Complete passage of the main and side quests of the second chapter. Complete walkthrough of the main and side quests of the second chapter of The Witcher 2 I can’t talk to the inspired

Prelude to War: Kaedwen


The chapter begins with the meeting of King Henselt and Prince Stennis. Since in the previous chapter, the Wolf helped Roche, control will pass to Henselt and we, as King Kaedwen, go to negotiations.

Soon the gunslayer Saskia and Prince Stennis appear. A choice has to be made: to listen to Saskia or not. The first option will end in a duel between the king and the dragon slayer, and the second - in a massacre.

The game now switches back to Geralt. Suddenly the atmosphere changes, the sun disappears, and the ghosts of fallen warriors begin to wander everywhere. Now the priority is to protect the sorcerer Detmold, as he is able to create a barrier that protects against spirits. The sorcerer creates a dome and the squad moves forward. It is highly discouraged for Geralt to go beyond the barrier, just as it is not recommended for ghosts to enter it, but for some reason they think differently and die quite quickly.

The Witcher gets out of the darkness and ends up in the Kaedweni camp. There will be a guard at the gate named Zyvik. If you have a desire, he can arrange a tour of the camp, if not, then we convince him to immediately go to the king.

The wolf and the king make a deal: Geralt removes the curse from him, and Henselt restores the Witcher's good name. As soon as the Wolf leaves the tent, Detmold will call him.

Conspiracy theory


Leaving Henselt's tent, Geralt meets Detmold and decides to talk to him about everything that is happening. As the conversation progresses, the Witcher learns of the conspiracy; The wolf decides to get more information.

You can continue the quest by completing one of these two tasks: “The Butcher of Tsidris” and “The Truth in Beer” (you can complete both).

Geralt receives a square coin and also finds out where the conspirators' lair is located. He reports his successes to Detmold, after which he goes to the brothel, shows the square coin to Madame Carole and chooses Zoska Svistushka from the ladies offered. During the dialogue with Zoska, you should select the option “I want your smile to open the gates of heaven for me,” and then she will open the passage to the conspirators’ hideout.

Vinson Trout (and a bunch of his allies) will be waiting below. No matter what the Witcher does, a battle cannot be avoided, but the people of Detmold will come to his aid. Together they deal with the conspirators. After clearing the lair, you can go to Dandelion, and then to the sorcerer for a reward.

To get the quest off the ground, you need to complete the tasks “Eternal Battle”, “Assassins of Kings” and “Curse of Blood”.

Buttercup says that the conspirators are gathering in the house above the cliff (a mark will appear); Geralt arrives there and sees that the main conspirator is... Roche. Due to recent events, the conspirators have been exposed, so everyone needs to be warned. Wolf and Vernon go to the Blue Stripes camp, but there they find only Kaedweni (whom they get rid of). One of the prostitutes says that all members of the squad were invited to a feast.

And the feast ended funny: all the conspirators were hanged, and only Bianca remained alive, who, by the way, was deceived and raped by Henselt. He will still have the opportunity to take revenge.

Truth in Beer


The Witcher meets on the road leading to the tents of important people three drunken soldiers who are looking for Odrin, his missing friend. The wolf goes in search: he goes through the western gate leading to the shore and finds Odrin lying near the cave. The wolf picks up the drunk and leads him to the camp. On the way, Geralt will be stopped by guards. Bribe them, or tell them that you are leading a prisoner. If you say that this is an important witness, then the quest will fail. The Witcher returns Odrin to his friends, and they all go to the dining room for a drink. During the subsequent conversation, you should choose the following dialogue options: “People are afraid of Henselt” and “I need some information.” The wolf will find out the information he needs and will also receive a square coin.

The Butcher of Tsidaris


Passing by the dining room, the Witcher sees father and son (Manfred and Sven, respectively) arguing with each other. You should approach Mandred and find out what is happening. The fact is that his son was going to fight the Butcher from Cidaris, who was clearly too tough for him. The wolf agrees to help in exchange for information.

Geralt approaches Sven (he is training near the canteen) and suggests a doubles fight. Now we need to inform the Butcher himself about this. He is in the next tent and agrees to a doubles fight. The wolf returns to Sven; they soon enter the arena.

The battle itself is not difficult, and the opponents are weak. Sven can survive the duel and become a knight, or he can die if he is attacked too actively. Anyway, the Wolf returns to Manfred after the fight and receives the information, as well as the square coin.

Curse of Blood


The wolf takes on a difficult task: he has to lift the curse from King Henselt. The Witcher goes to Detmold to talk about some things, including the curse.

To begin with, Geralt is going to inspect the place of execution of the sorceress Sabrina Glevissig. To get there, you need to leave the Blue Stripes camp to the south, cross the river and follow the road to the right.

Having arrived at the place, Geralt should perform the following actions:

  • Listen;
  • Look at the ground (there will be traces of people and animals);
  • Look at the wheel (there will be a nail there; take it);
  • Look at the pillar;
  • Examine the junk lying around.
Not far away, the Witcher meets two soldiers. After questioning them, he learns about the Inspired One, as well as about the nail that supposedly protects the wearer.

Now you need to ask the relic seller and the Inspired. The first one is sitting in the camp, in the dining room, and the second one is further away. To get to it you need to exit the left exit of the Kaedweni camp and go forward. Along the way, the Wolf will come across several soldiers fighting foulbroods. The quest “On the Path to the Inspired” is activated.

The Witcher questions both. Now he needs the spear of Yahon, which the relic seller had, but now he no longer has it, and the location of the artifact has its price. We agree to the merchant’s conditions, put forward our own, use intimidation, persuasion or axius and, in the end, we find out that the spear is Vergene.

The path is blocked by darkness, so the Witcher goes to Detmold for help; Having received the amulet of Detmold, the standard of the emissary (a symbol that the Wolf came in peace) and the armor of Zirael, Geralt goes to the darkness (before going, it is better to complete the quest “Symbol of Courage”).

On the way to the darkness, the Witcher meets Zoltan, who is clearly upset about something. The wolf can drink with him and offer to go through the darkness together. Once they are on the battlefield, the medallion will point them in the right direction. Along the way, Geralt and Zoltan will meet ghosts, and in large quantities. Feel free to ignore them and run to the exit to Vergen, since these spirits do not give experience for you.

On the way to the city, the Witcher and the dwarf will meet several Scoy "taels; the emissary's standard will save them from problems with squirrels. Arriving in Vergen, Geralt meets Cecil and Skalen Burdon. He asks them about the items he needs. Having learned everything he needs, the Wolf goes in search .

Having completed the quests “Symbol of Hate”, “Symbol of Death” and “Spear of Destiny”, the Witcher receives the Sword of Vandegrift, the Banner of the Brown Banner and the Head of the Spear, respectively, and returns back to the king’s camp through the darkness.

Coming out of the darkness, the Wolf sees Roche and the corpses of the Nilfgaardians. Geralt learns that a certain woman has crossed the darkness with a figurine that looks like Triss. The Witcher and Vernon rush to the Nilfgaardian camp, but arrive too late, and the ship sails to Loc Muine.

The time has come to end the curse: the Witcher goes to Henselt and together they return to the place of Sabrina’s execution. There the king must draw a symbol, and Geralt must tell where and what to draw. He tells Henselt what objects to draw through. There are two options for creating a drawing:

  1. Witch's circle
  2. Black candles,
  3. Goat skull,
  4. Charred wood
  5. Crow carcass
  6. Curdled milk in a stone bowl,
  7. Witches Circle;
  1. Curdled milk in a stone bowl;
  2. Crow carcass;
  3. Charred wood;
  4. Goat skull;
  5. Black candles;
  6. Charred bread;
  7. Witches circle.
Now you need to set fire to any of the objects (the easiest way is igni) - a ritual will begin, during which Geralt must protect Henselt from ghosts until he pierces Sabrina with a spear.

Having lifted the curse from the king, the Wolf goes to Henselt for a reward in his tent, but suddenly killers appear...

On the Path to Inspirational


While walking towards the Inspired, the Witcher encounters a group of soldiers fighting Rotfiends. If Geralt can save at least one of them, then the Wolf will learn that the soldiers are also going to the Inspired One, and they will give him money, which they will ask him to bring to the Inspired One. If the Witcher did not save a single soldier, then you need to examine their bodies.

Arriving at the place, the Witcher is attacked by harpies, but they cannot cope with the monster killer and die. Geralt speaks to the inspired one, but, as always, something needs to be done for information... Or given.

Option 1: The wolf can become a follower! To do this, you need to come to the forest at night, to a small altar (on the way you will meet endriags and the head-eye) and drink the elixir given by the Inspired One. This rubbish will make Geralt imagine a magical forest with giant mushrooms and a huge chicken.

The Witcher regains consciousness on a rock, not far from the house of the Inspired One. Geralt tells him everything he saw, and the initiation process ends.

Option 2: The Wolf pays the Inspired 400 orens and does not deal with any visions.

Assassins of Kings


When Geralt walks through the Kaedweni camp for the first time, he will meet a captive elf, but the guards will not let him talk to him until the quest “Lost Lambs” is completed.

The wolf asks the pointy-eared one everything about the other Witchers (by the way, the conversation will take place at the senior speech).

Having lifted the curse from Henselt, Geralt comes to his tent. The Witcher is attacked by assassins. No matter how hard the Wolf tries, it will not be possible to kill both: when the first one falls, the second one will run away.

Now you have to look through the killer's memories (hello from sci-fi) using the Detmold ritual. However, before you start, you should drink the mallard elixir (you need one serving each of hydragene, cinnabar and vitriol).

In the flashbacks, control will pass to the witcher Egan (yes, the killers were witchers). Egan follows his comrade into the shelter, killing harpies along the way. Having reached the shelter, you need to do everything the same as the first killer, since there are many traps on the floor. The witchers speak with Leto, after which they head to the Kaedweni camp. The memory ends with a fight with Geralt, the outcome of which we know very well.

The witcher from the memories learns about the location of the killers' lair from the memories and goes there. Gargoyles and an elemental will be waiting for him in the cave (dodge his attacks in time). Eventually the Wolf will see the dying killer and, after a conversation, will return another fragment of memory.

Geralt returns to Detmold, who rewards him.

Eternal Fight


The Witcher talks to Detmold about the darkness. To deal with ghostly warriors, you first need to find symbols of death, courage, hatred and faith. Having collected all the relics, Geralt returns to Detmold and after that goes to the fog again (now for the last time).

Once on the battlefield, we have to change our appearance several times.

For the first time we will control an Aedirn soldier; The task of his squad is to kill the Kaedweni soldiers and the standard bearer, and also capture the banner.

The second time we are in the body of a Kaedweni soldier, who will have to get to the commander and report the capture of the banner. It seems that this is not a very difficult task, but it was not so, because the enemy archers do not sleep and rain down arrows on their opponents. There is only one way to survive - to take cover behind the barricades when the enemies are firing, and to run as fast as you can to the next shelter when they are not shooting.

For the third time, we take on the guise of Seltkirk and go, killing all the enemies we come across, to Vandegrift’s standard-bearer. Here we again take control of Geralt and kill the standard bearer. Now there is more difficult work ahead: Draug appears. The monster is armed with a shield, and if you want to attack openly, then first we break the shield. If you want to save time, then wait until Draug makes a running strike (naturally, we dodge it), and then we hit him from the back. This is not the only type of his attacks: the ghost can also use fire rain (the area where the block falls will be highlighted) and turn into a tornado (we run away from it). While Draug uses these two attacks, keep Quen turned on, otherwise things can end quite sadly.

For the fourth and final time, we take control of the priest and lead the squad to safety. Fire stones will fall on the ghost, but they can be avoided in the same way that we used in the fight against Draug: we monitor the ground, since the area that will be hit by the blow will be highlighted.

Once outside, Geralt will return another fragment of memory.

Symbol of Courage

Assault on Vergen


The Witcher and Vernon go through the gorges to Vergen, killing soldiers along the way.

When they reach the shipwreck, a troll will appear who can either be killed or questioned about Leto. Moving forward, Roche and the Wolf will also meet a troll, who will either run to kill the soldiers towards Vergen if his wife is mentioned, or will try to kill the Witcher and Vernon if they killed the troll.

As it were. The Wolf and Vernon go through the tunnels to the city, but along the way, in the dungeons, they encounter Adam Pangratt and his mercenaries led by Detmold. It’s better to focus on Adam, since it’s still not possible to kill Detmold. At the end of the battle, you can spare and release Pangratt or kill him (this action does not have any special consequences).

Outside, Wolf meets Zoltan, who explains what happened. You can go to the Castle of the Three Fathers and help Iorveth defeat the Kaedweni, and then talk to him.

Now Geralt runs to Philippa Eilhart's house, where Sheala is. Having reached the house, the Witcher is attacked by a golem. Having defeated him, he enters the house, but it is too late: Sheala teleports away. Suddenly Henselt appears, who seems to want Geralt dead. First you should finish off a couple of soldiers, then another one along with the king. Henselt will be seriously wounded, but not killed. Roche comes on stage...

Option 1: Geralt allows Vernon to kill Henselt.

Option 2: Geralt convinces Vernon not to kill Henselt.

The quest regarding the conspiracy in the camp begins after talking with Detmold: the sorcerer will approach us when we finish talking with Henselt.

[Choice] We can track down the conspirators in two ways: help the son of Manfred [A] or find a certain Odrin and gather his drinking buddies [B].

The Butcher of Tsidaris

[A] Wandering around the camp, we will sooner or later end up in the dining room. There, among others, we meet Manfred, who sips vodka alone. If we talk to him, he will tell us about his son Sven, who is awaiting a duel with a certain Lethande Avet, also known as the Butcher of Tsidaris. If we offer our help, Manfred promises to do his best to repay us. We leave to talk to Sven. At first he tries to get rid of us, but in the end we convince him to fight the Butcher together. We go to Avet to present to him our idea of ​​a 2 on 2 fight. He agrees, and we return to Sven. When we say that we are ready, we will be transported to the arena, where Avet and his partner are already waiting for us. [Combat] In battle, the main thing is to repel the Butcher's attacks and deliver strong blows with a steel sword.

You can immobilize the enemy with the Yrden Sign and stab him in the back. At the exit from the arena we will meet Manfred, who will thank us for trying to save Sven or for saving him - depending on the outcome of the battle. We can ask him about the people with square coins. Manfred is true to his word: she gives us a square coin. In addition, he advises us to go to Madame Carole’s brothel and ask Whistling Zosya. We must ask that “her smile open the gates of heaven for us.”

This is the password of the conspirators. After the fight with Avet, Proxim will also approach us, who will say that King Henselt was watching our fight. He liked it so much that he ordered a knight's tournament. Proxim invites us to take part in the tournament, and this will be the beginning of a new task (Ave Henselt!).

Truth in beer

[B] We can also learn about Whistle Zos if we help the drunks who are wandering around the camp in search of their friend Odrin. To do this, we need to talk to one of the three-drunk soldiers. We can walk around the entire camp, but we won't find any traces. Audrin sits on the banks of the Pontar. We are leading the drunken soldier back to the camp. Sentinels are posted at the gate. We can tell them that we got Odrin drunk because he is an important witness in the investigation we are conducting, or we can simply bribe them. In any case, they will let us into the camp. We will have to wake up Odrin twice: to find his comrades and to take him to the dining room. If we have found all three of Odrin's friends, then we can go to the canteen to drink beer. If we structure the conversation correctly, these gentlemen will relax and loosen their tongues. They will tell you about the brothel, Svistushka Zosia and square coins. To do this, we must say that everyone is afraid of Henselt, and then that we need information. Otherwise we will not achieve anything from them.

[Choice] Once we have the square coin and information about Whistle Zos, we can go to Detmold and tell him everything we have learned. It will end with his soldiers helping us in the battle against the conspirators. However, we can continue to investigate the conspiracy on our own.

So, we go to Madame Carole's brothel. We say that we want to have fun with the girls, show her the money and choose Zosya the Whistler. We tell Wendy: “I want your smile to open the gates of heaven for me,” and she will open for us a secret passage into the den of the conspirators.

Below we will meet Vinson Trout, whom Detmold and foreman Zyvik told us about. Vinson has one of the magical items needed to finish the battle of the ghosts - Seltkirk's armor. The conspirators leave us no choice: we have to fight. [Combat] The easiest way to kill opponents is to knock them down with the Aard Sign and then finish them off. It is important to remember to search Trout's body after the battle and take the armor. There is an interesting note on the table in the middle of the room. It's worth reading. Suspiciously reminiscent of Master Dandelion's style... It looks like we'll have to talk to the poet in the camp. The first part of this task ends with a conversation with Dandelion. Meetings with the leaders of the conspiracy will have to wait. After defeating Trout and the other conspirators, we can stop by Detmold and tell him everything. The sorcerer will pay us a reward for each killed conspirator, so we can make good money.

The Witcher 2 quest Curse of Blood is taken from Manfred after a conversation with Detmold takes place during the quest "Conspiracy Theory".

  1. At the very beginning, you need to go to the place where Sabrina Glewessig was executed and examine it. As soon as you find yourself near the circle, go to the pillar to carefully examine the objects scattered around it: candles, a square-shaped coin, a letter. By the way, you need to pick up the message and take it with you. Then look at the ground and notice human and animal tracks. After this, you need to go to the burnt wheel and examine the place near it in order to pick up a special nail, which will be useful in the further passage of the quest Curse of Blood, The Witcher 2.
  2. Move further towards the circle to meet the soldiers near it. You need to talk to them and try to find out if they saw the execution itself. The whereabouts of the Inspired One will become known. At the end of the conversation, the soldiers will ask for the nail you found. It’s up to you to decide whether to give it back or not, but keep in mind that if the find remains with you, you can help resolve the dispute about the authenticity of the nail that will occur between other soldiers later. I also advise you to definitely allow the fighters to join you in order to complete the “Lost Lambs” quest.
  3. Then, in the passage of the quest Curse of Blood The Witcher 2, you need to head to the canteen where the relic dealer is sitting. Once there, look to the right, there you will find a merchant at a table. Talk to him and find out about the massacre that occurred three years ago and about the traces left in the ashes. Also find out about the valuables he is selling, namely the spear of Yagon. After the conversation, go to Vkhodnovenny’s house.
  4. Along the way you will meet soldiers who will fight the Rotfiends, help them to start the quest “On the Path to the Inspired”. Once you meet, try to start a conversation in which you need to find out all the details regarding Sabrina’s curse. If they start talking willingly, then do not miss the chance and find out information about the spear of Yahon and the ghostly haze.
  5. Then, in completing the quest Curse of Blood in The Witcher 2, you will need to take the spear from the relic dealer. To do this, you should return to the dining room where you met him and demand a weapon from him. It turns out that the merchant has already sold it, but in order to find out who the buyer is and where he is, he will have to pay. You can also scare him or use Axii to avoid wasting precious orens. Thus, it turns out that the spear was won by one of the soldiers who is in Vergen.
  6. Now you need to talk with Detmold regarding the ghostly haze. To do this, you must first find it. I advise you to go to his tent and tell him that you urgently need to go to the opposite side of the ghostly darkness. If he does not want to help you, then tell him that you are going there for a spear. After this, when completing the quest Curse of Blood in The Witcher 2, you will receive an emissary standard, which will indicate that you are coming with good intentions. Detmold will also give you the Zirael armor and the Detmold amulet. I advise you to ask the sorcerer about the magic dust, which will be very useful when you have to remove the curse and for drawing runes in the future

    It is worth noting that before going to the opposite side, you need to find out some information about other artifacts and complete the task “Symbol of Courage”. Also, before going to Vergen, talk to Zyvik, because this is the only way to get a beaver hat, which will be useful in completing the next quest “Symbol of Hate”.

  7. In the further passage of the quest Curse of Blood, The Witcher 2, you need to go to Vergen. As soon as you find yourself in the darkness, you need to get a medallion that will point in the right direction. You can take either the upper road or the lower one, but the latter path will have far fewer ghosts. Sooner or later you will find yourself there. It is worth noting that it is not at all necessary to fight ghosts, because you will not receive experience for them, so when you see them, run to the other side of the fog.
  8. As soon as you enter Vergen, you will immediately receive a greeting from Cecil and Skalen Burdon. Be sure to ask them about the standard and sword of Saskia to find out all the information regarding the symbols of death and hatred.
  9. Now in the passage of Curse of Blood The Witcher 2 you need to get the tip of Yagon’s spear. In order to get this artifact, you need to complete the quest "Spear of Destiny." You also need to get Vandergrift's sword, which will be at your disposal after completing the quest "Symbol of Hate." The last symbol you need to get is the Brown Banner banner. You will have it after completing the task "Symbol of Death".
  10. In the further passage of the quest Curse of Blood The Witcher 2, you need to go to Henselt’s camp after you already have all the artifacts. Make your way to the Kaedweni camp through pitch darkness. Use the medallion again and follow the path below to avoid more ghosts.
  11. Once on the opposite side, find Roche. Approach him and find out about Triss's whereabouts. It turns out that she walked through the darkness with a figurine in her hands. Together with Roche, go to the Nilfgaar camp. But you won’t get on the ship there, because it will already leave and head to Loc Muinne.
  12. Go to the tent where King Henselt is located. Tell him that you managed to collect all the artifacts so that he will remove the curse from you. After this, you will automatically find yourself at the place where Sabrina was executed.
  13. Now, in completing the quest Curse of Blood in The Witcher 2, you need to help Henselt in tracing the runes. Take out the grimoire you received from Detmold and find on it a line passing through the skull and connected by red dots. After all the lines have been drawn, go down and go to any of the objects, stand in front of it and use Igni. This way the powder will be set on fire and the ritual will begin.
  14. Now you have to desperately protect the king from constantly arriving ghosts. I advise you not to let yourself be surrounded and wait for Henselt to pierce Sabrina with a spear. After the battle, you need to tell the king about the symbol of faith and Henselt will definitely give it to you. However, you will have to wait until 23:00 to enter the tent to collect your reward. The fact is that the king will receive a guest and you will not be allowed inside. After receiving your reward, fight the mercenaries and celebrate your victory. At this point, the passage of the quest Curse of Blood The Witcher 2 is considered complete.

Prelude to War: Kaedwen

Having sided with Roche in the previous chapter, we head to the border of Aedirn and Kaedwen. And we set off to find Summer, and with him the kidnapped Triss.

This is the very beginning of the second chapter and we are given control of King Henselt. We are going to negotiations. Detmold and Sheala de Tanserville are with us. At the negotiations we meet Saskia, the famous dragon slayer. She challenges Henselt to battle and we fight with her. But suddenly the sky darkens, and a ghostly fog covers the entire area. And just at the right moment, Geralt and Vernon are nearby. We are again given Geralt at our disposal. The Witcher, of course, decides to help the king, and at this time Detmold creates a magical barrier, as ghosts are “falling” from everywhere. It is in this barrier that we must save the king’s life, protecting him from the ghosts that have made their way inside. There is nothing complicated here, take out the silver sword and go into battle. The main thing is not to go beyond the barrier, the ghosts feel more comfortable there. And therefore there are more problems from them outside.

And finally we reached the Kaedweni camp. The king is fine, everyone else is fine too. At the entrance to the camp we are greeted by Zyvik. The king orders him to show us the camp, and then bring us to his tent. We look at the local “attractions”: the dining room, the arena, the captive elf, etc. and head to King Henselt. By the way, it is not necessary to inspect everything; Zyvik can be immediately persuaded to go to an appointment with the king.

Having finally reached the king, we enter into a long conversation with him. We talk about the death of Foltest, our adventures and adventures. After talking, Henselt decides to discuss the ghostly fog that we found ourselves in earlier. We find out that this is a curse, we find out who, how and when cursed the king. Henselt asks for help to remove curses from the battlefield. We, of course, agree, even simply because we have no other choice.
After the conversation with the king, we have another conversation with Henselt’s right hand, the magician Detmold.

Conspiracy theory

Attention!This quest is not fully described here! There is a continuation below.

So, Detmold calls us to talk. From the conversation we learn a lot of interesting things, including information about certain conspirators. Geralt takes on this task to hunt down the traitors.

We have two options for getting on the trail of the conspirators:
1) Help drunks. (Audrin and Co.) (quest “The Truth in Beer”)
2) Help the butcher. (quest “The Butcher of Tsidaris”)

Any of these quests will lead us to the goal.

Truth in beer

If you decide to help drunks (1), go to any of them and talk. It’s easy to find them, they shout at the whole camp - Oooodrriiiin! But unfortunately, talking with them will not yield any special “fruits”. It is better to immediately go after Odrin, he is located on the river bank, near the entrance to the cave, outside the camp.
For convenience, I am posting a map showing where to go:

We raise Odrin and with difficulty lead him to the camp. They stop us at the gate. We can tell the guards that Odrin knows important information and we are taking him to the camp for a reason, but on a serious matter. To give, so to speak, important testimony. ^_^ Or we can give a bribe, then they will let us through without further ado.

Once inside, Audrin wants to find his comrades. There are three of them in total. They are easy to find, they are all located on the way to the dining room. We go to the tavern and gather the drunkards together. As soon as we gather everyone, we head to the dining room for a drink.

ATTENTION!A very important pointbe sure to save when you collect all three comrades. Like a conversation that will take place in the dining room, it’s easy to fail. And he is very important to us.

Having sat down in the dining room, the drunks begin to open up. It is at this moment that we need to bring them to clean water. As you already understand, they know quite a bit about the conspiracy. The main thing here is to ask the right questions, first say that “everyone is afraid of Henselt”, and then that “we need information to do something.” In this case, we will have the necessary information about the “headquarters” of the conspirators and their identification mark - a square coin.

The Butcher of Tsidaris

Another way to reach the conspirators.
We help the butcher and get the information we need (2).

We run to the dining room and observe Manfred and his “grief” situation. We find out that his son Sven challenged Letand Avet himself, nicknamed the Butcher from Tsidaris.
Geralt offers his help, and Manfred naturally agrees and promises to thank us well.
We go to his son. Follow the “radar” in the upper right corner of the screen and then you definitely won’t get lost.
We talk to Sven, invite him to take part in a 2 on 2 battle. Geralt and Sven against Avet with someone.
Resisting and objecting, Sven still agrees. Now we just have to come to an agreement with Avet. It doesn't take long to persuade the butcher.

So, fight. In battle, use Quen to protect yourself and your loved one and Yrden to immobilize the enemy.Be careful!Sven may die in this battle, although we will still receive a square coin and information from his father.

After the fight, at the exit from the arena we are met by Sven's father, Manfred. He is grateful to us, despite the outcome of the battle. After all, we protected his son... Manfred gives us a tip on the conspirators and a square coin.

Also, after the fight, Proxim will approach us and inform us that King Henselt is delighted with our fight and invites us to take part in the whole tournament. (quest “Ave Henselt!”). But more on this later in another section. 8)

Conspiracy theory

Let's return to the "Conspiracy Theory" quest.

Having received information about the location of the “square coin” clan, we go there – to the brothel. We talk to the owner and ask her to call us Zoska Svistushka. We say the following words to Zoska: “I want your smile to open the gates of heaven for me,” and show a square coin. After this, the girl will open for us a secret door into the underground, where the conspirators’ lair is located.

Going down there, we see a certain Vinson Trout.Vinson is wearing Seltkirk's armor. We will need this armor later in order to get rid of the ghostly fog on the battlefield.

We fight our enemies and win. We look around the room and find a note on the table. Apparently, Dandelion wrote it, and if so, we need to talk to him. We talk with Buttercup and learn a lot of interesting information. Now we can run to Detmold and receive a reward. At this point, the quest is interrupted; to continue it, we have to go through another story mission.

Important!Don't forget to take the armor from Vinson Trout's body! You will need it later in the story.

Curse of Blood

In this quest you will have to run. Essentially, to move on to the main actions (lifting the curse) we have to complete a number of other tasks, so to speak - auxiliary, but closely related to this task.

From a conversation with the king, we learned that he was cursed by a certain Sabrina Glevissig. Which, by the way, he himself sent to the fire, and for this reason he was cursed. We have to help Henselt get rid of this curse. But first we need to collect information in order to get up to speed. We also need to talk with Detmold, he will give us a lot of important information.

Lost Sheep

We need to inspect the site of Sabrina Glevissig's execution, so we head straight there. I’m laying out a map with an approximate indication of where to run:

When we leave the Camp, Zyvik will stop us, asking us to find two soldiers and send them to the camp. We will find soldiers exactly in the place where Sabrina was executed.(map above)

Having run to the place, we immediately find those two soldiers. They ask to be taken to the camp, and of course we agree. But before we leave here, let’s carefully examine everything around us. Having carefully examined the place, we will find a nail, a letter, square coins and someone’s traces. Next we talk to these two soldiers, talk about the findings, find out what they are doing here. From the conversation it becomes clear that they are involved in some kind of cult, and which one they are willing to tell themselves. From their words we learn that a man with a strange nickname - Inspired, organized the cult of Sabrina and is now its head. Well, I'll have to visit this Inspirational later. We also learn from the soldiers about a relic dealer who may know information useful to us.

After inspecting the execution site, we take the two soldiers to a safe place, closer to the camp. Along the way, we will be attacked by drowners. Not far from the brothel we will part with the soldiers, then they will go on their own.

But our task does not end there. From the words of the soldiers we learned that someone might know things that are important to us. And these some people are a relic dealer and an Inspired One. We go to the first one, to the merchant.

The merchant is in the camp, in the dining room. Finding it won't be difficult. We talk and learn a lot of useful and interesting things, including about the Inspired One. For example, that a certain Yagon pierced Sabrina with a spear during her execution. So that she would not suffer, by this he greatly angered the king. Well, we head to the Inspired One, he, as the head of Sabrina’s cult, should know a lot about that event.


Now let's go visit the Inspired One. Here is a map that shows the approximate direction where you need to go, but then it won’t be difficult to find:

Fighting against evil, we are slowly approaching the hut of the Inspired One. There are “clouds” of harpies circling around his mind, so be careful. When we get closer to the house, they will attack us. But here the Inspired One comes to our aid, shouting: “Here! Run to me! We obey him and run to him. You probably yourself noticed that the hut is furnished with candles, and these candles scare away the harpies. Okay, we're safe now. We speak with the Inspired. He gives little information because he doesn’t trust you. Here we can bribe him (although the amount will be very considerable) or join his “sect” and pass the test, thereby earning trust. I advise you to choose option two and take the test. This one is much more interesting and fun. The test will be quite fun. =)

The Inspired One will give us a potion that we have to drink before starting the “test” and some instructions. We run to the place for this “test”, wait until 21.00 and drink the potion of the Inspired. The night will be crazy, I promise you. And we will wake up, not in the most ordinary place. ^_^

After successfully passing the test, we run to the Inspired One, tell him about last night and “join” Sabrina’s cult. Now we are official members of this sect and can calmly ask about everything that interests us. We talk and find out that Zeltkirk’s armor is the very symbol of courage that we need to remove the ghostly fog on the battlefield. Well, Yagon’s spear, which was used to pierce Sabrina, should be with the relic dealer.

Apparently the merchant decided to “hide” the spear from us. We head to talk to him. We talk to him, intimidate him, bribe him or convince him, it doesn’t matter. All the same, everything secret will become clear. We learn that the merchant lost this spear in dice to a soldier. And he decided to use it in the battle with the Scoia’tael, but fell in the battle. And the spear went to the elf commander, Iorvet. And according to the latest rumors, Iorvet has joined Saskia and is currently in Vergen. To get to Vergen, you need to go through a "ghost battle". And it’s far from a fact that Iorveth will want to give us this spear. Just like that, how much has piled up. We go to talk to Detmold, maybe he can advise?

Be gone, evil spirit!

After talking with Detmold, we head to Vergen. Detmold gives us a flag with which we should be allowed into the territory of Vergen and a medallion that should help us find our way in the ghostly fog. We are heading into the fog. On the way we meet Zoltan. He is angry at everyone and everything, he is terribly fed up with the racism thriving in the camp. And in the dwarf’s head thoughts appear to go to Vergen, a city where non-humans live happily. What a coincidence, we are just leaving for Vergen! Let's take Zoltan with us, it's more fun together. We run into the ghostly fog. There are no other options to get to Vergen.

Once on the battlefield, we look for the way to Vergen. Yes, it's easy to get lost there.

Attention! Therefore, I give advice, do not waste time on battles, ghosts will appear constantly. And be sure, ALWAYS, use Detmold medallion! He will help you find your way to Vergen. And follow the directions of the medallion. It is very easy to get lost in the ghostly fog.

When you finally get out of the ominous fog, run after Zoltan, he will show us where Vergen is. Along the way, in the “Burnt Village” location, we will meet a detachment of elves; they are not friendly, but due to the presence of Zoltan with us, they will not touch Geralt. It’s not for nothing that we took Zoltan.. =)

And now we come to the entrance to the city. Here we meet an old acquaintance - Yarpen Zigrin. Yarpen is now the commander of the guard. Yarpen cannot let us into the city, but he can give us useful information about the symbol of death that we are looking for to lift the curse. According to him, the symbol of death - the banner of the Brown Banner, is now in the catacombs behind Vergen. For us, this information is very important, since we will have to look for this symbol in any case, without it there is no way.

Well, let's go to those same catacombs. Zoltan refuses to come with us and remains in Vergen, but as our good old friend, he is going to help us. He wants to get the sword of General Vandergrift, which is currently in Saskia's hands. And later he will meet with us in the dungeons under the city, to transfer the little thing into our hands. We will also need this sword to remove the curse. We, of course, agree and go about our business, or rather to the catacombs, for the symbol of death.

Symbol of death

We are heading to the catacombs. The path is indicated on the mini map in the corner of the screen.
I'll roughly describe where and how to go. We go into the city of non-humans, near the very entrance where we met Yarpen (location “Suburb”), there is a staircase on the left - up. Follow it, find yourself at the large gate, there are guards on both sides, but we are on the left! Next we walk along the streets of the slums, there are many abandoned houses, devastation in a word. We pass forward and see a cave and a wooden door that leads inside. We pass through the doors and go out to the bank of the river. We walk along the shore and ford the river. We move through the forest and turn right, there will be a descent. This is the entrance to the catacombs.

Inside we will be attacked several times by ghosts. We defeat them.
We are looking for a room that is located on the lower tier. We find it and go down the steps. We find ourselves in a room connected to the second room. We move into this second room, there we find a door that can be broken with magic. We break and meet with the ghost standard-bearer Brown Banner.

We have a choice:
1) Challenge the spirit to battle.
2) Deceive the spirit and pretend to be a member of the Brown Banner.

By choosing option (1), we enter into battle with the spirit. In battle, use Quen, Yrden and a silver sword. After a successful battle, we take the symbol of death and calmly leave. Later, the spirit will meet us in some battles.

Having chosen option (2), we have to prove our words by answering the ghost’s questions. If you have a beaver hat or a Brown Banner cloak, the ghost will allow you to make a mistake once. But if you make another mistake... There will be a fight.

We answer the ghost’s first question – that this is not true.
For the second question - Manno Koehoorn.
When asked where Menno was killed, we answer, near Brenna.
To the question of who were the commanders in the battle for Vergen, we answer, Seltkirk and Vandergrift.
To the next question, we answer, Biggerhorn took us prisoner.

By answering the questions correctly, we receive a symbol of death. Now we need a symbol of hatred, and this is the sword that Saskia now has. But fortunately Zoltan promised to get him. We run to meet him.

Symbol of Hatred and Spear of Yagon

For convenience, I decided to write how to get Saskia's sword (Symbol of Hate) and the spear of Yagon (who were deprived of Sabrina's torment), under the same roof. Since the quests take place close to each other, it is advisable to complete them one after the other.

We go to the dungeons that are located under the city. We return to the burned village, where we previously came across a detachment of elves. There, at the next two forks (at the gorges and at the gates), where we were when we first passed through the fog, we turn left towards the gorges. Further on there is a gate, go through it and immediately turn left. So we found the entrance to the next catacombs.

Before going inside, stock up on potions, I especially advise you to take more “Cat” elixirs. After drinking it, you will comfortably move through the dark corridors of the dungeon. Here, in the dungeons, there are so many foulbroods, including their larger counterparts. Be careful, drink "Cat" and save often.
After many battles and wanderings along the corridors, a battle with the leader of the corpse eaters, we finally find Zoltan and... Saskia.
She came along with the dwarf. And what’s surprising is that she gives the sword to us of her own free will, so that we can deal with the ghostly battle. Very handy.
Zoltan brings good news to us, Iorvet lost at dice - the spear of Yagon. He lost to Skalen Burdon, a dwarf from the outskirts of Vergen. We met him together with Yarpen. It won’t be difficult to find him, let’s run to the suburbs.

We find Skalen and play dice on a spear. Before doing this, I advise you to save, since Skalen is a no-nonsense player. By winning a relic. We are collecting the full collection: ^_^
- Banner of the Brown Banner.
- General Vandergrift's sword.
- Spear of Yagon.

After successfully obtaining all the items, we go back to the camp of King Henselt. Yes, again through the ghostly darkness.

Attention! Therefore, I give advice, do not waste time on battles, ghosts will appear constantly. And be sure, ALWAYS, use Detmold medallion! He will help you find the way from Vergen to the king's camp. To use it, press – Z. And follow the directions of the medallion. It is very easy to get lost in the ghostly fog.

Having passed through the fog, we emerge from it safe and sound. Roche immediately meets us and informs us that before Geralt, a woman came out of the fog. And the Blue Stripes were attacked by the Nilfgaardians who met her. And this visible one was Phillipa Eilhart's maid. But what did she forget here?
In the camp we find out that the Nilfgaardians have already sailed, and Henselt does not want to let us go after them. He immediately wants to lift the curse from himself.

Curse of Blood

We are heading to the place of Sabrina’s execution, but first run to Detmald. He will give you a special powder with which we will draw runes.
Having reached Sabrina's circle, we talk with the king. Now we control him from a hillock, and he applies runes to the ground.

The sequence of applying runes or where to direct Henselt:
1) Petrified bread.
2) Black candles.
3) Goat skull.
4) Burnt wood.
5) Crow remains.
6) Bowl with curdled milk.
7) Witches circle.

(Petrified Bread – Black Candles – Goat Skull – Burnt Wood – Crow Remains – Bowl of Curdled Milk – Witch’s Circle)
After this, the ritual itself will begin. Gradually, the barrier that we created will weaken and the emerging ghosts will make their way inside.
Our task is to prevent this from happening. Destroy the ghosts and don't let them get close to King Henselt. Wait for the last words of Sabrina's curse and Henselt will pierce the witch with a spear, thereby lifting the curse.

The king is very happy that the ritual was successfully completed and promises to give us his medallion, a symbol of faith.
It will be useful to us when “destroying” the ghostly fog.
After all these events, Henselt invites us to a feast in his tent. Assassins of Kings
Feast. We go to the tent to the king of Henselt. They won’t let us see him right away, they say he’s an important guest of the king.
Therefore, we meditate until 22.00 and go to visit the king. A conversation begins, we talk, we communicate. But then two figures suddenly appear, clearly hostile, and run towards the king with their weapons drawn. Geralt, of course, can only protect Henselt.
In battle, use Quen and Yrden. Quen will protect you, and Yrden will slow down your enemies.
And then Sheala appears and our battle intervenes. Summary of the battle: one enemy was killed, the second escaped. Geralt naturally recognized that these were not just robbers, but real witchers. And apparently the killers of kings, apparently familiar with Leto himself. But this is just a guess for now...
The king will call Geralt, Detmold and Sheala for a conversation. He wants to find out who is involved in this attack. Detmold, in turn, proposes a method, not permitted by the Chapter, to use necromancy.

In the end, everyone agrees to this step, to resort to necromancy. We head to the hospital, where Detmold is waiting for us, with the corpse of the witcher. Detmold orders us to drink an elixir called “Mallard” (aka "Duck"). Without using this elixir, you will not be able to begin the magical ritual.
If you don't have this elixir or recipe, you need to buy it.
We go outside. And right on the bench near the hospital sits a merchant from whom you can buy the recipe for the elixir we need. Let me remind you that it is called either “Mallard” or “Duck”. It is the same. We cook, drink the elixir and go to Detmold. He is ready to begin the ritual.

And now the ritual is in full swing. Now we are in the body of the same witcher who tried to attack the king and was killed by Geralt. We are walking together with another witcher, the one who lost his feet in the battle with Geralt. We are heading to the hideout of the kingslayers. Along the way we learn a lot of interesting information about the killers.
It gradually becomes clear that we are playing for Egan. And our friend’s name is Zerrit. And so we came to the killers' hideout, these are the catacombs. We walk carefully, there are traps everywhere.
When we finally pass through them, we find ourselves in a room where the already familiar Summer awaits us. We talk to him. We learn that Sheala was doing business with the kingslayers, and Leto is going to go to Loc Muinne.

Now we are suddenly transported to the camp of King Henselt. Next, we have to sneak past the guards, fight them, learn some more information from Zerrit and fight Geralt. I won’t describe it in more detail, everything is elementary and it’s almost impossible to stray from the right path. I will only note that if you fail or Egan dies, you will return back to the hospital and go through the “memory fragments” of the dead witcher again.
At the battle with Geralt, our journey in memory of the late Egan ends and we return to Detmold.

We tell Detmold everything we saw. And we run to the hiding place of the kingslayers. Yes, exactly along the path they followed in the vision. Once there, we look for the room where Zerrit and Egan spoke with Leto. We go there, there we find a wounded, dying Zerrit. We learn information about Sheala’s involvement in the murderers of kings. And again we run to Detmold.
We report to him what we found out. Detmold invites us to deal with the ghostly fog, since it interferes with our further actions. The necromancer gives us Henselt's medallion, this is a symbol of faith.
Now we have all the necessary symbols.

Eternal fight

Now we have to deal with the ghostly haze. This is the only way we can leave the king’s camp and go to Loc Muinne, in search of Triss and Leto.

Along the way to this task, we collected various symbols that we needed to lift the curse. (more about them above)
More precisely this:
- Creed = Henselt's Medallion
- Symbol of Death = Banner of the Brown Banner
- Symbol of Hate = Vandergrift's Sword
- Symbol of Courage = Seltkirk Armor

Having collected all this stuff, we talk to Detmold and head into the ghostly darkness.
Once on the battlefield, we have to walk in the shoes of many soldiers. There is no point in describing everything. The tasks there are easy, you have to play the role of different soldiers during the battle and feel the whole situation firsthand. And now, having passed through many soldiers’ bodies, we enter into battle with the general.

Fighting a draugr is not easy. Therefore, save and tune in to the desired wave.
If it’s really difficult for you, set the difficulty level to Easy and knock down the dragoon, one or two times.

Draug will use whirlwinds, volleys of arrows and hail of fire against you. From these attacks, try to take cover behind something, or escape with the help of rolls, gradually approaching the boss and attacking him. Be sure to use the silver sword and the magic sign Quen!
Quen will greatly reduce the damage done to you. Be sure to use rolls and attacks from the unprotected sides of Dragua. (from the back, from the sides)

After a successful fight. You are again transported into someone else’s body, into the body of a priest, and lead your entire squad out of the darkness. Well, accordingly, in this way you remove the curse.

Conspiracy theory

We return to the old quest.
After the curse is lifted, our good old friend Buttercup wakes us up.
Bard tells us that something incomprehensible is going on in the camp; Henselt has arrested several conspirators. And be ready to hang them at any moment. Buttercup will also tell us about the meeting place of the conspirators, this place is an abandoned house on a hill, near the shore.

Let's run to this house. To our surprise, we meet Vernon Roche there, he asks us for help.
He wants to save his people, including Bianca. Geralt cannot refuse.
On the way to the camp and in the camp itself, Henselt's soldiers will attack us, be prepared. After talking with the girl from the brothel, we learn that all the Blue Stripes were invited to the dining room for a feast.

And here we are at the dining room... Around the body of the Blue Stripes. All are hanged and brutally killed.
Only Bianca was pardoned. The girl tells us that Henselt went to Vergen.
Vernon Roche wastes no time in planning to head straight there. He wants revenge.

Assault on Vergen

To get to Vergen you will have to go through the gorge that we saw when we played as Egan.
There are still many harpies there. We are slowly moving forward. We meet the troll.

We have a choice:
1) Kill her. In this case, we will not learn useful information from her husband.
2) Talk to her politely.

By choosing option (1), we will not learn that the troll woman’s husband saw some witcher passing along the same path.

Having chosen option (2), we talk with the troll. And we move on. There we watch how soldiers attack a troll, apparently the husband of the troll woman. We help him and find out that he saw some kind of witcher who was walking along the same path.
Apparently it was Summer.

Further, near the entrance to the catacombs, we face another battle with soldiers. One of the survivors will escape into the catacombs.
We run after him and run out to Detmold and Adam Pangratt. Now we fight with Adam and his people. It will not be possible to kill Detmold in this battle, since sensing danger he runs into the portal.
Having dealt with everyone else, we run out of the cave and meet our friend Zoltan.
The dwarf tells us that Iorveth is in trouble, and Sheala is in Philippa's house and is about to escape.

If you decide to run to Iorvet and save him, we run along the mini map.
And here we are at the bridge, it suddenly collapses, Roche falls down. But, thank God, everything is fine with him. Now we continue our journey alone. We save Iorvet from a detachment of Kaedwens. The elf does not throw himself on our necks, and in general pretends that he is dissatisfied with something. Well, okay, we did our job.

Now we rush after Sheala. And unfortunately we don’t have time... The sorceress enters the portal and disappears.
But then Henselt comes into the house and unleashes his soldiers on us. We, of course, deal with them and take on the king. And then Vernon Roche appears with a request to leave Henselt for him.

We are faced with a serious choice:
1) Spare the king and persuade Roche to do the same.
2) Allow Roche to finish off King Henselt.

This decision will make itself felt in the third chapter.

And now the road leads us to Loc Muinne.
Congratulations on completing the second chapter!

In the clutches of madness

If you try to ask Cedric about work for the witcher, then he will tell you about a long-destroyed estate, which long ago was one of the mental hospitals. It existed even during the war with Nilfgaard. According to the elf, two researchers recently went there, but never returned.

Apparently, the job is just for a witcher, so we go to investigate. As you go through the forest, you will meet one of the missing researchers named Rupert. Rupert will ask you to help his friend, who is still in the ruins of the old manor. As soon as you approach the ruins, you will immediately hear the sounds that the neckers make. It's time to take out your silver sword and quickly run inside the estate. Using your medallion, avoid the traps that are here. As soon as you get inside and go down the stairs into the basement, you will meet a necker who is not too difficult to kill.

So now it's time to take a closer look at the basement. At some point it becomes clear that this place has long been cursed. Suddenly, the ghost of one of the Nilfgaardian soldiers of that time appears and everything around begins to burn. Follow this ghost. Eventually, after going a little deeper, you find yourself in a place where a couple of ghosts will suddenly attack. It's time to take out your weapon and give these ghosts a hard time. As soon as you defeat the enemies, look in the chest nearby - there you will find pieces of a medical record. After this, we begin the search for Gridley.

Having passed into the next room, the ghost of a Nilfgaardian soldier appears again. He will show you where to go and, in the end, again leads you into another trap. There are a lot more ghosts attacking you this time, so now you'll have to fiddle around a bit. Now the Quen and Yrden signs will be very useful to you. As soon as you go through a couple of rooms, you find what you were always looking for. Grydlya will be so scared that he won’t be able to really tell you anything. In order for him to calm down and tell him everything he knows, we need to give him a sedative, so we set off to look for a cure. In the room on the right side you can find the item you need, but as usual you will have to fight a couple of ghosts first. Once you kill the enemies and take the medicine, you can safely return back to the frightened researcher.

Now he will tell you about a terrible story and a terrible curse that was imposed by one of the Nilfgaardians. You will find this culprit in the next room on the left side. To everyone's surprise, he turns out to be not aggressive at all. During a conversation with this ghost, you learn that in order to put him to rest, you need to bring the eyes and hearts of those who tortured him - that is, Gridley and Rupert. It's time to get Gridlya out of here and talk to him and Rupert. Now you have several ways to solve this building:

    You can accept the offer of the ghost of a Nilfgaardian soldier and give him what he demanded from you, or rather from them.

    You can deceive this ghost, while telling everything to Rupert and Gridla. They, in turn, will offer to donate parts of pigs instead of real body parts, since they will not differ much from human remains, and the local butcher will very cordially sell them to you. If you choose this solution, the ghost will have no doubts and will believe you.

    You can also slip the eyes and hearts of the Neckers into the ghost, but in this case the ghost will find out about the deception and then immediately attack you. After the massacre, you will still have to decide the fate of two comrades - Grydly and Rupert.

As soon as you get rid of the curse in the hospital, you will need to decide the future fate of Gridley and Rupert: you can either release them or decide to try them according to the standards of the law.

Hospital ruins (if you haven't found Cedric)


As soon as you visit the Temerian special intelligence service, you will see that they are planning a holiday. Once you accept the invitation and join their celebration, at some point Bianca will challenge you to take part in one of the competitions. One of them is knife throwing. But soon the game is interrupted by local peasants and unexpectedly accuse Vernon Roche's soldiers of desecrating their sacred statue - Veiopatis. This situation can end extremely unpleasantly, for example, a fight between Roche and Geralt. In general, this is what happens in the end, after which the girl decides to tell you about Vernon’s past life. At some point, your celebration is interrupted again, but already by one of the soldiers, under the pretext of facing off. If you defeat this soldier, then you receive Kraden's sword as a reward. As soon as a couple more glasses of beer pass, you completely pass out. You will come to your senses already on the bank of the river and then some unknown peasant will wake you up.

So, you find yourself not only unarmed, but also stripped to the waist. It's time to find out what happened at night at the party. If you intimidate or bribe a peasant, you will know that you should visit a local girl in a brothel. It won’t be difficult for you to find it - the brothel will be located on the floor above the tavern itself. If you give some gold to the girl in the brothel (whose name is Garvena), she will tell you that you and your friends climbed onto her girls and rode them to the harbor. In addition, she advises you to talk to Bianca. You can find Bianca in the Blue Stripes camp. The girl will tell you that you and the rest of your friends tried to swim across the river with prostitutes. You will also learn how you got the special tattoo that every soldier in Vernon Roche’s squad has. And one more good news - your things were neatly folded in a chest nearby.

Contract for Neckers

On the notice board in the city you can find a contract for nekers (forest monsters). The notice board is located immediately at the entrance to the city tavern. But before you start hunting, you must first collect all known information about these creatures. As they say: “practice is the best teacher.” Therefore, it’s time to quickly go and take down the Neckers. As soon as you kill more than a dozen nekkers, the witcher will understand that these creatures use burrow systems to move, so if you can find and destroy all the passages into these tunnels, then the nekkers will stop terrorizing Flotsam. All entrances will be located in the vicinity of the town. Several caves are located immediately in the forest, near Flotsam, and another cave is located behind the waterfall near the elven ruins. The best, surest and most reliable way to get rid of these caves is to use Buckshot! In order to create such a bomb, you will need to use only two alchemical ingredients - aer and rebis. Once you fill up all the caves, all you have to do is find a merchant named Ludwig Moers and take your well-deserved reward from him!

Location of the Necker tunnels

Endriag contract

As before, you can find the new contract on the notice board located near the city tavern. As expected, first you need to study your enemy, and then kill about a dozen creatures in order to understand their essence and tactics. There will be a lot of these creatures in that part of the forest that is located near Bindyuga. At the very beginning of the game, it will be extremely difficult to resist the endriags. In battle with them, you should be very careful and careful, and do not forget to use the Yrden sign to first slow down their movement, and then kill them with a silver sword. Once you kill enough of these creatures, the witcher will understand that they can only be destroyed forever if you destroy their cocoons. These cocoons will have yellow and translucent shades, new monsters will climb out of them - in general, you will immediately understand. The cocoons will be arranged in packs; one such pack will contain three cocoons. You need to open the cocoon and finish off what will be there with your sword. As soon as you destroy three cocoons, their queen will visit you. As soon as you kill two queens, you can return for your reward to the already familiar character - Ludwig Merc.

Location of endriag cocoons

Poker game - Flotsam

It's time to remember the old game - poker with dice (mini-game). This game is familiar to every player who has at least once played the first part of the legendary series. In it you roll six dice, but first you need to place a bet, after which you confirm and in the end, finally roll the dice. You should not throw the dice too hard, as they may fly off your board and naturally will not be taken into account. Your opponent will always roll the dice second. Once you make a roll, you can then choose which dice you will throw next time. Your opponent performs the same action. After the second run, the result is usually already summed up as to who is the winner.

The ascending order of the dice is as follows: poker (if you play five dice, all of the same number); four of a kind (if you get four dice of the same number); full house (one pair of dice and three dice of the same number); senior straight (five dice in a row starting from the second number and ending with six - that is, 2,3,4,5,6); junior straight (five dice in a row starting from one to five - that is, 1,2,3,4,5); three, a pair and two pairs (if three dice of the same number are rolled).

You can find the first players in Flotsam's tavern: all playing characters will sit on the first floor. The weakest players in Flotsam are Casimir and Benedikt, so it's best to train on them first. The strongest one here is Zyndraba, and to get a chance to play with him, you must first beat the weakest opponents. As soon as you defeat Zyndrab at dice, he will tell you about stronger opponents who also play dice. Strong players are called Burnt and Einar Hussel. You can find the Burnt One in the Bindyugi area, but you can find Einar in the artisans area. Once you defeat the Burnt One, you will have a choice: you can take either the gold or the troll's head. You will need the last item if you come to help the troll that lives under the bridge (for the quest “Trouble with the Troll”).

Arm wrestling - Flotsam

A new game in the Witcher series. If earlier there were only fist fights, now arm wrestling has been added to them. So, the essence of the game comes down to the fact that you need to keep the circle within the recolored square on the screen. As soon as Geralt gets tired, the sector decreases in size.

Old Zoltan will tell you about arm wrestling, and he will even become your first opponent. And besides this, he will happily constantly try to wrestle you in his arms, which is why he is an excellent trainer. We advise you to try it on him first, so that you can then move on to more serious opponents.

As soon as you defeat the dwarf, you will need to find a new opponent. The first real rival may be Janos Zhila, whom you can find in the city tavern. He will be a fairly weak opponent, so you shouldn't have any difficulties.

As soon as you defeat Janos, he will complain to a stronger opponent. As soon as you defeat him, an even more serious opponent will soon appear against you - Fat Mikel (another regular at the tavern). The enemy is very strong and no worse than Zoltan. Once you defeat Mikel, you can challenge the local champion, Bartolomew Barca, to a duel. You can find it in the village (Bindyuga). As soon as you offer him arm wrestling, he will happily agree to take part. As soon as Barka is defeated, he will tell everything to a stronger opponent - Adam Pagrat (the only person who was able to defeat Barka). After defeating Adam Pagratt, you will not meet any new opponents in the first chapter, but you can still continue to train on Zoltan and Janos.

One on One - Flotsam

Fist fighting is a classic Witcher game. This mini-game is based on QET - that is, instantaneous keypressing: various signs will appear on your screen that will show which buttons you need to press - A, D, W. As soon as you first visit the Flotsam city inn, you will see people who are fighting. If you decide to talk to them about this, you can find out about the rules of local battles. After this, you are immediately offered to meet someone in the ring. As soon as you win your first victory, they will give you a stronger opponent. Once you win your second victory, your ardent talent will be noticed by King Ziggy - the most famous fighting personality of Flotsam. He will invite you to take part in the battles that take place on the estate of the local commandant (Loredo). This will take place on the assignment "Fight Club". If you agree to Ziggy's offer, then he will be waiting for you every day at 21:00, near the entrance to this tavern. In addition, to become the local champion of fist fights, you will need to defeat the most powerful fighter named Little Dodu. Once you win this big competition, you can challenge any previously defeated opponent to a fight.

Fight club

If you decide to take part in a major competition, then it's time to go to the tavern in the evening and meet Ziggy there. Your certain “patron” will take you straight to the Loredo estate, while telling you about money and fame along the way. Please note that you will still have a chance to abandon this idea if you change your mind.

Immediately outside the commandant's estate you are met by four opponents. The opponents will not be the weakest, so you will have to tinker a little. But the stronger the opponent, the greater the winnings! Before a fight with an opponent named Zhdan, Loredo will want to talk to you personally in some quiet place. In a quiet place, he tells you to lose this fight. The fact is that, as expected, everyone bets on the Witcher’s victory, so if Loredo bets on Zhdan, then he will hit a good jackpot. But it’s up to you to decide, so you can either agree or refuse.

    If you agreed. In this case, the commandant will share a good win with you.

    If you didn't agree. In this case, Loredo will promise to take revenge on you for such alleged betrayal.

When you leave this house, don’t forget to pick up your weapon. The guards left your weapon near the chest that stands at the gate. If you won the battle against Loredo, then at some point on the street next door two thugs sent by the commandant fall on you. In order to defeat these scoundrels without much difficulty, you first immobilize one of the opponents using the Yrden sign, after which you dodge the attack of the second enemy, then go behind the back and hit. After this counterattack, use the Aard sign on the first thug, after he falls you must finish him off. Now, to complete the task, you need to go to Buttercup and talk about everything that happened to him.

Trouble with the troll

Among the other contracts on the notice board, there is another very interesting task! Every witcher knows that trolls are intelligent creatures and, according to the witcher code, they cannot be killed if they do not pose a threat to people, therefore, before meeting a troll, you will first need to talk about him with the elder named Khorab, who is located in the Bindyuga area. He asks you not to kill the troll, no matter what is said in your order on the notice board. Well, things are getting quite interesting. We now go into the forest, where near the destroyed bridge (which was mentioned in the order) you will soon find one peasant. Kill the nacker who is trying to kill the peasant and talk to him about the troll, after which you find out that he is a troll and has gone crazy. Before that, he had been watching this bridge, and the bridge was the only route that led through Pontar. But now, the bridge is destroyed, and the troll now demands payment, but not gold, as is usually required as payment, but vodka! If he does not get what he demands, then he is going to kill all the travelers who come across him. The peasant tells you that they need both a sober troll and a working bridge, so the peasant asks not to kill the troll, but to talk again with the headman. If you've already talked to the headman, then you can finally meet the troll.

The troll is under the bridge. When you meet him, he will ask you to bring you vodka. If you didn’t have anything with you or you simply didn’t want to give him anything, he attacks you. After a small fight, he asks to be spared. Here, as usual, you have to make a choice.

    If you kill a troll. In this case, you will receive a long-awaited reward from Ludwig Moers.

    Unless you kill the troll. In this option, you then have to help this creature and generally fulfill the request of the village chief. The troll will tell you that his beloved wife was killed, so he began to drink heavily. He will promise you to restore this bridge if only we find the killer of his wife. If you choose this option, then you will need to help the troll.

If you think logically, then who needs a troll's head? Either an alchemist or a sorceress, right? You need to talk to Sheala, maybe she knows something about this. Once you chat with the sorceress, you will need to meet with old Zoltan. Zoltan will tell you that this is only necessary for those who want to hang their heads as a trophy. Therefore, the most logical thing would be to go to Binduga. Without any difficulty, you will be able to notice that the house of the Burnt One will be decorated with the head of a troll. After talking with him, you find out that he bought this trophy from a person named Dimitar. The only way to find this man is through his friends, who hang around the tavern in the evenings. In addition, you can get the head of the troll woman by winning from Burnt in the Bones, but he will only play with you if you reach him by beating the other players on the task “Poker with Dice - Flotsam” (the task described above).

Let's move on to Dimitar's friends. Finding them in the evening near the tavern is not too difficult. If you scare them properly, then they will tell you where you can find Dimitar. This place is a cemetery, which is located near Bindyuga. If the men do not fall for your threats, then you will have to beat them properly. In general, you meet the killer of the poor troll's wife in the cemetery. After a short conversation, he attacks you. You will have to fight several enemies at once, so don’t forget to dodge blows and counterattack. In addition, remember about the Yrden sign. As usual, people turn out to be bigger monsters than those who live in the forest... After everything is over, go back to the troll and after that, you can go to the headman, who will reward you adequately.

The smell of incense

As you wander around the port part of the city, at some point you will meet a very noble man who will offer a good amount of gold if you do him a couple of services. It will be very difficult to refuse his offer. At some point, it turns out that you will have to get a very rare recipe for incense, which can only be bought from one merchant in Flotsam. In addition, it becomes clear that these incense are poisonous. As you look for the merchant, you will soon notice how a huge crowd of people is standing at one counter, which is located in the square. At the head of this entire crowd there will be a girl, and she will talk to you. At some point, she will ask you to do something about the nasty bastard who, according to them, deceived them. This is because these “harmless incense” are even worse than the well-known fisstech, and the incense is even more addictive. Of course, the merchant himself does not recognize this fact. If you intimidate or convince this merchant, then he will close his shop. If you can do this, then not only will the locals enjoy it, but you will too, as it will add a little extra to your wallets. In addition, you will also receive the real recipe for these incense. If you tell him directly about your task, then he will give you a fake recipe. In any case, you will need to go to Wenzel along with the recipe. Further actions will depend only on how clear your conscience is.

    The real formula. If you give Wenzel the real formula that he has wanted for so long, he will immediately begin to check whether it is real or not. Of course, you can’t take risks when it comes to such a sum of money. After confirming that the formula is real, you will need to pick up the formula and meet with Wenzel near the Flotsam Gate. As soon as you meet, you will go to his laboratory together. To keep the location of the laboratory a secret, he will ask you to blindfold you. After a certain amount of time, you find yourself near his laboratory and his people check the extracted recipe. If you brought him the real formula, then you will be generously rewarded.

    Fake formula. If you pass a counterfeit to Wenzel in the city, then at some point your lie will come out and you will find yourself unarmed among armed people. In theory, defeating them all with your fists is not that difficult, but it is realistic. But the best option would be to take the sword that lies on the rack immediately in front of you. Along with this sword, you should use the Yrden sign against enemies. In any case, your task will be completed.

    They refused to be blindfolded. After you meet Wenzel at the city gates of Flotsam, you can refuse to be blindfolded. In this case, you will have to get to the specified location alone. In the end, you will receive killers or a reward at the merchant's hideout, it all depends on the formula given (fake or real).

    Keeping the recipe for yourself. In this case, Wenzel will be very dissatisfied and will soon leave the city. After this, at some point, in the forest, near the kayran’s lair, the merchant’s thugs attack you, after which they stun you and take you to a secret laboratory. The bandits soon take absolutely everything from you, including your recipe. In order for you to escape from this place, you will need to defeat all the enemies that are here. Since you will not have weapons, actively use the Aksiy and Quen signs. Besides this, it is best to hurry up and take the sword that is on the rack. Once you have a weapon, it will not be difficult for you to defeat all enemies.


While wandering around the Bindyuga area, at some point you will meet a group of Flotsam guards who will surround a young elf. If you intervene in this lynching, then you will find out that this girl is connected with the fact that two guards recently disappeared. The guards say that she seduced them and led them straight into the ambush of the “squirrels”. If you offer to assist in this investigation, then you will soon need to go down to the city caves, since it was there that the guards were last seen. Well, let's go to this place. Once you find yourself inside the cave, you will see that there are traces of blood - move along them. Going a little deeper, you find the corpse of one guard. But it was most likely not the elves who killed him, but the Neckers living here. If you don't want to end up like this soldier, then you'll have to kill everyone here. Fight your way through crowds of Neckers using your silver sword's quick attacks. Having gone a little deeper, you soon find the corpses of two more guards. But before examining these two corpses, you will first need to kill the corpse eater wandering around here. When fighting this monster, use blocks and strong blows. When the monster grabs its head and crouches down, quickly move away from it, as an explosion will soon occur. After this skirmish, you can finally calmly examine the corpses of the soldiers. Having examined these bodies, you will see that their bodies are literally pierced with Scoia'tael arrows, so most likely the elf is still involved in this and the guards were right. It's time to go back to the guards and tell them about what you found deep in the caves. As soon as you climb out of the cave, you are greeted by a nervous guard who demands a quick solution to the problem. As usual, you have several options for the development of events to choose from.

    If you told the guards. In this option, they will find out that their friends were actually killed by “squirrels,” but the girl will deny everything you say. Here you have several options for the development of events: you can say that stop lying and sentence her to death, or you can believe her words and ask her to explain everything. The girl will say that you should see everything with your own eyes and walk into the forest with her. At some point it turns out that she decided to lead you into an ambush by the elves. A fight is brewing, so you need to take out your sword and start using the Yrden sign. To save your life and the guards, use blocks and dodges. As soon as you kill all the elves, the task will be over and your reward will depend on how many guards are left alive.

    If you didn't tell the guards. If you decide to keep all the evidence found in deep secret, then soon the girl invites you to meet in the forest near the waterfall. Apparently she decided to thank the witcher for the work done. Since Geralt is such a naughty guy, you need to walk to the waterfall. Along the way, you will encounter many dangers, for example, traps, into which you will definitely fall without a medallion. In addition, there are nakers in the forest along with endriags. If you are attacked by a pack, then they are already dangerous, so be extremely careful. Against monsters in the forest, use power attacks with a silver sword and the Yrden sign. Once you overcome all the obstacles and find yourself near the waterfall, the charming Milena will already be waiting for you there. But unexpectedly, everything is interrupted by a squad of “squirrels”. If you previously helped Iorvet in the ruins on the assignment of “Killer of Kings,” then no one will touch you, and in general, they will demand that Milena apologize to you. If you came to the girl before this task, and even if you sided with Vernon Roche, then they will attack you. The battle will be seriously difficult. You will again need to use the Yrden sign, blocks and a steel sword. In addition, do not forget to defend the rear and dodge. If you attack them from the rear, the damage will increase. Melena will also not just stand there and will take this opportunity to get out of here, so you will need to find her.

Since the elves know the forests of Flotsam very well, and the girl hides well, no one can help you in this matter. It is best to continue this task by completing the task “In the Claws of Madness,” since the elf uses that same hospital for the mentally ill as a place of shelter. After carefully examining the ruins, you will definitely find it. You just have to decide what to do with it. You can kill her on the spot, take her away and bring her to justice by Loredo, or just let her go altogether.

Heart of Melitele

During the siege of La Valette Castle, you had the opportunity to talk with the Rubiles from Krinfrid, who showed a very strange amulet. If you happen to have this thing, then you can unravel all its secrets as you find yourself in Flotsam.

Near one house located in Bindyug (near the wall of Flotsam), a witcher’s amulet suddenly begins to vibrate. This is a sign that something magical is near you. It soon becomes clear that the whole problem lies with Aneshka (the city herbalist, who is still called a witch). As soon as you tell about Petty's amulet, she will immediately ask you to sell it to her.

    Selling. By agreeing to her proposal, you immediately complete your task, so the adventure associated with the talisman will end. It is best to do this after you have already completed the task “The Trouble with the Troll” or if you did not want to kill him.

    You don't sell. If you didn’t want to sell this thing to her, then you can ask why she needs it. If you don't believe her and immediately use your wonderful charm, then you will find out that this amulet is a very powerful artifact called the Heart of Melitele. Thanks to its properties, it protects the owner. You may have already heard about this story, but what is more interesting is that a spell was cast on him, which made the useful property reversed - now he does not protect, but kills. The girl asks to sell her this amulet, because she knows a spell that can restore the useful properties of this item.

If you try to find out about the ritual from the witch, then she will tell you that for her ritual you need to get rare ingredients: troll tongue, endriagi fruit, essence of death and also crab spider eyes. If you can get all these ingredients, then Aneshka will be able to remove the negative effect that is imposed on the ancient artifact. The Endriagi Fruit is the easiest item to obtain, so there will be no difficulties. To get the essence of death, you will need to kill a ghost; for example, it will be easy to get this item from a ghost in the quest “In the Claws of Madness.” As for the crab spider's eyes, you can get them only when you meet with Iorveth on the assignment "Assassins of Kings". Well, you can only get the troll's tongue if you kill the poor troll under the bridge, in the "Troll Trouble" building.

Once you obtain all four ingredients, talk to Aneshka again and during the dialogue a meeting is planned at midnight, near the altar of Veiopatis. The ritual will begin there. We recommend that you meditate until 22:00 and then go to the indicated place. The statue of Veiopatis will be located in the thicket of the forest, so along the way you will meet nekers and endriags more than once. Use your silver sword and the Yrden sign against forest monsters. You will meet Aneshka near the altar. At midnight, the ritual to lift the curse begins. Flames will emanate from the god’s mouth, and various ghosts will begin to rise from the magical aura. If you get close enough to the witch, then the ritual will be broken and subsequently the whole process will be destroyed, but you cannot allow spirits to approach her. Using a silver sword, try to repel all blows. In addition, the Igni and Yrden signs will greatly help you in battle here, and as soon as you defeat all the ghosts that appear, the ritual will be over. As a worthy reward, Aneshka will give you the purified Heart of Melitele.

Location of Aneshka - the witch

Mystic River

Chapter 1

When examining a ship that was wrecked after a collision with a kayran, you will soon find a corpse. There will be a key hanging on the body of this corpse. Using this key, you can also open the nearby chest. Inside this chest is a logbook and a report from the captain of this ship named "Peter Zille". Besides this, there will be a couple more useful things here. In order to complete this task, you will need all the things found here. And don’t forget to carefully read the ship’s captain’s report and his logbook. Based on what we have read, it becomes clear that the expedition, which was on the ship "Peter Zille", during the course of research, found a very ancient and valuable artifact of corvids in Loc Muinn, in addition, another ship took part in this voyage. The captain was never able to send his completed report, so you can do it instead. There are several mailboxes in the city. You can attach the captain's report to any of these mailboxes. Every day, couriers check these mailboxes, so in any case they will send the report to where it needs to go.

As you know, all mail in the city goes directly through a man named Ludwig Moers. You can find one of the mailboxes lying on his desk. If you try to get inside the box, then Merc will make a noise that you don't want, so just talk to him and use the Axiy sign during the conversation. If he gives in to your spells, then you will be able to take everything that is in the box without any problems or noise. Inside this box you find Merce's report to an official who is located in Vizima. In this report, Merce accuses the postmaster of not doing the job he should be doing. You will have to find another box, which is already in the estate of Commandant Loredo. But to unlock the commandant's mailbox, you will need a key, which only Loredo has. You will be able to examine this box only almost at the very end of the first chapter, but on the condition that you kill Loredo and take the key from his body. Inside the box you find a letter to the court magician named Detmold. After reading the letter, you can understand that the death of King Foltest did not affect Loredo too much - he is much more concerned about the well-being of King Kaedwen Henselt.

Chapter - 2

Once you find yourself in Aedirn and sail along Pontar, you will be able to find the “Eila Tar” - this is another destroyed ship, which is somewhat similar to the “Petra Zille” that you once found in Flotsam. Use the captain's key that you found earlier in the first chapter and you can open a new chest that you will find on this ship. Inside you can take and read the report of the captain of the ship "Eila Tar". In addition, there will also be Vran blacksmith tools, with which you can forge the legendary Vran armor. And from this report you can find out how the ships were actually destroyed.

Chapter - 3

Once you go down into the dungeon, which is located under Loc Muinn, then near the entrance to the city square, go to the left side, and then to the right side. This will take you to a room where a new chest awaits you. You can also open this chest only if you have the captain's chest from the first chapter. In general, in the chest you can find armor from Iysgit, a new sword of Deireat, a drawing of the armor of corvids, one fire rune and even items that are needed for forging. With all these items in your hands, you can finally talk to the blacksmith. Go to the local blacksmith in Loc Muinne named Bras of Ban Ard. You can find it in the local tavern, which is located on the city square. Ask him to reforge armor from Iisgit for you using the found Vran blacksmithing tools that you found back in Aedirn. As a result, you will eventually receive beautiful Vran armor and the task will be over.

Additional/Side Quests Chapter - 2: The Path of Iorveth

With a fluttering heart

After you go to the inn, as the council convened by Saskia is taking place, an elf who is in Iorveth’s squad soon approaches you and asks you to give him some attention. He introduces himself to you as the elf Eleas and tells you that recently young residents began to gradually disappear in the city of Vergen. The bodies of these unfortunates were found near the long-burnt village. If you are interested in this and you start asking him questions, then he will tell you that the bodies of these young residents were buried in the outskirts of the city. Most likely, it is not an elf or even a person who kills the inhabitants, so the matter apparently concerns the witcher’s craft. So, in addition, Eleas announces a reward for the capture of the mysterious killer.

Having gone to the village, you find nothing that would help advance the mysterious investigation. Soon the smell of sulfur and traces of blood only confirm all the elf’s suspicions. It’s time to finally carefully examine the bodies of the murdered young residents, maybe there will be at least some clue there. At some point you will find a tunnel, which is located on the outskirts of the city. The tunnel will lead you straight into the forest. You need to get to the catacombs, which are located in the very center of this valley.

You can get into the underground room only by breaking through the wall using the Aard sign. Once you do this and move on, you will find the bodies of the killed residents, who are already wrapped in some kind of cloth. Before you have time to take a closer look at them, you are attacked by ghosts. You could already encounter similar enemies in the fog. In addition, they were also in a hospital in the building “In the Claws of Madness.” You can defeat them using old and proven tactics: the Irden and Aard signs, a few rolls + a silver sword. After a small skirmish, you will need to start dissecting corpses - not the most pleasant thing. We need to find fresh corpses that were brought to this place recently. Moving along this crypt, you soon find a more or less normal body, which is located in the third room (counting from the entrance to the catacombs). So, after unrolling the fabric, you need to carefully examine the corpse. If you have surgical instruments with you, then you can get a small piece of iron from the dead (if you don’t have surgical instruments with you, you will need to buy them from a character named Felicia Corey, a bookseller and recipe seller). Apparently, this piece is a sword fragment. When you turn the body over to the other side, you find an album under the carcass with old Buttercup’s poems attached. After a thorough examination, we have to conclude that a succubus is behind everything. Since you have already come to these dark catacombs, then go down to the lower level. There you can meet the spirit of a Kaedweni soldier. He will guard the banner of the Brown Banner. The item is necessary to remove the ghostly haze for the task “Eternal Battle”. In any case, you will need to go back to the city and talk with Buttercup about his poems.

You can find an old friend at the inn. If you ask about his poems, he will tell you that someone recently stole them from him. Well, it’s time to join forces and enlist the support of Buttercup: ask him to lure out the monster with his poems. In the end, you agree to meet at midnight near the burned village.

So, at the appointed time you meet with Buttercup. Now control passes to Buttercup and you need to play to eventually lure out the demon with the poems. You will have to compose the following song: “If a maiden wanted to lie with me; Then the heart would ask white palms; Can you hold it; If you open your chest to me?” Buttercup's song works and soon the succubus comes to you. Next comes a choice.

    You went after the succubus. In this case, Dandelion goes after the demon, despite the fact that Geralt strictly forbade following the demon.

    You didn't follow the succubus. In this case, you need to get to Geralt as soon as possible. Little will depend on this choice in the future. In any case, you will return to controlling the Witcher. Having rushed to the demon, it turns out that she is in no hurry to fight you and most likely, you were mistaken in your assumptions.

So, the succubus reports that she really seduces men and sleeps with them, but only in order to suck out their energy, while she does not kill anyone so that they come to her again and she feeds constantly. She will report that her recent boyfriend fell very much in love, so he began to kill his competitors out of jealousy. The name of this lover is Eleas. It will be very difficult to decide, since all the statements sound convincing.

    If you don't believe me. In this case, you enter into a fight with a succubus and have to kill her. The battle with her will be quite difficult. In the battle, use your silver sword, Quen and Yrden signs. After you kill this demon, you can return to the elf and receive your well-deserved reward.

    If you believe it. In this option, you will have to talk to Eleas again to find out what's going on. You can find the elf near the inn. When you ask him about the murders, he will begin to deny everything, so it’s time to go to his captain. If you have a fragment of a weapon with you that you found in the corpse, then Iorvet will believe you, but if he doesn’t, then you will need to find some evidence to accuse him. As soon as you show Iorveth the evidence, the elf will unexpectedly disappear. Thus, all the suspicions that the succubus suggested are only confirmed. Now return back to the demon and get your reward from her. On the way to the succubus, you will be unexpectedly attacked by Eleas. Your enemy will have two sabers, so first you should immobilize him using the Yrden sign and attack him in the back. Once you defeat the enemy, continue to go to the succubus for a reward.

Baltimore Nightmare

When you search for a magical artifact, you will be able to see Baltimore's dream in the container quarry. A very frightened dwarf was running from something. As you walk around the city, at some point you will come across the house that was in your dream. Once inside, you will meet a character named Torak. After talking with him, it turns out that he is a student of the great runesmith, who has long disappeared. Torak, in turn, took as a legacy not only the house, but also the title of Baltimore. Torak himself admits that no one, including him, can compare with the skill of the great blacksmith.

Soon Torak will allow you to take a closer look at the workshop of the mysteriously missing blacksmith. So, having carefully examined the forge, you will be able to notice that you can break one of the walls using the Aard sign. In this secret room you can find a small chest, and inside this chest a map of Baltimore itself. But in fact, this is not a map, but a kind of poetic guide. As you leave the workshop, Torak will approach you and tell you that he is a little nervous about the noise that was heard down there. You have a choice: you can tell him about the find, or you can remain silent. If you told him, then he will ask you to bring him any notes that you can find.

The first part of the verse reads as follows: “Start your search from the well, where the echo echoes.” A similar well can be found in a burnt village nearby. Following the records of Baltimore you will pass through the entire village. Afterwards, you will need to turn to the left and go to the huge gate. Eventually you find an altar made of wood. The altar itself is dedicated to some deity. Move further along the middle path and at the end you find yourself in a quarry, which you have already been to before. The next part will tell you about the harpy cave, but instead of going to the gate, climb the rocks on the left side and find a chest there in which you will find a runic key. We continue to study the notes of Baltimore: “If you have chosen the right path, do not forget to meet the maiden. The shadow of the poor drowned woman at noon will become the right arrow...” Now it’s time to return back to the crossroads and go from there to the ravines where the trolls live. We are talking about the “Poor Drowned Woman” - she is a ship that crashed on the rocks long ago. Soon you will find doors that are thickly overgrown with ivy. These doors can only be opened with a runic key. To go further you will first have to burn down all the weeds that are there. To do this, use the Igni sign. Behind these doors you can find another chest, but with Baltimore runes. In addition, you will also find his old notes here. Before you open the chest, Torak will come to you along with the rest of the students. It turns out that they have been watching you all this time from the very beginning, as soon as you mentioned Baltimore to him.

    If you talked about your findings. If you previously agreed to give the notes to Torak, then he will ask you to be the first to unlock Baltimore's chest. In return, he will give you not only money, but will also allow you to take all the contents that are in the chest. If you agree, then the task will be completed - if you notice that the dwarf is not behaving as expected, then he will attack you.

    If you haven't talked about your findings. In this case, at the first meeting, the dwarf along with the rest of the students will attack you.

Use the Aard sign against these enemies. You will need to use the sign at the very beginning of the battle in order to push back your enemies and come up with tactics against them. Since you are, as usual, outnumbered, we recommend that you use the Yrden sign, which will immobilize one of your enemies. After you defeat Torak along with the rest of the students, then you can open the treasured chest. Here you can find many useful items, but the most useful are Baltimore's notes.

Once you read these notes, you will find out that it was Torak who killed the old master Baltimore. This incident will need to be reported to the city mayor, Cecil. You will be given a reward for the work done, after which the search for a new blacksmith will begin, but that’s another story, and at this stage the task is over.

Poker game - Vergen

Dice poker is a very popular game, so it is played everywhere, even in such a rebellious town as Vergen. Your first opponent in this city is Skalen Burdon. Skalen will agree to play with you anywhere and at any time convenient for you. As usual, you first have to beat weak opponents in the city in order to move on to stronger ones.

Based on a tip from the tavern owner, you can find your first rivals in the house of the blacksmith's apprentices, which is located near the dwarf god. Your first Vergen rivals are Cornelius Meyer and Bruno Bigs. As soon as you beat these opponents, you can go to the inn and play there with the owner. Once you beat him, you can play with a stronger opponent, who will be Cecile Bourdon. You can find Cecil in the house, near the entrance to the mine from above. After you beat Cecil, you learn about the best Vergen poker player. His name is Hagarth. It is also located near the statue of the dwarf deity. In general, you have already been to this place while searching for Cornelius and Bruno. As soon as you beat the last opponent, you can take either meteorite steel or gold as your winnings. The Vergen poker quest line will be completed at this stage. Of course, you will be able to play with the others at any time now.

Fist Fights - Vergen

As expected, in all taverns there will be a game of “punch the face”. If you decide to test your witcher abilities in the Vergen tavern, then you first need to talk to a character named Sheridan, who is engaged in these battles here.

He will read the rules to you as expected and after that, you can agree to clean up a couple of faces. So, you are waiting for a fight with three opponents in a row. Each subsequent opponent will be stronger than the previous one, but if you try, then you will be able to defeat all your opponents. When you win the third victory, you will receive glory.

As soon as Sheridan begins to sincerely congratulate you, everything is interrupted by one nobleman, who, as he claims, is Seltkirk’s brother. Wanting to finally step out of his brother's shadow, he wants to try to overcome you. It's up to you to decide whether to accept the challenge or refuse it.

If you reject his challenge, then he will leave you with insults and become deeply upset. But if you accept the battle and lose, then he leaves you with a smile from ear to ear, after which the task in this city is considered completed, and the next meeting with him will take place in the third chapter

Arm wrestling - Vergen

Vergen is a place of miners whose hands are as good as a sword, so there should be plenty of rivals here. Among these rivals you can also meet old friends: Sheldon Skaggs and Yarpen Zigrin. Well, Zoltan once told you about these characters.

The dwarves described above almost always sit in taverns, so we go to the tavern. Having invited them to compete, they happily agree to your proposal. Please note that the new opponents will be quite strong and those you met in the first chapter are no match for them. Once you defeat these opponents, then they will ask you to put out the ardor of Skalen Burdon, who constantly boasts that he is the strongest in Vergen.

You can find Skalen Burdon at the inn. If you offer to fight with him, then he will tell you that you must first defeat all the other opponents (weaker ones), and when there is no one left, you can come to him. Skalen Burdon will be the strongest opponent in the first two chapters, so you will have to try hard to defeat him.

Contract for the Harpy Queen

On the notice board located near the inn, you can find a new contract in which you will need to kill the harpy queen. You can complete the task only during the completion of the dragon's dream for the task "In Search of Magic". The Harpy Queen can be found in the quarry, which is located near the city. To get to this place, you will need to take the key, which is located with the elder Vergen. The Harpy Queen will attack you immediately after you view the dragon's dream. In addition, the harpy queen will have a lot of assistants, so don’t forget about the Aaard sign and actively use it. Using the Aard sign, you can shoot down harpies, and then finish them off on the ground. As soon as you kill the harpy queen, take everything you can from her body and go back to the city so that you can tell everything to the elder of Vergen and receive a worthy reward.

Contract for the Harpies

Again, on the board near Vergen's tavern you can find a new contract. So, you have to significantly reduce the harpy population in the area. A job as usual for a witcher.

As always, you first need to study your opponent. You can learn about these monsters in practice or from books. There will be enough harpies in the vicinity of the city to kill a dozen creatures, so it makes sense to save some gold. Harpies are found in the Vergen forest, in various ravines and, of course, in the quarry.

As soon as you receive all the necessary knowledge, it will become clear to the witcher that he needs to destroy a couple of nests of these creatures. Harpy traps will help you destroy these nests, and Torak or Ukhach can make them for you. After that, you just need to find the nests and destroy them. All harpy nests will be located in the quarry area, so don’t waste your time and go there. After you have dealt with all the nests, return back to Vergen and receive your reward for your work from the city mayor.

Dirty work

You can hear about the locked mine from the mayor of the city of Vergen, Cecil Bourdon. In addition, you can also read about this on the notice board located near the tavern. The task is best completed when you are searching for a plant called dwarf immortelle on the “Underground Life” task. It will be convenient because everything can be done at once during one descent.

So, before heading down, prepare five pieces of grapeshot bombs. To make them, you will need to get the ingredients, which contain aer and rebis. In addition, you will really need the “Cat” potion, and more than one.

In these mines you will have to fight a fairly large number of corpse eaters. As expected, you will need to study them, so kill a dozen of these creatures, after which you will need to destroy their nests. Also, do not forget that when the corpse eaters are already dying, you should move away from them, as they explode. If you notice a foulbrood that is trembling, then quickly move away from it, as it will explode. Keep in mind that the corpse eaters will attack you in batches, so use the Aard and Yrden sign.

If you are careful, then you can find all the nests of corpse eaters without any problems. And with the help of made grapeshot bombs, you can destroy the nests you find without any problems. Once you finish your work, all you have to do is report the work done to Cecil Bourdon. Once you receive the reward, the task will be completed.

Additional/Side Quests Chapter - 2: Roche's Path

Little sisters

As you wander around the siege camp of the Kaedweni army, at some point your attention will be attracted by a man who is literally “sprinkled” with various ridicule and beaten very hard. If this interests you and you want to find out more about what is happening, then talk to the poor fellow and he will tell you why all this is happening. So, three years ago, on one bank of the river, he met a strange ghost and from this meeting he simply shit his pants. Since that moment he has been haunted by ghosts, so his comrades treat him poorly. The poor guy who is beaten and mocked, I call him Mavrik. Basically, he will ask you to help him and get rid of these pursuers.

First, the task will lead you straight to the lair of the sutlers. It is there that you meet a girl named Liva. This girl was with the Kaedweni army three years ago, so she knows about the house on the hill (which Mavrik told you about). It turns out that there are rumors that a doctor named Malget allegedly lived in that house. This doctor had daughters who were killed by soldiers, and he himself threw himself into the river out of grief.

Well, after hearing this, it’s time to go to the abandoned house and carefully examine the cemetery there, which the girl Liva spoke about. Once you find yourself in the cemetery, you will find four graves in each of which a girl is buried: Malgeta, Murron, Marissa and Moira. There are more questions than answers, so it’s time to understand this whole matter. First, break the barrels that are located behind this house. Once you break them, you will discover a secret passage down to the basement. As you go down to the basement, you will see traces of the magical rituals performed. Light the magic lamps at this place. Please note that if you light in the wrong order, then you will be attacked by a ghost. First, light the farthest lamp, which is located from the entrance, then the one directly at the entrance, and at the end on the right side of the doors. During your actions, at some point a secret room opens, where you find an encrypted magical recording.

Mavrik claimed that he first met the ghost around midnight. It's time to go to the shore of this river and wait for midnight. At some point, the ghosts of those same murdered girls-sisters come out. Here you can both attack them and talk.

    If attacked. Fighting spirits is a common thing for a witcher. First, push away your enemies with the Aard sign, and then use the Quen sign, and at the same time do not forget to dodge the attacks of your enemies. It is best to attack only from the side or from behind. If the need arises, then immobilize the enemy using the Yrden sign. Once you defeat these ghost girls, you can return back to the Kaedweni siege camp for your reward. This will complete the task.

    If you listened. If you agree to listen to them, then they will tell you about who killed them. And the killer turns out to be none other than that same poor guy Mavrik. After which, their beloved father went crazy and committed suicide. In general, now the spirits want revenge. After this, a lot of questions still remain, so we continue our investigation.

Let's now go to the old town of Detmold, maybe he knows something about the manuscripts that you found before in the basement of an abandoned house. A little later it turns out that this was the best idea. Detmold will explain that these manuscripts are a kind of description of the use of necromantic ritual, which makes it possible to communicate with spirits.

Finally, now I need to talk about everything with Mavrik. If you put pressure on this Kaedweni at the right moment, then he will tell you that about three years ago there were rumors that the same doctor Malget allegedly contacted the spirits. Now you have to make your choice: you will help ask Mavrik to help you and meet him on the river bank at 23:00, but if you tell him that the ghosts called him a murderer, then he will get very angry and go to the bank at alone.

    If Mavrik is with you. In this case, as before, you will go ashore at 23:00. You will meet him near the gorge, after which you will go to the ghosts together. After a short conversation with the ghost girls, you have to choose again.

    They didn't support it. If you ask a Kaedweni to admit his guilt, and then give it up, then Marik attacks both you and the ghosts, but soon dies, thereby making the evil stronger. At some point he becomes a demon. Now the demon will speak to you and say that it was he who actually killed the sisters, and you were simply deceived. As it turns out, it was the father who killed his daughters because they were dishonored by the Kaedweni. Since the doctor was fond of necromancy, with the death of the girls and his own death, he only gave even more strength to the demon. After the conversation, the demon attacks you. Quickly take out your silver sword and defend yourself. Try to dodge the attacks of this demon in time, and use the Yrden sign to immobilize him. Since Mavrik died, you will not be able to get money and you are only entitled to experience.

    Supported. In this case, you and Mavrik will fight the ghost of girls. Repel their attacks in time and skillfully counterattack, in addition, do not forget about the Quen sign. After you kill the ghosts, Mavrik will tell the truth about what happened three years ago.

    If Mavrik is not with you. In this case, you will come ashore and it will be too late, as Mavrik will be killed. And when you start examining the body, a laughing demon will come out. He will tell you that thanks to your efforts he has become much stronger and will soon attack you. If you want to defeat him, then try to avoid his every attack. Try to place blocks in time and attack from behind or from the side. The Irden and Aard signs will be very helpful in battle. But since Mavrik died, you won’t see any money, so you’ll have to be content with only experience.

Ave Henselt

The task becomes available only if you were able to help Manfred save his young and stupid son, that is, together with him you fought the Butcher of Cidaris in the Kaedweni arena on the task “Conspiracy Theory”

Foulbrood Contract

In the Kaedweni camp on the notice board you can find your new contract - the destruction of foulbroods. These creatures are a real nuisance to the Kaedweni people, so they have announced a reward for their destruction. Before you clear the camp of these creatures, as usual, you first need to carefully study them, find out their weak and strong points. As usual, you can learn knowledge through practice or from books. The practice option will cost you much less, so it’s better not to waste money and kill a couple of creatures.

Rotfiends can be found on the battlefield, which is located between the Kaedweni camp itself and the gorge, which is covered in whiteout. So, the monsters will attack you in groups, and before they die they explode, so take all this into account. You can effectively fight them with the help of the Aard sign and a silver sword. Once you kill the required number, you will receive the knowledge you need about these creatures. Geralt soon realizes that in order to get rid of these creatures, he will need to burn all the remains of the fallen people around the camp. Corpses should be looked for in the hollows, which are located in the eastern part of the Kaedweni siege camp. You can recognize the corpses by the cart that is located near the river. After you burn nine corpses, the foulbrood will have nothing else to eat and will soon simply leave here. After you have done your job, all you have to do is find Proxim and take your well-deserved reward.

Poker Game - Kaedweni Camp

Well, it’s time to finally find the players in the Kaedweni camp, as you did before in Flotsam and Vergen. As usual, most will refuse to play with you, so you will need to prove that you are worth something. First, you will need to beat a couple of Kaedweni soldiers, whom you can find near the dining area of ​​the camp. If you beat two soldiers there, then you can finally play for real money with the masters.

Your first serious opponent in the Kaedweni camp is Tener Zyvik. He often hangs around the gunsmith's tent, so go look for him there. As soon as you beat him, the Kaedweni people will recommend Madame Carole to you, so we go straight to her (you can find out about her from local players). You can find the girl immediately near the tent, where her work place is located. Once you beat Madame Carole, you can already play with the real local champion, who is the gunsmith Lesovik. In addition, in addition to winning the Kaedweni camp, you can get not only pleasure, but also a more significant reward.

The gunsmith Lesovik ends the quest chain, which is related to poker in the Kaedweni siege camp. But don't forget that you can continue to play with beaten opponents, thereby filling your pockets with gold. In addition, there are other players who are not included in the task: Isidore Kai, who sits near the field hospital, and Sambor, who hangs out near the brothel.

Arm wrestling - Kaedweni camp

As before in Flotsam, here you can also find worthy opponents who will gladly want to fight with you. To begin with, you will meet mercenaries who are in Adam Pongratt's detachment (the lower part of the camp, the fire, which is located near the field hospital).

Two of these mercenaries will happily want to fight the witcher, but keep in mind that the new opponents are much stronger than the old ones. Just try to be careful and you will defeat them. Once you defeat two mercenaries, they will tell you about a stronger opponent than them, so you need to go to meet this strongman.

The mercenaries told you about the blacksmith. This blacksmith works not far from them, but only on the opposite side of the path. Perhaps the blacksmith will be the most powerful opponent. After defeating the blacksmith, you can finally meet the captain of the condottieri himself, the famous Adam Pangratt.

You can find Captain Adam at the top of the Kaedweni camp. But before you start fighting him, talk to him about his adventures in the Battle of Brenna (thanks to this, you will be able to understand what is happening now much better). As soon as you defeat Adam, the chain of quests ends here in the Kaedweni camp. Now you can freely walk around and challenge everyone to fight, thereby earning gold.

Against the Blue Stripes

In this task you will get the opportunity to beat and clean up a couple of faces near the Kaedweni camp, in the camp of Roche’s detachment. The first person you will meet is Fenna, who is near the tents and training there with his friends. If you ask him, then he and his friends will agree to take part in a couple of fights. Now you will get the opportunity to see Vernon Roche's soldiers in action and how well he trained them.

As soon as you defeat three Temerians, the captain of this detachment himself soon calls you to battle. Vernon Roche will be a very strong opponent, unlike his subjects. But few can compare to Geralt of Rivia, which is why you can clean up his face. After you defeat Vernon Roche, an unexpectedly friendly conversation is interrupted by a Kaedweni, who in turn challenges you to a duel. If you agree to this fight, then after a couple of blows Zyvik interrupts the fight, and the Kaedweni leaves, while chattering to himself about some square coins and scores that need to be settled. This will serve as the beginning of a new task, “Old Scores,” which will end only in the third chapter of the game. The task is over here, but you can continue to beat Vernon Roche's soldiers until you get tired of this.

Additional/Side Quests Chapter - 3

Gargoyle Hunt

It is very difficult to wander through what remains of the former grandeur of Loc Muinne without being confronted by gargoyles. There is a tavern in the central square of this town, and near it there will be a notice board where you can find, among other things, a contract for gargoyles. The contract was posted by a native of Ban Ard named Bras. The sorcerer will stand not far from the notice board. After talking with him, you will learn that gargoyles are magical creatures that served and protected the owners of this city.

Fights with gargoyles will make you think that in order to destroy these creatures once and for all, you need to break magic seals or signs (as you wish). The seals themselves tied these creatures to one place, so they are all mainly found in one point. There will be three such places in Loc Muinne. Such places are underground halls, where some ancient symbols are written. You will have to inspect every meter of the hall and break the seals in every place. The order of deprivation of magical power will be determined randomly each time.

Each room has classified notes that describe the correct procedure for disabling the seals. In order to understand these records, you will first have to go to a local merchant and buy there a treatise on the ruins, which consists of four volumes. Go to Lockhart the Magnificent's shop and buy the necessary books from him. Of course, you can try to find the correct sequence for turning off the seals on your own, but every mistake you make will entail punishment in the form of a battle with the gargoyles. The correct deactivation of runes will be as follows:

Hall on the left side near the main gate of Lok Muinne:

    The first rune is on the right wall from the entrance, the second rune is on the wall on the left side, the third rune is the rune below (on the floor) on the left side, the fourth rune is on the floor near the chest.

    The first rune is on the left wall from the entrance, the second rune is on the floor on the left side, the third rune is on the floor near the chest, the fourth rune is on the right side of the entrance.

Once you destroy the first seal, you can unlock the chest located here. In addition to all the trophies you have obtained, you can also take encrypted records. As soon as you take this paper, a new task “The Secret of the Manuscript” will appear.

The hall on the right side of the central gate of Lok Muinne:

    The first rune is on the right wall from the entrance, the second rune is on the floor on the right side of the entrance, the third rune is on the left wall, the fourth rune is on the floor on the left side.

    The first rune is on the left side of the floor from the entrance, the second rune is on the wall on the right side, the third rune is on the floor on the right side, the fourth rune is on the wall on the left side.

The hall in ruins, located not far from the amphitheater:

    The first rune is on the floor on the left side of the entrance, the second rune is on the floor on the right side, the third rune is on the wall on the left side, the fourth rune is on the wall on the right side.

    The first rune is on the floor on the right side of the entrance, the second rune is on the floor on the left side, the third rune is on the wall on the left side, the fourth rune is on the wall on the right side.

As soon as you destroy all the seals, you can go back to Bras and tell him everything. The sorcerer will reward you as promised in the contract.

The Mystery of the Manuscript

The quest appears after you find an encrypted manuscript in a chest guarded by gargoyles. The chest is located in one of the underground halls, on the left side of the main gate of Lok Muinne. How to open this chest is described in the task "Hunting Gargoyles".

Once you have taken the scroll, go to Bras from Ban Arda. This person will stand in the central square of the city, near the city tavern, so finding him will not be difficult at all. After you show the scroll to the sorcerer, he will tell you that this manuscript was sealed with magic owned by the “old school”. He will also offer you to open it, but first you will need to bring, as usual, a couple of ingredients that you will not be able to find in the city, but you may have them. So, the list of ingredients requires: pheromones of Queen Endriag, duckling brain, blood of a warrior necker and a harpy testicle. Please note that you can replace the harpy egg with a foulbrood tongue.

If you have all the necessary ingredients, then the sorcerer will very quickly reveal the manuscript to you. After discovery, it turns out that this manuscript belonged to an ancient blacksmith-sorcerer. In this manuscript you can learn how to forge the legendary sword called Kerm. In this matter, as usual, you will be helped by Bras, who will make this legendary drawing for you, according to which you can later order a blade forged. We recommend that you do not put off forging until later, since after negotiations you will no longer be able to return.

Arm wrestling - Lok Muinne

So, in Loc Muinn you will finally meet your strongest opponent. On the city board, near the tavern, you can find an advertisement that says that anyone who wants to fight can challenge the Mighty Numa. You can find this hero near the descent into the sewer. The tower that stands near the central square will serve as a guide. You will find the city champion during training. Once you start fighting Nume, you soon lose. It becomes clear that there is something fishy here, because it is simply impossible to possess such monstrous power, so it’s time to conduct a little investigation. So, you are given several answer options to choose from: you can threaten Numa and, if successful, he will promise you not to use potions anymore, or you can sniff out about the potion from his assistant and after that you can even buy the potion.

If you drink the potion or intimidate Nume, then the next time you fight, you can easily defeat him. But this should be done before you go to negotiations, since after that you will not be able to return to being a strongman.

Old scores

If in Vergen you were able to meet a man named Zilgart, and also beat him, then he will appear in Loc Muinn and demand revenge to get even. And even if you refused in the past, he will still come to you, so there is no way to get away from him. You can meet this fighter near the passage to the drains or near the tower, which is located not far from the central square of the city. In general, Zilgard will not stand on ceremony and will immediately rush at you, so without any decency we tell him everything you want in the language of struggle. It doesn’t matter how the fight ends, but you definitely won’t see this person again. This brawl ends all fistfights in the game.

In addition, a similar situation will occur if you arrived in Loc Muinne in the company of Vernon Roche, and before that you had already fought with a soldier in the camp. If you remember, in this case the battle was not over - Zyvik dispersed everyone. In general, this time, as expected, he will suddenly rush at you. Once you defeat him, the quest chain will be finished forever in the game.

Poker Game - Luk Muinne

Even in the ruins of an ancient town there are those who are constantly being cut into dice, so it’s time to look for new rivals. So, in one of the destroyed houses of this city you can find a certain “residence” of the players, which is located on the right side of the central gate of Lok Muinne. Before this, in the first two chapters you first had to play with weak ones and end up with champions, so two elves will be such weak players to warm up. As soon as you beat them, you will have to play further with the sorcerer. After defeating the sorcerer, you can summon his student. Please note that the girl plays much better than her mentor. Once you accumulate four victories, you can finally play with the best player in these ruins. This player will once again be the sorcerer and none other than Lockhart the Magnificent! You should have already seen his shop, so let’s go to his shop. As soon as you beat this master among masters, you will receive a good title of Champion of the Northern Kingdoms. In addition, you can still choose some worthy reward for yourself from Lockhart. This completes the dice sequence in the game.

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