Elderly fund. Elderly population Is it realistic for a personnel officer to find a job at 50?

After 50, or even earlier, finding a job can be an overwhelming task. Already at the stage of viewing your resume, even if there is no “age” column, the employer can easily calculate how old you are by looking at the date of graduation from your first educational institution, and will immediately throw you out of his mind - why does he need an employee almost half his age? His grandmother is already baking pies for him...

But seriously, as a rule, the employer sees an extra expense in an employee of this age: after all, he probably values ​​his experience more than a young specialist, who is cheaper and easier to train on the spot and adapt to local processes and culture, to integrate into an equally young team.

However, you should not fall into despair; a mature candidate has his advantages - for example, he is a highly qualified expert in his field, and in order to successfully sell his expertise and other advantages, you should use these ten tips.

1. Go to social networks

“Young” means 90% “modern”, and only then – young, vigorous and promising.

Therefore, get out of Odnoklassniki, go to Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. If you worked in one place for a long time, you did not need to create any semblance of a professional account. And now I have to. This is where recruiters are now scouring in search of candidates. By creating an informative profile on LinkedIn or Facebook, you will be seen by many more employers than by simply sending out your resume to job openings. And when a potential employer Googles you and finds 4-6 active accounts in the most common networks, he will put a mental check mark: “Yeah, he understands modern technologies.” But keep in mind that you should look appropriate there. Photos with grandchildren and adult children should be excluded.

Start a blog. This will mean that you have at least a basic understanding of HTML markup and content management systems. Minus five years from your age.

You can also register on VKontakte. Another minus ten years.

Better yet, to mention your resume in your contacts, create an account on some newfangled platform. And of course, don’t forget about WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype and Viber. But don't overdo it.

2. Shorten your resume

You don't want to include every position you've held throughout your career. A long list will already visually “age” you. Start with places of work ten years ago. Forget the rest. Highlight your most striking recent achievements, projects you've just worked on.

Try not to mention the dates when you received your education in the distant 80s. Limit yourself only to the names of establishments and specialty. Make sure you are constantly upgrading your skills by taking various courses and getting the latest certifications on new technologies in your industry.

3. Make connections

Contacts in our time can do more than technology, experience, knowledge and professional skills. And the older you are, the more connections you have, right? Most chances come not from newspapers, websites or job centers, but from the right people. Make it a rule to attend industry events, seminars and conferences, talk there whenever possible, make acquaintances, be remembered, leave business cards, maintain further communication.

4. Don’t overprice yourself.

One of the main reasons for rejecting older applicants is that they are too experienced and require an appropriate salary. Convince the employer that you are not the case. That you have already received all the splinters on the career ladder and are not trying to walk over the heads of your colleagues. And that you miss exactly the job that matches the position being offered.

5. Prove that you are not a “dummy”

Another reason for refusals is doubt that a mature candidate understands modern technologies (“does he even know what the Internet is?” - a seditious thought flashes in the mind of a 30-year-old HR manager).

Firstly, you have already indicated in your resume how you can be contacted on Skype or Whatsapp, provided links to an available portfolio in Google Docs or to a page on LinkedIn where you actively communicate with colleagues in the industry (you communicate, right?). Secondly, when answering questions like “”, mention in passing that you follow the company’s news on its Twitter or Facebook account. And so on in the same spirit.

6. Prepare for the interview

With your many years of experience, you probably think that you know the answers to everything? You are wrong.

Find a young interlocutor and play through all possible questions and answers with him. Do not put yourself above your interlocutor, even if experience and age give you this right. An arrogant and condescending tone is your worst enemy in an interview. Watch your intonation, mood,... Record this on video - you will immediately see your mistakes in the recording.

In addition, being unprepared for an interview will do you a disservice - you will get lost, start mumbling and searching for words. The employer will decide that the position is not that important for you, and the company is not at all interesting to you, since you did not consider it necessary to prepare.

7. Don't sit idle

And you have been looking for a job for too long, do not allow gaps in your resume and do not give the future employer a reason to think that you have been lying on the couch until just now - until you showed up for an interview today.

Work in volunteer organizations. In other words, keep yourself in a businesslike tone. Volunteering will give you an additional networking opportunity (see point 3). You never know where you might find a good opportunity.

8. Learn

Remember the last time you decided to learn a new skill? The employer wants to see in you a desire to improve, a willingness to embrace new things. Technology in your industry, and in any other, does not stand still. Test tube meat, brain enhancers, space elevator... Take free (there are such, believe me) courses, master classes and seminars close to your field. Get certificates - this will prove that you are still far from the threshold of senile insanity (as young recruiters tend to think) and are capable of learning.

9. Try to look younger than your age

Let's say you managed to hide the dates of your studies, and the employer does not yet suspect your age. There are many ways to convince him in advance that you are active and cheerful. Provided, of course, that you are really active and alert. First of all, add a photo to your resume where you look fresh and young: face masks, light makeup, good lighting and a good photographer (you have friends, right?) will help you with this. Just don’t take a photo from 20 years ago.

Then work on the “Additional information” section in your resume: first, make it noticeable, otherwise the hiring manager will not get to it, and your efforts will be in vain; secondly, tell us about your sports hobbies - running, wind surfing, cycling, mountain hiking and conquered peaks, marathons, etc. Why, people are running marathons at 60, and bodybuilding at 75. The feeling that you are full of energy must come from within you, and it depends entirely on you.

You shouldn’t go to extremes and say that you rock up in nightclubs, but don’t mention opera and other theaters either - this is an indicator of older age.

And finally, smile when talking on the phone - this will make you sound younger.

Your task is to give the manager the idea in advance that you are a young and energetic person.

Yes, yes, I know, De Niro's character is over seventy! Well, this means that you have more chances than him.

When using materials from the site, an indication of the author and an active link to the site are required!

If you listen to the experts, there is a labor shortage in Europe. In fact, according to statistics, from 2011 the labor shortage will only increase.

"Nowadays, more and more people pension And pre-retirement age don't want to retire and, the number of retirees who want to work part-time or on a contract basis is also increasing. Employers who previously resisted hiring older workers are now beginning to understand what they mean Great source of highly qualified, experienced and flexible employees.

Nevertheless discrimination age and negative stereotypes against older workers continue to exist.

Recent surveys of recruitment agencies have shown that 64 percent job seekers experienced age discrimination at work. Many employers don't even want to consider applicants aged 50+. In many ways, when looking for a job after retirement, you will have a hard time convincing employers why they should hire you.

Back to age discrimination in the workplace.

Over 50 job seekers can bypass age discrimination and find meaningful jobs by following these 7 tips.

1. Update your appearance. If your cloth And hairstyle are not modern, many employers will consider that your skills are also outdated. If you haven’t worked recently, you might have missed the fact that a lot has really changed in offices during this time. In most industries, the days when employees were required to wear suits are long gone.

“Of course, this does not mean that you have to be super fashionably dressed and spend a lot of money on this whole outfit: it’s enough to find modern shirts and trousers for these purposes; it will cost you quite cheaply, with a guarantee that employers will not be distracted by whether you are too "old-fashioned" for his company.

2. Be patient. Although search work This is quite troublesome at any age, older workers need to be even more patient and diligent. Many older workers think that with 35 years of experience behind them, it won’t be so difficult for them to find another job in their specialty. But unfortunately, many employers are reluctant to consider older workers.

3. Be confident- but don't overplay it. Don't be shy about self-promotion. Describe to employers your strengths and how they would benefit from hiring you. At the same time, remember trust is key, cockiness can work against you.

4 . Older workers often receive poor reviews due to their unwillingness or inability to adapt to change- especially when it comes to technology. While you don't need to be a computer whiz, most employers expect you to be comfortable with a computer and the Internet.

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This may seem surprising, but one of the main reasons why people over 50 cannot find a job is a psychological reason. They have already come to terms with the fact that high positions and careers are not for them and unconsciously make it clear to them. To prevent this from happening to you, don’t think about yourself when looking for a job. In the end, age is not the most determining factor for a candidate; in addition, at the age of 50 or even older, you can be both “a pensioner in five minutes” and very active.

When looking for a job, remember the advantages of your age. You have at least five of them: 1. Experience. Which lawyer will a reputable company hire, a 25-year-old or a 50-year-old? Most likely the second one. 2. Stability. Older employees are less likely to change jobs. 3. Lack of personal factors affecting work (small children, etc.).4. Having the motivation to ensure a decent old age. 5. Balanced character, stress resistance.

Of course, there are still employers who do not see the above advantages or attach less importance to them than they should. To prevent them from rushing to trash your resume, do not include your date of birth. This is not at all a detail that should definitely be demonstrated. It is also enough to indicate your places of work over the past ten years, without mentioning your very first companies and positions.

The job search process for those over fifty is no different from the job search process for people of other ages: send your resume to companies that interest you, don’t forget about recruitment agencies, ask your friends. Is it worth paying special attention to the last method, since older people, as a rule, have a lot of professional connections, so finding a job this way is both faster and easier.

Remember that a good impression at an interview is made by a “no-problem person”: fit, fit, positive-minded, friendly. This is also very important for older candidates, since some younger managers may worry that an older candidate will be difficult to work with if they are overly demanding, strict, etc.


How to find a job if you are 45-50 years old or older, but you are still full of strength and energy and want to lead an active lifestyle? up to 45 or 50 years of age. If you successfully pass the interview, the employer may not be so critical of this. It should be remembered that each case is individual, and career development opportunities depend on the qualifications, specialty and salary level for which you are applying.

Helpful advice

He is more likely than a young specialist to be hired for a leadership position. Advice: if you have been unable to find work for a regular vacancy for a long time, try applying for a management position. Not an accountant, but a deputy chief accountant, not a salesperson, but an administrator, etc. You will be surprised how much your chances will increase! Today the situation has changed for the better: vacancies for job seekers under 45 and even 50 years old are increasingly appearing on the pages of newspapers. Although, of course, such restrictions on hiring are illegal.


  • job at 50 years vacancy

It takes a lot of effort to lose your job at 50. But if the conditions at your previous job do not allow you to spend your health, energy and time on it anymore, finding a new job at this age is difficult, but quite possible

Puzzled by the search for a new job. it is necessary to analyze your own capabilities and compare them with the state of the labor market.

State of the labor market

And the state of the labor market today is spontaneous, despite numerous attempts by the state to systematize it. Thus, despite various types of discrimination based on gender and age, employers find hundreds of plausible excuses that do not fall under government sanctions to refuse to hire a fifty-year-old woman.

As a rule, it is easier for men of this age to find a job, especially “without bad habits” and with a working specialty. For women with a working profession, paradoxically, it is almost impossible to get a job in a profession at this age. The reason lies in the absence of a planned economy, which in this case plays against the applicant.

Reasons for the low popularity of fifty-year-old job seekers

Stereotypes in this case occur in most cases of refusals when we are talking about highly qualified specialties. Fundamental changes in technology in all areas also imply professional reorientation, which is not always possible for representatives of the older generation.

The average age of employers does not exceed 35-40 years. Having an older person submit to a younger one can cause awkwardness on both sides.

Pre-retirement age does not imply long-term cooperation: 5 years is not enough time to count on long-term promising cooperation.

The reasons are quite significant, but surmountable; it all depends on the specific situation and the individual qualities of the applicant and the employer.

Types of cooperation with the employer

If you require a social package, the best option is to contact the employment service. But it is unlikely that the vacancies available there can satisfy a highly qualified specialist. Although registration on the exchange will make it possible to maintain continuity of experience in the status of unemployed and have at least some kind of financial support.

As a rule, a woman of 50 years old already has the necessary length of service, so the social package is not of fundamental importance for her. This can be used as a priority when searching for a job. If, instead of official employment, you conclude a contract, that is, enter into civil legal relations, the employer will be relieved of the need to pay personal income tax and contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

The third type of cooperation is more suitable for creative individuals and people who know how to create things with their own hands. Here the relationship is built on the customer-performer principle.

Realization of your own capabilities

Before looking for a job, you need to decide what exactly is expected from a new job. If you urgently need a means of subsistence, it is advisable to concentrate on improving your existing practical experience, perhaps mastering computer technology. There is nothing complicated about a computer, and if a child is able to distinguish between the Enter and Delete buttons, a month of training is enough for a specialist with a higher education to master the necessary programs.

You need to learn how to write a resume correctly. There should be no place for false modesty in a modern resume - all talents, including the ability to brew tea in several ways, can create an attractive image of the applicant for the employer. It is necessary to have a resume not only in paper, but also in electronic form in order to quickly respond to vacancies posted on Internet resources

If time is of the essence, there is a reason to make your long-time dreams come true and begin to realize your hidden talents.

Everyone knows that looking for a job at age 50 or older is not an easy task. Employers prefer to hire younger and more energetic people. However, there is no need to despair. In this article we will talk about what to look for when looking for a job, how to write a resume correctly and how to behave during an interview. In addition, we will consider possible employment options for women after 50 years of age.

Where can a woman of pre-retirement and retirement age triple her income?

Shift work

You can find many such vacancies on job search sites. The duration of the shift ranges from 7 to 30 days. The type of activity can be very different. Most often, packers are required for production or personnel for cleaning or security services. Shifts often last 12 hours, and wages are paid at the end of the shift.

The list of requirements for the applicant is small. One of the most common conditions is the presence of a medical record, since the work may be related to the food industry. Most companies offering rotational work promise to help with obtaining a health certificate if one is missing. Higher education is not required; secondary vocational education will be sufficient. The main qualities required for shift work are attentiveness and the ability to work at a given pace together with the team.


One of the highest paid professions that requires women of pre-retirement and retirement age.

Of course, there are plenty of requirements for the candidate here. You must have a pedagogical education and experience working with children. Knowledge of a foreign language and the availability of letters of recommendation would be an excellent addition. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the duties of a governess, in addition to raising children, may include cleaning, cooking, etc. The pay for such work is quite high. Depending on employment, wages start at 50 thousand in Moscow, a little less in other regions.

after 50 years, a woman should live an interesting life, develop and build a career in order to defeat aging


Another profession where experience and experience are valued the most. Teacher education and recommendations are required. Foreign language tutors are the most popular. You can contact the appropriate organization where you will receive official employment. In addition, the company will be involved in recruiting students, creating your schedule, etc. Another option is to independently search for students and work from home.


Many job openings offer work as a cashier. Higher education is not required in this case. The average salary in Russia varies within twenty thousand rubles. The main qualities needed for this job are attentiveness, stress resistance and communication skills. The list of responsibilities is small, but requires a responsible approach, since the work is related to the circulation of funds. You need to serve customers, monitor the safety of money and adhere to customer payment rules.


Housekeepers are required both full-time and part-time. The number and frequency of shifts varies. The average salary is about thirty thousand rubles. Experience in this field is welcome, and recommendations from previous places of work will also be helpful. Responsibilities include complete cleaning of residential premises, laundry, ironing, and cooking. The level of education does not matter.

Social worker

A social worker is another possible employment option for a woman of pre-retirement and retirement age. Employers require applicants to have higher and secondary specialized education in social spheres. If the applicant does not have a medical education, then he is offered to take courses in first aid. The duties of a social worker include caring for sick and elderly people, namely some sanitary work: changing and washing linen, cleaning, cooking. Sometimes you need to perform the functions of a nurse. The average salary ranges from 25 to 50 thousand rubles.


Working as a courier does not require any special education. Many large companies prefer to hire older people for this position, as they consider them more reliable and responsible than representatives of the younger generation. This is especially true for working as a courier for the delivery of securities and tickets. Work involves physical activity, which is beneficial for older people. In addition, such busyness is an excellent opportunity to make new acquaintances. Part-time positions are available, and full-time positions are also available. Salaries are calculated depending on the work schedule.


The work of a landscaper is popular among women. Experience in this field is preferred. It is also desirable to have a specialized education. Companies offer both full and part-time positions. Requirements for the applicant include responsibility, communication skills and a love of plants. Responsibilities include preparing certain areas of land for planting cultivated plants, further caring for them, and carrying out work to combat various pests.

after 50 you can find a decent job if you have the knowledge and desire to earn money

How can a woman find a job after 50?

If you take the risk of finding a new job at such a mature age, then you need to be prepared to face a number of problems. However, all difficulties can be overcome by following the recommendations below. It is generally accepted that people at this age cannot do the required amount of work, as they get tired quickly and do not have the required amount of strength and health. Also, they find it difficult to assimilate new information, which excludes the possibility of increasing the level of professional skills.


The most important thing is a positive attitude. If you find yourself looking for work at age 50 or older, don't give up and write yourself off. Here are some tips.

  • Make a list of the skills you have. Determine in what areas they can be useful.
  • In addition to the experience that you have gained over the years of work, you have probably acquired a large number of acquaintances and friends. It is through them that you can find out about vacancies in areas of interest to you.
  • We advise you to pay attention to the appearance. If your clothes and hairstyle are far from modern trends, then the employer may think that your skills and abilities are also hopelessly outdated.
  • Prepare to talk about your skills and achievements. This way you can prove that you are a very valuable shot.
  • Computer literacy is an important aspect in any resume. If you feel that there are gaps in your PC knowledge, you should try to fill them.
  • If you have chosen a field of activity or a company in which you want to express yourself, then carefully study everything that may be connected with it. This way, you can answer interview questions easily.
  • If you were rejected once, do not despair. You need to continue searching and go towards your goal. The same applies to cases when you yourself decide to refuse work. Choose the options that suit you. If necessary, try several times.

Search for vacancies

First of all, you need to decide what goal you are pursuing. If you choose a job based on its proximity to home and convenient schedule, then this is one situation. If you are interested in career growth and professional development in your chosen field, then we should adhere to the following recommendations.

  • The Internet is a great help when looking for a new job. At the moment, there are quite a large number of sites that post information about vacancies.
  • You can turn to professionals at recruitment agencies for help. Employees of such institutions will help you with writing a resume and selecting a job.
  • The labor exchange often offers advanced training courses. This is a good option for finding a new job, since after passing they are often offered employment.
  • Pay attention to private institutions, even if you have worked in a government structure all your life. Often, private companies offer more favorable terms of employment.
  • If you are good at working on a computer, you can try yourself as a freelancer. In this way, you can generate income without leaving your home.

How to write a resume?

Writing a resume is one of the most important aspects when looking for a new job.

  • Your resume should include only your last 3-4 jobs.
  • Try to divide all experience and all skills into groups. The greater your functionality, the more likely it is that the employer will pay attention to your profile and invite you for an interview.
  • If you have taken retraining or advanced training courses, be sure to note this point on your resume. This is assessed as the ability to learn. Emphasize that you have the ability to quickly get used to changing conditions and improve in the professional field.
  • Indicate your age so as not to mislead the employer. In addition, an experienced personnel officer will immediately notice the absence of a date of birth in the application form and understand the reason why you did not indicate it.
  • If you know how to work with a PC and know foreign languages, be sure to mark this in the application form. These skills will make you more attractive to employers.

How to behave at an interview?

First of all, you should pay attention to the appearance. It is preferable to dress in a business suit, not forgetting about makeup and hairstyle. You must come across as a confident woman. We do not recommend pushing for pity. Talking about how you won't be hired anywhere will certainly not convince the employer that he needs you. He must make sure that you are truly a very valuable employee who is simply needed by the company.

Draw attention to your wealth of experience, and also mention that women of your age are stable, since they will not go on maternity leave, their children have grown, etc.

The conversation strategy largely depends on who is conducting the interview. Your behavior should be chosen based on this factor. If the interview is conducted by a woman close to you in age, then she needs to be convinced that your ideas are largely similar. In addition, it is worth letting her know that you will support her in all endeavors. The same position should be chosen if the interview is conducted by an older man.

If at an interview you have to communicate with a young man, then get ready for the fact that you most likely will not get the job. Young people most often look down on older women. However, there are exceptions. At such an interview, you should show respect for the employer and under no circumstances criticize his actions and actions.

In this article, we looked at the most popular employment options for women over 50. We also tried to pay attention to all aspects that should be given importance when looking for a job. If you follow the tips and recommendations outlined in the article, you can easily find a job you like even at such a mature age.

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