Reduced number of platelets in the blood causes. What does a decrease in platelet levels in the blood lead to? Reasons for increased indicators

Platelets are small spherical blood plates that do not have nuclei. They perform a vital function in the body, namely they participate in blood clotting. Even minor environmental disturbances activate the red plates. While in a state of activation, they attach to each other and the site of damage, thus forming a blood clot, blocking the damage.

What is the role of red blood plates in the body

Platelets– Red blood cells are produced mainly by the bone marrow. Their special structure allows, if necessary, to be attached to each other due to the formed outgrowths (pseudopodia). When attached to fibrin threads, they release the enzyme thrombostenin, which provides compaction and twisting of the fibers.

When activated, they also release special components that are directly responsible for blood clotting. Platelets are distributed throughout the bloodstream and interact with blood vessels. Thus, at the moment of need, they are layered on top of each other, a blood clot is formed, which prevents blood loss, closing the damage.

Norm of indicators

The platelet count may change throughout the day. Over a specified period of time, their number can be increased or decreased by ten percent for completely natural reasons. Such fluctuations are considered normal and do not require any medical intervention. If few platelets are found in the blood, only a specialist can say exactly what this means.

The physiological norm of platelets in the blood is 180×10^9 per liter.

To determine the amount of red blood platinum, an analysis is performed, the results of which can suggest the presence of abnormalities in a particular person.

A lack of red blood cells is called thrombocytopenia. This condition leads to an increased risk of bleeding. A low platelet count in the blood can be congenital, in which case this process is called hemophilia. With this disease, a person’s blood clotting process is severely disrupted. Even minor damage to blood vessels can lead to serious consequences, such as blood loss and even death.

We can talk about thrombocytopenia when the platelet level does not exceed the lower limit, which is 150×10^9/l. A blood test can determine not only the number of cells, but also their age.

Platelets live on average 9 days. During this time they go through several age stages. Based on the results of the tests, it can be assumed that one of the causes of the disease is premature aging of platelets.

“Young” cells have a larger volume than “old” ones; based on these data, normal values ​​​​can be determined for people, men and women of different ages.

Low platelets in the blood, what does this mean? - An indicator below 7 indicates pathology.

The level of platelets depends on the time of year, so in the spring there are fewer of them. The time of day also has an impact; at night the indicators will be slightly lower than during the day.

A woman is characterized by a decrease in platelets during menstruation and pregnancy. These changes are physiological in nature. After childbirth, for example, platelet levels recover on their own.

Causes of decreased platelets in the blood

Thrombocytopenia is a disease that can be independent, or may be a manifestation of some pathological condition. Patients with low platelet levels require observation and detailed examination to rule out all possible diseases.

Low platelet levels in the blood, causes and consequences:

Thrombocytopenia often occurs during pregnancy, so the gynecologist regularly sends the woman to donate blood to monitor the level of red cells. Low platelets in the early stages can lead to miscarriage, and in later stages - to premature birth.

Thrombocytopenia increases the risk of heavy bleeding during labor.

Reduced platelets can cause gestosis, a condition in which vascular permeability increases. Fluid leaves the blood, swelling forms, the kidneys begin to work incorrectly, and blood pressure increases.

Symptoms of low platelets

Thrombocytopenia can be suspected if:

Most often, a slight decrease in platelet levels does not have any manifestation, which makes this condition undetected for a long time.

The danger of low platelets

The danger of a low platelet count in the blood is that this condition can provoke diseases of the spleen, liver, and cause the formation of blood clots. Increased stress can cause leukemia, a blood disease when blood clotting is impaired. As a result, even a minor wound can lead to heavy blood loss and even death.

During menstruation, the number of platelets in the blood decreases, which eliminates the risk of strokes and heart attacks and helps in the future to bear offspring. However, excessive bleeding is a reason to consult a specialist to find out the cause of this condition.

Treatment options for the disease

Each individual case requires detailed study. Ideally, the patient should be consulted by a hematologist (a specialist who deals with blood diseases).

If necessary, bone marrow examination should be performed. Only after identifying the exact reasons for the decrease in platelets can you begin to take any action.

To compensate for platelet deficiency, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the imbalance. Here it is necessary to act based on blood tests and the presence of a particular disease.

A decrease in platelet levels is not always critical and requires immediate hospitalization of the patient. Most often, such a deficiency can be replenished at home naturally.

It is very often possible to detect a decrease in platelets only after laboratory testing. The disease may not manifest itself in any way for a long period of time. However, once thrombocytopenia is diagnosed, monitoring by medical personnel is required. Treatment should begin after all causes have been clarified. When platelet levels are not critically low, they can be increased at home. But it is important to regularly donate blood for analysis, so that if something happens, you can track negative dynamics and take the necessary measures as quickly as possible.


There is probably not a single person on Earth who has not been scratched by something at least once in his life. At first, the damaged skin bleeds, and after a while the bleeding stops. The damaged area becomes inflamed, swells, and then the wound heals, and not a trace remains of the scratch. This is what happens to most people.

In some people, blood does not clot well, which can lead to various undesirable consequences. What is especially dangerous is not scratches and cuts with external blood loss, but internal bleeding that cannot be cauterized or stopped by applying a tampon. Why is this possible?

The reason for this sad phenomenon is that or adult in the blood.

What are platelets, and what to do if the platelet count leaves much to be desired?

This is what platelets (blood platelets) look like under a microscope


Platelets are blood cells generated by the bone marrow, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. Platelets stay in the blood from a week to a week and a half, after which they die in the spleen, liver and lungs.

Platelets are small in size, their diameter is 2-4 micrometers. They have either an oval or round shape. They do not have a nucleus, but platelets contain many granules (about 200) of different types. What functions does an adult, fully mature platelet perform in the body?

  1. The most important function is that platelets stop bleeding.
  2. They take part in fibrinolysis, which dissolves a blood clot.
  3. These cells can influence the permeability of capillaries and transport essential nutrients to them.
  4. Platelets, like white blood cells, are able to protect the body from bacteria.


The number of platelets in the blood is determined by a laboratory test. For this purpose, clinical blood tests are performed. The test results are studied by the attending physician and communicated to patients.

The normal range is considered to be from 200 thousand to 400 thousand units in one cubic millimeter of blood in an adult.

Doctors distinguish three degrees of platelet reduction depending on how much platelets are below normal.

  1. A mild form is present with the following indicators: in the patient’s blood, platelets are in the range of 50-150 thousand units per microliter.
  2. At the second stage of the disease (moderate), the platelet level ranges from 20 to 50 thousand units.
  3. The third degree is characterized by a further decrease in cells. At this stage very low platelet counts are recorded. Their number is below the critical threshold of 20 thousand.

Low platelets in the blood can be a primary blood disorder or mean that there are pathologies in the body that cause a decrease in platelets.

If a bruise forms after a slight blow, this means a decrease in the level of blood platelets


When the content of these cells in the blood decreases, symptoms characteristic of each stage are observed.

  1. At the first stage, a low platelet count does not give clear signs of the disease.
  2. In the second degree, low platelet levels in the blood show clear symptoms. Bleeding from the nose and hemorrhages in the oral mucosa occur, and the gums bleed. Indicators of the disease are bruises, although the nature of the injury does not imply such severe subcutaneous hemorrhage.
  3. At the third stage of the disease, when platelets have dropped to a critical level, symptoms appear that sound the alarm - profuse hemorrhages affect the skin and mucous membranes, nosebleeds often and heavily.

Low platelet count causes frequent nosebleeds

The third stage of the disease is dangerous because adults and children have no complaints of feeling unwell, although the degree of platelet reduction has reached critical levels, and the consequences can be severe, including cerebral hemorrhage.

What diseases reduce platelet levels in the blood?

Group 1

This group includes diseases of a genetic nature.

  1. Thrombocytopenia is caused by TAP syndrome, in which the growth and maturation of megakaryocytes is damaged, resulting in a lower than normal platelet count.
  2. Megakaryocytes suffer from a reduced ability to grow and develop in congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia. The result is identical - blood platelets fall in the blood.
  3. The number of cells is reduced with a simultaneous increase in them to gigantic sizes with the May-Hegglin anomaly.
  4. The number of blood platelets is reduced in Bernard-Soulier syndrome, when very large cells are formed, but they lack the ability to adhere to the inner walls of damaged vessels and communicate with each other.
  5. Thrombocytopenia cannot be avoided with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, when platelets are pathologically small. Due to their small size, they have defects in their structure, therefore they are functionally incapacitated and live for several hours.

Group 2

This group includes diseases in which the bone marrow does not produce the required number of blood cells. With these diseases, a sharp, critical decrease in platelets is often observed.

  1. Acute leukemia causes uncontrolled division of stem cells with the formation of their clones, which cannot perform the functions assigned by nature. Reproduction of clones results in a reduced number of normal hematopoietic cells, and due to their deficiency, a lack of the required number of blood cells is observed in the blood test.
  2. A similar process with consequences in the form of a reduced number of blood cells of all types is observed with aplastic anemia.
  3. Myelodysplastic syndrome results in an abnormal increase in the number of immature hematopoietic cells, which form equally dysfunctional blood cells. The result is reduced levels of platelets, leukocytes and red blood cells.
  4. With myelofibrosis, there is an increased proliferation of fibrous tissue, which gradually fills the entire bone marrow. In parallel, there is a process of reducing the production of blood cells.
  5. The cause of the deficiency may be cancer metastases. Because of them, the production of hematopoietic cells produced in the bone marrow decreases.

Autoimmune thrombocytopenia causes low platelets and multiple hemorrhages

Group 3

This group includes diseases in which the number of produced blood platelets decreases due to the fact that the body intensively destroys them.

  1. A low number of blood platelets is observed in autoimmune thrombocytopenia.
  2. Another cause of low platelets is Evans-Fisher syndrome, when the body begins to produce antibodies to normal blood cells, as a result of which they die and there is a shortage of them in the blood.
  3. A deficiency of these blood cells is sometimes observed in newborns. A decrease in the number of blood platelets is caused by the presence on the surface of the child’s blood platelets of antigens that are not on the mother’s platelets.

Group 4

This group includes pathologies of consumption and redistribution of blood platelets, causing their deficiency.

  • The first triggers the mechanism of platelet activation directly in the bloodstream, when there is no damage to the internal surfaces. The bone marrow responds to the increased consumption of blood platelets by increasing their production, which is fraught with thrombocytosis. The desire of the bone marrow to produce more and more platelets depletes it, reproductive capacity begins to decline, and a drop in platelet numbers becomes inevitable.

Splenomegaly is the cause of low levels of platelets in the blood
  • The second pathology occurs when up to 90% of platelets are deposited in the spleen due to increased size (splenomegaly), which means their content in the blood is reduced.

Group 5

In these cases, the reason for the low levels of platelet content should be sought in the negative impact of external factors.

Treatment boils down to the fact that, based on the research carried out, the causes of the lack of normal platelet counts are identified and eliminated.

  1. If the disease is at the first stage, although their content in the tests is reduced, it is not necessary to treat the patient with medications.
  2. In the second stage, with a serious decrease in platelets, drug treatment is necessary. The list of medications varies depending on the pathology that has reduced the number of blood platelets. Most often, treatment is carried out with the following drugs:
  • immunoglobulin;
  • prednisolone;
  • vincristine;
  • ethamsylate;
  • eltrombopag;
  • vitamin B12.
  1. If the level has dropped to 20 thousand per microliter and threatens to fall further, then a patient with such indicators is subject to mandatory hospitalization. The slightest shock is enough for the condition to become critical.

If the level of blood platelets drops below the acceptable level, and drug therapy is ineffective, blood transfusions and surgery are practiced.

Blood transfusion can cause serious complications and does not always lead to positive results, although it is necessary in some cases.

During surgery, an operation is performed to remove the spleen, since this organ is the main source of antibodies that destroy blood platelets. In most cases, platelets will return to normal after surgery.

In the absence of alternatives, when the low level is caused by severe damage to the bone marrow, a bone marrow transplant is used.

Looking at the blood test, you can make an initial judgment about possible diseases and abnormalities. The platelet level in the test is referred to as PLT.

What does the fact that PLT platelets are low mean, and how to fix it, will be discussed in this article.

Functions of platelets in the blood

Platelets are blood cells that resemble flat discs of varying diameters (0.002-0.004 mm). They are responsible for several functions in the body:

  1. Emergency closure of an open wound

Platelets are sometimes called the “first aid” of the blood. This name is due to their ability to quickly stop bleeding.

On the surface of platelets there are special complex compounds, due to which adhesion (sticking) of cells to each other and to the walls of blood vessels occurs. In addition, the composition of the surface of platelets includes biologically active substances that can participate in the process of blood clotting.

So, after receiving a cut in the human body, a mass of platelets is sent to the open wound, rapid division and reproduction of these cells begins, they stick to each other, forming a dense film that prevents blood loss.

  1. Nutrition and vasoconstriction

Platelets are involved in nourishing the walls of blood vessels, maintaining the functionality and structure of blood vessels.

  1. Transfer of serotonin, enzymes and other substances in the blood.
  2. Blood restoration
  3. Maintaining immunity
  4. Removal of killed viruses and body antigens.

Normal content

Norm of platelets (∙10 9) per liter of blood:

  • In adults: 180-350;
  • In children under one year: 100-420;
  • During pregnancy: 150-380;
  • During menstruation: 150-380.

During the day, platelet levels can fluctuate up to 10%. That is why it is customary to take tests in the morning on an empty stomach.

Reasons for low level

It is believed that a low level of platelets in the blood is an indicator below 100∙10 9 /l, despite the fact that the lower threshold in the above standards often does not coincide with this value.

A condition in the body in which platelets are lower than normal is called thrombocytopenia. Factors of thrombocytopenia can be divided into two groups:

  1. Infectious diseases.

These include

  • Herpes

Pimples that may appear on the lips, nose, and genital area.

  • ARVI, acute respiratory infections
  • Hepatitis of various groups
  • Mononucleosis

An acute viral disease that is transmitted through human saliva, blood and sweat glands.


Violation of the immune state of the body.

  • Autoimmune diseases

In them, body cells are mistaken for pathogens and destroyed as hostile (for example, lupus).

  • Oncological diseases
  • Gaucher disease

With this congenital pathology, organs that affect the normal functionality of platelets can be suppressed.

  • Taking certain medications

Blood thinners (such as Aspirin and Heparin) can cause low blood platelets.

  • Including blood thinning foods in your diet

Of course, this reason will have a slight effect on the decrease in platelets in the blood, but it also must be taken into account when making a diagnosis. Foods that thin the blood include lemon, garlic, cherries, ginger, onions, etc.

  1. Non-infectious causes
  • Pregnancy;
  • Period of menstruation;

At this time, the woman loses a significant amount of blood, which is what causes low platelets.

  • Avitaminosis;
  • Alcohol consumption;
  • Heavy metal intoxication;
  • Disruption of the spleen or even its removal.

In addition to the fact that when platelets in the blood decrease, blood viscosity decreases and it becomes more difficult to stop bleeding from an open wound, the real threat to life is the following: the vessels become more fragile, lose their elasticity and internal bleeding may occur.

How to increase platelets

First of all, you need to understand that a low number of platelets in the blood is not a disease itself, it is only a symptom that indicates to the patient and the doctor about some abnormality in the body. Therefore, before moving on to measures to increase platelets in the blood, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause, which can only be established after examination in a medical institution.

We can offer ways to combat low platelets in the blood, which can be followed simultaneously with the main treatment.


Normalization of nutrition can eliminate low platelets in the blood, if the deviation from the norm is not too great. Your diet should include iron, vitamins A and C.

Foods that increase platelets in the blood:

  • Berries (rose hips, raspberries, currants, etc.)
  • Vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, potatoes, beets, etc.)
  • Fruits (oranges, apples, persimmons, etc.)
  • Fish oil;
  • Almond;
  • Parsley, spinach;
  • Buckwheat.

Try to avoid salty pickled foods, spicy and smoked foods.

Quitting bad habits

Smoking and drinking alcohol thin the blood. Therefore, if you already have low platelets in your blood, this means that the risk of stroke and other complications in this case is high.

Strengthening the immune system

Since many causes of low platelets are associated with infectious diseases, we need a strong immune system to eliminate them as quickly as possible. In addition to nutrition, it can be enhanced with medications: echinacea tincture, a complex of vitamins, antiviral agents, etc.

Folk recipes

  1. nettle leaves

If you have this plant freely available, it will not be difficult for you to prepare a remedy for an adult whose platelets are low.

Squeeze 1 teaspoon of juice from nettle leaves. Add it to a glass of water or milk and drink it before meals.

If it is not possible to pick nettles from the ground, you can use dry plants that are sold in pharmacies. Pour 10 grams of dry leaves with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for about 3 minutes. Cool, strain and consume half a glass before meals.

  1. Sesame oil

Half an hour before meals you need to drink a tablespoon of oil. A full course of treatment requires about 2 liters of oil.

  1. Decoctions

Rosehip, chamomile and nettle will increase immunity, add missing microelements to the body and normalize low platelet levels in the blood.

Mix these plants fresh or dried, pour boiling water over them and leave to brew. This drink should be drunk half an hour before meals at least three times a day. To improve the taste and further recharge with vitamins, add lemon and honey to the broth.

So, if you find a low platelet count in your blood test, it is advisable to undergo an examination and consult a doctor. Timely identification of the cause of low platelets will increase the chances that you will quickly and effectively normalize all processes in the body.

Leave your questions, comments and advice about the topic of the article in the comments, share useful information with friends and family.

The normal platelet level is 150-400*10 9 /l. When these indicators decrease, the blood stops clotting normally, which leads to the development of complications. In this material we will tell you in more detail about the features of low platelets.

Platelets (PLT) are red blood cells that influence the rate of wound healing. The principle of operation of PLT: when bleeding occurs, platelets create a kind of plug (thrombus), which blocks the damage in the vessel wall, thereby stopping the bleeding.

The optimal PLT level is 150-400*10 9 /l. When platelets decrease below 150*10 9 /l, it develops thrombocytopenia, in which the blood loses its ability to clot.

Thrombocytopenia can be a separate disease or a symptom of various pathologies. Therefore, to find out the cause of such a deviation, the patient must take a general blood test and undergo an appropriate examination (on the recommendation of a doctor).

In most cases, there are 3 sections that are directly related to a decrease in platelets, namely:

  • Insufficient production of platelets by the bone marrow.
  • Accelerated platelet destruction.
  • Incorrect distribution of PLT in blood vessels.

How does it manifest?

With prolonged thrombocytopenia, bleeding problems arise, namely:

  1. Formation of bruises (with minor damage to the skin).
  2. Prolonged bleeding with minor injuries.
  3. Pinpoint hemorrhages in the form of a rash (hemorrhagic rash).
  4. Prolonged bleeding from minor cuts.
  5. Bleeding gums.
  6. Stable nosebleeds.
  7. The appearance of blood in urine and stool.
  1. Internal bleeding.
  2. Heavy menstruation.
  3. Damage to the eye capillaries.
  4. Subcutaneous hemorrhage - occurs with slight pressure.

Reasons for the decline

The first step in platelet rejection is to exclude physiological causes that are temporary, namely:

  • Menstruation.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Side effects after taking medications (antidepressants, hormones, antibiotics).
  • Poisoning of alcohol, heavy metals.
  • Surgical intervention.
  • Severe injuries.
  • Poor nutrition, including abuse of foods such as cherries, lemon, ginger, garlic or onions.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency (more common among men).

With a significant deviation of platelets, pathologies such as:

  1. Tuberculosis.
  2. Oncology, for example, leukemia.
  3. Hepatitis.
  4. HIV infections.
  5. Aplastic anemia.
  6. Cirrhosis.
  7. Rheumatoid arthritis.
  8. Herpes.
  9. ORZ, ARVI.
  10. Heart failure.
  11. Mononucleosis is a viral disease associated with damage to the nasopharynx, liver, spleen, and lymph nodes.
  12. DIC syndrome is a blood clotting disorder.
  13. Allergic reaction.
  14. Measles.
  15. Among pregnant women - prematurity of the fetus, blood group conflict between the child and the woman, asphyxia (oxygen starvation).

Features of decline among children

The platelet level directly depends on the patient's age. Thus, in newborns (up to 10 days) the PLT level is 100-400*10 9 /l, in children under one year old - 150-350 points, and in children from 1-18 years old - 180-320 * 10 9 /l. Read more about platelet standards among the younger generation.

Low levels of PLT among children are a common occurrence, because the child’s body is highly sensitive to many external factors. Thus, thrombocytopenia is established when levels are below 100*10 9 /l.

For example, immediately after birth, a child has a reduced platelet level, which is not a deviation. With normal fetal development, PLT levels are restored by the first year of life. At the same time, low platelet levels are most often recorded among premature babies (75%).

If the PLT is significantly abnormal, an older child (2-6 years old) may experience bleeding from the gums, nose, changes in the color of stool and urine, and prolonged bleeding from minor wounds. Thus, thrombocytopenia can develop in the following cases:

  • After vaccination.
  • Allergy.
  • The recovery period after a viral infection.
  • Anemia.
  • Poisoning.

Thus, several types of severity of reduced platelets can be distinguished, namely:

  1. Light – occurs at levels of 80–100*10 9 /l. In this case, there are no external signs of such a deviation.
  2. Moderate (60–80*10 9 /l) – minor cuts and scratches appear, in which the bleeding does not stop for a long time.
  3. Medium (30–60*10 9 /l) – medical intervention is required to stop bleeding.
  4. Severe (below 30*10 9 /l) - can be fatal.

Thrombocytopenia among women

The optimal PLT level among women is 180-320*10 9 /l. At the same time, women are more often susceptible to a slight decrease in platelets (up to 150 * 10 9 / l) than men for a number of reasons, for example, heavy menstruation, pregnancy.

To check PLT levels, a woman must undergo a complete blood count. The next step is a visit to a hematologist, who (if necessary) determines additional examination and prescribes appropriate treatment (read more in the next chapter).


A slight deviation of platelets (within 10%) during gestation may be associated with an unbalanced diet and individual characteristics of the body. So, the PLT norm is 150-400*10 9 /l.

But when PLT values ​​decrease below 100*10 9 /l, thrombocytopenia develops, which can lead to the following consequences:

  • Risk of bleeding during childbirth.
  • Miscarriage (at the beginning of the term).
  • Gestosis is a late toxicosis.
  • Premature birth.
  • Lethal outcome (with significant blood loss).
  • Internal bleeding.

Therefore, a pregnant woman must follow all doctor’s instructions and regularly take blood tests. So, to confirm thrombocytopenia, a woman needs:

  1. Take a general (repeated) blood test.
  2. Do a coagulogram (blood clotting test).
  3. Get tested for thrombophilia (a pathology in which blood clotting is impaired).
  4. Comply with other requirements of the doctor.

Important! After birth, platelet levels return to normal on their own.

What to do?

If thrombocytopenia is suspected, the patient must visit a hematologist, who may prescribe additional examination, for example: a blood test (repeated); bone marrow biopsy; coagulogram; antibody detection test; Ultrasound of the liver, spleen; MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the abdominal cavity.

Only after identifying the cause of such a decrease in platelets, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment, which may include both preventive measures (if there is a slight deviation in PLT) and drug (or other) treatment.


At an early stage of the disease, the patient should do the following:

  • Avoid physical activity (except for morning exercises).
  • Choose an office type of work.
  • Sleep at least 9 hours.
  • Work no more than 8 hours daily.
  • Change your diet in favor of the following foods: vegetables; fruits; eggs; green; fish; citrus; nuts; red meat; cheese; rose hip; buckwheat; legumes
  • It is worth excluding: pickles and pickled foods; smoked meats; spicy, fried foods; cold drinks; alcohol; smoking; sugar.
  • Do not take anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Aspirin, Analgin.
  • Take a blood test at least 2 times a year.
  • Take vitamin complexes (if necessary).
  • Drink at least 2 liters of plain water daily.


When PLT is significantly reduced, doctors may use the following treatments:

  1. The use of glucocorticosteroid hormones is suitable for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.
  2. Intravenous injections of immunoglobulin - antibodies that were obtained from blood plasma (a large number of donors).
  3. Transfusion of donor platelet mass is used in case of a significant decrease in platelets, as well as in the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome.
  4. Taking medications, for example, Sodecor, Thrombin, Prednisolone, Revolade, Vincristine, Dicinone.
  5. Splenectomy - removal of the spleen.
  6. Bone marrow transplant.

The average course of treatment is 1-7 months, depending on the severity of the disease. But sometimes treatment continues throughout life, for example, with chronic hepatitis, lupus erythematosus, and HIV infections.

You can learn more about low platelets in the following video:

In conclusion, it is worth saying that low platelet levels are characterized by mild symptoms. However, this factor does not affect the development of serious pathologies that can lead to death. Consequently, with a decrease in PLT, thrombocytopenia develops, which is discussed in this material.

  • white blood cells,
  • platelets.

Blood platelets (platelets)They are flat, round cells. They do not have nuclei, that is, they are fragments of cells.

Over one day, their level in the blood fluctuates within 10 percent.

If there are many of them, this is bad, and if there are few of them, this is also bad.

The norm should be somewhere from 150 to 450 thousand.

A decrease in the number of platelets in the blood is called THROMBOCYTOPENIA

The platelet count should not be allowed to decrease significantly, as this entails many problems.

Reduced platelet count in hercomposition is the cause of severe bleeding, as they are associated with blood clotting
Platelets are responsible for blood clotting, so if their number is below normal, then any cuts or wounds can lead to significant blood loss due to the inability to stop it. Therefore, we cannot turn a blind eye to this problem.

Low platelet counts meetmore often than elevated.

And this is the most common reason why a family doctor sends a patient to a hematologist for a consultation.

People come in very scared when they are told that there is something wrong with their blood test. However,platelets, slightly reduced, this is not a disaster and not a big problem. You should keep an eye on this, you should show it to a hematologist, but you should not be afraid of it.

When it happensa significant decrease in platelets, then bleeding is observed. Such people may have fewer than ten thousand platelets. This is a really difficult problem.

With a slight decrease or increase in the number of platelets, blood becomes neither thick nor liquid.

When the platelet count drops significantly below 50 thousand, this is a significant drop in which blood clotting becomes slower due to injury.

And at a very low level (less than 10 thousand),a person has a tendency to spontaneous bleeding without any reason, i.e. without trauma, bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract or brain may occur. Therefore sucha serious problem such as a very low platelet count,must be treated in a hospital as an acute condition.

People who go to the doctor and have a standard blood test done are suddenly told: “Your platelets have dropped dramatically.” For example, up to 120 thousand.

Why might this happen?

There are three big reasons:

First. We all know that blood cells are all produced in a factory in the bone marrow. Sometimes, for some reason,their sufficient production by the bone marrow is impaired.This is usually associated with a decrease in hemoglobin and leukocytes.

Second. IN bone marrowmore platelets are produced than needed, but when they are released into the peripheral blood, something suddenly destroys them.

This is, as a rule, a large group of patients and we are talkingabout a disorder of the immune system.Our immune system produces antibodies specifically to these platelets, they sit on them when they pass through the sinusoids of the spleen, which is considered a platelet graveyard, and there they are destroyed.

Third. And the last big group isa group of people who suffer from liver disease or primary hematological diseases.

In such patientsvery large spleen,and there the platelets seem to end up in a large warehouse. They go there and never leave.

In all of these cases, patients require treatment if the platelet count drops below 30 thousand.And today there is a wide range of drugs, including new drugs, and low platelet levels are treatable

The cause of low platelet levels depends on the person’s disease, so for each caseneeds to be approached individually.But it is possible to increase the platelet count in the blood without resorting to medications.

What you should do:

  • Eliminate temporary factors.Sometimes platelet levels may decrease not due to illness. For example, this situation could resulttaking certain medications (Aspirin, Ibuprofen),so before you panic, carefully read the side effects of all the medications you take. Also, in women, platelet levels decrease during menstruation, so to make sure that this is a temporary phenomenon, have a repeat blood test after the end.
  • Contact a hematologist.It will help identify the reason why platelets are low and, if necessary, prescribe a timely course of treatment.
  • Get a full medical examination.After all, many dangerous diseases entail a decrease in platelets. This could be anemia, leukemia, or cancer. Naturally, the number of platelets may decrease for other reasons, because everyone knows that any disease affects the composition of the blood.
  • Go on a diet. It should be rich in foods containing large amounts of iron (liver, buckwheat, walnuts, red meat, beets, pomegranate, persimmons and green apples).
  • Review your daily routine.If your platelet count is low, you need to get enough rest. Make sure you don't get overtired from physical activity and go to bed on time.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle.Bad habits such as alcohol abuse and smoking will only make the situation worse, so you need to get rid of them. Include physical exercise in your daily routine, which will strengthen the body's defenses rather than tire it.
  • Do not self-medicate.A decrease in platelets can be a sign of many diseases: from dysfunction of the thyroid gland and liver to infectious and autoimmune diseases, as well as anemia. Therefore, in order not to worsen the situation, you need to consult a doctor.

You can increase platelets in the blood using many folk remedies.

field horsetail.
  • Absorb the honey m slowly so that it is better absorbed. The required course is 21 days, 100 grams of honey daily.
  • Prepare herbal infusions.A decoction of yarrow, horsetail, burnet, galangal roots, plantain and mint increases the number of platelets in the blood.
  • Eat a lot of hazelnuts.It is advisable that you go into the forest yourself and collect them, because they will retain their healing qualities only if you eat them immediately after breaking the shell.
  • Eat more fiber.These are vegetables and fruits. Beetroot pulp is especially useful. To do this, take a small beet, grate it, add a little honey and eat. This dish tastes normal, so you can eat it almost every day.
  • Drink birch sap. It promotes the rapid production of platelets.
  • In the summer, dry the knotweed.If this is not possible, buy the herb at the pharmacy. Pour hot water over a tablespoon of dry herb. Leave in the refrigerator for 3 days. After this, take the infusion one tablespoon once a day before meals.

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