Popular strategies for the computer. Strategies on PC with the development of civilization

Strategy games occupy a special place in the list of genres. They are not designed for a mass audience, because they often do not have outstanding graphics and whirlwind gameplay, and the classic “swoop” passage can unpleasantly surprise the player.

Here you need to think, plan and solve the problem gradually, step by step moving towards victory.

The best military strategies on PC

We present our top best military strategies for PC, which have already become classics and should definitely be on the list of completed ones for everyone who calls themselves a fan of the genre.

Red Alert Series

  • Release date: 1996-2009
  • Developer: Westwood Studios, EA Los Angeles

The Red Alert series is a separate series of games within the popular Command & Conquer franchise. The action takes place in an alternate reality in which Hitler was defeated using a time machine invented by Einstein. This led to unforeseen consequences in the form of the USSR gaining enormous military power and declaring war on the United States and its allies. A little later (in the third part of the series), another side joins the confrontation - the Empire of the Rising Sun.

  • Developer: The Creative Assembly
  • Release date: 2000-2017

It's hard to find a more famous series of war games than Total War. Back in 2000, when many of our readers were running under the table, the world saw the first project of the series - Shogun. The player had to face Japan during the period of feudal fragmentation and, taking control of one of the Japanese clans, bring it to power over the entire island state.

Total War: Warhammer

But it was Rome: Total War that instilled love for the series, which amazed with its detail, depth of strategic capabilities and exceptional charm. Today the collection has the opportunity to fight in any time period. We can try to lead one of the nations of the Ancient World to greatness, lead the invasion of barbarians in the Dark Ages, build a medieval empire, wage wars and discover new lands in the Modern Age, and even plunge into a fantasy world in the game Total War: Warhammer. The series is worth spending hundreds of hours on and having a lot of fun with.

  • Developer: Blizzard
  • Release date: 2010
  • Link: http://eu.battle.net

Fans have been waiting for the second part for 12 years. And their hopes were completely justified. A new round of confrontation between the three main races in space awaits us: Terrans, Zergs and Protoss. People rely on their firepower in the form of flamethrowers, tanks, heavy cruisers. Zerg are a highly developed swarm, where each member of the hive is only a tool for solving a specific task that faces the main brain. Protoss – ancient race, standing on the edge of psionic ascension, but still resolving her internal conflicts.

Starcraft II is based on a very interesting plot, the development of which does not get boring to follow from mission to mission. And the tasks themselves are extremely diverse, have many side tasks, and non-trivial solutions. Many people can really call Starcraft II the best military strategy and they will be right in their own way. It’s not for nothing that immediately after its release it was included in the eSports Olympics in Korea.

  • Developer: New World Computing, Nival, Black Hole Entertainment
  • Release date: 1995-2015

You can't list the top strategic war games and miss out on the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic series. Having been released in 1995, the game has gone through more than 20 years of history. The third part of the series is still the most successful, despite the graphics being outdated today. The second most popular is the fifth part, created by domestic developers.

They will tell us about fairy tale world where there are constant wars. Almost all the mythical and legendary creatures that are present in the myths of the peoples of the world fight here: genies and wyverns, gremlins and trolls, demons and orcs. This is a turn-based military strategy, each session of which is unique. Everything depends on the player’s decisions; each campaign can be played in a style unique to that particular player. It’s hard to even imagine how interesting it is to play multiplayer. These are many sleepless nights spent storming fortresses.

  • Release date: April 21, 2016
  • Developer: Tindalos Interactive
  • Link: Steam

Real-time strategy in the Warhammer 40,000 setting. Takes us into space, where we will fight in armadas against enemy fleets. Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting the very beautiful graphics. Probably, the space landscapes from here are the best in the industry. If you've played HomeWorld, you can imagine the gameplay, with the only difference being that for some reason starships obey the laws of physics that apply to those on Earth. Imagine a naval fleet transported into space. You will receive Battlefleet Gothic: Armada.

Battlefleet: Gothic Armada

As you'd expect from the Warhammer 40,000 universe, everything here is epic. If this is a flagship, then it is the largest warship in the galaxy; if there is a battle, then this is the most general battle that decides the fate of space. And there is enough pathos, so inherent in the setting.

In general, all games created in the Warhammer 40,000 universe will be of interest to those who are interested in the setting. Others can install and play, maybe this is the project you like.

  • Release date: October 21, 2016
  • Developer: Firaxis Games
  • Link: Steam

There is probably hardly a gamer who has not heard of Civilization. This is a global strategy game in which you choose your people and lead them to world domination through the centuries from the Stone Age to the Space Age. It can confidently be called a military strategy, since rarely does any player fight for a religious or cultural victory. Basically, all tasks are performed with hot iron and atomic bombing.

Compared to previous parts, several major innovations can be noted. First, and most noticeably, the graphics have become much more cartoonish. At first this seems like a counterintuitive decision, given that with each new Civilization the game became more and more realistic. But after playing one or two games, you begin to like the design of the game.

The second global change is the emergence of districts - suburbs, which are responsible for specific areas. Now cities can specialize, so you can develop a city that will bring science and culture by building a campus and a theater square there, or you can build a powerful economic and military port by combining a shipyard and a trading area.

And finally, the third noticeable change is the two technology branches. The first ones are researched at the expense of science points - these are the main inventions. The second ones are social and are researched using culture points. It will no longer be possible to play barbarians riding on tanks; you will have to delve into the culture.

The principle of combat operations was carried over from the fifth part, where the war resembles a classic wargame with a hexagonal layout. Civilization 6 is an excellent successor to the entire line. Replayability and many hours spent playing are guaranteed.

  • Release date: May 9, 2016
  • Developer: Paradox Interactive
  • Link: Steam

Stellaris is a global military strategy in which the player is tasked with taking the reins of power over one of the civilizations that has just entered space, and by any means necessary to make it dominant in the galaxy. Usually in games we are offered a limited set of races, but here, thanks to the designer, you can create hundreds, if not thousands, of them.

This is a star empire simulator. The player will have to solve all the problems that the ruler may face. Starting from providing food for your subjects, ending with controlling science and inventing new engines for ships or building a dome over colonies on planets poorly suitable for life of your race.

And don’t forget that you are not the only race in the galaxy and you will have to fight, even if you are playing a pacifist who is generally against any conflicts. After all, your planets are a tasty piece of the pie for some race of militaristic bulls.

A whole review is not enough to talk about this game, so you just need to play it. This is truly a masterpiece and the best military strategy of 2016.

  • Release date: August 11, 2017
  • Developer: Kite Games
  • Link: Steam

The revival of the legendary line, which domestic gamers know as “Confrontation”. It takes us back to the events of the Second World War and poses difficult tasks with the help of tanks and guns to decide the outcome of the conflict. Previous parts received dozens of modifications and unofficial add-ons, which are still being created, more than 10 years after the official releases.

The new product offers us three campaigns: For the Axis, the USSR and the Allies. In each mission you are given a certain number of troops: infantry, tanks, artillery, support. And with this limited supply of military resources, you will need to complete the mission. You can only hope for help in cases specified by the script.

The assessments are quite twofold. Many swear by the radical simplifications compared to other parts, while others, on the contrary, call it a worthy successor to the genre.

  • Release date: February 21, 2017
  • Developer: 343 Industries, Creative Assembly

Continuation of the popular strategy in the world of Halo. It all started with an action game in which you moved into the Master Chief robot and smashed aliens on the surface of the Ring World. In 2009, a strategy based on the setting appeared. And now we can see the continuation.

Halo Wars 2 is a classic RTS with base building, resource extraction and rushing towards the enemy base. But how beautifully done it is! The graphics in the game are truly at the level of a 2017 military strategy game. The animation, drawing, effects from explosions and the use of various energy weapons are simply amazing. There are many units to choose from, from small soldiers to huge walking robots.

The only thing that may seem like a failure are some simplifications of the gameplay introduced for the sake of simplifying controls on consoles. Yes, the project was originally developed for X-Box. For amateur console players it will be a real find in the genre of military strategies.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 3

  • Release date: April 27, 2017
  • Link: Steam

And again we have the Warhammer 40,000 universe in front of us, but this time on earth, and not in space. The game features three races: Space Marines, Orcs and Eldar. And they are fighting for possession of a superweapon that can change the balance of power in the Galaxy.

Warhammer 40000: Dawn
of War_III

Before us is the classic Dawn of War with a new storyline and beautiful graphics. The variety of troops has also been added, units are chopping each other up more and more efficiently and beautifully. Compared to the previous game in the series, the number of units that can take part in the battle has expanded. But if we take into account that the units are still highly specialized and have many skills and abilities, mass battles will not work. At best, it is convenient to control two or three squads, delivering tactical, well-calibrated attacks on enemy positions.

The game turned out great. Fans of the setting are delighted, and all fans of military strategies on PC have already bought the game and spent many hours playing it.

  • Release date: 2006-2013
  • Developer: Relic Entertainment

A strategy on the theme of World War II with very beautiful graphics and an extensive arsenal of tactical capabilities.

You can very finely customize each unit that will participate in the battle. Fighters upgrade, gaining new abilities, improving their shooting speed, accuracy and other important abilities.

Company of heroes2

The game is not massive, you control a small number of vehicles, so Company of Heroes can be called a tactical strategy.

The game invites us to fight both on the side of the Allies and the Red Army. For the second part of the project, several add-ons were released that expand the capabilities of the game, offering new missions, weapons, and units.

Series "Behind Enemy Lines"

  • Release date: 2004-2016
  • Developer: 1C, Digitalmindsoft, Best Way

A series of tactical military strategies dedicated to the Second World War of 1941-1945. You take control of a sabotage group that operates behind German lines. The saboteurs are tasked with a variety of tasks: destroying bridges, eliminating important officers, and much more.

Behind enemy lines

The player has a sniper, a machine gunner, a demolitionist, and other highly specialized fighters under his command. There will be no mass rush-zergs here, only well-considered tactical decisions, and the loss of every fighter is not just a decrease in the combat effectiveness of the squad, but a failure of the mission.

In total, two games were released in the series, with many add-ons and re-releases for each of them. So there’s plenty of room to wander around while getting to know it.

Release date: 1992-2011

Genre: Real-time strategy

The Warhammer 40,000 series is the most popular and one of the best-selling games. Fans are constantly waiting for the release new game. The most famous is Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. The player selects a race (Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Tau, Necrons, Orcs, Chaos, Eldar; new races appear with each game) for which he wants to play, after which he selects a place on the planet or planets that he wants to capture and fights with the race that owns it earth.

The battle takes place in real time on the terrain where the battle takes place. Players capture special points that give influence and build generators that provide energy; these resources are used to build structures, troops and make improvements. Each race has its own troops, super units and heroes and abilities. The goal of the game in the campaign is to capture all the lands and become the patron of all lands.

Civilization Series

Release date: 1991-2013

Genre: Global step-by-step strategy

In Civilization, a complete model of human development has been created from the most ancient times to the present day. The player must create and develop his mighty empire, among other competitors, the condition for victory may be a military victory over everyone, victory on points, The game ends in 2050 either by culture or build a spaceship and fly to Alpha Centauri. The strength and development of civilization consists of the development and creation of new cities, the creation of military production in cities, scientific and military research. You can also create wonders of the world in the game.

For a civilization to flourish, the player must be able to focus and balance between scientific progress, building up military power, replenishing the treasury, developing infrastructure and culture, diplomatic contacts and trade with other civilizations. The player can take part in historical events that took place, control leaders such as Stalin, Napaleon, Ramses II, Catherine II and so on. It's hard to say which of the series is the best. Some say that part is the best, others say the fourth. Adherents of graphics claim that the fifth is the best of this series.

Warcraft III

Genre: real-time strategy with RPG elements

Popularly known as "Varik" was one of the most anticipated games, with over 4.5 million pre-orders and over one million copies of the game sold in less than a month, making it the fastest selling game ever. computer game The game received a large number of positive reviews, many publications awarded the game with the titles “Best Game of the Year” and “Best Strategy of the Year”. The game also received high marks from players.

There are 4 races in the game: Alliance (humans), Undead, Horde (Orcs) and Night Elves. Each race has its own unique heroes, who gain experience and a new level in battles. With each level, new hero abilities are unlocked. Heroes can also buy or pick up items from killed mobs that improve the combat characteristics of the heroes and the troops around them. On different maps, players capture gold mines and extract timber, use these resources to build a base and units and improve their characteristics.

Heroes of Might and Magic III

Genre: Turn-based strategy with RPG elements

Heroes of Might and Magic III is a turn-based fantasy game, the third part of the series has become a cult favorite and has gained many fans around the world. Despite the now outdated graphics, it is still played by thousands of players around the world. The fourth and fifth parts of the game came out with better graphics and improved gameplay, so if you are not a fan of old games and love graphics, then it is best to play the latest parts.

The player travels across a global map with heroes who control mythical creatures, exploring new lands, capturing cities and fighting enemies. On the map, the player moves only one hero and can only walk a certain distance or do one or more actions, after which he misses a turn and the computer-controlled enemies make their move. By attacking enemies, you move into combat mode, the army of enemies and your army of creatures stand opposite each other, moving combat units in turn to destroy the enemies. As cities develop, new opportunities and spells can be discovered. Hire troops.

StarCraft II

Genre: real time strategy

StarCraft II is the second part of the cult first part, released back in 1998. The second part of the game became the most anticipated game of the year due to the great popularity of the first part and fully met its expectations among players. Many Russian and foreign gaming portals gave the game scores of over 9 points out of 10. In the player rating it received 9.3 points.

The plot of the game and all the actions take place in the distant future, or more precisely the 26th century in a remote part of the Milky Way galaxy. The three races of Terran, Zerg, and Protoss are opposed to each other. Players extract two types of resources: minerals and vespene gas, which they then use to build buildings and hire combat units. The main task is to destroy the enemy base. Each type of unit has its own strengths and weaknesses, so to destroy certain types enemy troops need to hire troops that destroy them well.

Total War series is the best Rome: Total War

Genre: turn-based grand strategy, real-time strategy

Total War rus. “Total War” is a series of games that already has seven games and various additions. Different games cover different historical periods and states. The most popular and iconic is Rome: Total War, released in 2004. The action takes place in Ancient Rome during the Republic period from 270 BC. e. up to 14 AD e. For example, Shogun: Total War takes place in Japan Shogun: Total War in the 16th century, where reigning dynasties oppose each other. Empire: Total War - during the European colonial wars and so on.

The gameplay of the game is very similar to Civilization. The player controls troops, cities and settlements on a global point. After completing all actions, the player misses a turn, after which the AI-controlled competitors make their move. If you or your enemy attack each other, then you move to the tactical map, where you control all your troops in real mode, attacking them and placing them in convenient positions on the map.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 1,2,3

Release date: 1996 and 2000

Genre: Real-time strategy

Red Alert is a game that was released in the last century and captured the minds and souls of gamers around the world; thousands of people still play it, more than 30 million copies sold. The game takes place in an alternate history, where Allied troops defend Europe from an aggressive Soviet Union. The player can choose one of two warring parties: Alliance or USSR. Accordingly, the goal of the game for the Allies is to stop Stalin before he takes over the whole world, for the USSR - to achieve the complete capture of Europe. Depending on the side chosen, the player's victory results in one of two alternative endings.

Battles in the game take place both on land, on water and in the air. Each side can have its own base and can train ground forces, air forces and navies. Each side also has unique features. The game mechanic is that now even a simple infantryman can destroy a tank. A tank can easily destroy a machine-gun pillbox; a small group of grenade launchers can just as easily deal with a tank if it is not covered by anti-personnel equipment or its own infantry, which forced them to use it in battle Various types troops.

Europa Universalis series of games

Release date: 2000-2013

Genre: turn-based global strategy,

Continues the series of global strategies Europa Universalis. Like previous games in the series, the third part invites you to lead one of the states of the world . The essence of the game: to develop national ideas that give the game power certain advantages; as new ones open government technologies there is an opportunity to choose one of the national ideas. The game takes place in real time, but the player’s reaction speed is not required, since the game can be paused at any time. The game takes place on a schematically depicted world map, divided into more than 1,500 sea and land provinces.

The player can take control of any country that existed during this historical period (about 200 states in total). Under his control are the country’s economy, the formation and management of armies and navies, diplomacy, the introduction of new technologies, domestic politics states, changing the state religion and colonizing new lands.

A special feature of the game is its connection to real story(I note that in the third part of the series it is no longer tied to history and the gameplay is more free); there are historical rulers predetermined for each country, each of whom has certain abilities that influence the game, real-life commanders (such as Suvorov or Napoleon I Bonaparte), pioneers, explorers and sailors (such as Columbus, Ermac and Ferdinand Magellan ), as well as historical events that usually occur in the same country and at the same time as in real history (for example, in 1517 an event occurs that makes it possible to convert to Protestantism)

Company of Heroes 1.2

Release date: 2006

Genre: Real-time strategy

The gameplay of Company of Heroes is very similar to Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. The player commands entire squads of fighters, but there are some unique units. Each unit has a life scale (not an individual fighter), and if the unit’s lives are damaged when the unit is damaged, the entire unit dies. The player can equip infantry units with various weapons, choosing which weapon is more promising in battle. After the death of a squad, weapons remain that can be picked up and equipped with them for another squad. This even applies to stationary weapons such as anti-tank guns, heavy machine guns and mortars.

Each side in the game is divided into three unique directions - infantry, airborne and tank for the Americans and defensive, offensive and propaganda for the Germans, advancement in which gives access to new combat units and attacks (for example, attack aircraft). Another important difference is that squads and units in the game have three levels of experience. After destroying an enemy, a new level is obtained that increases the damage, speed, health, armor or viewing range of the combat unit, depending on its type.

There are three types of resources in the Game: weapons, fuel and personnel. Personnel are used to construct buildings, recruit new combat units, both infantry and armored vehicles, fuel, in turn, to build buildings and armored vehicles, and weapons - to provide units with additional weapons, such as a grenade launcher, for artillery and air strikes, or for to give your equipment new capabilities. Replenishment of resources is carried out using checkpoints.

Age of Empires III

Genre: Real-time strategy

Age of Empires III is a strategy game that has earned worldwide recognition thanks to its innovative and exciting gameplay. Age of Empires received high ratings on gaming portals and magazines. A special feature of this game is its well-developed artificial intelligence (the opponent is controlled by a computer). The player controls one of the powers (Great Britain, Prussia, Holland, Spain, Portugal, the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, France), which set off to conquer the new world (America).

The main action takes place in the colonies, on a map familiar to such games, but now each power has a hometown in the Old World. He serves sole purpose- help your colony. There are three resources in the game: food, wood and money. Which produce various buildings. Transitions between eras, five eras: exploration, colonization, fortresses, industrial and empire. He trains military academies, bandages soldiers and sends them to colonies. The infantry depends on the nationality of the city, for the Spaniards it will be rodellers, and for the Russians it will be archers and Cossacks. The academy is also improving the parameters of the troops.

Battles take place in real time. The maximum size of a detachment and group of soldiers highlighted by a “frame” is 50 units. The shooting infantry has four formations: a regular line, which is convenient for firing in salvos, a sparse formation, which reduces losses from artillery fire, hand-to-hand combat and square. Melee infantry has three formations, two of the same, melee and square, and a circular formation to cover the riflemen. The cavalry learned three formations - the same close combat and square, as well as an offensive mode with reduced speed, but with damage inflicted over an area.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Genre: Strategy, Turn-Based Tactics, Tactical RPG

The game is a remake (remake) of a popular and old game X-COM: UFO Defense, released back in 1993. Aliens attack planet Earth and begin an alien invasion. The game is played from the perspective of the secret commander international organization XCOM (anti-alien division), which has the most advanced technologies, weapons and scientific developments of mankind. It employs the best specialists in the world - military men and scientists. The organization must conduct combat operations against aliens that threaten existence human civilization.

The player is provided with the central XCOM base, from which the strategic management of the organization is carried out: monitoring the actions of aliens on the global world map using a satellite network, distributing funding for the development of scientific and technical potential, arming and deploying interceptors to destroy flying saucers, as well as conducting combat operations against aliens using existing fighters in ground skirmishes. The base is presented to the player in the form of an “ant farm” - a section of soil that allows you to look at the premises from the side.

In Tactical combat, fighters perform up to two actions in turn - running, shooting, throwing a grenade, using a first aid kit. Each fighter has only three characteristics: accuracy, willpower and health points.
After the first promotion in rank, a soldier receives a specialization. This could be an attack aircraft, a sniper, a heavy infantryman or a support soldier.


Genre: real time strategy

Well-developed graphics and three-dimensional gaming space - the implementation of six degrees of freedom (you can view the battlefield, the battle fleet from different angles) of the movement of game objects and the presence of thoughtful fleet management in three dimensions. Rich and complex plot, gradually revealing itself during the game. In the next game mission, the player receives the fleet with which he completed the previous one.

At the beginning of the game, the player can choose a fleet of two races, Kushan or Taidan: this does not affect the further plot in any way, only the combat units change. A key feature of both the Kushan and Taidan navies is the presence of a main mothership, which serves as the main base of operations. The mother ship has its own weapons and a hyperdrive, which allows it to overcome significant space.

The entire space fleet is divided into a combat fleet and a support fleet. The support fleet includes special ships, such as a resource collector and controller, a research ship, a probe, a stealth ship detector ship, and a gravity well generator. The combat fleet is divided into classes: Small ships - fighters, corvettes, Heavy ships - frigates, Super-heavy ships, Flagships.

Stronghold game series

Release date: 2001-2014

Genre: real time strategy

The game system of all games in the series is based on an economic simulator of a medieval city or castle. The games feature a number of unique parameters that are typical only for games in the Stronghold series. Thus, in the first Stronghold, the “popularity” parameter was introduced for the first time, affecting the performance and population size. The combat system is standard for strategies - direct control of groups of units. The economic component is one of the main ones in the games of the series. There are quite complex and long production chains. As a rule, in the games of the series, more attention is paid to the economic rather than the military component of medieval castles.

All games in the series, except Stronghold Kingdoms, have campaigns (a series of story-related missions) and a map editor mode. Stronghold has a single campaign, while other games have multiple campaigns.

All games except Stronghold and Stronghold Kingdoms allow you to play against computer opponents on a selected map. Stronghold and Stronghold 2 have a siege mode (siege or defend a castle without running an economy). In the first games in the series (up to and including Stronghold 2) there is a free construction mode (running an economy without war).


Genre: Real-time strategy, god simulator

Spore game is a simulator of the evolution of life on the planet, as well as a strategy and space simulator. The goal of the game is to develop a creature from a microorganism to an advanced space race. While progressing through the game, it is possible to make changes to the creature, improving its characteristics. Also, as it develops, the player will independently create various equipment and buildings, or choose ready-made options from the catalog.

At the beginning of the game, the player takes control of a microorganism living in an aquatic environment. At this stage of the game - To survive, the microorganism needs to feed on pieces of meat or algae, and also try not to be eaten by other carnivorous creatures. When food is eaten, the cell grows and turns into a microorganism. After which the creature gets out to the ground, where it also develops. Over time, under your leadership there will be a tribe, civilization and space that you will have to manage.

Ground Control 1.2

Release date: 2000, 2004

Genre: Tactical real-time strategy

This game was the forefront of its genre and won many awards. Ground Control has 3D graphics and a freely rotating camera, allowing the player to view the battle from any angle. The game completely lacks resource collection, base development and research. The player's goal is control limited quantity combat units and performing various tasks with their help.

the main objective games - destruction of enemy troops and buildings using terrain features and strengths own army. Combat units include various types of armored vehicles, aircraft and soldiers, delivered to the battlefield by orbital shuttles. After the start of the next mission, the player cannot call for reinforcements, which requires careful selection of units and their configuration before the battle.

The most important element of the game is the requirement for a tactical approach in any situation. Each squad has its own distinct strengths and weaknesses. Combat units are united into squads. The player can only give orders to units, although the units themselves will fight and take damage separately. There are four categories of units: infantry, armor, support, and aviation. The player can choose the configuration of each individual unit before the battle. For example, a Craven Corporation tank squad can exist in four configurations: reconnaissance, light, main, and heavy. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so different configurations are suitable for different tasks.

Tiberium Command & Conquer series

Release date: 1995-2010

Genre: Real time strategy

a series of successful computer games with the highest sales among strategy series. The game takes place in an alternative time reality, conditionally modern to ours, in which there is a war all over the world between two global groups - the international UN troops united in the Global Defense Initiative, and the military-religious Brotherhood of Nod, led by its charismatic leader Kane, fighting for possession of the alien substance Tiberium, slowly spreading throughout the planet.

The gameplay of the game is based on the principle of collecting resources, building a base, destroying the enemy. The only source of money (credits) in the game is Tiberium. Another important resource in the game is electricity, produced only by power plants. The various structures and units produced by the player collectively form a technological tree, in which access to technologically more advanced, and therefore more expensive, structures and units. The base can be protected by various structures, including defensive fortifications.

Computer games have undergone many changes throughout their existence. Applications were released that were cruel or, conversely, peaceful, bloody and not so bloody, frightening and fabulous. However, the only genre that has not undergone significant changes is strategy. The concept of these games has always remained the same. But even with such consistency, highlight the top 10 best strategies It's hard enough. Strategies vary by genre and target audience, but how do some “experts” evaluate games in such conditions? Today we will try to compile a list of the best strategies based on rumors. We will rely on how well known and popular the game is.


Perhaps this company has been a leader in the strategy genre for many years. Its products are consistently included in the top 10 best strategies. Even if you have not heard of this manufacturer, you probably know such masterpieces as “Starcraft” and “Warcraft”. Moreover, all the games in the series from the first to the last.

What was the key to success? First of all, it is a well-coordinated development team and division of labor. This way everyone does their own thing. Thanks to the coherence of the team, they came up with games that are not only interesting gameplay, but also entice with the plot. You become not just the manager of a combat camp, but practically a participant in the events taking place. It’s not for nothing that “Warcraft 3” marked the beginning of the world famous online game “WoW”.

Sid Meier

Few people have not heard about this project - "Civilization". A turn-based strategy, all parts of which have always been included in the best strategies of the year according to various publications. This game is not easy to learn and includes many aspects human existence. The main emphasis is not on war as a process, but on diplomacy and development own state. Be strong and your opponents will fear and respect you. You can win not only by conquest, but also by becoming the head of the world government, flying into space and almost a dozen other different ways, which I would not like to reveal here.

A branch of this project was a slightly different game - “Civilization: Call to Power”. What makes this creation different from the classic version? Created by an independent publisher, this game allows you to see the development of your country not only from past to present, but also look into the future. Create spaceships, robots and plasma tanks. Build cities in space and design underwater cities. And the possibility of anarchy and the split of your state will be an unpleasant surprise if you are able to take over the whole world. Try it and you won't go wrong.

War and Peace

Do you love history? Perhaps you would like to build a real Roman city or colony? Strategy games don't always include a military aspect. One of these projects was the game "Ceasar 3". Possibility of building a huge prosperous ancient city attracts many players. Immerse yourself completely in the economy and forget about problems with your neighbors. Trade, take care of your subjects and lead the empire to prosperity.

When talking about it, SimCity always comes to mind. For the most part, this is, of course, not entirely full game, but it's definitely worth a try. Build your own metropolis and then destroy it natural disasters. A good way to vent your anger after a hard day at work.

By the way, about Tolstoy's novel. The game of the same name from the 1C company called “War and Peace” was created specifically for those who love detail. The process of creating weapons, food, and training items is worked out to the smallest detail. If you collect millet, this does not mean that you will immediately have food. First it will have to be processed in a mill, and then taken to a bakery. Or feed the pigs, which will then go to the slaughterhouse. With such a detailed economic process, the combat system remains at its best. Usually strategy games focus on one component, but in War and Peace, depending on your tactics, the results of the battle can be completely different.


A game that has repeatedly been included in the top 10 best strategy games. "The Settlers", starting with its second part, has become firmly entrenched in the minds of old gamers. This is another game with a detailed economic process. Moreover, despite the fact that in the second part the fighting was reduced, already in the third the developers corrected their defect. Now this game has become leisurely, measured and will not waste your nerves. Develop your agriculture, worship the gods, and good luck will accompany you. One can argue for a long time which part is the most successful. Some prefer "Settlers 2" and some prefer it more modern graphics third part. In general, build your settlement, fight and win.

The art of winning

Not everyone is happy with peaceful coexistence with their neighbors. The game "Stronghold" became a real revolution in its genre. These are probably the only real ones. The first part of the series told about the heir to the throne and the usurper who seized power. All missions in the game boiled down to either economic tasks or the real art of castle siege. And this is exactly what most players liked. The only drawback was the inability to play with friends and the lack of a mode in which you could play like Warcraft. Just a year later, a miracle happened. Having listened to the players, the developers released an addition to the main game, which was called "Stronghold: Crusaders". A new campaign, many different missions and, of course, a free mode in which the player and his opponent build real medieval castles on the same map.

Unfortunately, the second and third parts, despite the expanded economic and military capabilities, were unable to win the hearts of fans. Taking this into account, in 2014 “Stronghold: Crusaders” was released in new HD quality and won one of the prizes in the top 10 best strategies according to the magazine “Gaming”.

They become heroes

Many people are familiar with the "Heroes of Might and Magic" series of games. Since the first part, this strategy with a simple economy but an advanced combat system has become one of the leaders of its genre. The most interesting plot and universe, well-thought-out characters, as well as many interconnected campaigns kept players at the computer for days. Some players believe that the last meaningful part was the third "Heroes". Perhaps this is true. Undoubtedly, the best graphics cannot replace everyone's favorite characters, gameplay and Erathia. But there are no comrades for taste and color, so the developers continue to churn out new parts. In 2014, the seventh one was released.

Age of Miracles

Another project that died with the release of the third part was called "Disciples". The original idea of ​​leveling up soldiers, as well as a fairly simple combat system, attracted the attention of players, but with the release of the third episode, this game became so close to “Heroes” that most users lost interest in it.

Something else worth remembering is the game "Age of Wonders". The fourth part of “Heroes” is very close to it, but it is obvious that the developers were never able to fully copy the ideas. "Age of Miracles" is distinguished primarily by an advanced system of global spells, which allows you to fight not only directly with soldiers, but also with tactical thinking. How would you feel about the idea of ​​completely flooding enemy territory?

Differences between games based on gender

Of course, there are not only games for boys. Strategy games are such a versatile genre that anyone can play them. If we talk about the female half of the population, then she, without a doubt, always liked the game "Sims". Learn how to manage a household, plan your day, and relationships with other people. This is, without a doubt, not only a simulator, but also a real strategy.

If we talk about games for boys, strategies will help them develop their thinking and teach them to think in many ways, allow them to learn how to approach problems in different ways, and also, if we take English version, expand your vocabulary in all languages. However, this also applies to girls. Many representatives of the fairer sex love strategy games about war.

And finally: everything new is well forgotten old. You may be convinced that graphics and special effects are the main thing in the game, but this is not so. A game wins the player's heart if it carries an idea. And most of them have long been implemented in old projects. What is the difference between old and new toys? We are forced to pay for new ones by introducing online key authentication systems. - games without registration. Download them from torrents and play for fun. Happy gaming and have a good time!

For those who like to think carefully global solutions and leading huge armies created the strategy genre. In such games you can become a commander of a front or the leader of an entire nation. There are also strategies where you not only need to come up with battle tactics for your warriors, but also develop trade and diplomacy. Games like this are a great workout for the brain. In some of them, developers integrate encyclopedias that cover in detail events that occurred in different historical eras. The following are best strategies on PC– top 10 rating.

10. Anno

The Anno series of games opens the ranking of the best strategies on PC. The first part (Creation of new world) was released in 1998. There are 13 games in total, covering most modern eras, sometimes including alternative history. The main emphasis is on trade and providing resources to its settlers so that they improve their social status. For example, after drinking a cup of coffee, an ordinary citizen can become a merchant or a nobleman, depending on the situation. However, the gameplay here is based not only on economics. Neighboring states will sooner or later want to seize the player’s wealth. Therefore, it always makes sense to build yourself a couple of extra guns.

Caesar 3 is one of the best economic strategies on PC, in which the player will have to rebuild cities for the glory of the Emperor. After the training mission, the developers offer two options for further passage - military and peaceful. In the first case, the city will be regularly attacked by barbarians, in addition, a rebellion may suddenly begin. In the second option there will be much fewer enemies. In some missions there will be no them at all, but the requirements for the prosperity of the settlement there are much higher. If the gamer does not cope with the plan that was drawn up by the game, then the emperor removes him from the post of governor. The city is quickly attacked by Roman legionnaires. If you lose, the player will be sent to the galleys, after which the level will have to be replayed again. It is worth noting that this legion can be defeated by building a defense.

8. Total War: Attila

In 8th place in the top 10 best strategies on PC Total War: Attila. This game has both spectacular combat and a well-implemented turn-based mode on a global map. Total War: Attila takes place in 395 AD, immediately after the division of the Roman Empire into West and East. The player needs to lead one of the nations and completely capture the entire map. Difficulties begin almost immediately. Europe is under attack from the Huns, and the lands of Rome are raging civil wars and the barbarians are rampaging. In other words, the Great Migration is in full swing. The diplomacy system is well done and allows for various cunning moves. The AI ​​is quite smart and may well cause a lot of problems for a novice gamer.

7. Age of Empires 2: The African Kingdoms

Age of Empires 2: The African Kingdoms, an add-on for the remake of Age of Empires 2: HD Edition, entered the top ten best strategies on PC. Compared to the original game, the graphics have been seriously improved and multiplayer has been built in on Steam servers. New nations and four fully voiced companies have also been added. An old classic has been revived and has been very well received by fans. This remake is rightfully considered one of best games the entire Age of Empires series.

Command & Conquer 4 - final part famous and one of the best games in the strategy genre. Despite the fact that the GDI and the NOD Brotherhood have joined forces to save human species, final stage confrontation - the fourth war for Tiberium is just around the corner. The developers have completely changed the entire gameplay. Now, in order to receive resources, the player must capture and hold special nodes that control the growth of Tiberium. Combat units have also undergone changes and are divided into attack, defense and support classes. Fans and critics received mixed reactions to the game, mainly due to its focus on multiplayer. All other changes were accepted by the public quite loyally.

5. XCOM: Enemy Within

The XCOM series of turn-based strategies is considered one of the best games of its kind. Basically, the plot tells about the struggle of earthlings with aliens. The gamer will have to lead the XCOM organization and carry out various operations against aliens who have a strong technological as well as numerical advantage. The non-plot addition Enemy Within added new tasks, weapons and robotic mechs, for the production of which you need to build a special laboratory. The atmosphere of the game allows you to completely immerse yourself in the noble cause of protecting the Earth from aliens.

4. Civilization VI

The list of the best continues with the global turn-based strategy Civilization VI. One of the most interesting innovations was the new city system. Now settlements can occupy several cells and will provide serious bonuses to the economy, as well as science. Unfortunately, it is impossible to capture a separate quarter - the city is owned only by the one who captured the center. The goal of the game remains the same - to lead your nation to victory through diplomacy, culture or military expansion. However, the Firaxis Games studio was able to make a high-quality game, pleasing fans of the series.

3. Age of Mythology

Age of Mythology opens the top three best strategy games on PC. Even ten years after its release, the game has a huge fan base. Developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft Game Studios. Like most standard RTS games in Age of Mythology, the player needs to rebuild cities, collect resources and build troops in order to destroy enemy armies and settlements. The plot of the game is a kind of mixture of Greek, Scandinavian and Egyptian mythologies. Interestingly, game AI was used in scientific research. The scientists wanted to find out what effect merging the emotional model with standard bot scripts had. According to the results, the aggressive option won 25% faster. The only drawback of the strategy was the very monotonous tasks in the company, but this did not reduce its replay value.

Everyone has long understood that Blizzard does not make bad games. Warcraft III was at one time the most anticipated and best strategy computer game on the market, so it is difficult to find a gamer who has not at least once heard of such colorful characters as Arthas, Illidan and Thrall. Well-chosen music allows you to completely immerse yourself in the history of the fantasy world. In addition to an excellent plot, Warcraft has excellent graphics, as well as a map editor that allows you to completely change the characteristics of units, textures and create your own cut scenes. This led to the creation of many unofficial maps, the gameplay of which is very different from the original game. The most famous example is DotA, which has grown into a separate large project.

1. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

Starcraft II Wings of Liberty is the most famous and best real-time strategy game on PC, which has quickly become a new eSports discipline. The Blizzard developers did not even hide that the main purpose of their game was online matches. However, there is a solo company with a cool plot. Terrans, Protoss and Zerg will once again meet on epic battlefields. the main task in any mission - the complete destruction of the enemy and his buildings. The Havok graphics engine and excellent graphics only increase the pleasure of the process. The game turned out to be long-lasting - thanks to a well-developed universe, interesting factions and online leagues that allow you to fight with other players.

A true classic - the first 3D game from Blizzard and one of the best strategies in principle.

When it released in 2002, Warcraft III had it all. Wonderful graphics, which, thanks to the unique style, look good even now, exciting gameplay with role-playing elements that influenced the entire RTS genre, a gorgeous plot in a well-thought-out universe, and support for mods.

If it weren't for Warcraft III, there would be neither DotA nor the MOBA genre as such.

2. XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Tactical strategy on PC in which you need to defend the Earth from aliens.

The main thing about XCOM is the constant need to take on challenges. Who should you send on a difficult mission: a veteran who will have a better chance of winning, or a newbie who you won’t mind losing? Which one should be given more powerful armor or a gun? Should you order the fighters to attack the strongest alien or deal with the smaller enemies first?

Every aspect of the game - managing the base, changing character equipment and the battles themselves - is incredibly exciting.

3. Company of Heroes

In appearance this is the most ordinary strategy game, but in reality Company of Heroes is one of the most humane games about war. This is because the player rarely has more than a few squads under his command (unlike several dozen units in traditional RTS). You worry about the fighters as much as you do about yourself and build tactics in such a way as to ensure their survival.

With an advanced graphics engine for its time and thoughtful missions, Company of Heroes shows the brutality of war. No matter how hard you try, people still die - this is the price of victory.

4. StarCraft II

StarCraft II is the world's premier eSports strategy game. Every millimeter of the map, every character's special ability, every building available for construction - everything is mathematically verified to generate the most exciting matches. It’s not for nothing that gaming tournaments take place almost every couple of weeks, and prize funds they reach up to $700,000.

If you don't really like microcontrol and multitasking, then StarCraft II also has a great single-player campaign. It has an excellent story about the confrontation between three races and various types missions. Plus, you don’t have to click the mouse so much to complete it.

5. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak

6. Supreme Commander

The spiritual successor to Total Annihilation, which improves and expands on the ideas of the original. Essentially, this is a game about leisurely battles of huge people on giant maps.

Supreme Commander matches rarely last less than an hour. This time is needed to build a base with a balanced economy and prepare enough combat units to destroy the enemy.

Supreme Commander is a grand strategy game in every sense. The number of fighters on one side sometimes reaches a thousand, and you need to think through your actions at least 10 minutes in advance.

7. Total War: Shogun 2

Among the games in the Total War series, it is difficult to choose the best, but Lifehacker chose Shogun 2. Of all the modern parts, it is perhaps the most complete, concentrated and understandable even for beginners.

In Total War: Shogun 2, the player takes on the role of the head of a clan in medieval Japan. The goal is to take over the entire country. To do this, you can use diplomacy, economics, and even intrigue - sending assassins and spies.

But the main thing is, of course, epic battles, in which it is very important to correctly place your troops on the location.

8. Age of Empires II HD

In Age of Empires II, the player needs to lead a civilization through several eras: the Dark Ages, feudalism, the castle era, and so on. You can play as one of several factions, such as Japan, Mongolia or the Celts.

The main feature of the game is the combination of resource management with military operations. When fighting in Age of Empires II, it’s not enough to just raise an army; you also need to build a powerful economy by building houses, quarries and sawmills, and cultivating fields.

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