Why Talc Died. Igor Talkov died because of the usual male stupidity. The killing could have been ritual

Talk about who killed musician Igor Talkov in October 1991 has not subsided to this day. So recently, several programs appeared on television at once, and in newspapers - articles about Talkov. Almost everything is a lie, and there is irrefutable evidence for this.

In the hands of our journalists were unique documents - the results of numerous examinations, interrogations of participants in those tragic events. And the conclusions of the most authoritative experts: only the director of the artist Valery Shlyafman could shoot! And no one else.

It would seem that there is nothing to talk about. The surname of Shlyafman as the main person involved has sounded more than once. However, more than 20 years later, representatives of the former director, who immediately fled to Israel after Talkov's funeral, suddenly appeared on the central channels.

They want to whitewash the fugitive director

Shlyafman is not guilty, and in general he is a very good person! - director Mikhail Gladkov, who lives in the USA, recently announced on the air of the “Property of the Republic” program on Channel One, who has suddenly become frequent in Russian open spaces.

He was objected from the audience: will an “innocent” hide for many years in their historical homeland? But Gladkov pretended not to hear.

And I have nothing to do with it! - the singer Aziza hastened to disown.

Her bodyguard and, concurrently, lover Igor Malakhov was suspected of murder then, in the 91st. But the investigation proved that he was innocent. An important point: the investigation was conducted by an investigator for especially important cases of the St. Petersburg Prosecutor's Office, a first-class lawyer with vast experience. The experts are the leading specialists of the Military Medical Academy: professors, doctors of sciences, whose experience in the profession is at least 30 years. Professionals who can't be wrong.

According to the official version, Talkov and Aziza quarreled over a place in the concert. Representatives of the artists went to negotiations, and soon a fight broke out near the dressing rooms. From Aziza was Malakhov. Hefty bull, champion of the USSR in kickboxing. From the "talkovsky": Shlyafman, three personal bodyguards, and - Igor himself, who was drawn into the fight by his own director. That's what the witnesses said. Although usually directors at any cost seek to protect the ward from everything that does not concern creativity.

Subsequently, the Talkov guards who participated in the fight will die in the prime of life. Someone fell out of the window, someone crashed in a car ... The question of who removed unnecessary witnesses hung in the air.

The investigation proved that Malakhov pulled out a pistol and managed to fire two bullets. To scare away the Talkov guards who twisted him. His hand was pressed to the body, so he could only shoot at the floor. The guards knocked out a pistol from his hands, knocked the athlete to the floor. And then the third fatal shot sounded.

From the case file:

“... the right hand of Malakhov I.V. with a revolver was firmly held by Barkovsky A.M., and was always directed down to the floor ... The barrel of the revolver Malakhov I.V. on Talkov I.V. didn’t direct ... Shlyafman snatched a pistol from Malakhov’s hands ... When Malakhov, who was lying on the floor, was beaten, a third shot rang out ...

The shot was fired at close range. Talkov managed to put forward his left hand, closing his heart. The bullet pierced the arm, and then the aorta - the main heart muscle. A close shot immediately cuts off the version of the sniper from the audience - this version is still adhered to by the singer's brother Vladimir.

Yes, and only one bullet was removed from the body.

“... Under the circumstances set out in the materials of the criminal case, Malakhov AND.The. could not inflict a mortal wound on Talkov I.V. ... Shlyafman V.M. is the only person who inflicted a mortal wound on Talkov I.V.”

The murder investigation lasted two months. It was only in mid-December that we managed to get the results of all the examinations. Until that day, according to the rules in force, no one could be arrested. But by that time, Shlyafman was already far away - he had left for Israel. Talkov fans picketed the Israeli embassy, ​​demanding not to give a visa. But nothing was achieved.

It is known that having arrived in the promised land, Shlyafman opened a grocery store.

Who is the section of the dead artist?

But maybe Shlyafman accidentally shot? Wanted to hit Malakhov, and missed?

We don't think so! - Talkov's fans Irina Krasilnikova, Natalya Khlobystova and Igor Sheshunov told us indignantly, - Why did the "stray bullet" hit the heart right away? Not in the arm, in the leg or in the stomach? And on the spot, leaving no chance? In general, only specially trained people shoot so accurately. In addition, the case file says: Igor put forward his left hand, instinctively trying to close himself. So, he saw that the muzzle was directed at him. In addition, Shlyafman was not interrogated as a suspect in the murder, but only as a witness. When the investigator of our prosecutor's office came to Israel for this, Shlyafman did not appear for interrogation, and the Israeli authorities completely forbade interrogating their citizen. Therefore, the question of an accidental shot remains a very big question. The motives that made a person pull the trigger are known only to him. That is why it is necessary to bring the case to court.

Director of the concert hall "Jubilee" Olga .... also doesn't believe in coincidence. She is one of the witnesses of the tragedy, moreover, Talkov literally died in her arms.

There was an ordinary festive concert, - Olga Yuryevna recalls that day, - Suddenly a call on the internal telephone, they shout into the receiver: there is shooting behind the scenes! The first thing I saw, rushing backstage, was Igor's back. Behind him hung a mirror. Igor took a step and began to slowly slide down the mirror. Around like a vacuum, there was no one. Usually, if there is noise, the artists run out to watch. And then everyone seemed to hide in the dressing room. I grabbed Igor by the hand.

It seemed to me that he made a movement forward, as if trying to get up. But no, his hand was getting colder, his face

became pale and then somehow greenish. Fog, shock. I'm screaming help! And no one around...

- Can you remember how the director of Igor behaved before the concert? I asked.

He was very ... fussing, running. He was wearing a bright shirt with palm trees, very juicy colors - it is impossible not to notice. Dressed up as if for a holiday.

Only 30 minutes after the tragedy, the ambulance arrived. The singer was taken out on a stretcher. To the surprise of Olga Yurievna, for some reason Talkov was in his shorts. Who undressed him, already dead, is still a mystery.

The killing could have been ritual

There is an opinion that Talkov was removed by the Masons. A world organization that intends to put its people "at the helm" in Russia. Talkov was a smart and very educated person, and figured out this plan. It's obviously worth listening to his latest songs.

Whether Shlyafman was a member of this organization is a question that we are also unlikely to be able to answer now. But it is reliably known that he appeared in the artist's team after a major scandal. Talkov was photographed with the leader of the Memory society, a pronounced anti-Semitic organization. Few people knew that the leader's mother was Jewish, and he himself acted as a provocateur. There are good reasons to believe that he worked for one of the foreign intelligence services.

Those photos also became a provocation. Newspapers were full of notes: Talkov became an anti-Semite! The artist began to poison. In response, the confused Igor took Shlyafman into the group. The latter regularly - as people from Talkov's inner circle say - tried to drag the artist into a fight.

The killing could also be ritual. In the special literature there are rules for carrying out ritual murders, very reminiscent of the murder of Talkov. And also - the Royal family, Sergei Yesenin, monks from Optina Hermitage during Easter. The "ritual" issue was once seriously investigated by the scientist Vladimir Ivanovich Dal.

Too many "coincidences"

The ambulance, in which the artist's body was placed, stood near the service entrance for about half an hour. Olga Yurievna, unable to stand it, looked into the car and asked with hope: are there any chances? To which the doctors replied irritably: yes, he died, it was clear from the very beginning, and don’t interfere at all. What manipulations with the body they performed remains a mystery.
In general, there is a lot of mystical, inexplicable in this story.

A year and a half before Talkov's murder, strange posters began to appear: the musicians of the Lifebuoy group, smiling, hold a mirror. And in the mirror, in profile, Igor is depicted - a greenish-dead color. And on his sleeve he has a triangle pointing down and numbers. The sign of the triangle pointing down, according to the Masonic symbolism, means "termination of life."

There was another poster that appeared around the same time: a black silhouette of Talkov falling from the sky against a blood-red background. And the heart is pierced by a black star - like a bullet, a shot in the heart.

But that's not all! Exactly one year before the death of the artist, director Nikolai Stambula shoots the film “Beyond the Last Line”, where the then living musician starred in the title role. Talkov's opponent in the picture - a boxer with a criminal past, played by Evgeny Sidikhin - is surprisingly similar to Malakhov. And the beloved woman, according to the film, is an oriental beauty. True, in the picture the heroine was a prostitute, but this does not change the matter. But most importantly: the famous scene of the shooting of the hero Talkov at close range was filmed on October 6, 1990. Exactly one year before the real murder on October 6, 1991!

Employees of secret missions - Dahl wrote about this - love to "beautifully frame" their deeds: mysticism, symbolism, "amazing coincidences" ...

We can't say anything. But, for example, Shlyafman was recommended to Igor by director Gladkov. The one who now, as best he can, protects the fugitive director.

Two months before the death of the artist and Gladkov, he made a strange film: Igor Talkov's Dreams. According to the plot, the musician has already died and speaks from heaven.

I didn't even know that the picture could become prophetic, sometimes… - the director was surprised at the filming of "Property of the Republic". But his eyes remained cold and impassive.

What role did Aziza play in this story?

Its director in those tragic days was a woman - Ellie Kasimati. And if the singer had sent her, and not an armed athlete, to negotiations with Shlyafman, the tragedy might not have happened.

But it's not only that. Aziza hid the gun - the main murder weapon - which Shlyafman gave her. If these people are ever brought to trial, the question will arise: is this a conspiracy?

From the case file:

“Testimony of witness A.A. Mukhamedova… I heard 3 clicks. I saw a hand with a gun and other hands twisting it, but it was impossible to understand who was holding the gun. After shouting: “gas, gas”, I felt pain in my eyes and ran into the dressing room No. 107. There, an unknown man said that it was necessary to hide the gun…”. Which she did.

According to the administrators of Yubileiny, on that fateful day behind the scenes, Aziza was calm, and even impassive.

Now the singer is inseparable with Igor's son, Talkov Jr. She became friends, taking advantage of the special state of health of the young man and his lack of money.

Igor Jr. innocently told in one of the TV shows: - I sometimes call Aziz: “Give me a thousand!”. And she gives.
Thanks to this friendship, the singer got the opportunity to scream even louder: I am not guilty of the murder, so Igor's son understands this!

But it would be nice for the younger Talkov to find out such a moment. That on the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow to continue the investigation in the fall of 1991, Aziza (we were told about this by the St. Petersburg investigators who were traveling with her in the same car) all the way ... sang. Talkov's body has just been interred, and the woman, in front of whom the murder took place, sings! And now the singer goes on TV shows, and smearing tears, grieves: what a poet was killed!

A very strange thing began to happen with the mirror, near which Igor fell, - Olga Yuryevna, the administrator of Yubileiny, said in the end, - The next day the mirror turned yellow. The administrators scolded the cleaners that they could not wash the yellowness in any way. On the 9th day after Igor's departure, the mirror began to crack - like nylon tights with arrows. By the 40th day, very deep cracks appeared, and after the 40th day the mirror ... no, it didn’t break, it crumbled into dust ...

I really hope that this material will attract the attention of the competent authorities. And all those responsible will finally be punished.

Next week, fans of Igor Talkov will gather at the Vagankovsky cemetery, where the singer is buried, to remember the mournful date. On October 6, 1991, the favorite of millions died. The artist was killed by a pistol shot in St. Petersburg at the Yubileiny Sports Palace, where he was supposed to take part.

Relatives of the popular singer gathered in the studio of the Live Broadcast program to once again recall what happened that fateful evening. Singer Aziza, whose bodyguard and beloved man Igor Malakhov has long been the main suspect in the murder, spoke in detail about her impressions.

Recall that after a series of examinations in April 1992, the investigation found that the fatal shot was fired by Valery Shlyafman, the director of Talkov. According to media reports, he later fled to Israel, and the case was suspended. Aziza said that due to Shlyafman's actions, she subsequently lost her child.

“Having heard screams, roar and shots, I, not yet dressed, in a hat and jacket, run out into the corridor and see a picture: Igor Malakhov is lying, three or four guys are around him, and blood is gushing from his head like a fountain. As it turned out later, someone hit him hard on the head. Seeing this situation, as a loving woman and mother of our unborn child, I ran and fell on him with my chest. I cover his bleeding head with my jacket. They started kicking him, and at that moment someone, it was Valera Shlyafman, and he kicked me in the stomach. I howled. He hit Igor Malakhov and accidentally hit me, ”Aziza said about that dramatic moment after which her pregnancy was terminated.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Live"

The fruit of love between Aziza and Igor Malakhov was never saved by the doctors. According to the star, her hair turned gray in the hospital when she found out that she could not become a mother. These were terrible days in the life of the singer.

Returning to the fateful day of the murder of Igor Talkov, in the studio of the Live program, Aziza admitted that it was very difficult to see anything in the room where the shot took place. The room was filled with a cloud of acrid smoke from a gas pistol. However, the singer managed to figure out what was happening.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Live"

“I looked up and saw Shlyafman. And when he saw me, he ran to his dressing room. I ran after him. I see him running with a gun in his hand. He runs in there, and the girls who were there hold the door so that I can’t break through there. I kick this door, I run in, and he is already near the toilet barrel. And the gun is already there! I take out this gun, I leave the dressing room with it. Elya, my director, comes up to me and says: “Aziza, what are you talking about?” And I give her a gun, because I am in a state of shock, ”Aziza completed her story.

Igor Vladimirovich Talkov- Soviet rock musician, singer, songwriter, poet, bard, film actor. Zodiac sign - Scorpio.

Igor Talkov was born November 4, 1956 in a poor family, in the village of Gretsovka (Shchekinsky district, Tula region), 7 kilometers from Yasnaya Polyana. His parents were repressed during the reign of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, so Igor was in opposition to communist rule.

The Talkov clan belonged to the nobility, Igor's paternal grandfather Maxim Maksimovich Talkov was a hereditary Cossack and military engineer, and his uncles were officers of the tsarist army. Igor's parents (father - Vladimir Maksimovich Talkov (1907-1978), mother - Olga Yuryevna Talkova (village Shvagerus - a native of the Stavropol province, the daughter of an ethnic German and a local Cossack woman) were repressed and met in places of detention (the village of Orlovo-Rozovo, Chebulinsky district of Kemerovo region), where on April 14, 1953 they were born son Vladimir Talkov, Igor's older brother. After rehabilitation, my father was not provided with housing in Moscow and he went to the city of Shchekino for further residence. According to another version, he did not have the right to live in a hundred-kilometer zone, from cities of union significance.

In 1975, after a public anti-Brezhnev speech by I. Talkov on the square in Tula, the KGB persecuted him, but the case was hushed up.

Igor Vladimirovich early began to compose songs of an acute social nature and, as a result, he practically could not perform with his program. For some time he worked in the groups "April", "Kaleidoscope", "Perpetual Motion", "Electroclub" (under the direction of David Fedorovich Tukhmanov), with the popular singer Lyudmila Petrovna Senchina. It was she who in 1985 gave Talkov a “start in life”, presenting him as her arranger. Since that time, the singer began to perform with solo programs of a socio-political orientation.

Fame for the author was brought by such songs as "Clean Prudy", "", "Gentlemen Democrats", "My Motherland", "I'll Be Back", etc. The actor also starred in films: "Prince Silver" (directed by G. Vasilyev, released in 1993) and "Beyond the last line" (directed by N. Istanbul, 1991).

On August 22, 1991, during the days of the August coup, Igor Vladimirovich performed with his Lifebuoy group on Palace Square in St. Petersburg. The songs "War", "I'll be back", "CPSU", "Gentle Democrats", "Stop! I think to myself!”, “Globe”, “Russia”.

Igor Vladimirovich Talkov was killed On October 6, 1991, a pistol shot during a gala concert backstage at the Yubileiny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg during a group concert. This tragic event was previously predicted by Pavel Globa. He was buried on October 9, 1991 in Moscow, at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Events developed as follows.

Many popular performers performed at the concert, including the young star Aziza Mukhamedova. According to the version, which the press especially willingly adhered to in those days, it was she who became the unwitting instigator of the conflict, which led to the tragedy. According to this version, it turned out that the singer's friend, 29-year-old Igor Malakhov, wanted Aziza to take the stage after Talkov. And according to the unspoken rule that reigns in show business, the degree of importance of the artist is also evaluated according to this criterion: whoever performs later is “cooler”. At the beginning of the fifth evening, when Malakhov and Aziza were sitting in the artistic bar of the Sports Palace before the performance, they started talking about who and at what time will perform today.

Soon Talkov himself became aware of this. He summoned Malakhov to his dressing room, where the first act of this drama began. The two men got into an argument and a fight broke out between them. They ran out into the corridor. A gas pistol appeared in Talkov's hands. At this time, there were six young people from the singer's entourage in the corridor. They all rushed to Malakhov. Feeling that he alone could not cope with them, Malakhov pulled out a revolver and fired it a couple of times on the floor as a warning. After that, two more live cartridges remained in the revolver. But Malakhov was no longer allowed to shoot, they began to twist his arms, beat him on the head. Covering his head, Malakhov released the revolver from his hands. A few more seconds passed, and the revolver “spoke” again: one of the fighters pulled the trigger, and the bullet pierced the chest ... Igor Talkov. At this time, Malakhov escaped from the hands of the people who were beating him and rushed to run.

The bleeding singer was brought into the dressing room. They called an ambulance. The revolver, from which the singer was shot, was first in the drain tank of the toilet, and then Aziza pulled it out. She handed it over to her administrator Ela Kasimati, who ran out into the street with it and gave it to the owner, Malakhov, who was hailing a taxi near Yubileiny. Catching a car , Malakhov left the scene along with the crime weapon. Moreover, on the way, he took it apart and threw it into different places in the waters of the Moika and Fontanka.

The wound of Igor Talkov was fatal, and no forces could save the singer. Chief Physician City station "Ambulance" A. Ushakov said so: "With such a diagnosis - a gunshot bullet penetrating wound of the chest with damage to the heart and lung, with transcendental blood loss - do not live.

On the fact of this murder, the city prosecutor's office opened a criminal case No. 381959. On October 10, Malakhov, who was hiding from justice, was put on the All-Union wanted list. However, as soon as this message was made public, Malakhov voluntarily turned himself in to the prosecutor's office with a confession and - practically the only one of all the participants in the event - began to testify.

“At the end of December 1991, the charge of premeditated murder was dropped from Malakhov, but murder by negligence was still not ruled out. He was charged with illegal possession and carrying of weapons. And only in April 1992, the Russian prosecutor's office admitted that the true killer had been identified, and this was by no means Igor Malakhov. The investigation came to this conclusion after conducting medical, ballistic and situational examinations. The direction of the wound channel in the body of the deceased was determined, and a comprehensive analysis of the testimonies of witnesses made it possible to place the participants in the fight in their places at the time of the shot. According to everything, it turned out that Talkov's administrator Valery Shlyafman was shooting from Malakhov's "revolver".

However, by the time the prosecutor's office of St. Petersburg on May 6, 1992 issued a decision to bring Shlyafman as a defendant under article 186 of the Russian Criminal Code (negligent murder), he was no longer in Russia. In February, he left for Israel, and he did this not through the Moscow or St. Petersburg OVIR, but through Zhitomir. Razzakov F.I. . Behind the scenes of show business. - M.: CJSC Publishing House EKSMO-Press, 1999, p. 557.

The murder has not yet been solved.

In 2001, an album in memory of Talkov "I'll be back" was released, composed of the author's songs recorded by famous Russian pop singers (Valery Yakovlevich Leontiev, Alexei Glyzin, Nikolai Trubach, Iosif Davydovich Kobzon, Larisa Alexandrovna Dolina, Alexander Nikolaevich Buinov, Alexander Marshal and others).

Discography of Igor Talkov

  • 1982 - When the city falls asleep;
  • 1983 - Let's worship kindness;
  • 1984 - Love and separation - Lyudmila Senchina and Igor Talkov's group;
  • 1985 - Everything has its time;
  • 1986 - Magnetic album;
  • 1986 - Igor Talkov;
  • 1987 - Chistye Prudy;
  • 1989 - Chistye Prudy (minion);
  • 1991 - Russia;
  • 1992 - My love ...;
  • 1992 - Nostalgia;
  • 1993 - Concert on February 23, 1991 at Luzhniki;
  • 1993 - My love;
  • 1993 - This world;
  • 1993 - I'll be back;
  • 1995 - Vocation;
  • 1996 - The last concert of the Court - May 25, 1991;
  • 1996 - My Motherland;
  • 1996 - Lifebuoy;
  • 1996 - Memory.


Year - Title - Role:

  • 1990 - Hunt for a pimp - composer, lyricist, vocals;
  • 1991 - Behind the last line - Garik (gang leader), vocals, lyrics;
  • 1991 - Tsar Ivan the Terrible - Prince Nikita Romanovich Silver (main role);
  • 1993 - Operation "Lucifer" - composer;
  • 1995 - Lunar [mountains] dogs - composer;
  • 2007 - Reporters - composer.

Songs performed by Igor Talkov

  • See other famous men named Igor.
  • Famous men named with the letter I (and women).
  • Biographies of prominent personalities of history by last name starting with the letter T.
  • Description of patronymic Vladimirovich (and more).
  • Description of the first name

The Investigative Committee of Russia decided to resume the investigation of the criminal case on the murder of singer Igor Talkov. The performer was shot dead during a concert on October 6, 1991 in the Yubileiny sports palace in St. Petersburg. Until now, the circumstances of the incident are shrouded in mystery.

What happened

Writer Fyodor Razzakov in his book "A Dossier on the Stars. Behind the Scenes of Show Business" and the media described in detail the events of that day.

On October 6, a gala concert was held at Yubileiny, in which the singer Aziza (Mukhamedova) and Igor Talkov were supposed to take part. The conflict allegedly arose over who would be the first to take the stage. So, Aziza's friend Igor Malakhov allegedly demanded that she be later. Talkov's administrator Valery Shlyafman was categorically against it.

Around 16:00 Malakhov approached Talkov's dressing room and announced his desire. They began to argue with Shlyafman, a skirmish ensued. Talkov's administrator shouted a conditional: "Ours are being beaten," after which the singer flew out of the dressing room with a gas pistol in his hands. And Malakhov turned out to have a revolver of the 1895 model. Aziza's friend shot at the floor, after which the guards, who were on site, twisted his arms.

The pistol, which had two more rounds in it, flew out of his hands. A few seconds later, someone grabbed him and started shooting. One bullet hit Igor Talkov in the chest.

Taking advantage of the confusion, Malakhov rushed to run. Already on the street, as described, Aziza caught up with him, grabbing a gun (according to another version, Aziza handed over the weapon through Ella Kasimati, artistic director of the Scarlet Flower charity concert organization). One way or another, the weapon was returned to its owner. He jumped into a taxi, and later dismantled and threw away the firearm: some into the Moika, some into the Fontanka.

Talkov died a few minutes later at Yubileiny. As it turned out later, he had a gunshot bullet penetrating wound of the chest with damage to the heart and lung, as well as huge blood loss.

By the time doctors arrived at the scene, he was already dead. However, the fans demanded to save the idol. Fearing reprisals, the doctors took him to the hospital, and from there the body was already transported to the morgue.

The investigation into the murder was taken under maximum control. The examination and establishment of the circumstances of the incident was carried out by the doctor of medical sciences of the Military Academy of St. Petersburg.


The first person suspected of the murder was Aziza's bodyguard and friend, who pulled out a gun.

Four days after the tragedy, he was put on the All-Union wanted list. True, Malakhov himself, having learned about this, voluntarily appeared to law enforcement officers and began to testify. Two and a half months later, at the end of December, charges of premeditated murder were dropped against him. However, the investigation did not rule out that Malakhov could have shot Talkov by negligence.

Valery Shlyafman

In the spring of 1992, the results of a series of examinations were ready, which helped to determine how people were standing at the time of the incident. According to them, the shot was fired by the administrator of Igor Talkov, Valery Shlyafman. It was assumed that the murder was committed through negligence.

In May of the same year, an arrest warrant was issued, but the accused ... was not in Russia. He left for Israel.

Shlyafman himself continued to blame Malakhov for everything. So, in 2012, in an interview with Express Gazeta, he stated that "the culprit was found on the first day." According to him, on October 6, 1991, Talkov's guards hit Malakhov on the back of the head. The latter reflexively reached for the pistol and fired.

In 2013, the investigation was suspended, reported "". The fact is that Shlyafman remained in Israel. And Russia does not have an agreement with this country on the extradition of citizens.

At the same time, the official representative of the TFR of St. Petersburg, Sergei Kapitonov, then emphasized that the case had been solved.


As the killer of Talkov, fans have repeatedly called Aziz. The motive for this was the fact that the gun returned to Malakhov not without her help. Aziza herself said that she was not threatened with reprisal, however, as "" wrote, she spent more than one day without getting out in the St. Petersburg hotel "Pribaltiyskaya".

In addition, in 2016, in the program "Live", Aziza stated that she was pregnant. Three days after the tragedy, the baby died in the womb.

I ran out of the dressing room into the corridor, saw a lot of people, Malakhov was bleeding from his head. I ran, tearing off my jacket, and covered Igor's Head. Valera kicked me in the stomach. All this in a gas cloud, it hurt my eyes. When I howled from pain, horror, I saw that Shlyafman was standing in front of me. He noticed this and ran to the dressing room, she recalled.


Vladimir Solovyov, a senior forensic investigator of the Main Directorate of Criminalistics of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, a former consultant in the case of the murder of Talkov, did not rule out that the singer was killed by a fatal accident.

While working on the case, I got the impression that there was an accidental murder. His producer accidentally fired and there can be nothing new there, it has already been heard many times. I supervised this case when he was killed, I, as a forensic scientist, studied these materials, gave some advice, I was not an investigator, but I knew the materials, and I got the full impression that it was an accidental murder, - Vladimir Solovyov commented to Life .

He suggested that Shlyafman grabbed a revolver and wanted to discharge it somewhere into the ceiling.

He clicked once, two, three, there was no shot, and then he could accidentally hit Talkov, believing that he was empty, the drum was empty and there were no cartridges in the revolver, Solovyov noted.

political assassination

Former intelligence officer Mikhail Kryzhanovsky spoke about the political version of the publication "Gordon Boulevard".

In September 1991, after the failed anti-Gorbachev coup of the State Emergency Committee, Talkov wrote an appeal to Yeltsin on behalf of the people - the song "Mr. President," Kryzhanovsky recalled.

He described this song as a direct call for the overthrow of Gorbachev. Kryzhanovsky was sure: Igor Talkov wanted to perform it then in St. Petersburg. And in November, also to sing during a concert in the "Olympic". And publicly they allegedly decided to remove it, so that "others would be discouraged." By the way, the version about the political motive of the crime became one of the most common in the 90s.

The son of the murdered performer, in a comment to Life, said that he also considers the crime politically motivated.

It seems to me that we need to look deeper, more philosophically, why poets are killed, why my father was liquidated at that time. Everything was checked by the secret services. To destroy a person who had a social platform, who could educate people, - he said.

Igor Talkov believes that now no one will investigate the massacre of his father as a political murder. In addition, he noted that people have already been given "scapegoats."

Scapegoats were given to the people anyway. For some, this is Aziza, for intellectual lovers of fortune telling, this is Malakhov or Shlyafman, ”Talcov Jr. emphasized.

I hope that there will be new circumstances in the case. You know, I'm probably a naive person: I still believe in justice. In any case, such a wave after 27 years, it adds confidence and optimism to me, and maybe justice will prevail after all, ”Tatyana said to Life.

The grave of Igor Talkov is located at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

On October 6, 1991, Igor Talkov was killed. When they talk about the mysterious death of the singer and composer, for some reason no one ever mentions the name of the Nizhny Novgorod forensic expert Gennady Grigoriev, thanks to whom much of this tragedy became clear. Let's fill this gap. For more than thirty years, Gennady Alekseevich was the leading forensic expert-criminalist of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. Grigoriev, as a high-class pro, "on you" with any weapon. They started talking about him in forensic circles after the murder of Talkov. There were many witnesses to that behind-the-scenes tragedy, but the general fight prevented them from noticing the killer. The owner of the weapon, producer Aziza Malakhov, quickly fled the scene. Therefore, the investigation leaned to the conclusion: it was he who dealt with Talkov. After all, it was precisely because of Malakhov that terrible fight broke out backstage at Yubileiny, where Talkov and Aziza did not share the right to go on stage. However, the investigation faltered. Gennady Grigoriev was called to St. Petersburg.

  • Igor Talkov: death on stage

    Shortly before the shot at Yubileiny, he spoke to St. Petersburg colleagues with a report on the use of a laser in cases involving firearms. The essence of this, invented by Grigoriev, now widespread method, is simple to the point of genius. A small pen-sized nozzle with a laser beam is put on the barrel of a pistol (or machine gun).

    The beam diameter is fully consistent with the offender. Thus, the beam, simulating the flight of a bullet, gives a lot of additional information, including determining the distance of the shot and even the height of the killer. The report of the expert made a strong impression, and it was decided to apply the new method to the next experiment at Yubileiny.

    Did you know?

    Igor came from a noble family. His parents were repressed and met in prison, in the village of Orlovo-Rozovo, Kemerovo region

    The results were stunning. Charges were dropped from Malakhov, as the laser identified the true culprit, Talkov's administrator Valery Shlyafman. The only pity is that the suspect himself by that time was beyond the reach of Russian justice.

    Gennady Alekseevich was prompted to use a cunning device by a sensational case of a “regional scale” - the suicide of Bredikhin, chairman of the Avtozavodsk court. It was necessary to make sure that he committed suicide on his own, without anyone's help. And it was not possible to combine the suspicious bullet mark in the door of Bredikhin's office with his shot through the head with the help of a rope common to forensic scientists.

    She could not tell the trajectory of the bullet. Grigoriev did not sleep for a week. And, finally, together with colleagues from the laboratory, he found the only right way: the laser! Over the decades of activity, the senior researcher of the Nizhny Novgorod Central Research Laboratory of Forensic Examinations has many mysterious cases, potential “grouses”, promoted through deep knowledge.

    Forensic expert position

    In 1975, a policeman shot and killed a driver on the street. During the investigation, the accused assured that he hit the man by accident: he was knocked down by hooligans, he discharged a cannon into the air, but was pushed under the elbow. That's where the trouble happened.

    Did you know?

    From childhood, Talkov was interested in literature and even wrote poetry. In high school, he mastered the piano, learned to play the guitar. He graduated from a music school in accordion class, later learned to play the violin and bass guitar

    However, the only witness to the tragedy stated otherwise: the guard shot the victim in cold blood at point-blank range, and the eyewitness managed to knock the gun out of his hands with his foot. It was impossible to prove evidence with facts. But then a young expert intervened.

    He knew very well that if you hit the pistol hard from below at the moment you pull the trigger, the weapon is automatically disassembled, namely, in disassembled form, they found the pistol at the murder scene. This means that the policeman did not shoot “into the air”, and according to the logic of the rights, the witness turned out to be right.

    Leaving the building after the court session, Gennady Alekseevich heard in the crowd densely surrounding the porch, the only word: “Grigoriev!”. People respectfully parted, giving way to the young criminologist. After all, it was only thanks to him that a criminal in uniform, backed by influential officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was sentenced to eight years for premeditated murder.

    Few believed that there was a person who would be able to reveal the truth and not be afraid to stand up for it in court. And after this case, Grigoriev often went against the desire of law enforcement agencies to put behind bars, without thinking twice, those suspected of committing crimes in which they were not involved.

    Did you know?

    In 1972, the future singer came to Moscow to enter the Dynamo school or CSKA. He dreamed of becoming a hockey player, but failed to qualify

    He always conducts his examinations with an understanding of responsibility for the final result. Grigoriev especially "annoys" the investigation when he refuses to qualify as "cold weapons" the knives confiscated from the detainees.

    Our police sometimes even wool hunters and mushroom pickers for knives, - Gennady Alekseevich smiles. - The blade is a little more than nine centimeters, and besides, it quickly jumps out of the handle - write wasted! But each knife has its own specific function. You can also kill with a bread cleaver, but still it was made not for murder, but for peaceful purposes.

    Writer Andreev Leonid Nikolaevich

    Grigoriev is "his own" among the gunsmiths of Pavlov, Vyksa, and other cities of Russia. But people of art also know and appreciate Gennady Alekseevich, as a creative and outstanding personality, often resorting to his help. One day, Tamara Ryzhova, director of the Gorky Museum, approached him in an old mysterious photograph.

    Did you know?

    In 1974, after graduating from school, Talkov tried to enter the theater school in Moscow. Fell asleep on socialist realism: did not know the novel by M. Gorky "Mother"

    She turned to an experienced criminologist and photo artist. She has long been haunted by a photograph from the archive of Maxim Dmitriev. It depicted a Volga tramp typical of the early 20th century. But is this so, Tamara Alexandrovna doubted.

    The photo was taken in the year of the production of "At the Bottom", photographer Dmitriev helped Gorky in the selection of types and created a whole gallery of the inhabitants of Bugrov's rooming house.

    However, only on this photo did he sign his signature, which he did only on those pictures that he treasured. The director of the museum also found the director of the museum suspicious that the tramp was too imposingly and deliberately standing barefoot in the snow, while the other "types" had legs wrapped in footcloths, some kind of rag.

    Did you know?

    At the age of 19, the young artist publicly spoke on the square in Tula criticizing the policies of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. The case was hushed up, but Talkov was sent to serve in a construction battalion in the Moscow Region

    But the most important thing that worried Ryzhova was that the tramp in the picture looked like the famous prose writer Leonid Andreev. Grigoriev became interested in unraveling the old photograph. Having requested several original portraits of the writer from the museum collection, on which the details of the face and hands were clearly visible, he sat down to work. And soon the director of the museum received an official conclusion of the examination, which reported that all the photographs, including the "tramp", depicted the same person - Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev.

    His exotic appearance was explained simply: during the days of rehearsals of the play "At the Bottom" Andreev was a frequent guest of his friend Gorky. Together they went to the studio of the photographer Dmitriev.

    There Andreev once saw the wigs and clothes of tramps, prepared by a photographer for filming in the studio. One of its windows looked out directly onto a snow-covered terrace, where the writer decided to “play” a tramp. He managed to brilliantly play this role, posing a riddle to future students of history and literature. But it was not they who “split” the famous hoaxer, but the forensic expert Grigoriev.

    Igor Talkov - prophet

    But back to the Talkov case. Yes, the killer was identified with the help of the criminalist Grigoriev. However, the premature one was apparently written on the lines of his hand or in the book of fate or somewhere else. In any case, Talkov himself vaguely felt this and suspected that he would die young and not by his own death.

    Igor Talkov and Aziza

    Mystical coincidences and forebodings haunted him all his life. Here are just a few of them. In the late 80s, a cheerful company was walking in a hotel in the city of Yalta. At that time, a music festival was taking place in Yalta, which was attended by many famous guests. Talkov was among the walkers.

    Did you know?

    Talkov became popular after his song "Chistye Prudy" sounded in the TV show "Song of the Year"

    Together with the famous astrologer Pavel Globa and actor Pankratov-Cherny, that evening they talked on. At some point, Globa thought about it and then declared that his two interlocutors were connected by karmic bonds and would die in one year and one day. Of course, his tipsy interlocutors only laughed at his prophecy and soon forgot.

    But on October 6, Pankratov-Cherny got into a terrible car accident. The car has turned into a cake. The actor miraculously survived. And the next day in the hospital, he heard the news about the death of his karmic brother, and only then remembered the prediction. Fortunately, Pankratov, unlike Igor, was lucky. Apparently his guardian angel did not close his eyes that night on duty.

    The fact that Talkov foresaw the future is also proved by the following case. In 1983, the singer flew on tour with his musicians. The plane constantly fell into air pockets, it chatted and the passengers were worried.

    Did you know?

    In 1989, his video for the song "Russia" was first shown on the TV program "Before and After Midnight". Talkov became one of the favorite singers and musicians of Russians

    Then Talkov, turning to them, said that they should not be afraid of anything. He is not destined to die in the air, he will die on the stage in the presence of a large number of people. And if so, then the flight today will end safely for everyone.

    Beyond the last line

    Here's another incredible coincidence. A year before his death, the singer starred in the feature film Beyond the Last Line. At the end of the film, his hero dies from a bullet in the chest fired from a pistol. Filming of this scene took place in Leningrad on the sixth of October. Exactly one year later, on the same day, Talkov in Leningrad from a bullet fired into his chest from a pistol.

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