Regulations on holding the 5th International Festival of Children's and Youth Creativity “Become a Star!” Regulations on the festival-competition of children's creativity "The most talented preschooler Festival of children's creativity 1st position

"I affirm"


State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "DK "Salyut"



festival of children's creativity

"A ray of sunshine of talent"

The purpose of the festival is identification and support of gifted and talented children and children's and youth groups in various genres of art.

Objectives of the festival:

Promoting the artistic, creative and personal development of children;

Activating the creative potential of the younger generation;

Improving the level of performing skills through the exchange of creative experience;

Creating conditions for further creative growth of young performers;

Promoting the strengthening and expansion of cultural exchange between creative groups and individual performers;

Creating an atmosphere of an unforgettable creative holiday;

Meeting and communicating with famous teachers in the field of vocals, choreography, original genre, participants in TV projects.

Festival organizer- State budgetary cultural institution of the city of Moscow “Palace of Culture “Salute”.

Children's creative groups from palaces, cultural centers, additional education institutions, studios of various creative directions in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as individual participants aged from 6 to 14 years inclusive.

The festival is held in one round. The program of performances of the participants is drawn up and approved by the festival organizing committee in advance based on the applications received.

Festival nominations:

· vocals

6-9 years (solo, ensemble),

10-14 years old (solo, ensemble),

· choreography

6-9 years old (folk dance, classical dance, modern choreography),

10-14 years old (folk dance, classical dance, modern choreography),

· original genre solo, group (in mixed age category from 6 to 14 years).

Participation in the festival is paid . The amount of the registration fee is 500 rubles. from each participant. Payment of the registration fee is carried out by purchasing tickets at the box office of the Salyut Palace of Culture on the day of the festival.

Creative teams have the right take part in several nominations, making an organizational fee for each nomination accordingly.

Competition jury.

Well-known specialists and cultural and artistic figures, participants in TV projects are invited to join the jury:

1. Irina Ptashkina

2. Anna Shots- teacher of pop-jazz vocals at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music.

3. Alexandra Tsekhmistrenko- head of the Exemplary Collective of the Folklore and Variety Workshop “Saturday”, soloist of the group “10 March”.

4. Alexey Yatsenko- Mentor of the project All-Russian competition of young talents "Blue Bird" - Russia 1. Participant in the TV project "Dancing" on TNT (new season) and "Dance" on the First. Assistant to the second choreographer, dancer of the Opening Ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. Choreographer and director of the vocal and dance show “Dreams of a Composer”, Art nova-2012. Teacher-choreographer of the leading dance school Model357 and the dance center MDC NRG.

5. Innokenty Isaev– teacher-choreographer, participant in the TV project “Everyone Dances”.

6. Alexander Kasyanov. Theater and film actor, assistant director of Channel One television projects “Minute of Glory” and “Two Stars”.

7. Pavel Volkov. Laureate of the All-Russian competition of artists of the original genre.

As well as other cultural and artistic figures.

To participate in the festival it is necessary to submit an application (Appendix), as well as a phonogram of the performance to the Festival Organizing Committee (nice. *****@***ru) in the prescribed form until March 17, 2016.

Duration of performance - no more than 3.5 minutes.

Requirements for phonograms.

For participants in the vocal nomination: The performance of the competition number must be accompanied by a “minus” phonogram (or accompaniment, which must be indicated in the application). “Backup vocals” can be recorded into a soundtrack or performed “live” (at the request of the participant). The use of phonograms with recorded backing vocal parts is permitted provided that they complement and decorate the performance, but do not replace the vocal data. The phonogram is sent in advance to the festival organizing committee (nice. *****@***ru) along with an application for the formation of a consolidated disc. The festival participant must have the phonogram with him on the day of the festival on a flash drive.

For dance and original genre nominations: The use of low-level phonograms is prohibited. The phonogram is sent in advance to the festival organizing committee (nice. *****@***ru) along with an application for the formation of a consolidated disc. The festival participant must have the phonogram with him on the day of the festival on a flash drive.

Awards for festival participants:

The winners of the festival are awarded a diploma “Grand Prix”, “Laureate of the festival “Sunshine of Talent” I, II and III degrees, a cup with the symbols of the festival and a letter of gratitude to the leaders of creative teams.

Festival participants who did not win prizes are awarded diplomas of I, II and III degrees and letters of gratitude to the leaders of creative teams.

Awarding prizes made on the basis of the jury protocol and the number of points scored. Points are calculated based on the following criteria:

Vocal nominations(vocal abilities; stage culture; artistry; compliance of the performance with the age of the participant),

Dance nominations(technique of performance; artistry; originality, semantic content of the performance; general impression).

Nomination "Original Genre"(technique of performance; artistry; originality of the performance, semantic content of the performance; general impression).

The jury has the right:

Award one title to several participants (in the case of qualitatively equal performances and a large number of participants in the corresponding nomination and age category).




TARGET holding the FESTIVAL:

identify CREATIVE school potential,

name names TALENTED Guys.


1. Individual performers or an ensemble of performers who can sing (including bard songs), dance, read poetry, prose and play any instrument (including their own compositions), create artistic crafts, arts and crafts, photographs, etc.

2. The time of one artistic performance of a group (class) should not exceed 10 minutes, a soloist - 5 minutes.

3. Exhibition space for artistic products (crafts, photographs) will be divided between classes.

4. The performing part of the Festival is held in the form of an open concert by genre.

5. The results of the performance and creative work of the participants are evaluated
The Festival jury uses a 10-point system.

6. Dates of the festival: from March 15 to April 22, 2006.

7. Submit applications to the Organizing Committee (see additional explanations on genres)

JURY Suggestions:

1. Prizes will be distributed by age categories: 1-3 grades,
4-6 grades, 7-11 grades.

2. The best participants or classes will be awarded in the following categories:






1. Musically e

1. vocal

2. instrumental

3. "every class is a choir"

2. Choreographically e

1. modern dance (sports)

2. folk dance

3. Ballroom dance (for historian - everyday)

4. step

3. Theater

1. scene

2. etude

3. monologue

4. pantomime


1. "artistic word"

2. literary debut


1. drawings on a specific topic

6.Photo gallery

1. theme: “Winter is leaving, hello spring”

1. products for interior decoration using the following techniques: embroidery, knitting, patchwork,

beading, sculpting)

2. women's jewelry using beading technique

3. Children's toy using the following techniques: sewing, knitting, modeling, embroidery.

Criteria for evaluation.


· musicality

· artistry

· technique, performance

· costume


· image creation

· speech technique

· plastic

· artistry


· composition and color

· correspondence between image and theme

· accuracy of execution

· variety of materials used


· presentation style

· emotional coloring of reading

· artistry

· relevance of the topic

Photo gallery:

· relevance to the topic

· relevance to the topic

· composition

Decorative and applied arts:

· artistic perception

· materials used

· functional purpose

Festival program.

03.04.06-10.04.06 - collection of applications for all directions

04/10/06 - piano competition - 13.00 (concert hall)

04/12/06 - vocal competition - 14.00 (assembly hall)

- competition “Artistic Creativity” -15.00 (room 126)

04/13/06 - competition “Literary Debut” - assembly hall)

- competition “Artistic Word” -15.00 (assembly hall)

04/14/06 - competition “Every class is a choir” - 14.00 (concert hall)

04/17/06 - competition of flutists, accordionists, guitarists -18.00 (assembly hall)

- Submission of works for the “photo gallery” competition


U T V E R J D A Y:

Deputy Director for VR

Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 20

Protocol No. 5 of 01/01/2001


about holding a festival of children's creativity

"School Spring 2011"

1. General provisions

1.1. Festival of children's creativity "School Spring - 2011"(hereinafter referred to as the Festival) is held in support of children's creativity.

1.2. The organizer of the Festival is Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 20.

2. Goals and objectives

2.1. Popularization of creative achievements of students.

2.2. Development of a system of aesthetic education for students, strengthening the image of a creative child as a youth leader.

2.3. Strengthening students' diverse creative and cultural skills.

2.4. Increasing the level of artistic skill of students, as well as their communication skills.

3. Dates and venue

4.2. Class teachers who organize the creative work of their teams submit an application to the organizers no later than March 1, 2011.

5. Regulations

5.1. The festival takes place in 2 stages.

The first stage is the presentation of a complete multi-genre concert program. The display time is no more than minutes.

The second stage is a gala concert, summing up the results.

5.2. The following genres can be represented in the competition:

1) Musical direction (pop vocals, folk vocals, classical vocals, art songs, musical groups).

2) Dance direction (pop dance, folk and folklore dance, ballroom dance, modern - modern choreography, freestyle and breakdancing.

3) Theater direction (variety miniature, small theater, artistic expression)

4) Original genre (fashion theater, pantomime, parody, synthesis act).

6. Summing up and awarding

6.1. The results of the competition are summed up after viewing the concert programs of all class groups.

6.2. The main nomination of the Festival “Best Concert Program” is graded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

6.3. By decision of the jury, additional nominations may be nominated.

6.4. The winners receive diplomas and prizes.

7. Festival jury. Competition evaluation system

7.1. The Festival jury is formed by the organizing committee.

7.2. The competition uses a 10-point rating system.

7.3. The concert program is evaluated as a whole and by nomination.

8. Requirements for phonograms and props

8.1. Phonograms must be presented on a CD-r or USB drive indicating the team and class.

8.2. The organizers provide the groups with a standard stage set: tables, chairs, “stage clothes”. Teams must inform the organizers in advance about additional details.

… “Creating conditions that ensure

identification and development of gifted children,

realizing their potential,

is one of the priority

social tasks of modern society.

The presence of a social order contributes to

intensive growth of work in this area”...

Federal target program

"Gifted Children"


This project is dedicated to such a pressing issue as cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families in working with gifted children. One of the forms of work with gifted children on the basis of MBDOU "Snowdrop" is revealed - a festival of children's creativity, to individualize the education of gifted preschoolers.

The type of project is practice-oriented.

In terms of the number of contacts – massive.

In terms of time – long-term.

Project (festival) participants:

Children aged 2 to 7 years

adults (family members, preschool teachers, sponsors)

Project innovation:

1 Introduction of the process of individualization of preschool education into real work practice.

2 Improving the system of work to identify, develop and support gifted children of preschool age based on cooperation between families, preschool educational institutions and social institutions.


Gifted children, children's creativity festival, co-creation between adults and children, cooperation between teachers and parents.


At the present stage of functioning of the system of work with gifted children, it has become clear that a child who exhibits extraordinary abilities, demonstrates outstanding results in a certain field of knowledge, needs special conditions for his further development. These conditions should be aimed at meeting the special educational needs associated with in-depth subject training, as well as supporting the personal development of a gifted child.

The problem of working with gifted children is extremely relevant for modern Russian society. The “Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education” notes that an important task of the education system is “the formation of a professional elite, identifying and maintaining the most gifted and talented children and youth.” Despite the active position of the state in this matter, it is impossible to collect all children with signs of giftedness in specialized educational institutions, therefore it is necessary to create conditions for identifying and accompanying gifted children in mass educational institutions. This means that creating an effective system for an educational institution to work with gifted children is one of the most important tasks at the present time.

Many psychologists (Yurkevich V.S., Kulemzina A.V., Landau E., Savenkov A.I.) agree that the development of abilities is possible at any age, but the best time is childhood. Support for creative activity as one of the factors of giftedness should be carried out by both parents and teachers. Children's creativity is valuable in the development of a gifted child. A modern professional teacher must not only successfully navigate current trends in his subject area, but also be competent in the development of pedagogy of new times - pedagogy of creative personal development

Problems that hinder effective work with gifted (talented) children:

1. A high degree of methodological uncertainty in the early recognition of a child’s giftedness (talent). Subjectivism in teachers' assessments of children's giftedness (talent).

2. Underdevelopment of mechanisms for identifying giftedness (talent), forms and methods of searching, educating and supporting talented preschool children

3. Low psychological and pedagogical competence and motivation of parents and teachers in identifying and supporting gifted (talented) children of preschool age.

4. Lack of systematic work in educational organizations to identify and support gifted (talented) children of preschool age. Limited resource capabilities in creating conditions for the realization of giftedness (talent development) of children in various spheres of human activity. Financing additional education from the municipal budget leads to the creation of different conditions for supporting gifted (talented) children, depending on the policies and resource capabilities of municipalities.

Objective of the project: to unite the efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family in the development of the child’s creative potential and the creation of conditions for his self-realization.

Project objectives:

1. Increasing the pedagogical and communicative competence of parents and employees of preschool educational institutions, optimizing the partnership between family and kindergarten, developing the innovative potential of their interaction.

2. Providing advisory assistance to parents on the development of creative abilities of preschool children.

3. To interest parents by involving them in joint creative activities with children and active inclusion in the educational process.

4. Formation of motivation for self-improvement in a gifted child.

5. Creating a situation of success, a sense of psychological comfort and a festive atmosphere at the festival;

Expected Result:


- Positive dynamics in the development of gifted children, in the development of children’s creative abilities

- Development in children of such personal qualities as independence, initiative, creativity.


— Increasing interest in developing the abilities of a gifted child

- Parents’ interest in cooperation with preschool teachers

-​ Discussion and following the proposed recommendations


- Understanding the need for cooperation in solving common problems in the development of gifted children

- Activity in interaction with parents.

Musical director:

- Organization of work with gifted children, taking into account children's interests, capabilities and abilities.

-​ Designing individual routes for musically gifted children

- Help teachers and parents in the development of musically gifted children.

Administration of the preschool educational institution:

-​ Creation of a data bank “Gifted children of preschool educational institutions”

-​ Creation of a new tradition of a preschool educational institution - an annual festival of children's creativity.

- Introduction of a new form of work to develop the creative abilities of a gifted preschool child based on the individualization of education

- Improving the system of work for the successful development and support of gifted children, as their personality develops, by ensuring cooperation between preschool educational institutions, families and other social institutions

Project performance criteria:

1 Increase in % identification of gifted preschool children

2 Supplementing the system of working with gifted children with a new form of work

3 Diagnosis of the satisfaction of parents as customers of educational services.

4 Diagnosis of gifted children’s satisfaction with their activities and increasing the number of such children.

5 Increasing the number of children - participants and winners of various competitions at the level of preschool educational institutions, villages, and districts.

6 Creation of a database of creative growth of gifted preschool children in the village.

7 Increase in additional wages (incentive part or bonus payments) for teachers working with gifted children

8 Compilation of analytical materials for internal and external use.

Ways to confirm the effectiveness of the project:

Monitoring the number of children and families taking part in festivals

Videos and photographs of festivals

Master classes, pedagogical workshops, concerts, etc.

Evaluation of the festival portfolio presentation

Evaluation of the presentation of the portfolio of children participating in the festival

Awards received by festival participants at competitions at various levels.

Indicators of the quality of the festival:

1) High level of psychological comfort of the child.

2) Vivid expression of the individuality of the abilities of children (family)

3) Positive dynamics of personal growth of a preschooler.

Project implementation mechanism

Preparatory stage:

1 Creation of a regulatory framework - regulations on the festival (Appendix 1)

2 Development of financial support for the project

3 Development of marketing and PR services

4 Forecasting expected results.

5 Thinking through risks and compensation mechanisms.

6 Creation of a creative team to implement the project.

7 Development of an approximate list of material equipment for the festival.

8 Clarification of the field of problems associated with the experience of working with gifted children.

9 Adjustment of cards of psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children in order to ensure individualization of education.

10 Creating conditions for individual lessons and consultations with preschool specialists for gifted children and their family members

Working with parents:

-​ Analysis of the level of competence of parents in the field of identifying and developing children’s giftedness (questionnaires, interviews, conversations)

Information for parents:

— article in the newspaper of the preschool educational institution “Cooperation of preschool educational institution and family is the key to the successful development of children’s creative abilities”

Consultation “Development of creative abilities of children”

Memo “A few simple tips to help support a gifted child”

Round table for parents “Create always, create everywhere!”

(about family creativity)

— Exhibition of children's and family works "Little masterpieces"

- Discussions between teachers and parents"

- “Can parents be the engines of their children’s progress?

If so, how?"

— Forum for parents “Parents, share your experience!”

— A selection of links to children's creativity competitions taking place on the Internet.

— Replenishing the collections of “creative ideas and discoveries” from teachers and parents

Working with teachers:

Identification of existing positive experience in working with gifted children

Round table for teachers “Steps of development of a child - preschooler” - experience of tutor support for the development of gifted children.

— Formation of a database on methods and techniques for creating situations of success, developing children’s creative abilities in educational activities

— Development of growth charts and programs for individual work with gifted children (families).

Development of instructions on creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for supporting a child’s giftedness in the family.

Practical stage:

The format of the festival is full-time, in 2 rounds.

1 round – in each age group

2nd round - to the preschool educational institution

Round 3 – gala concert

The competition was held in two age categories -

Junior (2-5 years inclusive), senior (6-7 years inclusive)

In the following genres by nomination:

2. Dance

3. Literary reading

4. Artistic creativity

5. Family room

6. Our family's craft

Criteria for evaluation.

- stage culture;

- acting skills;

- musical arrangement;

- purity of intonation;

The final stage

— Monitoring the participation of gifted children and their families in the festival, the results of the level of development of children.

— Analysis of diagnostics of parental satisfaction in the implementation of the project

— Analysis of the results obtained and correlating them with the goals and objectives of the project.

— Design of the festival portfolio

— Design of the presentation “Meet our festival!”

— Newspaper articles:

Dispute club for teachers and parents “Pros and cons of our co-creation”

Presentation of festival winners and participants in competitions of various levels

— publication of an electronic manual from work experience “Methods of working with gifted children”

Development of project prospects

Project perspective

1 Conducting a festival of children's creativity among kindergartens in the village and district.

2 Holding a festival with online participation of children from preschool educational institutions of the republic.

3 Carrying out the festival “My Talented Family”.


1.​ Convention on the Rights of the Child (20.11.89)

2. Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”

3. Federal program “Children of Russia” (18.08.94)

4. Federal target program “Gifted Children”

5.​ “The working concept of giftedness”, Bogoyavlenskaya, 2003

7.​ S. Martynov “I want my child to be a child prodigy”, magazine “Preschool Education”, 8-94

8.​ E. Belova “Gifted Children”, magazine “Preschool Education”, 4-91

9.​ G. Burlyanskaya “Gifted Children”, M. 91

10.​ N. Leites “Is it easy to be gifted”, “The fate of child prodigies”, magazine “Family and School”, 6.12 – 90, “Age giftedness and individual differences” M. 97

11.​ Yu. Gilbukh “Attention: gifted children” M. 91

12.​ O. Dyachenko “Gifted Child” M. 97

13.​ Babaev, Leites “Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents” M. 2000

14.​ E. Belova “The giftedness of a child: to reveal, understand, support” M. 1998

15.​ A. Savenkov “Gifted children in kindergarten and school”, “Children’s giftedness: development through art” M. 2000

16.​ K. Tarasova “Ontogenesis of musical abilities”, “Diagnostics of musical talent in preschool children” M. 1998

17.​ B. Teplov “The problem of individual differences”, “Psychology of musical abilities” M. 1961

18.​,,,,,, www.dovosp .ru

Annex 1

Regulations on the festival of children's creativity "Spring Voices"

General provisions.

The annual festival of children's creativity "Spring Voices" is held with the support of the administration and teaching staff of the MBDOU "Snowdrop"

The purpose of the competition is to support children's creativity and develop the creative potential of children.


- education of patriotism;

— education of culture;

— education of ecological culture;

— formation of aesthetic taste;

— creating conditions for identifying active and gifted children with a view to further involving them in various projects and programs;

— nurturing in children a love of art and beauty;

— sociocultural adaptation of the modern child

Festival themes:

2012 – “My Family”

2013 – “Nature is our common home”

2014 – “Sport is great!” (dedicated to the Sochi Olympics)

Organizers of the Festival.

The administration of the MBDOU "Snowdrop" forms the Organizing Committee of the festival, which:

- Accepts and approves competition documentation;

- Develops and approves criteria for evaluating performances and works;

- Organizes coverage of the festival through the media;

- Notifies participants about decisions made;

- Organizes an award ceremony for the winners of the festival.

The Festival Organizing Committee forms the Festival jury. Its members include representatives of the Festival organizers, parents, and sponsors.

The Organizing Committee does not comment on the decisions of the Festival jury.

Place and time of the competition.

The competition is held annually in the village of Bichura, during Easter week. The festival is held in the following categories:

1. Vocals (singing solo, duets, ensembles)

2. Dance

3. Literary reading

4 Artistic creativity

5 Family room

6 Our family's craft


Children are invited to participate in the festival, regardless of belonging to any age group of the preschool educational institution "Podsnezhnik"

Age of participants:

Children from 2 to 7 years old.

Adults - no restrictions

The festival is held in two age groups:

Group 1 – from 2 to 5 years;

Group 2 - from 6 to 7 years;

Technical conditions and requirements for work.

Nomination “Artistic Creativity”. Works are accepted in any technique (gouache, watercolor, crayons, pencils, etc.) in a format of at least A-4, corresponding to the theme of the festival. In the 1st round, original works made at home are submitted to the festival jury. Authors whose works have passed the 1st round are admitted to the second round.

Nomination "Crafts for the whole family." Works are accepted in any technique (knitting, embroidery, sewing, dolls, soft toys, beads, modeling, origami, etc.) that correspond to the theme of the festival. In the 1st round, original works made at home are submitted to the festival jury. Authors whose works have passed the 1st round are admitted to the second round.

Nomination “performing skills” (vocals, dance, family number). The performances must correspond to the theme of the festival. The prepared performance is assessed by the jury using a 5-point system. The jury selects winners in the nomination for each age group and area

Criteria for evaluation.

When summing up the results in the “Artistic Creativity” and “Crafts for the Whole Family” nominations, preference will be given to works in which the theme of the festival will be revealed in a deep, original, imaginative, bright, artistic manner. The jury will also evaluate the accuracy and independence of the work performed in accordance with the age of the participants.

In the “performing skills” category, the jury evaluates the participants’ performance according to the main criteria:

- compliance of the works with the content of the festival, as well as the age and individual capabilities of the performers;

- stage culture;

- acting skills;

- musical arrangement;

- fluency in the material being performed, the degree of independence, emotional return of the participants;

- purity of intonation;

- the specificity and organic nature of the elements of choreography, instrumental accompaniment, aesthetics of costume and scenery.

Summing up and awarding the winners.

Based on the results of the festival in each nomination, first, second and third places are awarded for each age group.

The winners are awarded with certificates and gifts. All festival participants are awarded “Participant Diplomas” and memorable gifts.

Appendix 2


To participate in the festival of children's creativity

1. Nomination

2. Title of the issue or work (technique of execution)

3. Name of age group

4. Last name, first name and age of the participant (participants for the group number)

5. Last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher or full name of family members if they take part in the festival with the child)

6. Phone and e-mail for communication.



Director of MOU DPO (PK)S

"Training and Methodological Center"

N.F. Zaborskaya


about the festival-competition

children's creativity

"The most talented preschooler"

1. General Provisions

The city festival-competition of children's creativity "The Most Talented Preschooler" (hereinafter referred to as the competition) is held by the SPA "Education Committee" and the Municipal Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education (PK)S "Educational and Methodological Center" of the city of Serpukhov.

Target: identifying and supporting talented and creatively gifted children, developing the musical culture of children attending municipal preschool educational institutions.


  • Development and popularization of children's musical creativity.

  • Support and stimulation of creative activities of teachers and music directors of preschool educational institutions.

  • Exchange of creative experience and strengthening connections between preschool teachers and specialists from additional education institutions.

  • Attracting public attention to the problems of developing children's creativity at the stage of preschool education.


2. Conditions and terms of the competition

2.1.The competition is held 03/20/2012. Applications for participation are provided to the organizers before 20.02.2012 .

For the children's creativity competition, creative works are presented in 4 categories: vocals, choreography, literary and musical composition, ensemble (orchestra). The musical repertoire must be Russian-language or instrumental, and correspond to the age category of the participants. A preschool institution can nominate participants in no more than 2 categories. At the beginning of the speech, each participant presents his business card (in the form of a video or Power Point presentation, duration up to 2 minutes).

2.2. Nominations and age categories.

^ 1 nomination - vocals.

Number of participants – from 1 (solo) to 10 (ensemble). The duration of the speech is up to 3 minutes. Possible options: modern children's song, folk song (select 1). Participation by adults (no more than 2) is allowed, but not assessed.

Age categories:

  • ml. age (4-5 years);

  • Art. age (6-7 years)
Criteria for evaluation:

  • vocal abilities (skills) of the performer;

  • performance technique (purity of intonation and musical structure, mastery of a dynamic sound palette, etc.);

  • complexity of the repertoire and arrangement;

  • acting and stage culture;

  • artistic interpretation of a musical work;

  • creative individuality and originality;

  • techniques for creating an image (plastics, costume, props, multimedia accompaniment).
2nd nomination - choreography

  • Number of participants – from 2 to 10 (ensemble). The duration of the speech is up to 3 minutes. Possible options: classical dance, modern dance,
folk-stylized dance (select 1). Participation by adults (no more than 2) is allowed, but not assessed.

Age categories:

  • ml. age (4-5 years);

  • Art. age (6-7 years)
Criteria for evaluation:

  • compositional structure of the number;

  • movement technique and performance skills;

  • techniques for creating an image (plastics, costume, props, multimedia accompaniment);

  • combination of costume, music, choreography;

  • aesthetics of attributes and details

  • compliance of the repertoire with the age characteristics of the performers;

  • artistry, disclosure of artistic image
3rd category: recitation of a poem.

Number of participants - from 1 to 10. Duration of presentation - up to 3 minutes.

The complexity of the poem

Expressiveness of recitation

Storytelling culture (posture, hands, clear and precise speech)

Aesthetics of attributes and details

Creative work (drawing, acting, musical arrangement)

Techniques for creating an image (plastics, costume, props, multimedia accompaniment);

^ 4th nomination: orchestra.

Number of participants - up to 10. Duration of presentation - up to 3 minutes.

Criteria for evaluation:



Selection and complexity of the repertoire

Using different playing techniques

Techniques for creating an image (plastics, costume, props, multimedia accompaniment)

  • aesthetics of attributes and details

2.3. Requirements for phonograms and props:

1. Phonograms must be provided on CDs or flash drives.

2. Submission of phonograms is carried out 2 days before the start of the competition.

3. For the sound engineer, prepare a musical score, where to indicate: last name, participant number, name of the number, track number

4. The organizers of the competition provide participants only with a standard set of props, tables, chairs, and sound equipment necessary for dubbing the competition.

^ 3. Organization and procedure for the competition

To organize and conduct the competition, an organizing committee is created that:

  • forms and approves the competition jury;

  • develops a system for evaluating submitted numbers;

  • draws up a schedule of events;

  • determines the procedure, place and date of the competition;

  • attracts sponsors (state, public organizations, media) to provide special prizes for competition participants;

  • The jury has the right to make adjustments to the definition of age groups and nominations after the completion of applications. If there are not enough participants in the nomination, the performance takes place outside the competition program - within the framework of the festival program.

4. Summing up

All participants in the children's creativity competition are awarded participant diplomas. Winners (1) in each category are identified (if there are a sufficient number of participants).

All teachers who prepared the competition participants are awarded diplomas from the SPA “Education Committee” of Serpukhov.

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In recent years, the bodies and troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs have been performing service and combat missions in a difficult operational environment. Wherein...

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Russian State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein published photographs of the new “chief cook of the State Duma” on his Twitter. According to the deputy, in...

Home Welcome to the site, which aims to make you as healthy and beautiful as possible! Healthy lifestyle in...
The son of moral fighter Elena Mizulina lives and works in a country with gay marriages. Bloggers and activists called on Nikolai Mizulin...
Purpose of the study: With the help of literary and Internet sources, find out what crystals are, what science studies - crystallography. To know...
WHERE DOES PEOPLE'S LOVE FOR SALTY COME FROM? The widespread use of salt has its reasons. Firstly, the more salt you consume, the more you want...
The Ministry of Finance intends to submit a proposal to the government to expand the experiment on taxation of the self-employed to include regions with high...
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