Detailed instructions on how to draw a panda. Pencil Drawing Art: How to Draw a Panda

Drawing animals brings pleasure and allows you to get closer to the world of living nature through creativity. But usually at the same time we're talking about about the image of cats or dogs. Occasionally you can see drawings of giant pandas. How to draw a red panda?

Step 1. First draw a general sketch of the panda. If you want to make the task easier, you can use sheet markings. I drew this on special drawing paper. For the sketch I used an HB pencil, for light shading - 2H, and for dark - B and 3B.

Step 2. Now make the sketch lighter by using an eraser or a knob: try to remove all unnecessary lines.

Step 3. It was easier for me to work on the drawing by strengthening the main lines in the direction from the head to the tail. Make the lines of the head a little more noticeable. Make sure they are light but clear.

Step 4: Place the main shadows where the fur on the head is dark color. Use an HB pencil. They can also darken the background a little.

Step 5. Now work on small details head in a top-down direction. I used pencil B to add dark shade. I also noticed that lighter fur can be highlighted using a 2H pencil.

Step 6: Continue detailing the face, paying attention to where the fur points.

Step 7 Finish the fine detailing of the head. Don't worry if you made any mistakes: you can always go back to your head to correct them. Therefore, do not get carried away by perfectionism.

Step 8. Now prepare the rest of the sketch for applying shadows, and somewhat divide the space between the remaining contours. The contours themselves, like the background, also need to be strengthened somewhat.

Step 9. Now use rough strokes to shade the rest of the body using the HB pencil again. To make the first layer of shading more uniform, blend it out.

Step 10: Shade the red panda's body to make the shadow really dark. I first applied an even layer of shading using the B pencil, and then enhanced it with an even darker 3B.

Step 11 Finish the process by detailing the tail and applying shadows to the rest of the drawing. Make sure that when adding finishing touches, you work in a top-down direction. I hope the drawing turned out great!

Beautiful and cute pandas are liked not only by children, but also by adults. Due to their unique colors and herbivory, which distinguishes these bears from others, as well as the fact that these babies are listed in the Red Book, they are invaluable in the eyes of wildlife defenders and ordinary people. Unlike their fellow grizzlies and brown bears, pandas are very friendly and never attack people. They often feed on bamboo stems, and less often choose other plants, such as fragrant saffron and iris.

In short, pandas are magnificent mammals that deserve special attention. Therefore, in today’s article we propose to depict these babies on paper, morally supporting the World Wildlife Fund, which advocates for the conservation of the species.

Panda pencil drawing step by step, how to draw?

Drawing a small copy of a panda is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Enough to follow step-by-step instructions to get a good final result that matches more than 90% of the original.

Important! For drawing, as always, you will need available tools to create a sketch, as well as a black colored pencil to add richness to the pattern on the panda’s fur.

  • Stage 1

Visually outline the framework within which the drawing will be drawn. To do this, divide the sheet into 4 equal squares, marking the borders at the top and bottom for proportionality. At the bottom, draw two circles parallel to each other, no different in size, and at the top, draw two more, but with a smaller diameter. Make an arc at the border of the top line.

  • Stage 2

Draw two more circles or a sketch of the panda's paws. Draw a smooth line between them.

  • Stage 3

Connect all the circles together so that the panda has an outline. And one more circle - the nose.

  • Stage 4

Draw the bear's face, adding eyes, mouth, cheeks and ears.

  • Stage 5

It remains a matter of little things - finishing the drawing, erasing extra lines and shading techniques with a pencil.

  • Stage 6

The coloring of the finished panda can be highlighted using a black pencil or felt-tip pen.

Panda pencil drawing for children

Many children dream of learning how to draw animals beautifully. So why not make it easier for them by demonstrating easy master class, consisting of two circles drawn using a compass. Explain in detail step-by-step scheme no need, just look at the photo to understand how the stage of drawing a cute panda with a pencil happens.

How to draw an anime panda from a cartoon with a pencil?

Cartoons are easier to draw than a smaller copy of a live bear. An example of this is several master classes below. It is enough to have a pencil inserted into a compass and an eraser on hand to achieve an amazing result, comparable to a cut out frame from an anime.

Just look at the two step-by-step master class below, demonstrating the ease of drawing and the simplicity of the plot. Don't you want to repeat them?!

Panda with bamboo pencil drawing, photo

The next master class can be repeated by both adults and children. Thanks to an easy sketch, reproducing the panda figure is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It is enough to trust your eye to draw equal proportions.

Little panda bear

There is no simpler way to draw a panda in pencil than its cub. The large muzzle occupies a large area of ​​the entire picture, the rest is only the protruding body, paws and protruding ears.

First, let's figure out who the Big Panda is, or, as it is also called, the bamboo bear? The giant panda is not a panda at all, but a bear with a dominant white coloration with black spots. Oddly enough, the Panda is classified as a predatory animal, although in essence it is an omnivore. Her daily menu includes bamboo (can eat up to 30 kg!), eggs, small birds and insects. The wild panda population numbers about 1,600 individuals and is endangered. There are many ways to depict a panda, but we will consider the following:

Step 1.
First of all, we will draw a circle with curved lines, which will be the head, and then the following parts of the muzzle - the mouth, nose and eyes with highlights.

Step 2.
Near the eyes we will draw a contour characteristic of a Panda, then light movements Use a pencil to clarify the lines of the head, ears and a little fur.

Step 3.
The next step is to draw the torso and paws. Let's draw the paws bent under ourselves.

Step 4.
Next, we will show that our Panda is lying on the branch of a eucalyptus tree, and we will draw part of the leg at the edge.

Step 5.
Now we need to remove the line of the head, however, please note that the outline must remain, add fur throughout the entire area of ​​the panda's body and head, decorate the eyes with eyelashes, and just above the nose - a dense zigzag dark area.

Step 6.
Use a pencil to darken the “glasses” of our bear, ears and paws. In order to depict the voluminous fur of a panda, we will draw numerous strokes with light movements. Let's darken the nose slightly. You shouldn’t be overzealous with the strokes in the area of ​​the ears and hind legs, just go slightly beyond the contours. Thus, we outlined the main stages of the image of the Giant Panda. If you look closely, you can see that she, resting on a tree branch, is in a minor mood.

Panda pencil with step-by-step tips

The panda is a very rare and truly unusual animal. The panda belongs to the bear family. Despite its enormous size, most They spend their lives sitting on bamboo trees. They live in China, Korea and southern Japan. There are very few of them left in the world, they are endangered, so the panda is listed in the International Red Book and is a symbol of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

A panda is a very kind, funny, and most importantly, harmless animal. We hope that soon it will be possible to stop the apparent this moment inevitable, the process of extinction of this species from the face of the Earth.

IN this lesson we will draw a big panda that sits on a branch of a bamboo tree. We will need: a piece of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser, colored pencils (or paints) and, of course, free time.

We start drawing from a tree branch. To make it easier for us to maintain all the proportions of the picture, we first draw auxiliary lines, as shown in the picture on the left, and then, focusing on these auxiliary lines, draw the bamboo tree branch itself (picture on the right).

Let's draw small parts of the branch (picture on the left) and add small branches with leaves to our drawing on top, hanging down (optional)

Now we erase with an eraser the auxiliary lines that we needed to draw the tree, and draw auxiliary lines now for drawing our cute panda (picture on the right)

Using auxiliary lines, we begin to draw our big panda sitting on a tree. First we draw the contours of her face (on the left), and then we add the panda’s ears (the picture on the right)

Let's draw the panda's eyes, nose and mouth. Using auxiliary lines, drawing a muzzle will be easy. Once you have done it, erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser, but only on the face! We still need the rest.

Let's move on to drawing the front legs. Don't forget to draw claws on the paws (as shown in the picture on the right)

Now we draw the hind legs. First, draw the right paw (it’s easier to draw, since half of the paw is hidden behind a tree branch). Then draw the left paw as shown in the picture on the right (Don’t forget to draw the claws, what kind of bear is it without claws?!)

Well The final stage, carefully erase all the auxiliary lines with an eraser, and color our panda

That's all! Our beautiful drawing pandas are ready. Leave comments below, and don’t forget to attach photos of your resulting drawings to the comments!

Since childhood, images of animals are fixed in the mind, personifying various qualities inherent in them. Based on these traditional performances, we consider the wolf to be evil, the fox to be cunning, and the hare to be cowardly. A common bamboo bear in the East, the panda symbolizes kindness, peace of mind, and defenselessness. It’s nice to draw such a creature, decorate it, make the figure clear. Admire it yourself or offer it to your child as an example of calmness and peacefulness.

Below are examples of how to draw a panda step by step. Each stage involves the use of the most accessible techniques that do not require special skills.

For adults

This lesson without number is a drawing example for beginners

The easiest way to draw is using a pencil diagram:

Fill individual parts with black to give the image the appearance of a bamboo bear.


Lesson 1.

We draw a panda that slowly wanders where its path leads.

Stage 1. We outline in the form of circles of different diameters and one ellipse different parts of the body, ears, and with short sticks - paws: front and rear.

Stage 2. To make the muzzle expressive, you need to draw the details. To do this, divide the circle depicting it into four sectors and draw the eyes in the upper sectors.

Stage 3. We reinforce the lines that represent the front and lower paws with shading.

Stage 4. We outline the entire contour of the body with dashed lines. We remove the extra lines.

It turns out to be such a bear.

Stage 5. To get not just a simple bear, but a bamboo one, you need to display its specific color. To do this, we darken certain areas: ears, front and hind legs. Add a short tail, claws on the paws and other details.

Lesson 2.

The second simple version of the image is created based on simple curved lines. This will be a sitting animal.

Let's start with circles

We draw the circle that will be the basis of the head image with a different color pencil and divide it into four parts.

Draw the eyes in the form of ellipses. Then we draw the mouth again with the same pencil that we used to highlight the eyes.

Next, clearly twice - one layer on another, draw the outlines of the muzzle, cheeks, ears, eyes and nose as mathematical sign +. With a simple pencil We outline the outlines of the bear’s body (these are tangent to the circles), then we give the fur a fluffy appearance. We remove unnecessary lines and color them.

Lessons for the little ones

Lesson 3

While the child still has an unsteady hand, but he would like to portray such an unusual bear, you can show him how easy it is to draw by the squares. If your child enjoys drawing, such activities should be encouraged - they are useful for his development, both mental and physical. Using such a scheme, as shown in the figure above, you will not have to deal with reproducing complex circles, but only fill in the birds and then outline these cells. Then color them black and some pink.

Lesson 4

The panda waves its paw - this is the plot of our drawing.

A large, slightly flattened circle is the head, two small semicircles on it are the ears, and inside the circle are the eyes. Next are the nose and mouth. The drawing will be decorated with a highlight on the nose.

We finish drawing the body and legs.

We paint over individual parts.

Before us is a nice, slightly confused and kind bear cub. This is within the capabilities of a beginning artist.

Lesson 5

Let's learn how to draw a baby panda.

We draw silhouettes of the head and torso.

Let's provide our diagram with details - eyes, nose and others. Let's imagine in the picture that the baby is reaching for the bamboo, because his paws are raised.

Let's add eyelashes, eyebrows, hairstyle and darken certain areas so that the drawing becomes more expressive.

Let's draw a line defining the base on which the animal stands.

Lesson 6

We are working on the image of the face.

The most primitive way: draw a circle and divide it into four equal parts.

Let's write concentric circles of small diameter (in the future this will be the mouth) and small arcs (eyes) adjacent to them. There are two arched ears on the head.

Draw the nose and open mouth, as in the picture. Done: the panda seems to be smiling, or maybe baring its teeth - decide for yourself.

Lesson 7

Complicated drawing

Any learning consists of moving from simple to complex. We have already understood in principle how to draw a panda in typical poses: sitting and standing, let's try to complicate the task and try to create an image that is close to reality. To do this, you will have to pay attention to details, light and shadow, making the drawing three-dimensional. Below is a master class, the purpose of which is further training in drawing.

Kung Fu is what Chinese is called in Cantonese. martial arts. Cartoon kung fu panda is the image of a warrior distinguished by hidden inner strength, which we will try to convey.

We draw a face with a rather angry expression.

And we color the drawing - before us is a warrior in all his glory!

Lesson 8

Little panda bear with bamboo

The child will be pleased to see the little panda cub. To depict it, let’s draw a base for a muzzle with chubby cheeks and an oval body.

To show that the baby panda is sitting, we will make the lower legs horizontal and also add small ears.

Let's draw a muzzle and a branch in the upper legs. This way we will show that the panda chews bamboo - she is a big fan of it.

We paint over the body carefully and tastefully to give the drawing a touching touch.

Lesson 9

Anime - Japanese animation

The anime is intended specifically for children. Since it is based on pictures that kids love, it makes sense to draw a panda in this style: with huge eyes and a small mouth. Eyes are the main thing distinguishing feature such an image.

The sketch is based on 2 circles. The next step is to divide the top circle to depict the face and hood. Under the hood there are huge eyes and a tiny mouth.

The basis is there, you need to add clarifying individual details, lines, and then remove everything unnecessary.

Paint the pupils of the little panda's eyes, ears, and hands with rich black. The drawing is ready!

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