A wish for a tennis player. Happy birthday to the athlete. Congratulations on Table Tennis Day in prose

Congratulations on a wonderful sport,
They called it table tennis,
Let the ball fly high
May victory pleasantly surprise you.
We wish you success, inspiration,
And always in a great mood,
Always be optimistic in everything
Let a bright star illuminate the path.

Today is tennis day
A wonderful holiday, no doubt
Please accept congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Let the mood be great.
Let the racket never let you down,
May luck always accompany you,
New achievements and victories to you,
Long and happy years.

You have been interested in tennis for a long time,
And you have a lot of victories,
May God grant that you are always lucky in everything,
So that your racket always obeys your impulses.
We wish you good health, happiness,
Let bad weather pass you by,
May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil,
We wish you all the best, peace and warmth.

Tennis sport is graceful, beautiful,
Requires a lot of training and effort
It is always difficult to go to victory,
We wish you success, endurance, goodness.

May luck smile on you
Always play sports
Try to be a leader in everything.

You are talented, no doubt
You only take prizes,
Tennis is a wonderful sport, without a doubt.
Feel like a fish in water, always in it.
May the racket be strong
And let the ball always obey,
May health and happiness come to you,
May fate generously reward you in full.

The country celebrates Tennis Day
Please accept my sincere congratulations,
We wish all athletes joy, goodness,
Let the game bring only inspiration.
Let every day turn into a holiday,
Let luck rush to you on its wings,
May a good angel protect you from troubles,
Let there always be enough strength for everything.

Tennis requires endurance, enthusiasm, strength,
It's just that he looks so handsome,
Congratulations to all tennis players today,
We wish you to always be in great shape.
May fortune always smile on you,
Let all your plans come true,
Let desires certainly turn into reality,
May everything be perfect in fate.

We invite everyone to the sport of tennis,
And we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,
May you always be lucky on the court,
And let there always be a lot of fans.
Let tennis give inspiration to everyone,
And certainly a great mood,
Always be on the move
And your victory will be close.

Strong will, strong strength
And sporting achievements
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
I'm on this birthday.

First places, medals, cups,
To become the best in the whole world,
And always be there
Those who are happy about your victory!

I wish you to develop in sports,
Climb onto pedestals
Maintain your sporting spirit,
May your work be as easy as feathers!

Not knowing failures, defeats,
Great to celebrate a birthday
Visit all countries of the world,
Always laugh - don't be sad!

Happy Birthday! I wish you inexhaustible motivation and energy to achieve the heights you have set for yourself. Don’t let the result keep you waiting, just move forward with confidence and achieve what you want. Let your health not fail you, your strength is quickly restored and you will always have the desire to go to training.

Happy birthday
And we wish you many years to come!
The most important achievements
First places, big victories!

And without life's luck,
Your business is going nowhere!
So stay in great shape
Always in good health!

Sport has become a source of happiness for you,
And training is living water,
Let there be no bad weather in life,
And the mood is always great!

I wish you a happy birthday,
Peace in soul and sporting victories,
Laughter, health, love and luck,
May an angel protect you from troubles!

Happy birthday,
And we wish you great victories.
In life, in sports and always,
Rewards are waiting only for you.

And let the heights be conquered,
You can't relax here
Go forward, don't be discouraged
And conquer all obstacles.

I wish you on your birthday
Active life and movement.
May sport continue to inspire
And being healthy helps.

Let the peaks conquer,
After all, you will always try
Be stronger, faster and higher,
Find your worthy niche.

Sport is strength, sport is life,
I wish you success in this area,
And persistently strive for new heights,
Sweeping all enemies and obstacles out of the way!

Let achievements await, a sea of ​​victories,
What you dream about always succeeds,
Greet every new dawn with a smile,
Good will boomerang, of course!

May this birthday
Brings joy and laughter.
In sporting achievements
May success await you.

Health is an important thing
Let it grow stronger day by day!
Your soul is brave
Let it burn with fire.

Walk through life boldly,
With determination in his eyes.
Be in every competition
On prizes.

Happy Birthday
And I wish not to yawn,
New heights in sports
Effortlessly conquer.

May your perseverance grow
Don't lose optimism
And towards the main goal
Walk confidently.

Know that we are proud of you
And we care lovingly.
May everything turn out great
In the world of sports you have!

I wish you success
And so that the victories cannot be counted!
Let friends surround you forever,
And so that they can support.

And so that your strength grows stronger,
And in body, thoughts, and soul.
I wish you a lot of light
Find good luck everywhere!

I love tennis very much
I wear a white uniform.
I hit with a racket
The ball is very, very accurate.


Tennis is the best game
It's high time everyone knew!
Willpower and perseverance
There is confrontation in the cities.
I know this sport will help
Raise a champion in your son,
And nothing can break
There is aspiration in him. I give my word!

It’s hard to find anyone indifferent to tennis:
An obedient ball flies over the court,
Sent by a light, comfortable racket,
Occasionally it may become entangled in the net,
And again free, like a bullet flies,
He was repulsed again with a precise blow.
Here you have to be able to run fast,
Otherwise there is no way to keep up with the ball.
Well, and yet - without a quick reaction
You won't make a tennis player!

Gavrilova Irina

Tennis tennis, you are mighty
You are beautiful, you are lucky

Adults and children love you
You are the only one on the entire planet!

Lots of joy and happiness
Even on the darkest day of bad weather
You bring everything to yours
To your faithful subjects!

The ball doesn't seem to be big,
The table is almost square.
What beckons us, what beckons us
Is his world so clear?

It is not knowledge that attracts us.
No matter how much tennis you play -
You'll never know
Just know how and what is in it!

You train all your life
Every day, from morning until sunset.
But we still don’t see the secret
How to play it like Asians!

Among the tawdry dachas,
Where the barrel organ staggers,
The ball flies by itself,
Like a magic bait.

Who, who subdued the rude ardor,
Alpine covered in snow,
Entered with a frisky girl
An Olympic duel?

The strings of the lyre are too decrepit:
Golden string rocket
Strengthened and thrown into the world
The Englishman is forever young!

He creates ritual games,
So lightly armed
Like an Attic soldier
In love with his enemy.

May. There are wisps of thunderclouds.
Lifeless greenery withers.
All the engines and horns, -
And the lilac smells like gasoline.

Drinks spring water
From the bucket, the athlete is cheerful;
And again the war is on,
And a bare elbow flashes!

Osip Mandelstam

Tennis is a great sport
A promising game.
In the heart of the tennis court
The heat awaits the opponents.

The temperament is splashing,
The brisk ball bounces briskly.
The viewer's heart flutters
Watching a brilliant match.

The racket flings around boldly,
Fighting off a barrage of serves,
And the field grid shakes
Between “punctures” and successes.

During the games it will become clear
Which player is strong?
Whose dream will come true?
The title will be champion!

The ruddy skipper threw the heavy ball,
And the mob liked him quite well.
Descendants of thick-skinned football -
Croquet on ice and polo on horseback.

Among young men now - in the old days
The jump and lunge of the discus thrower blooms,
When they come together in a light cloth,
Oxford and Cambridge -
two riverside schools.

But only he is truly an athlete -
Who broke the captivity of a sad life:
He knows a world where joy breathes, foaming...

And children's croquet mallets,
And our northern towns,

Osip Mandelstam

We don't need cartoons
Neither tablets nor mobile.
He lives by tennis!
He gets up with Big Tennis,
It goes with Big Tennis,
I dream about tennis at night.
He gives his soul to sports!
Will collect all the rewards!!!

We love to play tennis:
You need to hit the ball
Not into the palms and not into the net -
In the center of a small racket.
As soon as you touch it, hit it back,
Point the ball to someone else...
Jumps loudly across the table,
We play the game smartly!

Melnikova E.

Tennis is a court with white markings,
Aces, smashes and stubborn fighting,

Tennis is our common destiny!


Obedient to the players

It will soar to the heavens.
Take the serve right through,
Catch luck by the tail
To be the first is no other way,
I wish you all!

Tennis is training, salty sweat,
Tennis is a frantic passion,

A yellow ball flies over the net.
Obedient to the players
It jumps like a nimble bunny,
It will soar to the heavens.
Take the serve right through,
Catch luck by the tail
To be the first is no other way,
I wish you all!

Are your hands tired?
It is for you -
Muscle of steel
Tired legs?
Benefits for your feet!
From the den room
and play football!
Is your back tired?
Foaming with my blouses,
do me a favor
play tennis.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

I love tennis very much.
I'll run so hard.
I will try as always.

When spring comes, the earth around will thaw.
We will go out on the court again and life will become more beautiful.
The game will be fascinated by its strange score.
The impact is loud, the ball's flight is welcome.

Another blow, the partner is almost in confusion.
There is a fire in emotions and clashes in thoughts.
It seemed like he wouldn’t take it, well, he definitely wouldn’t reach it,
And he takes it in a jump and copes with my ball.

I don’t understand what to do. My soul is all soft-boiled.
Well, I’ll take it with cunning, and then in order.
Deep balls and better, so that along the line,
And the way forward is, of course, more unexpected.

Here the ball is king and God loves respect.
Give yourself to him - you will deserve leniency.
And do with it what you want, rotate it in any direction.
It’s better to hit it flat, that’s what it was created for.

Strike again strike, the game is a creation,
When you fly forward to catch your moment
We are in love with tennis and everyone believes sacredly
That there is no game in the world more beautiful than this.

Now in a smooth line, now in a gallop,
Otherwise it will go behind the net like a vine,
Bouncy ball, fly ball
Knocks on the ringing racket.
Ah, this game music!
Ah, these strokes of delivery!
And vast worlds
From defeat to success.
Your secrets. Your own calculation.
And your gaze is adjusted
And sharp-sighted.
And is this score unusual?
Fifteen? zero, fifteen? fourty.
How white these lilies are.
Squares holiday signs.
They love sharp corners here.
And they love precise attacks.
The clever hand will not tremble,
The ball will explode like a spark of light
And in the world there is not yet
Games are more beautiful than this!

Ostrovoy Sergey

To you, selfless tennis lovers,
grandchildren and grandfathers, just parents!
Our advice is needed.
(Pro! Please pass by).

You are hitting the wall, my dears,
to the baldness of the balls, but why?
You'll have to play without a referee,
which saves a lot of problems!

"Out!" – shout louder and more often.
There was no out? A mere trifle.
If the opponent is a real gentleman,
this is how it is checked.

Unable to be provoked?
Should I ask you to mark a controversial point?
Ask directly: “The Law of Parallax
Did you study at the University? "

If he still kills you
and threatens destruction to zero,
"Oh! - scream, - what a shame,
I have terrible pain in my elbow/knee!”

Shouldn't he finish off a disabled person?
He will sympathize with you deeply.
Meanwhile, you look upside down
sadly take point by point.

Press harder on compassion
as if you were Lendl named Vanya.
The ball flew off him like a cannonball!
and on the face there is a hopeless syndrome...

He served with an ace and luck
suddenly became proud, like a hundred masters?
Strong response: “Repeat the serve!
Can’t you see I’m not ready?”

How confident, jumping and agile he is!
It is necessary to moderate the goat's agility:
lace up, for example, sneakers
and drink some water with pleasure.

I lost my breath, and as a result
This monster is about to overthrow you...
Stop, say: “By the way,
Now I remember a joke about you..."

Very useful when counting from zero to thirty
suddenly leave for the search as if
ball, search for a long time, return
and suddenly announce: “Exactly!”

The opponent will tremble in deep doubt,
Thank you for coming back.

Let’s not be too strict with our partners:
you won't find them on the road!

Oh, noble and bright game!
When the desired time of spring comes
And again the gardens and parks will be covered with shadow,
How good it is then to indulge in passion

A fast-paced game on the golden court!
In a trembling pursuit of a frisky jumper,
I love young bodies with beautiful movements,
And the service is frantic, and a series of playful debates.

From afar, players are visible, all in white,
The wave of the hand continues like a rocket,
And the voices of the girls, picked up by the echo,
They sound like mysterious and radiant laughter!..

"Play?" - “Ready!” —
And a fast ball flies through the net.
I love handicap and very strict match,
When all the spectators watch with mute attention.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Oh life! From daily sorrows to memories,
From the joy of the soul to the poison of former torments
You throw us all into your hands from the old hands -
And we, tormented by the duplicity of moments,
We have known your blow and the net of stumbling blocks!..

Paley Vladimir

The look is prickly and stubborn
Legs bent at the knees
Muscles cramp, heels are worn out,
From victories and defeats.

The shorts are sticky with sweat.
Bandaged hands.
And from the net to the half court
Meters of life are running by.

From the air, smash, Hurray, scored
Match ball seems close
If only I had enough strength
Shout joyful
"Come on!"

Place the case on your back
Crawl to the locker room
And still have strength
To jump rope.

Do fitness and massage
And think about the game
Maintain your former spirit
And the next day - back into battle.

Linetskaya Evgenia

I'm playing tennis with you.
So you hit the ball with a racket,
That I'm burning like a phoenix
Under the fire of your serves!
The score is devastating. It too!
I'm looking for excuses...
I climb up to the judges' tower,
I'll put them to use in a minute!

The serve is made and the ball goes flying,
The trajectory is steep and very fast,
Yes, tennis players are not ordinary people,
And enterprising and restive.

We're all getting together
And us at the tennis table,
Exciting and interesting to watch
At any competition.

Table tennis is not an ancient sport, let’s face it.
But harmonious, intense, colorful.
We don’t give rest to muscles and joints,
To control the treacherous capricious ball.

We're all getting together
And here, at the tennis table,
We strive to be interesting
And a virtuoso player.

Hitting the ball with a tennis racket,
We control the beauty of flight,
We tennis players can do it,
At least the ball is smaller than a mini-plane.

We're all getting together
And here, at the tennis table,
We are making progress
We are proud, this is what we live for.

Shashkin Vladimir

I've been playing tennis for a year now.
I train in a group - the people there are different.
There are guys and girls - fashionable devils:
Babolat rackets, Nike sneakers.
Everything is completely packaged with the help of Perov.
Everyone plays differently, there are people like me... sucks.
I play a lot - TWO hours a week.
Why is there no progress? I don't understand.
Looks like Nike sneakers like Raphael's,
But I can’t fly around the court like him.
It looks like the racket is from a damn famous company.
But I don’t hit the center and the place.
I thought and changed my mind and my thoughts matured!
It’s just that that racket is stupidly outdated!
And my sneakers, new in appearance,
They're just outdated and don't want to run.
Contacted the dealer of tennis miracles
(Thank you God we have these):
“Help me Gosha pick up a racket.
I think this is where I’ll start winning!
Pick up sneakers like Federer's,
Shorts and a T-shirt so that everything fits.”
Gosha fussed, getting everything he could.
But, characteristically, he didn’t give me the check.
(If I don’t get the expected effect -
Then I’ll snitch on Gosha at the tax office).
And now “packed” from cap to socks,
I go out onto the court and I’m ready for the match.
Racket like "Joker", strings from Nadal -
I will hit the ball without any effort.
My balls will fly quickly and with rotation.
I will win beautifully, even with perversion.
Behind the net my opponent, the “teapot”, is immediately visible -
Old collection on a harmless guy.
Sneakers are not for tennis, the racket is wooden...
I even felt sorry for the “tin soldier.”
The die has been cast and the game has begun.
But I don’t hit the court for shit.
The opponent, dressed all in yellow, somehow gets in.
Fuck, I’m missing something again!
Maybe because I slept a little during the day?
Or from an airplane... Has Seth already lost!?
Disappointment soon set in.
I thought I would win, but that was not the case.
A miracle dressed in yellow tore me apart.
I felt like a cutlet.

Think, my friends, about the technique of striking,
Look correctly at the ball, and not about just anything.
All problems are in the head - not in the equipment.
A master can even win with a frying pan!

Didn't win, even though I was seeded first,
I didn’t finish playing “my tennis” to the end.
I couldn’t bear it - apparently my nerves gave way,
I couldn’t catch my breath, I was exhausted, tired.
I didn’t make it, I didn’t have the courage,
I didn’t see the ball and didn’t bend my legs,
Didn't respect and sacked "fizuha"
I didn’t warm up and often tore ligaments.

Didn't technically perfect the blows,
I didn’t guess the essence of the game’s tactics,
He didn’t take risks, but was nervous in the finals,
I didn’t realize what the coach had done.
Didn't add enough spin to the forehand
Didn't finish the rebound on the backhand
Didn’t add up with a relaxed movement,
Didn't draw the line a bit.

Didn't run as close to the net as possible,
Didn’t “punch a hole” into the fence with smash.
Didn't stretch another racket,
Didn't put the “energy” in the case.
Did not intimidate the enemy with pressure,
I didn’t deceive the judge - they say, I need a doctor.
Didn't prove that the ball is very controversial
Didn't reach the service line.

I won’t fly to Australia to see the koalas,
I won’t trample England’s grass,
I won’t slip on the Roland Garros clay,
I will not conquer America's dream.
I won’t hug Federer, Nadal,
I don’t flirt with “Masha the Beauty”
I won’t be awarded “Olympus” and a medal -
My character did not deserve victories.

I don’t understand - nothing shines without labor,
I didn’t believe it - laziness is the friend of failure.
If I didn’t make it, what if the coach didn’t notice?
Didn't complete assigned tasks.
I didn’t hide what I didn’t do in tennis,
I didn’t lie to myself about this shame and fear,
It was not smart to redo the mistakes.
I won’t repeat myself to my students...

Korkh Vadim

She is lazy - that means - bad -
played; did not fly like brimstone,
like light-footed Lenglen.
Ah, I confess, I love you, friends,
throughout the takeoff the swing is elastic
goddesses in a knee-length dress!
Toss the ball, bend back,
turn around with lightning speed,
and the string plane of the shoulder
slide along the crown of the ball,
and, rushing, the answer is whistling
destructively interrupt, -
there is no sweeter fun in the world...
In heaven we will play ball.

Nabokov Vladimir

Song about tennis

Tennis is a court with white markings,
Aces, smashes and stubborn fighting,
A tower, a net and your favorite racket.
Tennis is our common destiny!

A yellow ball flies over the net.
Obedient to the players
It jumps like a nimble bunny,
It will soar to the heavens.
Take the serve right through,
Catch luck by the tail
Be the first? not otherwise,
I wish you all!

Tennis is training, salty sweat,
Tennis is a frantic passion,
And the character is tempered in difficult matches,
And, of course, there are many friends.

A yellow ball flies over the net.
Obedient to the players
It jumps like a nimble bunny,
It will soar to the heavens.
Take the serve right through,
Catch luck by the tail
Be the first? not otherwise,
I wish you all!

Polyakov Dmitry

You are the guy from the cover, -
I admire you!
And very happy
What's next to me

Athlete and handsome
And my faithful friend!
I try to be good
Be next to you!

Today is a gift
I am a humble giver!
It's a pleasure to be around
I'm telling you:

"Thank you, darling!
Thank you dear!
Thank you for your
Happy birthday with me!"


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Happy Birthday to my athlete friend!

Do you like to play sports?
For records and health,
Will you go swimming today?
In compliments, not slander!

Happy birthday! You know,
I wish you achievements,
The ones you dream about
Without any stress,
And various pleasures
You will experience it in this life!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

To the champion

You are a champion, you are an eternal leader,
There is no end to your victories
All day long, in my life,
You are improving yourself.

And we want to congratulate you,
Our athlete, wish you happiness,
May your birthday give you
You taste victory again.


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

You are an athlete of the highest class!

You break records all the time,
After all, you are an athlete of the highest class!
We take care of our faces,
After all, you are stronger than all of us!

Happy Birthday,
Always be on top!
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Live in wealth and beauty!

A lot of pleasures for you,
Peak of health, cape of love,
New achievements for you
Live every year for 100 years!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

You train a lot...

You train a lot
After all, you are an athlete, my brother!
Grouping with friends
And I’m very happy with life!

And I'm proud, trying to become
Similar to you...
Well, now I want to say
Me: "Happy birthday!"


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Conquer Olympus for love!

Dear athlete,
Our sports superman,
Happy Birthday,
We wish you new exploits

And desired victories,
You can live 100 years without troubles,
Conquer Olympus for love,
Let there be lave and nymphs!

Happy birthday greetings to an athlete

Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

You're cool man!

Congratulations to you, athlete,
Happy birthday today
We are honored! You're cool man
Kind, wise, noble!

Let's wish you a great life
In joy, wealth, happiness,
Love sports with all my soul,
Receive rewards often!


Congratulations on World Table Tennis Day and wish you manual dexterity, concentration, clear movements and not a single mistake. I wish you a fun and beautiful game, a happy and charming smile, an obedient racket and a bouncy ball.

Congratulations on World Table Tennis Day and I would like to wish you constant concentration, careful and confident movements, high merits and awards in sports, brave and notable victories in life. Let your mood always bounce like a tennis ball from the good side to the excellent side.

Happy World Table Tennis Day! Victory to all professionals and amateurs! Let the strength of spirit be strengthened by a healthy lifestyle, accuracy and determination. Beautiful games, excitement and success in your favorite sport!

Congratulations on World Table Tennis Day and I want to wish that the ball always flies along the given trajectory, that the racket never fails, that your impulses obey your thoughts, that there are only successful games and loud victories in your life.

Congratulations on World Tennis Day and I want to wish you not to let go of the racket of good luck, not to lose your talent and ability to deftly solve any problem, not to leave a chance to your opponent, to always take victory with you, to live cheerfully and actively work in various directions, like a ball bouncing around tennis table.

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