Happy birthday to your cousin sister in verse. happy birthday cousin sister

The magical, cherished date has already arrived,
The numbers have merged, your birthday has come.
You invited your guests in advance
For a beautiful, festive, luxurious table.
Cousin sister, dear, I wish
Fantastic happiness, love forever!
With extraordinary joy, congratulations,
After all, you are a dear person to me!

I want to congratulate my cousin:
Dear, happy birthday to you!
And I want to add a couple of little things,
With cordiality and kindness, loving.
I wish you the fulfillment of your cherished goals and dreams,
I wish you to be healthy, cheerful and cheerful.
Good luck among all your deeds and undertakings,
So that life was not sad, not sad, not harsh.

Even though we are cousins,
There is no closer man I have.
Let life be cheerful, colorful,
I congratulate you on your birthday.
May fate always protect you
Let illnesses not disturb thoughts, body.
Let the heart not cry and do not lose heart,
Go through life proudly, joyfully and boldly.

Happy birthday my darling cousin
You are like the sun bright, fashionable, elegant.
I wish you only colorful dreams,
And enthusiastic about your flattering words only.
We grew up together, went to school together,
They had fun, cursed, put up, loved.
Let us go on hand in hand side by side,
You give kindness to everyone with just one look.

On my cousin's birthday,
I wish you warmth.
And a fluffy and cute kitten,
To be happy and kind.
Let the cheerful and funny temper,
It will be your companion for many years.
I wish you only pleasant conversations,
And the mood is always pleasant.

At my cousin's sister,
today is a holiday bright, bright,
in her birth day is sunny,
I will prepare funny gifts for her!
We are with her as in our faithful childhood,
today it will be like kids to come off,
and let my sister and I be cousins,
but as relatives we will forever communicate!

Today to our cousin's sister,
how many years we will not say,
we congratulate her from a big heart,
after all, we don’t have a better sister of a person!
Let her holiday be decorated with flowers,
and we wish her earthly happiness,
so that our sister will always be the sun,
And she had a lot of impressions in her life!

Let our parents be relatives among themselves, and we are cousins, but I always hasten to congratulate my cousin on her glorious holiday - her birthday! There is no difference what kind of relationship between us, it never prevented us from being close to each other, keeping secrets, supporting in problems and enjoying achievements together! I want to tell my cousin sister that she will forever remain as open and cheerful, kind and sympathetic, so that I always know that I have a close, dear little man. May the heavens illuminate her life path with their gentle light, and happiness will forever settle in your heart, little sister! Happy birthday my dear!

From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate my dear cousin sister on a wonderful, unique and extraordinary birthday! It's great that I have you! The most charming and beautiful, the most unusual and unique, the most amazing and precious! May people always smile at you, may you have only joyful and happy moments and events in your life! Today I wish you a sea of ​​​​gifts and sincere congratulations, a happy holiday, a great mood. I adore you, respect and love you very much!

My priceless sister, I congratulate you on your birthday with the most sincere wishes: an interesting fairy-tale life. And it doesn't matter that we're cousins. It made our sisterly love twice as strong. Boundless happiness to you, my dear cousin, and great bright love. Let good luck and luck accompany you in everything, and everything around you only makes you happy. Be always cheerful, full of kindness, patience and optimism. May faithful friends always be near, and the Lord always and in everything generously blesses you!

My dear cousin!
I have not seen this anywhere!
May you not be my sister,
But I'm grateful to fate
What do I have, cousin!
And on your birthday I want
I give flowers a basket,
And to the restaurant! And I'm crying.

Dear cousin, the light of my eyes!

Cousin, I wish you
Only joy always
And happy birthday congratulations
I want to say forever
Ties us to you
We are sisters, so we are one!
Your soul with my soul
Destined to go through life.

I have a cousin, just class
Our family ties are strong
We always help each other in everything,
I always take an example from you cousin.
Today is your birthday
Accept heartfelt congratulations,
May your every day turn into a holiday,
May the bird of happiness often fly to you.

Happy birthday to you, cousin, dear,
I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart,
Let your life flow like a full river
May your fate be amazing.
All the best to you, prosperity, joy, kindness,
Good luck and success in everything
Let your relatives respect, appreciate you,
May there be fewer tears and more laughter.

Today is your birthday
This is the most important day in life
May the mood always be excellent
Let luck follow you like a shadow.
Dear cousin, be healthy and happy,
May your life be long and beautiful
Let the years be wealth for you
May your path be illuminated by a bright star.

On this glorious day, cousin, congratulations,
Let a personal holiday bring a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bimpressions,
Let your life be a bright firework
Accept compliments and smile.
I wish you all the best, joy, warmth,
May fate always be favorable
Let every day be a bright moment
Let the mood always be excellent.

All congratulations and compliments to you,
The best cousin on earth
I wish you joy and happiness
Let all bad weather fly by.
Happiness to you the greatest
Be always, sister, healthy,
Let life be like spring water
Let there be no trace of sadness.

I wish my cousin
Good luck, happiness and health!
Warmly, congratulations
And I treat with great love!
Let your intuition help
Don't make mistakes in the future!
May success multiply every day
And the duration of the smiles!

No, to you, my cousin,
Do not drive up on a railcar -
Give me a fancy limousine!
On your birthday, however
Feelings arose an obsession -
You are the best cousin in the world!
Glory rushes about you:
So slender and golden-domed
Courage, beauty and passion
I want to wish only very much -
Everything in the world day and night
Be even smarter and smarter!
... On the "Tavria" not for the sake of laughter, I
What to do if there is nothing!!!

Happy birthday to you cousin
Happy Birthday!
On this glorious spring day
You can't count your wishes
They have all the secrets!
And most importantly - so that spring and love,
Always stirred up feeling and blood!
To be your dullness
Not eclipsed and your every day,
It was just sunny!

Happy birthday cousin
And I wish you warm clear days!
I'll leave the best words in a postcard,
To make your soul brighter!
Let there be a lot of laughter in life
In everything you will achieve great success!
Love is a fountain in the heart beats
Fate will surprise you!
Be happy and desirable
And long-awaited at work!
Let everyone surround you with warmth
Meet with respect, kindness!

Years fly, and again at the door
A holiday is knocking - a birthday!
There is no need to be sad, there is no loss -
The soul is an eternal phenomenon.
Sister, I wish you
Be cheerful, be loved.
I think you are the best
After all, you are unique!

To you, beautiful and beloved,
To my cousin
I want to be unique
Keep luck in your fist
To be respected by others
Desirable to those who are very nice,
Be proud of your loved ones
Be full of joy and strength!

Although you are not my sister,
But very dear to my heart
And I send a mountain of congratulations
So that unprecedented bad luck
And there were only good luck in life,
Difficult tasks were solved
Any business succeeded
What was dreamed of came true.

To my cousin sister
I want to say a few words:
Though the years fly like birds
But joy, happiness and love
May they be with you forever!
Forget about age!
And a birthday, of course.
Must celebrate with a smile!

The best sister in the world
I want to congratulate my cousin,
And wish her on a clean page
Only the best to draw:
A sea of ​​health, and a full bowl
Sunny days and happy nights!
Be, dear, everyone is better and more beautiful,
With every moment - stronger and wiser!

Sister's birthday is the best.
Although we are cousins, we are kindred spirits.
I'll make a wish on a star so that dreams come true
So that you don’t know tears, smile more often,
To make the canvas of life in bright colors,
And miracles happened, like in fairy tales!

We are friendly sisters!
Proud of cousinhood
Today with a brilliant holiday,
Sister, congratulations on the occasion!
On your birthday, I sincerely wish
Radiance of the rainbow, cloudless skies
Over the sea of ​​joy, not approaching the edge.
A wonderful life full of unexpected miracles.

Holiday sincere, family, happy birthday to you!
Proud of friendship for many years, I congratulate, loving,
My dear cousin, cousin -
Worthy of gems, gold, silver!
Let a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bluck await in life, and love, kindness
Stars illuminate the gates to the future!
Pleasant surprises for you, bright colors waterfall!
Be happy, sister, your brother is happy for you!

I hasten to congratulate my dear cousin sister on her birthday! I wish you a strawberry mood, vanilla luck, speedy fulfillment of all your desires, Siberian health. So that every day in your life is filled with sincere joy, bright light, interesting meetings, flower fireworks. I also wish you mutual love, pure transparent happiness. And then, of course, a beloved husband and cute little ones!

Dear sister! You and I are cousins, but spiritually close more than relatives. And so I hasten to be the first to congratulate you on your birthday. They say that sunny people want a sunny life. And with all my heart I wish you to live brightly, shine and give others your warmth and tenderness. May the rays of light of your soul illuminate your life path and lead you to golden rewards - harmony, prosperity and happiness.

Dear cousin, the light of my eyes!
No matter how many speeches there were on the birthday,
Know that I am with you, I love you
And you will always be in my heart.
I wish for the sun, I wish for the stars
Let there be very few tears in life!
Happiness will not leave, God always keeps,
Your angel will protect you in life!

You are like an expensive piece of jewelry!
Heavenly gift, a bouquet of gorgeous roses!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
Let there be no dark stripes in life!
Good luck with your career
Eyes sparkle with joy!
And let them envy around how lucky I am
That I have such a sister!

I carried you in my arms
From resentment, like a cowardly pear,
And now you, spring itself -
And my friends can't sleep!
On your birthday - a big holiday,
I want to be friends only with me,
Well, if you don't make friends,
I will again, like a pear coward!

Sister Alyonushka, brother Ivanushka.
This story is definitely not about us.
Remember, as a child, we often fought,
Offended, quarreled more than once.
But, having become older, they became inseparable,
Like Chip and Dale, Chuck and Huck.
Happy jam day, you, glorious, dear!
You are my closest person!

My sister is doing well.
She does not suffer in vain in her soul,
Yes, and with the body everything seems to be in order;
And so I'll be brief -
What wasted words to litter?
And if only he could speak...
But while this match burns out,
I will say: happy birthday, sister.

Sister, dear man!
Reliable, wise, clean!
You stay young
Perky and radiant!
Today, on your birthday,
Confess, sister
that are fascinated by you
Beautiful girl!

On your birthday I wish you
An easy life for the joy of all of us.
So that you live, frolicking and playing,
And did not know the tragedies and dramas.
All sorrows to pass and forget
By the fire of the family fire.
My dear sister,
My golden sister!

Hey sister, let's go for a walk!
This day is not given to you in vain,
What was not allowed, now we allow,
May every guest be full and drunk!
Friends will surely come to you,
Bring you a sea of ​​flowers
Choose wisely who you marry
Of the suitors who came to you.

Happy Birthday Sister,
In congratulations, usually
All platitudes desire
Creativity does not suffer.
So that I don't repeat myself
And you don't stress
You decide what you need
And wish generously.

My beloved sister
With your birth
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And wish you loving:

Let dreams come true
Huge, human happiness,
Luck, peace, beauty.
To be respected at work
Loved at home, so that always,
And if it's hard in life,
You know that you have me.

With your birth sister
I hasten to congratulate you
I love and adore you
That's why I bring flowers.
I want to be always blooming
Like your roses in the garden
And far-reaching goals.
And if so, I'll help.
I wish you great achievements
Apartment, cottage, plane.
To roll you across the seas
And personal to be a pilot.

my beloved sister,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy birthday, happy birthday
With all my heart I wish:
In the family, so that harmony reigns,
I wish you great achievements
Great happiness in the world
Dreams come true.
Many manifestations of miracles
Live to live comfortably
More health to you
So that the cherished goal comes

Happy birthday, dear sister,
Happy birthday my dear
You are so beautiful, honey
I don't know you better.
For you, dear sister,
I am ready to dedicate poetry.
You accept them with indulgence,
Even if they are bad.
I wish you happiness on your birthday
Long life and great days!
Endless love, participation,
So that you live more fun!

Happy birthday, sister
I congratulate you, my love,
How good are you
You're so beautiful.
I wish you the best
To the posts so that you get big.
And my husband is lucky in his career
Finally, you've been waiting.
Career growth and zeal,
To joyfully only laugh,
Health, hope, patience,
Beauty to stay.

My sister, happy birth,
I congratulate you, dear,
You are my beloved sister
And my dearest.
Radiant like angels
Beautiful like a lily
Good, patient
Still incredibly cute.
Happy birthday, beauty!
I wish you success
The guys really liked it
More smiles, more laughter.

My beloved sister
I congratulate you today
With your birth
I wish you well.
You always live in my soul
And although we rarely see each other,
I remember you
About my beautiful girl.
Happy birthday, my sister!
I wish you faith and hope.
And may this day and forever

Happy birthday to you right now
Congratulations, dear!
Success in household chores,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.
Happy birthday sister
The most beloved in the world
I adore you always
I want life to be bigger.
So that there is peace and tranquility at home,
Love to reign, consent,
So that joy walks with you
And in general, great happiness.

My sister dear
My best girlfriend
I congratulate you on your birth
Your love is not melting.
As a woman, I wish you happiness
More peace and harmony.
You yield to your husband in disputes,
And the house will definitely be heaven.
I want to give you advice
To resist fate.
To accept all gifts
And your life will suddenly become bright.

You are the bright sun
Our dear sister,
I sincerely happy birthday
I warmly congratulate you!
You give us inspiration
Quietly smiling now.
Let your eyes be enlightened
It burns brightly without changing.
Let in your life, beauty
There will also be many victories
May they never touch
Evil, unkind people.

I rush to you in the morning
And I pick up gifts.
You are a cousin
But dearer to me than my own!
It's no coincidence that yesterday
Stopped at the store.
Happy birthday to you, sister!
Congratulations, cousin!

My sister dear
Let us not relatives, and so what?
I congratulate you on your birth
We are very close to you.
Let bad weather pass on this day,
Let dreams come true
Huge, human happiness,
Luck, peace, beauty.
To be respected at work
Loved at home, so that always,
And if it's hard in life,
You know that you have me.

People have come up with strange
Call you cousin...
You are the most dear in the world
My sister dear!
On your birthday I want
From sincere and strong feelings
Give you a piece of my heart
My dear little man since childhood!

Cousin, I wish you
Only joy always
And happy birthday congratulations
I want to say forever
Ties us to you
We are sisters, so we are one!
Your soul with my soul
Destined to go through life.

To be a cousin
Very good,
It seems there is a sister, and yet,
We live separately.
Happy Birthday,
Accept my gift!
Be in a great mood
And don't miss life!
Show your talents
Develop and grow
And among the beautiful guys,
Find your love!

Happy birthday dear
My sweet sister
Although the parents are different
But we have only one blood.
How do you wave your eyelashes
All the guys are just melting
Well, if you smile
To be touched, as in a dream.
Long years, so that without misfortune,
To fight on the spot,
So that holding hearts in power,
I received a flurry of happiness.

Happy Birthday Sister
My precious
Let everything be personal
You're fine.
You are the dearest to me
Even though you're a cousin
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
fulfillment of a dream,
There will be many more in life
Such wonderful days
There will be a smooth road
Feel free to follow her!

My sister, you are my aunt's daughter,
And even if not related by blood,
But we always want to be friends.
I congratulate you on your birth.
You always live in my soul
And although we rarely see each other,
I remember you
About a holy, beautiful angel.
Happy birthday, my sister!
I wish you faith and hope.
And may this day and forever
Love flows like a boundless river!

On my birthday, my (our) gift
For you - with all my heart!
Let the light shine, bright,
In the eyes that are so good!
Let it be bright to the brim
Your life is a long way.
Be healthy, dear
And be happy too!

It's not a joke - it's serious:
A quarter of a century, twenty-five!
It's just grand
To say no more!
There is a reason to congratulate you
Yes, and what else!
Birthday must be celebrated
So that the wine flows like a river!
To thunder congratulations
For such a simple plot:
Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
Long and happy years!

I wish you victories, so that they come easily,
And to get you high
And to find love as soon as possible
May happiness be with you along the way!

Let the clock knock itself -
I wish years not to notice.
No sorrow, no troubles do not know
Don't upset your family!
I want to be always dashing
Happy summer and winter
Walk forward on a straight path
And with a song - on the way home!
And, conquering the height,
Love relatives and beauty,
Love your world, love yourself
And live with a dream, just live!

Happy birthday sister!
Happy red calendar day!
The holiday is knocking at your house
Figuratively speaking!
He brought you heart
A whole lot of wishes -
Long life to you, of course,
Well, happiness in large doses!
Let the desired love
Life will be illuminated!
Oh and good health
For any time!

Happy birthday, cousin!
Happy red calendar day!
Receive a basket of flowers
Figuratively speaking!
And with a basket of hearts
A whole lot of wishes -
Long life to you, of course,
Well, happiness in large doses!
Let the desired love
Life will be illuminated!
Oh and good health
For any time!

Let your eyes shine with the sun
May the years be happy.
Happy birthday, I congratulate you:
Be healthy, always cheerful!

His cousin's sister
I'll say it's her birthday,
How lucky I am with her
I love her without a doubt!

I wish you happiness and good
Love, smiles, understanding.
From joy burned so that the eyes
And there was no despair in them.

And let dreams come true
Friends good environment.
There will be no sadness and longing,
And only enjoy life!

My sister dear
Cousins ​​we are with you
But you are more than my own.
You are a darling, an unearthly angel.

And on this holiday, birthday,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart:
Be healthy, drive doubts
Be happy, hurry to love!

Have fun, go through life
Take your time, be the best of all.
In all matters and in personal life
Let success accompany!

Happy birthday to my wonderful cousin! I wish you a lot of happiness, smiles, excellent mood, sun, joy, success in all your endeavors! Be healthy, beautiful, loved and needed! May everything in your life be beautiful!

You and I are almost family.
You are beautiful as always.
Be so funny, sweet,
Never be sad!

Be healthy and happy
And lucky in everything.
Let life be beautiful...
And love in your heart!

Let dreams come true
You shine with joy
Let flowers bloom in the soul
Happiness will be over the edge!

Happy birthday dear cousin
I wish you a cool limousine
And if you don’t like it, then a brand new Porsche,
So that you cook borscht not at the stove,
And proudly, confidently and elegantly
You taxied smartly in a bar-restaurant,

To be in the arsenal of Versace and Gucci,
Ticket to Bali or even cooler
Furs, necklaces, silks, diamonds
Yours complemented the beauty and talents.

Luxurious cottage, large apartment
And a faithful husband, of course, a banker.
Live brightly and freely, in abundance, with love,
And to have enough health for it.

A short

Cousin, happy birthday,
I wish you magic and mood,
Be bright, kind, sweet and beautiful,
Stay happy forever.

I wish you an easy life
More happiness and kindness
May you always be a girl
My cousin.

Let those who love surround
And peace reigns in the soul,
And joy will fill your life
Fun, affection, warmth!

His cousin's sister
I want to say that there is no sweeter
Such sisters, though not native,
Well, happy birthday, dear!

Be bright, bold, groovy,
To not know any
Troubles or sorrows in fate,
May you be happy every day!

Surprise us all with health
And do not be discouraged by troubles,
Always hold on with dignity, boldly,
So that any business is on the shoulder!

To my cousin sister
I want to wish
To always laugh out loud
Bad to forget, not to remember.

Let life be like jam
Saturated, sweet
And on your birthday
Let the cherished dream come true.

Big love, comfort, life,
Has not been forgotten over the years
Always be young
Despite all the years

Sister, on this bright birthday,
I want to wish you all the best!
Let the mood be great
I want you to shine in the sun!

Always be nice and smile
Let your dreams come true
Always remain the same bright
I wish you sincere love!

I congratulate you, sister,
You deserve great heights.
Your life is like a fast race
May it bring you good luck.

I wish you so much happiness
How much can you fit in.
Let on a sunny day and in bad weather
You will shine very brightly.

I will entrust you with any secret,

The best sister in the world.

You deserve only admiration
Let luck pamper you

My good and kind sister,
You are my closest relative
You will always help, give good advice,
You are a bright light in the window for me.
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
I wish you plenty of happiness and smiles,
Let your life be like pure water
Let all sorrows disappear forever.

You and I are not only sisters,
You and I cannot be separated!
I just wish you
Anything you want, get.

On your birthday - a personal holiday -
I want to wish you
Lots of happiness and cash!
Don't forget about me!

May happiness warm with a ray of sunshine,
Let tenderness carry you in your arms.
In the world, sister, I have no dearer,
Let the fun in the eyes not go out.

Let bright colors fill life
Years, moments - you do not count them,
Raise the wings of love to heaven,
May there be heaven on earth for you!

I want my beloved sister
Wish you happiness on your birthday
Stay good and beautiful
Don't be sad about anything in life.

Let failures pass by,
To make life great,
To become a little richer
To drink and eat only to your heart's content!

I know very lucky
That in my life I have you -
The one who keeps my secrets
And knows all my dreams.
The one with whom I, despite the quarrels,
Been friends since day one...
And the older we are with you,
The more I love you!

The closest and dearest person to me,
I will entrust you with any secret,
Any secret I will reveal only to you,
The best sister in the world.
Congratulations on your birthday
You deserve only admiration
Let luck pamper you
May fate generously endow you.

Sister, how fast time flies
Can't turn back the years
You look and old age is knocking on the door,
To hunch over, wrinkle us and crush us.

Don't open your doors to her
Call relatives and friends.
Don't lose love and faith
As before, keep them in your heart.

You were the eldest of us
We were often replaced by a mother
And from our orphan fate
I tried to protect myself

Fate didn't spare you.
And the cold beat backhand evil
But you have not cooled down
And generously give us warmth

Thank you for being in the world
Health joy to you
May there be peace throughout the world
May there be peace in your family.

Congratulations sister
You are the best of all!
In all of you, I know
Accompanying success!

cherished desires
Let them be fulfilled!
May life be endless
Reminds me of heaven!

And whatever you want
Fate will happen!
I love you very much!
May joy await in life!

Accept congratulations
From me, dear!
Never be discouraged!
I wish you,

To be happy
Woe did not know!
So that your soul blooms
So that troubles do not know!

May sister be lucky
On this birthday!
May good luck await
And also - good luck!

For you - love and happiness,
Sun, stars and flowers!
There is no other one as cool
Wonderful like you!

Let luck help
And everywhere success awaits
May wishes come true!
You are the best in the world!
Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday, sister!
Happy birthday my blood!
Let the match burn quickly -
But love will not die!

I appreciate you dear
I respect and love
Happy birthday, congratulations
Kiss as a gift send!

I hug you tightly, tightly, as in childhood.
My sister, happy birthday, my love.
You are so beautiful, wonderful man
I wish you to be protected by God.
So that your life is bright and beautiful.
So that everything that you want, that hour would come true.
Let your smile on your face never fade.
I want you to stay like this forever.

When my sister comes
The load of problems is leaving
She always finds words
Help everyone in need
Accept, dear, congratulations,
You on this warm day
You are the embodiment of all kindness,
We sing a hymn to you.

My beautiful sister
I want to confess my dear
Even though you're a cousin
But I have always had my own.
And on your birthday now
I wish you to be happy
So that all dreams come true
And everyone to be loved!


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I want to be loved
Successful and beautiful
Smiling, happy.
On your birthday
You make a wish
It is certainly
It will come true, I know!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Hello cousin sister!

Today is brighter than the sun,
Smarter head!
Hello cousin sister
And the best words!

Hold on tight to your family
Destroy doubts!
Let life burst into yours
Good luck warm rain!


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Like an apple you are pouring
Like a cherry in juice.
I will not hide my admiration
I can't be silent anymore!

These words of admiration
Sister, hurry up!
You are not more beautiful in the world
You remember and know about this!

A cousin angel is born
In the most beautiful place ever!
And like a flower opened
Music, dancing and laughter!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Beautiful sister...

beautiful sister
Our cousin
We want to congratulate you strongly
After all, there is nothing more beautiful in the world.
You always stay
So optimistic
And in your life will be
Everything is just great!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Cousin from 13 years old with name substitution

We admired you
While I was little
And now it's big
Growing up, getting better
In a word, bloom!
Happy birthday (name)
Happiness, joy, warmth!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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I'm proud of my cousin

Today is a holiday - let's drive away sadness,
I'm in a hurry with gifts - how else?
I'm proud of my cousin
I wish you happiness and good luck in life!

Let her be lucky, how lucky I was with her -
More of the same luck!
Let every day give her warmth,
Good friends, moments of joy!

Happy birthday to cousin sister

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Closer than relatives!

Today is a holiday, a feast by the mountain!
But there are other days -
With a cousin sometimes
We are closer than family.

Sometimes you want to run
But the path is only to her alone.
You can tell her soul -
She will comfort and advise!


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It often happens that a person’s relationship with a cousin is as close as with siblings. And on my birthday, I want to congratulate my cousin with the kindest wishes and sincere gifts. This addition to the holiday is sure to please the birthday girl. Therefore, select in advance happy birthday greetings to your cousin, which you will say at her celebration or write in a postcard. We have collected here the kindest and most beautiful congratulations.

Kinder and friendlier I don't know anyone:
You will always support, give good advice.
Let you and I be cousins ​​- you are like my own,
There is no other like it in the whole world!

I sincerely wish you good health,
Reliable friends, bright news,
So that your life is warmed by true love,
And the house - the smiles of your guests!

My sister dear
Should have known this for a long time.
What for me you are like a native,
And I will always wish
So that you have wings from happiness
Growing more every day
So that the enemies all become dust,
And you cast a shadow on them.
Always try to stand out
There is no other like it in the world.
And if you smile
Shines brighter than the sun.

May your eyes shine with happiness
Let the smile never leave your lips.
Let all bad weather pass you by
Troubles are always bypassed.

Never grieve in vain.
Let joy be your habit
So that everything in life is easy.
Happy birthday, cousin sister!

Dear sister, happy birthday!
Be healthy and forever happy.
Let luck not leave you
Stay as beautiful as you are.

And let there be inspiration in the soul,
Always follow your dreams!
Always be in a good mood
And let them fill you with flowers!

To my cousin sister
I want to be cheerful, sonorous,
Happy, joyful, lucky,
Wanted, needed, the best!

Prosperity in laughter, in optimism,
In your pocket, in your safe, in your personal life.
Always laugh, smile
And swim in rainbow happiness!

Let the skies shine bright
In honor of your birthday!

For a cousin
Today is the birthday
With a gentle gentle breeze
Sending congratulations.

For you to be happy
rejoiced in life,
So that you have luck
Was not capricious.

So that you are always lucky
For everything to work out
To be beautiful and happy
Stayed in life.

To my cousin
I wish only happiness.
And on your birthday, bright day,
Let bad weather leave you.

Good luck come to you
And may wishes come true.
More fun and flowers
Love, success, prosperity!

I congratulate you on your birthday
I wish you all the best.
Let dreams come true
So that you always smile.

I wish you happiness, pleasure,
Beautiful life and fun.
Let there be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bfinance
And there will never be grief.

May your life be bright
I wish you many bright days
May your dream come true
To make your heart warm!

Be, dear, like a picture,
Let happiness shine in your eyes
Let the other half
Wear it on your hands all the time!

May the sun smile on you
Good luck beam always shines!
May you succeed
Without much work!

My sister dear -
Cousin - like family.
Today you have a holiday -
Congratulations from me.

You joy and laughter
And in all matters of success.
happy birthday congratulations
And I wish you health.

To argue things
And Fortune walked by.
And big happy love
To be young and beautiful.

These are the wishes
From me, and edification.
You love and be loved
Let melancholy pass by.

I wish my cousin sister
To make your dreams come true
There was a smile on his face,
You always deserve it.

To bring a lot of happiness
Your beloved family
From warm meetings and impressions
Your life has always sparkled.

Have good health
Make faithful friends
And may it always be with you
Success in life.

My dear cousin! I heartily congratulate you on your birthday - a good and joyful day on which you were born - a kind and warm little man! I wish you success in all your undertakings, may good luck accompany you and the heavenly forces help you achieve your goals! Women's happiness - deep and boundless, family warmth and comfort, joy and pleasant days in the company of beloved relatives and true friends!

Happy birthday sister!
I wish you great roads
Hot love, friendship, no doubt
To less trouble, anxiety.

Moments of bright sincere feelings,
And to coffee with breakfast in bed.
And to become a muse to connoisseurs of art,
And raise talented children!

Let the smile never leave your lips
Always let fresh flowers in a vase,
Let only good things happen to you
Dreams come true!

I don't like the word "cousin" -
There is a magic word "sister".
You are beautiful and very beautiful
And in your eyes shine of silver.

My dear, happy birthday.
Never be sad or cry.
Let everything that I wanted come true
And fewer failures for you.

Let everything you want come true
And in the soul there will be forever spring.
Be happy and know that you are very
Road for all of us, for me.

Happy birthday sister
I hasten to congratulate you
Wish you health, happiness
And tightly, joyfully hug.

May every day bring joy
Love, warmth, comfort and sweetness.
So that life always gives affection
And it would be like a fairy tale!

Sister, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to live your whole life without the slightest regret. Let dreams come true, resentments are broken, let life be in full swing, and you, as now, keep up the good work. I love you and wish you all the best, kindness and light.

Shine your beauty
Dream and rejoice, sister!
Let your world be golden
It will be sweet like a strawberry.

Unexpected invasions
I want quite a bit.
Incredible travel
And love theorems.

I wish you all the best
So that fate does not disappoint.
And today I congratulate
Happy Birthday to You!

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