Sentences with the phrase “remarkable mind.” Elegance. Aristocratic simplicity Remarkable intelligence, refined manners and discipline

Remarkable... Spelling dictionary-reference book

remarkable- remarkable mind... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

Cm … Synonym dictionary

REQUIRED, remarkable, remarkable. Not ordinary, outstanding, standing out (in importance, abilities, strength, etc.). Remarkable mind. Remarkable strength. A remarkable man. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

INCREDIBLE, oh, oh. Outstanding, distinguished by his abilities. N. talent. | noun remarkableness, and, wives. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

remarkable- oh, oh. Stands out among others; extraordinary. The passing officer, Lieutenant Kozeltsov, was a remarkable officer. // Lev Tolstoy. Sevastopol stories // UNDOZENNESS... Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words from works of Russian literature of the 18th-19th centuries

Adj. Outstanding in its qualities; extraordinary. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen, non-dozen,... ... Forms words

remarkable- ned southern (extraordinary) ... Russian spelling dictionary

remarkable - … Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

remarkable- A/pr see Appendix II (extraordinary, special) Only you, only you kept marveling at the black, blue, orange diamonds... “N a remarkable writer, a snob and an athlete, endowed with enormous aplomb...” V.V. Nabokov, “Oh, they’ll drive them away to... Dictionary of Russian accents


  • Sergei Alekseevich Korovin. 1858-1908, P. Suzdalev. Almost no historian of Russian painting of the second half of the 19th century passed by Sergei Alekseevich Korovin without devoting at least a few lines of his book to him; nonetheless outstanding...
  • Notes from the Alekseevsky ravelin, Alexander Osipovich Kornilovich. Alexander Osipovich Kornilovich (1800-1834) - staff captain of the Guards General Staff, historian, writer, whose talent, versatility and education distinguished him even among...
How to marry a rich man Volgin Ksenia



Very often, rich people, without attaching any importance to the intellectual development of their chosen ones, demand that in their refined manners they at least resemble well-bred girls. Usually these not always cultured and not particularly sensitive people pay much attention to the minor mistakes of their ladies. Therefore, if you want to get a rich husband, be sure to pay attention to how you behave both at home, alone, and in society.

Of course, first of all, you should get rid of such a bad habit as using profanity in conversation. It happens that a very beautiful girl is walking down the street and she is accompanied by an equally wonderful gentleman, they are having a nice conversation, all passers-by are simply admiring this couple, suddenly the girl does not like something in the conversation, and she, having lost her temper, utters a series of obscene expressions at her companion. Naturally, all the charm instantly disappears, and the girl no longer seems so irresistible. Never forget that if you save good manners only for show, then they are not real and the deception will definitely be revealed sooner or later.

Never allow yourself to say words like “get off” or “shut up” to anyone, because rudeness can drive away not only rich people, but also all other suitors. You can achieve elegant and refined manners only if you constantly monitor your behavior even when alone, since a truly cultured person behaves politely in any situation. Perhaps you still lack worldly experience, but intelligence and inner tact can perfectly replace it.

Very often, some ladies, when talking with their chosen one, raise their voices. This, of course, should not be done. Do not forget that a person who, through his work, has achieved some position in society, has achieved success in any commercial enterprises, will never allow himself to be shouted at, be it by business partners or a lady of his heart. By raising your voice in a conversation with someone, you can offend the person, as well as make an unfavorable impression on your potential groom, since few people will like it if his chosen one suddenly turned from a well-bred girl into a street vendor.

Sometimes excessive grumpiness can also make your goal almost impossible to achieve. If you can spend hours in a monotonous voice remembering all the shortcomings and mistakes of your chosen one, of course, he will try to meet with you as little as possible, and then he will leave you completely. No one will like it when someone lists his shortcomings, since he is already well aware of them both from his parents and from his opponents, so if you uncontrollably want to say something nasty to your man, try to quickly get out of the irritable role mothers and distract yourself by remembering, for example, all its advantages.

Your behavior largely depends on how you feel about your chosen one. If you are dating him solely for the sake of profit and the desire to marry a rich man, without feeling anything at all for him, then, of course, it will be difficult for you, since your attitude willy-nilly will be revealed in your actions, gestures, and views. Be loyal to your man - we all have our faults. It’s not for nothing that popular wisdom says: “They love not for something, but in spite of something.” Be frank and open, life is much safer this way.

Every lady who wants to make a profitable match needs to know the rules of etiquette. This will give you self-confidence, and in any situation you will feel at your best. Most likely, when you are with your boyfriend, you will have to meet someone or introduce each other, for example, your friends and relatives. When it comes to any business relationship, the last name of the less important person is called first, in other words, you must introduce the less important person as the more important one. If we are talking about equal relationships, then you introduce the person closest to you first.

Imagine that the person you want to marry has invited you to an expensive restaurant in your city. Of course, you will immediately have a large number of questions about how to dress, how to behave at the table, how to carry on a conversation, etc.

Let's start with clothes. Of course, you won't go on a date in ripped jeans and an elongated T-shirt, and it all depends on your taste and inclinations. Of course, the ideal option would be to consult a professional, but don't be discouraged if you only have one evening outfit and don't have to choose. As a rule, clothing does not play a decisive role in anything, since it all depends on the impression you make on your chosen one with your manners and behavior.

If the man who invited you does not come straight home to pick you up, and you have agreed to meet somewhere in a conventional place, do not be more than ten minutes late, otherwise you risk not finding him that evening. If you spend time not together, but in a company that is unfamiliar to you, then you should know that when introduced, the woman is the first to offer her hand to the man, but if any representative of the stronger sex showed tactlessness and was the first to extend his hand to you, you should not ignore this , since such behavior is even more tactless than the mistake made. You may also have the following question: “Should I take off my glove when greeting?” In this case, you will have to adapt to the person who offers the first hand for greeting. If you greet an older woman who is not wearing or has taken off her gloves, you should also remove your gloves. You can always offer a gloved hand to a man.

Of course, in your evening dress you will look irresistible, but the impression you make on others will depend on your gait, movements and gestures. If you walk heavily, digging your heels into the ground or floor with force, do not know how to smile politely, have a bad habit of waving your arms in front of the person you are talking to, sitting on a chair, lounging or waving your leg, constantly keeping your elbows on the table, not paying attention at all behind the expression on your face and, if you don’t like something, make disgusting faces, blow your nose loudly, bite your nails, sometimes pull up your underwear through your dress, then, of course, even a super expensive and fashionable dress and a charming face will not save you here.

Surely your gentleman will not want to invite you anywhere again, because he dreamed of spending an evening with a beautiful girl, and this concept includes many different elements. This includes a smooth gait, elegant movements, the ability to carry on a conversation, and impeccable behavior at the table. You must learn to make even minor movements beautifully, for example, comb your hair beautifully, give your hand beautifully, or hold a cup unusually beautifully. In conquering a man, it is these little things that often play a decisive role. If you can behave this way, then regardless of your appearance, you will always look beautiful and achieve your goal.

First of all, go to the mirror and carefully examine yourself. Your shoulders should be straight, your stomach should be pulled in, and your head should be held high. Don't forget, women who hunch over and walk with their heads down tend to look like losers and older than their years. Of course, this is of absolutely no use to you, so quickly straighten your shoulders. Some women do not know how to walk in high heels at all; their legs seem to always be in a bent state. Of course, the sight is not the most pleasant, so before you put on something like this, be sure to practice at home, and even better, if you are not confident in your gait, choose shoes with slightly smaller heels, this will give you confidence and your movements will be more graceful .

One last thing, high heels should never be too small as this will certainly have a negative impact on your appearance. Not only will you constantly stumble and walk ugly, but your mood will also deteriorate, you will look worse: exhausted eyes, a dejected and painful expression on your face, which, of course, your companion will not like.

Definitely, in the restaurant you visit, you will definitely have to talk with your companion and with friends who may be at your table. A smile here undoubtedly plays an important role: you must charm both him and his friends, because if his friends are delighted with you, they will certainly tell him about it, which can also bring you closer to your cherished goal of getting married. A smile, firstly, depends on your mood, and secondly, on the condition of your teeth, so do not forget to visit the dentist at least once a year, because a smile that reveals an unkempt mouth cannot be pleasant. Never cover your mouth with your hand when you smile; this is a very inelegant gesture.

Often, some women get so carried away in a conversation that they are able to talk for long hours without interruption and are completely unable to listen to others. If they fall silent for a minute, then you can see in their eyes that they are not at all interested in the opinion of their interlocutor, they simply jump up with impatience to resume their monologue again. Therefore, you must watch yourself, and if you feel that your eloquence is beyond all limits, you should stop yourself in time.

It happens that young women have the habit of giggling during a conversation, especially at the end of each phrase. You may also experience nervousness, but this creates a negative impression. If you do not yet know your companion and his friends very well, then this habit can even spoil the mood of the person with whom you are communicating. The person will be amazed and may think that you are laughing at him; of course, this will cause a feeling of annoyance, especially if some serious issue was discussed at that time. Therefore, no matter how hard it is for you, try to abandon the position “as God created me, so I will be,” because your future may depend on it.

Men, as a rule, do not like it when women gossip and discuss others. Remember Melanie from Gone with the Wind - the ideal lady. She never gossiped about anyone, never spoke badly, tried to find something good in everyone and always justified everyone. And if she really couldn’t say anything good about someone, she didn’t say anything at all. Don't forget that when gossiping, you can get into a very sticky situation if, for example, you suddenly notice that the person you were just discussing is standing next to you and hears everything. Of course, at this moment the best thing you could do is to teleport somewhere far away from this place, because no matter what you say in the future, it is useless and the situation cannot be corrected.

They say that once Bernard Shaw, having found himself in a situation where one of his acquaintances spoke outrageously about him, completely not noticing that the person she was talking about was sitting at the next table, said: “To avoid embarrassment, I should , madam, kill.”

Therefore, in order not to lose the goodwill of your chosen one, try not to repeat the mistakes of your friend Bernard Shaw, especially since you can put your beloved in an awkward position, and he will be ashamed of you.

You will probably get compliments. Some women do not know how to answer them at all: some are ashamed of something, others do not believe and, just in case, answer with irony. It’s better to sincerely rejoice and thank you for your kind words. You can give a return compliment: “I’m glad you like my dress and your hair is amazing.” During the evening, be sure to whisper to your gentleman how elegant and caring he is.

During a table conversation, try not to interrupt your interlocutor; representatives of the stronger sex do not like this very much, especially those who have achieved any success in life. Listen carefully to your friends, and, according to Dale Carnegie, they will consider you an excellent conversationalist. In a conversation, be sure to pay attention to your tone, because even completely harmless things can be said in such a way that the interlocutor may be offended, so try to keep your tone, if not sweet, then at least polite.

No matter how elegant and beautiful you are, if you do not know how to deftly handle cutlery and do not know which fork or spoon to use for a given dish, then, of course, all your attempts to show off your impeccable manners will be in vain. How to use a spoon, in general, is clear to everyone, but a fork and knife often raise a lot of questions. For example, what are you supposed to eat without a knife?

Cutlets, dumplings, pates, omelettes, vegetables, scrambled eggs and fish are eaten only with a fork. As a rule, we eat even quite familiar food products, such as bread, differently at home and at a reception or in a restaurant. If at home you can spread the entire piece, then take it in your hand and enjoy biting off fairly large pieces, then in a festive atmosphere, of course, it is advisable to break off a small piece of bread, spread it with butter and send it into your mouth with an elegant movement. At the same time, you should not rush and crumble the bread.

When you are served soup, you may have a question: “In which direction can you tilt the plate - away from you or towards you?” There is an opinion that when visiting you should not tilt the plate at all, leaving the remains of the soup at the bottom. And one more thing: while eating and after, always leave the spoon in the plate and never place it so that one end rests on the plate and the other on the table, this is bad form.

Meat and vegetables should be eaten with a fork and knife, with the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right. The meat should be cut into pieces, and potatoes and vegetables should be placed on the cut piece. Some ladies prefer to cut off a piece of meat, put the knife aside, put the fork in their right hand, and only then prick the meat and put it in their mouth. This operation is not only time-consuming, but also ugly. It is also worth remembering that it is unaesthetic to place your elbows on the table; try to rest your hands on the edge of the table.

Perhaps the restaurant will serve you fish. Usually it is served with a special device - a fish spatula or two forks. Never eat fish using a knife and fork as you may accidentally cut the bone with the knife, swallow it and injure yourself. Elegantly separating the bones with a fork or spatula in your right hand, you should bring safe pieces of fish to your mouth on the fork in your left hand. Usually, fish and meat dishes are often served with various sauces, which are such a shame to leave on the plate. However, if at home the rules of etiquette allow dipping a piece of bread into the sauce, then in a restaurant, as well as at other receptions in public places, the sauce must remain on the plate, even if your heart bleeds.

Previously, it was a common belief that you can eat poultry with your hands, but imagine yourself in an evening dress, in your hand you have a piece of chicken leg, along which the fat smoothly flows down your fingers onto your clothes, and a graceful handsome man sits next to you and eats chicken with a fork and knife. The spectacle, frankly speaking, is unattractive. Of course, you may not immediately be able to skillfully cut up chicken with a fork and knife, especially if it is a little dry and does not cut well, but imagine how proud your chosen one will be of your dexterity and elegance when you, with an unflappable look, cope with the task perfectly and eat the whole chicken until the last piece. If he had any doubts before, then, seeing your impeccable manners, he will probably talk to you about the wedding.

Next, you can remember how to eat cheeses correctly. There is a whole cheese ceremony, perhaps this may not seem important to some, but if you want to impress your chosen one and prove to him that you have the most impeccable manners, you must know all these subtleties.

Cheeses are usually served after the last main course, before dessert. Several large pieces of different types of cheese are placed on a tray or wooden board and brought to the table in this form. A knife is brought to them. You cut a small piece of cheese with a knife and transfer it to your plate, then break off a piece of bread and spread it with butter, put a piece of cheese on top (cut off with your own knife on your own plate) and only after that can you eat it.

Everyone knows how to eat an apple or a watermelon, but the most elegant way is a real balancing act, which requires long exercises at home, but the impression from this will exceed all your expectations and will certainly only strengthen the reputation of a lady with the most refined manners.

First, cut the apple into four parts, then put each quarter on a fork in turn and peel it with a knife, which should be very sharp. Be careful not to let the quarter fall off the fork. Eat each peeled piece from the plate using a fork and knife. Watermelon should be eaten in the same way. Place it on a plate and, removing the seeds, eat it with a fork and knife. Citrus fruits can be peeled with your hands, divided into slices, then take a slice with your hand and put it in your mouth.

As a rule, people add the right amount of sugar to hot drinks - tea or coffee - so try not to hit the sides of the cup with your spoon when stirring it. This procedure should be carried out carefully so as not to spill the drink, and silently. When drinking, you should also not put your little finger aside. Perhaps this was once considered the height of elegance and beauty, but now it is in bad taste. You should not drink tea or coffee with a spoon, much less from a saucer. If it is very hot, it is better to wait until the drink cools down.

If you are served a cake or cake for dessert, you should eat it with a spoon or a fork, it depends on what is served. A dry brownie is safer to handle because if you press it with a spoon, it may land on your companion's lap. After biting into the cake, place a napkin to your lips, then sip the drink. A napkin is needed to avoid leaving greasy marks on the edge of the cup. And the last thing: while eating, make sure that your lipstick does not smear and that there are no crumbs left in the corners of your lips.

And most importantly, during the evening you should not only sit and look gloomily at those present, but also, if your gentleman invites you to dance, amaze those around you with your light and smooth movements. If you are on top all evening and prove to your man with impeccable manners and excellent ability to behave decently in any situation that you are quite capable of laying claim to the role of a rich man’s wife, then the results will certainly not take long to arrive and you will soon receive a tempting offer.

It is known that the ladies of the court were taught the most refined manners from childhood, which is why they were at their best in any situation. Once, at a presentation to the king, one lady's petticoat fell off just as she was heading to the throne in full view of many nobles. The woman was not taken aback, easily stepped over it and, as if nothing had happened, moved on.

From the book Awareness: exploring, experimenting, exercising by John Stevens

Mirroring your speaking style Now I want you to mirror your speaking style and facial expressions, just like you mirror rambling speech. Let one say anything, whatever he wants, and the second one immediately repeats it as quickly and accurately as he can, with the same

From the book Personality Manipulation author Grachev Georgy

PART I. SECRET COERCION OF PERSONALITY AS A WAY OF SOCIAL MANAGEMENT Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Evolution of technologies of power Over the course of thousands of years and especially the last centuries, there has been an evolution and improvement of technologies of power and social management in society.

From the book Secrets of Great Speakers. Talk like Churchill, act like Lincoln by Humes James

Appearance, manners and strength This book reveals the secrets of oratory and the secrets of charisma that were possessed by the great speakers of the past and people who managed to change the course of world history. With some effort, you too can master these secrets: to master some

From the book How to Communicate Profitably and Enjoy It author Gummesson Elizabeth

13. Helpful Tips, Manners and Etiquette Communication is the passing of messages. Even though communication is an integral part of our lives and we have no shortage of practice, we still encounter

From the book Hypersensitive Nature. How to succeed in a crazy world by Aaron Elaine

"Mask" and Good Manners If you tend to be an introvert, remember that in most social situations you are required to meet at least the minimum expectations of society. HSPs can sum up all the rules of etiquette in four words: keep the agitation down.

From the book Psychology of Communication and Interpersonal Relationships author Ilyin Evgeniy Pavlovich

3.3. Communication manners (styles) The manner of communication is of great importance for its effectiveness. The tone of address (calm, authoritative, insinuating, excited, etc.), behavior (restraint, anxiety, uncertainty, constraint of facial expressions and movements, etc.), even the distance between

From the book Conflict Management author Sheinov Viktor Pavlovich

Manners: Sit less often with your legs crossed, do not kneel on the edge of the chair, and do not take relaxed poses. React calmly to compliments at work. If you are given flowers, it is best to decorate your desk with them (don’t give the giver the illusion that you care about them

From the book How to Raise a Son. A book for sensible parents author Surzhenko Leonid Anatolievich

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From the book Theory of the Pack [Psychoanalysis of the Great Controversy] author Menyailov Alexey Alexandrovich

Chapter sixty-two AFTERWORD (Although the last chapter is still ahead) That, in fact, is almost all. This is our three-centered world, in which the crowd dubbed the late Freud an old man out of his mind, even his own children called Lev Nikolaevich crazy, but his wife

From the book I behave well both at home and away [How to wean a child from bad habits and teach good manners] author Lyubimova Elena Vladimirovna

Part II. How to instill good manners in your child

From the book Summerhill - education with freedom author Neill Alexander Sutherland

What seems to be the world around a person appears as a reflection of the play of imagination in his consciousness. Emerging emotions allow you to believe in the reality of this imaginary illusion, and constantly repeating events root in the belief that this illusion is the real world.

Eyes, ears, feelings are only devices that produce electrical signals that enter the brain, where the formation of what a person perceives as the world around him takes place. The perceived world and events in it depend on how the mind is configured.

The mind, giving an explanation for what is perceived, creates its own illusory version of the surrounding world, the reality of which is made to be believed by emerging emotions.

Having believed in the reality of the ideas of the mind, a person begins to perceive them as his life and himself in it, forgetting who he really is. Such inattention creates separation and fragmentation of perception, gives rise to uncontrollability in thoughts and disorder in the mind, and brings suffering.

In order not to be like a boat on the ocean and not depend on the whims of the elements, you need tame your mind And curb your desires. To do this, you need to learn how to correctly focus your attention in order to observe thoughts and set the desired direction for their movement. Attention should be focused not on thinking about events occurring in the apparent world, but on how and where thoughts reflecting events arise.

Direct the movement of your thoughts in the opposite direction - from where they arise, while focusing on not doing, not thinking, not creating ideas. If this seems difficult or impossible to the troubled mind, do not make any effort, let the mind do what it wants. At the same time, set the direction of the movement of thoughts towards the realization that all ideas that arise in the mind are only an illusion. One should constantly create the idea that no idea that arises in the mind can be a reality. Thus, each subsequent idea created must be about the unreality of the existing idea and destroy it. In this way, the mind can be maintained in constant dynamic equilibrium, destroying the illusions that arise until a state of complete mental disciplines.

This practice helps develop the ability to distinguish between the true and the illusory and allows one to achieve control over emotions. The absence of emotions indicates that the mind is moving in the right direction. An intensifying emotion indicates that you are following a thought and you should change the direction of your mind.

P.S. In your training, you should not blindly rely on meditation and other similar practices. Without mental discipline, they may not produce results for a long time, bringing disappointment. You should not try to use your will to get rid of thoughts in your head. No matter how much effort you make, it will do nothing but focus on what you want to get rid of and will bring you the exact opposite result.

Stanislav Milevich

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The mind, giving what is perceived an explanation, thereby creates an idea - its illusory version of what is perceived, the reality of which is made to be believed by emerging emotions. Having believed in the reality of the ideas of the mind, a person begins to perceive them as his life and forgets who he is. This wrong focus of attention creates divided and fragmented perceptions, lack of control over the movement of thoughts and confusion in the mind, giving rise to suffering.

In order to tame your mind And curb your desires, you need to learn to focus your attention correctly in order to observe thoughts and set the right direction for their movement. Attention should be focused not on thinking about the events happening in the apparent world, but on where these thoughts come from. Direct your mind in the opposite direction, unusual for it, in the direction from which the thought arises. Direct it to not doing, not thinking, not creating ideas. If this seems difficult or impossible to your troubled mind, do not make any effort, let the mind do what it wants. Just set the direction for creating ideas. It should be aimed at realizing that all previous ideas in the mind are an illusion created by the mind itself. One should constantly create the idea that the previous idea is not real, and since no idea of ​​the mind is reality, then the subsequent idea of ​​the mind should be about the unreality of the idea that exists in the mind now. In this way the mind can be maintained in a dynamic equilibrium of non-creation of ideas than can be achieved mental discipline, and the practice of discrimination will help you realize the illusory nature of the ideas of the mind and allow you to achieve control over your emotions.

The absence of emotions will indicate that the mind is moving in the right direction. An intensifying emotion indicates that you are following a thought and you should change the direction of your mind.

Learning task - creation of an essay-argument in the genre of a literary critical article.

Possible plan for an essay on the topic “Tatiana is a Russian soul...”
with brief comments.

I . The place of the image of Tatyana Larina in the figurative system of the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

The image of Tatyana is important for revealing the ideological meaning of the work, since Pushkin’s conviction is connected with it that a person always has access to an understanding of lofty goals and the opportunity to rise above the spiritual environment.

II . Psychological portrait of Pushkin's heroine.

The heroine is distinguished by a rich inner world and unspent spiritual strength. Tatyana is smart, original, original. By nature she is gifted with intelligence and imagination. Due to the uniqueness of her nature, she stands out among the landowners and secular society; she understands its vulgarity, idleness, and emptiness of life. She dreams of a person who would bring high content into her life, who would be like the heroes of her favorite novels.

1. Conditions for raising the heroine: “They kept in life the peaceful habits of dear old times...” Together with her family upbringing, Tatyana acquired the foundations of folk morality and purity.

2. Originality of character in childhood and early adolescence.

The formation of character from early childhood occurs in nature; it develops freely, without experiencing any alien influences. Tatyana pushed away everything vulgar that did not correspond to her romantic perception of the world.

3. Reasons that influenced the formation of her character:

    communication with people, love for the nanny;

    Russian nature;

    patriarchal family structure.

4. The harmony of Tatiana’s nature:

    extraordinary mind;

    moral purity;

    depth of feeling;

    fidelity to duty.

III . V. G. Belinsky about Tatyana Larina.

Pushkin loves his heroine for her integrity, nobility, simplicity of character,
for her intelligence, fiery and tender feeling, for her faith in her chosen dream, living will. In Pushkin’s understanding, Tatyana is the ideal of a Russian woman. Pushkin “was the first to reproduce, in the person of Tatyana, a Russian woman.”

Possible plan - short and detailed with comments -
essays on the topic “Eugene Onegin - an extra person.”

I . The author and his hero were part of the historical circumstances. Features of the era in which the novel “Eugene Onegin” was created.

II . Evgeny Onegin - “an extra person.”

1. Origin of the hero.

2. Education of Onegin:

    knowledge level;

    inability to work;

    refined manners;


3. Onegin’s disappointment and its reasons.

4. The search for satisfaction of spiritual needs:

    Reading books;

    attempts to write;


    transformations in the village.

5. The main character traits of Onegin:

    sharp chilled mind;



    knowledge and understanding of people;

    dissatisfaction with life.

6. The hero’s attitude towards others:

    to Tatyana;

    to Lensky;

    to the local nobility.

III . The tragedy of the image of Onegin, who became a literary type.

Detailed essay plan with comments.

I . Introduction.

1. An important feature of Pushkin’s work is its unusual
in size and speed of evolution.

2. The best evidence of the author’s evolution is Pushkin’s novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”. The metamorphoses that the poet experiences are the central theme of Eugene Onegin itself. The novel was written over seven years (1823-1831); During this time, historical circumstances changed, of which the author and his hero became a part, the idea of ​​the novel, the poet himself changed, the author’s ideas about his heroes and his attitude towards them changed.

3. Evgeny Onegin is a changing hero. It changes from chapter to chapter, and within one chapter the author’s point of view on Onegin can also change. The main principle in depicting a changing (“living”, “unfrozen”) hero is the “principle of contradiction.”

II . Main part.

1. Contradictions in the depiction of Onegin.

a) At the beginning of the first chapter, the hero is satirically shown as a typical representative of secular society (it is worth listing the typical characteristics of Onegin as a secular person).

b) At the end of the first chapter - an elegiac depiction of Onegin as a romantic (“Byronic”) hero (list the features of Onegin’s romanticism that are close to the author himself: “Involuntary devotion to dreams, // Inimitable strangeness,” “languor” (“Life was tormenting: both of us” ), fatigue from life (“The heat has died down in both hearts”), etc.

c) The author is aware of the inconsistency of his hero: “There are a lot of contradictions, // But I don’t want to correct them.” The novel itself must explain why the Author does not want to “correct” the hero’s contradictions.

2. Onegin’s riddle and its solution:

a) Who is Onegin? This question was posed by Tatyana, who loved him. Initially, she looked for in him the hero of “sublime” novels - either an “angel” or a “demon” (“Who are you, my guardian angel, // Or an insidious tempter?”). After the duel, Tatyana again asks this question: “The creation of hell or heaven, // This angel, this arrogant demon, // What is he?”

b) Pushkin does not give a simple answer to this question. Angel or demon, positive or negative hero? Neither one nor the other. Tatyana is trying to unravel Onegin by the books he reads, by his marks in the margins of these books -
and guesses: “Isn’t he a parody?”

c) However, this guess is only partly true. When in Chapter VIII the same assessments are given to Onegin by secular opinion, the author objects: “Why do you speak so unfavorably about him?” Yes, there is a “parody” in Onegin; Yes, his behavior is largely determined by the change of masks (“Melmoth, cosmopolitan, patriot, Harold...”), but his solution lies elsewhere.

d) So who is he? He is a complex, changing, contradictory person. Those who look for the uniqueness of a literary hero in him are at a loss; the answer lies in the living human ambiguity of Onegin. Such a complex hero was first introduced into Russian literature by Pushkin.

3. Onegin is an extra person.

a) Onegin is an “extra person,” a special human type. Defining the character that was revealed to Tatyana while reading Onegin’s favorite books, the author points to the most important feature of his Hero: “With his embittered mind // Seething in empty action.” “Empty action” is the key to understanding Onegin. Onegin, a gifted man, one of the best people of his time,
did nothing but evil: he killed a friend, brought misfortune to the woman who loved him: “Having lived without a goal, without work // Until the age of twenty-six, // Languishing in idle leisure, // Without service, without a wife, without business, // I didn’t know how to do anything.”

b) This is the tragic contradiction of Onegin: a person who could do a lot turns out to be “superfluous” in this life.

III . Conclusion.

The character created by A. S. Pushkin became typical for Russian literature. Following Onegin, Lermontov's Pechorin, Turgenev's Rudin, and Goncharov's Oblomov appeared. All of them are united by the fact that their high talents turned out to be “superfluous” to society - partly due to their weakness, partly due to the fault of society (to which they served as a reproach). The origins of many themes in Russian literature go back to Pushkin; one of them is the theme of the “extra person”.

Materials for an essay on the topic “Lyrical digressions as an integral compositional component of the novel “Eugene Onegin”.”

Possible epigraphs for the work.

Retreats are undoubtedly like sunlight; they are the life and soul of reading. Take them out of the book, and it will lose all value: a cold, hopeless winter will reign on every page.

L. Stern

“Onegin” is Pushkin’s most sincere work... Here is his whole life, all his soul, all his love; here are his feelings, concepts, ideals.

V. G. Belinsky

Key concept.

Lyrical digressions - this is an extra-plot element that allows the author to address readers directly from the pages of his work,
and not on behalf of any of the acting characters.

Turns of speech that allow us to characterize the personality traits of the narrator, manifested in his judgments:

Essay plan.

I. The place of lyrical digressions in the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

II. The role of lyrical digressions.

2. Expanding the spatial and temporal boundaries of the narrative.

3. Creation of a cultural and historical image of the era.

III. Is the main character in the novel “Eugene Onegin” the author or his hero?

Elegance is a very multidimensional concept. This includes the cut of clothing, wardrobe style, and demeanor. And also a special state of mind.

Elegance is charming. Always attracts attention. They admire and admire her. She is always remembered.

At the same time, not everyone manages to look elegant, and this is not a matter of big money. Elegance does not depend on the degree of ideality of the figure, on the cost or even the style of clothing.

What is the essence of elegance? What does it characterize?

Great fashion designers give very interesting and unexpected definitions of elegance. For example, the famous fashion designer Giorgio Armani claims that “Elegance is one of the forms of manifestation of the mind.” In his opinion, only an intelligent woman can look elegant, which is difficult to argue with. Yves Saint Laurent believes that the secret of elegance lies in personal, or rather spiritual, qualities: “He is elegant who has an elegant heart...”. And this is the opinion of the great couturiers, according to whose “golden” patterns they create the best in the fashion world! So the question is not even about clothes?

The etymology of the word “elegance” itself is even more interesting.

The French word "élégan" translates to "refined, graceful, refined, graceful." Quite an abstract definition. Sophistication, like sophistication, is perceived very subjectively. After all, each person has his own ideas about grace.

But from Latin, the word “elegance” is translated as “to choose.” This is something more specific. After all, to look elegant, you need the ability or even talent for a harmonious combination of things. You need to be able to choose and combine all the details of your image correctly.

In the dictionary of foreign words that became part of the Russian language in 1907 (Pavlenkov F.), you can see the following definition: “Elegance is grace, beauty combined with simplicity.” This definition is even closer to the truth. In an elegant appearance, simplicity masterfully combines with elegance. Luxurious minimalism...aristocratic simplicity is a paradoxical combination, but it most closely characterizes elegance as a concept. This is because elegance is a product of the aristocracy, which every minute had to comply with an endless number of protocols and rules. It is under these conditions that the impeccability of style and manners crystallizes, which evokes admiration and delight among others.

A much more complex definition of elegance is given by the modern encyclopedia Wikipedia: “Elegance is an ethical and aesthetic category that expresses civilized beauty with a conservative reference to the classics of the 18th–19th centuries. Characterized by noble simplicity, calm, relaxation, rigor and smoothness.”

As you can see, elegance is not so simple. Simple grace, austere beauty... An incredibly complex concept. And this despite the fact that elegance is not taught anywhere! Perhaps only at a modeling school, which only a few out of millions attend. And in everyday life, a woman has to learn all the “laws” of elegance on her own, starting almost from childhood. In many ways, the presence of this quality is determined by upbringing. And most often, innate qualities and talent help us, women, independently learn to correctly combine colors and shapes, create exquisite images and compositions. Elegance has close family ties with a sense of style and taste, which begins to form in childhood under the influence of various types of art. Classes in classical music, classical dance and fine arts develop a sense of style and that same sense of taste, without which it is impossible to look elegant.

True, authentic elegance comes with age and experience. Every time we meet a stylish and elegant woman in one situation or another, we note for ourselves all the advantages and disadvantages of her image, characteristics of behavior and manners. What you especially liked will certainly be remembered. In this way, unnoticed by us, that very “piggy bank” is created, that “eye” that always suggests the most harmonious combination of shades, wardrobe elements and accessories. Creating our own image, each time we gain our own experience, noting mistakes and the most successful options. The further we go, the more we master this magical art - the art of elegance.

Elegance – morning, afternoon and evening

It is impossible to be elegant only in the evening, and during the day to be tastelessly dressed and look careless. Elegance permeates our lives in everything, in every movement, in the manner of speaking, in the look, in the gait, in the hairstyle... In fact, elegance is a lifestyle. Do you want to be elegant? Then be prepared to work on yourself 24 hours a day!

If you don't feel elegant, that's fixable. There would be a desire. At first, self-control and discipline will be required. Gradually, elegance will become your favorite habit, and the art of always looking elegant will become your inner essence. That is, in any situation and anywhere you will feel elegant, look elegant and act elegant. One of your main assistants will be the reaction of others.

Along the path of delight

An elegant woman always receives a special reaction in her address - to one degree or another, admiration, charm, approval, favor. This makes her different from ordinary women. Elegance represents a higher quality level that everyone strives for, but not everyone reaches this pinnacle.

An elegant woman is always looked at in a special way! Instantly distinguishing her from the crowd, discovering a surprisingly harmonious image, a person with a developed sense of taste will certainly be enchanted and experience aesthetic pleasure. Elegant beauty immediately attracts you like a magnet. An elegant lady always feels such a peculiar reaction and perceives it as a signal that her sense of style and restraint do not let her down, and her image is still elegant and harmonious. If the lady stops catching enchanted glances on herself, it means that the harmony of the image is lost.

Elegance to the tips of the nails

The elegant lady is elegant from head to toe. Every part of her body looks flawless. Grooming is the most important “base” of elegance. Ungroomed hands or unkempt hair instantly ruin the elegance of the entire look. There can be no primary or secondary elements here - absolutely everything is important, every centimeter of your appearance. Only this approach allows you to create that magical aura that will captivate everyone who looks at you. You want to admire an elegant woman without taking your eyes off her! Everything in it is beautiful, everything is thought out and selected with taste and in accordance with a single style. An elegant woman lives in some other dimension, in another world - in a world of perfection and sublime beauty.

It is on grooming that the main feature of an elegant woman is based - complete self-confidence, which is built not on emotional self-confidence, but on thorough and daily work on oneself. An elegant woman always strives for perfection. She is a perfectionist to the core, a tireless and very demanding person. Such a lady will never allow herself a frivolous choice of clothing, sloppy hairstyle or inappropriate accessories. Elegance is built on the little things.

Elegant manners

Being elegant is the natural state of a woman. This is a certain cultural and mental level that does not allow a woman to look sloppy, communicate rudely, be unrestrained and aggressive. “Elegance itself,” this is what they say about a well-mannered person, an intellectual person. The elegant lady is extremely diplomatic. Her opposite is a rude, impudent, not neat enough, not stylish enough, and sometimes tastelessly dressed woman, challenging everyone and everything, enjoying imaginary victories in endless conflicts, the cause of which she herself is. Elegance against such an unsightly background looks emphatically feminine and aristocratic, diplomatic and friendly.

Elegance is a cultural code that permeates your entire life with seemingly unnoticeable little things: your gait in ordinary everyday life, your home wardrobe, the ability to move, your approach to doing household chores, conducting conversations with loved ones, etc. And, most importantly, what are you thinking about! What mood do you go through life with? In turn, your mood is at the mercy of your everyday thoughts. You need to control what your head is doing. An elegant mood is a special mood. “If you want to change your life, change your thoughts” is an old wisdom that is an excellent formula for working on yourself and developing such an important quality characteristic as elegance.

  1. Elegance is the slowness of movements, their precision.
  2. Elegance is courtesy and tact, balanced statements.
  3. Elegance is a sense of proportion in everything.
  4. Elegance is your individuality expressed through classics.
  5. Elegance is a respectable image that inspires confidence.

An elegant look has several components. As we noted above, elegance is the ability to behave elegantly and present oneself correctly. And, of course, these are elegant clothes.

One of the most common misconceptions is that an elegant woman's wardrobe consists of very expensive things. This is wrong. Of course, a stylish lady should always have stylish designer items in her arsenal, but it is not at all necessary that all items be purchased in elite brand boutiques. This is the art of being elegant - the virtuoso ability to dress tastefully and affordably.

The talent of elegance is manifested in the ability to select individual things in such a way that it is possible to create different ensembles that are appropriate in certain circumstances. Elegance allows you to make purchases on an intuitive level, which will subsequently be harmoniously combined with each other.

In order to hit the bull’s eye every time when buying a wardrobe, you need to be constantly “in trend” and periodically get acquainted with the latest fashion items and its trends. Which does not mean that you need to dress in the latest fashion and update your wardrobe every season. Blind adherence to the canons can make a woman ridiculous and ridiculous.

Accessories and decorations

Jewelry plays a vital role in creating an elegant look. Without jewelry, elegance is absolutely unattainable! No matter how amazing the outfit is, without jewelry it will look unfinished. The minimalism and laconic beauty of clothing is emphasized by small but very precise touches - earrings, brooches, rings, necklaces. Jewelry gives the image that very charm that will captivate and turn heads. A brooch is considered one of the most elegant jewelry. The brooch is a real Queen in the kingdom of jewelry! For example, the British Queen Elizabeth II literally does not leave her personal apartments without a brooch. This inspired and romantic fashion touch suits only truly elegant ladies.

Which jewelry do you prefer?
As already noted, an elegant image is built on aristocratic simplicity, so you should pay attention to jewelry made from natural stones, made in a classic style. The usual gold chains, gold earrings and rings, which are so loved by a wide mass audience, alas, will not add elegance to your appearance. The decoration should be special and stylistically match the classic look. The most important criterion is that the decorations must be of high quality. Today, elegant ladies have a huge arsenal of high-quality jewelry with semi-precious stones to choose from: luxurious amber of various shades, pearls, corals, as well as fantastically beautiful jewelry with various types of enamel coating.

In addition to academic classics, jewelry in the Art Deco style will be a very elegant touch to your appearance - in the style in which the inimitable Coco Chanel worked, recognized throughout the world as the standard of elegance. This is a special type of jewelry that cannot be confused with any other. Perhaps some art deco jewelry is too chic and luxurious, but in combination with a wardrobe with a distinctly minimalistic cut, they look simply fantastically elegant!

Jewelry in the Art Nouveau (modern) style is more than appropriate for an elegant look - a real feast of color and floral patterns, smooth lines and stunning picturesqueness. The main feature of jewelry in the Art Nouveau style is the abundance of shapes and images of animals, birds, insects (butterflies, dragonflies, cicadas, spiders). Of course, it is important to use such noticeable decorations in a single copy! If an amazing butterfly brooch appears on the collar of your suit, then there is no need for other types of jewelry.

As for the color of natural stones, there are no restrictions. It all depends on the color palette of your image. These can be juicy scarlet zircons, golden ametrine, soft green jade, and romantic rose quartz. The main thing is to always remain in the wake of aristocratic restraint and not overdo it with an abundance of strokes and nuances. By the way, the British Queen Elizabeth II sets an excellent example of modern elegance. She prefers suits with an extremely minimalist cut, but at the same time skillfully “plays” with shades and uses jewelry very selectively. Probably everyone remembers her dazzling lemon outfits and amazingly beautiful brooches. Aristocratic simplicity! It is impossible to see Queen Elizabeth II “in public” without jewelry, because without it it is impossible to create an elegant image.

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