Step-by-step master class: how to draw a city. Department of Museum Pedagogy The Secret... in Geometry

Irina Pavlovskaya

“You don’t remember a big country that you traveled and got to know.

You remember the Motherland as you saw it as a child.”

K. Simonov "Motherland"

Modern researchers consider the national-regional component as a fundamental factor in the integration of social and pedagogical conditions in the patriotic and civic education of preschool children. At the same time, the emphasis is on nurturing love for one’s home, nature, and the culture of the small Motherland.

Introducing children to family edge: with historical, cultural, national, geographical, natural features forms in them such character traits that will help them become a patriot and citizen of their Motherland. After all, vivid impressions of one’s native nature and the history of one’s native land, received in childhood, often remain in a person’s memory for the rest of his life.

We live in an ancient Borisoglebsk city, named after Saints Boris and Gleb. Small quiet streets, beautiful squares, Urban park of culture and recreation, the Vorona River - everyone can name their favorite place in city. Our kindergarten students also have such places. The children, together with their teachers and parents, decided to draw the most beautiful and “famous” sights of Borisoglebsk.

In their drawings, the children drew sights and monuments that are located in city.

Another popular place in the city was easily recognizable in the drawings. city ​​- fountain.

The children also drew their favorite vacation spots - a kindergarten, playgrounds, and the banks of the Vorona and Khopra rivers.

And, of course, my favorite place for entertainment is Urban park of culture and recreation.

Of course, you want to master the initial skills of urban landscape, since you are on this page. Well, you're just at the right place. This is where you will find the most detailed instructions on how to draw a city. Moreover, the first part of the master class is devoted to two-dimensional drawing, and the second gives the basics of a three-dimensional image, as they say now, in 3D format.

The secret... is in geometry

Have you ever wondered why even the most inexperienced viewer is hypnotized by the sight of a painted city? There is no mysticism in this. The secret is that the human brain loves order, system, repeatability of lines. He finds it breathtakingly beautiful. This rule is fully consistent with symmetry and asymmetry, the severity of lines, the smoothness of circles and the accuracy of angles. Geometry, in a word. You will do absolutely the right thing if, in addition to a pencil, an eraser and a thick sheet of paper (for drawings), you stock up on a ruler.

Lesson 1: "High-rise buildings"

To understand how to draw a city, just follow the illustrations. Repeat the details of each step. The gray lines will “suggest” new shapes that should be drawn at the moment.

Just two rectangles of different heights (future skyscrapers) - and the beginning of the picture has been made:

Draw a couple more skyscrapers:

Add rectangular elements for the facades of the background buildings:

Draw the pictures of the house furthest from the foreground:

Pay attention to the most inconspicuous components of the architectonics of the drawing:

Draw some small fragments, focus on the details:

Despite the fact that the windows in the picture are the tiniest details, they are far from being of secondary importance. Carefully, under the ruler, draw each of them, and you will not regret the time spent:

Remove all extra lines. This is what you should end up with:

Like? It's only the beginning! 3D graphics are coming!

Lesson 2: How to Draw a City with Perspective

To achieve a volumetric effect, you need to follow simple rules of perspective. In order for the drawing to become dynamic, you first need to determine the horizon line - the place where the sky meets the ground, and the vanishing point - the area in which objects shrink and disappear.

Here, take a look at this one in which the perspective “runs away” into the distance:

And here is the drawing and the final version, where the perspective tends upward:

And the master class will show you how to draw a city with two vanishing points:

Divide the sheet in half with a vertical line. Mark vanishing points on the horizon that are equidistant from the vertical on both sides. Extend vertical working lines from them to the central part, as shown in the figure:

Using light movements, mark barely noticeable auxiliary lines. Add three parallel features, and the outline of the first, key building appears in front of you:

Notice how the buildings are positioned, moving away from the viewer towards the horizon. Label each:

Now is the time to finish drawing doors, windows, signs and other significant details. Remember, the more elements (pillars, sidewalks, pedestrian paths, even traffic lights), the more naturalistic the picture. When finished, erase all unnecessary lines and draw the contours well. Add shadows and your drawing will come to life. Don't forget to take into account the direction of the sun's rays when shading. The most illuminated places should be the least painted.

That's how you learned how to draw a city in volume. In fact, there can be not only two points of convergence, but also more. Five, for example. Then your drawing will look as if the city was photographed with a fish-eye lens. In this case, the image takes on a convex appearance, as if the houses had the intention of jumping out of the picture.


The more unexpected the perspective and artist when looking at the urban landscape, the more fascinating and lively the picture turns out. No less interesting are the motifs on the theme of the future. How to draw a city of the future? There can be no clear answer on this matter. For the created landscape is a figment of the artist’s imagination. Who can know what pictures appear before his mind's eye? But there is only one basis, and we just told you about it and showed it. Try it, create it! And who knows, maybe it will turn out to be not even fiction, but a prediction...

Hello, friends!

It's time to sum up the results of our big competition "My native, beloved land."

187 works were submitted to the competition from participants from 67 cities and towns.

Comment from the chairman of the jury - Svetlana Kalinichenko:

And how rich and very sincere the competition “My Native, Beloved Land” turned out to be, with what soul, with what warmth you approached this topic. Thanks to this, judging this competition was incredible and the most difficult.

We would like to reflect our dilemmas and delights in the additional list of participants: Children: Alina Lvova, Alena Maltseva, Dasha Panasyuk, Ksenia Vasilyeva, Petya Ganzhin, Polina Morozova, Sergei Temilya, Sofia Moroz, Taisya Novopashina, Alisa Shkuropatskaya, Vladimir Neustroev, Elena Eremenko , Sofya Petrushenko, Maxim Potimko, Leonid Grasmik. Teenagers: Alexander Efremov, Anastasia Zhukova, Eva Filippova, Egor Ivlev, Ekaterina Trofinova, Ekaterina Shulyatyeva, Lev Polukarov, Elizaveta Pokidysheva, Glafira Kitik, Sofia Vasilyeva, Timofey Golovyashkin, Ulyana Stoyan, Ulyana Manina, Shukhrat Mirpulatov, Aksinya Meshcheryakova.

Your works were remembered by the jury members and the audience, and this is an important result - to be understood, seen and noted, even with the words and attention of the jury members, but remember that places in any competition are a subjective assessment of individuals!

In addition, it is important to note the wide geography of participants in this competition, and every corner of the Earth is for someone their native and beloved land.

We wish you further creative success! Create, enjoy creativity and continue to delight us with your masterpieces!

The final places were distributed as follows:

Nomination "Children (from 6 to 11 years old)"

Nomination "Teenagers (from 11 to 18)"

Prizes for the competition will be sent by email. These will be certificates with different monetary denominations, which can be exchanged for any goods and things in several online and real stores, such as: Ozone, Labyrinth, Children's World, etc.

Diplomas for winning will appear in your personal accounts within 3 business days.

All competition participants who did not win prizes will receive an electronic participant certificate for their personal portfolio.

Take part in our new competitions! Right now there is a drawing on the Risovashki.TV platform.

Thank you all very much!

Dear friends! The Feron company (manufacturer of the drug Viferon) invites you and your children to take part in a children's drawing competition!

From November 30 to December 23, the city information portal will host a children's drawing competition “Build a city of the future.”

City of the future- a place where kind, smart, happy people live. They skillfully build houses that they invent themselves, lay railways to wherever they want to go. In this city everyone loves to read good books and draw. And most importantly, NOBODY GETS SICK here! Dream and fantasize on paper!

Conditions for participation in the competition: Ask children to draw a picture on the theme “City of the Future” and get a chance to win valuable prizes and gifts.

The competition accepts works by children under the age of 16 (inclusive) in the form of drawings, collages, comics, made in any artistic technique. The maximum size of the drawing should not exceed A4 format (210 mm x 297 mm). The composition of the work must necessarily reflect the theme of the city of the future.

We will look forward to your children's drawings!

Creative work can be submitted to the competition in the following way:

  1. Upload a pre-scanned drawing into a special form for adding works, located below on the Competition page.
  2. Bring the drawing in paper form or on electronic media to the editorial office of the Info-City company portal at Orel, st. Revolutions, 1, office 19, 21, 27 from Monday to Friday 9.00 to 18.00.
  3. Send, having previously scanned, the drawing by email to info@site in JPEG format with the note “Application for participation in the competition “City of the Future”, leaving the following data: the participant’s name, age and telephone number for contacting the representative of the competitor.

Deadline for accepting works: from November 30 to December 16, 2015 (inclusive). Online voting on the portal began on December 17, 2015.

The final exhibition of children's drawings submitted to the competition and the awarding of the winners will take place on December 27, 2015. in Orel at the Gala Holiday Studio at emb. Dubrovinskogo, 60

An interesting entertainment program awaits all participants of the competition: the room will be equipped with a children's mobile platform, on which many different construction sets and everyone's favorite trains on the children's railway will be collected.

For adults:

  1. Master class on drawing from the art studio “World in Color” - the first and only one in Orel art studio for adults
  2. Lecture by an invited pediatrician on strengthening the immune system and using the drug.

We wish you good luck and inspiration!

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