Why is M. Gorky’s story “Old Woman Izergil” classified as romantic prose? (Unified State Examination in Russian). Old woman Izergil - a romantic heroine (School essays) Early romantic stories old woman Izergil

    M. Gorky’s work “The Old Woman Izergil consists of three parts”: the tale of Larra, the story of Danko, the story of the life of Izergil herself. The narration is told on behalf of the author, who allegedly heard this story in Bessarabia. ...The Moldovans have finished training...

    The story “Old Woman Izergil” is one of the masterpieces of M. Gorky’s early work. The writer here is not interested in the manifestation of the individual character of the hero, but in the generalized traits of an ideal person. So, the story features three heroes, each of whom...

    In his early works, M. Gorky appears as a romantic. The romantic and then ideal world of the hero is opposed to the real world, contradictory and far from the romantic ideal. The confrontation between romance and reality, romance and the environment...

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    The story “Old Woman Izergil” (1894) continues the cycle of romantic works of early Gorky. The main character of the story is the old Moldavian woman Izergil, who tells the story of her difficult life, emphasizing it with two legends, which in an allegorical...

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The role of the key sign that the literary method used by the author relates to the romantic manner of transmission is assigned to the image of a person who tends to strive for freedom. These are, as a rule, proud people who do not recognize the laws of society and do not want to put up with them. We encounter such characters in works that fall into the category of early works of A. M. Gorky. A similar line is seen especially clearly when reading the story “Old Woman Izergil”. It is in it that the main idea is freedom.


the work is presented in the form of three parts. From the lips of an old woman who maintains a conversation with the author, the reader learns about what is contained in the two legends. Two parts are devoted to this. The third part is presented as the life story of Izergil. The first legend tells of a proud guy named Larra, who was the son of an eagle and a woman. Although his mother brought him into human society, he did not want to comply with human laws, since he considered himself superior to everyone. He strove for freedom, but was distinguished by his cruel and selfish character. Larra expressed contempt for the people, which is why they rejected him, expelling him from the tribe and punishing him with immortality. This technique is characteristic of romanticism and is presented in the form of two worlds: one side is human society with its traditions, and the other is a world in which absolute freedom reigns, which is what Larra strives for. But this world is turning into an unbearable environment even for him.

The second legend is distinguished by the presence of another sign of romanticism - an exotic landscape. A hostile world refers to a dense forest in which wild animals live, fear reigns and storms rage. Gorky describes nature as a symbol of a living being that deliberately persecutes people. Danko, the hero of the legend, fights for freedom. He doesn’t need her for himself, but for the tribe. He strives to save the lives of other people at the cost of his own life. Danko is distinguished by his unselfishness, therefore, in order to lead the people, it costs him nothing but to light the road with the flame of his own heart and die.

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(353 words) Maxim Gorky's early story "Old Woman Izergil" was written at the end of the nineteenth century. By that time, literature had completely abandoned romanticism, and critical realism was very firmly rooted in it. However, responses to the old literary movement could be found in literary work even then, and Gorky’s early work is the clearest confirmation of this.

First of all, it is worth noting those places that the author describes throughout the narrative. The story itself begins in distant southern Bessarabia, on the shores of the Black Sea. The writer paints an idealistic picture: numerous dense vineyards, warm and soft wind, simple happy people. The legend of Larra stretches before us the unexplored eastern steppes, where strong and noble people live in harmony with rich nature. The story of the old woman Izergil takes us first to a Romanian village, then to exotic Turkey, then to distant Bulgaria. It is characteristic that of all the countries Izergil visited, only European Poland causes her sharp rejection. The legend of Danko also tells about a certain mysterious country with sun-drenched fields, an ancient mighty forest and cheerful, strong people. And this is a very characteristic sign of romanticism, which idealized the archaic exoticism of the southern countries in defiance of the dull everyday life of an enlightened, but vulgar and soulless Europe.

The second distinctive feature is the main characters, who in the romantic tradition always stand out sharply from the surrounding gray mass. In this, Gorky also follows tradition: the immortal son of the eagle Larra, with whom not a single person can compare, the beautiful and sensual Izergil, with whom every man on her path falls in love, the lonely Danko, surrounded by embittered, frightened people.

However, the very essence of romanticism - the conflict between the bright individual, who always stands one step above his opponents, and the dull mass of people, which is appointed by the writer of romanticism as the main villain, was completely changed by Gorky. Larra appears before us as an insensitive killer who eventually goes crazy from loneliness, Izergil, looking for his true love, breaks the fates of many people on his way and eventually becomes a withered old woman, having wasted his life, and only Danko, who instead to enter into conflict with people, gave his life for them, finds happiness and peace.

Despite the external similarities with the works of the era of romanticism, Gorky’s story only contains the external attributes of this literary movement in order to more clearly convey the morality that fundamentally contradicts it.

Romantic features in Gorky's early prose will help you better understand its ideological and thematic richness. And the Many-Wise Litrekon is trying to contribute to this, but if it doesn’t work out for him, write what’s wrong with his work?


In his “walks around Rus',” M. Gorky peered into the dark corners of life and spent a lot of writing energy on showing what kind of hard labor their everyday work life could become for people. He tirelessly searched at the “bottom” of life for something bright, kind, human that could be contrasted with the everyday, soulless world. But Gorky had little to say about how badly people live. Gorky began to look for those who were capable of heroic deeds. He dreamed of strong, strong-willed natures, of people who were fighters, but did not find them in reality. The writer contrasted the gray existence of people with the bright, rich world of the heroes of his stories.

The main theme of Gorky's romantic stories was the theme of love and freedom. Already in one of his first stories - “Makar Chudra” - Gorky expresses his own point of view: freedom for a person is the most important thing in the world. The story of the young gypsies Loiko Zobar and Radd sounds like a hymn to freedom and love. Their love burned with a bright flame and could not get along with the world of ordinary, dimly living people. In the gray life that people created, lovers would have to “submit to the tightness that squeezed them.” But Radda and Loiko chose death. The heroes do not want to sacrifice their will even for each other. For them, freedom and will are the main thing in life. “I’ve never loved anyone, Loiko, but I love you. And I also love freedom. Please, I love Loiko more than you.” Even love turned out to be powerless in the face of man's desire for freedom, which is achieved at the cost of life.

In another story by Gorky - “The Old Woman Izergil” - the writer combines the legend of Larra, the story of Izergil’s life and the legend of Danko. The main idea repeated in all three parts - the dream of people ready for heroism - makes the story a single whole. A special place in the story is occupied by the image of Izergil, who carried a sense of self-esteem throughout her life. The story of her life is the personification of freedom, beauty, and moral values ​​of a person. And a reproach to the wingless, boring life of people, a reproach to many generations that have disappeared without a trace from the face of the earth: “In life, you know, there is always a place for exploits... everyone would want to leave behind their shadow in it. And then life would not devour people without a trace.” She knew what a feat was, but she could not live her life with dignity. The heroine can only rely on her mistakes to show people the right path.

Old woman Izergil is frightened by Larra’s fate, which casts a shadow on her own life. Strength of character, pride and love of freedom in Larra turn into their opposite, because he despises people and treats them cruelly. In an impulse for freedom, he took the path of crime, for which people punish him, dooming him to eternal loneliness. Protesting against the everyday life, Larra forgot about moral laws. Thus, Gorky says that living alone for the sake of freedom loses its meaning. The writer condemns Larra's selfishness and cruelty, his pride and contempt for people.

According to Izergil, Danko’s distinctive feature was his beauty, and “beautiful people are always brave.” Danko was motivated only by love and compassion for people, and despite all their evil thoughts, his heart “flashed with the desire to save” them. He takes it upon himself to lead people out of the dark forest. By saving people, the hero gives away the most precious thing he has - his heart. Gorky calls for self-sacrifice in the name of people. But Danko’s act was not appreciated: “People did not notice his death and did not see what was still burning. his brave heart. Only one careful person. fearing something, I stepped on my proud heart.” By this, Gorky says that the time for such heroes has not yet come.

Thus, in Gorky’s romantic works, the author clearly expresses his protest against meager life, humility, humility, contempt, selfishness, and slave psychology. The heroes of the works destroy the usual course of life, strive for love, light, freedom. They refuse the pitiful fate of serving things and money, their life has meaning, the main thing is their will. Glorifying the beauty and greatness of the feat in the name of people, they confront people who have lost their ideals. Bright, passionate, freedom-loving - they glorify activity, the need to act. “The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life.”

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What is the positive ideal of Gorky the romantic and what does the writer oppose to this ideal? (Based on the story by A.M. Gorky “Old Woman Izergil”)

For early A.M. Gorky is characterized by an appeal to romanticism. A romantic work, for example, is the writer’s story “The Old Woman Izergil”. The characters in it are painted in contrasting, “black and white” colors, in line with the romantic tradition. However, unlike real romantics, the writer poetizes not evil, but good. Therefore, negative heroes receive an unambiguous assessment and condemnation from Gorky, which was at one time characteristic of classicism.

Story by A.M. Gorky's "Old Woman Izergil" is constructed in a unique way: with the internal unity of the idea, it consists of three, as it were, independent parts. The first part is the legend of Larra, the second is Izergil’s story about his youth, the third is the legend of Danko. Moreover, the first and third parts are contrastingly opposed to each other.

Larra is the embodiment of extreme individualism. The son of a woman and an eagle, he is distinguished by pride, arrogance, and contempt for people. He is “dexterous, predatory, strong, cruel.” The character traits of the hero are emphasized in his appearance: “his eyes were cold and proud, like those of the king of birds.” Larra kills the girl because she pushed him away. They decided to punish the individualist Larra with eternal loneliness. And at first the young man laughed loudly at the people who abandoned him, he laughed while remaining alone. And only later did he realize what terrible torment he was doomed to: “... he has already become like a shadow and will be like that forever! He doesn't understand people's speech or their actions - nothing. And he keeps looking, walking, walking... And there is no place for him among people...” Loneliness turned out to be unbearable for him: he began to seek salvation in death, but death did not come to him. “He has no life, and death does not smile on him... This is how the man was struck for his pride!”

A true hero, according to the author, is not an aggressive individualist. Life becomes continuous torment if a person is cut off from people, from the world, from society - this is the idea of ​​​​the legend about Larra. In the image of this hero, Gorky debunked selfishness, egoism and individualism. According to the writer, human life outside human society is empty and meaningless. True heroism consists in a person’s readiness to accomplish a feat in the name of a high goal.

The writer’s hero is Danko, a man who leads his people to freedom. On the way of people, difficulties arose, seemingly insurmountable obstacles: dense forest, darkness and cold, the menacing noise of lightning. And when people lost heart and wanted to turn back, the hero took out his heart and raised it above his head. “It burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch of great love for people, and the darkness scattered from its light and there, deep in the forest, trembling, fell into the rotten mouth of the swamp. The people, amazed, became like stones.

Let's go! - Danko shouted and rushed forward to his place, holding his burning heart high and illuminating the path for people with it.”

In this story, Gorky’s symbolism of light and darkness is very important. It has a romantic origin, but the writer associates the positive hero with light. Larra appears in the night, the old woman Izergil sees his shadow, Gorky associates the negative hero with darkness. And this theme - the movement “from darkness to light” - was one of the key ones for the literary era of the turn of the century.

The legend of Larra, the story of Izergil and the legend of Danko at first glance seem independent, existing independently of each other. Actually this is not true. In each of these parts of the story, the author poses the same question: what is human happiness? For the first hero, Larra, happiness lies in individualism, in asserting one’s own will, in splendid isolation. This, according to the author, is a deep delusion, an ideal unworthy of man. Old woman Izergil lived a bright, eventful, adventurous life. She was full of strength, cheerful, energetic, open, and loved to help people. But there was no real meaning in her life, no high, spiritual goal. And only Danko symbolizes Gorky’s highest manifestation of the beauty of the human spirit. This hero embodies historical and metaphysical daring (revolution). Thus, the composition of the story reveals its idea.

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