemic diseases, painful plaques and purulent discharge may appear on the lips.

Treatment of cheilitis with folk remedies is used at home in combination with basic therapy. Seeing a doctor is mandatory. It should be remembered that self-treatment of a disease such as cheilitis is not allowed. Only a doctor can prescribe medications, as well as determine the advisability of treatment with folk remedies at home.

Cheilitis on the lips: photo

What cheilitis looks like on the lips, we offer detailed photos of the disease for viewing.


Cheilitis is diagnosed in a patient by a dentist. An accurate diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture and patient complaints. It happens that a dentist prescribes additional methods for diagnosing cheilitis to the patient, for example, undergoing a histological examination of tissues.

Features in pregnant women

Cheilitis during pregnancy is not a rare phenomenon. It can be triggered by previously suffered skin diseases (atopic dermatitis, lupus erythematosus, lichen planus).

In the treatment of cheilitis in pregnant women, it is important to completely eliminate the underlying disease, the complication of which is cheilitis, but medications must be selected with the utmost care. During pregnancy, self-medication is strictly prohibited, as it can have consequences for both mother and child.

Treatment of cheilitis

Depending on the type of cheilitis on the lips, it is treated by different doctors (dentists, allergists, and dermatovenerologists). A therapist will help you determine the correct form of cheilitis and distinguish it from other diseases - he will write out directions for the necessary tests.

How to treat cheilitis on the lips will directly depend on the form of the disease:

  1. In therapy exfoliative cheilitis The main one is the impact on the psycho-emotional sphere. A consultation with a neurologist or psychoneurologist is necessary, followed by the prescription of sedatives and tranquilizers.
  2. Treatment grandular cheilitis consists in the use of anti-inflammatory ointments. Tetracycline, Erythromycin and Oxolinic ointments are indicated; Flucinar and Sinalar also have a good effect.
  3. Treatment candidal cheilitis. For candidiasis, antifungal drugs are prescribed in the form of ointments (clotrimazole) or antibiotic solutions (for example, nystatin or natamycin). Antiseptics (chlorhexidine, hexetidine) are also used. At the same time, activities aimed at strengthening the immune system are carried out.
  4. During treatment atopic cheilitis irritating factors must be eliminated. Local treatment consists of using ointments with antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. Hormone-containing ointments are usually used - Flucinar, Prednisolone and Fluorocort.
  5. Treatment meteorological cheilitis includes, first of all, the cessation of the adverse effects of solar radiation or other meteorological factors. Ointments with hormones (hydrocortisone, prednisolone, etc.) are used locally. Use protective creams against ultraviolet radiation. Vitamins of group B, PP, etc. are prescribed internally.
  6. Treatment of macrocheilitis requires correction of all symptoms of the triad; for this purpose, immunocorrective, desensitizing and antiviral therapy is prescribed. Taking antihistamines in combination with hormonal drugs is indicated.

If treatment for cheilitis is started in a timely manner and there are no signs of malignancy, the prognosis is favorable; a long course of cheilitis, on the contrary, increases the likelihood of developing precancerous and cancerous diseases.

How to treat cheilitis on the lips with folk remedies

To speed up the healing process, you can use traditional medicine recipes, which are also very effective in treating various types of cheilitis.

  1. Lotions from sage or calendula. You will need 2-3 tbsp. spoons of grass leaves and half a liter of boiling water. Boil for about 10 minutes and strain well. This decoction can be used every half hour.
  2. Many who decide to treat cheilitis on the lips at home, as an effective remedy, choose aloe juice (peel the aloe leaves, chop and squeeze out the juice). It must be mixed (1:3) with boiled vegetable oil and smeared on the lips three times a day.
  3. Enriching your diet with vitamins. B, E, A are especially useful. Include magnesium and zinc in your diet. These elements are found in meat, mushrooms, onions, and hard cheese. Drink ginger drink.
  4. Eggshell . Recommended for use for cheilitis caused by allergies, especially in children. The eggshells, cleared of the inner film, should be washed, dried and ground into flour. For one portion of the medicine, you need to take the resulting flour on the tip of a knife and mix it with a drop of lemon juice.

It should be remembered that folk remedies will not help you cure secondary cheilitis; they can alleviate the symptoms of the ongoing disease. For a complete recovery, you should seek help from a doctor.


Prevention of the disease involves timely treatment of cheilitis in order to prevent cracked lips, various erosions, precancerous diseases and cancer that can develop from the epithelium of the red border of the lip. Protecting your lips from adverse external influences is very important.

The human skin is a mirror reflection of the internal state of the entire body and, quite naturally, any disruptions in this system are immediately reflected on the skin. In medical practice, allergic rashes around the lips are classified as contact cheilitis.

The main cause of allergic manifestations, including around the lips, is a negative reaction to the influence of an irritant.

Rashes around the mouth are not such a rare occurrence. As a rule, allergic rashes disappear after 3 days if certain conditions are met. To do this, it is necessary to refrain from eating citrus fruits, chocolate, and fermented milk products, which can provoke the development of allergies. However, in the case when the rash around the mouth does not go away for a long period of time (a month, a week), and the skin peels off, you should consult an allergist and dermatologist.

Causes of the disease

Secondary reasons may be:

  • lack of vitamin A;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dermatitis;
  • use of poor quality decorative cosmetics.

If peeling of the corners of the mouth occurs, which is accompanied by pain, a doctor can diagnose exfoliative cheilitis.

Exfoliative cheilitis - inflammatory lesion of the red border of the lips. This pathology occurs due to neurogenic factors. Damage to the lips is accompanied by the formation of dry gray scales. Under the scales, the surface of the skin has a bright red tint, without the formation of wounds or ulcers.

Photo 3: The most obvious sign of a lack of vitamin A in the body is peeling of the lips and the formation of pimples. In order to relieve symptoms, you should lubricate your lips with retinol in oil form and eat foods containing vitamin A. Source: flickr (minji lee).

Redness and itching in the corners of the lips

Redness and itching appear as a result of hormonal imbalances, prolonged exposure to the sun, allergies. Increased itching in the lips may be a symptom of anemia or diabetes. But the most common skin disease with these symptoms is glandular cheilitis.

Glandular cheilitis- inflammation of the salivary glands. It primarily affects the lower lip. Symptoms of the disease - swelling of the lips, redness, formation of red spots, itching, skin tightness, aching pain.

Treatment of inflammation of the corners of the lips

Increased dryness, flaking and itching in the corners of the mouth is an indicator that characterizes the disease of the entire organism as a whole. If the wounds do not go away within a week, purulent discharge appears, you should seek medical treatment.

This is interesting! There is a misconception that wounds in the corners of the lips heal faster after cauterizing them with alcohol. You shouldn't do this! Since alcohol provokes the formation of peeling and burn surface, which will prolong the healing process.

Antihistamine ointments and tablets are used to treat allergic inflammation.

To eliminate increased peeling, ointments are prescribed that contain a large amount of vitamins (Radevit).

Also you can lubricate your lips with freshly squeezed aloe juice or tea tree oil.

Ointments such as Acyclovir, Gerpevir will help in the treatment of viral skin lesions (herpes). To achieve an antimicrobial effect, the corners of the mouth should be wiped with a decoction of chamomile.

For purulent formations, ulcers and blisters, the inflamed area should be treated with furatsilin solution. If open wounds form, you should sprinkle them with crushed Streptocide.

Daily rubbing with a decoction of oak bark and calendula helps heal wounds and destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathic medicines help eliminate the cause of redness and inflammation. Treatment with microdoses helps develop your own immunity. This leads to recovery and reduces the risk of relapse.

A drugSymptoms

Inflammation of the corners of the mouth, which is accompanied by pain, the formation of cracks and dense crusts.

Cracks appear at the corners of the mouth. The inflammation spreads to the back wall of the oral cavity. There is severe salivation.

Formation of cracks in the corners of the mouth, with the appearance of a large number of ulcerative areas filled with pus.

Inflammatory process of the oral cavity, accompanied by cracked lips, foamy coating on the tongue, and ulcerative formations.

, the areas around them can be caused by many reasons. Most often, redness is a symptom of such common diseases as seizures and cheilitis.

Redness of lips - seizures. Reasons for appearance

The disease begins with the appearance of redness in the corners of the mouth, then small cracks, and in some cases even erosion. Delayed treatment can cause crusting and even bleeding ulcers. Seizures cause a lot of discomfort, trouble and inconvenience. Due to the pain that accompanies this disease, it is not uncommon for the patient to even refuse to eat.

The appearance of seizures most often occurs due to a lack of vitamin B2, the so-called riboflavin. Often this disease is accompanied by symptoms such as the appearance of crusts in the area of ​​the wings of the nose and other parts of the face, burning of the tongue and its redness. The patient experiences weakness, fatigue, and loss of appetite.

The appearance of a jam can also be caused by wearing a denture. This can be caused by improper care of the prosthesis, its poor quality, and sometimes anatomical features: the small size of the oral cavity, the increased size of the prosthesis in comparison with its size. Removing and maintaining a denture from the oral cavity can lead to mechanical tears in the tissues of the corners of the mouth and their subsequent infection.

Some toothpastes can also cause jamming., for example, containing fluorine. The reason for the appearance and development of seizures in children is often the habit of licking their lips and putting foreign objects in their mouth.

Unpleasant sensations when small cracks appear in the corners of the mouth are a signal from the body about problems existing in it. If the cause of their appearance is a lack of riboflavin in the body, then the problem can be very easily eliminated by taking vitamin B2. It should be noted that a lack of this vitamin in the body is often caused by smoking. Nicotine prevents its entry into the body.

Seizures in the corners of the mouth can also appear due to the existence of quite serious disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if there is no effective result after taking vitamin B2, you need to consult a gastroenterologist.

Treatment of seizures

Treatment of jams should begin with eliminating the causes that may cause their appearance. To do this, you need to visit a dentist and check your teeth for caries, as well as remove tartar, replace low-quality crowns and dentures. Smokers should try to reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke.

If symptoms persist for a long time, in order to detect the causative agent of the disease, it is necessary to carry out laboratory tests of scrapings and a blood test for the presence of vitamin B2 in it. The pathogens that cause jamming include staphylococci, streptococci or yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

If a fungus is detected, the doctor recommends the use of antifungal drugs (levorin, nystatin). For external lubrication, use 5% mercury ointment or 1% erythromycin, oxycort, 10% glycerin solution of borax, as well as levorin or nystatin ointment. You should not self-medicate. Medicinal ointments and medications should be selected by a doctor. When selecting medications, he will take into account the peculiarities of the course of the disease and individual sensitivity to drugs.

Doctors most often prescribe vitamin preparations (vitamin C, vitamin A oil solution and vitamin B2 complex), medicinal brewer's yeast, and rosehip syrup.

The diet should be enriched with vegetables and fruits, eliminate the consumption of spicy, sour, salty foods, and increase the consumption of dairy products. Among meat dishes, preference should be given to boiled meat. If you have fungal infections of the lips, you should also limit your consumption of sweets. Strict adherence to hygienic requirements for oral care and hygiene supplies will help prevent the recurrence of seizures.

Seizures are among the contagious diseases. Sharing hygiene products can lead to the transmission of this infectious disease from person to person. To treat seizures, it is necessary to use disinfectant and bactericidal medications: tinctures of Japanese Sophora, eucalyptus, mint, calendula or ointments with eucalyptus, immortelle, calendula, and also with an antibiotic.

Folk remedies for treating red lips

Commonly available folk remedies that can speed up the healing process of ulcers include some homemade products. A good effect for jamming is to lubricate the affected areas of the lips with goose fat, heated beeswax, honey, as well as sea buckthorn, olive, linseed and avocado oils.

Compresses and lotions prepared from infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile, calendula) also provide good results.

To speed up the healing process of jams, you can lubricate them with fresh cucumber or carrot juice, as well as apply a gruel of grated apple mixed with honey and butter to them.

And, of course, we should not forget about a well-tested method of treating ear jams - smearing them with wax from the ears, which can be removed with an ear cotton swab.

Redness of the lips - cheilitis

Sometimes the appearance of red spots, inflammation of the skin and even cracking of the skin can cause a disease called cheilitis. Unlike seizures, it is not classified as an infectious disease. Depending on the causes and factors that provoke the occurrence of the disease, the types of cheilitis are determined. Its simplest forms are allergic and meteorological cheilitis. The symptoms of this disease in any form are almost the same - redness of the mucous membrane and skin around the lips, the appearance of a red border around the mouth.

Meteorological cheilitis caused by the influence of external factors. It can be caused by changes in humidity and temperature, wind, and excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. If you are predisposed to this disease, you must take some measures to prevent its occurrence, for example, lubricate your lips with hypoallergenic lipstick or fatty creams before going out.

Allergic cheilitis most often attacks women over 20 years of age. It is called "lady's disease." The hallmark of the disease is a red border around the mouth, and in rare cases, redness of the mucous membrane. With a long-term illness, the skin of the lips and the red border become dry, then crack, and itching may be felt in problem areas. The main source of allergic cheilitis is lipsticks, or more precisely, the ingredients included in their composition (for example, fluorescent substances).

Also, the occurrence of the disease can be provoked by some of the components of toothpastes. Treatment of the allergic form of cheilitis involves the use of antiallergic drugs and, of course, elimination of the allergen itself.

There are also atopic cheilitis. It is distinguished from allergy by a longer treatment period and more pronounced redness in the corners of the mouth.

Also distinguished actinic cheilitis, the appearance of which is caused by the increased sensitivity of the lip border to sunlight. It is most active in the spring, progresses in the summer, and subsides in the winter-autumn period. A feature of actinic cheilitis is a redder border in the lower lip area. Reducing sun exposure or providing UV protection (for example, wearing a wide-brimmed hat) can prevent the occurrence.

How to treat cheilitis on the lips is necessary for every person who has encountered this disease at least once. The disease is an inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane. In most cases, the disease develops due to the negative effects of wind or cold. Cheilitis can appear as a result of injury or burn. There have been cases where the disease developed for no apparent reason.

1 Factors influencing the development of cheilitis

The main reasons for the development of the disease are:

  • adverse weather conditions;
  • allergic reaction;
  • the presence of an underlying disease.

Exposure to adverse weather conditions can negatively affect the condition of the mucous membrane. Cheilitis often develops due to severe frost or wind. Ultraviolet rays or high temperatures can cause irritation. Therefore, the skin on the lips must be constantly moisturized and not allowed to dry out.

The development of an allergic reaction is another negative factor. Increased sensitivity of the lips to various irritants leads to the appearance of so-called jams. They can be localized in the corners of the mouth or directly on the lips. Most often the border is affected, extremely rarely the mucous membrane. Interestingly, the disease in most cases develops due to poor-quality hygiene products, including lipsticks. Toothpastes and aromatic fillers can act as the main irritant. More often the disease occurs in women aged 20-60 years.

2 Main types of disease

Today, there are several main types of the disease. So, cheilitis can be:

  • glandular;
  • exfoliative;
  • contact;
  • meteorological;
  • atopic;
  • eczematous;
  • hypovitaminous.

Glandular cheilitis is a disease that develops as a result of congenital pathology of the minor salivary glands. In most cases, the disease affects people aged 30 years. The lesion is fixed in the area of ​​the upper lip. Initially, an ordinary lesion appears, then the clinical picture is supplemented by cracks and erosions.

The exfoliative form of the disease occurs in women. In this case, scales form on the lips, rarely accompanied by swelling.

Contact cheilitis occurs due to an allergic reaction. It is caused by interaction with a potentially dangerous substance. As in other cases, women over 20 years of age are susceptible to the disease. Early symptoms include mild swelling and irritation. Gradually, the situation worsens and small bubbles, cracks and erosions appear on the lips.

The meteorological form of the disease is caused by the body's increased sensitivity to negative environmental factors. This type of cheilitis is more often recorded in men. Manifests itself in the form of burning, swelling, itching and erosion.

Atopic lesion is a form of dermatitis. The victim complains of a persistent inflammatory process, which involves neighboring tissues.

Eczematous cheilitis develops against the background of eczema. In this case, there is a red border of the lips, swelling, burning and itching. If you do not start the correct comprehensive elimination of the disease, the situation will worsen. Over time, severe swelling and hyperemia appear.

The hypovitaminosis form of the disease is caused by a lack of vitamins and important microelements. Against this background, a person is plagued by a strong burning sensation, damage to the oral mucosa and dry lips.

Some forms of cheilitis on the lips do not require serious treatment. However, to determine the root cause of the disease and prescribe comprehensive measures to eliminate it, you need to go to the hospital.

3 Diagnosis and methods of eliminating the disease

The dentist can make an accurate diagnosis after a complete examination of the patient. To differentiate the disease, it is often necessary to undergo histological examination.

Inflammation on the inside of the lips with redness and swelling, itching and burning sensation, is inflammation of the oral mucosa.

Such inflammation in adults often develops when the immune system is weakened.

The “entry gate” for infection is microtrauma of the mucous membrane of the inner side of the lips that occurs during brushing teeth, chewing food, and dental procedures. Infectious agents penetrate the mucous membrane, provoking the development of inflammation. The microflora of the oral cavity always contains pathogenic microorganisms, but the immune system does not allow them to multiply, and when it fails, the pathogenic microflora begins to develop rapidly, causing inflammation.

Based on the degree of damage to the mucous membrane, there are:

  • catarrhal;
  • ulcerative;
  • aphthous stomatitis.

The appearance of catarrhal stomatitis caused by poor oral hygiene, the presence of caries-affected teeth, and significant deposits of stones.

If left untreated, its next stage often becomes ulcerative stomatitis(although it can also occur independently). Ulcers of a round or oval shape with a reddish edging affect not only the surface layer, but also penetrate deep into the tissues, causing pain. If treatment is not continued, colonies form from the ulcers, which, merging, spread from the inside of the lips to the entire oral cavity.

The phenomenon is far from rare. Initially, blisters appear, which quickly burst, leaving deep, painful ulcers with a white center and a red border. Sensitivity in the mouth increases, swelling and bleeding of the gums appears, body temperature rises, up to high values. External manifestations are so painful that they interfere with eating and speaking.

The inner surface of the lips is often affected by the herpes virus. Once it has penetrated the body, it is not completely cured, and from time to time it makes itself felt, activating when the immune system is weakened or under severe stress. Herpes on the inside of the lips is not so noticeable to others, but no less dangerous.

Stomatitis in adults is often a consequence of other diseases: diabetes, problems with the blood or cardiovascular system, or an allergic reaction.

Treatment of inflammation on the inside of the lips

Treatment of mild inflammation comes down to the use of oral baths with antiseptic solutions - furatsilin, potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine. It is recommended to eat non-hot, liquid, non-irritating food.

Moderate and severe forms of inflammation require the use of anti-inflammatory and antiviral agents.

To increase the body's defenses immunostimulating therapy is indicated.

When inflammation subsides use products that improve the healing of ulcers - or rose hips, Solcoseryl dental ointment, Mundizal-gel, Piralvex gel or solution.

If one day you wondered why your lower lip hurts, namely the lip is inflamed, and some kind of white sore appears inside, it means that you have developed stomatitis. It is unlikely that there is at least one person who has not encountered this infection. It is considered one of the most common dental diseases; stomatitis has many types, and the so-called “jams” are its mildest form. Because of the jams, the corners of the lips hurt, cracks and pustules appear. But these lip diseases can be easily cured with both medications and folk remedies.

Stomatitis is a disease of the oral mucosa. Scientists still cannot fully determine the reasons for its appearance, but if you have encountered it before, then the likelihood of a relapse is very high. Poor hygiene, weakened immunity, anemia, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, tumors, hormonal fluctuations, injuries - all this can cause stomatitis.

First, the inside of the lips turns red, swelling appears, and then a burning sensation. If you do not start treatment at this moment, ulcers will appear - round in shape, gray or white in color with a red border and film. Ulcers cause severe pain, and in advanced cases it may be impossible to eat or talk.

Treatment of stomatitis should begin with a trip to the dentist. Go through hygienic cleaning, removing soft plaque and tartar. Caries also needs to be treated so that the infection does not develop into more complex forms, such as aphthous, catarrhal and ulcerative stomatitis. Then at home you need to rinse your mouth with chamomile or calendula decoctions. Natural antiseptics will work well to clear up the infection within a few days, but if there is no improvement, you should see your doctor again to prescribe additional medications.

On a note: If you occasionally have a herpes virus (cold on the lips), then you should think about the herpetic nature of stomatitis. Treatment for this type of disease is different from others, so be sure to consult a specialist.

Why do the corners of my lips hurt?

“Seizures” are a bacterial disease that causes cracks, irritations, and pustules to appear in the corners of the lips. Most often they appear due to weakened immunity due to vitamin deficiency, which often occurs in the spring. But allergies, malocclusion and the bad habit of licking lips can also cause jamming.

Treatment for seizures involves visiting a doctor. But there are some proven methods:

  • Elimination of vitamin deficiency. Take multivitamin complexes, and especially eliminate the deficiency of B2 and E;
  • If a fungus is detected, use antifungal drugs that can only be selected by a specialist;
  • Lubricate cracks with tea tree oil, it has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Treat tooth decay and remove tartar.

A beautiful and happy smile is impossible if you are suffering from various diseases. Take care of your health, and your well-being will improve, as well as your appearance.

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If your lips become dry, sore or cracked, you need to look for the causes of such symptoms and begin appropriate treatment. Sometimes cracks and inflammation appear due to herpes and infectious diseases. Often dryness is caused by prolonged exposure to the cold, excess solar radiation in the summer heat. In all cases, you need to look for the reasons why your lips hurt and take measures to eliminate harmful factors. If the disease is neglected, the affected areas will become covered with blisters, a rash or blisters with pus, will bleed, and will be very painful.

Causes of dryness and cracks

There are many reasons why pain appears in the corners of the lips or from the inside. Before starting treatment with folk remedies and medications, these external factors should be eliminated. Most often, peeling and inflammation begin due to allergies to lipstick, toothpaste, and certain foods. Sometimes cracks appear due to dehydration of the body, spring vitamin deficiency.

Main reasons:

    Dry indoor air. If the batteries are running at full power, your lips quickly dry out and become covered with small cracks. The problem is aggravated if a person feels thirsty and licks his mouth with his tongue.

    Frost, strong wind outside. Chapping in the cold causes lips to crack and peel. In such weather, it is recommended to use hygienic lipstick and protect your face from the wind.

    Allergy to components of lipstick, balm, gloss or toothpaste. If your lips are red, swollen, or painful when touched lightly, you need to check the expiration date of these products and read the contraindications. If unpleasant symptoms appear, you need to change your cosmetics and buy a new tube of toothpaste with a different composition.

    Reduced hemoglobin is also a factor causing the formation of cracks.

    Allergies to certain foods, eating too hot, salty and spicy foods. Salt and spices corrode delicate skin and serve as prerequisites for the formation of microcracks.

    It is a bad habit to often lick the edges of your mouth with your tongue or bite with your teeth, especially in cold or hot weather.

    Dehydration of the body also leads to the appearance of cracks and exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis. At the first sign of thirst, you need to drink water, avoiding dry mouth.

    Decreased immunity after illnesses, colds. The body's defenses do not have time to fight infections, so the lips hurt and dry, becoming covered with cracks over the entire surface.

    Kissing also leads to microtraumas. From kissing, the surface may become red and swollen, especially if the partner has the habit of lightly biting the lower or upper lip with his teeth. It is imperative to ensure that your partner does not have herpes or open wounds.

Having found out why the corners of the lips or their entire surface hurt, you should take measures to eliminate these factors. If the symptoms do not go away, it means there is an infection or a serious illness.

Injuries and damage

Often pain in the lip appears after a strong blow, bruise or rupture. The injury is accompanied by pain, bleeding, and the appearance of a laceration. Sometimes the causes of pain are burns, punctures during piercing, and chapping in the cold. Each injury has its own symptoms, noticeable signs and external manifestations.

Description of damage:

Blow, bruise. Children most often receive such injuries during falls or fights. The injured area swells greatly, and microcracks and wounds appear at the site of the impact. After 2-3 days a bruise appears. If there is no rupture, it is enough to apply ice to the damaged area, do not drink hot drinks.

Cut, rupture. Such damage appears after a fight, careless handling of a knife, or failure to follow safety rules. The damage is accompanied by bleeding from the open wound and severe pain. Sometimes it is necessary to contact a surgeon or traumatologist and apply sutures to the cut site.

Bite. You can accidentally bite soft tissue at any age. Most often, bites appear in young children on the inside of the lips after inaccurate eating. The injury is accompanied by pain, swelling, and redness.

Thermal or chemical burn. In case of a burn, you need to treat the damaged area with antiseptic ointment, make dry compresses and ice packs.

Punctures during tattooing. Coloring pigments are injected under the upper layers of the epidermis with special needles, causing swelling and inflammation. First, a dried crust appears, requiring daily application of antibacterial ointments. Healing occurs in 2-3 weeks if the rules of care and hygiene are observed.

Piercing (wearing jewelry at the piercing site). The procedure is quite painful and has various contraindications. Punctures take a long time to heal and are susceptible to infection and the appearance of herpes.

If a bruise and a weak bite disappear without a trace after 3-4 days, then a burn, cut or tattoo requires long-term treatment. Severe damage takes a long time to heal, leaving behind small wounds, scars, scars. If an infection occurs, you will need to take a course of antibiotics and surgically cleanse the wound of pus.

Possible diseases

If symptoms such as peeling, dryness, redness or soreness of the lips appear, the possibility of infectious diseases should be excluded. The formation of crusts, cracks or wounds is often caused by diseases such as stomatitis, herpes, and cheilitis. When you get stuck and have a cold, it can be painful to open your mouth, eat, and even laugh. All these diseases require treatment, antibiotics, and antiherpes drugs.


If the lower lip hurts, inflammation and white sores appear on it, stomatitis is diagnosed. The infection affects the mucous membranes in the oral cavity, manifested by pain, burning, and inflammation. The reason is decreased immunity, poor hygiene, and metabolic disorders. You cannot delay treatment, as after 2-3 days painful white or gray sores appear, covered with a thin film.

It is necessary to consult a dentist, have the oral cavity treated, and remove plaque. Baths with chamomile, oak bark, and rinsing with antiseptic preparations help get rid of stomatitis.


If the lip hurts inside, looks inflamed and swollen, primary or secondary cheilitis is diagnosed. It is characterized by inflammatory processes in the skin, the appearance of cracks and dried crusts. Doctors believe that the causes of the disease are decreased immunity, stress, exposure to cold, wind, and ultraviolet radiation. A crust and swelling appear on the red border, the patient feels pain and a strong burning sensation.

Treatment consists of applying a solution of boric acid, anti-inflammatory ointments, and taking multivitamins to strengthen the body.


Seizures are a bacterial disease in which the edges of the lips become inflamed and painful. Painful cracks and small ulcers with a dense crust appear in the corners. Patients complain of pain and difficulty eating. Sometimes the cause of seizures is allergies, the habit of licking oneself in the cold. If the disease is not treated, the cracks turn into ulcers with open pustules. The doctor prescribes antifungal and antibacterial ointments, drying antiseptics.


With vitamin deficiency, severe peeling of the lips, dryness and cracks appear. The reason is the body's lack of vitamins A, E, B, and weakened immunity. You can eliminate the problem by taking a course of multivitamins as recommended by your doctor. It is also recommended to eat orange fruits, liver, and nuts. Oil masks with liquid solutions of vitamins E and A help well.


If the upper lip or lower lip hurts, and colorless blisters form over the entire surface, the cause is the herpes virus. It is diagnosed in 90% of the population, most often observed in a latent form. The virus awakens when immunity decreases, after a cold, stress, or overwork. Other factors in its manifestation include taking medications, hypothermia, and overheating in the sun.

Most often, blisters appear in the corners of the mouth, accompanied by itching, burning, and pain when eating salty foods. Herpes is treated with special medications, supplementing the course with vitamins.


Colds in the corners of the mouth appear after chapping or being in the cold for a long time. It is also caused by a previous cold or hypothermia. First, peeling begins with peeling of the skin, then cracks grow. In children, a cold is a consequence of a runny nose and impaired nasal breathing. You need to breathe through your nose, forget about the habit of licking your lips in the wind. Hygienic lipstick and rich cream will help protect the skin.


In rare cases, the cause of deep cracks and tears is cancer of the upper or lower lip. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in heavy smokers. A noticeable swelling appears, pain and bleeding are noted. In 90% of cases, the disease is treatable with timely consultation with a doctor.

Treatment and prevention

Every patient should know what to do if their lips hurt, peel and crack. Treatment is usually local and does not require hospital observation or surgical intervention. Prevention consists of maintaining oral hygiene, proper brushing of teeth, and using hygienic lipstick. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of your teeth and gums, visit the dentist regularly, and remove tartar.

Treatment includes the following procedures:

  • use of wound healing creams, ointments;
  • application of bactericidal balms, disinfectants;
  • preparing homemade masks from sea buckthorn or olive oil, jojoba and tea tree oils;
  • massage with a soft toothbrush to increase blood circulation;
  • taking complex multivitamins;
  • taking a course of antifungal and antiherpes drugs.

If you follow all the rules of care and prevention, in 3-4 days you can get rid of cracks on your lips, cure wounds, small cuts and pimples. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the skin around the mouth, promptly treat rashes, seizures and colds. Timely consultation with a doctor will help eliminate the manifestations of stomatitis, herpes or cheilitis, and maintain the integrity of the skin.

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