How to make a step-by-step Mother's Day craft. DIY gift for mom - original surprises for Mother's Day. DIY gift sweet bears

For each of us, mother is the closest, dearest, dearest person, ready to tirelessly help, love and care. Of course, the best gift for every mother during the holidays will be the one that the child was able to make himself, since these DIY crafts for mom convey all the child’s love and gratitude. Let's look at how you can make beautiful compositions yourself. Perhaps these will be original gifts made from natural raw materials or do-it-yourself crafts from scrap materials. We tried to collect different methods designed for both the youngest craftsmen and older adults.

DIY crafts for Mother's Day made from fabric

Wonderful bouquets and compositions can be made from fabric flowers. Moreover, you will need a little material, so there is no need to buy cuts - you will probably find small scraps at home. With their help, for example, you can sew voluminous craft bouquets for Mother’s Day with your own hands. For such work, you will additionally need padding polyester filler (cotton wool), a bendable strong wire that will hold the stem.

There are simpler options that are suitable for children of primary school age - do-it-yourself applique crafts made from material using pieces of felt. Thick dishwasher napkins will replace this fabric. Flowers are cut out of them and then glued onto cardboard. The middle is decorated with a button.

DIY craft for mom for Mother's Day using napkins

Try making a wide variety of crafts for your mother with your own hands using simple multi-colored napkins. This malleable material makes it possible to make beautiful carnations, roses and other flowers.

Mom will certainly be pleased with an elegant heart card with her child’s hand. To decorate it, you need to cut out a heart blank from cardboard and glue a loop to it. Then, from white and red napkins we roll small balls (they should be fluffy). The child’s palm needs to be traced on cardboard, greased with glue, white lumps tightly (without gaps) glued to it, and the rest of the postcard should be covered with red ones. On the reverse side you can leave congratulations and wishes.

This DIY craft for mom for Mother’s Day will always remind her of what kind of baby her grown-up child once was.

Children's crafts for Mother's Day from pompoms and cotton pads

Having learned how to make pom-poms, according to the step-by-step instructions in the article, form them into a variety of lush and soft bouquets. At the same time, it is better to choose wool threads for making pom-poms so that they create more voluminous balls. DIY artificial flower crafts are often formed using wire in the form of stems, which are well “disguised” by wrapping with green thread.

Cotton pads are a simple, convenient, affordable material from which you can also make flowers, as shown in the photographs of our catalog. If necessary, they are painted in different colors.

Mother's Day: DIY crafts for kindergarten

Children's institutions often host various exhibitions and, sometimes, matinees for Mother's Day. Children make various crafts for Mother's Day with their own hands under the guidance of teachers or independently. For example, a bouquet of children’s hands or falling raindrops, each with a photograph of a child, looks very touching.

When decorating a group or hall for a Mother's Day matinee, DIY crafts for kindergarten can be quite large, such as garlands made of multi-colored paper maple leaves. All the kindergarten children made individual elements, and the teachers assembled very beautiful “curtains” from them.

Mother's Day: DIY paper crafts

Colored paper and cardboard are very often used in children's creativity, as working with them is quite simple. By following the instructions in the photographs of our article, you can learn yourself, and you can also show your child how beautiful paper flowers are made using the origami method. On Mother's Day, do-it-yourself paper crafts are designed in the form of original greeting cards, and a cute composition of birds will undoubtedly touch any mother.

DIY crafts and gifts made from natural materials

Using natural resources, it is not difficult to create a wide variety of crafts from autumn materials with your own hands. While walking outside with your child, pick up twigs, acorns, pine cones, and fallen bright colorful leaves for creativity. In addition, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and other natural raw materials are often used.

We tried to present wonderful DIY crafts and gifts in the article. For example, a basket of pine cones. It’s quite easy to make: you’ll also need a plastic bucket and hot-melt adhesive to attach the pine cones. It is also easy to form a basket using wire connecting the cones into one ensemble.

Mother's Day is celebrated all over the world. On this day, I want to say warm words to my mother, create a holiday and a good mood! But the most pleasant surprise for mom will be a gift made with her own hands. If you fantasize a little, ideas will start to flow.

For example, you can make candles with a picture of your family, for this you will need:

  • candles;
  • photo;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Another idea is to first take a photo of the people you love, but so that in their hands they are holding the photo frame that you will give to your mother.

You can decorate the plate. Apply a design using acrylic paints to the edge using a stencil.

Dark linen table napkins can also be decorated. To do this, you need to take simple pencils with an eraser at the end, toothpicks and bleach or any liquid bleach. How to apply the drawing can be seen in the photo.

A notebook painted with stencils and decorated with decorative ribbons looks interesting.

You can attach photos and wishes to your mother on a regular board.

The easiest way is to make a pendant for a chain. Shells brought from the sea, quilling crafts, and various beads are also suitable.

And if among the kitchen utensils there are wooden spoons and spatulas, then you can give them a “live” look by painting their handles.

A family photo album is a wonderful gift. For this craft you will need cardboard. Fold it in two layers like an accordion and cut out windows for photos.

Three-dimensional cards are not difficult to make. The main thing is to carefully cut out the design or letters with a paper knife.

The simple, but very touching gift in photo 11 is easy to make.

A heart made of carnations and threads will decorate the wall.

And you can put a photo of your loved ones in the pendant.

When you have already bought the gift, decorate it yourself.

Dip your palms into the paint and grab the cups, then coat with varnish to seal the design.

Collect ice cream sticks, they will be useful for crafts.

Take your time to wash your palms after painting, make a bouquet out of them.

You can make a rose out of paper.

Refrigerator stickers.

Almost all countries on the globe, although not at the same time, celebrate a unique holiday - Mother's Day. It can truly be called a holiday of eternity, because the most important person in the life of any person, passing through generations, is the mother. And if, say, on traditional Women's Day - March 8, all females are honored, be it a friend from kindergarten or a grandmother, then this holiday is dedicated only to mothers. Congratulations on Mother's Day, poems and songs are heard for them; they are given gifts. And every mother is always much more pleased to receive a souvenir not bought with dad’s money, but even a modest one, but made with her own hands. If you think a little, you can make a variety of crafts for Mother's Day with your own hands.

The level of handmade crafts, of course, will differ depending on the age of the young donor. What a schoolchild can do, a kindergarten student is unlikely to be able to do. But it’s probably worth starting with preschoolers.

What will a preschooler please his mother with?

As a rule, crafts for Mother's Day in kindergarten are made by the whole group, and most often they are the same.

It can be:

  • a drawing for Mother's Day imitating a greeting card;

  • The applique on cardboard is also in the form of a Mother's Day card. A composition of autumn leaves will look interesting;

  • colorful bookmarks for books;

  • crafts made from plasticine. You can, for example, make a basket and place a bouquet of plasticine flowers in it;

  • It’s easy to make a craft from a walnut shell – for example, a turtle. You can even create a whole family. And all you need from the auxiliary materials is plasticine, from which the paws, tail and head are made, and a couple of beads for the eyes. Based on the same material, a ladybug, a boat with a sail - a yacht for mom - would work well;

  • Flowers are always in place as a DIY craft for Mother’s Day. Preschoolers are quite capable of making paper tulips from ordinary colored or corrugated material;

  • Combining bright colored paper with beads, it’s easy to make an elegant butterfly. You can give it separately, or you can add it to a bouquet;

  • Both boys and girls will be interested in making a bright fan for their mother from thick paper pre-painted by the child himself. You can make a flower arrangement based on the fan.

Older kids can make original cards for Mother's Day with their own hands using a figured hole punch. Its “waste”, unlike the traditional one, consists of a variety of figures of different sizes. These can be flowers and leaves, snowflakes and angels, dragonflies and butterflies. Can you imagine what beauty you can create with their help?!

What does fantasy tell to children of primary school age?

What to give your mom for Mother's Day? Many schoolchildren ask this question long before the holiday itself. And this is good - there is time to carefully think through all the details of your future product.

  • Someone will have time to master several interesting figures using the origami technique.

  • Children often want the gift to be practical, and therefore someone will make an elegant case for glasses or a case for a mobile phone from felt or other dense fabric.

  • A business mom will definitely love a spacious and functional stand for pencils and pens.

  • DIY crafts for Mother's Day can be stylized bouquets of flowers. An interesting and - again - practical option is a flower bouquet of... pencils. It’s not at all difficult to make, but such a gift will delight any mother with its creativity.

How to make a bouquet of pencils

To do this, you need several (5, 7, 9 - at your discretion) simple pencils with an eraser “on the top”; a container that will serve as a vase; polystyrene foam (not bad - floral); colored paper or cardboard. You will also need superglue and a hole punch.

Styrofoam must be glued to the bottom of the “vase”; from colored paper - cut out multi-colored flowers and punch holes in their centers with a hole punch. The pencil eraser should fit into them. All that remains is to plant the flowers on the pencils and secure them in the foam bottom of the vase. A long-lasting gift is ready: eternal flowers and pencils will come in handy around the house.

  • By the way, about vases. Another great DIY craft for Mother's Day. Vases can be made from an ordinary plastic or glass bottle or jar, decorating them to the best of your imagination and taste. The material for gluing them can be corrugated colored paper, various ribbons, colored yarn and colored electrical tape, etc.

  • Two plastic bottles, or rather their bottoms, fastened with a zipper, will become a nice little box for small items. The zipper can be glued to them or simply carefully sewn.

As you can see, there are quite enough options for original congratulations to mothers on Mother’s Day. You just need a little patience and, of course, the desire to sincerely please the person you love.

DIY Mother's Day cards

The very first word every person utters is “mother”. In any country and for all children there is no more dear and close person.

DIY Mother's Day Crafts

It is to the mother that the child hurries with his first victory; it is to her that they carry their grief. Only she can solve all issues and help in any situation.

This is why the holiday Mother's Day appeared. It is designed to honor mothers all over the world and women who are just expecting the birth of a child. It is a holiday that exists all over the world and is celebrated by different countries at different times. Some people bring flowers to their mother in the fall, and others in the spring.

Sons and daughters strive to please their parents on this day, albeit with a small, symbolic gift. Adults buy sweets and bouquets, and children make crafts with their own hands. After all, there is nothing more valuable than a gift made with one’s own hand.

On this page we will tell you how to make DIY crafts for Mother's Day for children in kindergarten.

Crafts for Mother's Day in kindergarten: junior group.

DIY Mother's Day Crafts

Many people give their very first gift to their mother with their own hands in the junior group of kindergarten. At this age, children have a great desire to please their mother, but the opportunities to do this are quite limited. This means they will need some help from educators. Below you will see what crafts children in the younger group can make with their own hands.

Festive floral applique.

DIY festive floral applique for Mother's Day

A craft in the form of an applique can be used as a gift. This type of creativity is very interesting for children in the younger group of kindergarten. They manage to create a beautiful picture quite simply using colored paper and glue. However, the preparatory stage falls on the shoulders of adults.

The first thing to do is cut out flowers, flower centers, stems and leaves from colored paper. It's good if the parts are large enough. Next, you should prepare the base, that is, cardboard or thick paper. And pour PVA glue into a small container, from where it will be convenient to take it with a brush.

Now the child can begin to create. With his own hands, he applies a small amount of glue to the back of the flower and places it on the cardboard. Then comes the next flower, then the stems and leaves. An adult can only control the process, helping to choose the right place for each detail.

Video. Floral applique for Mother's Day.

Hand drawing for Mother's Day.

When working with children of the younger group, it is better to use special paints. Even if a child eats a little of this paint, he will not have any health problems. When it is not possible to purchase special paints, you should use gouache. This paint is quite safe and perfect for finger painting.

The preparatory stage in making the craft will take very little time. Paint of different, preferably bright, colors should be diluted to a consistency somewhat thinner than when painting with a brush. Separately prepare containers with water for rinsing your hands and paper towels to dry them. For drawing, it is better to take thick A3 paper or whatman paper. When starting to draw, children should be dressed in special waterproof aprons and the table covered with oilcloth.

The child will be happy to dip his hands in paint and leave colorful marks on the paper. The teacher of the junior group of the kindergarten can only guide him, showing him how to properly leave a mark and whether all fingers should participate in this. After each paint, hands should be thoroughly washed in a nearby container of water or, if possible, under running water.

At the end of this stage, you need to add eyes, lips and other missing elements to the resulting fragments. This can be done conveniently with your finger. If very small details are expected, they should be completed by adults.

In such a simple and fun way you can depict animals, for example, chickens, octopuses, an elephant or a centipede. Or draw flowers, the sun and grass.


Photo: DIY plasticine flowers

With the help of plasticine, cardboard and imagination, you can get a beautiful and simple enough picture for Mother’s Day to complete in the younger group of the kindergarten. To start working on the painting, you should prepare colored plasticine, cardboard and hairspray. First of all, you need to spray the cardboard with varnish and let it dry. This precaution will save future crafts from greasy marks that may remain from plasticine in inexperienced children's hands.

Children in the younger group of kindergarten will not yet be able to make a plasticine figure with their own hands, but they can quite easily roll a ball or tube. Rolled balls of different colors are attached to cardboard so that the middle is one color and the petals are another. By pressing the plasticine more tightly, you will be able to create a completed flower. Now you should add a leg from a rolled plasticine tube to it. By making many flowers you will get a beautiful picture.

The finished product should be sprayed with varnish, so it will look more impressive. To make the picture more complex, you can add a beautiful picture, for example, a bird or a butterfly. The picture should also be attached using plasticine.


Plasticineography and beans.

Another interesting gift for Mother's Day will be a postcard made of plasticine, colored paper and beans. Children in the younger group love to play with cereals and legumes, and it is very pleasant to create as a game.

For the gift you will need beans, several types of plasticine, cardboard, colored paper, a needle and thread, gouache, a marker and glue. The kindergarten teacher should cut out a large flower from colored paper and prepare the glue by pouring it into a small container. On the prepared sheet of cardboard you need to draw the outlines of the flower, and write the inscription “MAME” a little lower.

Now, the child can glue the prepared flower, trying to place it within the marked contours. You need to roll 7 tubes from multi-colored plasticine, and roll each one into a snail. The child places the twisted buds in the center of the flower with his own hands, and the adult secures them there with a needle and thread. Using glue, the child draws a flower stem and a leaf, and then lays it out with beans. The final touch to the craft will be writing the word “MAME”. To do this, dip your finger in the paint and, with the help of an adult, trace the letters written with a marker. Now the card should dry a little and it can be given as a gift.

Seven-flowered flower for Mother's Day.

Mothers Day

The youngest kindergarten visitors love to crumple paper and this is worth using. To make a seven-flowered flower you will need: cardboard, colored paper, double-sided tape, a green pencil and scissors.

At the preparatory stage, an adult needs to cut out seven multi-colored petals and large green leaves. Place double-sided tape in the shape of a flower in the center of the cardboard. Remove the second layer of paper from the tape, leaving it sticky.

Following this, the child is asked to crumple a piece of white paper and glue it in the center of the flower - this will be its core. This is followed by pre-cut petals. Afterwards, the child takes and crumples up large green leaves, and the adult, straightening them a little, helps stick them, using tape, in the right place on the craft. All that remains is to complete the flower stems with a pencil and the card is ready.


Crafts for Mother's Day in kindergarten: senior group.

In the senior group of kindergarten on Mother's Day, children can do much more with their own hands and their crafts are more accurate and complex. This is due to better motor skills and greater development. In the older group, children can independently use pencils and cut with scissors under adult supervision.

Fabric skirt for a painted doll.

A fairly simple and very beautiful craft would be a postcard or a whole panel of painted dolls with fabric skirts attached to them. Such a gift can be given individually to each mother, or collectively to all mothers of older children.

The materials you will need are cardboard with a painted doll, ballerina or gymnast, fabric with a finished edge, thread, needle, glue and tape. The preparatory stage, performed by an adult, consists of cutting out a piece of fabric sufficient for the future skirt and laying out the elements.

When starting work, a kindergarten child can begin by forming a skirt from a prepared piece of fabric. It should be placed with the cut edge down, and the top part should be gathered. At this stage, the teacher will help you gather the top edge of the skirt using a needle and thread. Next, the upper part of the skirt is glued to the waist of the drawn doll. Now you should glue a piece of tape on top, which will serve as a belt. The work should be completed by decorating the card or panel with the remaining ribbon. For this purpose, you can make small flowers or bows with your own hands and place them in the ballerina’s hair or in her hand.

Making a gift like this for Mother's Day , a child in the older group not only enjoys the process and the anticipation of joy on his mother’s face. But it also develops fine motor skills and drawing skills.

For this craft you will need thick cardboard with a large picture drawn on it. All details of the picture should be large. An image of a butterfly, hedgehog or other animal would work well. You can also draw flowers, but these should be large inflorescences, for example, chamomile. The picture must first be cut out. In addition to cardboard, you need colored plasticine. It is more advisable to cover the workplace with oilcloth or paper.

When starting work, children need to be shown how to break off a small piece of plasticine and smear it with their fingers over the selected fragment of the picture. At first, the child may not succeed very well, because effort must be made. However, he will quickly get used to it. Continuing to color the postcard in this way, after a short period of time you will get a very bright plasticine applique.


Craft: Flowers made from salt dough.

It often happens that children in kindergarten do not treat plasticine very well. It sticks to your hands, may not roll out for a long time or has a certain smell. At the same time, children love to play with salt dough.

Making salt dough with your own hands is not difficult. To do this, you need to have one glass of salt and flour, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and paint. The paint does not have to be food grade; you can use gouache. This is due to the fact that even after tasting the dough, the child will not eat it - it is too salty. The prepared dough should be wrapped in film and left for 30 minutes. This craft dough can be stored in a well-tied bag for up to a month.

When the dough is ready, and it is better to make it in several colors, you can begin to get creative. First, you should divide the material into pieces and roll them into balls of different sizes. Make tubes from green balls that will serve as flower stems. Form ovals from larger balls and flatten them to create petals and leaves. The smallest lumps will serve as the middle of the flower. All that remains is to assemble the composition and let it dry.


DIY plaster figurine coloring book for Mother's Day.

In the older group, kids can already draw on their own. And if you invite them to decorate a large white figure, they will be completely delighted. The role of an adult is important in making such a gift. He needs not only to guide the child, but also to clean up some of his shortcomings in a timely manner. If this is not done, the colors will mix and the result will not be quite what was expected. The teacher will also have to draw small details, for example, eyes, if any.

Preparation consists of covering a table or other work surface with oilcloth. Any convenient paints are suitable for coloring. It is very convenient when each jar of paint has its own brush. Then there is no need to constantly wash it and the likelihood of mixing paints in the jars is reduced. Another nuance is to protect the child himself from paint - waterproof sleeves and aprons would be appropriate here.

Once you’ve finished coloring the craft, you should leave it to dry for a few hours and wish your mom a Happy Mother’s Day.

Postcard with cereal and felt.

Mother's Day card

There are a huge number of options for creating a card as a gift for Mother's Day. A variety of materials can be used here; cardboard, colored or corrugated paper, fabric, dried and fresh flowers, beads and much more. But postcards with combined materials occupy a special place.

To make a postcard with cereal and felt, you will need cardboard, pieces of bright felt, cereal, glue, and a brush. You can use rice, millet, pearl barley or lentils as cereal. Semolina should not be used due to its small size. It is also better to avoid using buckwheat, as its color will be difficult to use in a flower arrangement.

Before starting the process, you should put the cereal in a small unbreakable container, pour in glue, prepare a brush, prepare colored cardboard by bending it in half and cut out flower elements from felt. When starting work, the older group child spreads glue on the colored part of the cardboard using a brush. Felt petals are glued to the applied glue. You also need to place a little PVA in the middle of the flower and pour the cereal onto it. Somewhat below the resulting applique, with the help of an adult, the child writes a dedicatory inscription “MAME” with glue and sprinkles it with the remaining grain. You can leave the inside of the card blank or write the name of the donor with a felt-tip pen.


DIY flashlight with a surprise.

The gift can be made from various materials, it all depends on the idea and the time to complete it. If time allows, then it is quite possible to make a flashlight with a surprise. To do this you need threads, preferably bright colors, a round inflatable ball, PVA glue, a small piece of colorful cardboard and imagination. The first thing to do is inflate the balloon. Next, dilute the glue with water in a shallow, wide container. Having put an apron and arm ruffles on the child, and covered the table with oilcloth, you can begin.

The edge of a thread approximately half a meter long is lowered into a container with diluted PVA. When the thread gets wet, wrap it around an inflatable ball, constantly passing new sections of thread through the glue. Once the entire ball is wrapped, you need to give it time to dry.

The second stage is best done the next day; the thread will dry completely and work will be easy. Having armed the child with a needle or fork, you need to allow him to pierce the ball, and then remove it from the threads without damaging the structure. A flower or butterfly is cut out of a piece of colored cardboard and attached to threads with glue - this will be a surprise. Instead of cardboard, you can use colored foam rubber or tape. Now all that remains is to attach the handle with a thread and the flashlight is ready.

No matter what country you happen to live in, it is very important to remember your mother! Make her happy all year long and especially on Mother's Day. It doesn’t matter at all how old the “child” is: 2, 5 or 40, the mother will always be happy with the attention. Even the smallest gift will bring joy, and one made with your own hands is doubly so. And kindergarten is the best time to teach this to a child.

We bring you the best for Mother's Day. What gift to give for Mother's Day 2019 - these are the questions that a lot of boys and girls will be concerned about on the eve of the 2019 holiday.

Since our children do not go to work, and, more often than not, they do not have a budget for purchases, their solution is cute homemade gifts.

To make your mother's gift for Mother's Day pleasant, original and cute, we have prepared for you 10 ideas that your child can handle. Of course, the help of conscientious adults is welcome.

What to do for mom on Mother's Day: DIY gift ideas

DIY colorful hyacinths as a gift for Mother's Day

DIY soft tulips as a gift for Mother's Day

For those who know how to sew, we suggest making a bouquet of soft tulips with your own hands as a gift to your mother for Mother’s Day 2019. Even when made from fabric and padding polyester, these amazingly delicate flowers do not lose their charm!

You will need: bright fabric for buds, green fabric for legs and leaves, filler, wire for rigidity.

Sew the legs, turn them inside out, fill them with stuffing, insert the wire, sew the buds, turn them inside out, fill them with stuffing, sew them to the legs.

You will need: small ceramic flower pot, sand, flat pebbles of different shapes and sizes, corrector.

Select pebbles shaped like cacti, paint them with green paint, and make needles with white corrector.

Place the pebbles in a ceramic pot, cover it ¼ full with sand - your cacti are ready. Alternative option - .

Flower heart - beautiful

A gift for mom speaks of love, and the symbol of love, of course, is the heart. We have found a fairly simple way to make a heart bloom and present it to you.

You will need: small roses, live or made of paper, cardboard heart, stapler, string for hanging.

Draw a heart on the cardboard, cut it out, hang the cardboard blank on a string. If you choose fresh roses, cut small branches with buds from large ones and use a stapler to secure them to the heart.

If you opted for artificial ones - first Fill the entire heart with buds - your gift for Mother's Day 2019 is ready.

Rainbow beads as a gift for Mother's Day 2019

To make it, you can use cold porcelain, tree branches, lace and many, many other materials at hand.

Tapestry - an idea of ​​what to give mom for Mother's Day

To make such a tapestry for a gift for mom on Mother's Day, the child may need the help of an adult.

You will need: wooden frame, nails, hammer, thread, large needle.

First, you need to nail the nails to the wooden frame on which the base will be attached. Then wind the threads, and begin to weave the tapestry, as shown in this one.

What to give mom: paintings of leaves and flowers

Now you know 10 DIY gift ideas for mom on Mother's Day. We hope you have found the right option for what to give your mom for Mother's Day, and she will love this homemade gift.

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