Vanga prediction for the future by year. Vanga's predictions for Russia are verbatim. What Vanga predicted to various countries of the world

Vanga's predictions about Russia by year, a list of which can often be found on the Internet, are full of mysterious, gloomy and contradictory details. Behind the wave of speculation on the name of the seer, it is very difficult to find her true words, and the modern information war only encourages dishonest people to publish outright lies and profanation. Nevertheless, Vanga paid a lot of attention to Russia in her revelations, and, judging by how her forecasts came true in recent decades, this trend also applies to the entire future.

In the article:

Vanga's predictions about Russia by year - a list of past years

A list of years that have already passed will help each person make sure that most of them are really coming true. Some of the prophecies, for example about World War III in 2010 or 2012, turned out to be lies. Moreover, their author is not Vanga, but unscrupulous people who needed the excitement before the end of the world to increase the popularity of websites and newspapers.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant promised that in 1990 the Soviet Union would collapse. This happened a year later, in 1991. All clairvoyants and psychics experience similar variations in years and dates; they are rarely considered errors. In the 90s, according to Vanga, people will face a miserable existence.

In 1992, Vanga said that people will have healthy ears, but will not hear anything, will have good vision, but will not see what is happening around them. Mothers will abandon their children, and brother will go to war against brother. Now this prediction is attributed to. But the interpretation may also concern propaganda within Russia.

Perhaps some of these prophecies have not yet come true, because most of Vanga’s prophecies concerned Russia. Therefore, some scientists who study predictions and their statistics are confident that we are talking about the civil war in Russia and the loss of morality and spirituality among women who have forgotten the importance of motherhood. True, the year in which this will happen is unknown to this day.

Regarding the beginning of the new century, Vanga promised that the identity of the new president of Russia will be a surprise to everyone. It is known that Vladimir Putin came to power in 2000. There is also a separate one, which partially reveals the secret of the fate of Russia in the 21st century. Vanga was sure that a person named Vladimir would become the president of the country, but she did not say exactly when he would be known to every resident of Russia.

The seer said that in 1999 Russia would lose weight. Most likely, it was about an attempt to secede Chechnya and Dagestan. Probably, only the new Russian President Vladimir Putin, who came to power, was able to prevent the separation of the country’s territories. The second part of the prediction for 1999 sounds like this:

Good will be inside, and experience will be outside.

Scientists who have devoted their lives to the study of prophecies are sure that good means the wealth of Russia, its valuable resources. And experience, as Vanga understands it, is specialists in various industries who left the country en masse at the end of the last and beginning of the new century. Experienced scientists, engineers and representatives of other low-paid professions at that time were looking for work abroad.

Almost everyone knows Vanga’s prediction about Kursk for the year 2000. She said that Kursk would go under water, and the whole world would mourn it. Only after Vanga’s words came true did people realize that they were talking about a submarine, and not about a city. In 2000, according to the clairvoyant, changes awaited Russia. She promised that a new government would come instead of the old one, and the order in the country would change. Life in Russia will get better, but not for long. Vanga’s prophecy came true; it was in 2000 that Vladimir Putin came to power.

According to the Bulgarian prophetess, in 2008 the government was supposed to change. And so it happened, it was this year that Dmitry Medvedev became the President of Russia. Vanga said that everything would collapse, but then it would be restored. There will be a lot of money in the country, but not for everyone. The population will become despondent, and government officials will only care about themselves. It is known that in 2008 there was a crisis in Russia.

Vanga promised that in 2012 the government would change again. And so it happened, Vladimir Putin became the president of the country again. The West will harm Russia in every possible way, which will cause the country to suffer greatly. There will be no own goods, everything will be supplied from the west. This prediction partially came true, because everyone knows the attitude of Russians towards domestic goods and the tendency to choose foreign goods. In addition, we know the state of many domestic factories.

In 2012 and after it, a struggle for power will begin. The greed of people will cross all imaginable boundaries. It was this year that conflicts were to emerge that would greatly affect the future of the country. There will be popular unrest; not all people will be happy with the policies of the current government. It is known that it was at this time that mass popular protests, riots, and violence against law enforcement began.

Vanga's prophecies by year about Russia - 21st century

Vanga’s statement that nothing but Russia and the glory of Vladimir will remain on earth, a prophecy about and Vanga’s prediction about a black US president, dates back to the beginning of the 21st century. Her words about Vladimir, who will bring glory and world domination to Russia, are considered a prophecy about Putin.

In 2017, according to the seer from Bulgaria, Vladimir will already rule. From this year, Russian enterprises will begin to develop and new ones will appear. This is a favorable time for business. All Russian cities will develop. Vanga's prophecy for 2017 for Russia inspires optimism - even the poorest people will live better. Prosperity awaits the country, but its inhabitants must beware of spiritual corruption, which always accompanies an improvement in living standards. Wars and some conflicts with other countries, protests within the country are possible - there will always be people dissatisfied with the actions of the government.

By 2022, the number of Russians will noticeably decrease. It is unlikely that the Russian nation will die out. There may be a large influx of emigrants, because, according to predictions, Russia will have to save residents of other countries from cataclysms and the consequences of wars; perhaps the Russians will have to accept refugees from Europe and America. A unification with China and India is possible, and if this unification becomes a new state, the prophecy about a small number of Russians can also be easily explained by a large number of citizens of other nationalities.

In 2022, conflicts will emerge within Russia that will end with the division of Russia into several separate states. Moscow will no longer be the capital, it will become part of some new country. The same will happen to Siberia and the Urals. These parts of Russia will not be conquered; their inhabitants themselves will desire secession.

In 2030, Siberia and other breakaway parts of Russia will prosper. Large cities will especially develop. Residents of all regions of Russia, both those that separated and those that remained part of the country, will not experience need. Other countries will want to take over some of Russia's territory, but its borders will be well protected. Wars and internal conflicts are not expected.

In 2040, Russia will be the world cradle of culture and religion. This will be the secret of her salvation and prosperity. After all, as you know, Vanga said that only the glory of Vladimir and Russia will remain, the rest will disappear from the face of the planet.

In 2045, a global crisis will begin. All countries will be in panic. The oil will run out and the energy industry will collapse. There will be a shortage of food and water. Water problems will especially affect European countries. Russia will bypass this crisis. Russians will have water, light, and heat. The country may be overpopulated, but it will live off its own resources and prosper.

By 2060, Russia will become a great power with global authority. It will not need help from other countries or even any cooperation with them. The territories will expand. There will be no war, because Russia will have some formidable weapons and military power that no one will want to argue with. The previously separated territories will wish to become parts of a great country again, but they will not be accepted back.

Vanga's predictions about Russia by year - 22nd century and later

At the very beginning of the 22nd century, small Russian cities will merge into large ones. There will be much fewer cities, but they will be big. There will be churches at every step. The whole country will be built up, there will be no empty places on the map at all. New fuel will appear, people will drive different cars. The entry into the new century will be happy - the residents of Russia can expect good health and a strong financial situation. The country will be prosperous.

In 2176, the envious people of Russia will not be able to stand it and will start a war. Enemies will attack from all sides, and you may even have to fight with all the other countries in the world. Numerical superiority will be on the side of the enemy, but Russia will win this war. Many people will die, but the state will survive.

By the beginning of the 23rd century, Russia will have fully recovered from the devastating war. New discoveries will be made. The person will often fly into the sky. Perhaps it is at this time that Russia will begin full-fledged space exploration. It will help countries that carried out military operations.

In the 24th century, the Moon and Mars will become colonies of the Earth, and Russia will be there - no other country has proven capable of space exploration. Vanga saw that people at this time use solar energy, and on the Moon and Mars they live in small but beautiful cities.

In 2450, a catastrophe will happen on Earth, and it will only affect Russia. Vanga said that the wind would carry away the houses, and the water would flood the fields and forests. Cities in the sky, which most likely meant colonies on the Moon and Mars, will not be affected by the disaster.

In 2600, Russians will be thinking about how to populate a new planet and make it similar to Earth. Space will be well explored, but not all planets have air. At this time, there will be a lot of talk about the resettlement of the human race, but it will not come to fruition yet.

Vanga's predictions for 2019 were discovered during excavations at the foundation of the Vanga temple in the village of Rupite. It is known that the Temple of “Sveta Petka Bulgarska” was built in 1994, according to the design of Vanga’s friend, architect Svetelin Rusev, who was known as one of the prophetess’s closest friends and the keeper of many of her secrets. Several months ago, a group of scientists conducting historical excavations directly at the foot of the temple conducted research regarding the sites of primitive man in these places dating back to approximately the 30th century BC. Research has shown that right under the foundation of the Bulgarian temple many centuries ago there was a settlement of Neanderthals, who were surprisingly organized and social for those times.

While excavating in the area of ​​the church foundation, a graduate student at the Sofia University of Natural Sciences, Jezhe Nedelnik, came across a strange chest made of an unknown metal alloy. Although it was obvious that the mini-chest had been lying in the ground for many years, there were no noticeable signs of corrosion or rust on it. The metal did not succumb to oxidation processes and shone in the sun like new. When the students reported their discovery to the professors, they assembled an expert group and opened the mysterious chest.

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Predictions in a box under the temple

When the chest was opened, it turned out that it contained manuscripts that supposedly belonged to the architect of the temple, which he, according to Svetelin Rusev himself, received from Baba Vanga herself in 1988. However, the fact is that the words of Vangelia’s friend and ally are not credible, because Vanga could not write such a long text on her own due to her blindness. Imagine the surprise of the researchers when a handwriting examination confirmed the seer’s handwriting and delivered its verdict - the predictions were written by Vanga herself in her own hand.

The examination confirmed that the hidden box contained Vanga’s predictions for 2019, which she wrote in her own hand, but then ordered to be hidden for an unknown reason and not disclosed to people. The Bulgarian authorities found out about Vanga’s fateful predictions and decided to classify the information, giving it the status of a state secret. However, there were so many witnesses to the excavations that information bit by bit leaked onto the network and became public knowledge. What Vanga wrote in her manuscripts shocked many. People began to sell their homes in Bulgaria and move to live in other regions that should not have been affected by the disaster. This is what Vanga said about 2019.

Vanga's forecasts for 2019 and the role of Russia

The year 2019, according to the Bulgarian clairvoyant, should become fatal in the history of Russia and a number of other states. Documents found at the foot of the temple clearly indicate that our planet is on the verge of fatal wars and terrible natural disasters. Vanga writes about a world war that will begin in the Middle East region and how a cancerous tumor will spread across many countries. Here are the notes the handwritten book contained:

In 2019, a war will break out, where two great powers will meet in a fatal battle. Aggression will come from the United States, their president will continue the policies of his predecessors and will lead America to world domination. Russia will stand in their way and will pacify the United States until the American people re-elect the president.

This prediction of Vanga for Russia indicates to us the powerful likelihood of war in 2019, which, in fact, is already being waged in Syria and other countries of the Middle East. Russia will participate in hostilities on the side of good and will try to liberate the region from bandit groups fed with the money of the United States. Let us give another prediction of Vanga verbatim, which is directly related to Russia:

A natural disaster will strike, a huge volcano will explode in the United States and wipe out half of the continent from the face of the Earth with a powerful underground explosion. Many people will die. A giant wave will sweep across the surface of the ocean and cause terrible flooding of coastal areas in many countries. Russia will be unharmed and will host thousands of refugees fleeing the flood.

This prophecy of the great soothsayer frightened experts most of all, because it is very clearly associated with the predictions of Edgar Cayce for 2019, which he left shortly before his death. The famous magician and predictor clearly pointed out the coming global flood, which is more reminiscent of the real end of the world. The master even drew a map where he pinpointed the areas of land that would be flooded and go under water. True, according to his version, Russia will also suffer from the cataclysm and people will be able to survive only in the region of the Ural Mountains, Siberia and the Far East.

Vanga about our time

“We live in difficult times. People have nothing in common with each other. Mothers give birth to children, but they have no milk to feed. They make excuses: neurosis, they say. No. It’s just that children have nothing in common with their mothers, they were only born through them. Children receive nothing from their mothers, neither milk nor warmth. Very young children are sent to kindergarten, put to bed separately in the evening, and rarely see a smile on their mother’s face. Mothers are unhappy that their husbands do not value them enough. Husbands, for their part, believe that they got married because it was supposed to be so. Adults are also unhappy with their children - there is no respect from them. Nobody is friends with anyone. People are only interested in money. They think if they have money, then everything is fine. They do not know that the day will come when this money will not serve them at all.

More and more often you will meet people who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear. Brother will go against brother, mothers will abandon their children. Everyone will look for a way to escape alone. Some - a handful of them - will become rich, but the people will become poor, and the further they go, the worse. Many diseases will appear, people will begin to die out like flies.”

Vanga about future cataclysms and disasters

Vanga, December 1980.

„. Other years will follow when cities and villages will collapse from earthquakes and floods, natural disasters will shake the earth, bad people will gain the upper hand, and thieves, drunkards, informers and harlots will be countless.

Fragile, dubious connections will be created between people, which are doomed to collapse at the very beginning. Feelings will be greatly devalued and only false passion, or rather, ambition and selfishness will become incentives in human relationships. ".

Dolphins also come to me, talk to me, and I understand them. They complain: “It’s getting too hot under us. We can’t stand it anymore.”

“The waves will wash away many countries, and the Sun will go out for three years.”

In 1995, Vanga predicted that the world would face many disasters: earthquakes, fires, floods. “A lot of people will get hurt. Misfortunes will come from everywhere, all nations will drown... There will be fewer people, which means there will be fewer goods - the meat of sheep, cows and goats will not be eaten. People will walk without shoes and without clothes, live without food, fuel and light."(said by Vanga in 1995 to Spaska Vangelova from Petrich).

Vanga warned that “The day will come when various plants, vegetables, and animals will disappear from the face of the earth. First of all, onions, garlic and peppers. Then it will be the bees’ turn.”. The Bulgarian clairvoyant spoke about the fatal outcome that awaits the earth as a result of the destruction of nature by man. The use of chemicals, soil and air pollution will make ordinary water undrinkable. Many new, hitherto unknown diseases will appear, “Be careful: soon new diseases unknown to people will come to us. People will fall in the streets for no apparent reason, without any apparent illness. Even those who have never been sick will become seriously ill. But all this can still be prevented, because it is in our power.”. (said by Vanga in 1981).

“These diseases are still preventable, still in the hands of humanity.”. – Vanga warned people in the 1980s. But people turned out to be deaf to her prophecies as well as to the predictions of the Serbian soothsayer Mitar Tarabić. He warned that a disease would appear that no one could cure - AIDS. “People will rush around and search, but they will never find a cure, but with God’s help it will be next to them and in them,” predicted M. Tarabić.

The prophetess was convinced that at the beginning of the 21st century, humanity would get rid of cancer. She said: "The day will come when cancer will be shackled in iron chains". And she explained that “the medicine will contain a lot of iron” .

Alarming predictions of the Bulgarian Vanga: the recklessness of people will ultimately lead to the death of all life on the planet: “People will dig wells in the ground and mine gold, which will give them light, speed and energy(referring to oil production, which is also called “black gold”), and the Earth will cry tears of bitterness, because there is much more gold and light on its surface than inside. The earth will suffer from these open wounds." Instead of cultivating the fields, people, blinded by profit, will rush to look for oil, and then they will understand “how stupid it was to drill these holes.”

Vanga about the new teaching, Russia and the future of humanity

Vanga, January 1988:

“The time of miracles will come, and science will make great discoveries in the field of intangibles. All the hidden gold will come to the surface, but the water will go away. It’s predestined.”

Vanga, May 1979:

“In two centuries, people will establish contacts with extraterrestrial beings from other worlds...”

Vanga, January 1988:

“We are witnesses to fateful events on Earth. Two of the world's biggest leaders shook hands and signed to prove that they had taken the first step towards achieving global peace. But it will take a long time. A lot more water will leak. The Eighth will come, and he will sign the final peace on the planet."

“Soon the most ancient teaching will come to the world. People ask me: “Will this time come soon?” No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet!

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. She will sweep away everything from her path and will not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world.” “Russia will again become a great empire, first of all an empire of the spirit.” “Like an eagle, Russia will soar above the earth. - the literal words of Baba Vanga, - and will cover the whole earth with his wings. Its spiritual primacy is recognized by everyone, including America.” But this will not happen right away. According to Vanga, in sixty years. Prediction made in 1989

And finally, Vanga repeated this more than once with some solemnity in her voice: “A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear from Russia.”

- Christ will come again in white robes. - Vanga prophesied. - The time is coming when certain souls will feel the return of Christ in their hearts. First he will appear to Russia, then to the whole world.

- All religions will fall. Only one thing will remain: the Teaching of the White Brotherhood. Like a white flower, it will cover the Earth, and thanks to this people will be saved.

The teaching, in connection with which the names of the Roerichs and Blavatsky appeared every now and then, extremely occupied Vanga’s imagination. She called it the fire Bible.

- This is a New Teaching,- she said, - but built on the foundations of the old. The old here can be compared to the roots, and the new is like a flower blooming in the sun.

According to her, the secret deep work on the Teaching is now completed. It can no longer remain a secret. Like a fiery stream, it will burst into people.

- The New Teaching will come from Russia,- Vanga prophesied. - Russia will be clean, there will be a White Brotherhood in Russia. From here the Teaching will begin its march throughout the world.

Vanga about upcoming archaeological finds

According to Vanga, large, highly organized civilizations previously existed on Earth.

From a conversation with Vanga about the Greek island of Samothraki:

“Indeed, this is a fantastic island, inhabited by souls who lived in this beautiful place thousands of years ago, they create a special atmosphere. But modern people still don’t know much about him. Near the shores of the island, at great depths, there are surprises for archaeologists. I see the remains of marble columns, made with great skill. This is part of former temples and palaces. They have not yet been discovered, but the day will come when they are pulled out of the sea and they will cause a great sensation. After many years, the island will move away from Greece to Italy. Unfortunately, this island has not escaped the negative effects of modern passions and vices. Sometimes I see such a picture - it will not bypass Bulgaria either - people will become so depraved that they will start making love on the street. Eh, if they knew what price they would have to pay for their base feelings, they would never commit adultery. But remember, no one will escape retribution.”

Vanga, January 1988:

". We will witness great archaeological discoveries that will radically change our understanding of the world since ancient times. ".

“A large city will be excavated in the ground, thanks to which people will learn more about their past.”

Meeting of Anatoly Lubchenko with Vanga (summer 1994)

One of those who saw the Bulgarian fortuneteller in the last years of her life, when she was seriously ill and received almost no visitors, was Ukrainian businessman Anatoly Lubchenko. More recently, in 2000, materials were published about A. Lubchenko’s meeting with Vanga. Lubchenko recorded an interview with the prophetess on a voice recorder. It takes no more than 45 minutes, but is of extreme interest to all humanity, as it contains Vanga’s predictions regarding Russia and other Slavic peoples. Let's see what Vanga said.

Vanga: – Good things await Russia, but not so good things for Bulgaria and Macedonia. Women in Russia will give birth to many good children who will change the world. Then a miracle will come, wonderful times. Science will tell you what is true in old books and what is not; they will find life in space and find out where it came from to Earth. A large city will be excavated in the ground. New people will fly from heaven, and there will be great miracles. But we have to wait, we can’t rush things, it won’t be soon.

A. Lubchenko: – What will happen soon?

Vanga: – There will be an end of the world (the interview was recorded in 1994), the Earth will turn away from the Sun. Where it was hot, there will be ice, many animals will die out. People will fight for energy, but they will have the soul to stop. And then time will return back.

Vanga: – In 7 years, people will neither sow nor reap, but will only grow everything. Animals will reproduce like plants, and plants like animals. In 21 years, no one will be driving on the ground. Trains will be fueled with energy from the Sun, oil will be banned, the earth will only give birth and rest. In 40 years, there will be no current diseases, but others will appear. They will be connected to the brain, because everyone will drink from the sea, and there will be no islands in the sea. Then they will find water in space, and it will be good. There will be a lot of people. India is bigger than China. But people will start getting rid of bodies.

A. Lubchenko: – What does it mean to “get rid of bodies”?

Vanga: – You can live without a body, only personality, only energy, like the dead. But it will not be soon.

Lubchenko asked what awaits the world in the next 5 years.

Vanga: – Russia will lose weight and take its place again, goodness will be inside, and experience will be outside. Europe will not be able to get younger. America will accept the bearded man and understand that fear is worse than love. Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same. The aliens will not want to share their knowledge with the strong. Women's countries will give way to men's countries, but will retain their plans. The little man will rule you all your life.

Vanga's message to future descendants:

Vanga often reminds: “Fighting for peace does not have to be with arms in hand. Inspiring people with good thoughts is also a serious step towards achieving peace. Many leaders from different countries are directing their efforts in this direction. We have no other choice. We must be kind and love one another in order to be saved. If we do not realize this with the help of our minds, the inexorable laws of the Cosmos will force us to do this, but then it will be too late, and it will cost us too much. So, sometimes I see this picture: a blackened and burnt Earth, and a handful of people move along it, like shadows. We must not allow life on Earth to perish because of our shortsightedness. The time has come to make every effort and renounce enmity, envy and hatred. It's predetermined. Even if we don't want it, life must move forward. "

– The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the earth, there will be no violence and theft. Wars will stop, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it.(From a transcript of recordings made by Boyka Tsvetkova)

All human trials are not random, Vanga believed. Human life, like the destinies of entire peoples of the earth, is predetermined from above, and one must learn patience and courage to resist evil. “It’s not by chance, nothing is by chance,– the clairvoyant Vanga warned the living. – That’s why I tell all people that our consciousness should be rebuilt towards kindness. And this is not just a wish. The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be characterized as a time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us; it comes whether we want it or not. New times will require new thinking, a different consciousness, qualitatively new people, so that the harmony in the Universe is not disturbed.”(said by Vanga in 1980).

Vanga's parting words (commandments):

  • A person is who he believes himself to be. If he manages to change his thoughts towards good, then everything in his life will change.
  • A person must love himself and everything around him. In our difficult times this is most needed. And he should also be grateful to God for help in difficult times, for the wisdom to which he owes his success.
  • Don't fight fools - they're not very scary, don't try to correct or change them. Assholes are much worse. They are ready to present something that can excite the whole people.
  • Don’t set unrealistic goals, know what you can do and what you can’t, otherwise you’ll have to blame yourself later.
  • Do not promise if you are not sure that you will fulfill your promise, because the pain that you cause to another will sooner or later come back to you.
  • Pray to God and don’t ask for more than you need.
  • Don't envy anything, mourn my life, because the load I carry is too heavy. Don't ask for too much - you won't be able to pay...
  • “If you do good, hope; if you do evil, wait for it.”
  • “Be human: don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t kill.”
  • “Don't quarrel among yourselves. Love each other. Good causes good, and evil causes evil.”
  • “If only you could read the Bible properly. You would have long ago reached the solution to the problems that make your head spin. Yes, it’s a pity that many of you don’t believe, many. »
  • “There is no sin on children, they atone for what their parents did.”

Video from the Internet

Few people believe in the predictions of seers - until they begin to come true. As for the predictions of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga Gushterova, better known as Vanga. then people began to listen to her words a long time ago. Vanga left many predictions regarding different states, she made especially many prophecies about the future of Russia, since in her opinion it is our country that will have to fulfill a great spiritual mission and unite all the peoples and states of the planet under the auspices of the religious and moral teaching, called White in the revelations of the prophetess brotherhood.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant was often asked the same question: “How to be saved in our difficult, contradictory world?” Vanga invariably answered that only one quality will help a person to be saved - kindness. And you also need to keep God's commandments. She said that answers to all questions should be sought in the holy books, and if people knew how to read the Bible properly, they themselves would figure out how to solve certain problems. She was very sorry that people lack faith: “It is difficult to help an unbeliever” . – Vanga thought. Seeing that violence and evil were making their way, she still hoped that “The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the earth, there will be no violence and theft. Wars will stop, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it.” (from a transcript recorded by B. Tsvetkova).


Vanga's predictions about Russia.

1990 - The USSR collapses, God, why? He won't be there! The republic will separate, there will be poverty, rivers of blood will be shed there.

1992 - There will be many people who have ears but hear nothing, not without eyes, but blind. Children will be abandoned by their mothers, brother will go against brother. Salvation will be sought one by one. A small fraction will be rich, but the whole people will be poor, and then everything will get worse. There will be many diseases, just as flies die, so humanity will go to another world.

1998 - The next president will be a completely unexpected figure. Definitely not Zyuganov or Lebed.

1999 - Russia will lose weight and take its place again, goodness will be inside, and experience will be outside.

2000 - Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it (we are talking about a submarine). Changes await Russia. The old government will leave, a new one will come, and the order will change, life will become better. But not for long.

2008 - Changes in power and future problems. Russia will rejoice and cry. The authorities will take care of the authorities, and the people will become despondent and aggressive and begin to administer justice. There will be a lot of money, but not for everyone. Everything will collapse at once, and then be restored. But people will remember these times for a long time.

2012 – The usual government will no longer exist. Western people will begin to reach out to Russia, and traitors to Russia will help. Russia will suffer. We don’t have our own production facilities, everything is foreign. They will fight for power, and division cannot be avoided. The greed within the people will spill over into the open fields and cities. How the animals will begin to tear and throw from side to side. Conflicts will emerge that will affect the future.

2017 – Vladimir will rule as before. Many businesses will appear. Cities are developing. People are spiritually corrupted. There will be abundance. Imminent wars threaten, past betrayals will make themselves felt.

2022 – The number of Russians is small. Conflicts within the country. The state is fragmented. Moscow is no longer Russia, at a distance the Ural Mountains are all Russia, to the left is not Russia. Moscow itself will move away and will no longer be the center.

2030 – Siberia has truly become a breadbasket. The cities are large and prosperous. People don't need them. No more strife. Europe wants to grab a piece. China is coming, but is not getting involved yet. Warriors protect the border.

2045 – The world is in panic. A crisis. There is no oil, energy is in short supply. Europe is dying without water. Russia lives and prospers at its own expense. There are a lot of people, a lot of money, a lot of water and light.

2060 – Russia has become great. Doesn't need anyone anymore. The center is now beyond the Ural Mountains. The North and Moscow want to return, but Russia does not need traitors. A formidable weapon protects her. No one dares to enter its borders. Everyone lives together, no one fights. Seaside cities merged with Siberian frosts.

2100 – Small cities merge into large ones. There are not many of them, but all of Russia is built up. The fuel is new, there are no more cars, instead of them there are others. Churches at every step. The boys and girls are strong and in good health. No need. Happy time.

2176 – The fierce envious people could not stand it. They attacked the Russian girl. They're coming from all sides. The Russian people are fighting back. Warriors are indestructible in spirit. They fight against numerical superiority. Many people died, many disappeared. But the country survived, they saved it from grief and discord.

2200 – The Russian people restored everything. Development has reached new limits. Knowledge is received from above. They fly into the sky. Help those in need.

2300 – Russians are doing well everywhere. The moon and the red planet became the second house. They live in iron houses. The energy of the sun is used. The cities are small but beautiful. No one else in the world is capable of this.

2450 – Global catastrophe hits Russia. The wind blew away buildings and flooded forests and fields. But the city in the sky was not affected.

2890 – The planet is red, as if the Earth had become, and there is water and air and forests there. Ancestral cities have been found. Help has come from the depths of space. The power is good.

3000 – There is no more Russia, there are Russian people. One language in the great expanses, one faith among many people and good friends with an unusual appearance. They build together, but not with their hands. The mechanisms do everything and protect it.


Vanga predicted Putin's triumph in 2017

The ruler of Russia in the future will be called the Great.

It is necessary to clarify that Vanga never spoke about exact dates, only approximately about a specific period of time. Many years ago, she foresaw that the world would be on the verge of the outbreak of the Third World War.

In her visions of the economic situation, she saw the beginning of a severe economic crisis that gripped almost all countries of the world and brought hunger and devastation to a huge number of people. In her predictions, she outlined the possible unfolding of a large-scale military campaign, in which the use of chemical weapons of mass destruction is possible, which in turn will lead to the devastation of Europe.

These events will provoke a protracted demographic crisis that could last a century. Against the backdrop of what is happening, the Middle and Near East will increase its power, and Islam will become the main religion of the world, sending Christianity into oblivion.

Such powers as China and Russia did not bypass Wang in his visions. China will increase its status on the world political stage, and Russia will continue to grow in strength and move toward the superpower status it began in 2016. Regarding the environmental situation in the world, everything is quite deplorable. The elements will play out in earnest, and terrible cataclysms will come.

An increase in seismic activity in the Indonesian region will lead to the formation of powerful tsunamis and tornadoes, which, in turn, will cause enormous loss of life. The centuries-old glaciers of Antarctica and the Arctic will continue to melt, this contributes to an increase in the water level of the World Ocean and entire states will go under water.

The number of dangerous solar flares will increase, which will lead to an increase in harmful ultraviolet radiation. These outbreaks will contribute to an increase in the incidence of skin cancer. Vanga also foresaw that by 2017, a dangerous viral disease that originated in the West of the African continent would spread. If in 2015 it occurred in a small number of cases, then in 2017 it will cover entire states and lead to a massive epidemic. The victims of this terrible disease will number in the hundreds of thousands.

The blind fortuneteller believed that a threat should be expected from one of the Arab countries, perhaps it would be Iran, Turkey or Afghanistan. The conflict will break out between two Middle Eastern countries, one of which will decide to use nuclear weapons. The situation will be reversed at the last minute, while the integrity and, possibly, the existence of the world will be preserved by Russia and China.

The fortuneteller Vanga says a lot of flattering and pleasant things about Russia as a whole in this time period. The main thing that the soothsayer said was the emergence of a leader among the Russian people, to whom in 2017 a powerful coalition will be born, capable of resisting global, American and Western threats in the future.

The ruler of our country will be called the Great in the future. The Russian economic system, according to prophecy, will develop incredibly quickly, this will enable Russia to become a superpower by the turn of 2017-2018. In addition, Vanga believed that a new faith would arise in our country, which in the future would become nationwide and unite people of different faiths and confessions.

Regarding the Ukrainian situation, the seer saw a deep crisis and a third revolution, the probability of which is close to 100%. The civil strife in this country will be stopped by pressure from Russia, and the new authorities of Ukraine, who will come at that time, will attempt to unite with the Russian Federation.

The rest of the world will live during this period as follows. In 2017, the European Union will be in decline, and many of its constituent countries will deliberately lose contact with each other. Perhaps this forecast indicates the destruction of the European Community as a single conglomerate. 2017-2018 will bring a final weakening of the role of the United States of America. The political crisis in the country will give rise to mass demonstrations and protests among citizens.


Vanga's prophecy for 2017 for Russia

1. Vangelia predicted that Russia in 2015 will help people from other countries, that is, refugees. Now you can see how our country accepted refugees from Ukraine without any problems.

2. The clairvoyant claimed that famine would bypass our country. After all, the Russian Federation has a large amount of resources.

3. Vanga predicted that in 2015 the country would suffer from an economic crisis. This is true, since our country during this period was not going through the best of times.

4. At the end of 2015, Vangelia predicted a disaster, but did not say what kind. Comparing the facts, we can say that the crash that happened with the Boeing on October 31 was a prophecy.

It is already known what Vanga’s predictions for 2017 for Russia will be verbatim and what awaits the country.
What messages did Vangelia leave for the Russian Federation for the year of the Fire Rooster?

Although Vangelia was born and lived all her life in Bulgaria, she had a very good attitude towards Russia. During her lifetime, she said that our country would be subjected to an unusual fate. The clairvoyant claimed that in the near future Russia would become the spiritual center of the whole world. The year of the fire rooster will begin the rise of morality. The country will go through all the hardships and survive the crisis. At this point, the state will grow rapidly economically.

Vanga also said that Vladimir will rule our country. The clairvoyant believed that the Russian Federation would become the center of several united states of Eastern Europe. From this moment on, changes will begin in the country's politics and economy. Vanga did not say anything specifically about Russia’s allies. She only mentioned in general that China and India may soon join our country. Vanga also saw that America would need help, and Russia would help it.

What will happen around the world in the year of the Fire Rooster?

The clairvoyant argued that everything in the world would not proceed calmly. Some difficulties may arise in relations between world leaders. Such actions can lead to serious conflicts. If Russia does not influence the situation around it in any way, then a world war with opposing powers may develop. Vanga said that if this happens, many countries will suffer from hunger.

Many people are interested in knowing what Vanga’s predictions for 2017 were for Russia verbatim. An environmental disaster may occur. It is this that will lead many countries to famine. After all, people themselves greatly influence the environment. By this point, the rivers will already be polluted, leading to many different diseases. Vanga prophesied that Europe would soon be devastated. Perhaps Vanga meant the disappearance of indigenous people due to a strong flow of migrants.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant also predicted the emergence of a new, at this time unstudied disease, from which people will faint. Vanga also mentioned something about Ukraine. The only thing she said was that the Ukrainian authorities will do everything to ensure that their country falls apart into separate pieces. When Vanga predicted the future, she never gave exact dates. The clairvoyant spoke about the future, but what kind, immediate or not. Nobody knows this, but many of her prophecies have already come true.

The clairvoyant said that economic prosperity awaits Russia. Over time, new businesses will appear and cities will continue to develop. That is, she clearly prophesied prosperity for our country. But on the other hand, there are some contradictions in her words. She predicts prosperity in the economy, but nothing good in politics. Vanga believed that wars would begin, and past betrayals would resurface. But people will begin to develop spiritually. Here are the predictions for Russia for 2017, verbatim.

What else did Vangelia prophesy for the Russian Federation?

Unfortunately, Vangelia prophesied bad events for our country. She said that in the year of the fire rooster, military actions should take place, during which many civilians would die. At first, the conflict will be caused by a simple war for leadership, but over time the conflict will develop into a battle for food. In 2017, food shortages will begin in many countries. At this moment, no one will think about the law or any kind of fair relationship.

It's a pity, but Vangelia's assumptions do not provide favorable assumptions. In some regions of the country there will be fierce wars, and in others they will drag on for a long time. Vanga’s bad predictions for 2017 for Russia are presented to you verbatim. Despite this conclusion, Vangelia was confident that it would be Russia that would achieve peace on the planet. It will reconcile many nations with each other and lay the foundation for new relationships.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant prophesied religious differences for the great power that would subside for a long time. In the year of the fire rooster, the Russian Federation can become the main central point of the whole world. Moreover, the power will not conquer this dominance; the world itself will come to this. What awaits Russia in 2017 Vangelia believed that the Russian Federation would not be spared by the global crisis. But the state will meet him with dignity and endure all hardships. Vanga is confident that Vladimir will rule the government again.

Vangelia said that the Third World War would begin in the European part, since many states would suffer due to conflict situations in the Middle East. During strong wars, nuclear weapons will be used. It will destroy the whole world. This is Wang’s predictions for 2017 for Russia, verbatim. But to believe him or not is up to each individual to decide. But you shouldn’t trust the predictions 100 percent, since something that she predicted didn’t come true. You shouldn’t worry about the negative prophecy of Vangelia; it’s better to tune in to a positive mood and try to live this year with dignity.


Vanga's exact predictions about the future for 2017

2017 will be a variable year for Russia and Europe. Psychics see the future of countries differently, and one can only guess what to expect this year. Vanga's predictions for 2017 are slightly different from the words of other soothsayers, which is why they arouse much more interest.

Vanga's personality. Why do people believe her?

Everyone without exception knows who Vanga is. The real name of the psychic is Vangelia Pandev Gushterova. The main difference between her and other people is that she was blind, but had a strong gift that allowed her to treat people for various diseases and foresee their future fate. Vanga lost her sight at the age of 12, when she and her sisters were returning home and were caught in a strong hurricane, which carried her hundreds of meters from her native village. The girl’s vision could have been saved, but the family did not have the funds for this, so Vanga spent her entire life in blindness.

They learned about the psychic during the Second World War, when rumors began to spread that she could see the location of missing soldiers. And from that time on, many people began to come to her for help.

Vanga received her for free, and in 1967 she was registered as a civil servant and began to receive wages. But, despite the good salary, Vanga did not have enough money for the operation, and she died of breast cancer. She spent all the money she earned on charity and maintaining the state.

Vanga's predictions

This unique woman predicted more than one event that managed to come true. That is why her personality and predictions inspire confidence among Russians.

In general, Vanga predicted a lot, but the most memorable moments include the following:

  • By the year 2000, one of the Arabian states will disappear and a large city will be flooded. Kursk is a direct confirmation of this.
  • In 2014, people will begin to die due to cancer or skin problems.
  • In 2018, China will become a world power.
  • In 2028, a new source of energy will be discovered.
  • In 2046 there will be a big step in medicine; it will be possible to transplant any human organ.

Whether this will come true or not, only God knows. But history also knows such predictions that were not destined to come true. Although, perhaps they were simply translated incorrectly.

Vanga's unfulfilled predictions

  • The beginning of a nuclear war in 2010.
  • The extinction of animals and plants in 2011 and the beginning of the chemical war between Muslims and people on the planet.

Predictions in 2015

The year 2015 is coming to an end, for which Vanga had many predictions. Below will be listed what she predicted that came true.

  • Russia in 2015 will help people from foreign countries who will become refugees. A direct confirmation of this can be seen in how Russia supports refugees from Ukraine and other countries that have suffered war.
  • In 2015, famine will not be terrible for Russia. Indeed, in fact, this is the case, many countries are starving, but this cannot be said about Russia, since there are a lot of resources here.
  • At the beginning of the year, the country will be engulfed in an economic crisis. Here the Bulgarian hit the nail on the head, because Russia really occupies a difficult economic situation.
  • In the second half of the year, Russia will face a catastrophe that will not leave a single person indifferent; perhaps she meant the catastrophe that happened on October 31, which managed to claim the lives of many people.

Vanga's predictions for 2017

Vanga’s prediction for 2017 for Russia is more negative and the clairvoyant predicts a new war for the country, which will be able to destroy many. Initially, a struggle for power will break out, but over time it will all develop into a struggle for food - as hunger strikes will begin in many countries in 2017. People will forget about what justice and law are, and those who are stronger will win in an unequal struggle. But the qualities acquired at this time will help Russia rise from its knees, since many people will develop strong personal qualities that will be useful to them in the future.

Vanga's predictions for 2017 do not give comforting forecasts. For Russia, this year will be bloody, in some places the wars will be short-lived, and in some regions of Russia it will drag on for a long time. Many people are wondering what Russia will do in 2017 from Vanga’s predictions. But as the great clairvoyant said, it is Russia that will lead countries out of hostile relations and achieve peace on earth. And this means a lot - after all, many states strive for peace, but not everyone succeeds in achieving this.

Vanga said that in 2017 there will be religious conflicts that cannot subside for several years in a row.

Vanga has never hidden that she loves Russia, and fortunately for her, in 2017 this country will be able to become the main state in the whole world. But the country will not conquer power; the world will come to this on its own, since Russia will change radically by 2017. Also on the territory of this country there should be unification of Slavs from all over the world. The psychic also said that in 2017 Russia will help many countries, including America. Also by this time the country should unite with India and China. There is debate about this today, and experts say that there are all the prerequisites for this.

Vanga believed that in 2017 Russia would not be spared by the global crisis, which would affect many countries. But the long-suffering country is accustomed to crises, and this will not be such a blow for it as Vanga’s other prophecies for 2017 for Russia. As for the government, as Vanga said, Vladimir will be in power again. Some sources say that the government will undergo changes, and now the country will be led not by the president, but by the tsar.

Vanga's predictions for 2017 for other countries

Vanga prophesied that by the beginning of 2017, Europe would perish, since due to numerous wars people would die on the borders of different countries. Initially, Vanga said that the first country to be empty would be Libya. But, as a result of today’s changes, Syria will become an empty country by 2017 - and the great clairvoyant spoke about this.

The outbreak of the Third World War will begin in European countries, since many countries will suffer due to the conflict in the Middle East. Europeans will fight against Muslims, and nuclear weapons will be used in the fight, which will destroy the whole world.

Vanga’s literal predictions for 2017 are unlikely to be found, since they have all been translated into modern language long ago. Perhaps that’s why sometimes the information doesn’t add up; it’s due to poor-quality translation.

To believe or not in Vanga’s predictions is up to each person. But one thing can be said with confidence: you shouldn’t rely one hundred percent on the seer. In her practice, there were both predictions that came true and those that were refuted. For example, Vanga said that in 2010 a war would begin that would last four years. As we see, this did not happen. Therefore, not everything that clairvoyants say can be considered true.

You shouldn’t get hung up and worry that 2017 will be difficult for Russia and war will come, because many of Vanga’s predictions for 2017 are positive and discredit a happy future. Therefore, it is best to hope for positive changes and not worry about what has not yet happened.


The famous prophetess Vanga predicted many cataclysms and changes in the future of the world. All of them were tirelessly recorded by her loved ones, but were not immediately revealed to the public. At the direction of the seer herself, something was and is kept secret, and is revealed to people only at a certain time. Vanga’s loved ones and the people to whom she told about the future do not dare to violate the clairvoyant’s orders, so they convey her predictions only when necessary, unchanged.

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The words spoken by the seer rarely sounded in the literal sense, so people understand many warnings only after the event has already happened. For example, Vanga reported about the death of Kursk long before the tragedy occurred, but the message was deciphered only after the boat was sunk. Before this, everyone was sure that we were talking about the city of the same name.

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1 Predictions that came true

Of the latest prophecies that have come true, the prediction about Crimea is considered a good example. For Ukraine, as well as for other states, what Vanga said - literally: “Crimea will break away from one shore and grow to the other” - was incomprehensible until the peninsula actually “teared off.”

Some predictions sounded quite clear, but they could be interpreted in different ways. Only after they came true did it become clear that the seer was giving an almost accurate description. The clairvoyant rarely named a specific date. Among the famous prophecies that came true are the following:

  • Vanga predicted the upcoming death of the great leader of the USSR six months before Stalin’s death. For this she was subjected to repression, but when the prophecy came true, she was immediately released.
  • Vanga predicted Putin's power in Russia. Long before the reign of the current president, the seer spoke about the bright future and prosperity of the country under Vladimir.
  • The clairvoyant reported floridly about the death of the Kursk submarine, describing how the people would mourn the dead, and after that the Russians would become more united, kinder and more merciful.
  • Vangelia foresaw the collapse of the USSR in advance; this made her very sad, but she knew that it was impossible to prevent the collapse.
  • The seer voiced the Fuhrer's plans to take over the world long before the start of World War II. The victory of the Soviet Union over the German invaders was also predicted by her. This prophecy helped many people survive the difficult years of the war.
  • The clairvoyant reported about the events of September 11, 2001 in America back in 1989. But then it never occurred to anyone that the prophecy about the attack of the steel birds was a terrorist attack on airplanes when the two tallest towers in the United States were destroyed.

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2 What didn’t come true?

The Gospel predicted many cataclysms and wars, but not all of them come true. Fans of the clairvoyant conducted analyzes of her prophecies, as a result of which they discovered that only about 80% of what she said came true. Such conclusions leave hope for a bright future, because the predictions that have not come true are quite terrible:

  • For 2008, Vanga prophesied events that were supposed to become a prerequisite for the Third World War. The seer reported that during this period there would be attempts on the lives of four rulers, which would result in armed conflicts.
  • Vanga determined the beginning of the Third World War in 2010. She said that for four years there would be fighting using prohibited weapons, which would affect the ecology and economic development of the entire planet.
  • The clairvoyant predicted world famine by 2011. She said that the use of nuclear and chemical weapons would lead to the extinction of plants and animals throughout the northern hemisphere, and the survivors would begin to die en masse from cancer and skin diseases. The prophecy that by 2014 there will be no animals and plants left in the Northern Hemisphere due to the use of dangerous weapons has also not come true. Europe will be practically empty, famine will begin.

If you pay attention to the sequence of predictions, you can understand that one terrible prophecy is a consequence of the previous one. But since the Third World War did not start by 2010, the rest did not come true.

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3 Russia in 2018

It is interesting that despite the terrible conditions that Vanga observed in her visions from 2008 to 2014, she made positive predictions for 2018. She reported that by this period China would dominate the entire world. She did not forget to mention Russia, predicting its participation in an alliance with India and China. The union of these world powers, according to the prophecies of Vangelia, should free reasonable and fair people from oppression, and direct the real exploiters to the right path, where they can bring benefit to humanity.

The seer said that in 2018 Russia will gain unprecedented power thanks to its spiritual development. The economic takeoff of the state will give citizens a real chance to develop businesses and earn excellent income. This year, according to Vanga, should be the impetus for a smooth transition to communism, which for the seer is a symbol of peace and justice on the planet.

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4 Prophecies about the 21st century

The seer spoke not only about the coming years. Many of her predictions about the future are several centuries and even millennia ahead. For the 21st century, she predicted many events that may well come true. Indeed, for some of them there are clear prerequisites in the present. List of predictions by year:

  • For 2019, Vanga predicted the collapse of political systems. During this period, the old regimes of large countries will be noticeably changed, and subsequently they will be replaced by the faithful, directed towards God. 2016-2020 is a time of change for the better.
  • In 2020, the world is waking up to many mistakes. The central place on the Earth's stage will be taken by the smartest person who will be able to give people hope for a bright future and will change the course of the current development of society. Vanga had a special view of 2020; she sincerely believed in the power of this period. Her particular prediction concerned Bulgaria, about which the seer was sincerely worried. The clairvoyant believed that this country should unite with Russia this year. In such an alliance, Vanga saw the only true path for her Motherland.
  • By 2023, the earth's orbit will shift. Scientists will notice this, but such a change will remain information for certain circles. People will not do anything, but will consider the consequences for nature and the world as a whole.
  • Europe should be empty until 2025, and then it will begin to be actively populated. But this prophecy is a consequence of the Third World War, which did not occur in 2010, so interpreters of Vanga’s predictions do not believe in it.
  • By 2028, scientists will be able to create an innovative energy source. At present, one can only guess about the essence of such an invention. But modern developments leave hope for this discovery, because every year world science searches for ways to prevent the energy crisis. Also for this year, Vanga predicted the departure of a spaceship to Venus.
  • For 2033, the clairvoyant predicted the active melting of ice, which will result in an increase in the level of the world's seas. This will cause the most terrible cataclysms on the planet, many cities will go under water.
  • By 2043, Muslims will seize power in Europe, but the rule will be carried out correctly, so the economies of European countries will begin to prosper, and people will live in happiness and prosperity.
  • Vanga marked the year 2046 as a turning point in the field of medicine. Doctors will master innovative methods for growing organs, thanks to which millions of people will gain a chance for a long life. Cloning diseased and damaged body parts will become the mainstay of treatment. In addition to this innovation, the most terrible types of military equipment and weapons will be invented.
  • In 2066, a nuclear war is coming between America and Muslims. There will be no winners, but the climate of Europe will suffer due to the use of terrible weapons. A noticeable cooling is expected, which will lead to freezing of Rome.
  • By 2076, Vangelia saw the establishment of communism throughout the world. She argued that classes, castes and other inequalities between people would remain a thing of the past. Humanity will unite and actively restore nature, which will return to its former glory by 2085.
  • The year 2088 will be marked by a terrible disease. The terrible virus will cause instant aging of the body and will claim numerous human lives. The fight against the disease will last 11 years, but by 2097 a cure will be found and the world will return to its previous course of events.

5 Distant future

The clairvoyant told very interesting and sometimes absolutely fantastic things about the following centuries. List of her prophecies:

  • By the beginning of the 22nd century, Vanga predicted the creation of an artificial sun, with which people would illuminate the dark side of the Earth, so that eternal day would come on the planet.
  • By the end of 2110, technological and medical developments will allow humanity to rid the body of injuries and diseases using mechanisms. People will turn into healthy cyborgs who will no longer be afraid of diseases and organ loss. The technical improvement of the body will reach its apogee, everyone will be able to easily fashion themselves into whatever they want.
  • 2123 will be marred by wars, but world powers will not enter into conflicts between small countries, so the planet will not suffer.
  • In 2125, a significant event will occur: Hungary will be able to receive an alien message. People will establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. The mood of the aliens will be friendly, so communication with them will allow earthlings to reach a new level of development.
  • By the beginning of 2130, aliens will help people master life under water, so the ocean floor will be completely explored. Also, representatives of other planets will help humanity solve many environmental problems.
  • The seer described the year 2164 very strangely. She said that it was at this time that animals would turn into half-humans. Interpreters of her predictions suggest that the prophecy indicates a sudden increase in intelligence in animals, but some believe this is a change in their appearance.
  • By 2167, a new religion will be formed, which will arise from ancient teachings. According to Vanga’s prediction, the source of religion will be located in Russia, but will quickly spread throughout the world.
  • By 2170, large bodies of water will dry up. Due to drought, the world's oceans will become shallow, but thanks to alien intervention, this will not affect the usual life of earthlings. In the same year, people form a colony on Mars, the exploration of which will be almost completed by that time.
  • The year 2183 will be marked by a revolt of the “Martians.” People who moved to live on Mars will invent the most powerful weapons with which they will threaten earthlings, demanding independence, but the conflict will be resolved peacefully.
  • In 2187, volcanic eruptions are coming in many places on the Earth. But thanks to the innovative developments and technologies of scientists, it will be possible to prevent a global catastrophe.
  • In 2195, human underwater life will achieve complete autonomy. Humanity will learn to produce food under water. Growing plants and energy independence on the ocean floor will develop to unprecedented heights.
  • The end of 2195 will be marked by the recognition of a new race of people. By this time, the mixing of races will lead to the complete disappearance of Europeans and Asians.
  • The beginning of the 23rd century will bring cold weather to the planet. The sun will begin to shine less brightly, but thanks to artificial luminaries, people will be saved and begin to prepare for life without natural light.
  • The year 2221 will be busy with active space exploration. A person will discover creepy aliens and come into contact with them, but will not identify a threat to earthlings. However, this meeting will greatly change the way of life on the planet.
  • By the end of 2255, the most terrible virus that will reach Earth will penetrate the spaceship. There is no cure for it. The disease will begin to rapidly spread across the planet, and many people will go to live on Mars. Also, by this time, Venus will be explored and will begin to look for ways to populate it.
  • In 2262, the orbits of the nearest planets will shift, and a cosmic body will fall onto Mars, causing irreparable damage to the Martian colony. This catastrophe will push people to settle Venus as soon as possible.
  • By 2270, many laws of physics will no longer work; scientists will have to make many new calculations due to changes in nature.
  • A new era in the field of energy will begin in 2279. Humanity will find new ways to extract energy “out of nowhere.” Interpreters of Vanga's prophecies are confident that this points to the study of black holes and vacuum.
  • The year 2288 will be a breakthrough year for earthlings. People will travel back in time for the first time. Flights to other planets and neighboring galaxies will already be ordinary tourism, communication with aliens will be so developed that economic ties will already be established with them.
  • The 23rd century will be marked by a noticeable cooling of the Sun. Humanity will make many attempts to solve the problem, but these efforts will end in failure. Powerful flares on the Sun will provoke a change in gravity, which will entail the fall of various bodies from space onto our planet. At the beginning of this century, Vanga foreshadowed the formation of an underground movement in France, which would be aimed at destroying Muslim rule, which would lead to terrible wars and political conflicts on Earth.
  • In the 24th century, the most important secret of the Universe will be revealed to humanity, the study of which will occupy the minds of all people. This century will be an era of new calculations, many obscure things will be unraveled and deciphered.
  • By 2304, scientists will discover the mystery surrounding the Moon. This will allow us to control many processes on Earth.
  • The year 2341 will be terrible, something unknown from space will bring enormous damage to the Earth and all humanity.
  • By the middle of the 24th century, there will be an irreparable failure in the operation of the artificial Sun. Many countries are facing drought, and with it famine. Until the end of the century, humanity will be on the verge of extinction, but it will be able to survive and cope with the global catastrophe. As a result of countless deaths, the ranks of earthlings will noticeably thin out, but the creation of a new race will allow people to speed up reproduction.
  • The prophetess gave a disappointing forecast for the 25th century. This period will be marked by the fading of artificial stars. Accidents in the sun will leave people without light and heat. Restoration of performance will continue throughout the century. During the same period, there will be a military conflict between earthlings and the inhabitants of Mars, which will lead to the death of a large number of people and disruption of planetary trajectories. The consequences of this war will be terrifying.
  • In 3010 the Moon will be destroyed. A huge cosmic body will crash into it and leave only dust and stones from the night star.
  • The end of the fourth millennium will be disastrous for the Earth. During this period, the people who remain alive will leave the planet forever and move to another star system. The beginning of a new life will be very difficult, but earthlings will overcome all difficulties.
  • The 39th century will be marked by a ten-year war for resources on the new planet. A climate different from Earth's will cause human mutations. The planet being developed will be sparsely populated and deserted, and as a result of the war, half of the people will die. The development of human civilization will stop due to the small number of inhabitants. But by the end of the 39th century, one prophet will appear who will make everyone believe in the importance of religion. Churches and temples will begin to appear on the new planet, with the help of faith and the intervention of aliens, people will again take the right path.
  • Vanga described the beginning of the 44th century as the dawn of humanity. Church and religion will contribute to scientific development. A person will restore lost knowledge, defeat all diseases and rise to a new level. Mutations in the body will allow people to use their brains to their full potential. Violence, evil and hatred will retreat and go into oblivion. The new society will follow the best path of development.
  • The 46th century is especially important. During this period, people will come to God and learn to communicate with him. Humanity will reach the highest level of consciousness, so in 4509 the first direct contact with the Almighty will occur.
  • The end of the 46th century will bring immortality to man. People will reveal the main secrets of the Universe and understand what the secret of eternal life lies.
  • The 47th century will be the peak in the development of human civilization. By this time, many planets will already be inhabited by people. The total population of former earthlings will be more than three hundred billion. Experiments will begin to connect with aliens, which will lead to the creation of new creatures.
  • The fortuneteller called the fifth millennium the period of the end of the world. The seer reported that she did not see the destruction of humanity. Her prophecies end in the year 5079, by which time people will reach the edge of the Universe. Humanity will decide to cross this line without knowing what lies beyond. People will leave the boundaries of our Universe and find themselves in an unknown place, but Vanga did not see what awaits them there.

Most of the prophecies seemed fantastic even to those close to the clairvoyant, but what the seer said can only be verified over time.

What the clairvoyant said about the future fate of the world was rather vague, but she could clearly identify and help solve any problems of the people who turned to her. Based on a person’s date of birth, Vanga immediately understood who she was dealing with. From her words, they even compiled a table from which you can independently find out your destiny and correct something in life.

6 Fate by date of birth

The following table shows the years, months and their corresponding numbers. To find out your destiny or individual characteristics, you just need to find the number corresponding to the intersection of your year and month of birth, and then familiarize yourself with its meaning.

Unfortunately, Vangelia only took into account births before 1995, so this table will not be suitable for those born later.

1940 1968 31 13 17 13 39 18 38 36 20 36 29 14
1941 1969 7 20 6 23 21 40 7 19 30 23 35 34
1942 1970 5 32 32 18 28 10 15 35 16 34 27 13
1943 1971 13 33 28 27 30 5 29 24 31 31 2 12
1944 1972 31 23 39 31 7 6 6 37 26 36 23 35
1945 1973 21 30 39 35 5 12 4 7 32 22 32 4
1946 1974 40 15 15 3 2 7 32 34 28 36 4 8
1947 1975 5 33 25 16 6 21 4 4 39 32 5 6
1948 1976 6 19 38 19 14 39 39 32 9 5 20 27
1949 1977 34 38 15 22 23 34 14 4 8 34 25 30
1950 1978 1 28 38 10 18 40 36 27 16 40 29 30
1951 1979 11 32 33 23 1 26 33 39 20 15 24 7
1952 1980 6 8 22 5 39 2 5 34 39 12 12 33
1953 1981 9 27 31 28 8 12 1 12 20 4 9 4
1954 1982 10 5 15 11 11 18 18 16 6 12 15 4
1955 1983 39 14 14 28 36 24 9 11 35 1 16 23
1956 1984 35 24 25 12 37 7 35 35 26 31 19 29
1957 1985 37 19 23 32 29 28 15 26 8 6 31 12
1958 1986 20 30 2 8 37 34 2 37 23 30 14 20
1959 1987 4 40 30 7 39 27 18 19 2 6 36 25
1960 1988 4 10 20 19 15 16 1 20 26 7 37 3
1961 1989 31 36 40 27 3 9 27 1 25 5 7 17
1962 1990 34 10 33 9 40 23 12 37 30 17 37 24
1963 1991 19 18 23 23 23 37 28 36 12 4 8 11
1964 1992 21 21 15 25 31 2 20 5 16 4 12 37
1965 1993 20 37 37 16 11 28 5 27 7 33 34 5
1966 1994 21 24 23 39 9 37 38 26 26 2 28 2
1967 1995 24 31 4 1 33 23 3 7 36 13 16 1

Explanation of values:

  • One means a happy and long life. A person follows the path of life smoothly and carefree, he will be able to achieve everything he strives for.
  • Two - getting what you want is possible only if there are people nearby who can lend a helping hand. Only with the influence of outsiders will a person’s fate be successful. To find happiness, you need to learn to ask for help and solve problems together.
  • Three - throughout life a person is destined to face various kinds of obstacles. Failures await him at every step. Results can only be achieved through hard work.
  • Four - this person is capable of achieving a lot, but he can pave the way to the goal only on his own. It is useless to rely on strangers. Only your own efforts will bring the desired result.
  • Five – happiness requires knowledge and experience. Comprehension of the world around us is the main task of such a person. To achieve harmony, you need to study long and hard and develop the necessary skills.
  • Six - this number marks slow people who are prone to long and rational thinking. Although this approach to solving life’s problems delays the fulfillment of desires, the result of the activity brings complete satisfaction.
  • Seven - it is not easy for people of this sign to find happiness; many trials and life difficulties await them on the path to harmony. But this strengthens character, so such a person reaches the desired goal in any case.
  • Eight – this number requires patience and resourcefulness. Such a person will be able to achieve success in any business only thanks to his ingenuity. But in order not to go astray, you need to unconditionally believe in yourself.
  • Nine - this sign marks extremely impatient people who need to cultivate self-control. If such a person learns to wait, his life will change dramatically. Happiness itself will fall into his hands, if he just has to be patient a little.
  • Ten is the sign of the lone wolf. These people should not count on anyone's help. Their happiness depends only on their own efforts. Moreover, by allowing them into their lives, they can only harm themselves.
  • Eleven - for a person of this number there are no obstacles on the path of life. All his affairs turn out successfully by chance. Happiness, success and love accompany him even where others are initially doomed to failure.
  • Twelve - such a person should be more judicious and exercise increased caution. The fearlessness of such people can create unnecessary problems for them. You shouldn’t overestimate yourself, you need to learn to blend in with the crowd, otherwise leadership will result in big troubles.
  • Thirteen - this number shows the nature of an overly persistent person who does not admit losses. Such people should learn to find joy in little things. Otherwise, they are at risk of nervous shocks that will develop into serious illnesses.
  • Fourteen - anger and intolerance prevent this person from establishing relationships with others. It is necessary to eradicate these qualities in yourself, otherwise nothing good will happen in life. Only patience and pacification of his violent temper will lead such a person to success and prosperity.
  • Fifteen - people of this number are in trouble everywhere. Misunderstanding of loved ones and constant disappointments in the world around them lead such a person to a lonely existence. It is hardly possible to change something, but it is worth trying, because fate may one day smile.
  • Sixteen - long-term projects and plans for the distant future should be abandoned. Only unexpected decisions and twists of fate will lead this person to happiness and harmony.
  • Seventeen - this person very often makes rash actions that lead him to big problems. There is no need to rush, because an extra minute of reflection can save you from many years of regret about what you have done.
  • Eighteen - this number identifies the lucky ones who get everything without much effort. So that life does not deal blows, these people just need to live and enjoy existence. And happiness will cover them by itself.
  • Nineteen - people of this number need to be very careful. They do not notice the chances that fate gives them. But you just have to look around, and it immediately becomes clear that happiness comes into your hands, you just need to take it.
  • Twenty – these people should not show negative emotions. All bad messages boomerang back to them. Only kindness and helping others will help them find harmony in this life.
  • Twenty-one - these people rarely have luck; they achieve everything through hard work. It cannot be said that their life is going badly, but a person of this number can hardly be called lucky. To achieve what they want, they need to put in a lot of effort.
  • Twenty-two is the number of selfish and selfish people. To achieve happiness, you need to pay attention to those around you and pacify your selfishness, otherwise such a person risks being left alone.
  • Twenty-three - very friendly and sociable people are marked with this sign. Everything goes well for them, since there are always those next to them who are ready to support them in any endeavor.
  • Twenty-four - faith in yourself and your strengths is important here. It is necessary to eradicate the habit of constantly analyzing your actions. To achieve the highest results, these people only need to trust their own intuition.
  • Twenty-five is the number of crossroads. On the path of life, a person constantly comes across situations in which he needs to choose the right path. In this they need to rely on a loved one; they themselves always choose the wrong thing.
  • Twenty-six - the purpose of these people is the family and everything connected with it. Only by building a strong marriage will such a person find happiness in this world.
  • Twenty-seven - this number hides the destiny of self-improvement. To achieve something, a person needs to tirelessly learn and develop.
  • Twenty-eight is the sign of pessimists. Only by looking at life from an optimistic side can this person find happiness. Otherwise, he is doomed to constant disappointment.
  • Twenty-nine is a number that does not tolerate loneliness. A person must always maintain close relationships with friends and loved ones. Only joint efforts will fill life with harmony.
  • Thirty - only interaction with friends will lead such a person to happiness. These people need to learn diplomacy so that others do not turn away from them.
  • Thirty-one - those marked with this sign are very slow. They need to force themselves to act quickly, otherwise they will achieve nothing.
  • Thirty-two - the whole life of these people consists of changes, thanks to which they successfully develop and find their happiness.
  • Thirty-three is a symbol of stagnation. It is extremely important for these people to seek balance in everything, but sometimes it is necessary to make sharp leaps forward. This is the only way to achieve something.
  • Thirty-four - such a person always achieves what he wants, but spends too much effort on it. You need to learn to let situations go. The result will not change.
  • Thirty-five is a sign of contradictions and duality. You need to find your “I” and live in harmony with yourself, without being distracted by hesitations.
  • Thirty-six - these people are characterized by excessive self-confidence. They need to take a careful look at themselves from the outside and get rid of the put-on gloss, otherwise those around them will turn away from them.
  • Thirty-seven - constant problems with money accompany such a person. To avoid ruin, you should monitor your expenses very carefully, learn to save and save money.
  • Thirty-eight is a symbol of lazy people. To achieve your plans, you just need to force yourself to act.
  • Thirty-nine - these people constantly have to deal with deceivers and scammers. In order not to become a victim of other people's machinations, you should get rid of excessive gullibility.
  • Forty - the success of such a person is a direct reflection of the efforts he makes. The more he works, the better results he achieves.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radio lifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different method for myself...

People's penchant for the mystical and unknown makes them turn to various fortune tellers and healers for help. Even skeptics sometimes lose their steadfastness and listen to the words of predictors.

There is hardly a person who has not heard the name of Vangelia Gushterova. This Bulgarian seer gained widespread fame; ordinary people and the powers that be listened to her words. Vanga's last prediction, published by journalists, related to the fate of countries and peoples. It narrated ominous events.

short biography

Before talking about the parting words and prophecies of the soothsayer, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main milestones of her life, which will help you understand when the gift and abilities of this amazing woman began.

The name Vangelia means “bringer of good news” - this is what they named the newborn girl, even her mother had given up hope of survival. Nevertheless, the baby survived, but Vanga lost her mother’s warmth early and fell under the yoke of her stepmother. She grew up like an ordinary child until she was 11 years old, when a terrible tragedy occurred and the girl began to go blind.

It is with the loss of vision that the birth of the gift of clairvoyance is associated, but she fell into her first trance only in 1940. At first, the young woman hid her abilities, afraid of being recognized as crazy. But a few months later, a small list of Vanga’s predictions began to come true, and pilgrims flocked to the clairvoyant.

Gushterova herself wrote that in 1967 she entered the public service, and the money she received from parishioners began to flow into the country’s treasury.

The Third World War - to be or not to be...

Vanga's latest predictions often related to the political situation in the world. The soothsayer said that a global conflict would begin in 2008. She made the first such statement more than half a century ago, and people who had not forgotten the horror of World War II could not believe that this would happen again. But today the political situation is so tense that her words may well come true, even if not on time.

Vanga's prediction of World War 3 was especially terrible and ominous. She said that country leaders would use chemical and nuclear weapons. The conflict will arise in the East and spin all the great powers into a dangerous whirlpool; the United States will have a direct influence on the height of the war.

The fate of our country

Vanga's last predictions about Russia were that all states would be destroyed, but the glory of our country would remain intact. She supported her words with gestures: outlining a large circle with her hands, symbolizing the unity and indestructibility of the future power.

“A lot of sacrifices have been made,” Baba Vanga said. No forces will be able to prevent the new Russia. She will sweep everything out of her way and begin to dominate the world. The deadline for fulfilling these words was set at sixty years, that is, they should come true in 2040.

Vanga’s latest predictions said that the beginning of the growth of the strength and power of our country would not be sudden. First, there will be a close rapprochement between three large countries - India, China and Russia. However, our time will be very sad. The soothsayer noted that the population would suffer and die from multiple floods and earthquakes. Cities and villages will shake from natural disasters. Injustice will dominate among people: the wicked will rise to the top, and harlots, informers and thieves will be countless.

Chronology of events - disasters and disasters

It is interesting to see what Vanga’s predictions were by year:

  • 1979 – in two hundred years, humanity will be able to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
  • 1980 – An innumerable number of natural disasters will be observed throughout the Earth. Earthquakes and floods will cause massive loss of life. Vanga said that dolphins come to her and say that it is getting too hot under them and they cannot stand it. In addition, the predictions contain data that the number of bad, unbelieving people who will dominate the world will increase many times over.
  • 1981 - the day is coming when animals, insects and plants will disappear from the face of the Earth. The seer warned of a universal fatal outcome, which would be a punishment for the fact that man destroys nature. Even water, according to Vanga, will become undrinkable. She said that the world would be filled with unknown diseases, even healthy people would fall under this yoke. However, she warned that all misfortunes can be prevented, it depends on humanity itself.
  • 1988 - future generations will witness the fateful events that will take place on Earth. The achievement of universal peace is coming, the Eighth will come and will be able to establish final equality on the entire planet.
  • 1989 - the clairvoyant claimed that the time of miracles would come; great discoveries awaited people in the field of intangible things. The water will go away, but all the gold will come to the surface.
  • 1995 - “The waves will wash away many countries, and the sun will seem to go out for three years.” The seer repeatedly warned that the world would drown in disasters and a huge number of people would suffer. All nations will tremble, misfortunes will spread from everywhere. Humanity will shrink and shortages of clothing, food, fuel and light will become apparent. Many will walk barefoot, naked, spending their days without food.
  • 1997 – the end of the world is inexorable and the Earth seems to turn away from the Sun. Hot countries will cave in under the yoke of ice, animals will die out, and people will wage brutal wars for resources and energy. It is possible to judge whether Vanga’s prediction of World War 3 will come true today. The tense global situation is conducive to this.

The list of Vanga’s predictions can be continued endlessly, but all the key points boiled down to the fact that humanity will come to happiness and prosperity through terrible suffering and torment.

Former CIS countries

Vanga’s last prediction about Ukraine has become especially relevant these days. The clairvoyant noted that the country would begin to be shaken by serious political wars and disasters. She also said that Crimea would return to Russia.

Gushterova stated that Ukraine would find itself in a severe financial crisis and devastation and poverty would reign in the country. For example, Vanga’s predictions about Donbass say that the people will stop putting up with the authorities and a whole series of global coups will follow.

However, the clairvoyant noted that it is this country that will contribute to the reign of peace throughout the Earth; important political and economic negotiations will take place on its territory, which will determine the fate of the continent. The people will survive all troubled times and will prosper.

It is no less interesting to consider Vanga’s predictions about Donbass and the eastern part of Ukraine in more detail. She spoke of her knowledge, which included serious bloodshed. These are the words of the clairvoyant that are coming true today. Quote: “In the land of underground holes and man-made mountains, everything will shake. Much will collapse in the West, but will rise in the East. And Sagittarius will come, and he will rule for 23 years - and everything will be erased into powder... Obviously, the Sagittarius is Igor Strelkov - the leader of the militia, and the region mentioned above is Donetsk.

A look into the near future

Taking into account Vanga’s year-by-year predictions, the next 2016 will become an epoch-making year in the history of all mankind. About half a century ago, she said that next year Europe would be empty. The cause will be an armed conflict between Muslim countries and the United States. People exposed to chemical weapons will be susceptible to terrible diseases, many will be covered with ulcers and go blind. After this, “cold” Europe will become neighbors with Russia.

In addition to military tension, severe climate disasters are expected in the world. A large celestial body will collapse on the territory of European countries, causing the flooding of a number of countries. The climate itself will change dramatically.


Even such a distant country was affected by Vanga’s predictions. What awaits the USA, according to the seer's owls? The fate of the most powerful power is unenviable. The seer said that the appointment of a black president would be the beginning of the end. With this, she predicted the outcome of the elections held in the country in 2008.

Ominous predictions were that the country's dark-skinned leader would become the last, and then America would be covered in ice or plunged into a serious economic crisis. She said that we could expect the country to split into southern and northern states.

Parting words of the soothsayer

Vangelia was able to leave several commandments, which read as follows:

  • A person becomes what he believes himself to be. If he can direct himself in the direction of good, his whole existence will change for the better.
  • People should love themselves and everything that surrounds them in this world. This is especially important when times get tough. We must thank God for giving us his support and appreciate our wisdom, which always leads to success.
  • You shouldn't fight fools, because they aren't that scary. They do not need to be corrected or re-educated. Unprincipled, evil people are much worse. They present great difficulties and disturb entire nations.
  • A person should not set unrealistic goals. The goal must be feasible.
  • You can't promise what you can't deliver. The pain that a person experiences will definitely return.
  • People should pray to God and not ask him for too much.
  • There is no sin on children, they are only atonement for what their parents did.
  • If you read the Bible, you can find answers to all questions and solutions to many problems that make people's heads spin.

Words spoken on his deathbed

The clairvoyant announced the date of her death a month before her death. At this time, a large number of reporters, journalists, and filmmakers literally swarmed around Gushterova, filming the days that completed her earthly journey.

Vanga's last prediction before her death concerned her gift. She noted that only the Lord God endowed her with the ability to clearly see the future, and only the Almighty can decide who exactly they will pass on to. The seer said that nothing depended on her, and, according to relatives, she passed away into another world with a smile on her lips and a calm soul.

Today, Vanga’s last prediction before her death finds many interpretations, which are used by charlatans and scammers who declare themselves to be her followers.

Is it worth believing?

Whether to take into account the prophecies of the Bulgarian clairvoyant is a personal matter for each person. Skeptics argue that her speeches can be filled with any contextual meaning, but numerous facts indicate that some of her statements actually came true. This applies to the situation in Ukraine, the Kursk submarine. Vanga's latest predictions about Russia give us hope for a favorable outcome.

Instead of completion

The seer believed that all the trials sent down to people are far from accidental, and every person needs to learn to confront obstacles with courage. Consciousness must be tuned to goodness and peacemaking deeds. A time of virtue will reign on Earth, which will require qualitatively new people with a different way of thinking.

Few people believe in the predictions of seers - until they begin to come true. As for the predictions of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga Gushterova, better known as Vanga, people began to listen to her words a long time ago. Vanga left many predictions regarding different states, she made especially many prophecies about the future of Russia, since in her opinion it is our country that will have to fulfill a great spiritual mission and unite all the peoples and states of the planet under the auspices of the religious and moral teaching, called White in the revelations of the prophetess brotherhood.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant was often asked the same question: “How to be saved in our difficult, contradictory world?” Vanga invariably answered that only one quality will help a person to be saved - kindness. And you also need to keep God's commandments. She said that answers to all questions should be sought in the holy books, and if people knew how to read the Bible properly, they themselves would figure out how to solve certain problems. She was very sorry that people lack faith:“It is difficult to help an unbeliever” , - Vanga thought. Seeing that violence and evil were making their way, she still hoped that“The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the earth, there will be no violence and theft. Wars will stop, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it.” (from a transcript recorded by B. Tsvetkova).

Vanga about our time

“We live in difficult times. People have nothing in common with each other. Mothers give birth to children, but they have no milk to feed. They make excuses: neurosis, they say. No. It’s just that children have nothing in common with their mothers, they were only born through them. Children receive nothing from their mothers, neither milk nor warmth. Very young children are sent to kindergarten, put to bed separately in the evening, and rarely see a smile on their mother’s face. Mothers are unhappy that their husbands do not value them enough. Husbands, for their part, believe that they got married because it was supposed to be so. Adults are also unhappy with their children - there is no respect from them. Nobody is friends with anyone. People are only interested in money. They think if they have money, then everything is fine. They do not know that the day will come when this money will not serve them at all.

More and more often you will meet people who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear. Brother will go against brother, mothers will abandon their children. Everyone will look for a way to escape alone. Some - a handful of them - will become rich, but the people will become poor, and the further they go, the worse. Many diseases will appear, people will begin to die out like flies.”

Vanga about future cataclysms and disasters

Vanga, December 1980:

“…..Other years will follow, when cities and villages will collapse from earthquakes and floods, natural disasters will shake the earth, bad people will gain the upper hand, and thieves, drunkards, informers and harlots will be countless.

Fragile, dubious connections will be created between people, which are doomed to collapse at the very beginning. Feelings will be greatly devalued and only false passion, or rather, ambition and selfishness will become incentives in human relationships.....”

Dolphins also come to me, talk to me, and I understand them. They complain: “It’s getting too hot under us. We can’t stand it anymore.”

“The waves will wash away many countries, and the Sun will go out for three years.”

In 1995, Vanga predicted that the world would face many disasters: earthquakes, fires, floods.“A lot of people will get hurt. Misfortunes will come from everywhere, all nations will drown... There will be fewer people, which means there will be fewer goods - the meat of sheep, cows and goats will not be eaten. People will walk without shoes and without clothes, live without food, fuel and light." (said by Vanga in 1995 to Spaska Vangelova from Petrich).

Vanga warned that“The day will come when various plants, vegetables, animals will disappear from the face of the earth... First of all, onions, garlic and peppers. Then it will be the bees’ turn.” . The Bulgarian clairvoyant spoke about the fatal outcome that awaits the earth as a result of the destruction of nature by man. The use of chemicals, soil and air pollution will make ordinary water undrinkable. Many new, hitherto unknown diseases will appear,“Be careful: soon new diseases unknown to people will come to us. People will fall in the streets for no apparent reason, without any apparent illness. Even those who have never been sick will become seriously ill. But all this can still be prevented, because it is in our power.” . (said by Vanga in 1981).

“These diseases are still preventable, still in the hands of humanity.” ,” Vanga warned people in the 1980s. But people turned out to be deaf to her prophecies as well as to the predictions of the Serbian soothsayer Mitara Tarabić . He warned that a disease would appear that no one could cure - AIDS. “People will rush around and search, but they will never find a cure, but with God’s help it will be next to them and in them,” he predicted M. Tarabić.

The prophetess was convinced that at the beginning of the 21st century, humanity would get rid of cancer. She said:"The day will come when cancer will be shackled in iron chains" . And she explained that “the medicine will contain a lot of iron” .

Alarming predictions of the Bulgarian Vanga: the recklessness of people will ultimately lead to the death of all life on the planet:“People will dig wells in the ground and mine gold, which will give them light, speed and energy (referring to oil production, which is also called “black gold”),and the Earth will cry tears of bitterness, because there is much more gold and light on its surface than inside. The earth will suffer from these open wounds." Instead of cultivating the fields, people, blinded by profit, will rush to look for oil, and then they will understand “how stupid it was to drill these holes.”

Vanga about the new teaching, Russia and the future of humanity

Vanga, January 1988:

“The time of miracles will come, and science will make great discoveries in the field of the intangible..... All the hidden gold will come to the surface, but the water will go away. It’s predestined.”

Vanga, May 1979:

“In two centuries, people will establish contacts with extraterrestrial beings from other worlds...”

Vanga, January 1988:

“We are witnesses to fateful events on Earth. Two of the world's biggest leaders shook hands and signed to prove that they had taken the first step towards achieving global peace. But it will take a long time. A lot more water will leak. The Eighth will come, and he will sign the final peace on the planet."

From the book of Vanga's niece Krasimira Stoyanova “The Truth about Vanga”.

“Soon the most ancient teaching will come to the world. People ask me: “Will this time come soon?” No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet!

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. She will sweep away everything from her path and will not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world." "Russia will again become a great empire, first of all, an empire of the spirit." “Like an eagle, Russia will soar above the earth , - the literal words of Baba Vanga, -and will cover the whole earth with his wings. Its spiritual primacy is recognized by everyone, including America.” But this will not happen right away. According to Vanga, in sixty years. Prediction made in 1989

And finally, Vanga repeated this more than once with some solemnity in her voice:“A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear from Russia.”

— Christ will come again in white robes , Vanga prophesied. —The time is coming when certain souls will feel the return of Christ in their hearts. First he will appear to Russia, then to the whole world.

- All religions will fall. Only one thing will remain: the Teaching of the White Brotherhood. Like a white flower, it will cover the Earth, and thanks to this people will be saved.

The teaching, in connection with which the names of the Roerichs and Blavatsky appeared every now and then, extremely occupied Vanga’s imagination. She called it the fire Bible.

According to her, the secret deep work on the Teaching is now completed. It can no longer remain a secret. Like a fiery stream, it will burst into people.

— The New Teaching will come from Russia, - Vanga prophesied. —Russia will be clean, there will be a White Brotherhood in Russia. From here the Teaching will begin its march throughout the world.

Vanga about upcoming archaeological finds

According to Vanga, large, highly organized civilizations previously existed on Earth.

From a conversation with Vanga about the Greek island of Samothraki:

“Indeed, this is a fantastic island, inhabited by souls who lived in this beautiful place thousands of years ago, they create a special atmosphere. But modern people still don’t know much about him. Near the shores of the island, at great depths, there are surprises for archaeologists. I see the remains of marble columns, made with great skill. This is part of former temples and palaces. They have not yet been discovered, but the day will come when they are pulled out of the sea and they will cause a great sensation. After many years, the island will move away from Greece to Italy. Unfortunately, this island has not escaped the negative effects of modern passions and vices. Sometimes I see such a picture - it will not bypass Bulgaria either - people will become so depraved that they will start making love on the street. Eh, if they knew what price they would have to pay for their base feelings, they would never commit adultery. But remember, no one will escape retribution.”

Vanga, January 1988:

“...We will witness great archaeological discoveries that will radically change our understanding of the world since ancient times...”

“A large city will be excavated in the ground, thanks to which people will learn more about their past.”

Meeting of Anatoly Lubchenko with Vanga (summer 1994)

One of those who saw the Bulgarian fortuneteller in the last years of her life, when she was seriously ill and received almost no visitors, was Ukrainian businessman Anatoly Lubchenko. More recently, in 2000, materials were published about A. Lubchenko’s meeting with Vanga. Lubchenko recorded an interview with the prophetess on a voice recorder. It takes no more than 45 minutes, but is of extreme interest to all humanity, as it contains Vanga’s predictions regarding Russia and other Slavic peoples. Let's see what Vanga said.

– Good things await Russia, but not so good things for Bulgaria and Macedonia. Women in Russia will give birth to many good children who will change the world. Then a miracle will come, wonderful times. Science will tell you what is true in old books and what is not; they will find life in space and find out where it came from to Earth. A large city will be excavated in the ground. New people will fly from heaven, and there will be great miracles. But we have to wait, we can’t rush things, it won’t be soon.

A. Lubchenko: – What will happen soon?

– In 18 years the world will end (the interview, we recall, was recorded in 1994), the Earth will turn away from the Sun. Where it was hot, there will be ice, many animals will die out. People will fight for energy, but they will have the soul to stop. And then time will return back.

– In 7 years, people will neither sow nor reap, but will only grow everything. Animals will reproduce like plants, and plants like animals. In 21 years, no one will be driving on the ground. Trains will be fueled with energy from the Sun, oil will be banned, the earth will only give birth and rest. In 40 years, there will be no current diseases, but others will appear. They will be connected to the brain, because everyone will drink from the sea, and there will be no islands in the sea. Then they will find water in space, and it will be good. There will be a lot of people. India is bigger than China. But people will start getting rid of bodies.

Vanga's message to future descendants:

Vanga often reminds:“Fighting for peace does not have to be with arms in hand. Inspiring people with good thoughts is also a serious step towards achieving peace. Many leaders from different countries are directing their efforts in this direction. We have no other choice. We must be kind and love one another in order to be saved. If we do not realize this with the help of our minds, the inexorable laws of the Cosmos will force us to do this, but then it will be too late, and it will cost us too much... So, sometimes I see the following picture: a blackened and burnt Earth, and a handful of people are moving along it people are like shadows... We must not allow life on Earth to perish because of our myopia. The time has come to make every effort and renounce enmity, envy and hatred. It's predetermined. Even if we don't want it, life must move forward..."

– The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the earth, there will be no violence and theft. Wars will stop, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it. (From a transcript of recordings made by Boyka Tsvetkova)

All human trials are not random, Vanga believed. Human life, like the destinies of entire peoples of the earth, is predetermined from above, and one must learn patience and courage to resist evil.“It’s not by chance, nothing is by chance, – the clairvoyant Vanga warned the living. –That’s why I tell all people that our consciousness should be rebuilt towards kindness. And this is not just a wish. The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be characterized as a time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us; it comes whether we want it or not. New times will require new thinking, a different consciousness, qualitatively new people, so that the harmony in the Universe is not disturbed.” (said by Vanga in 1980).

Vanga's parting words (commandments):

  • A person is who he claims to be. If he manages to change his thoughts towards good, then everything in his life will change.
  • A person must love himself and everything around him. In our difficult times this is most needed. And he should also be grateful to God for help in difficult times, for the wisdom to which he owes his success.
  • Don't fight fools - they're not very scary, don't try to correct or change them. Assholes are much worse. They are ready to present something that can excite the whole people.
  • Don’t set unrealistic goals, know what you can do and what you can’t, otherwise you’ll have to blame yourself later.
  • Do not promise if you are not sure that you will fulfill your promise, because the pain that you cause to another will sooner or later come back to you.
  • Pray to God and don’t ask for more than you need.
  • Don't envy anything, mourn my life, because the load I carry is too heavy. Don't ask for too much - you won't be able to pay...

People's penchant for the mystical and unknown makes them turn to various fortune tellers and healers for help. Even skeptics sometimes lose their steadfastness and listen to the words of predictors.

There is hardly a person who has not heard the name of Vangelia Gushterova. This Bulgarian seer gained widespread fame; ordinary people and the powers that be listened to her words. Vanga's last prediction, published by journalists, related to the fate of countries and peoples. It narrated ominous events.

short biography

Before talking about the parting words and prophecies of the soothsayer, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main milestones of her life, which will help you understand when the gift and abilities of this amazing woman began.

The name Vangelia means “bringer of good news” - this is what they named the newborn girl, even her mother had given up hope of survival. Nevertheless, the baby survived, but Vanga lost her mother’s warmth early and fell under the yoke of her stepmother. She grew up like an ordinary child until she was 11 years old, when a terrible tragedy occurred and the girl began to go blind.

It is with the loss of vision that the birth of the gift of clairvoyance is associated, but she fell into her first trance only in 1940. At first, the young woman hid her abilities, afraid of being recognized as crazy. But a few months later, a small list of Vanga’s predictions began to come true, and pilgrims flocked to the clairvoyant.

Gushterova herself wrote that in 1967 she entered the public service, and the money she received from parishioners began to flow into the country’s treasury.

The Third World War - to be or not to be...

Vanga's latest predictions often related to the political situation in the world. The soothsayer said that a global conflict would begin in 2008. She made the first such statement more than half a century ago, and people who had not forgotten the horror of World War II could not believe that this would happen again. But today the political situation is so tense that her words may well come true, even if not on time.

Vanga's prediction of World War 3 was especially terrible and ominous. She said that country leaders would use chemical and nuclear weapons. The conflict will arise in the East and spin all the great powers into a dangerous whirlpool; the United States will have a direct influence on the height of the war.

The fate of our country

Vanga's last predictions about Russia were that all states would be destroyed, but the glory of our country would remain intact. She supported her words with gestures: outlining a large circle with her hands, symbolizing the unity and indestructibility of the future power.

“A lot of sacrifices have been made,” Baba Vanga said. No forces will be able to prevent the new Russia. She will sweep everything out of her way and begin to dominate the world. The deadline for fulfilling these words was set at sixty years, that is, they should come true in 2040.

Vanga’s latest predictions said that the beginning of the growth of the strength and power of our country would not be sudden. First, there will be a close rapprochement between three large countries - India, China and Russia. However, our time will be very sad. The soothsayer noted that the population would suffer and die from multiple floods and earthquakes. Cities and villages will shake from natural disasters. Injustice will dominate among people: the wicked will rise to the top, and harlots, informers and thieves will be countless.

Chronology of events - disasters and disasters

It is interesting to see what Vanga’s predictions were by year:

  • 1979 - in two hundred years, humanity will be able to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
  • 1980 - An innumerable number of natural disasters will be observed throughout the Earth. Earthquakes and floods will cause massive loss of life. Vanga said that dolphins come to her and say that it is getting too hot under them and they cannot stand it. In addition, the predictions contain data that the number of bad, unbelieving people who will dominate the world will increase many times over.
  • 1981 - the day is coming when animals, insects and plants will disappear from the face of the Earth. The seer warned of a universal fatal outcome, which would be a punishment for the fact that man destroys nature. Even water, according to Vanga, will become undrinkable. She said that the world would be filled with unknown diseases, even healthy people would fall under this yoke. However, she warned that all misfortunes can be prevented, it depends on humanity itself.
  • 1988 - future generations will witness the fateful events that will take place on Earth. The achievement of universal peace is coming, the Eighth will come and will be able to establish final equality on the entire planet.
  • 1989 - the clairvoyant claimed that the time of miracles would come; great discoveries awaited people in the field of intangible things. The water will go away, but all the gold will come to the surface.
  • 1995 - “The waves will wash away many countries, and the sun will seem to go out for three years.” The seer repeatedly warned that the world would drown in disasters and a huge number of people would suffer. All nations will tremble, misfortunes will spread from everywhere. Humanity will shrink and shortages of clothing, food, fuel and light will become apparent. Many will walk barefoot, naked, spending their days without food.
  • 1997 - the end of the world is inexorable and the Earth seems to turn away from the Sun. Hot countries will cave in under the yoke of ice, animals will die out, and people will wage brutal wars for resources and energy. It is possible to judge whether Vanga’s prediction of World War 3 will come true today. The tense global situation is conducive to this.

The list of Vanga’s predictions can be continued endlessly, but all the key points boiled down to the fact that humanity will come to happiness and prosperity through terrible suffering and torment.

Former CIS countries

Vanga’s last prediction about Ukraine has become especially relevant these days. The clairvoyant noted that the country would begin to be shaken by serious political wars and disasters. She also said that Crimea would return to Russia.

Gushterova stated that Ukraine would find itself in a severe financial crisis and devastation and poverty would reign in the country. For example, Vanga’s predictions about Donbass say that the people will stop putting up with the authorities and a whole series of global coups will follow.

However, the clairvoyant noted that it is this country that will contribute to the reign of peace throughout the Earth; important political and economic negotiations will take place on its territory, which will determine the fate of the continent. The people will survive all troubled times and will prosper.

It is no less interesting to consider Vanga’s predictions about Donbass and the eastern part of Ukraine in more detail. She spoke of her knowledge, which included serious bloodshed. These are the words of the clairvoyant that are coming true today. Quote: “In the land of underground holes and man-made mountains, everything will shake. Much will collapse in the West, but will rise in the East. And Sagittarius will come, and he will rule for 23 years - and everything will be erased into powder... Obviously, the Sagittarius is Igor Strelkov - the leader of the militia, and the region mentioned above is Donetsk.

A look into the near future

Taking into account Vanga’s year-by-year predictions, the next 2016 will become an epoch-making year in the history of all mankind. About half a century ago, she said that next year Europe would be empty. The cause will be an armed conflict between Muslim countries and the United States. People exposed to chemical weapons will be susceptible to terrible diseases, many will be covered with ulcers and go blind. After this, “cold” Europe will become neighbors with Russia.

In addition to military tension, severe climate disasters are expected in the world. A large celestial body will collapse on the territory of European countries, causing the flooding of a number of countries. The climate itself will change dramatically.


Even such a distant country was affected by Vanga’s predictions. What awaits the USA, according to the seer's owls? The fate of the most powerful power is unenviable. The seer said that the appointment of a black president would be the beginning of the end. With this, she predicted the outcome of the elections held in the country in 2008.

Ominous predictions were that the country's dark-skinned leader would become the last, and then America would be covered in ice or plunged into a serious economic crisis. She said that we could expect the country to split into southern and northern states.

Parting words of the soothsayer

Vangelia was able to leave several commandments, which read as follows:

  • A person becomes what he believes himself to be. If he can direct himself in the direction of good, his whole existence will change for the better.
  • People should love themselves and everything that surrounds them in this world. This is especially important when times get tough. We must thank God for giving us his support and appreciate our wisdom, which always leads to success.
  • You shouldn't fight fools, because they aren't that scary. They do not need to be corrected or re-educated. Unprincipled, evil people are much worse. They present great difficulties and disturb entire nations.
  • A person should not set unrealistic goals. The goal must be feasible.
  • You can't promise what you can't deliver. The pain that a person experiences will definitely return.
  • People should pray to God and not ask him for too much.
  • There is no sin on children, they are only atonement for what their parents did.
  • If you read the Bible, you can find answers to all questions and solutions to many problems that make people's heads spin.

Words spoken on his deathbed

The clairvoyant announced the date of her death a month before her death. At this time, a large number of reporters, journalists, and filmmakers literally swarmed around Gushterova, filming the days that completed her earthly journey.

Vanga's last prediction before her death concerned her gift. She noted that only the Lord God endowed her with the ability to clearly see the future, and only the Almighty can decide who exactly they will pass on to. The seer said that nothing depended on her, and, according to relatives, she passed away into another world with a smile on her lips and a calm soul.

Today, Vanga’s last prediction before her death finds many interpretations, which are used by charlatans and scammers who declare themselves to be her followers.

Is it worth believing?

Whether to take into account the prophecies of the Bulgarian clairvoyant is a personal matter for each person. Skeptics argue that her speeches can be filled with any contextual meaning, but numerous facts indicate that some of her statements actually came true. This applies to the situation in Ukraine, the Kursk submarine. Vanga's latest predictions about Russia give us hope for a favorable outcome.

Instead of completion

The seer believed that all the trials sent down to people are far from accidental, and every person needs to learn to confront obstacles with courage. Consciousness must be tuned to goodness and peacemaking deeds. A time of virtue will reign on Earth, which will require qualitatively new people with a different way of thinking.

Vanga's predictions are shrouded in mysticism. Researchers are constantly trying to decipher what awaits humanity, according to the famous soothsayer. Many prophecies have already come true, but what awaits us in the future?

Vanga's predictions that came true by year

The soothsayer's contemporaries wrote down and saved her predictions in order to later reveal them to people. Let's look at what prophecies have already come true.

Vanga's predictions by year:

  • In 1989, Vanga said that huge steel birds would attack America and many people would suffer. This prediction came true on September 11, 2001, when the planes and twin towers tragedy occurred.
  • Vanga believed that in 2008 events would occur that would become the prerequisites for the Third World War. She predicted the death of four rulers of states. Whether this prediction came true or not is not known for certain.
  • The soothsayer also claimed that the Third World War would begin in 2010, however, this prediction did not come true. According to her forecast, the rulers of the superpowers were supposed to start using powerful weapons
  • Another unfulfilled prediction: Vanga believed that in 2011 the flora and fauna of the Northern Hemisphere would die out, and famine would begin on the European continent. The soothsayer predicted a war between Muslim countries and Europeans using powerful chemical weapons
  • And by the end of 2014, Vanga pointed to the end of the war, which would end with negative consequences for the whole world. Vanga claimed that an epidemic of incurable skin diseases would begin in the world. She also predicted the deterioration of the environmental situation in the world

It is impossible to know for sure whether the predictions of the great soothsayer were interpreted correctly. Perhaps she did not mean at all what the researchers of her prophecies say.

The future of humanity in the 21st century

Vanga's later predictions are closely related to the previous ones. To believe the prophecies or not is everyone's business. Many of her words did not come true, so there are enough doubters.

What awaits us in the 21st century according to Vanga:

  • The prophecy about a “cold and empty Europe” tells that heads of state will begin to actively use nuclear and chemical weapons, and bloody wars will begin between Europe and Muslims
  • Some researchers interpret this prediction differently. They believe that Vanga meant the spiritual emptiness of Europeans, the destruction of their heart chakra. It’s easier to believe in this prophecy, because we are really witnessing the degeneration of spiritual values ​​and the race for material wealth
  • Vanga predicted that by 2018, China would turn into a powerful superpower and begin to influence the situation throughout the world. Other countries that have lived under oppression for a long time will also receive power, they will begin to develop and bring benefits
  • Vanga’s prophecy about Russia says that our country will stand on a par with India and China and will take its place among the greatest states
  • By 2023, the soothsayer promised changes in the Earth's orbit. This will go unnoticed by people, but will affect the energetic vibrations of humanity
  • In 2025, Europe's population will decrease significantly due to past wars. However, the predicted wars did not happen, so it is hard to believe that this prediction will come true.
  • In 2028, a new, powerful source of energy will be formed. This will happen after some invention by scientists that will literally “blow up” people’s minds, and the world will begin to change. One of the powerful states will send an expedition of astronauts to Venus
  • By 2033, sea levels will rise, causing flooding of coastal cities. This will happen due to global warming, which we are seeing now.
  • By 2046, there will be a revolution in medicine. Doctors will learn how to create artificial organs and transplant them into people. This will be a popular and most effective method of treating complex diseases. Scientists will also invent fundamentally new types of weapons and military equipment.
  • In 2066, America will go to war with Muslim countries. During military operations, the United States will use new weapons that will adversely affect the climate of European countries. A cold snap is coming
  • In 2076 there will be a return of communism. It will be established in all countries, all people will become equal to each other, there will be no ruling classes left, the division into social strata will disappear. At this time, scientists will begin restoring the planet’s natural reserves, which will be fully completed by 2084.
  • In 2088, a new, hitherto unknown disease will appear. An unknown virus will provoke rapid aging - those infected will turn into old people in almost a few days. A cure for the disease will not be invented until 2097

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