Late love Ostrovsky brief description. Alexander Ostrovsky. Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky is the greatest Russian playwright.

On April 12, 1823, according to the new style, a writer and playwright, whose work revolutionized the Russian theater, Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky, was born into the family of a private lawyer.

The father dreamed of seeing his son become a lawyer, but Ostrovsky did not finish his studies at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University and worked for eight years in the offices of various courts. Childhood impressions and life experience gained in judicial institutions gave him invaluable material for creativity.

Already in 1850, the author published the first play “Our people - we will be numbered!” (another title is “Bankrupt”), which immediately made him famous. But at the same time, it was not understood by everyone, and the author was placed under police supervision.

In the 50s, Ostrovsky’s financial situation was quite difficult, not all the public had a positive attitude towards him, but the playwright still continued to write. Working in the magazine “Moskvityanin”, the author publishes the plays “Don’t Get in Your Own Sleigh,” “Don’t Live the Way You Want,” and the most striking comedy, “Poverty is not a vice,” which idealize Russian life. During this period, he utopianly shows the possibility of resolving the generational conflict, but at the same time depicts the characters’ characters in an absolutely realistic and rich way.

Since 1856, Alexander Nikolaevich has become close to the St. Petersburg editorial office of Sovremennik, sharing their views on art. Significant changes are taking place in the writer’s work, which is especially noticeable in the plays “Profitable Place” and “The Thunderstorm”. The poeticization of folk life is replaced by a dramatic depiction of reality.

In subsequent years, Ostrovsky still wrote a lot, but the tone of his works changed from dark to more satirical. Vaudeville plays were written: “Your own dogs fight, don’t pester someone else’s”, “What you go for is what you will find”. There is an interest in historical themes in the dramatic chronicles “Dmitry the Pretender and Vasily Shuisky”, the play in verse “The Voevoda or the Dream on the Volga” and others.

In post-reform works, businessmen and careerists become the new “heroes”. Be it Glumov from the play “Simplicity is Enough for Every Wise Man,” Vasilkov (“Mad Money”) or Berkutov (“Wolves and Sheep”) - all of them put career and money as the main goal in life. It is these “heroes” that Ostrovsky will remain with until the end of his writing career. But the playwright continues to create folk comedies that have a positive ending. During this creative period, the plays “Not everything is Maslenitsa for the cat”, “Truth is good, but happiness is better” and some others were created.

In addition to the satirical comedy “The Forest” and the dramatic fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”, at a later stage Ostrovsky also wrote serious psychological dramas. In the center of most of them is the image of a woman who loves, but does not find happiness. The heroines of the comedy “Talents and Admirers” and the melodrama “Guilty Without Guilt” are actresses who find a way out of life’s troubles in serving the theater. The entire plot is built around the heroines in the plays “It shines, but does not warm” and “The heart is not a stone.” The most impressive work of the “female” cycle, without a doubt, can be called the drama “Dowry.” The film based on it is striking in its tragedy, despite the seemingly simple plot.

Working with actors, Alexander Nikolaevich saw their difficult financial situation, dependence on officials and at the same time, the pursuit of cheap popularity and a lack of understanding of the author’s goals. This led him to despair, but he continued to fight for the “new theater” and tried to convince the authorities of the need for urgent changes.

The playwright created about 50 plays (“Profitable Place”, 1856; “Thunderstorm”, 1859; “Mad Money”, 1869; “Forest”, 1870; “Snow Maiden”, 1873; “Dowry Girl”) ", 1878, and many others). An entire era in the development of Russian theater is associated with the name of Ostrovsky. He is the author of translations from Cervantes, Shakespeare, Terence, Goldoni. Ostrovsky's creativity covers a huge period of Russian development in the 19th century. - from the era of serfdom in the 40s. before the development of capitalism in the 80s.

His dramaturgy played a decisive role in establishing an original and vibrant repertoire on the Russian stage and contributed to the formation of a national stage school. In 1865, Ostrovsky founded an artistic circle in Moscow and became one of its leaders. In 1870, on his initiative, the Society of Russian Dramatic Writers was created, of which he was the permanent chairman from 1874 until the end of his life.

In 1881-1884. Ostrovsky took part in the work of the commission to revise the regulations on the Imperial Theaters. On January 1, 1886, he was appointed head of the repertoire department of Moscow theaters. But by this time the playwright’s health had already deteriorated greatly, and on June 14, 1886, Ostrovsky died on the Shchelykovo estate in Kossush, Troma province.

Screen adaptation of the play “Late Love”

Year of manufacture: 1983

Genre: melodrama

Duration: 02:25:00

Director: Leonid Pchelkin

Cast: Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Anna Kamenkova, Rodion Nahapetov, Elena Proklova, Evgenia Khanaeva, Valery Shalnykh, Vyacheslav Nevinny, Valery Khlevinsky, Alexander Yushin, Alexander Mylnikov, Valentina Kravchenko, Galina Dobrovolskaya, Vitaly Komissarov, Alexander Yakulov, Evgeniy Knyazev

Description: Once upon a time, the name of the attorney Gerasim Porfirich Margaritov was widely known in Moscow, since he conducted business with care and great honesty. But one day, a bribed assistant stole from the solicitor and sold to the debtor an important document worth 20 thousand - and Margaritov lost his good name, all his acquired property and, together with his young daughter Lyudmila, was forced to move from his own house in the center to the outskirts. The wife, who was already ill, died, and years of hard and poor life passed. Lyudmila grew up, however, still lives with her father, without a dowry to get married. They rent a room in the house of a poor widow, Felitsata Antonovna Shablova. She has two adult sons, Nikolai and Dormedont, both of whom went into law. The younger one, Dormedont, in love with Lyudmila and dreaming of marrying her someday, helps Margaritov in conducting small matters with which the solicitor now hardly earns a living for himself and his daughter. And the eldest, Nikolai, in the past - a successful lawyer, became a spendthrift, a gambler and a reveler, got into debt, and in a couple of days they will take him to the tsugunder, put him in a debt hole...

Lyudmila falls in love with the son of the mistress of the house - the idle reveler Nikolai. To save him, she is ready to sacrifice everything - even to steal the most important monetary document entrusted to her father...

The plots of Ostrovsky's plays do not differ much from each other. The author constantly repeats himself, speaking on the same topics, without thinking much about the variations. Reading some of them evokes a feeling of Déjà-vu: I’ve seen this before somewhere, I’ve already read this play. It is impossible to get rid of this until the action moves to the final part of the story. And only there Ostrovsky allows himself to change the circumstances familiar to the reader. It is difficult to predict in advance how the play will end, but one of the characters must die, otherwise the remaining characters will not be able to find happiness. Ostrovsky does not do without scams. Swindles are blooming very rapidly.

A decent person usually shoots himself because of deeds that discredit his honor. So, for example, it was accepted by Leo Tolstoy. Conscience haunts his heroes, forcing them to put a gun to their temples or end their lives in other violent ways. With Ostrovsky everything is different. The more dishonest a person you are, the sooner you will be lucky and the sooner you will marry successfully and live to a ripe old age. You just need to do the job competently, pretending to be an innocent sheep suffering from unbearable conditions imposed by one of the well-wishers, who ultimately turned out to be fiends of hell in the minds of the sufferers.

Everyone knows the image of Turgenev’s girl (a personality closed from everyone, ready to do anything for the sake of her beloved) and Nekrasov’s woman (she will leave her galloping horse and enter a burning hut). But no one thought about the Ostrov girl, although her image is found in most of Ostrovsky’s plays. She is deeply unhappy, suspicious, tries to find the light at the end of the tunnel and quite often does not find it, preferring to continue to swim with the flow, maybe it will take her to the right shore. The development of her image usually leads to fatal consequences, or to positive ones, depending on how the author turns things around. You never know in advance how it will end, but one of two options for sure. Similarly, you can draw the image of an island man, but it’s better not to think about it, since it’s hard to imagine a more disgusting person. And everything would be sad, but Ostrovsky knows how to give everyone a bucket of joy if he wants, if he does not dare to fill the containers with bitter tears.

Everyone around should. Debt doesn't bother them. They joke, make fun of themselves and make fun of themselves. Annoyance rarely gnaws at the soul. No one is trying to correct the situation. They hope that everything will work out without their participation. They never make any attempt to make money. It is unknown where the means for living of ordinary people came from. The only one who gets the cash is the moneylender. But he is a negative figure. While his debtors almost evoke compassion for themselves. It is unclear where to applaud in such a situation.

Ostrovsky has several worthy plays. They are worth paying attention to, while almost everything else is repeated. You can praise the author for his talent for briefly and succinctly expressing thoughts, but you should not extol absolutely all of his works. There really isn't much that is noteworthy. It is also impossible to understand the morals of the inhabitants of the Russian Empire in the mid-19th century. They diverge from the reflection of reality that can be found in the works of Ostrovsky’s contemporaries. Rather, we can say that Ostrovsky tried to show the life of the province in order to amuse the capital's residents, as well as the inhabitants of the province itself. It is doubtful that one province would fully agree with the events described by the author, since all this could happen in a neighboring city, but never in their own. Therefore, it is easy to accept as truth what you have never seen yourself, but what everyone around you is gossiping about, especially regarding areas remote from you.

I propose to put an end to this in the discussion of Ostrovsky’s work.

Additional tags: Ostrovsky late love criticism, Ostrovsky plays, Ostrovsky late love reviews, Ostrovsky late love analysis, Ostrovsky late love review, Alexander Ostrovsky

Ostrovsky wrote the play Late Love in 1873, and after its premiere to the present day it has not left the theater stages. People are happy to go to performances in order to once again observe the plot and the lives of the characters. The play Late Love has four acts, and we are pleased to present it for the reader's diary.

Action 1

The first act of Ostrovsky's play Late Love takes us to the house of the noblewoman Shablova, where Shablova herself, her two sons, and the tenant Margaritov live with their daughter.

Here we meet a woman, Felitsata Shablova. She is worried about her youngest son Dormedonte, who has not come home for several days. The guy is protected by Lyudmila, the daughter of lawyer Margaritov. She believes that he is busy with legal matters and is dealing with the case of the widow Lebedkina. Between the conversation, the mistress of the house mentions that Nikolai supposedly likes the widow. He is not at home either. And finally Dormidont comes home and reports that his brother is playing in the inn, and during the conversation he mentions his love for the lawyer’s daughter. But the woman is sure that her son’s chances are small, because the girl likes Nikolai. Dormidont does not believe his mother and is thinking of confessing his feelings to Lyudmila.

Merchant Dorodnov and lawyer Margaritov talk about Lebedkina. The lawyer is going to collect all payments from her within two days, according to the terms of the mortgage.

Nikolenka is still not there, but a letter comes from him asking him to send money, because he lost money and needs to repay the debt. The mother is indignant, but Lyudmila decides to give her money to Nikolai, which Shablova was supposed to take to her son. Lyudmila's thoughts were with the young man, so she somehow did not pay attention to Dormedont's confession of her feelings.

Act 2

Later in the play Late Love, Nikolai returns home. At this time, Margaritov leaves, giving the keys to his daughter. She met with Nikolai and told him that it was she who gave the money and immediately admitted her feelings for him. Lyudmila said that she had never loved anyone before, and maybe her love was late, but at the same time the last. She is ready to do anything for him. Nikolai really sees that the girl’s feelings are real.

And at this time Lebedkina arrives at the house. She came to Shablova to tell fortunes with cards. The women started talking. The guest admitted that she had debts that Dorodnov was demanding from her and said that Margaritov had taken over her case. By chance or not, this very family rented a room from Shablova. The woman informs the widow about this. Shablova also said that Lyudmila is in love with Nikolai. And then Lebedkina came up with a plan. She invites Shablova’s eldest son to take a walk in the park. The couple leaves, and Lyudmila, who saw Nikolai and Lebedkina leaving, begins to worry. At this time, Dormedont approached the girl and talked about his brother’s debts, for which he could be put in a debt trap.

Act 3

Next we are transported to the third act, where the widow and Nikolenka are walking in the park. A woman talks about her debts, about a mortgage that she cannot pay. When Nikolai suggested selling the diamonds to pay off the debt, the woman just laughed. She is not ready to part with her jewelry. Instead, the woman invites Nikolai to prove his love. She persuades Shablova’s eldest son to do everything so that Lyudmila steals the mortgage note, which is in her father’s possession. For this, the woman promises to give money, with the help of which Nikolai will be able to pay off his debts and not fall into a debt trap.

The widow leaves, and Nikolai goes home. He is met by Lyudmila, who is interested in the young man’s debts, and the guy tells her that only the widow’s mortgage can save him. He invites Lyudmila to commit a crime and steal this important document from her father. For this, he promises to never sit down at the gaming table again, promises to find a job and earn an honest living. It was precisely this paper that Dormedont brought to the girl from her father. The girl was supposed to hide the document, but in the end she gives it to Nikolai.

Act 4

Continuing the acquaintance with Ostrovsky's play Late Love, the reader approaches the fourth act, which became the denouement. In this action, Lebedkina arrived at the noblewoman's house. Nikolai gives the paper to her. The woman, without hesitation, burns the mortgage, while completely refusing to fulfill her promise. She does not give Nikolai money to cover his debts and leaves. At this time, Margaritov discovered the loss. He is in despair and accuses Dormedon of theft. But he says that he gave all the papers to his daughter. Lyudmila confesses to her crime. Margaritov is in despair, Nikolai comes in and gives the mortgage document.

A.N. Ostrovsky
"Late love"

Alexander Ostrovsky himself named the play “Late Love” among his three best works.
The classic subtly senses the secret turns of human destinies and looks at human nature with a piercing gaze. In order not to lose such a sensitive attitude to the soul inherent in the play, the authors of the play try not to immerse themselves in the external attributes of life, but to capture Ostrovsky’s rich style, the beauty and capacity of his images, to comprehend the full depth of the love story...
A shelf, a desk, a hanger, a table, a bench - this is the simple interior of a “outback”. But even in this seemingly unremarkable environment of a measured life, storms sometimes occur...
Lyudmila, the modest daughter of a poor lawyer, falls in love with the wild Nikolai. To save her beloved, a woman is ready to commit theft and betrayal.
The artists, in collaboration with the director and playwright, skillfully guide the viewer through the labyrinths of the human soul, making them freeze, sympathize, laugh, tremble, admire and hope...

Vladimir Tumanov about the play: “There is a lot of space in the play, and there is a danger of rushing into the “curly-pop” environment: Moscow, Zamoskvorechye, the outskirts of Moscow - all this is quite dense and juicy in our idea of ​​that life. But I would like to penetrate into the immediacy of human feeling, to comprehend the full depth of this love story, or rather, the story of the survival of love in any context of life.”

“Late Love” by A.N. Ostrovsky does not have the extensive history of stage incarnations that other works of the author have acquired. However, among other theaters, she was approached by the Maly Theater (where the premiere took place in November 1873 with Maria Nikolaevna Ermolova in the title role - the role of Lyudmila) and the Moscow Art Theater (Mikhail Yanshin - Margaritov, 1949), the film of the same name by Leonid Pchelkin with Innokenty Smoktunovsky is well known , Elena Proklova and Rodion Nakhapetov. Nowadays, the play was staged at the Moscow Central Theater of the Russian Army (Larisa Golubkina-Shablova), the Theater Arts Studio under the direction of Sergei Zhenovach, and the Alexandrinsky Theater.

The performance is a laureate of the Slavic Bazaar festival in Vitebsk (Belarus), 2010;
Special prize of the International Theater Festival “Golden Knight” “For introducing youth audiences to the classical heritage”, 2010;
The highest theater award of St. Petersburg “Golden Sofit” for the 2009-2010 season. in the category “Best Actress” (Emilia Spivak for the role of Lyudmila).

Duration of the performance: 2 hours 45 minutes with intermission

For persons over 12 years

Production director Vladimir Tumanov Production designer Honored Artist of Russia
Alexander Orlov Costume designer Stefania Graurogkaite Choreographer Nikolai Reutov Lighting designer Gidal Shugaev Musical design Vladimir Bychkovsky

Characters and performers:

Felitsata Antonovna Shablova, owner of a small wooden house Irina Polyanskaya Gerasim Porfirich Margaritov, lawyer from retired officials Honored Artist of Russia
Petr Zhuravlev Lyudmila, his daughter, a middle-aged girl Emilia Spivak Nikolai Andreich Shablov, Shablova's eldest son Andrei Kuznetsov Dormedont, Shablova's youngest son, Margaritov's clerk Evgeniy Titov Varvara Kharitonovna Lebedkina, widow Svetlana Strogova Onufriy Potapych Dorodnov, middle-aged merchant Alexey Oding

Ostrovsky laid the foundations for the national repertoire of the Russian theater. In comedies and socio-psychological dramas, Ostrovsky brought out a gallery of types - from autocratic, cruel merchants, officials, and landowners, seized by a passion for “making money,” to numerous servants, hangers-on, and religious wanderers (“Our own people - we will be numbered!”, 1849; “Poverty is not vice", 1853; "Profitable Place", 1856; "Thunderstorm", 1859; "Warm Heart", 1868; "Mad Money", 1869; "Wolves and Sheep", 1875), showed the tragedy of gifted, sensitive women (" Dowryless", 1878), the fates of people from the acting environment ("Forest", 1870; "Talents and Admirers", 1881; "Guilty Without Guilt", 1883), vaudeville adventures of a modest official (trilogy about Balzaminov, 1857-61). A play in verse - a poetic "spring fairy tale" "The Snow Maiden" (1873; the same name by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov), historical chronicles. Ostrovsky’s works capture Russian life in the diversity of types and destinies, everyday and psychological shades, in changing social conditions, in adherence to the national way of life, in the contrasts and originality of the national character; reflected the moral people.

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