Why is life impossible on other planets? Seven good reasons why there may be life on other planets. Radio transmission of intelligent beings from space

We have no direct evidence that there could be life somewhere on other planets, moons, or in interstellar space. However, there are some very serious prospects that we will eventually find life somewhere other than Earth, perhaps even in the solar system.

1. Extremophiles on Earth


Extremophiles are living organisms that can survive in conditions that are completely unbearable from a human point of view: extreme heat, cold, toxic chemicals and even in a vacuum. We discovered creatures living in volcanic vents, in the salty reservoirs of the Andes, in the ice-covered Arctic. Tiny creatures called are able to survive in the vacuum of space. In other words, we know that life can exist in conditions that we sometimes encounter on other planets and moons. We just haven't found it yet.

2. The presence of chemical precursors for life on other planets

A precursor is a substance that participates in a reaction leading to the formation of the target substance. Apparently, the origin of life on Earth was the result of a series of chemical reactions that formed complex organic compounds - nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids - in the atmosphere and ocean. There is evidence that these "precursors of life" are found on other planets. For example, precursors were found in and in. Although we haven't found life, we have found its "ingredients."

3. Rapid growth in the number of terrestrial planets

Hubble Telescope

The pace of discovery of planets similar to ours is accelerating: over the past 10 years, scientists have found hundreds of exoplanets, many of them gas giants like . But new planetary detection technologies are making it possible to find small, rocky worlds like Earth. Some of them even orbit their own Sun counterparts. Given how many of these planets we find, it is likely that the next one will support some form of life.

4. Diversity and tenacity of species living on Earth

This image shows four of Saturn's moons: Titan, Dione, Pandora and Pan.

The Earth has more than once gone through various times of crisis: megavolcanic eruptions, meteorite attacks, ice ages, droughts, radical changes in the atmosphere, etc. However, life on it continues to this day. We can say that life is quite tenacious. Taking into account this persistence, as well as the incredible diversity of organisms living on Earth, we can, again, conclude that there must be something similar somewhere in the Universe. Why not on one of Saturn's moons, for example?..

5. Mysteries surrounding the origin of life on Earth

We have various theories about how life originated on our planet, but we still don't know anything for sure. It is still not clear what gave impetus to chemical compounds so that they collectively formed a living cell. Especially considering the completely unfavorable environment millions of years ago in which this happened: the atmosphere was full of methane, and the surface of the planet was covered with boiling lava. One of the widespread theories is that life did not originate on Earth at all, but on a planet with more suitable conditions for this, for example, on Mars, and then was brought to Earth on meteorites. This theory is called the panspermia theory. If it is true, then why shouldn't life spread somewhere else besides Earth?

6. Growing evidence that seas, rivers and lakes occur on other planets in the solar system


Life on Earth originated in the ocean; without it, all of us would not exist. But can this happen on other planets? Perhaps, because we have received enough convincing evidence, including photographs, that our neighbors in the solar system also have bodies of water. Once upon a time there was water on Titan dry river beds, and on Europa (a satellite of Jupiter) it was discovered completely covered with a thick layer of ice. Life could have previously existed on any of these planets. It may exist there now, we just don’t know about it yet.

7. Theory of evolution

Neil Armstrong on the Moon

People often use it to explain why we will never find intelligent life in the universe. On the other hand, there is evolutionary theory, which suggests that life adapts to the demands of the environment. Although Darwin and his colleagues were unlikely to think about life on exoplanets when developing this theory, unorthodox interpretations suggest that life can adapt to any environment, such as outer space. It is possible that one fine day we will still find life in the Universe, and if not, we ourselves will evolve to the point of being able to live on other planets.

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Over time, ideas about the diversity of worlds began to be supported by a theoretical basis. Astronomer Francis Drake proposed a famous formula that can be used to calculate the number of civilizations with a high level of technological development.

Drake puts the number of such civilizations in the observable Universe at ten thousand. However, there are other assumptions. For example, astronomer Carl Sagan believed that in our galaxy alone there are a million highly developed civilizations (!). According to the theory of John Oro, one of the first comet researchers, the Milky Way contains no more than a hundred “intelligent” planets. And skeptics argue that the Earth, with its diverse life forms, has no analogues at all in the world of Space.

However, science now knows that life can exist even without sunlight and photosynthesis. In the early 90s, researchers discovered in a basalt slab hidden deep underground in Washington state a huge number of microorganisms, completely isolated from the outside world. Life discovered in the most incredible conditions, so its existence on, say, Mars no longer seems impossible.

There is probably no more pressing topic in the history of the search for extraterrestrial civilizations than the problem life on Mars. The history of close study of the Red Planet began in 1877. It was then that the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli discovered that the surface of the planet was streaked with lines, which he mistook for canals. The Italian's idea was picked up by the American astronomer Percival Lovell. In the last years of the 19th century, he announced that the channels he opened were the work of an intelligent Martian civilization that was superior to us in development. In his opinion, the construction of a system of engineering structures covering the entire planet testifies to a level of technology that is unattainable for us; harmonizing the situation on the planet is proof of the high moral character of the Martians. H.G. Wells altered this idea somewhat by portraying the Martians as bloodthirsty monsters bent on conquering Earth in his 1898 novel War of the Worlds.

However, the advent of more powerful telescopes solved the problem of channels - they turned out to be just a figment of the imagination. Until 1960, hopes of discovering life on Mars were associated with another phenomenon - seasonal darkening of the planet's surface. There was a theory that these were signs of vegetation. The Martian forests and steppes faded into myth in 1965, when the Mariner 4 space probe took 22 photographs of the surface of the Red Planet. Mars turned out to be a desert with craters, reminiscent of the Moon.

When Viking 1 and Viking 2 reached the Martian surface in 1976, they found no signs of life or traces of organic molecules on the Red Planet. True, the results of the expedition cannot be considered final. “You could land Vikings on Earth and end up in a place where there was no life,” says astronomer Jack Farmer. The whole point, he believes, is to identify areas of the Martian surface where, with the greatest degree of probability, they could have been preserved. traces of life. One of these places may be the Gusev crater, which was once filled with water.

And yet the absence of visible signs of life predetermined the decline of exobiology (the science of alien life forms), which lasted two decades.
The situation changed in the 90s. Biologists began to find living organisms in such exotic corners of the Earth and in such harsh conditions that this gave new impetus to the search life on the planets of the solar system.

It is curious that at the time when life arose on Earth, Mars looked much more hospitable. About 3.8 billion years ago, the Martian climate was warmer and wetter. The Red Planet was similar to Earth - it had water reserves and an atmosphere. Evidence that Mars once had water has survived to this day. Scientists believe that the Nanedi Vallis Canyon, stretching over a width of almost three kilometers, was once a deep river. It meanders like a river bed and has a branch in the form of a narrow channel through which water once flowed.

Over time, Mars lost its surface water and atmosphere. As the Sun became hotter, the zone suitable for habitation in our Solar System shifted further and further from the central body. Mars is still within this zone, but its atmosphere, which is only one percent as dense as Earth's, cannot retain enough heat to keep water liquid.

However, if rivers flowed on Mars billions of years ago, and perhaps there was a raging ocean, life could well have existed there. One can even assume that life originated on Mars and was then transferred to Earth with the help of meteorites.

In 1996, a team of NASA scientists announced that a famous Martian meteorite found in Antarctica, known as ALH84001, contained traces of fossil-like microorganisms. This discovery was officially announced at a press conference held in Washington on August 7, 1996.

The researchers prepared a spectacular presentation, showing graphs and sensational photographs of fossils, one of which was shaped like a worm. However, skeptics immediately raised their voices. They referred to the fact that all the facts presented by scientists as proof of organic
The findings of fossils may also indicate their inorganic nature. In addition to everything, particles that had already landed on Earth were discovered inside the meteorite.

Everett Gibson, a member of the NASA research team, believes that the arguments of skeptics are a typical example of the scientific community's rejection of a revolutionary idea. “Science,” he says, “cannot accept a radical idea instantly. There was a time when scientists did not believe that meteorites could fall from the sky. There was a time when the theory of tectonic movement of the earth’s plates was considered very strange.”

Another celestial body with which hopes are pinned for discovering traces of life is Jupiter's satellite Europa. Photos taken by NASA show that Europa's surface resembles the frozen surface of the Earth's sea! It is dotted with grooves and cracks. Along with the other three Galilean satellites of Jupiter, Europa is connected to this planet by gravitational forces. Scientists theorize that Jupiter's gravitational pull may create enough heat to keep the water beneath the moon's ice cap from freezing. If in addition there is volcanic activity on Europa, the chances of finding signs of life on it increase.

The optimism of exobiologists striving find life on other planets, is supported by the well-known fact that living organisms are composed mainly of hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon and oxygen, and these four chemically active elements are the most abundant in the Universe. However, the very origin of life, even on Earth, remains a great mystery. How can a set of chemical elements turn into a living entity without outside intervention? “There is no principle that says that matter must come to life. Humanity has not yet discovered the Life Principle,” says physicist and writer Paul Davis.

Suppose life did arise in several corners of the Universe. The next question will be - how likely is it to evolve to a reasonable level? Some scientists believe that the development of intelligence is programmed even in the simplest organisms, capable of sensing the environment and searching for food. Thus, they argue, if we find an alien entity seeking food, at some point it may develop into an intelligent being.

It is also interesting to what extent the appearance of living beings from different worlds can be similar. How likely is it to meet an alien with eyes, wings or a tail? Although reality can mix up all the cards: physical and chemical properties are universal, and it is logical to assume that any intelligent life should repeat the basic features of the earthly one. For example, aliens must have a head on which (next to the brain) the organs of vision, touch and smell are located in order to perceive light, sound and smells. To maintain and protect internal organs, alien creatures will need a skeleton, and to move - limbs. Naturally, all this is just speculation. Nature can be much more inventive than we are.

The scientific community continues to seek confirmation of the idea that we are not alone in the Universe. In the near future, NASA plans to build a telescope - the “Terrestrial Planet Finder”, which will search for planets similar to Earth and examine them for detection signs of life. In 2008, samples of Martian rock are expected to be delivered from the Red Planet, which will be sent for research to various laboratories. Flights of space probes to the region of Jupiter's satellite Europa are planned for the coming years.

Along with the search for primitive alien organisms, scientists are looking for opportunities to communicate with highly developed intelligent civilizations. Radio signals are emitted into space, which, moving at the speed of light, have already reached 1,500 stars within a radius of fifty light years. The world-famous SETI (“Search for Alien Intelligence”) project monitors signals coming from space in the hope of catching an artificial message. Forty years of experiments have not yet brought the long-awaited result, but optimists are confident that receiving a signal from our distant brothers in mind is only a matter of time.

Recently, the idea of ​​the possible existence of intelligent life in distant star systems, and significantly ahead in its development of earthly civilization. It is possible that such a large gap in the level of understanding of the world and knowledge of the laws of nature is the reason for the “radio silence” of our distant “brothers in mind.”

Of course, it is impossible to directly observe the activities of extraterrestrial civilizations due to their enormous remoteness. However, the consequences of such activity can probably be seen by terrestrial astronomical instruments. At least, the Lithuanian astronomer V. Straizhis adheres to precisely this point of view.

He drew attention to some stars called “blue stranglers,” which are found in different types of stellar communities (hence their name “strugglers,” which means “wanderers”). These stars, unlike “normal” stars, do not spend their matter on radiation, as if someone was continuously replenishing their “fuel” to maintain acceptable temperature conditions on nearby planets.

Such an operation would be entirely within the capabilities of the supercivilization adjacent to this star. Some ordinary stars contain chemical elements in concentrations that are thousands of times higher than those found in ordinary stars. Moreover, they are located in “spots” reminiscent of industrial waste dumps. And finally, stars with significant amounts of radioactive elements with half-lives of hundreds of thousands of years attract special attention from researchers. How did they get there if the stars are billions of years old? It is quite possible that these are products of the nuclear industry.

Progress in the creation of new means of astronomical research on our planet, including the construction of space observatories, inspires hope that sooner or later clear evidence of the existence of another intelligence in the Universe will be discovered.

In contact with

Today our solar system has been studied very well. Most of the planets have already been explored and we can say with confidence that life exists only on Earth. After all, in order for there to be life on the planet, there must be good conditions. Firstly, there must be an atmosphere, because it is the atmosphere that is the key to the origin of life. There must also be oxygen and water. There are some embryonic atmospheres on Venus and Mars, but there is no life there, although in the future it could theoretically appear there too.

One of the most interesting ideas, which for centuries has excited the imagination of not only professional astronomers, but also people of other professions, has always been the idea of ​​​​searching for evidence of the presence of life on other planets of our solar system. The Universe is huge, practically infinite, and scientists fully accept the idea that on some distant planet outside our solar system, or even on many planets, the same life flows as on Earth. It is likely that somewhere in the vastness of the universe there are planets whose conditions allow life to form and sustain it for a long time. But what about our solar system?
Today it is believed that in order for life to be possible somewhere, an atmosphere (in other words, air), water, an indicator of the acceleration of gravity (g, - one of the manifestations of gravity) close to that of Earth, and an acceptable temperature are needed. Astronomers have conducted a number of studies devoted to the search for life forms on the planets of our solar system. They searched the planets for water, air and other substances common on planet Earth.

Studies of our closest neighbor, the Moon, have shown that this planet is completely devoid of life forms and conditions for their formation. There is a complete absence of atmosphere, no water, and temperature conditions practically coincide with those in space. This means that in the shadow on the Moon it is about -100 degrees Celsius, and in the sun it is somewhere around +100. And no intermediate values.

But in our solar system there are planets whose conditions are close to those on Earth. And the first candidate for the possibility of the existence of life forms is Mars. There is an atmosphere here - although extremely rarefied, a g-value close to that of the earth, water is present, and the average air temperature is 60 degrees Celsius. Not the Caribbean, of course, but with the appropriate equipment you can survive.

And yet these conditions are unacceptable for humans. The atmosphere is too thin to breathe. Wind speeds can reach 100 meters per second, and precipitation contains sulfuric acid. Scientists have not yet fully decided on the life forms on this planet - perhaps there are creatures that are able to survive in such conditions. But so far there is no official data confirming their existence.

Another planet of our solar system, more or less similar in conditions to the Earth, is Venus. It is a kind of antipode to Mars. There is water, there is an atmosphere, but on the contrary it is concentrated, thick, too rich. The average air temperature is +420 degrees. The greenhouse effect on this planet is the cause of high temperatures, and therefore it is sometimes called the future of the Earth. Given the current state of ecology, when there is chemical contamination of the environment on Earth, the greenhouse effect in the future seems quite possible. And despite a number of similarities with earthly conditions, life on Venus is impossible.

Astronomers continue to attempt to study the planets of our solar system; perhaps someday the results of research will refute the existing picture of the world. In addition, scientists are exploring planets outside our solar system. Maybe one day in the vastness of the universe we will be able to discover a planet similar to Earth, and we will make acquaintance with creatures of a completely different civilization.

I recently came across an interesting idea about life on other planets, and in particular, why we have not yet found anything like this. A certain Schneiderman, in his book “Beyond the Horizon of the Conscious World,” referring to an article from back in 1990, talks about the concept natural cosmic frequency, which is abbreviated as SFC.

According to the academician, every body in the Universe has its own cosmic frequency. And it is the SCN that determines the nature of the space and time in which this body is located. For the Earth, this figure is 365.25, that is, the number of revolutions around its own axis during its passage around the central luminary - the Sun. For each planet, the SSC is unique and inimitable. And this is precisely the answer to the question of why we feel so alone in the space of the Universe.

Our own cosmic frequency in which we are born forms for us a certain individual pattern through the prism of which we look at the world. All we can see is just a materialized image, transformed to suit our perception.

It's similar to how we perceive colors. After all, flowers, as such, do not exist. We see waves of different lengths, which the brain interprets as color. And one more interesting nuance is that our spectrum does not include their entire possible range. There are vibrations that the eye simply cannot recognize. We do not see ultraviolet and infrared, and many more radiations are inaccessible to our perception.

By analogy, life on other planets in its real and objective existence cannot be recognized through the filters of an alien SCN. And even what scientists will probably one day be able to find, according to this theory, will be very far from the truth and true only in a system where the central point of reference is the planet Earth and the individual pattern or view of the Universe set by its sphere.

Contact with an objective alien is possible only through a change in one’s own cosmic frequency, through its adjustment and attunement with the object of study. However, this cannot be achieved through technical means alone. Moreover, adherents of the concept argue that such an artificial change in a person’s SFC, even if possible, will certainly lead to tragic consequences. The reason is that an unprepared mind is not able to undergo such a transformation and then return to its original state without disorder or damage.

Thus, extraterrestrial contacts will become possible only through the development of consciousness through knowledge and mystical practice. Today, for humanity as a whole, these methods are inaccessible, because the main measure of their availability is the level of ethics. And as long as there is “at least one military man on our planet who is eager to seize power,” high knowledge will remain hidden from the world community behind seven locks.

Extraterrestrial life causes a lot of controversy among scientists. Ordinary people often think about the existence of aliens. To date, many facts have been found that confirm that there is also life outside the Earth. Do aliens exist? You can find out this, and much more, in our article.

Space exploration

An exoplanet is a planetoid that is located outside the Solar System. Scientists are actively exploring space. In 2010, more than 500 exoplanets were discovered. However, only one of them is similar to Earth. Small-sized cosmic bodies began to be discovered relatively recently. Most often, exoplanets are gas planetoids resembling Jupiter.

Astronomers are interested in “living” planets that are in a favorable zone for the development and origin of life. A planetoid on which there may be human-like creatures must have a solid surface. Another important factor is comfortable temperature.

“Living” planets should also be located away from sources of harmful radiation. According to scientists, clean water must be present on the planetoid. Only such an exoplanet can be suitable for the development of different forms of life. Researcher Andrew Howard is confident in the existence of a huge number of planets similar to Earth. He says he wouldn't be surprised if every 2nd or 8th star has a planetoid that is similar to ours.

Amazing Research

Many people are interested in whether extraterrestrial life forms exist. Scientists from California working in the Hawaiian Islands have discovered a new planet around the star It is located about 20 light years from us. The planetoid is located in a zone comfortable for living. None of the other planets have such a favorable location. It has a comfortable temperature for the development of life. Experts say that, most likely, there is clean drinking water there. Such However, experts do not know whether there are creatures similar to humans there.

The search for extraterrestrial life continues. Scientists have found that a planet similar to ours is about 3 times heavier than Earth. It circles around its axis in 37 Earth days. The average temperature ranges from 30 degrees Celsius to 12 degrees Celsius below zero. It is not yet possible to visit it. It will take several generations to reach it. Of course, there is definitely life there in some form. Scientists report that comfortable conditions do not guarantee the presence of intelligent creatures.

Other planets similar to Earth have been found. They are at the edges of the Gliese 5.81 comfort zone. One of them is 5 times heavier than the Earth, and the other is 7 times heavier. What would creatures of extraterrestrial origin look like? Scientists say that humanoids that may live on planets around Gliese 5.81 are likely to be short and broad-bodied.

They have already tried to establish contact with creatures that may live on these planets. Experts sent a radio signal there using a radio telescope located in Crimea. Surprisingly, it will be possible to find out whether aliens really exist around 2028. It is by this time that the message will reach the addressee. If extraterrestrial beings respond immediately, then we will be able to hear their answer around 2049.

Scientist Raghbir Batal claims that at the end of 2008 he received a strange signal from the region of Gliese 5. 81. It is possible that extraterrestrial beings tried to make themselves known even before habitable planets were discovered. Scientists promise to decipher the received signal.

About extraterrestrial life

Extraterrestrial life has always been of interest to scientists. Back in the 16th century, an Italian monk wrote that life exists not only on Earth, but also on other planets. He argued that creatures living on other planets may be different from humans. The monk believed that there was room in the Universe for different forms of development.

It was not only the monk who thought that we are not alone in the Universe. The scientist claims that life on Earth could have originated thanks to microorganisms that came from space. He suggests that the development of humanity can be observed by residents of other planetoids.

NASA experts were once asked to tell us how they imagine aliens. Scientists claim that planetoids that have a large mass should be home to flat, crawling creatures. It is still impossible to say whether aliens really exist and what they look like. The search for exoplanets continues today. 5 thousand of the most promising cosmic bodies favorable for life are already known.

Signal decoding

Another strange radio signal was received last year in the Russian Federation. Scientists claim that the message was sent from a planetoid located 94 light years from Earth. They believe the signal strength indicates an unnatural origin. Scientists suggest that extraterrestrial life cannot exist on this planetoid.

Where will alien life be found?

Some scientists suggest that the first planet on which extraterrestrial life will be found will be Earth. We are talking about meteorites. To date, it is officially known about 20 thousand alien bodies that have been found on Earth. Some of them contain organic substances. For example, 20 years ago the world learned about a meteorite in which fossilized microorganisms were found. The body is of Martian origin. It was in space for about three billion years. After many years of travel, the meteorite ended up on Earth. However, evidence that could make it possible to understand its origin has never been found.

Scientists believe that the best carrier of microorganisms is a comet. 15 years ago, the so-called “red rain” was observed in India. The Taurus found in the composition is of extraterrestrial origin. 6 years ago it was proven that the resulting microorganisms can carry out their life activities at 121 degrees Celsius. They do not develop at room temperature.

Alien Life and the Church

Many have repeatedly thought about the existence of alien life. However, the Bible denies that we are not alone in the Universe. According to scripture, the Earth is unique. God created it for life, and other planets are not intended for this. The Bible describes all stages of the creation of the Earth. Some believe that this is no coincidence, because, in their opinion, other planets were created for other purposes.

A huge number of science fiction films have been made. In them, anyone can see what aliens might look like. According to the Bible, an intelligent extraterrestrial being will not be able to receive redemption because it is only meant for humans.

Extraterrestrial life does not agree with the Bible. It is impossible to be confident in a scientific or church theory. There is no significant evidence that alien life exists. All planetoids are formed by chance. It is possible that some of them have favorable conditions for life.

UFO. Why does there be a belief in aliens?

Some believe that anything that cannot be recognized is a UFO. They claim that it is certainly possible to see something in the firmament that cannot be recognized. However, these can be flares, space stations, meteorites, lightning, false suns and much more. A person who is not familiar with all of the above may assume that he saw a UFO.

More than 20 years ago, a program about extraterrestrial life was shown on television. Some believe that belief in aliens is associated with a feeling of loneliness in space. Extraterrestrial beings could have medical knowledge that could cure the population of many diseases.

Alien emergence of life on Earth

It is no secret that there is a theory about the extraterrestrial origin of life on Earth. Scientists argue that this opinion arose because none of the theories of earthly origins has ever explained the appearance of RNA and DNA. Evidence in favor of the extraterrestrial theory was found by Chandra Wickramsingh and his colleagues. Scientists believe that radioactive substances in comets can retain water for up to a million years. A number of hydrocarbons provide another important condition for the emergence of life. The information received is confirmed by missions that took place in 2004 and 2005. Organic substances and clay particles were found in one of the comets, and a number of complex hydrocarbon molecules were found in the second.

According to Chandra, the entire Galaxy contains a huge amount of clay components. Their number significantly exceeds that contained on the young Earth. The chance of life arising in comets is more than 20 times higher than on our planet. These facts prove that life may have originated in space. At the moment, carbon dioxide, sucrose, hydrocarbons, molecular oxygen and much more have been found.

Pure aluminum in stock

Three years ago, a resident of one of the cities of the Russian Federation found a strange object. It resembled a piece of a gear wheel that had been inserted into a piece of coal. The man was going to light the stove with it, but changed his mind. The find seemed strange to him. He took it to the scientists. Experts examined the find. They found that the object was made of almost pure aluminum. In their opinion, the age of the find is about 300 million years. It is worth noting that the appearance of the object would not have occurred without the intervention of intelligent life. However, humanity learned to create such parts no earlier than in 1825. It was believed that the object was part of an alien ship.

Sandstone statue

Does extraterrestrial life exist? The facts cited by some scientists make us doubt that we are the only intelligent beings in the Universe. 100 years ago, archaeologists discovered an ancient sandstone statue in the jungles of Guatemala. The facial features were not similar to the appearance of the peoples who lived in this territory. Scientists believe that the statue depicted an ancient alien, whose civilization was more advanced than the local inhabitants. There is an assumption that the find previously had a torso. However, this is not confirmed. Perhaps the statue was created later. However, the exact date of its origin is impossible to know, since it previously served as a target, and is now almost destroyed.

Mysterious stone object

18 years ago, computer genius John Williams discovered a strange stone object in the ground. He dug it up and cleared it of dirt. John discovered that the object had a strange electrical mechanism attached to it. In appearance, the device resembled an electric plug. The find is described in a large number of printed publications. Many argued that this was nothing more than a high-quality fake. At first, John refused to send the item for research. He tried to sell the find for 500 thousand dollars. Over time, William agreed to send the item for research. The first analysis showed that the object is about 100 thousand years old, and the mechanism located inside could not be created by man.

Predictions from NASA

Scientists regularly find evidence of extraterrestrial life. However, they are not enough to verify the existence of aliens. NASA experts say we will know the truth about space by 2028. Ellen Stofan (head of NASA) believes that within the next ten years humanity will receive evidence that will confirm that life exists beyond Earth. However, significant facts will be known in 20-30 years. The scientist claims that it is already clear where to look for evidence. He knows exactly what needs to be found. He reports that several planets are already known today on which there is drinking water. Ellen Stefan emphasizes that his group is looking for microorganisms, not aliens.

Let's sum it up

Extraterrestrial life raises many questions. Some believe that it exists, while others deny it. To believe in extraterrestrial life or not is a personal matter for everyone. However, today there is a large amount of evidence that forces everyone to assume that we are not alone in the Universe. It is possible that in a few years we will know the whole truth about space.

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