Holiday menu in Minecraft style. Birthday in Minecraft style

The guys turn into characters from a famous game, extract resources, build a shelter from evil spirits, fight zombies and spiders, create a potion to survive in the “virtual” space.


Interesting birthday greetings.

Decorating the room with game attributes

in black and green tones:

You can make spiders out of a balloon by attaching them at the base. paper strips- legs, and a creeper, gluing black stripes - mouth and eyes. You can make garlands from squares of paper on threads of matching colors. On the wall there are posters with the heroes of the game, a green banner with the word “Minecraft” written on it.


  • Square sheets of paper, multi-colored squares, ribbon or elastic band to create a mask;
  • Cardboard cubes (small packages can be used);
  • Apples;
  • Milk, banana, tangerines, lemon, sugar and other products for making potions;
  • Empty bottles;
  • Pink Balloons– pigs, one of them contains a recipe for a potion of strength;
  • Dark dense bags with paper ribbons at the base are spiders: one of them contains a recipe for an acceleration potion;
  • Notes with teleportation locations: school, roof of a house, kindergarten;
  • Cardboard models of weapons: swords, picks, hammers, shovels;
  • Diplomas, gifts;
  • Congratulatory poster for the birthday boy, felt-tip pens;
  • Darts, tic-tac-toe field, dice.


  • Leading

Progress of the event

Leading: Guys, I think you guessed which game we will pay tribute to today. And this is a game...


Leading: Indeed, today we will be the heroes of this interesting and exciting game. We will look for resources and create potions, build houses and fight evil spirits. Do you want to experience all the hardships of a hero? virtual space? Then let's begin! And the first thing we need to do is turn into a game character. And for this you need to work a little.

Each child receives a square piece of paper, slightly larger than their head, with slits for the eyes. The task is to decorate it with multi-colored paper squares in the Minecraft style. WITH inside A ribbon or elastic band is attached to the opposite ends of the square so that you can fix the mask on your head. After this there is a photo session.

Leading: Well done, you did a great job. Now you need to create a home to hide from spiders and zombies at night. We will create it from cardboard blocks.

They build a home out of cardboard cubes: if there are not enough of them, then they simply use cubes to limit the area that would accommodate almost all the participants.

Leading: I'm sure your strength scale has dropped. It needs to be restored. To do this, we will arrange a small snack with what we can find in this room.

There are apples hidden in different places in the room according to the number of participants. Children must find them and eat them to regain their strength.

Leading: Here you go. We didn't notice that night had fallen. It's time to hide from zombies and spiders. Let's all run for cover!

The game "Day-Night" is played. They select several people (a quarter of the number of participants), wrap them in toilet paper, turning them into zombies. Here you can hold a contest “Turn into a Zombie” - who can quickly wrap a future zombie in paper. After this, the presenter says “day” - the children run out of their house, “night” - they run into the house. At night, zombies come to life and try to catch the owners of the house.

Leading: Morning has come - it's time to collect resources to create potions! Get up, sleepyheads! Let's start our morning with exercise.

Fun exercises are carried out accompanied by rhythmic music.

Leading: Well, now let’s look for resources. What you need is written on a piece of paper (gives the children a list of items to find).

Children are looking for empty bottles and products from which they will later make magic potions (milk, banana, tangerines, lemon, sugar, and so on).

Leading: To make a potion, you need to know its recipe. And these pigs hid the first recipe inside themselves!

Pigs are pink air balloons. The children's task is to burst them with a dart, throwing them from a short distance. There are 10 balls, and only one of them contains a note with the preparation of a strength potion: banana + milk + sugar (or honey). After finding the note, participants, with the help of an adult, make a banana milkshake, which they immediately drink to restore the spent units of strength.

Leading: Now we just need a speed up potion recipe! And evil spiders are probably hiding it.

Spiders are dark, dense bags with paper legs hanging from the ceiling. Inside one of them is a recipe for an acceleration potion: lemon + water + sugar. Children “fight” spiders with a stationery knife: they cut the bag, trying to find the recipe. According to the specified recipe, a drink is created, which is immediately drunk.

Leading: And one more potion - experience. Without it, it will be very difficult for us to get to the next level - a more difficult one. And the creeper himself will help us find this recipe. But how do you know which one is real?

At a distance there are several “creepers” - cardboard boxes decorated in the appropriate style. Participants must guess which of them has the recipe hidden. They take turns coming up, sticking their hand into the box and looking for a piece of paper among the contents. You can use cubes or toys as filling. Whoever finds the recipe wins. From the proposed ingredients (tangerines), an experience potion is made and drunk.

Leading: Now you and I have learned to teleport, that is, move in space. Let's see where we can move.

The game “Teleportation” is being played. To do this, you will need cards with the names of places where you can teleport: school, store, roof of a house. Players take turns pulling out a piece of paper, reading where they land, and then figuring out what they will do there. For example, “I will watch the sunset on the roof of the house.”

Leading: Gradually we have collected enough resources, so now we can make weapons. We will need it to protect and cultivate the territory.

Participants receive cardboard models of weapons: swords, picks, hammers, shovels. The task is to turn them into weapons in the Minecraft style by gluing multi-colored squares.

Leading: Now let’s hold knightly competitions to show our strength, dexterity and prowess!

Those who wish put on a mask, pick up a sword and take part in the battle. A winner is identified and receives a prize.

Leading: We will end today's adventures on the Minecraft virtual page with the presentation of diplomas for completing the game and memorable prizes that everyone will choose for themselves.

A ceremony for presenting diplomas and prizes is held. Participants take turns approaching a cardboard box with a hole for their hand, take out one object and try to determine by touch what it is.

You can even make a birthday party in Minecraft using improvised means! Let's start! First, find out the characters of this game and its essence. Information on the topic Minecraft is the sea, so you can easily understand all the characters and the meaning of this game. And let me help you. What is the essence of this game? Everything is very simple: the player creates his own world, that is, he appears in the world, he has nothing, he must mine (i.e. craft) wood or ore, and then build a house, maybe even an entire village. But we must not forget that at night all the bad creatures come out to hunt YOU! Therefore, you need to look for accommodation for the night, and also do not forget to eat. Here are all the main characters and their descriptions:

In contact with

Steve - main character, a person, controlled by the player.

The Creeper is Steve's green enemy; when approaching the player, it begins to hiss and explode.

Herobrine is a mystical creature similar to Steve, but with white eyes.

Enderman - black, long creature, thief.

Zombies - creatures similar to Steve, only green, kill the main character.

There are also all kinds of animals and other creatures in the game, but we studied the main characters.

  1. Decoration and decoration of the room for a children's birthday in Minecraft style.
    Well, we've sorted out the characters, now it's time to decorate the room! To do this you need to prepare in advance.

    You can also put a table in the room and create something like a buffet. More on this in the next paragraph.

  2. What to put on the table? There are two options here:
  3. Birthday invitations.
  4. What to do during the holiday: scenario, games and birthday contests in Minecraft style

    So, everything has already been done, the guests have gathered, what to do now?

    If the guests don’t know what kind of game this is, then I advise you to tell about it, and if everyone knows Minecraft, then you can compose it together with the birthday boy the day before funny story about Steve, Creeper and other characters or find a ready-made one on the Internet.

    Well, the guests learned what Minecraft is, had a dose of history fun, ate delicacies from this game, now it’s time for games!

    You can come up with a variety of Minecraft games:

    For example, you can have fun breaking a piñata, which was made by you.

    You can also play forfeits! Write tasks on cards such as:

    Well, we played forfeits, now it’s time for battle! Can invite children to play with swords, which you also made yourself.

    Can i go outside and frolic there, you can also release balls into the sky, or a green wishing lantern.

There are many options for making a birthday in Minecraft, it all depends only on you and your imagination. And of course, if you give your child, a Minecraft fan, such a gift, he will have an unforgettable impression of this important day! Therefore, I wish you good luck in preparing such an incredibly cool event!

Many kids are fans popular game Minecraft, intriguing at first glance with its unusual geometry, the prevalence of square shapes and the presence of pixels. Despite the distortion of the usual image of the heroes, it is easy to recognize, for example, a creature made of pink squares with pixels - a sheep. Throwing a children's birthday party in Minecraft style is a great idea that will delight the hero of the occasion and the guests of the holiday. So where to start?

Invitation cards

What is a real celebration without an official invitation? You can make invitations like this:

  • having come up with original name birthday,
  • indicating the exact time,
  • date,
  • venue of the event.

So that little guests understand that something interesting awaits them and look forward to the holiday, an invitation card can be made in the colors of the Minecraft game: green-brown squares, hand-painted with bright felt-tip pens or cut out of colored paper.

On invitation card You can depict any character from the game or part of the paraphernalia. It is possible to place the event script on the other side of the invitation, which will add some zest.

Download invitations

Birthday decoration in Minecraft style

For a themed birthday, you need to prepare well, think through the details, stock up on materials for decorating the holiday, because most you'll have to do it yourself. Having crossed the threshold of the room in which the holiday is held, the child should immediately be imbued with the virtual atmosphere:

  • inscriptions: “Happy Birthday”, “Minecraft” - all made of pixels and green-brown color scheme, it is possible to add an image of the game hero,
  • tablecloth also with the theme of the game and the same color palette,
  • Glue posters depicting heroes on the walls of the room, on the curtains Minecraft games(print from the Internet on a color printer),
  • whistles,
  • confetti,
  • balls of green and brown colors various shades,
  • Garlands.

Download inscriptions in Russian


Holiday table decoration in Minecraft style

Menu festive table can be very diverse, the main thing is to maintain square shapes, the presence of pixels and colors:

drinks can be green and red in transparent containers, labeled with what they are:

  • strength potion,
  • speed potion,
  • potion of experience,
  • good luck potion,
  • jumping potion,
  • invisibility potion,
  • antidote for potions, etc.
  1. square napkins,
  2. table stand for dishes, also shaped like a square,
  3. plates either in the popular Minecraft game style shape, or laid out in a square on a round plate (if there are no others),
  4. You can use food containers instead of dishes, it will also look original.

Bottle Labels (Potion)

Attributes for the celebration

Anything can be suitable for preparing attributes:

  • empty boxes of various sizes,
  • foam blocks,
  • squares of white and colored paper,
  • various square-shaped containers,
  • children's cubes.

How to make a pickaxe

Or simply print the template on a printer and stick it on thick cardboard:

To make the holiday fun, you need a lot of game paraphernalia, we prepare in advance:
Board games, so to speak, “for a snack”, when the children are tired and it is possible to move on to calmer games, these could be:

  • checkers,
  • domino,
  • "monopoly",
  • darts,
  • sea ​​battle,
  • Preparations of questions and answers for the question-answer game.
  • templates of certificates for participation in the game, later you only need to enter the name of the participant,
  • small themed gifts placed in green gift bags,
  • notes with the names of places where you need to teleport,
  • cardboard weapons: picks, shovels, swords
  • several rolls of toilet paper,
  • the name of the resources written on paper that need to be extracted.

Preparing for the question-answer game

The game consists of two bags or other containers containing rolled up pieces of paper with questions and answers written on them. One bag contains questions, the other contains humorous answers. Participants in the game put their hand into the container with questions, take out the paper, unfold it and read the question, then repeat the procedure with another bag. Let's compose questions, taking into account the fact that the participants are children.
Questions for the question-answer game:

  1. What do you usually do after school?
  2. Do you help your mom around the house?
  3. What's your favorite subject at school?
  4. What cartoons or films do you like to watch?
  5. What can you say about the game Minecraft?
  6. What can you say about your friends?
  7. What do you dream about most often?
  8. What do you think your friends will say about a Minecraft-themed party?
  9. When you grow up, what will you do?
  10. What is needed for complete happiness?

Answers to the question-answer game:

  1. I can't say it out loud.
  2. This will remain my secret.
  3. Of course, if it's funny.
  4. In no case.
  5. Like everyone else, so am I.
  6. Everything depends on ourselves.
  7. It would be more fun with a cat.
  8. How lovely.
  9. Thanks to everybody, you're free.
  10. This is a state of mind.

The answers can be simply excerpts from songs, it will also be fun.


Themed clothing will add bright emotions to all participants of the holiday. It would be creative to make the heads of active mobs out of cardboard boxes. These are: zombie, spider, witch, Ender, Creeper, Ghast and others.

Paint the box with watercolors or cover it with colored paper, don’t forget about squares and pixels, you can print out the faces of the characters and stick them on the “head”. We make slits in the box for the eyes, nose and mouth, think about how the improvised head will stay on the child, it is most convenient to glue an elastic band on the inside.

You can go further and dress the child in a mob T-shirt (torso). To do this, you should buy plain T-shirts and apply with a sponge acrylic paint image through a pre-prepared stencil. In the center, again, it can be just a square with pixels, or you can depict the “torso” of the mob, or write the name of the character.

Competitions and entertainment

Get a resource

As soon as children enter the premises where a Minecraft-style birthday party is being held, they are offered a choice of “head” and “torso” of mobs, and are given weapons: cardboard swords, pickaxes, shovels. Having reincarnated as the hero of the game, participants in the celebration can begin to complete tasks to find resources. The rarer the resource the child finds, the more valuable the reward. Blocks symbolizing resources must be placed along the entire perimeter in advance:

  • land,
  • water,
  • plants,
  • timber and other resources.

Everything according to the chosen theme from blocks, squares, in pixels.
First, participants look for a task to find. The task is written on paper rolled up in a tube and safely hidden. You can hide the task:

  • in an inflated balloon,
  • stick to any object.

After reading the task, the search begins. The item you are looking for could be:

  • apple,
  • banana,
  • candy.

Children receive a prize for the item they find. These are pre-purchased prizes for winning the competition:

  • icons,
  • calendars,
  • keychains,
  • themed souvenirs,
  • whistles,
  • small games.

Since the children have an improvised weapon in their hands and a character’s “head” on their head, there is no need to organize many additional competitions; guests will find ways to have fun. There will be an independent sword fight and a photo shoot in costumes.

Competition "escape from zombies"

Choose from those present several people who agree to be zombies. Wrap the selected guests from head to toe in toilet paper, run away from them to a safe distance and announce the start of the game. Zombies must catch other participants in the competition in order to turn them into similar creatures or free themselves from toilet paper by turning into humans. A fun and noisy competition, after which there will be a lot of garbage left that needs to be cleaned up together.

Write a wish to the birthday boy

Hang a Whatman paper on the wall with the name of the birthday boy written in paint, you can indicate how old he is. Entering the names of the invited children at certain intervals (leaving space for congratulations) in a beautiful multi-colored font, you can already make several wishes for parents as an example. Give children paints, markers, pencils or felt-tip pens (optional) to write congratulations to the hero of the occasion. All guests will work together to write down their wishes. It should be bright big postcard with warm words from those closest to you. This will remain for the child good memory about the holiday.

Holiday video:

Minecraft cake

No matter how rich the table and well-prepared entertainment, the most long-awaited part of any holiday is bringing out the cake and eating sweets. You should be well prepared for this:

  • buy candles according to the number of years of the birthday person,
  • number with the due date,
  • fireworks candle,
  • musical candle.

Of course, you shouldn’t mix everything together, but choosing the best option is the best thing.
It’s quite a difficult task to bake a Minecraft-themed cake at home; it may be delicious, but for a themed birthday, decoration also plays an important role.
You will have to turn to the help of professional confectioners and bake a cake to order:

  • square shape,
  • with unchanged pixels,
  • with the name of the birthday person and the number of years to be celebrated,
  • with the inscription Minecraft.

Taking out the cake can be turned into a whole ceremony: turn off the lights, close the curtains, and bring out a sweet dessert with lit candles to the song “happy birthday to you (name of the birthday person).” If you capture this solemn moment on video or take a photo, the memory will remain for a long time. long years. Ask them to blow out the birthday candles to the friendly applause of those present, while making a wish. Now it must certainly come true!

For tea, the table should also be set according to the theme:

  • cookies and sweets are arranged in the shape of squares,
  • table decoration in birthday color theme,
  • fruits are transformed into fabulous dishes.

Instead of a conclusion

Of course, not a single invitee will remain indifferent after such a fun, well-prepared and thought-out celebration. When the holiday comes to an end, participants need to distribute certificates with their names written in, and give the remaining souvenirs, packing them in green gift bags. You can give out props as souvenirs: T-shirts (“bodies” of mobs), weapons (swords, pickaxes and shovels made of cardboard) and cardboard “heads” of mobs.

Naturally, competitions and games were prepared.

I prepared 2 bags of cards. In one they were written various items, and in another, what can be done with them.

Guests take turns drawing cards from the first set and say to the birthday boy: “I will give you for your birthday... (read the inscription from the card),” and the birthday boy draws a card from the second set and replies: “And I... (read the inscription) ".

It was a lot of fun, everyone laughed :)))

here are the words that were in the first set

dollars hat chandelier perfume chicken

earrings piggy bank juice music shoes

hanger mirror fish paint goat bow

picture shampoo seeds tape recorder nuts

dress car doll

and this is what happened in the second:

I’ll comb my hair, tie a bow and admire it; I'll split it and eat it

I will chew and eat; I will look into your eyes, smile and hug you tightly;

I will paint the walls and doors; I’ll start it and go;

I’ll turn it on and listen; I’ll pour it into a glass and drink it;

I’ll pick you up and spin you around; I will be very happy and will invest in the business;

I’ll cut it and eat it; I’ll tie it to a tree and go for a walk;

I’ll break it into pieces and treat it to my friends; I’ll spray it and enjoy the smell;

I'll hang it on my ears; I’ll iron it and put it on;

I’ll clean it, put it on my feet, and dance; hug and kiss;

I'll get scared and run away; I use it as decoration;

I will tie it and pin it to my hair; I will put it on my head;

I’ll make a hole and drop the money in; I'll hang it on the wall;

I'll fix it on the ceiling.

It turned out very funny... For example, I will give you... a hanger for your birthday... And I... will hang it on your ears:)))))

I hung a poster in the hallway and invited the children to write wishes or draw something for the birthday boy. The children approached this task very responsibly...

This is what it was originally:

and this is what happened:

Oh, I forgot... they also inflated balloons in the form of creepers and spiders. it turned out cool

Then, when the kids got crazy enough, I sat them down and read a bunch interesting facts about minecraft. To be honest, I doubted that the children would want to listen calmly... but in vain. They listened very carefully and it was clear that they were interested :)

Then there was the zombie game. a well-known competition, but nevertheless popular:)))) I gave out 5 rolls of toilet paper and suggested wrapping each other up during one song. Then the children changed:))) It was very fun and funny:))) Especially when the zombies came to life and tore the paper screaming:)))

The whole room was covered in paper:)))) I gave the children a couple of bags and they quickly cleaned everything up:)))

Then there was a game of forfeits. The forfeits were also in the birthday theme :)

like these ones:

Draw a creeper that exploded.

Show a zombie who saw fresh brains and went to his victim.

Portray Steve, who, looking back, saw Herobrine.

Show Steve with a creeper exploding behind him.

Show a cheerful little penguin.

Seriously pronounce the tongue twister: THE PIG DIGGED THE ENTIRE YARD AND DID NOT REACH THE HOLE.

Sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” without showing your teeth.

Walk around Notch in small steps and say: “I am the Creeper. Let me hug you, baby"

Shake everyone’s hand in turn and introduce yourself: Tsar, hello, Tsar, it’s a pleasure, Tsar.

Laugh with the laughter of an evil genius.

Pretend to eat a lemon.

Take your nose with your left hand, and with your right hand left ear, then quickly vice versa: right hand- behind the nose, and with the left - behind the right ear, etc.

Draw a picture of a car that just can’t start.

Draw a snowman who is gradually melting.

Draw a cat hunting a dove. The dove must be chosen from those present.

I also planned to play crocodile. But somehow we didn’t have time, and I decided to leave it as a trace. year:)

Then the children played darts. Always with a bang. We recorded the points and counted them. My husband gave them Minecraft-style cards with images of heroes. They were like prizes. We prepared a lot of them, so everyone got enough so that they don’t quarrel over them :)

Well, like last year, the search for explosives :))) Only this year I picked up more difficult riddles and we taped the clues. We still had to be able to find them :)))) We inflated 10 pink balloons and put a note in each one. 9 were empty and only one had the first clue. The balls were pigs from Minecraft and they definitely need to be killed :)))) And off we go :))))))

There are a lot of buttons on it

There is an alphabet and numbers

To write a word,

You need to press buttons.

He has two pairs of legs.

He couldn't stand without them.

So that you sit down and rest,

In our apartment we have...

Although he lifted his nose up,

But this is not serious at all.

He is not proud of anyone,

Anyone who wants to drink will be convinced.

It's big, comfortable, soft

You can sleep soundly on it.

And when no one sees

You can ride on it.

What a simpleton is this?
He lay down on his side at the door,
On the road, on the threshold
Stops your legs?

When an artist, regardless of the century,

He depicted a man for us in the picture,

Then we’ll call that picture, no doubt,

Of course, nothing less than...

There is a drum, but no orchestra.

We walk at night, we walk during the day

But we're not going anywhere

When we were looking for a clue in the kettle, we examined it from all sides, both inside and outside... And we pasted it on the disk where the kettle is placed :)))))

While we were looking for clues, I thought they would destroy the apartment... especially when they climbed into washing machine:)))) My husband attached a piece of paper in the depths of the drum so that it would not be visible and so that no one would find it ahead of time... But thank God, everything worked out without major losses :)))

The explosive was a firecracker... And like last year, it didn’t burst at all:(((I don’t know what’s wrong with these firecrackers, but for the umpteenth time it doesn’t explode:(((

When all the tests were passed and all the tasks were completed, I solemnly presented the children with certificates as souvenirs.

And then of course there was cake.

here are a couple more photos from the feast

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