A proverb for the story of a note from a little schoolgirl. Lidiya Alekseevna Charskaya. Work test

Lesson type: consolidation.

Lesson objectives:

1. Generalization of knowledge from the read work.
2. Develop a culture of speech and thinking.
3. Foster a respectful attitude towards creativity.

During the classes

Stage 1: Organizational moment.

– Let’s greet each other and the guests. Turn to the guests, say hello, turn to each other, shake hands in a group, smile, put each other in a good mood.

Stage 2: Teacher's opening speech.

– Now we will conduct a consolidation lesson on the work of Lydia Charskaya “Notes of a Little Schoolgirl.” Let's remember the biography of the author, what the author talks about in this story, and get acquainted with the new works of Lydia Charskaya.

Stage 3: Introductory speech by the student, biography of Lydia Charskaya.

– Listen to the biography of Lydia Charskaya and think about whether the writer’s life was easy?

- The real name of Lydia Charskaya is Lydia Voronova - Lydia Alekseevna Churilova. Information about her life is scanty and contradictory. The date of birth is either 1875 or 1878; according to some sources, she died in Leningrad, according to others in the Krasnodar Territory. It is known that she lost her mother early, adored her father and hated her stepmother, and ran away from home several times in protest. From the age of 10 she wrote poetry, from the age of 15 she kept a diary in which, remembering her childhood, she wrote: “Why am I experiencing everything more acutely and painfully than others? Why don’t others have strange dreams like mine?” After graduating from the institute, she married officer Boris Churilov and began an independent life. Her son died in the civil war. She was interested in theater and literature. Over two decades, she wrote about 80 books, which included poems and stories. Fairy tales and plays, stories and novels. Her first book for children was published in 1902, and for more than twenty years Lydia Charskaya was the most popular and beloved children's writer in Russia. Then Charskaya’s books began to be criticized, even scolded, and they stopped publishing. But after a while, little readers began to read it again.

– What was life like for Lydia Charskaya? Was her life easy?

Stage 4: Students in groups and collectively perform various types of oral and

written tasks of a generalizing and systematizing nature.

– Now you have to work in groups; you will be offered three tasks: a crossword puzzle, a quiz and a test. You will have to find the answers to each of the tasks and discuss them in groups.

– There is also a self-assessment sheet on the table in each group; after each task, you will have to discuss and evaluate the work of each group member using a five-point system.

1. Crossword about the heroes of the story. (work in groups, independently)

1. What is the name of the conductor who accompanied Lena on her trip to St. Petersburg? (Nikifor Matveevich)
2. Name of the headmistress of the gymnasium? (Chirikova Anna Vladimirovna)
3. The last name of Lena’s uncle, with whom she is going to live? (Ikonin Mikhail Vasilievich)
4. What was the name of Lena’s first teacher? (Vasily Vasilievich)
5. What is the governess's nickname? (Bavaria)
6. What was the name of Nina’s younger brother? (Tolya)
7. What is the name of Lena's older cousin? (Georges)
8. What is the name of the governess in your uncle’s family? (Matilda Frantsevna)

– Checking the correctness of filling out the crossword puzzle.

– We assessed the work of each student in the group.

Physical pause.

2. Quiz on the content of the story.

– Each group will draw out three questions about the content of the story and try to answer after consulting in groups (oral work with everyone).

1. What do actress Lidiya Alekseevna Churilova and writer Lidiya Charskaya have in common?

2. How do you think notes differ from a story?

3. What made the main character leave her hometown?

4. Let's remember chapters 1 and 4. What's going on in the little passenger's soul? (She’s anxious – “I’m listening carefully”, “a little scared from the unknown”, “rushing without looking back”, “I don’t know, I don’t understand”)

5. What struck you most about the reception of the girl by her relatives?

6. How did the first day at her uncle’s house end for Lena Ikonina?

7. There are a lot of good and bad people around Lena, which of them can you name?

8. What did Matilda Frantsevna mean when she called the girl deceitful, pugnacious, rude and disobedient? What action are we talking about?

9. How was Lena greeted at school and why didn’t the headmistress accompany her to her office?

- Well done! All groups answered the questions correctly and correctly.

3. Test based on the story you read.

– Each group is given a content test. That is, a question is asked and several answer options; you need to choose the correct one from these options.

1. In what city does Lena’s uncle live?

- Moscow

– St. Petersburg

– Krasnoyarsk

2. What did Lena’s cousins ​​call her when she first came to them?

– Woodlice

– Mimosa

– Upstart

3. With what words did governess Matilda Frantsevna introduce the girl at school?

– Beautiful, smart, well-mannered, diligent

– Deceitful, rude, pugnacious and disobedient

4. Whom did the head of the gymnasium, Anna Vladimirovna, remind Lena of?

– Grandmother

5. How did the girl approach the classroom door?

– Bravely

- timidly

- No interest

6. How did Lena work in class, how did she write the words?

– The notebook was very dirty

- Correct and very beautiful

– I wrote letters with diligence

7. What was Julie's notebook like?

- There were a lot of mistakes

– There were large and small blots on the sheets

– The work was done carefully

8. Who is missing from Georges?

- Dog

- Parrot

9. Who really stole Georges' pet?

10. Who stood up for Lena when they wanted to whip her with rods?

– We check the correctness of the answers to the questions (one from the group)

- Well done! Everyone passed the test.

Physical pause.

Stage 5: Acquaintance with other works by Lydia Charskaya.

– Guys, in addition to the story “Notes of a Little Schoolgirl,” the writer has many other works. We will briefly get acquainted with some of them in today's lesson.

“A Brave Life” is a historical story about the legendary fate of Nadezhda Durova, who glorified her name with her exploits during the Patriotic War of 1812.

“One for All” is a story about the life of the great ascetic of the Russian Land - Sergius of Radonezh.

“Lucky” and Sibirochka” are about the adventures of a boy and a girl, incredible trials from which they emerge solely thanks to perseverance, courage and resourcefulness.

– Each group is given a book with a work. Your task is to try to figure out, guess from the title and illustrations what each book is about.


– Reading aloud excerpts from the books of one student from the group (pages indicated).

– Evaluated the work of each student.

Stage 6: Evaluation of the results of work in the lesson.

– Let’s summarize the work of each group and each student individually.

– In which group did everyone get straight A’s? Are there fours or threes? Why was their work assessed this way?

Last name, first name of the student. 1. Crossword 2. Quiz 3. Content test 4. Getting to know new books Final assessment

Stage 7: Formulation of conclusions and summing up.

– Despite the fact that the heroine is a little girl, her life is full of events, meetings with people, life’s ups and downs.

– What do Charskaya’s books give to every reader? (Kindness, her books teach empathy.)

– The features of Charskaya’s books are given on the board. Which of them can be seen in “Notes of a Little Schoolgirl”? Formulate your opinion about her books.

– entertaining;

– clarity of the storyline;

– surprise of the outcome;

- a happy ending;

– sentimentality (sensitivity);

– the opposite of heroes (bad – good);

– constant change of bad and good;

- simple dreams of heroes.


literary reading

Lydia Charskaya

“Notes of a little schoolgirl”

What is the name of the little schoolgirl?

How old is she? Who are her parents?

What is she like?

How does a gymnasium of the early twentieth century differ from a modern school?

How do “Notes…” differ from a story?

What is she writing about?

Who are the friends and enemies of the little schoolgirl?

Why did L. Charskaya’s books begin to be criticized, even scolded, and stopped being published?

Are L. Charskaya’s heroes close in spirit to the modern reader?

Memo to students

  • Through the attitude of other characters (Which of the adult characters looks at the girl through the eyes of the author?).

2. Through a description of the hero’s inner world, his characteristics.

3. Through establishing harmonious and contrasting connections with someone or something.

Your reaction to the events described:

- a pity;

- empathy;

- anger;


- experience;

- despair...

Nikifor Matveevich

Aunt Nellie

Matilda Frantsevna

Anna Vladimirovna

Vasily Vasilievich






The author of the development is a primary school teacher at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Urmarskaya Secondary School named after G. Egorov" of the Urmara district of the Chuvash Republic Marina Anatolyevna Mikheeva

Lesson type: consolidation

Lesson objectives:

    Form the correct type of reading activity; help to understand the integrity and dynamics of literaryprocess, withsystematize information about the author.

    ABOUTdiscuss problematic, activating livessignificant ideas of students, indevelop morality, feelings of empathy for heroes, and a kind attitude towards people.

    To develop students’ speech and the ability to conduct a dialogue with the author.Learn to form hacharacteristics of the hero of the work.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

Let's greet each other and guests. Turn to the guests, say hello, turn to each other, shake hands, smile, put each other in a good mood.

    Teacher's opening speech.

Now we will conduct a consolidation lesson on the work of Lydia Charskaya “Notes of a Little Schoolgirl.” Let's remember the biography of the author, what the author talks about in this story, and get acquainted with the new works of Lydia Charskaya.

    Introductory speech by the student, biography of Lydia Charskaya.

Listen to the biography of Lydia Charskaya and think about how easy it was for the writer?

(Diana Ivanova tells the biography of the author. The story is accompanied by a multimedia presentation.)

The real name of Lydia Charskaya is Lydia Voronova - Lidiya Alekseevna Churilova. Information about her life is scanty and contradictory. The date of birth is either 1875 or 1878; according to some sources, she died in Leningrad, according to others in the Krasnodar Territory. It is known that she lost her mother early, adored her father and hated her stepmother, and ran away from home several times in protest. From the age of 10 she wrote poetry, from the age of 15 she kept a diary in which, remembering her childhood, she wrote: “Why am I experiencing everything more acutely and painfully than others? Why don’t others have strange dreams like mine?” After graduating from the institute, she married officer Boris Churilov and began an independent life. Her son died in the civil war. She was interested in theater and literature. Over two decades, she wrote about 80 books, which included poems and stories. Fairy tales and plays, stories and novels. Her first book for children was published in 1902, and for more than twenty years Lydia Charskaya was the most popular and beloved children's writer in Russia. Then Charskaya’s books began to be criticized, even scolded, and they stopped publishing. But after a while, little readers began to read it again.

What was life like for Lydia Charskaya? Was her life easy?

    Updating students' knowledge. Students in groups and collectively perform various types of oral and written tasks of a generalizing and systematizing nature.

Now you have to work in groups; you will be offered three tasks: a crossword puzzle, a quiz and a test. You will have to find the answers to each of the tasks and discuss them in groups.

1. Work in pairs

Crossword about the heroes of the story. (work in groups, independently)

1. What is the name of the conductor who accompanied Lena on her trip to St. Petersburg? (Nikifor Matveevich)
2. Name of the headmistress of the gymnasium? (Chirikova Anna Vladimirovna)
3. The last name of Lena’s uncle, with whom she is going to live? (Ikonin Mikhail Vasilievich)
4. What was the name of Lena’s first teacher? (Vasily Vasilievich)
5. What is the governess's nickname? (Bavaria)
6. What was the name of Nina’s younger brother? (Tolya)
7. What is the name of Lena's older cousin? (Georges)
8. What is the name of the governess in your uncle’s family? (Matilda Frantsevna)










Checking the correctness of filling out the crossword puzzle.


2. Quiz on the content of the story (front work)

I will ask you questions about the content of the story, and you answer them (oral work with everyone).

1. What do actress Lidiya Alekseevna Churilova and writer Lidiya Charskaya have in common?

2. How do you think notes differ from a story?

3. What made the main character leave her hometown?

4. Let's remember chapters 1 and 4. What's going on in the little passenger's soul? (She’s anxious – “I’m listening carefully”, “a little scared from the unknown”, “rushing without looking back”, “I don’t know, I don’t understand”)

5. What struck you most about the reception of the girl by her relatives?

6. How did the first day at her uncle’s house end for Lena Ikonina?

7. There are a lot of good and bad people around Lena, which of them can you name?

8. What did Matilda Frantsevna mean when she called the girl deceitful, pugnacious, rude and disobedient? What action are we talking about?

9. How was Lena greeted at school, and why didn’t the headmistress accompany her to her office?

Well done! All groups answered the questions correctly and correctly.

3. Test on the story read (individual work)

Now we will work on the test. That is, a question is asked and several answer options; you need to choose the correct one from these options.

1. In what city does Lena’s uncle live?




2. What did Lena’s cousins ​​call her when she first came to them?




3. With what words did governess Matilda Frantsevna introduce the girl at school?

Beautiful, smart, well-mannered, diligent

Deceitful, rude, pugnacious and disobedient

4. Whom did the head of the gymnasium, Anna Vladimirovna, remind Lena of?




5. How did the girl approach the classroom door?



No interest

6. How did Lena work in class, how did she write the words?

The notebook was very dirty

Correct and very beautiful

I wrote letters with diligence

7. What was Julie's notebook like?

There were a lot of mistakes

There were large and small blots on the sheets

The work was done carefully

8. Who is missing from Georges?




9. Who really stole Georges' pet?




10. Who stood up for Lena when they wanted to whip her with rods?




Checking the correct answers to questions

Well done! Everyone passed the test.

Stage 5: Compiling a profile of Lena Ikonina

What did we learn about Lena Ikonina from previous lessons?

Did you like Lena? Justify your answer.

1) Compiling a characterization using the text of the textbook (from each chapter we find sentences characterizing Lena Ikonina)

There are signs on the board for writing characteristics. Modeling.

little, confused girl .

well-read, knowledgeable, with self-esteem.

vulnerable, brave, diligent, observant.

2) compiling a general description of Lena Ikonina


6. Acquaintance with other works by Lydia Charskaya

(group work)

Guys, in addition to the story “Notes of a Little Schoolgirl,” the writer has many other works. We will briefly get acquainted with some of them in today's lesson.

Each group is given a book with a work. Your task is to try to figure out, guess from the title and illustrations what each book is about.

“Sibirochka” is a book about the adventures of a girl, incredible trials, from which she emerges solely thanks to her perseverance, courage and resourcefulness.

“Notes of an Orphan” is a poignant and bright story about the fate and experiences of a girl who was left an orphan and ended up in a traveling circus. But everything will end well: the villains will be punished and forgiven, and the young heroine will find her relatives.

A Brave Life” is a historical story about the legendary fate of Nadezhda Durova, who glorified her name with her exploits during the Patriotic War of 1812.

"Princess Javakha" -The story tells about the dramatic fate of Nina Javakhi, a noble, brave and fair girl.

"Rivals" -Russian writer Lydia Charskaya was the “ruler of the hearts” of young readers. A graduate of the Pavlovsk Institute of Noble Maidens, she describes with compassion and love the world of experiences, thoughts and ideals of the institute’s recluses.


Reading aloud passages from the books of one student in the group (pages indicated).

    Reflection. Formulation of conclusions and summing up

Despite the fact that the heroine is a little girl, her life is full of events, meetings with people, and life’s ups and downs.

What do Charskaya’s books give to every reader? (Kindness, her books teach empathy.)

The features of Charskaya's books are given on the board. Which of them can be seen in “Notes of a Little Schoolgirl”? Formulate your opinion about her books.


clarity of the storyline;

surprise of the outcome;

a happy ending;

sentimentality (sensitivity);

the opposite of heroes (bad - good);

constant change of bad and good;

simple dreams of heroes.

    Evaluation of the results of work in the lesson.

Let’s summarize the work of each group and each student individually.

    Homework: Write a story “Friends and Enemies of Lena Ikonina”

Verification work. Last name _________________ c) without interest Charskaya L. “Notes of a little schoolgirl” 1. What was the name of the main character of the story? ________________ 2. What city did the orphan girl come to? A) St. Petersburg B) Moscow C) Omsk 3. Who was the first to meet the girl in the house? A) children B) uncle C) aunt D) nanny 4. What were the names of Lena’s cousins? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 5. What did Lena’s cousins ​​call her when she first came to them? a) mimosa b) upstart c) woodlice 6. How did Lena see her cousins? a) kind and affectionate b) funny and good-natured c) evil and liars 7. What words did governess Matilda Frantsevna introduce to the girl at school? a) beautiful, smart, well-mannered, diligent b) deceitful, rude, pugnacious and disobedient 8. Whom did the head of the gymnasium, Anna Vladimirovna, remind Lena of? a) aunt b) grandmother c) mother 9. How did the girl approach the classroom door? a) bravely b) fearfully Test work. Last name _________________ Charskaya L. “Notes of a Little Schoolgirl” 1. What was the name of the main character of the story? ________________ 2. What city did the orphan girl come to? A) St. Petersburg B) Moscow C) Omsk 3. Who was the first to meet the girl in the house? A) children B) uncle C) aunt D) nanny 4. What were the names of Lena’s cousins? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 5. What did Lena’s cousins ​​call her when she first came to them? a) mimosa b) upstart c) woodlice 6. How did Lena see her cousins? a) kind and affectionate b) funny and good-natured c) evil and liars 7. What words did governess Matilda Frantsevna introduce to the girl at school? a) beautiful, smart, well-mannered, diligent b) deceitful, rude, pugnacious and disobedient 8. Whom did the head of the gymnasium, Anna Vladimirovna, remind Lena of? a) aunt b) grandmother c) mother

9. How did the girl approach the classroom door? a) bravely b) fearfully c) without interest 10. How did Lena work in class, how did she spell out the words? a) the notebook was very dirty b) correctly and very beautifully c) she wrote the letters with diligence 11. What was Julie’s notebook like? a) there were a lot of mistakes b) there were large and small blots on the sheets c) the work was done neatly 12. How many mistakes did Lena make while dictating at the gymnasium? A) none B) one C) two 13. Why was Julie punished? a) for a D in mathematics b) for a D for the Law of God c) for a score in dictation 14. Who is missing from Georges? A) dog B) parrot C) owl 15. Who actually stole Georges' pet? A) Tolya B) Lena C) Julie 14. Who stood up for Lena when she was ordered to be flogged? A) Aunt Nellie B) Julie C) Tolya 15. What did Tolya treat Lena to? A) chocolate B) candy C) liverwurst 16. Who became Lena’s friend and protector? _____________________________________ 10. How did Lena work in class, how did she write the words? a) the notebook was very dirty b) correctly and very beautifully c) she wrote the letters with diligence 11. What was Julie’s notebook like? a) there were a lot of mistakes b) there were large and small blots on the sheets c) the work was done neatly 12. How many mistakes did Lena make while dictating at the gymnasium? A) none B) one C) two 13. Why was Julie punished? a) for a D in mathematics b) for a D for the Law of God c) for a score in dictation 14. Who is missing from Georges? A) dog B) parrot C) owl 15. Who actually stole Georges' pet? A) Tolya B) Lena

B) Julie 14. Who stood up for Lena when she was ordered to be flogged? A) Aunt Nellie B) Julie C) Tolya 15. What did Tolya treat Lena to? A) chocolate B) candy C) liverwurst 16. Who became Lena’s friend and protector? ____________________________________

General lesson on the work of Lydia Charskaya “Notes of a Little Schoolgirl”

Product test:

- Moscow
– St. Petersburg

Product test:

1. In what city does Lena’s uncle live?
– St. Petersburg

Product test:

2. What were Lena’s cousins ​​and
sister, when did she first come to them?
– Woodlouse

Product test:

3. What words did you use to introduce the girl?
governess Matilda Frantsevna in
- Beautiful, smart, well-mannered,
- Deceitful, rude, pugnacious and

Product test:

4. Whom did the boss remind Lena of?
gymnasium Anna Vladimirovna?
– Aunt
– Grandmother
– Mom

Product test:

5. How the girl approached
classroom doors?
– Bravely
- timidly
- No interest

Product test:

6. How Lena worked in class,
How did you write the words?
– The notebook was very dirty
- Correct and very beautiful
– I wrote letters with diligence

Product test:

7. What was Julie's notebook like?
- There were a lot of mistakes
– The sheets contained large and
small blots
– The work was done carefully

10. Test on the work:

8. Who is missing from Georges?
- Dog
- Parrot
- Owl

11. Test on the work:

9. Who really stole
Georges's pet?
– Tolya
– Lena
– Julie

12. Test on the work:

10. Who stood up for Lena when
Did they want to whip her with rods?
– Tolya
– Georges
– Nina

13. Crossword about the heroes of the story


1. Give the name of the conductor who
accompanied Lena on a trip to St. Petersburg?
2. Name of the headmistress of the gymnasium?
3. The name of Lena’s uncle, to whom she is going
4. What was the name of Lena’s first teacher?
5. What did Tolya bring to Lena when she was
6. What is the governess's nickname?
7. What was the name of Nina’s younger brother?
8. What is the name of Lena's older cousin?
9. What is the name of the governess in your uncle’s family?
What word came out horizontally?
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