Underground civilizations of the planet. Underground civilizations - unknown tunnels Underground civilization

Almost every nation has preserved myths that tell the story of the fate of wise and culturally developed creatures who, as a result of an unprecedented catastrophe, were forced to go underground and create there a highly developed and well-off civilization. Possessing secret knowledge and crafts, they easily adapted to new living conditions.

But humanity’s search for its underground brethren was not always carried out with the goal of establishing contact in the interests of the peaceful development of the earth’s race. The “demon” of the twentieth century, Hitler, dreamed of taking advantage of the achievements of a super-developed underground civilization with the goal of enslaving all the peoples of the earth. In 1942, by order of Goering and Himmler, an expedition of the best German scientists was formed. The group was led by Professor Heinz Fischer.

Scientists were faced with the task of finding an entrance leading to the world of underground civilization. The expedition members began their search from the island of Rugen, located in the Baltic Sea. In addition to the main goal, German specialists planned to install radar installations underground that would help track enemy movements in any region of the Earth. Since all the research of German specialists was carefully classified, there is no reliable information about whether they were able to find a passage to the underground world.

The first information about finds confirming the existence of mysterious peoples living underground appeared in the magazine “Amazing Stories” in 1946. The author of the article was American writer, journalist and scientist Richard Shaver. He wrote about his contact with the inhabitants of an underground civilization. The author claims that he managed to live among underground mutants for several weeks. The scientist describes the appearance of the underground inhabitants as follows: “They look like demons from ancient legends of earthlings.” One could attribute these stories to the wild imagination of a famous journalist, but after the publication of these recordings, the magazine received many responses from readers who confirmed the words of Richard Shaver.

Moreover, they described the miracles of technology they saw in the underworld. Eyewitnesses claim that the underground civilization not only lives comfortably in its world, but is also able to control the consciousness of earthlings. Observing humanity, they consider earthlings to be savages. Although they do not hesitate to steal human children from time to time in order to raise them as their own. There are even suggestions that the inhabitants of the underworld are similar in appearance to ordinary people, but they are practically immortal and appeared on the planet several million years before us.

With the advent of the possibility of space photography of the earth's surface, in 1977, the most interesting photographs of the Earth's North Pole were obtained. The photograph clearly shows a large dark spot of regular shape. Perhaps this is one of the entrances to the underworld?

Researcher from Poland Jan Paenk is confident that under the surface of the earth there is a network of tunnels through which you can get to any country in the world. The tunnels look like unusual passages, the walls of which are molten rocks. These tunnels were seen by many earthlings in South Australia and New Zealand, as well as in the USA and Ecuador. It is assumed that it is through these tunnels that flying saucers move at great speed from one end of the world to the other.

When the radars of the American base at Cape Canaveral detected signals coming from the depths of the earth, it was believed that some intelligent race was trying to establish contact with earthlings. These signals were first received several years ago. And since then they have been persistently repeated twice a month. Scientists are trying to decipher these messages. The work is complicated by the fact that the information received is encoded using complex mathematical formulas. And although some of the signals have already been decrypted, NASA specialists are in no hurry to publish the information received, fearing that the public will misinterpret the decrypted messages. It is not yet possible to indicate the exact location of the underground world, but one thing is clear - the underground civilization knows much more about us than we do about them. If we can enter into open contact with the inhabitants of the underground, this will be the most outstanding achievement of the twenty-first century!

What could have caused civilization to retreat into the depths of the earth? Perhaps it was a collision of the Earth with a meteorite or some other global catastrophe. Life on the surface of the earth has become impossible for them, and flying to another planet is technically impossible - the only option left is to go to an underground shelter and create a comfortable world for themselves there. Then why, when climatic conditions normalized, did this civilization not return to the surface of the earth? Perhaps they will no longer be able to live in the conditions of earth's gravity (underground it is different), perhaps they are no longer able to live in sunlight, perhaps they understand that, being underground, they are not afraid of meteorite falls and other disasters raging on the surface of the planet. Most likely, during the period they were underground, they evolved greatly: food adapted, the skin changed, for which the rays of the sun became lethal, the culture and mentality of civilization changed radically, etc., etc.

American seismologists Michael Vicession and Jesse Lawrence analyzed about a thousand seismograms and believe that under the surface of Asia there is a giant underground reservoir comparable in size to the Arctic Ocean. If these guesses are correct, then we can assume that in this body of water the existence of a developed civilization of a non-humanoid type is possible. The fact of its existence can then explain many amazing phenomena: from the UFO phenomenon to paranormal phenomena.

Recently, research into existing caves on earth has also intensified. Enthusiasts and scientists are making their way ever deeper into the depths of the earth. Opinions are increasingly being expressed about finding traces of the activity of an underground civilization.

In this regard, the history of the study of South American underground tunnels located in close proximity to the Inlacuatl and Popocatepetl volcanoes near Mount Shasta is very interesting. Researchers claim that they were able to see part of this underground empire. Some underground expeditions in this area ended tragically. A report on one of them was discovered in the library of the city of Kuskobyl. It says that in the vicinity of the city, a group of specialists from the USA and France discovered the entrance to the dungeon. Of the seven people who went underground, after fifteen days only one expedition member came to the surface. He was very exhausted and could not remember anything about his stay underground. A few days later he died, leaving an ear of corn made of pure gold found in the dungeon.

There are also places on the territory of Russia where the population is confident not only in the existence of an underground civilization, but is also in contact with them.

In the legends of the peoples inhabiting the Ural Mountains there are tales about a mysterious people - the Chud, or marvelous people. A long time ago they lived on earth peacefully and happily. But when factories and factory buildings began to be built in the Urals, amazing people went to live underground. Ethnographer Onuchkov believes that the Divya people have access to the surface of the earth through mountain caves. They can be among people, but remain invisible to them. Divya people have the highest culture, master the secrets of stone and metal, have supernatural abilities and unique knowledge. Cave dwellers, as a rule, are small in stature and very beautiful, their voice is pleasant, but only selected earthlings hear them. There are rumors that in some villages a quiet ringing is heard at midnight, but only people with a clear conscience can hear it. When the ringing rings, people come to the square in front of the church. There, an old man from among the wonderful people predicts the future, but an unworthy person who comes to the temple will not see or hear anything.

It is said that Divya people can communicate with a person in a state of sleep. There is a historical legend associated with the founder of Yekaterinburg, Prince Tatishchev. Once in a dream, he saw an amazingly beautiful woman in clothes made of animal skins; expensive jewelry shimmered with all colors on her chest. She, looking sternly into the eyes of the nobleman, told him to cancel his order to the working people to dig up mounds at the site of the founding of a new city. She said: “There lie my brave warriors. Don't disturb them. Otherwise you will have no peace either in this world or in the next. I am Princess Anna of Chud. I swear that I will destroy the city if you touch these graves.” Tatishchev believed his dream and forbade digging up mounds.

In the notes of the Russian scientist, traveler and artist Nicholas Roerich there are references to the Chud people. Roerich argued that divine people would return to earth only if a happy time came. And that they will give people great knowledge. In the meantime, the Chud people live underground in an amazing and beautiful country.

One cannot remain silent about the existence in the legends of the Himalayas and Tibet of information about the underground world of the mountains. They say that “initiates” can go through mountain tunnels to the center of the planet, where they can communicate with representatives of the ancient underground civilization.

Indian legends say a lot about the mysterious underground kingdom of the Nagas. Its inhabitants, the Nanas, are snake people who store countless treasures in their underground mountain tunnels. They are cold-blooded, like snakes, and are incapable of expressing human feelings. Since they still need to warm up, they steal not only mental but also physical warmth from earthly living beings.

Combining disparate information, we can say that there is a high probability that underground there is a single global system of underground communications, which includes many kilometers of tunnels, junction stations, as well as settlements and huge cities with the most advanced life support system. If, indeed, a mysterious civilization lives underground, then humanity has a chance, under certain conditions, to gain knowledge and take advantage of the achievements of ancient earthly underground civilizations for its own benefit.

In contact with

We can say that this mystery has been solved, because modern researchers have already made their conclusion - we are not the only inhabitants on planet Earth. Evidence from ancient times, as well as the discoveries of scientists of the 20th and 21st centuries, claim that mysterious civilizations have existed on Earth, or rather, underground, from ancient times to the present day.

Representatives of these civilizations, for some reason, did not come into contact with people, but still made themselves felt, and for a long time, terrestrial humanity has had traditions and legends about mysterious and strange people who sometimes emerge from caves. In addition, modern people have less and less doubt about the existence of UFOs, which were often observed flying out of the ground or from the depths of the seas.

Research conducted by NASA specialists together with French scientists discovered underground cities, as well as an underground extensive network of tunnels and galleries, stretching for tens and even thousands of kilometers in Altai, the Urals, the Perm region, the Tien Shan, the Sahara and South America. And these are not those ancient land cities that collapsed and over time their ruins were covered with earth and forests. These are precisely underground cities and structures, erected in a way unknown to us directly in underground rock formations.

Polish researcher Jan Paenk states that a whole network of tunnels has been laid underground that lead to any country. These tunnels were created using high technology unknown to people, and pass not only under the surface of the land, but also under the bed of seas and oceans. The tunnels are not just pierced, but as if burned out in underground rocks, and their walls are a frozen molten rock - smooth, like glass, and have an extraordinary strength. Jan Paenk met with miners who, while digging shreks, came across such tunnels. According to the Polish scientist and many other researchers, flying saucers are carried along these underground communications from one end of the world to the other. (Ufologists have a huge amount of evidence that UFOs fly out from underground and from the depths of the seas). Such tunnels have also been discovered in Ecuador, South Australia, the USA, and New Zealand. In addition, in many parts of the world, vertical, absolutely straight (like an arrow) wells with the same melted walls have been discovered. These wells have different depths from tens to several hundred meters.

The discovered underground map of the planet, compiled 5 million years ago, confirms the existence of a high-tech civilization.
For the first time they started talking about the unknown underground people in 1946. This happened after writer, journalist and scientist Richard Shaver told readers of the American paranormal magazine Amazing Stories about his contact with aliens living underground. According to Shaver, he lived for several weeks in the underground world of mutants similar to demons described in ancient legends and tales of earthlings.
One could attribute this “contact” to the writer’s wild imagination, if not for hundreds of responses from readers who claimed that they also visited underground cities, communicated with their inhabitants and saw various miracles of technology, not only providing the underground inhabitants of the Earth with a comfortable existence in its very subsoil, but also giving the opportunity... to control the consciousness of earthlings!

In April 1942, with the support of Goering and Himmler, an expedition consisting of the most advanced minds of Nazi Germany, led by Professor Heinz Fischer, set out to look for the entrance to an underground civilization, supposedly located on the island of Rugen in the Baltic Sea. Hitler was confident that at least some parts of the earth consisted of voids, inside of which one could live and which had long ago become home to the hyper-developed peoples of antiquity. German scientists, in turn, hoped that if they managed to place modern radar devices at the desired geographical point under the surface of the earth, then with their help it would be possible to track the exact location of the enemy in any part of the world. Almost every nation has myths about the race of Ancient creatures that inhabited the world millions of years ago. Infinitely wise, scientifically advanced and culturally developed, these creatures, driven underground by terrible disasters, created their own civilization there, giving them everything they needed. They want nothing to do with people they consider low, dirty and wild. But sometimes they steal human children in order to raise them as their own. Ancient creatures are similar in appearance to ordinary people and live for a very long time, but they appeared on our planet millions of years before us.
In 1977, photographs obtained from the ESSA-7 satellite appeared in several American magazines, showing a regular dark spot, similar to a huge hole, in the place where the North Pole should be located. Identical photographs were taken by the same satellite in 1981, could this be the entrance to the underworld?
Who are the inhabitants of the underworld?

In the history of the planet there were many ice ages, collisions with meteorites, and other cataclysms that led to the disappearance of civilizations, the period between which cataclysms occurred was quite sufficient for the formation of a highly technical civilization.
Is it possible that some civilization could survive the “end of the world”?
Monsters or inhabitants of the underworld

Suppose that millions of years ago there was a high-tech civilization, during which there was a collision with a meteorite or another global cataclysm that changed the climate of the planet, what would the civilization do then, most likely it would try to survive, and if the surface of the planet is not suitable for life and flying to another planet is not possible? The level of technology allows, only the “underground shelter” remains.
Then the question is, what happened to civilization and why, after the climate change, the underground inhabitants did not come to the surface?
Maybe they just couldn’t, constant exposure to a different climate and different gravity (underground gravitational pressure is significantly different from normal), in addition, it should be noted that there is no sunlight underground, technological lighting does not contain the full spectrum, and a long stay under technical lighting may also be the cause of “weaning” from sunlight.

Taking into account that all this happened over thousands of years, it can be assumed that the underground civilization could have evolved greatly, it is even possible that it has developed an aversion to some aspects of the climate, for example sunlight, it is possible that sunlight simply burns the inhabitants of the underground world, all this is not as fantastic as it seems. Another aspect of survival, adaptation of food, since organizing “vigitarian” food in the conditions of the underground world is not very simple, and rather depends on the level of civilization; in fact, it is quite possible that civilization switched to only animal food. Some of the listed parameters undoubtedly had to influence the culture and mentality of civilization; maybe some monsters are just inhabitants of the underworld?

The mysterious underground world exists not only in legends. In recent decades, the number of visitors to the caves has increased markedly. Adventurers and miners are making their way deeper and deeper into the bowels of the Earth, and more and more often they come across traces of the activities of mysterious underground inhabitants. It turned out that beneath us there is a whole network of tunnels, stretching for thousands of kilometers and enveloping the entire Earth in a network, and huge, sometimes even populated underground cities.

In South America there are amazing caves connected by endless intricate passages - the so-called chincanas. Legends of the Hopi Indians say that snake people live in their depths. These caves are practically unexplored. By order of the authorities, all entrances to them are tightly closed with bars. Dozens of adventurers have already disappeared without a trace in the Chinkanas. Some tried to penetrate the dark depths out of curiosity, others - out of thirst for profit: according to legend, the treasures of the Incas were hidden in the chincanas. Only a few managed to escape from the terrible caves. But these “lucky ones” were forever damaged in their minds. From the incoherent stories of the survivors, it can be understood that they met strange creatures in the depths of the earth. These inhabitants of the underworld were both human and snake-like.

There are pictures of fragments of global dungeons in North America. The author of the book about Shambhala, Andrew Thomas, based on a thorough analysis of the stories of American speleologists, claims that in the mountains of California there are direct underground passages that lead to the state of New Mexico.

Once upon a time, the American military also had to study mysterious thousand-kilometer tunnels. An underground nuclear explosion occurred at a test site in Nevada. Exactly two hours later, at a military base in Canada, 2000 kilometers away from the explosion site, a radiation level was recorded that was 20 times higher than normal. A study conducted by geologists has shown that next to the Canadian base there is an underground cavity that connects to a huge cave system that permeates the North American continent.

There are especially many legends about the underground world of Tibet and the Himalayas. Here in the mountains there are tunnels that go deep into the ground. Through them, the “initiate” can travel to the center of the planet and meet representatives of the ancient underground civilization. But not only wise creatures who give advice to the “initiates” live in the underworld of India. Ancient Indian legends tell of the mysterious kingdom of the Nagas, hidden in the depths of the mountains. It is inhabited by Nanas - snake people who store countless treasures in their caves. Cold-blooded, like snakes, these creatures are incapable of experiencing human feelings. They cannot warm themselves and steal warmth, physical and mental, from other living beings.

Speleologist Pavel Miroshnichenko, a researcher who studies artificial structures, wrote about the existence of a system of global tunnels in Russia in his book “The Legend of LSP”. The lines of global tunnels he drew on the map of the former USSR went from Crimea through the Caucasus to the well-known Medveditsa ridge. In each of these places, groups of ufologists, speleologists, and researchers of the unknown discovered fragments of tunnels or mysterious bottomless wells.

The Medveditskaya Ridge has been studied for many years by expeditions organized by the Kosmopoisk association. The researchers not only managed to record the stories of local residents, but also used geophysical equipment to prove the reality of the existence of the dungeons. Unfortunately, after World War II, the mouths of the tunnels were blown up.

A sublatitudinal tunnel stretching from Crimea to the east in the region of the Ural Mountains intersects with another one stretching from north to east. It is along this tunnel that you can hear stories about “wonderful people” who came out to local residents at the beginning of the last century. “Wonderful people,” as told in epics common in the Urals, “live in the Ural Mountains and have exits to the world through caves. Their culture is great. The “Wonderful People” are small in stature, very beautiful and have a pleasant voice, but only a select few can hear them... An old man from the “Wonderful People” comes to the square and predicts what will happen. An unworthy person hears and sees nothing, but the men in those places know everything that the Bolsheviks are hiding.”

Legends of our days.

Meanwhile, the most authoritative archaeologists of Peru today have no doubt at all about the existence of an underground empire: not yet explored by anyone, it, in their understanding, extends under the seas and continents. And above the entrances to this grandiose dungeon in various parts of the planet rise ancient buildings: for example, in Peru this is the city of Cusco... Of course, the opinion of Peruvian experts is not shared by all scientists. And yet, many facts speak in favor of the underworld, indirectly proving its existence. The most fruitful years for such evidence were the 1970s.

England. The miners, digging an underground tunnel, heard the sounds of working mechanisms coming from somewhere below. Having made a passage, they discovered a staircase leading to an underground well. The sound of the operating equipment intensified, and therefore the workers got scared and ran away. Returning after some time, they found neither the entrance to the well nor the stairs.

USA. Anthropologist James McCann and his colleagues examined a cave in Idaho that was notorious among the indigenous population. Local residents believed that there was an entrance to the underworld. Scientists, going deeper into the dungeon, clearly heard screams and moans, and then discovered human skeletons. Further exploration of the cave had to be stopped due to the increasing smell of sulfur.

A bottomless mine with a diameter of about one and a half meters with amazingly smooth edges was discovered under the Black Sea city of Gelendzhik. Experts unanimously say: it was created using technology unknown to people and has existed for hundreds of years.

Speaking about the underworld, one cannot discount the legends that have appeared in our days. For example, modern Indians living in the mountainous regions of California say that very tall, golden-haired people sometimes come from Mount Shasta: they once descended from heaven, but were unable to adapt to life on the earth’s surface. Now they live in a secret city, which is located inside an extinct volcano. And you can only get into it through mountain caves. By the way, Andrew Thomas, the author of a book about Shambhala, completely agrees with the Indians. The researcher believes that there are underground passages in Mount Shasta that go towards New Mexico and further to South America.

Another underground people was “discovered” by speleologists: they are sure that deep caves around the world are inhabited by troglodytes. They say that these cave dwellers sometimes appear to people; they help those in trouble who respect their world, and punish those who desecrate the caves...

To believe or not to believe?

To believe or not to believe all these stories? Any sane person will answer: “Don’t believe it!” But not everything is so simple. Let's try to think logically. Let's think about how real a person's full life underground is? Could an unknown culture or even civilization exist next to us - or rather, below us - while managing to limit contact with terrestrial humanity to a minimum? Going unnoticed? Is this possible? Does such “living” contradict common sense?

In principle, a person can exist underground, and it would be quite nice - if there was money. Suffice it to recall the bunker house, the construction of which is currently being carried out by Tom Cruise: the megastar plans to hide in his underground home from aliens, who, in his opinion, should soon attack our Earth. In less exposed, but no less solid bunker cities, the “chosen ones” are preparing to wait out the nuclear winter and the post-radiation period in the event of a nuclear war - and this is a period during which more than one generation will get back on their feet! Moreover, in China and Spain today many thousands of people live not in houses, but in well-equipped caves with all amenities. True, these cave dwellers continue to actively contact the outside world and take part in terrestrial life. But the inhabitants of cave monasteries scattered around the world - like the Greek Meteora - have always been almost completely cut off from the hustle and bustle of life. Based on the degree of isolation that lasts for centuries, their existence can be considered underground.

But, perhaps, the most striking example of the adaptation of a huge number of people (what is it - an entire civilization!) to the “lower” world is the underground city of Derinkuyu.


Derinkuyu, which means "deep wells", takes its name from the small Turkish town currently located above it. For a long time, no one thought about the purpose of these strange wells, until in 1963 one of the local residents, who discovered a strange gap in his basement from which fresh air was drawn, showed healthy curiosity. As a result, a multi-tiered underground city was found, numerous rooms and galleries of which, connected to each other by passages tens of kilometers long, were hollowed out in rocks...

Already during the excavation of the upper tiers of Derinkuyu it became clear: this is the discovery of the century. In the underground city, scientists discovered objects of material culture of the Hittites, a great people who competed with the Egyptians for dominance in Western Asia. The Hittite kingdom, founded in the 18th century BC. e., in the 12th century BC. e. disappeared into obscurity. Therefore, the discovery of an entire Hittite city became a real sensation. In addition, it turned out that the giant underground city is only part of a colossal labyrinth under the Anatolian Plateau. Scientists have come to the conclusion that underground construction was carried out for at least nine (!) centuries. Moreover, this was not just earthwork, albeit of a colossal volume. Ancient architects equipped the underground empire with a life support system, the perfection of which is still amazing today. Everything here was thought out to the smallest detail: rooms for animals, food warehouses, rooms for preparing and eating food, for sleeping, for meetings... At the same time, religious temples and schools were not forgotten. A precisely calculated blocking device made it possible to easily block the entrances to the dungeon with granite doors. And the ventilation system that supplied the city with fresh air continues to operate flawlessly to this day!

Given the availability of provisions, up to two hundred thousand people at a time could live indefinitely in the underground city. The issue of replenishing food supplies could be solved in many ways: from domestic production to the use of “intermediary services.” Apparently, there was no single scheme for all times.
But in the legends of different peoples, underground inhabitants obtain food by barter, secret trade, or even theft. The latter option, however, is only suitable for small underground communities: Derinkuyu could hardly feed himself in this way. By the way, most likely, it was the extraction of food that became the reason that the land inhabitants began to think about the existence of “children of the dungeons”...
Traces of the Hittites living underground can be traced until the Middle Ages, and then are lost. A developed underground civilization managed to exist secretly for almost two millennia, and after its disappearance it did not open up to the surface world for more than a thousand years. And this amazing fact alone allows us to draw an unambiguous conclusion: yes, it is still possible to live underground in secret from people!

This is a huge underground city that goes 8 floors underground.

Always +27.

Underground America

Legends and myths of many peoples of the world tell about the existence of various intelligent creatures underground. In truth, few sane people ever took these narratives seriously. But now our time has come, and some researchers began to write about the underground city of Agartha. The entrance to this secret abode of theirs underground is supposedly located under the Lasha monastery in Tibet. The absolute majority of representatives of official science reacted to such statements with slight irony. But on the other hand, messages about mysterious entrances to dungeons and bottomless mines may perhaps interest not only an inquisitive person, but also a serious scientist.

Among a number of researchers of the underground world, there is a strong opinion that entrances to the underground cities of humanoid inhabitants exist in Ecuador, the Pamirs and even at the poles of the Arctic and Antarctic.

It was in the area of ​​Mount Shasta, according to Indian eyewitnesses, that people, unlike those here, were seen several times coming out of the ground. According to the written testimonies of many Indians, one can enter the underworld through various caves located near the sacred volcanoes Popocatelpetl and Inlacuatl. Here, according to the assurances of the same Indians, they sometimes met tall and fair-haired strangers emerging from the dungeon.

Back in his time, the famous English traveler and scientist Percy Fawcett, who visited South America six times, said that he had repeatedly heard from Indians living in mountainous areas that they often see strong, large and golden-haired people descending and ascending into mountains.

Even 30 years ago, near Gelendzhik, both people and animals disappeared without a trace. And in the early 70s of the last century, people quite by accident discovered and immediately fenced off a bottomless mine with a diameter of about 1.5 meters. Its walls are smooth, as if polished, without any traces of formwork. Experts almost unanimously say that it has probably existed for hundreds of years and was created using technology unknown to modern humanity. The first attempt by scientists and speleologists to carefully examine the phenomenon ended tragically. Of the five members of the expedition, one disappeared, and four died a few days after rappelling to a depth of 25 meters. The man who died in the mine fell 30 meters, and at that moment his partners first heard some strange sounds, and then the wild cry of their comrade. Those who remained at the top immediately began to lift their colleague from the shaft, but the rope first stretched like a string, and then suddenly weakened. The lower end was cut off as if by a knife. There were subsequent, albeit short-lived, attempts to explore this bottomless well by lowering it into it. They gave practically nothing. Then they started lowering a television camera into the shaft. The rope was gradually increased to 200 meters, and all this time the camera showed bare walls. That's all that is currently known about the Gelendzhik phenomenon.

Similar bottomless wells have been found on all continents of the planet.

The most authoritative archaeologists of Peru today have no doubt at all about the existence of an as yet completely unexplored underground empire, stretching under the seas and continents. In their opinion, there are ancient cities and buildings above the entrances to them in various parts of the continents. For example, they believe that one of these places is Cusco in Peru.

In this regard, the most intriguing story is about the underground city of La Cecana in the Andes. More recently, in the university library of the city of Cusco, archeology discovered a report on the disaster that befell a group of researchers from France and the United States in 1952. In the vicinity of the named city, they found the entrance to the dungeon and began to prepare to descend into it. The scientists did not intend to stay there for long, so they took food for 5 days. However, only 15 days later, out of 7 people, only one Frenchman, Philippe Lamontiere, made it to the surface. He was exhausted, suffered from memory loss, almost lost his human appearance, and besides, he was soon found to have clear signs of infection with the deadly bubonic plague. While in the hospital isolation ward, the Frenchman was mostly delirious, but still sometimes spoke about the bottomless abyss into which his companions had fallen. No one took his words seriously, and therefore no rescue expedition was carried out. Moreover, out of fear of the plague epidemic that Philippe Lamontiere brought with him, the authorities ordered to immediately block the entrance to the dungeon with a reinforced concrete slab. The Frenchman died a few days later, and after him there was left an ear of corn made of pure gold, which he picked up from the ground with him. Now this underground find is kept in the Cusco Museum of Archeology.

More recently, the most authoritative researcher of the Inca civilization, Dr. Raul Rios Centeno, tried to repeat the route of the tragically missing expedition of the French and Americans. He gathered a group of 6 specialists and obtained permission from the authorities to enter the dungeon through the already studied entrances. However, having outwitted the guards, the archaeologists went underground through a room located under the tomb of a dilapidated temple a few kilometers from Cusco. From here there was a long, gradually narrowing corridor that looked like part of a huge ventilation system. Some time later, the expedition was forced to stop, since for some unknown reason the walls of the tunnel did not reflect infrared rays. Then the researchers decided to use a special radio filter, which suddenly started working when tuned to the frequency of aluminum. This fact plunged all participants into complete bewilderment. Where, one might ask, did this metal come from in the prehistoric labyrinth? They began to explore the walls. And it turned out that they had plating of unknown origin and high density, which no instrument could take. The tunnel steadily continued to narrow until its height reached 90 cm. People had to turn back. On the way back, the guide ran away, fearing that he would eventually be severely punished for assisting the scientists in their illegal activities. This is where the expedition ended. Dr. Centeno was not allowed to repeat further research even at the highest government authorities...

Tibetan lamas say that the ruler of the Underworld
is the great King of the World, as he is called in the East. And his kingdom is
Agartha, based on the principles of the Golden Age, exists at least 60
thousand years. People there know no evil and do not commit crimes. Unseen
Science flourished there, so the underground people who reached
incredible heights of knowledge, does not know diseases and is not afraid of any
disasters. The King of Peace wisely rules not only millions of his own
underground subjects, but also secretly by the entire population of the surface
parts of the Earth. He knows all the hidden springs of the universe, he comprehends the soul
every human being and reads the great book of destinies.

The kingdom of Agartha stretches underground throughout the planet. And under the oceans too.
There is also an opinion that the peoples of Agartha were forced to switch to
underground living after a universal cataclysm (flood) and immersion
under the water of land - ancient continents that existed on the site of the present
oceans. As the Himalayan lamas say, in the caves of Agartha there is
a special glow that even allows you to grow vegetables and grains. Chinese
Buddhists know that the ancient people, who took refuge after another
doomsday underground, lives in caves in America. Here they are -
Ecuadorian dungeons of Erich von Denniken in the foothills of South America
Andes. Let us recall that information gleaned from Chinese sources
published in 1922, that is, exactly half a century before the irrepressible
the Swiss began his fantastic descent to a depth of 240 meters to
mysterious repositories of ancient knowledge, lost in inaccessible
places in the Ecuadorian province of Morona-Santiago.

The underground workshops are in full swing with tireless work. Any metals melt there
and products are forged from them. In unknown chariots or other perfect
devices, underground inhabitants rush through tunnels laid deep
underground. The level of technical development of underground inhabitants exceeds
wildest imagination.

Dungeons of Cusco

An ancient legend is also associated with gold, telling about a secret entrance to a vast labyrinth of underground galleries under a collapsed building. As evidenced by the Spanish magazine Mas Alya, which specializes in describing all kinds of historical mysteries, this legend, in particular, tells that there are gigantic tunnels crossing the vast mountainous territory of Peru and reaching Brazil and Ecuador. In the Quechua Indian language they are called "chincana", which literally means "labyrinth". In these tunnels, the Incas, supposedly deceiving the Spanish conquistadors, hid a significant part of the golden wealth of their empire in the form of large-sized artistic objects. Even a specific point in Cusco was indicated where this labyrinth began and where the Temple of the Sun once stood.

It was gold that glorified Cusco (the only museum in the world dedicated to this noble metal still operates here). But it also destroyed him. The Spanish conquistadors who conquered the city plundered the Temple of the Sun, and all its riches, including the golden statues in the garden, were loaded onto ships and sent to Spain. At the same time, rumors spread about the existence of underground halls and galleries, where the Incas allegedly hid part of the ritual gold items. This rumor is indirectly confirmed by the chronicle of the Spanish missionary Felipe de Pomares, who spoke in the 17th century about the fate of the Inca prince, who confessed to his Spanish wife Maria de Esquivel about the mission “sent to him by the gods”: to preserve the most valuable treasures of his ancestors.

Blindfolding his wife, the prince led her through one of the palaces into the dungeon. After long walks they found themselves in a huge hall. The prince took off the blindfold from his wife's eyes, and in the weak light of the torch she saw the golden statues of all twelve Inca kings, reaching the height of a teenager; a lot of gold and silver dishes, figurines of birds and animals made of gold. As a loyal subject of the king and a devout Catholic, Maria de Esquivel reported her husband to the Spanish authorities, telling in detail about her journey. But the prince, sensing evil, disappeared. The last thread that could lead to the underground labyrinth of the Incas was cut off.

Archaeologists have found a network of mysterious tunnels in Malta

In Malta, in the city of Valletta, archaeologists have found a network of underground tunnels. Now researchers are racking their brains: either this is an underground city of the Order of Malta, or an ancient water supply or sewer system.
For centuries, it was believed that Crusader knights had built an underground city on the Mediterranean island of Malta, and rumors circulated among the population about secret passages and military labyrinths of the Hospitaller Order.

Ar Dalam Cave

We were building a garage and found ancient tunnels
This winter, researchers discovered a network of tunnels beneath the historic center of the Maltese capital Valletta. These tunnels date back to the late 16th and early 17th centuries. It was then that the knights of one of the largest Christian military orders from the times of the Crusades of the 11th-13th centuries were strengthening Valletta to repel Muslim attacks.

“Many said that there were passages and even an entire underground city. But the question is - where were these tunnels? Did they even exist? Now we think we have found at least a small part of these underground structures,” said archaeologist Claude Borg, who took part in the excavations.

The tunnels were discovered on February 24 during archaeological exploration, which was carried out on Palace Square opposite the Palace of the Grand Master. The palace formerly belonged to the head of the Order of Malta, and today it houses the legislative institutions and the presidency of Malta. Archaeological survey was carried out before the construction of the underground parking.


Underground city or water supply?
First, workers found an underground reservoir directly under the square. Near its bottom, at a depth of about 12 m, they discovered a hole in the wall - the entrance to the tunnel. It ran under the square and then connected to other canals. An attempt to pass through these corridors was unsuccessful - they were blocked. All the corridors found have a vault high enough for an adult to easily walk through. However, researchers believe that this is only part of an extensive plumbing system.

Restoration architect Edward Said of Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna considers this discovery “just the tip of the iceberg.” In his opinion, the found tunnels are part of the water supply and sewerage system, which also includes corridors where those who monitored the tunnels and kept them in order could walk.

Construction of Valletta
The Order of Malta, founded in 1099, became famous for its victories over Muslims during the Crusades. In 1530, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V gave the island of Malta to the knights. In 1565, the order, under the leadership of the Grand Master of La Valletta, was attacked by the Ottoman Turks, but managed to withstand the Great Siege of Malta.

However, this military experience led them to begin building a fortress in Malta, named after the Master of Valletta. The fortification was built on a hill, but there were not enough natural sources of water there. According to Sed, the main goal of the city's builders was to provide themselves with the necessary supplies in case of future sieges.

Saint Paul's Cave

“They soon realized that the rainwater and springs they had at their disposal would not be enough,” the architect noted.

Aqueduct and water supply
Therefore, the builders built an aqueduct, the remains of which have survived to this day: water entered the city from a valley located to the west of Valletta. The location of the tunnels under Palace Square also confirms the idea that they were built specifically as a water supply system. Probably, the large fountain on Palace Square was supplied through underground channels and a reservoir. When the British dominated the island (1814−1964), the fountain was demolished.

How the knights left
In 1798, Napoleon expelled the knights from Malta. Now the Order of Malta continues to exist, but its residence is in Rome.
“The fountain was quite an important source of water for the people of the city,” Borg noted.

As Sed said, archaeologists found the remains of centuries-old lead pipes. The corridors connected to this tunnel may have been service passages used by plumbing engineers or so-called fontaniers.

“The fountain maintenance engineer, along with a team of workers, had to check the system and keep the fountain in good condition. They also turned off the fountain at night,” Sed said.

Didn't the underground city exist?
Stories about secret military passages, according to Sed, have more substance. Under the fortress walls there could indeed be secret corridors for soldiers. However, according to Sed, most of the legends about the underground city are actually stories about the water supply and sewerage system.

According to the researcher, Valletta's pipeline system was very progressive for its time. If, for example, we compare Valletta with such large cities of that time as London or Vienna, then the Maltese city of the 16th-17th centuries was much cleaner, while others were literally buried in dirt.

Following these findings, the Maltese government announced that construction of the underground car park would be postponed. They are planning to install a new fountain in the square, and the tunnels, Sed hopes, will subsequently be open to the general public.

Mexico. Mitla. Mayan underground structures

According to participants, these structures have a high quality finish and are more like a bunker. They also notice that from some details it can be judged that the Indians did not build, but only restored one of these structures from blocks lying around in the vicinity.

Underground Giza

The pyramids, the sphinx, and the ruins of ancient temples on the Giza plateau have captured the imagination of people for more than one millennium. And here is a new discovery. It has been established that huge, completely unexplored underground structures are hidden under the pyramids. Scientists suggest that the network of tunnels could extend for tens of kilometers.

While studying one of the tombs, scientists accidentally leaned on the wall, and the rock collapsed. Archaeologists have found the beginning of one of the tunnels. Later it was believed that the tunnels penetrated the entire Giza plateau, on which the great pyramids stood. Egypt's chief custodian of antiquities said that a group of local and foreign archaeologists have begun work on drawing up a kind of map of the underground passages under the pyramids. The work is carried out both on the ground and from the air using aerial photography. Studying the tunnels will allow you to take a fresh look at the entire Giza pyramid complex.

There are about 300 archaeological expeditions in Egypt. Their goal is to study and preserve already found objects. Now several groups of scientists are excavating a unique temple. It may even eclipse the famous temple in Luxor. There is reason to believe that underground there is a huge, previously unknown complex of buildings, palaces and temples. A big obstacle for scientists is that houses, roads and communications have already been built on the lands that covered these unique structures.

Since the declassification of the new deep radar 2 years ago, information about underground complexes and labyrinths has begun to appear from many places around the world. In places like Guatemala in South America, tunnels have been documented under the Tikal complex, leading 800 kilometers across the country. Researchers note that it is possible that with the help of these tunnels the Mayans avoided the complete destruction of their culture.

In early 1978, a similar radar (SIRA) was deployed in Egypt and incredible underground complexes were discovered under the Egyptian pyramids. A research agreement was signed with Egyptian President Sadat, and this secret project has been ongoing for 3 decades.

Dungeons Kolobros

The Huaraz Plateau in the Western Cordillera has long been considered the secret refuge of Peruvian sorcerers. They say they can summon the spirits of the dead and materialize them. They can sharply increase and decrease the temperature of the surrounding air, which is necessary for the appearance of “shining carts driven by heavenly patrons.” Unfortunately, few foreigners managed to become participants in these magical rituals. One of them, the Englishman Joseph Ferrier, visited the mysterious underground settlement of Kolobros in 1922. And he was so shocked by what he saw that he was not too lazy to write a lengthy essay for the British Pathfinder magazine, preceded by an oath: “I vouch for the absolute truthfulness of what was stated.”

Joseph Ferrier is silent about how he managed to become a guest of a system of underground labyrinths forbidden to outsiders, “very confusing and cramped, almost unsuitable for free breathing and movement, but with rooms in which they are forced to live from birth to death. Because the life of each hereditary sorcerer has a special meaning that is not found anywhere else except on the local plateau.” What is this meaning? According to Ferrier, the following:

“Underground sorcerers do not draw a line between the world of the living and the world of the dead. They believe that both the living and the dead are only spirits. The only difference is that until the moment of death, the spirit of each of us languishes in a bodily shell. After death, it is released, becoming a spirit outside the body. Therefore, by using special techniques, sorcerers ensure that spirits who have taken on flesh can be close to us, among us. You may not believe it, but copies of these once living creatures are found in labyrinths, walking among the living. I myself have repeatedly confused phantoms with people. Only the sorcerers of Kolobros do not confuse.”

Rituals of materialization, the creation of phantoms, are practiced in a large hall shaped like an isosceles triangle. The walls and ceiling are covered with copper plates. The floor is paved with wedge-shaped bronze slabs.

“As soon as I crossed the threshold of this ritual room,” writes Ferrier, “I immediately received eight or ten electric shocks. Doubts disappeared. The metallized room was not much different from the metallized internal volume of a capacitor jar, and, apparently, was needed by sorcerers-mediums for their afterlife rites. I was convinced of this when they stood up in their loincloths, clasped their hands, and began to sing without words. There was a buzzing in my ears. I bit my tongue when I saw thin silver hoops begin to rotate around the heads of the sorcerers, scattering wet, cold sparkles. Sequins fell onto the copper underfoot, forming a kind of cobweb, red as blood. From the web slowly sprouted faintly visible semblances of human bodies. They stood, vibrating unsteadily from the drafts of the galleries. The sorcerers, having opened their hands and stopped singing, began to dance and rub the resin pillars installed in the center of the hall with scraps of wool. Several minutes passed. The air became saturated with electricity and began to flicker.

Having found the power of speech, I asked the sorcerer Aotuk, what will happen next? Aotuk said that further the shadows of the summoned dead will become solid, suitable for being in our world.” The sorcerers of the Kolobros dungeon have achieved the impossible. Obeying the most ancient magical techniques, the discharged, light as smoke, shadows became completely indistinguishable from people - thinking, with beating hearts, capable of lifting and carrying weights weighing up to ten kilograms, sometimes more. The rituals of “humanizing disembodied spirits” seemed to Ferrier to be similar to European medieval rituals of evoking the dead. Whether this is so can be judged from an excerpt from the essay:

“The most dangerous ritual for sorcerers, luring the dead, takes a lot of bodily strength. The Sabbath works best during the period of time between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. The magical New Year in the Kolobros labyrinths begins on November 1 with a “silent supper” around an altar table covered with a triangular canvas on which there is a tin cup, a black cord and censer, an iron trident and knife, an hourglass, and seven burning candles.

Each sorcerer wears a protective golden pictogram on his chest in the shape of a grinning skull framed by four lead bones. As soon as it is closer to midnight, the upper vessel of the clock is freed from sand, the sorcerers light incense and begin to invite guests to a meal. When they approach, the trident begins to flash blue, the knife - red. The cord burns out completely. A flame emerges from the floor, following the contours of the Egyptian holy cross, symbolizing eternal life. Throwing a wooden skull and bones into the fire - the sign of Osiris - the sorcerers loudly exclaim: “Rise from the dead!” The chief sorcerer pierces the flaming cross with a glowing trident. The flame immediately goes out. The candles go out too. Silence, saturated with the smell of incense, falls. A strong phosphorescent glow spreads under the ceiling.

“Go away, go away, shadows of the departed. We will not let you near us until you become alive to us. Let there be agreement between us. Let it be!” - the sorcerers shout deafeningly. There are no more shadows. Instead of shadows, there are their detailed bodily repetitions, which can be consulted when important decisions need to be made.

Why do underground sorcerers prefer loincloths as clothing, you ask? Because negotiations with the resurrected ones thin the fabrics of clothes, no matter how good the fabrics are. I had a new linen suit. A few conversations with the resurrected, a few touches to them - and my suit became unusable, as happens under the influence of decay.”

Ferrier argues that the resurrected are not eternal. Each stays among the sorcerers of Kolobros for at most a year: “When the figure of the “neighbor” fades, when his internal energy is depleted, a ritual of returning to the shadows is arranged for him - a quick, purely formal one. How else? Knowledge has been gained. "Neighbor" is not needed. No matter how much the sorcerers wish, he will not return again.” However, it is from this fleeting rite that the main rite - the heavenly carts - begins. Ferrier does not write anything about the magical components of this action. He only reports that he saw how in the sky above the Huaraz plateau “with a terrible roar and rattle, fiery wheels rushed by and crashed into the edge of the Kolobros Canyon.” The sorcerers did not allow him to meet with the “gods of the seventh heaven,” citing the fact that mere mortals cannot communicate with immortals. To Ferrier’s objection that the sorcerers themselves, being mortal, still meet with the heavenly gods, the inhabitants of Kolobros replied that contacts are not frequent, they are carried out only on the initiative of immortals, who make meetings safe. Characterizing the level of knowledge of the gods, Ferrier says that they have gone so far ahead that “they have long forgotten what the best minds of humanity are just beginning to ponder.” Even experienced speleologists now do not risk visiting the labyrinths of Kolobros. One of them, American Michael Stern, dreams of visiting there. The expedition is planned for the summer of 2008, not paying attention to the increasing frequency of natural anomalies. These include local earthquakes, night-time above-ground glows, mud geysers in the area of ​​labyrinths, flights of fireballs, and “landings” of ghosts with pear-shaped heads. Local residents have no doubt that the dungeons of Kolobros are still inhabited. The way there is forbidden to strangers without the knowledge of the owners. Stern persists: “I am not a slave to superstition, I do not believe in sorcerers. For me, Kolobros is just a system of deep, difficult-to-pass caves, nothing more.” At the beginning of the last century, Joseph Ferrier also thought so...

Agarti (Agartha) - underground country

The only and still unconfirmed sources of information about the mysterious Agharti remain the publication of the Pole F. Ossendowski, a member of the Council of Ministers in the Kolchak government, who, during the civil war in the Siberian government, held the post of director of the Credit Chancellery2, who later fled to Mongolia, similar in description of this center, and, published twelve years earlier, the work of Saint-Yves d'Alveidre "Mission of India". Both authors claim the existence of the underworld - a spiritual center that is of non-human origin, and preserves the Primordial wisdom, passing it down through the centuries from generation to generation by secret societies. The inhabitants of the underworld are far superior to humanity in their technical development, have mastered unknown energies and are connected to all continents through underground passages. A comparative analysis of both versions of the myth of Agharti was carried out in his work “King of the World” by the French scientist Rene Guenon: “If there really are two versions of this story, originating from sources very distant from each other, then it was interesting to find them and conduct a thorough comparison.”

The French esoteric thinker, Marquis Saint-Yves d'Alveidre (1842-1909) left a noticeable mark on history by writing books about occult ancient history3 and formulating a new universal law of history and human society, which he called “Synarchy”. The ideas of a new world order, set forth in the teachings of Saint-Yves "Synarchy", attracted the attention of future leaders of the National Socialist Party in Germany. According to Saint-Yves, all information about Agartha was received by him “from the Afghan prince Kharji Sharif, the envoy of the World Occult Government” and the center of Agartha is located in the Himalayas. This is an entire cave center with a population of 20 million people - “the most secret sanctuary of the Earth”, storing in its depths the chronicles of humanity for the entire time of its evolution on this earth over 556 centuries, recorded on stone tablets4. The chronology of humanity and the antiquity of the teachings of Saint-Yves, based on Indian sources, traces back to the era of the progenitor of mankind, the legendary Manu, i.e. 55,647 years ago. In his literary work, aimed, as he wrote, “at educated people, the most enlightened secular people and statesmen,” Saint-Yves describes in detail and convincingly the state structure of Agharti and provides quite original details, for example, such as:

“The modern mystical name of the Sanctuary of the Cycle of Rama was given to it approximately 5100 years ago, after the schism of Irshu. This name is "Agartha", which means: "inaccessible to violence", "unattainable to Anarchy." It is enough for my readers to know that in some regions of the Himalayas, among the 22 temples representing the 22 arcana of Hermes and the 22 letters of some sacred alphabets, Agartha constitutes the mystical Zero (0). "Unfindable."
* “None of our terrible systems of punishment are practiced in Agartha, and there are no prisons. There is no death penalty. Beggary, prostitution, drunkenness, and fierce individualism are completely unknown in Agharti. The division into castes is unknown.”
* “Among the tribes expelled from the great University (Agartha) there is one wandering tribe, which, since the 15th century, has been showing all of Europe its strange experiments. This is the true origin of the gypsies (Bohami - in Sanskrit, “Get away from me”).
* Agartha can monitor Souls on all ascending stages of the worlds up to the extreme limits of our solar system. During some cosmic periods one can see and speak with the dead. This is one of the secrets of the ancient Cult of Ancestors.”
* The sages of Agartha “tested the boundaries of the last flood on our Planet and determined the possible starting point of its resumption in thirteen or fourteen centuries.”
* “The founder of Buddhism, Shakyamuni, received initiation into the Sanctuary of Agartta, but he was unable to remove his notes from Agartta and subsequently dictated to his first disciples only what his memory was capable of retaining.”
* “Not a single initiate can take away from Agartha the original texts of her scientific works, for, as I have already said, they are engraved on stone in the form of signs incomprehensible to the crowd. The threshold of the Sanctuary is inaccessible without the will of the student. Its basement floor is built magically, in various ways, in which the Divine word plays a role, as in all ancient temples.”
* “The sacred texts, owing to political conditions, were everywhere systematically changed, with the exception of Agartha alone, where all the lost secrets of the Hebrew-Egyptian text of our own Holy Scriptures and the keys to their mysteries were preserved.”

Saint-Yves does not answer the question of where Agartha is located; the text contains only one indirect indication that symbolically Agartha’s head is in contact with Afghanistan, and its legs, i.e. rests its base on Burman. This territory corresponds to the region of the Himalayan mountains, little explored at that time. A striking description of the most secret sanctuary on Earth, containing lost ancient knowledge, subsequently inspired the search for this secret sanctuary in Tibet, both by various scientists and adventurers, and by government officials from different countries planning to send expeditions to the little-explored areas of Central Asia, in particular to establish an alliance with Agartha.


Thunder of the Floods, tears, hunger,

World fires of cataclysms.

I've experienced all these things.

I don’t understand - why do you need them?

Some of the mutant children escaped extermination only because they quickly became afraid of the land people and immediately returned to the underground cities of their ancestors. There they found everything to revive the former power and glory of Lumania. To this day, their descendants live under the lands of Australia, South Africa, and Antarctica. They avoid people, only occasionally appearing on the surface of the Earth in the form of three-meter-long goblins, red devils and yettis. Possessing enormous extrasensory abilities, the descendants of the Lumanians project thick thought forms of horror and feelings of nightmarish fear into the brains of the people they meet.

In those prehistoric times of the sixth subrace of Lemurians, humanoids from Vega arrived on Earth. Vegans were significantly larger than earthlings, approximately twice as tall and incomparably stronger physically. In addition, the aliens had simply fantastic technology, significantly ahead of the Lyran and Luman. This species of Vegans had dark green skin, three fingers on their hands, and their large eyes had double eyelids.

The Yeti took over the watch at night -

Surprise for people:

Yeti rushes them on a rocket

Down the tunnels.

The air whistles in the headsets.

Past in three rows

They flew by, blinding like stars,

Castles, cities.

And below there are continuous gaps,

The whole Earth is like cheese!

In these holes there is a tribe of goblin

Inhabits the world.

It didn’t cost the aliens anything to clear the territory in the area of ​​modern Tibet from wild people for their state. The country of the Vegans was then called the Agartha Empire. To local tribes, the aliens seemed immortal, since they lived for an annoyingly long time by earthly standards. Alien mechanisms could change the weather, cause earthquakes, project three-dimensional images, extract thoughts from someone else's mind or introduce them into it, heal diseases, and view any objects through the ground. Their beam weapons - lasers and masers - worked on the same physical principles as the modern “death ray” of Nikola Tesla, built in the last century by the United States to wage star wars. To the aborigines, Vegans seemed like gods, and they reverently called the aliens titans.

After 26 thousand years, evergreen vegans noticed that our Sun changed its mode of operation and switched from thermonuclear fusion of helium to hydrogen fission. The new hard radiation from the Sun caused unusual depression and premature aging in the bodies of the titans. To avoid the harmful effects of sunlight on them, the Vegans decided to go underground.

By that time, the upper “floors” of the dungeons were already occupied by the Lumanians and their mutated offspring. Therefore, the Titans built tunnels hundreds of kilometers deep and crooked around the planet. These tunnels and huge niches for underground cities were created like this: with the help of an anti-gravity mechanism, the Vegans carried huge rocks to the right place through the air. Then, using the same device, the rock became so heavy that it pressed a tunnel with its weight in the direction of the Earth's core. Aliens have created beautiful and fantastic cities underground. They are still illuminated and warmed by artificial sunlight.

These megacities, located under Tibet and Antarctica, under the Andes in South America, under Mount Shasta in California and under the Egyptian pyramids, are today the focus of the earthly Mind of humanoids. And in those pre-lunar times of the second subrace of the fourth race, the Titans provided an invaluable service in the technical and spiritual development of the Atlanteans. At the same time, they improved the human genetic code by adding two vegan chromosomes to the earthling genome. Then underground life ceased to satisfy most of the titans. They graduated from the Earth School with honors and moved on to study in the higher dimensions of the astral plane.

This text is an introductory fragment.

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Agartha - underground civilization

On all continents of the Earth there are legends about the existence of underground cities and underground civilization. That world is closed to us on both sides, but still sometimes intersects with ours.

In the East, the underground kingdom is called Agartha. There are Buddhist scriptures and many legends that echo Russian legends about the underground miracle or the invisible city of Kitezh. The Kingdom of Agartha stretches underground across the globe, including under the oceans, it has existed for more than the nth number of millions of years, and it is based on the laws of the Golden Age. There are no disasters, no diseases, no wars... There are many flourishing cities there, and the capital is Shambhala. The technical perfection of underground inhabitants exceeds earthly imagination. There is no violence and complete abundance. In short, communism has been built.

Millions of subjects are ruled by the King of Peace. It seems that Buddha Shakyamuni himself visited there, met with King Brahatma, received some knowledge - just crumbs - to pass on to people. Buddhists firmly believe in this underground civilization.

Yes, underground citizens have been traveling through space for a long time, this is done with the help of meditation, and of course they watch us as unreasonable. They exist either in the fifth or sixth dimension. And we, being in the fourth (3D + time) dimension, see only a projection into our world of some of their events (UFOs) and cannot really explain anything. After Yellowstone collapses and a pole reversal occurs, that is, an apocalypse, these citizens will come to the surface and help the pitiful remnants of our civilization start all over again.

At the poles there is an entrance and exit to the underground kingdom, as well as through caves. Other planets (for example, on Mars), just like on Earth, have a glow at the poles, can we assume that they also have life inside? The North Pole was photographed from an American satellite. There's a hole there. For many years, scientists have been arguing: “What does this mean?” The hole is also visible above the South Pole through the ice. In addition to the poles, there is a whole network of ancient tunnels through which you can also get inside the earth. These tunnels seem to have been burned into the earth's surface; their walls are an alloy of rocks that look like glass. Such technologies are unknown to modern civilization. Such 12,000-year-old tunnels have been discovered in Western Europe - and these are the youngest and roughest.

There are tunnels millions of years old. These were found on Easter Island, near Malta. These are very long vertical shafts with smooth, mirror-polished walls made of obsidian, sometimes called volcanic glass. The depth of the mines cannot be determined. In Ecuador, too, there is such a system of mirror-polished passages at a depth of 230 meters, stretching for hundreds of kilometers in different directions. Who built them and why? Science is at a standstill. After all, it is necessary to assume the existence of ancient civilizations millions of years ago. But they are not allowed to do this yet.

Underground cities and a network of underground galleries stretching for thousands of kilometers have been discovered in Altai, the Urals, the Tien Shan, the Sahara, and South America. These are precisely structures erected in a way unknown to us directly in underground rock formations. Some underground cities are now museumized and tourists are allowed there, while others can only be accessed with special equipment.

Several decades ago the famous Kharkov tunnels were discovered. Within the city, their length reaches 30 kilometers, then they go outside the city and join the system. There are more and more mysteries. There is brickwork there, its age is determined - more than a thousand years. That is, these are very recent buildings.

Photo Mount Shasta (California)

In North America, too, like everywhere else, there are such tunnels. In some places there are intersections, so-called nodes. One such site is located in California. The indigenous Indians believe that Mount Shasta is a special creation of a great spirit. There are straight long tunnels inside the mountain. One of the branches leads to a huge hollow space under the Pacific Ocean.

Another mysterious site is Tibet, literally riddled with tunnels with perfectly smooth walls. There are ancient Buddhist chronicles. The picture above shows the Tibetan diagram of Agartha. The Tibetan tunnels lead to Antarctica and connect to one of the two main tunnels leading to the inner sphere of the earth.

Several years ago, American radars at Cape Canaveral detected strange signals coming from deep within the earth. Experts are confident that the signals were sent by intelligent beings. It looks like someone is trying to make contact with us. Signals are repeated once every two months. They are encrypted in complex formulas, which have not yet been fully deciphered. And what has already been decoded is naturally classified.

The theory of the hollow earth is not new; it appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. Official science is categorically against it. Scientists suggest that the earth's crust is between 35 and 70 km thick. under the continents and 5-10 km. under the oceans. Below is a mantle 2900 km thick (as if someone measured it), then a core of lava or gas. So far we have drilled a maximum of 4 km. with our primitive means.

Numerous facts, archaeological finds, discoveries persistently indicate the presence of a highly developed civilization underground. The inhabitants of the underground world have a completely different structure, different from us. This is another form of life. They are not made of proteins like us, but of fields. A person in his physical body, intended to exist only on the surface of the Earth, would not be able to stay there. Meanwhile, life fills the entire Cosmos, just in different dimensions. You can visit other worlds or other planets in the subtle body, as Plato did, for example. (Plato was the last true supreme philosopher who knew the laws of the universe and how man is connected with them. By the way, he wrote in ancient Russian).

The hollow earth theory was supported by Galileo Galilei.

Interesting information, as a version of course. Here's an experiment we conducted. The person was put into a trance, he plunged into the planet through the South Pole, because there was really a huge hole there. It’s impossible to just go through the layers, the protection is there. And the man described, without knowing anything, exactly what was described in the books. That is, the goal was to visit the inner Sun. It turned out to be blue. It is a source of heat and light, but its main function is communication with other worlds. The same can be said about our external Sun - it is a holographic crystal, a portal of exit to the external Universe.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there is such a remarkable place called “Devil's Glade”. In the clearing there is a bottomless hole, which was discovered by local shepherds at the beginning of the twentieth century. Cows kept falling into this hole and disappearing. And dead birds lay nearby. Already in the 80s of the last century, ufologists became interested in the hole. We discovered that all the instruments nearby seemed to have gone berserk. The sensors went off scale, the compass needle stubbornly pointed to the center of the clearing. In general, there turned out to be a powerful electromagnetic field or an anomaly. But the most interesting thing is that people began to feel a sense of unreasonable fear, their joints began to swell and their teeth began to ache. The expedition was urgently turned off and moved away from this disastrous place. There is an assumption that this is the entrance to the bowels of the earth. A similar feeling of fear was sometimes experienced by speleologists in some caves. So the entrance to that world is encrypted from us.

Georgy Sidorov: “Few people have heard of the underground communications of the cities of the Urals, and yet they are huge: having descended underground in Chelyabinsk, you can go out in Sverdlovsk, or in Perm, or even in Vorkuta! The voids under the Urals are very ancient. They are thousands and thousands of years old. . Who built them and why no one knows. But they exist and this must be recognized. The interesting thing is that under the lower tier of the galleries there is another tier, and under it another and another, where it all ends is unknown. And does it end? There are voids under many Siberian cities. Under the same Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk..." And under all other large cities, especially under the capitals. There are catacombs near Moscow that Odessa or Kerch have never even dreamed of. The underground tunnels are clearly man-made. For the first time, metro builders encountered them and did not know what to think. Who are these mysterious underground diggers?

In the North of Russia, in the Urals, in Siberia up to Altai, there are legends about the white-eyed miracle, which went underground about 500 years ago. These are creatures of short stature with low eye pigmentation, which is why they are white-eyed. They sometimes come to the surface, some people have met them. There are “pechischas” in the North - small wooden houses, supposedly these are the dwellings of the Chud. In the mountains of the Urals, sounds from underground are sometimes heard, reminiscent of hammer blows. The Ural Mountains are simply dotted with caves. It is believed that the Chud people live in them. There are places, for example the Krasnovishersky Nature Reserve in the Perm Territory, the famous Molebka with Knock Mountain, Mount Iremel with its altars, where a certain life activity parallel to ours is present.

Photo of Iremel from the Tygynsky swamps

Even Nikolai Onuchkov at the beginning of the twentieth century wrote about miracles or marvelous people living in the Northern Urals. It’s as if they have an extraordinary culture and light in the caves. There is a Divya cave, near which tourists hear voices. Under Iremel there is supposedly an underground city with untold riches acquired through miracles. And also some kind of walled-up niche where the writings are kept. In general, our Iremel is completely overgrown with legends.

Attempts of people to live underground.

When the nuclear race began in the middle of the last century, we and other countries began to build bunkers in case of war. So in Ramenskoye, near Moscow, they decided to use volunteers to test what it was like to live underground in such a bunker. Nothing came of this experiment. People received radioactive radiation underground, they developed oncology, gas (methane, radon, etc.) came out of the depths, as a result of which the respiratory system suffered, severe depression occurred, and the effect of accelerated aging occurred. The experiments were stopped with the conclusion that a person cannot live underground.

But the idea of ​​living underground never left me. In 1976, in Czechoslovakia, 12 soldiers climbed into a cave and began to live there. The cave was equipped for life and was bugged with equipment. By the fifth month of their stay, volunteers reported that they felt the presence of other creatures in the lower galleries that spoke to them. Those on earth naturally assumed that these were auditory hallucinations. But soon the subjects began talking to each other about a certain underground city to which they were offered to move. On the 173rd day of the experiment, they decided that it was time to evacuate people before they went completely crazy, and a group of speleologists went down. They found only one sergeant there, who was in a state of terrible depression. The rest are missing.

On the other hand, underground monasteries existed for centuries without any damage to the health of the monks. The monks lived even longer than usual. Maybe monasteries were built in special places where the influence of the earth is beneficial and not destructive? To live underground, you need to lower your heart rate and body temperature, scientists say. Samati do this by going to sleep in caves.

In Izhevsk, like in many other cities, there is a ufological service. One day, Mikhail Morozov, deputy director of the Russian UFO Research Station RUFORS, went down to the basement of the old Izhevsk plant. Finding himself in a dark room, he heard something begin to rumble in the depths. The sound was like beating on a huge drum, with the intervals between beats precise to a fraction of a second. He recorded the sounds on a tape recorder. Experts worked for a long time on identification, but were confidently able to say that this is “a sound of unnatural origin, rather technical. The sound source is located at least 500 meters below the recording production level...”. Ufologists went there at different times of the day and year and noticed that “this thing is there, it communicates.” You will come, silence, and say: “Master, respond!” "Boom Boom!" - will respond a couple of times. Then they began to rebuild the room and that room was walled up. At a depth of 500 meters, communications are certainly not laid.

If you read I. Nilova’s conversations with Teacher MM (Power of Light), then this is the information there. In the underground world there are so-called. infernal creatures. There are portals on the surface of the Earth through which they can break through to the surface. These portals are located in the countries of ancient Babylon: Iraq, Syria, Kurdistan, Iran. That is why there is now a fierce war for these territories. The goal of the forces of darkness (the USA first of all) is to open portals and release hellish dungeon monsters to strengthen the regime of the Antichrist in which our world now “safely” resides. To do this, it is necessary to shed sacrificial blood, which is now happening.

In Russia there is also such a wonderful place - Red Square and the mausoleum through which demonic entities break into our world. Such exits to the cosmic bottom exist where a lot of suffering took place, for example executions. This issue could be closed within one day if the corpse was burned and the mausoleum was destroyed. But this business requires a strong, authoritative leader.

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