The concept of worldview, its levels and structure. Historical types of outlook. Worldview: definition, levels and forms

outlook Structure Worldview object- the world as a whole. The subject of the worldview Levelsattitude worldview understanding of the world Historical types Mythology Religion - Philosophy-

Comparative analysis of philosophy, mythology, religion, science.

Philosophy(from Greek - love of truth, wisdom) - the doctrine of the general principles of being and knowledge, the relationship of man to the world, the science of the universal laws of the development of nature, society and thinking. Philosophy develops a generalized system of views on the world, the place of man in it; it explores cognitive values, socio-political, moral and aesthetic attitude of man to the world. Specific features of philosophy: 1. rationality; 2. free thinking; 3. criticality; 4. openness to dialogue; 5. different directions, currents; 6. special specific language (concepts and terms). Mythology is a fantastic, illusory reflection of the world in myths, tales, legends. Specific features of mythology: 1. humanization, animation of the outside world, because ancient man did not know how to distinguish himself from this world, he endowed this world with his own features and characteristics; 2. the foundations of the mythological worldview are attitude and worldview - they have a pronounced emotional character; 3. emotional-sensual form of reflection (what I see, I reflect); 4. Syncretism - (inseparability) everything is mixed: both pure views and scientific knowledge, and everyday knowledge. Religion - it is a fantastic, illusory reflection of the world, based on the belief in the supernatural powers of the gods. Features of the religious worldview: 1. division of the world into 2 realities - the world of supernatural deities and the earthly, natural world; 2. human confidence in the existence of the supernatural world and connection with it; 3. religious. worldview is formed in close unity with other forms of comprehension of the world (politics, law, art, morality); 4. the religious world is created by a certain group of people (priests); 5. religious. the world is one of the elements of the structure of religion. The relationship between Philosophy and the private sciences was contradictory. The particular sciences were engaged in research, while the general theoretical questions of these sciences were dealt with by Philosophy. modern science is an extremely ramified system of knowledge. All the known phenomena of the world were in the "private" possession of one or another special. science. Philosophy clearly defined itself in the system of scientific knowledge. Not a single private science studies the regularities common to natural phenomena, the development of society and human cognition, these regularities are the subject of Philosophy. Philosophy brings together the results of research in all fields of knowledge. Philosophy as a theoretical form of consciousness that rationally substantiates its principles differs from the mythological and religious forms of worldview, which are based on faith and reflect reality in a fantastic form. Philosophy, unlike other forms of knowledge, has its own special object of studyworld at large .

The subject and main sections of philosophy. Functions of philosophy.

Subject of Philosophy changed historically in close connection with the development of society, all aspects of its spiritual life, including the development of science and philosophical knowledge itself. Philosophy originated at the dawn of civilization in India, China, Egypt, but reached its classical form in Dr. Greece. First, the philosophers of the ancient world sought to discover a single source of natural phenomena. Naturphilosophy was the first historical form of philosophical thinking. With the accumulation of particular scientific knowledge, the process of separating mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and other sciences began. Various philosophical theories and currents arose. The main sections of philosophy : ontology - the doctrine of being, epistemology - the doctrine of the knowledge of the world, logic - the science of the forms of correct thinking, philosophical anthropology - the philosophy of the study of man, dialectics - the doctrine of development and universal connections, social philosophy - the science of society, axiology - the doctrine of values. Functions of Philosophy: 1. worldview; 2. epistemological (cognitive); 3. methodological; 4. humanistic; 5. praxeological (transformative); 6. predictive.

Features and stages of development of ancient philosophy.

Arose in the 6th century. BC. in a civilized society, in Miletus. Stages of development of ancient philosophy philosophy replaced mythology; paganism was replaced by world religions (Buddhism); science appeared as a set of theoretical knowledge about the world; the modern personality type emerges. Features of ancient philosophy: 1. ancient Greek philosophy was genetically and problematically connected with mythology (myths were used only as a means of expressing thoughts); 2. ancient Greek f. unlike the eastern, it was more connected with science, and not with religion; 3. f. appeared due to the emergence of inquisitive people who looked at the world around them and were surprised by it; 4. other Greek philosophers tried to explain the essence of the world, the process of emergence from the chaos of a harmonious cosmos; 5. constant striving f. to the truth, obtaining objective historical knowledge about the world; 6. other Greek f. represented by a variety of trends, trends, schools. With the accumulation of private scientific knowledge, special. methods of research began the process of highlighting mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and other sciences.

Natural philosophy of antiquity.

During the VI-V centuries. BC. in Greece there was a rapid flowering of culture and philosophy. Representatives of the Milesian school: Thales- was the first to formulate the question: “what is everything”, “what is the fundamental principle”. Everything came from some kind of moist primordial matter or water. The earth is a flat disk floating on the surface of water. Water and all the things that come from it are not dead. The universe is full of gods, everything is animated. Examples - a magnet and amber can set other things in motion - they have a soul. All knowledge must be reduced to one basis - sensible appearance, Anaximander- the primary source is a kind of primary substance apeiron from which the opposites of warm and cold are separated, giving rise to all things. Apeiron has no boundaries, it is boundless. The earth is a cylinder. Everything separated from the infinite must return to it. Therefore, worlds arise and are destroyed. The sensory world is only a manifestation of the real world, therefore it is necessary to go beyond the limits of direct observation. Anaximenes- the primary substance is air. All substances are obtained by condensation and rarefaction of air. Air is the breath that embraces the whole world. The earth is a disk supported by air. The soul also consists of air. Air has the property of infinity. Having wondered where everything comes from and what it turns into, they looked for the beginning of the origin and change of all things. It was believed that there is a primary substance - living as a whole and in parts, endowed with soul and movement. Engaged in various practical activities. Naturphilosophy was the first historical form of philosophical thinking. In the 5th century BC e. Miletus lost its independence (in the power of the Persians) and the development of philosophy stopped here. School of Ephesus: HERACLITOUS- the beginning of the whole world is fire. Cosmos is one, everything that exists is not created by anyone and is a living fire, it lights up and goes out. Fire turns into water - the seed of the universe, water turns into earth and air; and back. The soul is a fiery breath - the basis of life. The first distinguished between sensory and rational cognition. Truth is comprehended by the mind, which cognizes the essence (logos) of the world, being beyond the threshold of feelings. Cognition begins with feelings, but they must be processed by the mind. Education and the concept are merged together, since feelings and rational knowledge are united. There is unity in the world as a result of the combination of opposites. The struggle of opposites is natural, because it is the source of the creation of the world. Opposites unite and harmony is established. Heraclitus develops dialectical views. “Everything flows, everything changes”, “you cannot step into the same river twice”, everything is born due to the death of something. This is a spontaneous dialectic, where the cosmos is considered as a whole and is in constant motion and change. Atomist School: representatives: Leucippus and Democritus. In their opinion, the fundamental principle of the world is invisible, indivisible. But the intelligible particles are atoms. The atomistic theory of the structure of the world occupies a dominant position in f. and physics until the end of the 19th century.

Philosophical teachings of Kant.

The founder of classical German idealism, who revived the ideas of dialectics, was I. Kant (1724 - 1804). It was with Kant that the philosophy of modern times began. The concept of the origin of the solar system from a giant gas nebula, developed by him, is still one of the fundamental scientific ideas in astronomy. With his natural science works, Kant made an attempt to apply the principles of modern natural science not only to the structure of the universe, but also to the history of its origin and development. He put forward the idea of ​​the distribution of animals, in order of their possible origin, as well as the idea of ​​​​the natural origin of human races. Kant believed that the solution of such problems of philosophy as the problems of being, morality and religion should be preceded by an investigation of the possibilities of human knowledge and the establishment of its boundaries. The necessary conditions for cognition are, according to Kant, in the mind itself and form the basis of knowledge. Kant distinguished between the phenomena of things perceived by man and things as they exist in themselves. We cognize the world not as it really is, but only as it appears to us. We have access only to the phenomena of things (phenomena) that make up the content of our experience. The world of phenomena corresponds to the essence of things independent of human consciousness - “things in themselves”. Absolute knowledge of them is impossible. Kant did not share the boundless faith in the powers of the human mind, calling this faith dogmatism. In the fundamental limitations of human knowledge, he saw a certain moral meaning: if a person were endowed with absolute knowledge, then for him there would be neither risk nor struggle in the performance of moral duty. Kant was convinced that the ideas of space and time are known to man before perception. Space and time are ideal, not real. In his doctrine of cognition, Kant gave a great place to dialectics: contradiction was considered as a necessary moment of cognition. In an effort to reconcile science and religion, he said that he had to limit the field of knowledge in order to make room for faith.

Philosophy of Marxism.

The philosophy of K. Marx is called dialectical and historical materialism. Dialectical materialism also included a materialistic understanding of the historical development of human society. K. Marx showed that only in their unity did dialectics and materialism become philosophical concepts covering all spheres of the nature of society and human consciousness. Marx believed that philosophers explained the world in various ways, but the point is to change it. This position can be considered the main one in Marxism. You need to change the world with the help of theory, but not one. It is not individuals who can change, but only the masses, the working people. Marxism enters the field of social life, affecting the fate of millions of people and even of all mankind. Marx was not satisfied with the improvements in social life. He believed in the power of its revolutionary qualitative transformation. Before Marx, philosophers made plans for the social improvement of the world. The former reformers saw the root cause and fundamental principle of social life in the restructuring, re-education of human consciousness. Marx's philosophical outlook is characterized by an understanding of human activity. Radical restructuring in the interpretation of its nature is carried out in the course of consideration of questions about the subject and object of social development. Marx calls the relationship of man as a subject to nature as an object labor and considers it to be the foundation of all culture-forming activity. Nature for Marx is not only the conditions of life and the house in which a person lives, nature is also a person himself, his own body. Marx affirms the naturalness of man. The analysis of capitalist production becomes the basis for constructing a philosophy for M. M. seeks to foresee further evolution. And he saw the self-destruction of capitalism. The main provisions of Marx's theory: 1. The antagonism between labor and capital determines the entire historical progress, the division into five formations based on the relationship between the productive forces and production relations. 2. the mechanism of transition from one formation to another - the contradiction between the productive forces and production relations. 3. The theory of surplus value: there is time required for the production of goods, it is paid to the worker in the form of wages. And there is time that is not paid, then profit is created. Thus, surplus value is the time when profit is created. To increase profits, it is necessary either to increase working hours, or to use low-paid labor. This can only be avoided through technological progress. Marx's concept is sociological. M. Considers the place of a person in society and tries to find out when and under what conditions a person realizes himself as an integrity. Each person is a citizen, he is connected with the state and through this connection he realizes the beginning of his universality. In general, a person does not participate in universality for most of his life. He is closed within his professional environment. Marx saw two ways out of this situation: either polytechnic education, or the humanization of labor in order to overcome the alienation of man from his labor. In general, Marx's theory confirms the desire of philosophy for practicality.

Philosophy of positivism.

Positivism - a philosophical trend that asserts that only individual specific (empirical) sciences can be a source of genuine, “positive” (positive) knowledge, and philosophy, as a special science, cannot claim to be an independent study of reality. Stage I: 40s 19th century – before the first M.V. Representatives: Auguste Comte, Spencer. II stage : empirio-criticism - Er Mach and Richard Avenarius. Neopositivism : 20s - 60s - Carnap, L. Wittgenstein, Karl Popper - "The Open Society and Its Enemies". The founder of this direction is Auguste Comte. Positive philosophy, according to O. Comte, can become the only basis for social organization, thanks to which the crisis that has been experienced by civilized nations for so long will end. It is mental anarchy that is the basis of the political and moral crisis of modern societies. So long as individual minds do not unanimously accept a certain number of ideas capable of forming a common social doctrine, the peoples will remain in a revolutionary state that allows only temporary institutions. The purpose of positivism- to produce "the union of minds in a single communion of principles" and through this to deliver "a solid foundation for social reorganization and for the normal order of things." According to Comte, a view of the general mental development of mankind (positivism) indicates that there is a basic historical law: each of our main concepts, each branch of our knowledge passes successively through three different theoretical states: the theological state, or the state of fiction; a metaphysical or abstract state; scientific state, or positive. For positivism, there are no other sciences than natural science, which studies the phenomena of the external world. The essence of positivism: this is the reality of the development of philosophical thought. Positivist aspirations are trying to strengthen the reliance on the achievements of science. Weak side of positivism: denies almost all the previous development of philosophy and essentially insists on the identity of philosophy and science, and this is unproductive. Philosophy is an independent field of knowledge, based on the entire array of culture, including natural science, social sciences, art, and the everyday experience of mankind.

Consciousness as a system.

Consciousness is a systemic phenomenon. It is a complex combination of knowledge, goals, motives, values, beliefs, emotions and feelings of a person. Two areas are distinguished in the structure of consciousness: the area of ​​the unconscious and the area of ​​consciousness proper. The unconscious is the largest part of the human psyche in terms of volume, including the unconscious without the use of special. methods motives, mechanisms and programs of activity and behavior of people. The unconscious became the subject of research by the representatives of psychoanalysis - Z. Freud, K. Jung, E. Fromm. This area is responsible for conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, character, feelings. The temperament of the individual. It contains the foundations of intuition, which is fully realized already at the level of rational thinking inherent in the individual. The development of stable social reactions - archetypes and mentality - is closely connected with this sector of consciousness. Sometimes this area or some part of it is called the subconscious. Consciousness itself is the area that is responsible for the thinking of a person, his intellect and memory. Consciousness itself, thanks to the rational-logical basis, acts as a regulator of the unconscious area. Depending on the carrier of consciousness, individual and social consciousness are distinguished. The forms of social consciousness are mythology, religion, art, science, morality, law. They are formed historically and in content reflect the specific features of a particular social system. Functions of consciousness: information and cognitive: thanks to the consciousness of people. develops knowledge about the connections and patterns of the objective world; regulatory: consciousness regulates and controls the emotional sphere, social relations, value bases of activity; communicative: communities of people consciously develop and consolidate norms, rules and forms of communication.

Worldview: essence, levels, structure, historical types, history. character

outlook- a system of generalized feelings, intuitive ideas about the world around and a person's place in it, on a person's relationship to the world. Structure worldview - components: cognitive, value-normative, moral-role and practical. The content of the worldview: a variety of knowledge about the world; principles; ideas; beliefs (confidence in the correctness of their views); ideals (goals for a cat. A person strives); values ​​(ideas that matter to a person: goodness, kindness, collectivism, honor, the meaning of life, dignity, love, etc.); behavior programs. Worldview object- the world as a whole. The subject of the worldview- the relationship between the natural world and the human world. Worldview is impossible without a body of knowledge about nature, society, and man. Worldview is formed under the influence of social conditions, upbringing, education. Actions and deeds are the measure of a person's worldview maturity. Levelsattitude as the emotional and psychological side of the worldview (the world cannot be considered as a body of knowledge about the world); worldview, as a set of cognitive education, arose in the process of direct reflection of the world with the help of the senses; understanding of the world- the intellectual-rational side of the worldview (it arose thanks to the abstract mind - we are able to delve into the meaning of already existing knowledge). Historical types worldviews: mythology, religion and philosophy. Mythology is a fantastic, illusory reflection of the world in myths, tales, legends. Religion - it is a fantastic, illusory reflection of the world, based on the belief in the supernatural powers of the gods. Philosophy- love of wisdom, the doctrine of the universal principles of being and knowledge of the world.

To understand any phenomenon, it is necessary to decompose it into parts. The complexity of such an analysis of the worldview is due to the fact that despite the common features for all people, it always has its own shade for everyone. In order to take into account such complexity and versatility, it is customary to single out not only the components of the worldview, but also its levels and forms.

Worldview Components. In the structure of the worldview, according to prof. A.A. Radugin traditionally distinguishes four main components:

- cognitive component includes, first of all, knowledge obtained in a variety of ways - everyday, professional, scientific. This is a concrete-scientific and universal picture of the world, which includes individual and social knowledge in a systematized and generalized form.

- Value-normative component based on different values, ideals, beliefs. It also includes beliefs and norms that are designed to regulate interpersonal and social relations. Values ​​are used to designate the properties of an object and phenomenon to satisfy the needs and desires of people. The value system includes ideas about the meaning of life, happiness and unhappiness, good and evil. There is a certain hierarchy of values. The consequence of a stable, repetitive assessment by a person of his relations with other people are social norms, which are divided into moral, religious, legal. Compared to values, they have more prohibitive properties.

- Emotional-volitional component represents the emotional coloring of values, beliefs, beliefs, as well as the psychological attitude to the willingness to act in accordance with them.

- Practical Component it is the real willingness of a person to act, to act in a certain way in specific circumstances.

Despite the fact that all people have these components, they are consistent each time, depending on a particular person, which gives rise to special, unique individual traits.

In various forms of worldview, the emotional and intellectual experience of people - feelings and reason - are presented in different ways. The emotional-psychological basis of the worldview is called the worldview (or worldview, if visual representations are used), while its cognitive-intellectual side is characterized as the worldview.

Alignment levels. Depending on the depth of knowledge, intellectual strength and the logical sequence of arguments in the worldview, there are also differences vital practical and intellectual-speculative (theoretical) levels comprehension. Everyday, everyday worldview, as a rule, develops spontaneously, does not differ in deep thoughtfulness, validity. That is why logic is not always maintained at this level, sometimes it does not "make ends meet", emotions in critical situations can be more convincing than reason, revealing a lack of common sense. However, it is everyday life that is the basis on the basis of which we can generally understand anything in the world and analyze it with the help of theoretical models. This level of worldview is based on traditions, customs, which cannot always be rationally comprehended. These problems are overcome at a different, higher level of outlook - theoretical, which is formed in the course of systematic training and self-education. It includes theoretically substantiated and logically correct knowledge, generalized in the form of proven patterns, as well as relatively unbiased assessments of ongoing natural phenomena and social life.

Forms of worldview. The life of people in society has a historical character. In the worldview of a particular time, its general intellectual, psychological mood, the "spirit" of the era, country, and certain social forces find expression. However, in reality, beliefs, norms of life, ideals are formed in the experience, consciousness of specific people. And this means that in addition to the typical views that determine the life of the whole society, the worldview of each era lives, acts in a variety of group and individual variants. This allows us to single out the social, group and individual as specific forms of worldview.

What is a worldview? Even the definition here is far from simple and unambiguous. Most often, a worldview is a system of views (representations) of a person about himself, the world around him and his own place in it. To understand the term, you need to understand what exactly social scientists invest in the "belief system". These are important components of the worldview, the latter consists of self-consciousness, ideas about the world around and the established relationship.

The basic worldview is considered to be ordinary. Not everyone is aware of the role it plays in a person's life. We are talking about ideas and moral values ​​formed in the process of life, on the basis of experience, instincts and critical analysis of the experience. But the ordinary worldview is not specially worked out. It appears by itself, as a natural result of mental activity. It should be noted that the ordinary worldview is the level at which the majority of humanity is located.

There is also a professional outlook. It is usually viewed as the next level. It is formed in people in connection with the specifics of their professional activities, hence the name. Here, the functions of the worldview often have an educational character. Scientist, artist, politician and many others are trying to convey their views on life. If an ordinary worldview is formed by chance, then here we are talking about the processing of a very peculiar experience, received largely due to one's own choice.

The theoretical level involves the free operation of a number of concepts. In this case, the worldview, its essence and structure are analyzed by the individual himself, generalized and transformed (if necessary). A person consciously agrees with philosophers or creates his own trend. It must be said that in history there were not so many of those who achieved such an understanding of themselves, the world and the processes taking place in it.

Worldview classification

Speaking about what a worldview is, one cannot but touch upon the issue of division into types. Some of them overlap with the levels. But there are some differences here as well. So, the types of worldview:

1. Worldly

In this case, the very question of what a worldview is, as a rule, is not given special importance. A person uses those ideas that have been formed by relatives, close ones, those around him, and by himself thanks to the experience gained. He rarely thinks about the meaning of certain attitudes.

2. The mythological worldview is vague

In this variety, the subjective and the objective are closely intertwined. Myth is central. It determines how to live, what exactly needs to be done. At the same time, the level of criticism is low, people do not reflect on what meaning is hidden in traditions, rituals, etc. They just follow them.

3. Religious worldview

This is one of the most stable, influencing the minds of entire peoples for a long time. It is based on belief in the supernatural, here the role of worldview in a person's life becomes dominant. It is faith that determines actions, often affects character. In addition, the religious worldview is the most aggressive of all. It resists criticism, does not allow to seriously consider the postulates of other worldviews. What explains the amazing vitality for such a long time.

It is worth noting that the religious worldview gave rise, in turn, to branches. But its types and forms are in any case based on belief in the supernatural. A vivid example is the metaphysical worldview as a system of views, where the central place is, again, the belief in the immutability of things, nature and everything that is generated by the Creator. However, the subtypes of this category are united by the fact that here not only they do not think about what meaning certain statements have, but often one cannot argue about this. Rather, it is possible, but only in a certain context.

4. Scientific outlook

This is one of the most popular in the present. Here it is important to understand what meaning is inherent in the world around us, what this or that phenomenon means. Any mythology is completely absent here. Everything is as accurate, reasoned and concretized as possible. The scientific worldview is constantly evolving, replenished with new knowledge, more and more fully reflects the world around. But at the same time, the approach does not change.

5. Philosophical

Social science considers this variety as one of the highest manifestations of mental activity. Here the individual often theorizes, he thinks about how the worldview and life values ​​\u200b\u200bare related, what is the meaning of certain concepts, what forms knowledge can take. The species itself is based on facts, and scientists demonstrate the same approach. But the scientific worldview does not solve new existential problems. Besides, it has little to do with the so-called eternal questions.

Philosophy is actively interested in them. In it, one can partly see a mythological worldview, especially in relation to the indefinite, to the fact that it is allowed and included in the system of values. The religious worldview also left its mark, for example, with regard to moral values. But in general, a broad approach combined with criticality is considered to be dominant here. It is not for nothing that a systematically rationalized worldview is called philosophy.

6. Humanistic

While the religious worldview puts God at the center, the main thing here is the person himself, human capabilities, character, ability to create and develop. Compared with other approaches to the formation of views about oneself and the world around, the scientific worldview is more focused on the laws (regularities) of the world around, on knowledge, identification and research. A person here cannot claim a special role, in contrast to the humanistic one.

It should be noted that the main types of worldview are quite strictly classified in science (within the framework of the social science layer of knowledge, for example). But in everyday life, in the mind of one person, the features of the religious worldview can be closely intertwined with the humanistic or even scientific, just on different issues. In addition, people tend to change their views. And if earlier in the judgments of the same person the features of the mythological worldview were observed, then later they can be replaced by theoretical ones.

Historical forms of worldview

Traditionally, the mythological worldview appeared first. It was intended to explain the nature of things, phenomena that raised questions. At the stage under discussion, people did not ask difficult questions, did not talk about what “worldview types of worldview” are, for example. Not everyone realized that they have a value system.

The second was the religious worldview, which turned out to be much more structured. It not only gave an idea, but also allowed us to develop ethics, set limits. The ideological function of religion, again, was not always realized and studied. Many simply obeyed the dogmas.

However, the worldview and its types of form - all this is constantly evolving. Gradually, religion ceased to satisfy society. A science appeared that favorably distinguished itself by its progressive approach, striving for accuracy and new knowledge, which was declared a value here. The opposite of this direction was the reactionary worldview, which dominates everything old, stable, established.

When studying this topic, it is worth noting that the concept of a worldview and the structure of a worldview are still being studied by philosophers. Modern theories are considered the most controversial because they have not stood the test of time. But if you want to get acquainted with such issues in more depth, it will be enough to search for information on the query "worldview, its structure and historical types." Modern phenomena are also considered in the context of development and prospects.

Worldview - a holistic system of views on the world around, the place of a person in it, on the attitude of people. to the world, to oneself and to other people, which is the guiding thread in the development of certain beliefs. This is a system of not always conscious basic life attitudes of a person, a certain social. groups and societies, their beliefs, ideals, value orientations, social political, moral, ethical and religious principles of knowledge and evaluation. M is the core, the core of the consciousness and self-consciousness of the individual. Subject M. - personality, social. group and society as a whole. Everyone has it. But its level, its content, form, etc. different. M. is historically specific, since it grows on the soil of the culture of its time and, along with it, undergoes serious changes. Secondly, society in every era is socially heterogeneous, it is divided into different groups and communities with their own interests. In addition, people themselves differ not only in their place in society, but also in their development, their aspirations, and so on. In other words, the worldview of each era is realized in a variety of group and individual variants.

If we approach historically, we can distinguish three types of worldview: mythological, religious, philosophical.

Myth, as a special form of consciousness and worldview, was a kind of fusion of knowledge, albeit very limited, of religious beliefs and various types of art.

Religion is a form of worldview in which the development of the world is carried out through its doubling into earthly, natural and otherworldly, supernatural, heavenly. At the same time, unlike science, which also creates its second world in the form of a scientific picture of nature, the second world of religion is based not on knowledge, but on faith in supernatural forces and their dominant role in the world, in people's lives. The reason for religion is the dependence of people on natural, natural and social forces beyond their control. It acts as an illusory replenishment of a person's weakness in front of them. Religion once played a positive role as a means of social regulation, the formation of awareness of the unity of the human race, universal values.

In contrast to religion, with its emphasis on faith, philosophy has always relied on knowledge and reason. Already the first step of philosophy consisted in the search for the unity in everything, in the search for the fundamental principle of the world not outside of it, but in itself.

There are two levels of worldview: life-everyday and theoretical. The first is formed spontaneously, in the process of everyday life. This is the worldview of the broad strata of society. This level of outlook is distinguished by: 1) lack of breadth; 2) a kind of interweaving of sober positions and attitudes with primitive, mystical, philistine ideas and prejudices; 3) a great emotional burden. The theoretical level is the philosophical level of the worldview, when a person approaches the world from the standpoint of reason, acts based on logic, substantiating his conclusions and statements.

M. as a system includes a number of components. First of all, this knowledge is the basis of M. They constituted. the information side of M. Any knowledge forms a worldview. frame. The largest role in the formation F. belongs to this frame, since F. arose and formed as an answer to the worldview questions of mankind. Any F. performs a M. function, but not every M. is philosophical. F. is a theory. the core of M. Knowledge enters M. in the form of beliefs. W. is that prism through the cat. reality is seen. U. is not only intellect. position, but also emotions. state, stable psychol. installation; confidence in the correctness of their ideals, the principles of the ideas of views that subjugate feelings, conscience, the will and actions of a person.

The structure of M. includes not only knowledge but also their assessment. Those. M is inherent not only inform. but also value (axiological) saturation. Values ​​are most clearly expressed in the moral and aesthetic components of the worldview.

The structure of M. also includes ideals. I. can be both scientifically substantiated and illusory, both achievable and unrealistic. As a rule, they are turned to the future. I. - the basis of the spiritual life of the individual. The presence of I. in M. characterizes it as a leading reflection, as a force not only reflected. reality but also focuses on its change.

Not only our mind, but also our feelings participate in the development of a worldview. This means that the worldview includes, as it were, two sections - intellectual and emotional. The emotional-psychological side of the worldview is represented by attitude and worldview, and the intellectual side is represented by worldview. The ratio of these aspects is different at different levels of worldview, their representation in M. is not the same in different eras, and finally, the proportions of these aspects are different in M. of different people.

Modern society exists in an era when problems have become aggravated, on the solution of which the answer to the Hamlet question depends: to be or not to be a person and humanity on Earth.

You can, of course, try to hide from these painful problems according to the principle, “my hut is on the edge” ... But is it worthy of a person?

And the search for answers to all the new large-scale questions put forward by life - the problems of man and nature, man and society, the technosphere and biosphere, many questions of the relationship between social systems and states, etc. - requires the ability to self-determine, to find out ways to solve these and many other issues, and most importantly - to find one's place and role in these complex processes. But this requires such a prerequisite as the ability to think, a fairly broad view of things as a condition for a conscious, reasonable orientation in the surrounding reality.

However, the ability to think rationally is not innate, it must be formed and developed, and one of the best ways to do this is to assimilate the achievements of philosophical culture. Philosophy is not at all something floating in the clouds of pure thought. On the contrary, its main purpose is connected with the solution of the fundamental questions of life itself. After all, in the final analysis, the center of philosophy is the question of man and his place in the world, his place in society, the meaning of his life. And the main purpose of philosophy is to help a person navigate the endless complexities of life, in solving those equations with many unknowns that constantly arise on the path of life.

The study of philosophy is a school that helps to cultivate a culture of rational thinking, the ability to freely guide the movement of thought, to prove and disprove. It is clear that the science of thinking cannot be rented, mastering it requires effort, straining intellectual abilities. Of course, this is not at all easy and presupposes, in particular, an acquaintance with the history of philosophy, in order to follow step by step how the "eternal problems" were solved over many centuries, and most importantly, to prepare oneself to understand the ways of solving them in modern philosophy, including including in dialectical materialist philosophy.

The role of philosophy today is also great in the implementation of humanistic ideals, because only through the prism of humanism can scientific and technological progress acquire the necessary orientation, global problems can be solved in the interests of man and mankind - from removing the threat of thermonuclear war to eliminating the threat to the genetic foundations and human psyche . At the same time, philosophy should not be artificially fenced off from the philosophical process in other countries, because no one is the owner of the ultimate truth on any issue. Here, exchange and systematic acquaintance with the achievements of modern world philosophical thought are necessary. The central task of philosophy is to solve a whole range of worldview problems, to develop a system of generalized views of the world as a whole from the standpoint of reason. What are these problems that can rightfully be called eternal?

What forms the basis of the world? How does the world work, how are the spiritual and material correlated in it? Did the world have a beginning in time, or does it exist forever? Is there a known order in the world, or is everything in it chaotic? Is the world evolving or is it constantly revolving in one unchanging circle? Is it possible to know the world?

Do these questions arise before man and mankind by chance? No, not by accident. They arise from the need for a general orientation in the world.

Solving them one way or another, a person, as it were, sketches out a coordinate grid within which both his activity and the work of his thought will unfold. The theoretically substantiated solution of these and other worldview problems is the purpose of philosophy, and at the same time the significance of its development.

Worldview is the core, the core of the consciousness and self-awareness of the individual. It acts as a more or less holistic understanding by people of the world and themselves, their place in it. Everyone has it. But its level, its content, its form are different. It should be noted, firstly, that the worldview is historically specific, since it grows on the soil of the culture of its time and, along with it, undergoes serious changes. Secondly, society in every era is socially heterogeneous, it is divided into different groups and communities with their own interests. In addition, people themselves differ not only in their place in society, but also in their development, their aspirations, and so on. In other words, the worldview of each era is realized in a variety of group and individual variants. In addition, the worldview as a system includes a number of components. First of all, this is knowledge based on truth, and along with this, values ​​that are most clearly expressed in the moral and aesthetic components of the worldview, based on goodness and beauty.

Not only the mind, but also feelings are involved in the development of a worldview. This means that the worldview includes, as it were, two sections - intellectual and emotional. The emotional and psychological side of the worldview is represented by attitude and worldview, and the intellectual side is represented by worldview.

Naturally, the ratio of these aspects is different at different levels of worldview, their representation in the worldview in different eras is not the same, and finally, the proportions of these aspects are also different in the worldview of different people. Moreover, the very emotional coloring of the worldview, expressed in feelings, moods, etc., can be different, from joyful, optimistic tones to gloomy, pessimistic tones.

The second level of worldview is worldview, based primarily on knowledge, although worldview and worldview are not given just next to each other: they are, as a rule, one. This unity is seen in their beliefs, where knowledge and feeling, reason and will are given together, where a social position is formed, for the sake of which a person is sometimes capable of much. The strength of beliefs lies in a person's trust in their essence and meaning. And this means that the worldview includes confidence in its structure, and therefore faith (this can be religious faith, and faith in ghosts and miracles, and faith in science, etc.). Reasonable faith does not exclude doubt, but is alien to both dogmatism and boundless skepticism, which completely deprives a person of strongholds both in knowledge and in activity.

Two levels of worldview should be singled out: life-everyday and theoretical. The first is formed spontaneously, in the process of everyday life. This is the worldview of the broad strata of society. This level of worldview is important, it must be taken into account, although it differs: 1) insufficient breadth; 2) a kind of interweaving of sober positions and attitudes with primitive, mystical, philistine ideas and prejudices; 3) a great emotional burden.

These disadvantages are overcome at the theoretical level of understanding of the world and outlook. This is a philosophical level of outlook, when a person approaches the world from the standpoint of reason, acts based on logic, substantiating his conclusions and statements.

If approached historically, philosophy as a special type of worldview was preceded by mythological and religious types of worldview. Myth, as a special form of consciousness and worldview, was a kind of fusion of knowledge, albeit very limited, of religious beliefs and various types of art.

The interweaving of elements of knowledge about the world with religious and artistic fantasy in the myth finds its expression in the fact that within the framework of the myth, thought has not yet gained complete independence and is most often clothed in artistic and poetic forms, which is clearly visible in the Myths of Ancient Greece, the Iliad "," Odyssey ", national folklore, etc. And at the same time, the picture of the world as a whole was already drawn in the myths in the form of theosophy, the search for ways to assert the unity of nature and society, the world and man, the past and the present was under way, worldview problems were solved in a peculiar form.

The further development of the worldview went along two lines - along the line of religion and along the line of philosophy.

Religion is a form of worldview in which the development of the world is carried out through its doubling into earthly, natural and otherworldly, supernatural, heavenly. At the same time, unlike science, which also creates its second world in the form of a scientific picture of nature, the second world of religion is based not on knowledge, but on faith in supernatural forces and their dominant role in the world, in people's lives. In addition, religious faith itself is a special state of consciousness, different from the certainty of a scientist, which is based on rational foundations; in religion, faith is realized in the cult and through the cult.

The reason for religion is the dependence of people on natural, natural and social forces beyond their control. It acts as an illusory replenishment of a person's weakness in front of them. The long evolution of religion has led to the idea of ​​God as the manager of earthly and heavenly affairs. Religion once played a positive role as a means of social regulation, the formation of awareness of the unity of the human race, universal values.

The common thing that unites religion and philosophy is the solution of worldview problems. But the nature of the approach to these problems within their framework, as well as their solution itself, is profoundly different. In contrast to religion, with its emphasis on faith, philosophy has always relied on knowledge and reason. Already the first step of philosophy consisted in the search for the unity in everything, in the search for the fundamental principle of the world not outside of it, but in itself.

1.2. Philosophical worldview and its key problems:

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