OUN-UPA crimes during the Great Patriotic War. One-Up Crimes

To begin with, a brief educational program - based on Wikipedia and slovari.yandex.ru:

Stepan Andreevich Bandera(Ukrainian Stepan Andriyovich Bandera) (January 1, 1909 - October 15, 1959) - one of the leaders of the Ukrainian nationalist movement in Eastern Poland (Galicia), Hero of Ukraine (2010), in 1941-1959 head of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN (b)) .

Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN)- a terrorist organization of a nationalist persuasion, operating in the western regions of Ukraine in the 20-50s. 20th century It emerged in 1929 as the "Ukrainian Military Organization" (UVO), then changed its name. The founder and first leader of the OUN was Evgen Konovalets, a former colonel in the Austro-Hungarian army. During the years of the Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War, he actively participated in the nationalist movement in Ukraine together with S. Petlyura. At one time he served as the military commandant of Kyiv. The ideological platform of the OUN was the concepts of radical Ukrainian nationalism, distinguished by chauvinism and xenophobia, which had a pronounced anti-Russian orientation and focused on the use of extremist means to achieve the goal - the creation of "independent", "square" Ukraine.

After the Red Army entered the territory of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus in September 1939, the OUN, in cooperation with German intelligence agencies, began the fight against Soviet power. The preservation of the influence of the nationalists was largely facilitated by the methods by which the communist regime was imposed on the Western Ukrainian lands. Ukrainian nationalists warmly welcomed the attack of fascist Germany on the USSR and from the first days of the war supported the German troops and the occupation authorities. Members of the OUN helped the German fascists in the "final solution of the Jewish question", that is, the destruction and deportation of Jews in the occupied territories, served in the occupation administration and the police. Even when it became completely clear that Hitler would not grant Ukraine any semblance of "independence", the nationalists did not stop cooperating with the Nazis. With their active support, the SS division "Galicia" was formed.

The Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) is an armed formation of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists.

It operated from the spring of 1943 in the territories that were part of the General Government (Galicia - from the end of 1943, the Kholm region - from the autumn of 1943), the Reichskommissariat Ukraine (Volyn - from the end of March 1943), and the Romanian Transnistria (Transnistria) (Northern Bukovina - from summer 1944), which until 1939-1940 were part of Poland and Romania.

In 1943-44. UPA detachments carried out ethnic cleansing of the Polish population in Western Volyn, Kholmshchyna and Eastern Galicia.

In 1943-1944, UPA detachments acted against Soviet partisans and detachments of the Polish underground (both communist and subordinate to the London government, i.e. Home Army).

But about the crimes of the UPA.

The UPA was established on October 14, 1942 by decision of the leadership of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). It was headed by Roman Shukhevych, a holder of two knightly orders of Nazi Germany. President Yushchenko declared him a hero of Ukraine, and from the UPA itself he is trying to represent a belligerent during the Second World War.

Meanwhile, there is not a single document testifying that the UPA units fought with large Wehrmacht forces. But there are more than enough documents on the joint actions of Ukrainian nationalists with the Nazis. And even more documents tell about the savagery that the "national hero" Roman Shukhevych and his brothers-in-arms did.

It is known for sure that the published newspaper Surma, bulletins and other nationalist literature were printed in Germany. Part of the nationalist literature was illegally published in Lvov and other cities of Western Ukraine. Recently, the Russian Foreign Ministry published documents. Here are some of them:

The head of the 4th Directorate of the NKVD of the USSR, Pavel Sudoplatov, in a message dated December 5, 1942, testifies: “Ukrainian nationalists, who were previously underground, met the Germans with bread and salt and provided them with all kinds of help. The German occupiers widely used the nationalists to organize the so-called "new order" in the occupied regions of the Ukrainian SSR.

From the Protocol of interrogation of Kutkovets Ivan Tikhonovich, an active Banderite. February 1, 1944:
“Despite the fact that, at the behest of the Germans, Bandera proclaimed an “independent” Ukraine, but the Germans delayed the issue of creating a national Ukrainian government ... It was unprofitable for the Germans to create a Ukrainian national government, they “conquered” Ukraine and considered it an eastern colony of the “Third Empire” and power over They did not want to share Ukraine with Bandera, and they removed this rival. In addition, at that time, the Ukrainian police, created by the OUN, carried out an active security service in the rear of the German army to fight partisans, to detain Soviet paratroopers and to look for Soviet party activists.

Worthy of attention is the circular "On the Treatment of Members of the UPA" issued on 12.2.44 by the so-called Prützmann Fighting Group. From it it is clear how the UPA "fought" with the Germans a year and a half after its creation:

“Negotiations that began in the Derazhnya region with the leaders of the nationalist Ukrainian Insurgent Army are now also continuing in the Verba region. We agreed: members of the UPA will not attack German military units. The UPA is currently sending scouts, mostly girls, to the territory occupied by the enemy and reporting the results to the representative of the intelligence department of the combat group. Captured Red Army soldiers, as well as captured persons belonging to Soviet gangs, will be delivered to a representative of the intelligence department for interrogation, and the alien element will be transferred to the combat group for assignment to various work. In order not to interfere with this cooperation, which is necessary for us, it is ordered:

1. UPA agents who have certificates signed by a certain “Captain Felix”, or pretend to be members of the UPA, let them pass freely, leave their weapons to them. Upon request, agents must be immediately brought to the 1st (representative of the intelligence department) battle group.

2. Parts of the UPA, when meeting with German units for identification, raise their left outstretched hand to their faces, in which case they will not be attacked, but this can happen if fire is opened from the opposite side ...

Signed: Brenner, Major General and SS Brigadeführer.

Another "heroic" stage in the history of Ukrainian nationalists and personally UPA commander Roman Shukhevych is the fight against Belarusian partisans. Historian S.I. Drobyazko in his book “Under the banner of the enemy. Anti-Soviet formations in the German armed forces” writes that in 1941 on the territory of Belarus the first Ukrainian police battalions were already formed from prisoners of war of the Red Army.
“Most of the Ukrainian battalions of the auxiliary police carried out security service on the territory of the Reichskommissariats, others were used in anti-partisan operations - mainly in Belarus, where, in addition to the battalions already created here, a number of units were sent from Ukraine, including 101, 102, 109, 115, 118 , 136th, 137th and 201st battalions.

Their actions, as well as the actions of other similar units involved in punitive actions, were associated with numerous war crimes against the civilian population. The most famous of which was the participation of a company of the 118th battalion under the command of cornet V. Meleshko in the destruction of the village of Khatyn on March 22, 1943, when 149 civilians died, half of whom were children,” he writes.

And now - the word to Bandera themselves. Here is what was published in 1991 in No. 8 of the Vizvolny Shlyakh edition, which was published in London:
“In Belarus, the 201st Ukrainian battalion was not concentrated in one place. His soldiers in couples and hundreds were scattered over different strongholds .... After arriving in Belarus, the kuren received the task of guarding the bridges on the Berezina and Zapadnaya Dvina rivers. The departments stationed in settlements were charged with the duty to protect the German administration. In addition, they had to constantly comb the forests, identify and destroy partisan bases and camps, ”writes Bandera M. Kalba in this publication.

“Each hundred guarded the square allotted to it. The 3rd hundred of lieutenant Sidor were in the south of the zone of responsibility of the Ukrainian battalion, the 1st hundred of ROMAN SHUKHEVICH was in the center ... Pursuing the partisans in unfamiliar territory, the soldiers fell into an enemy ambush and were blown up by mines ... The battalion spent nine months on the "partisan front" and gained invaluable combat experience in this struggle. According to approximate data, the legionnaires destroyed more than two thousand Soviet partisans,” he notes.

As they say, no comment. Even the Banderaites themselves directly indicate what the “national hero” Shukhevych was doing in Belarus. For what kind of Ukraine he fought against the fraternal Belarusian people - one can only guess.

Finally, in 1943-1944. UPA detachments in Volhynia and Galicia exterminated over 100 thousand Poles. The Polish publication “Na Rubieїy” (Nr 35, 1999), published by the Volyn Foundation, describes 135 methods of torture and atrocities that the UPA fighters used against the Polish civilian population, including children.

Here are just a few of those fanatics:
001. Driving a large and thick nail into the skull of the head.
002. Stripping hair from the head with skin (scalping).
003. Striking with the butt of an ax on the skull of the head ...
005. Carving on the forehead "eagle" (Polish coat of arms) ...
006. Driving a bayonet into the temple of the head. ..
012. Piercing children with stakes through and through.
016. Cutting the throat….
023. Cutting the neck with a knife or sickle….
024. Striking with an ax in the neck ...
039. Cutting off women's breasts with a sickle.
040. Cutting off women's breasts and sprinkling salt on wounds.
041. Cutting off the genitals of male victims with a sickle.
042. Sawing the body in half with a carpenter's saw.
043. Infliction of stab wounds to the abdomen with a knife or bayonet.
044. Punching the belly of a pregnant woman with a bayonet.
045. Cutting the abdomen and pulling out the intestines in adults ...
069. Sawing a body lined with boards on both sides, in half with a carpenter's saw ...
070. Sawing the body in half with a special saw.
079. Nailing the tongue of a small child to the table with a knife, which later hung on it ....
080. Cutting a child into pieces with a knife and throwing them around ...
090. Hanging a monk by his feet near the pulpit in the church.
091. Planting a child on a stake.
092. Hanging a woman upside down on a tree and mocking her - cutting off her chest and tongue, dissecting her stomach, gouging out her eyes, and cutting off pieces of her body with knives ...
109. Tearing the torso with chains...
126. Cutting the skin from the face with blades ...
133. Nailing hands to the threshold of the dwelling ...
135. Dragging a body along the ground by legs tied with a rope.
We only add that the list of UPA crimes is by no means limited to this. Russians, Czechs, Jews became their victims, but most of all... the Ukrainians themselves, who did not actively cooperate with them.

June 22 marks the 75th anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War. In modern Ukrainian school textbooks, today this day is called the beginning of the battle between “two totalitarian regimes” for the enslavement of a free and democratic Europe, and the heroes who fought against the two occupation regimes for the liberation of Ukraine are members of the OUN-UPA. But all these books, newspapers, TV shows cannot overshadow archival documents and human memory - almost every family in Ukraine has the scars of that terrible war: graves on churchyards, yellowed field mail triangles, darkened orders. What is the baggage of "merits" in the fight against Nazism OUN "heroes"? Why do the Kiev authorities today call them true liberators, while banning the Victory Banner as an occupational communist symbol?

In 1939, the population of Western Ukraine greeted the Red Army with bread and salt. Over time, the repressions of the NKVD began there. But the literature is silent about their cause and the role of the OUN in provoking them.

During the preparation of the German aggression against Poland, Hitler's intelligence service flooded the country with its agents, mainly OUN members. They were supposed to paralyze the resistance of the Poles to the Germans. The influential OUN member Kost Pankovsky, who during the Second World War was the deputy head of the so-called. Ukrainian Central Committee Vladimir Kubiyevich, one of the initiators and inspirers of the creation of the SS division "Galicia", in his work "The Rocks of the German Occupation" (1965, Toronto) writes that on the eve of the Nazi attack on Poland, "the OUN wire planned to raise an armed uprising in the rear Polish troops and formed a military detachment - "Ukrainian Legion" under the command of Colonel Roman Sushko. After the occupation of Poland, the Nazis invited them to work in the "Ukrainian police", intended to fight the Polish resistance.

The activities of the Ukrainian police on the teren [space] of Poland were highly appreciated by the German hosts. Therefore, shortly before the attack on the Soviet Union, the Nazis began mass training of OUN police personnel for the future occupation regime in Ukraine. The leaders of the OUN, with the money of Hitler's intelligence, created schools of the "Ukrainian police" in Kholm and Przemysl. They were led by Gestapo officers Müller, Ryder, Walter. A similar school was established in Berlin. At the same time, German military intelligence launched training for espionage and sabotage activities on the territory of the USSR. In a special camp on Lake Chiemsee (Germany), Ukrainian nationalists were trained as saboteurs, and in the Quinzgut military training center - spies (TsGAOOOU, f. 1, op. 4, d. 338, l. 22).

After September 1939, the activities of the nationalist underground became more covert. During the reunification of the western regions of Ukraine with the Ukrainian SSR, the leadership of the Krakow wire of the OUN instructed its underground units not to be hostile towards Soviet military personnel, to retain personnel, preparing them for future active operations against the USSR. They also had to collect, using the collapse of the Polish army, to infiltrate local and party authorities. So, the former member of the Lviv executive A.A. Lutsky, for example, managed to get into the office of one of the district executive committees of the Stanislav [since 1962 Ivano-Franskov] region and even achieve election as a deputy to the People's Assembly. Fearing possible exposure, at the end of 1939 he fled to Krakow. Soviet authorities identified 156 OUN members in the Stanislav region alone, embedded in village committees.

The OUN leadership began to organize acts of sabotage and terror in Western Ukraine. According to incomplete data, in the second half of 1940 they carried out 30 terrorist attacks, and on the eve of the German attack on the USSR, there were 17 of them in just two months of 1941 (GDA SBU. F. 16, op. 39, l. 765). So they killed the instructor of the Stusivsky district committee of the CP (b) U of the Ternopil region I. Rybolovko, the prosecutor of the Monastyrsky district Doroshenko and other Soviet and party workers (Archive of the USBU for the Ternopil region, d. 72, v. 1, l. 1). In July 1940, a grenade was thrown into the cinema during a film demonstration in Lvov. As a result of the explosion, 28 people were injured (GDA SBU.F.16, op.33, b.n. 23, fol. 765).

The same actions, as well as acts of sabotage, were organized in many western regions of Ukraine. In addition, the Germans demanded that the leaders of the OUN intensify the organization of an armed uprising, which would serve as a pretext for war against the USSR. The preparation for it, as one of the leaders of the Abwehr, Colonel E. Stolze testified in Nuremberg (Military History Journal, 1990, No. 4), was directly supervised by his subordinate officers Dering and Market.

Communication between Stolze and Bandera was provided by Rico Yariy. On March 10, 1940, a meeting of the leadership of the OUN was held in Krakow, at which the following plan of action was developed: 1. Prepare and quickly transfer to the territory of the Ukrainian SSR the leading cadres of the OUN to create headquarters in Volhynia and Lvov to organize an armed uprising. 2. Within two months, study the territory, have a clear idea of ​​the presence of rebel forces, weapons, supplies, the mood of the population, the presence and location of Soviet troops (Ternopil oblarchiv, f. 1, op. 1-a, d.2, l. 125- 127).

Trusted members of the organization visited the OUN underground on Soviet territory. Among them was a member of the central wire, as well as an agent of the Abwehr A. Lutsky (Bogun). Being detained in January 1945, he testified that “the main task assigned to the wire was to prepare, by the end of the summer of 1940, an uprising against Soviet power throughout Western Ukraine. We carried out urgent military training for members of the OUN, collected and concentrated weapons in one place. They provided for the capture of military-strategic objects: mail, telegraph, etc. They made up the so-called. a black book - a list of employees of party and Soviet bodies, local activists and employees of the NKVD, who immediately had to be destroyed when the war began ”(GDA SBU.F.16, op. 33, p. n. 23, l. 297).

Lutsky testified that “if the uprising provoked by us in Western Ukraine had lasted at least a few days, then Germany would have come to our aid.” The same testimony was given by his deputy Mikhail Senkiv. Well, just like the "call for help" of the Sudeten Germans! However, in the summer of 1940, at the direction of Canaris, the preparation of an armed uprising was removed from the agenda, since Germany was not yet fully prepared for an attack on the Soviet Union.

With the beginning of the war against the USSR, the OUN marching groups followed the advancing German units. “Ukrainian integral nationalists,” notes the Canadian historian O. Subtelny, “enthusiastically welcomed the German attack on the USSR, considering it as a promising opportunity to establish an independent Ukrainian state” (Subtelny O.Ukraina. Іstoriya. Kiev. 1993, p. 567).

In the OUN brochure entitled “For Ukrainian Statehood”, which is a review of the reports of a number of leaders of the territorial underground organizations of Bandera, it is recorded: “Before the start of the German-Soviet war, the OUN, despite incredible difficulties, organized a network of underground workers in the villages, which ... in general in a number of districts of the Ternopil region organized armed demonstrations by insurgent detachments, disarmed many military units. In general... our militants attacked all the towns and villages of the region even before the arrival of the German army.”

Similar crimes were committed by Ukrainian nationalists on the territory of Lvov, Stanislav, Drohobych, Volyn and Chernivtsi regions. So, on June 28, 1941, near the town of Przemyshlyany in the Lvov region, several OUN gangs attacked small detachments of the Red Army and individual vehicles that evacuated women and children. Over the Red Army and defenseless people, the militants committed a cruel massacre. The same gangs helped the Nazis capture Przemyshlyany. In the area of ​​​​the village of Rudka, a unit of the fascist army ran into the courageous resistance of the Soviet troops. The Nazis asked for help from the OUN, and, as this brochure says, they took an active part in "the most important battles." The nationalists were also active in the Volyn and Rivne regions.

The atrocities of the OUN gangs are reported in the report of the headquarters of the South-Western Front dated June 24, 1941: “In the Ustlug area, enemy sabotage groups are operating, dressed in our uniform. Warehouses are on fire in the area. During June 22 and in the morning of June 23, the enemy landed troops on Khirov, Drohobych, Borislav, the last two were destroyed ”(GDA SBU, d. 490, vol. 1, l. 100).

The leaders of the OUN sent several so-called marching groups to Ukraine after the advancing units of the fascist army. These divisions, according to the definition of the OUN "guides", were "a kind of political army", which included nationalists who had experience of fighting in conditions of deep underground. The route of their movement was agreed in advance with the Abwehr. So, the northern marching group of 2,500 people moved along the route Lutsk - Zhytomyr - Kyiv. Medium - 1500 OUN - in the direction of Poltava - Sumy - Kharkiv. The southern one - consisting of 880 people - followed the route Ternopil - Vinnitsa - Dnepropetrovsk - Odessa.

The activity of these groups was reduced to performing the functions of an auxiliary occupation apparatus in the occupied territory of the republic: they helped the Nazis form the so-called Ukrainian police, city and district councils, as well as other bodies of the fascist occupation administration. At the same time, the group members established contacts with various kinds of criminal elements, using them to identify the local underground and Soviet partisans.

From the very beginning of their existence, the mentioned self-government bodies were under the rule of the Nazi occupation administration. The materials available in the archives of Ukraine confirm this.

For example, in the instructions of the Reichskommissar of Ukraine Erich Koch for No. 119 “On the attitude of military units to the Ukrainian population” it is emphasized: “The created Ukrainian national local governments or district governments should not be considered as independent administrations or authorized from higher authorities, but as trusted to communicate with the German military authorities. Their task is to carry out the orders of the latter” (TsGAOOOU, f. 1, op. 1-14, item 115, fol. 73-76).

Unfortunate historians in modern Ukraine are trying to convince its inhabitants (the younger generation in the first place) that it was the OUN-UPA warriors who defended the population of the Ukrainian SSR from the invaders. I will briefly remind HOW they did it.

In punitive operations against the civilian population, military units were used, formed mainly from OUN members specially trained for this purpose: the legions named after Konovalets, the "Ukrainian Legion" and others. The notorious Nachtigal was especially "famous". One of the founders of the OUN, Bohdan Mikhailyuk (Knysh), a Melnikovite, wrote in his pamphlet Bandera's Revolt published in 1950: , since his task was to go behind the German troops, sing Ukrainian songs and create German-friendly moods among the Ukrainian population. How did the "nightingales" create "friendly moods for the Germans"?

Already in the first hours of the occupation of Lviv, massacres began against its inhabitants, accompanied by torture. For this, special teams were created from the formed auxiliary police and legionnaires, which were engaged in the liquidation of local government employees, Poles and Jews. In the period from July 1 to July 4, 1941, with the participation of the Nakhtigalevites, outstanding Polish scientists and intellectuals were destroyed in Lvov - academician Solovy, professors Bartel, Boy-Zhelensky, Seradsky, Novitsky, Lomnitsky, Domasevich, Rentsky, Weigel, Ostrovsky, Manchevsky, Greek, Krukovsky, Dobzhanetsky and others (Alexander Korman. From the bloody days of Lvov 1941, London, 1991).

In a terrible situation in the Nazi-occupied territory were the Jews, on whom the fascist ideology of Dmitry Dontsov mechanically endured the German practice of complete physical liquidation. Simon Wiesenthal, a world-famous fighter against Nazism, witnessed the massacre of Jews in Lvov in the first days of the war.

How the massacres of Jews in Lvov took place was truthfully described by Julian Schulmeister in his book "Hitlerism in the Jews", which was published in Kyiv in 1990.

Here are some excerpts from the memoirs of eyewitnesses of the mass crimes of fascism, published in Schulmeister's book.

Testimony of F. Friedman: “In the first days of the German occupation, from June 30 to July 3, bloody and brutal pogroms were organized. Ukrainian nationalists and organized Ukrainian police (auxiliary police) began to hunt Jewish residents in the streets. They broke into apartments, grabbed men, sometimes the whole family, not excluding children.

Testimony of Janina Hescheles: “Yellow-blue banners flutter. The streets are full of Ukrainians with sticks and pieces of iron, screams are heard ... Not far from the post office there are people with shovels, Ukrainians beat them, shouting: “Jews, Jews! ..” On Kollontai street, guys beat Jews with brooms and stones. They are taken to the Brigidki prison, to Kazimirovka. On the boulevard they beat again ... "

Testimony of Rubinstein: “The next day, the Germans, together with the Ukrainians, organize a pogrom. Then about three thousand Jews were killed ... "

Testimony of Ukrainian Kazimira Poray (from a diary): “What I saw today in the market could have happened in ancient times. Perhaps this is what wild people did... Near the Town Hall, the road is covered with broken glass... Soldiers with SS emblems, who speak Ukrainian, torture and mock Jews. They are forced to sweep the square with their clothes - blouses, dresses, even hats. They put two handcarts, one on the corner of Krakowska Street, the other on Halytska Street, they force the Jews to collect glass and carry it with their bare hands to the carts ... they beat them with sticks and pieces of wire. The road from Galicia to Krakow is flooded with blood that flows from human hands ... "

Thousands of innocent Soviet citizens were tortured by the Nakhtigalev executioners in Zolochev and Ternopil, Satanov and Vinnitsa, other cities and villages of Ukraine and Belarus, where the Abwehr unit was held. These executioners also committed bloody orgies and mass executions in Stanislav. There, in the first days of the Nazi occupation, 250 teachers, doctors, engineers, lawyers were destroyed.

The nationalists dealt particularly cruelly with the Jewish population. In the first months of the occupation of the western regions of Ukraine, the OUN, together with the Nazis, arranged "crystal nights" - they shot, killed and burned tens of thousands of Jews in Lvov, Ternopil, Nadvirna. In Stanislav alone, from July 1941 to July 1942, the Nazis, together with the OUN, destroyed 26 thousand Jews, which was confirmed in Munster (Germany) at the trial of the former head of the security police and SD in Stanislav G. Krieger in 1966 (Cherednichenko V. P. Nationalism against the nation, K., 1970, p. 95).

For the armed struggle against the Belarusian partisans, the Nachtigal battalion was withdrawn from the front at the end of October 1941 and merged into one formation with the Roland battalion - the so-called Schutzmannschaft battalion. In mid-March 1942, the 201st Schutzmannschaft Battalion, led by an OUN member, Abwehr Major Yevgeny Pobigushchiy, and his deputy, Hauptmann Roman Shukhevych, was transferred to Belarus. Here it became known as a unit of the 201st Police Division, which, together with other brigades and operational battalions, operated under the leadership of SS-Obergruppenführer Bach-Zalewski.

What was the "fighting prowess" of Pobeguschny and Shukhevych, as well as the entire Schutzmanshaft of the battalion, is stated in the book of the famous Ukrainian researcher V.I. “Earlier today,” the author writes, “it is clearly indicated that the Schutzmannschaft battalion could not be buried in the partisan region, in Belarus, but at the warehouse of the penal formations of SS Obergrupenführer von Bach-Zalewski against Belarusian partisans and civilians, taking the fate of the penal operations “Swamp Fever”, “Trikutnik”, “Cottbus” and others” (p. 27). On their "combat account" dozens of burned farms and villages, an uncountable number of ruined lives of Belarusian citizens.

The Ukrainian policemen also left their bloody trail on Ukrainian soil, completely destroying the Volyn village of Kortelisy and 2,800 of its inhabitants, about which Volodymyr Yavorivsky, now a BYuT poet, wrote about in his book “Flamed Kortelisi,” who seeks honors and the status of heroes for these executioners.

The role of Ukrainian nationalists in the tragedy of Babi Yar is still terra incognita for researchers. In the Soviet period, this was done for the sake of the friendship of peoples, contemptuously called the former singer of this very friendship, Vitaly Korotich, vulgar. Today's "historians" are trying to "wash the black dog white."

September 20, 1941 Kyiv was occupied by the Germans. And a few days later, the future participants in the bloody action at Babi Yar arrived in the city - Sonderkommando 4a, led by the sadist Paul Blobel, two punitive Ukrainian police battalions under the command of B. Konik and I. Kedyumich. And also the infamous "Bukovinian Chicken" under the leadership of the fanatic Pyotr Voinovsky, who had already managed to distinguish himself with bloody pogroms, executions and robberies on the way to Kyiv in Kamenetz-Podolsky, Zhmerinka, Proskurov, Vinnitsa, Zhytomyr and other cities. By September 26, over 2 thousand policemen and SS men had gathered in Kyiv (Kruglov A. Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. K., 2000, p. 203).

A lie is the assertion that the UPA was created to fight the German occupiers. The French researcher Alain Guerin directly pointed out that the UPA is a product of the long-term activity of the German intelligence service (Guerin A. Gray Cardinal. M., 1971).

It was created entirely according to the Hitler model. Most of its leaders were trained by the Nazis in special military reconnaissance and sabotage schools in Germany on the eve of the war. Many were awarded military ranks of the Abwehr. For example, the UPA commander Klyachkivsky (Savur) had the rank of senior lieutenant of the Abwehr and at the same time was a member of the OUN central wire. Ivan Grinyokh (Gerasimovsky) - captain of the Abwehr, at the beginning of the war, chaplain of the Nachtigal battalion, then an official in the department of Rosenberg, and from February 1943 - an intermediary in negotiations between the commands of the UPA and the German occupation authorities. Negotiations on the interaction of the UPA and German troops against the Red Army were led by Alexander Lutsky (Bohun), a senior lieutenant of the Abwehr, a member of the main headquarters of the UPA, commander of the UPA "West-Karpaty"; Vasily Sidor (Shelest) - captain of the Abwehr, company commander of the Schutzmannschaft battalion, "famous" in Belarus, then commander of the West-Karpaty UPA (after leaving the post of Lutsky); Petr Melnik (Khmara) - company commander of the SS division "Galicia", commander of the UPA kuren in the Stanislav region; Mikhail Andrusyak (Rizun) - lieutenant of the Abwehr, served in the Nachtigall, commanded a detachment in the Stanislav region; Yuri Lopatinsky (Kalina) - senior lieutenant of the Abwehr, member of the central wire of the OUN, member of the main headquarters of the UPA. The heads of the security service (SB) of the UPA were, as a rule, former employees of the Gestapo, the gendarmerie, and the auxiliary Ukrainian police. All these and many other leaders were awarded German orders for the Eastern peoples.

The Nazis not only formed the UPA, but also armed it. This was done by the Abwehrkommando-202.

According to incomplete data, 700 mortars, about 10 thousand heavy and light machine guns, 26 thousand machine guns, 22 thousand pistols, 100 thousand grenades, 80 thousand mines and shells, several million rounds of ammunition, radio stations, portable cars and etc.

A characteristic example of the interaction of the OUN-UPA with German troops is the fact that on January 13, 1944, the German garrison in the town of Kamen-Kashirsky, Volyn region, was replaced by UPA units. He left 300 rifles, 2 boxes of cartridges, 65 sets of uniforms, 200 pairs of underwear and other equipment to the OUN people.

In March 1944, partisans of A.F. Fedorov’s formation, while repelling an armed UPA attack on one of the detachments, captured a document confirming the connection of the warriors with the Germans. Here is its content: “Friendly Bogdan! Send 15 people to our hut, who will work on the construction of the bridge. On March 3, 1944, I agreed with the German captain Oschft that we would build a bridge for the crossing of German troops, for which they would give us reinforcements - two battalions with all the equipment. Together with these battalions on March 18 with. we will clear the forest on both sides of the Stokhod river from the red partisans and give free passage to the rear of the Red Army for our UPA detachments, which are waiting there. We stayed at the negotiations for 15 hours. The Germans gave us lunch. Glory to Ukraine! Eagle Commander. March 5, 1944 "(Miroslava Berdnik. Pawns in someone else's game. Pages of the history of Ukrainian nationalism. 2010).

The cooperation of the UPA with the Germans was not an isolated fact, but was encouraged from above. Thus, on February 12, 1944, the Commander-in-Chief of the Security Police and the SD in Ukraine, SS Brigadeführer and Police Major General Brenner, on February 12, 1944, oriented the intelligence agencies subordinate to him in the western regions of Ukraine to the fact that in connection with the successful negotiations with the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in the area of ​​the villages of Derazhnoe, Verba (Rivne region. - MB) the leaders of the UPA undertook to throw their intelligence officers into the Soviet rear and inform the department of the 1st combat groups located at the headquarters of the German armies "South" about the results of their work. In this regard, Brenner ordered to allow free movement of UPA agents with Captain Felix's passes, to prohibit the seizure of weapons from UPA members, and to use identification marks (spread fingers of the left hand raised in front of the face) when meeting UPA groups with German military units (TSGAVOVU, f. 4628, list 1, file 10, pp. 218-233).

During the defeat by the Soviet troops of the UPA grouping in the Rivne region in April 1944, 65 German military personnel operating as part of the structural units of the UPA were taken prisoner. This fact is mentioned in the collection of documents "Internal troops in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945". It also contains a statement by one German prisoner of war about the connections of the command of the German Wehrmacht and the UPA in the joint struggle against the Red Army and Soviet partisans.

Alain Guerin in the book "The Gray Cardinal" answers the question: did Bandera kill the Germans, and if they did, then under what circumstances? Yes, they did, writes Guérin, but only by misunderstanding or when they got rid of them as "unmasking material". The fact is that many German soldiers were seconded to the UPA units. Once surrounded by Soviet troops, Bandera in a number of cases destroyed their allies in order to cover up the traces of German-Ukrainian cooperation. By misunderstanding, if the means of identification did not work, for example, when the Germans, dressed in the uniform of the Red Army, took Bandera for enemies.

Historians-falsifiers who offer a Ukrainian-centric concept of the history of the Second World War, and the leadership of Ukraine, by hook or by crook, are trying to whitewash both the OUN and the UPA. At the same time, they seek to take away Victory Day from the Ukrainian people. And in place of the common sacred symbol for the people, they seek to establish a symbol of oblivion - the poppy, so that later the people drunk with poppy infusion will be imposed with vicious false gods who flooded the Ukrainian land with the blood of its citizens.

And such atrocities are on the account of the "heroes of Ukraine"!

We read and absorb. This is to be conveyed to the minds of our children. We need to learn to decently interpret the detailed terrible truth about the atrocities of the Bandera heroes of the Zvaryche-Khoruzhev nation.
Detailed materials about the struggle of the "heroes of the nation" on this land with the civilian population can be easily dug up in any search engine.

This is our proud history.

"...upovtsy on the day of the anniversary of the UPA decided to give their "general" an unusual gift - 5 heads cut off from the Poles. He was pleasantly surprised by both the gift itself and the resourcefulness of his subordinates.
Such "zeal" confused even worldly-wise Germans. On May 28, 1943, the General Commissar of Volhynia and Podolia, Obergruppenführer Schöne, asked the “Metropolitan” Polikarp Sikorsky to appease his “flock”: “National bandits (my italics) also show their activity in attacks on unarmed Poles. According to our calculations, 15,000 Poles have been muzzled today! The Janova Valley colony does not exist.”

In the “Chronicle of the SS Rifle Division “Galicia”, which was kept by its Military Council, there is the following entry: “03/20/44: there is a Ukrainian rebel in Volyn, which is probably already in Galicia, who boasts that he strangled 300 soul of the Poles. He is considered a hero."

The Poles published dozens of volumes of such facts of the genocide, none of which the Banderaites refuted. Stories about such acts of the Craiova Army will be typed in no more than a common notebook. Yes, and that still needs to be backed up by substantial evidence.

Moreover, the Poles did not ignore the examples of mercy on the part of the Ukrainians. For example, in Virka, Kostopol district, Frantiszka Dzekanska, carrying her 5-year-old daughter Jadzia, was mortally wounded by a Bandera bullet. The same bullet grazed a child's leg. For 10 days the child was with the murdered mother, eating grains from spikelets. The Ukrainian teacher saved the girl.

At the same time, he certainly knew what threatened him with such an attitude towards "outsiders". After all, in the same county, Bandera’s people muzzled two Ukrainian children just because they were brought up in a Polish family, and they smashed the head of the three-year-old Stasik Pavlyuk against the wall, holding him by the legs.

Of course, a terrible revenge awaited those Ukrainians who had no enmity towards the Soviet soldiers-liberators. OUN regional guide Ivan Revenyuk (“Proud”) recalled how “at night, from the village of Khmyzovo, a village girl of 17 years old or even younger was brought to the forest. Her fault was that she, along with other rural girls, went to dances when a military unit of the Red Army was stationed in the village. Kubik (brigade commander of the military district of the UPA "Tura") saw the girl and asked Varnak (the conductor of the Kovel district) for permission to personally interrogate her. He demanded that she confess that she was "walking" with the soldiers. The girl swore that it was not. “And I’ll check it now,” Kubik grinned, sharpening a pine stick with a knife. In a moment he jumped up to the prisoner and with a sharp end began to stick between her legs until he drove a pine stake into the girl's genitals.

One night, bandits broke into the Ukrainian village of Lozovoe and killed over 100 of its inhabitants in an hour and a half. In the Dyagun family, a Bandera man hacked to death three children. The smallest, four-year-old Vladik, cut off his arms and legs. In the Makukh family, the killers found two children - three-year-old Ivasik and ten-month-old Joseph. The ten-month-old child, seeing the man, was delighted and laughingly stretched out her hands to him, showing her four cloves. But the ruthless bandit slashed the baby's head with a knife, and cut his head with an ax to his brother Ivasik.

From the village of Volkovya one night, Bandera brought a whole family into the forest. For a long time they mocked the unfortunate people. Then, seeing that the wife of the head of the family was pregnant, they cut open her stomach, tore out the fetus from it, and instead they pushed in a live rabbit.

“They surpassed even the sadistic German SS with their atrocities. They torture our people, our peasants... Don't we know that they cut small children, smash their heads against the stone walls so that the brain flies out of them. Terrible brutal murders - these are the actions of these rabid wolves, ”Jaroslav Galan called out. The OUN of Melnik, the UPA of Bulba-Borovets, the government of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic in exile, and the Union of Hetmans-Derzhavniki, who settled in Canada, denounced the atrocities of Bandera with similar anger.

Although belatedly, some Bandera people still repent of their crimes. So in January 2004, an elderly woman came to the editorial office of Sovetskaya Luganshchina and handed over a package from her recently deceased friend. The editorial guest explained that with her visit she was fulfilling the last will of a native of the Volyn region, an active Banderovka in the past, who by the end of her life rethought her life and decided with her confession to at least a little atone for an irreparable sin.

“I, Vdovichenko Nadezhda Timofeevna, a native of Volyn ... My family and I ask you to forgive us all posthumously, because when people read this letter, I will no longer be (a friend will fulfill my order).
Our parents had five, we were all inveterate Bandera: brother Stepan, sister Anna, me, sisters Olya and Nina. We all walked around in Bandera, slept in the huts during the day, and at night we walked and drove around the villages. We were given tasks to strangle those who sheltered Russian prisoners and the prisoners themselves. Men were engaged in this, and we, women, sorted out clothes, took away cows and pigs from dead people, slaughtered cattle, processed everything, stewed it and put it in barrels. Once, in one night, 84 people were strangled in the village of Romanov. They strangled the older people and the old, and the little children by the legs - once, hit the head on the door - and it's ready, and on the cart. We felt sorry for our men that they suffered hard during the night, but they would sleep off during the day and the next night - to another village. There were people hiding. If a man was hiding, they were mistaken for women ...
Others were removed at Verkhovka: Kovalchuk's wife Tilimon for a long time did not admit where he was, and did not want to open it, but she was threatened, and she was forced to open it. They said: "Tell me where the husband is, and we will not touch you." She admitted that in a stack of straw, he was pulled out, beaten, beaten until they beat him. And the two children, Styopa and Olya, were good children, 14 and 12 years old ... The youngest was torn into two parts, and Yunka's mother no longer needed to be strangled, her heart broke. Young healthy guys were taken to the detachments to strangle people. So, from Verkhovka, two brothers Levchukiv, Nikolai and Stepan, did not want to strangle, and ran home. We sentenced them to death. When they went after them, the father says: "Take your sons - and I'm going." Kalina, the wife, also says: "Take your husband - and I'm going." They took them out for 400 meters and Nadia asks: “Let Kolya go,” and Kolya says: Nadia, don’t ask, no one asked Bandera to take time off and you won’t beg.” Kolya was killed. Nadya was killed, their father was killed, and Stepan was taken alive, they took him to the hut for two weeks in his underwear - a shirt and trousers, beat him with iron ramrods so that he would confess where the family was, but he was firm, did not admit to anything, and last evening they beat him , he asked to go to the toilet, one led him, and there was a strong snowstorm, the toilet was made of straw, and Stepan broke through the straw and ran away from our hands. We were given all the data from Verkhovka by fellow countrymen Petr Rimarchuk, Zhabsky and Puch.
... In Novoselki, Rivne region, there was one Komsomol member Motrya. We took her to Verkhovka to the old Zhabsky and let's get a living heart. Old Salivon held a watch in one hand, and a heart in the other, to check how long the heart would beat in his hand. And when the Russians came, the sons wanted to erect a monument to him, they say, he fought for Ukraine.
A Jewish woman was walking with a child, ran away from the ghetto, they stopped her, beat her up and buried her in the forest. One of our Bandera went after Polish girls. They gave him the order to remove them, and he said that he threw them into the stream. Their mother came running, crying, asking if I had seen, I said no, let's go look, go over that stream, my mother and I go there. We were given an order: Jews, Poles, Russian prisoners and those who hide them, to strangle everyone without mercy. The Severin family was strangled, and the daughter was married in another village. She arrived in Romanov, but there were no parents, she began to cry and let's dig things out. Bandera came, took away the clothes, and closed the daughter alive in the same box and buried it. And her two small children remained at home. And if the children came with their mother, then they would be in that box. Was still in our village Kublyuk. He was sent to Kotov, Kivertsovsky district, to work. He worked for a week, and then what - they cut off Kublyuk's head, and a neighbor guy took his daughter. Bandera ordered to kill his daughter Sonya, and Vasily said: "Let's go to the forest for firewood." Let's go, Vasily brought Sonya dead, and told people that the tree had killed.
Timofey lived in our village Oytsyus. The old, old grandfather that he said, so be it, was that a prophet from God. When the Germans arrived, they were immediately informed that there was one in the village, and the Germans immediately went to the old man, so that he would say what would happen to them ... And he said to them: “I won’t tell you anything, because you will kill me ". The negotiator promised that they would not lay a finger on it. Then the grandfather said to them: "You will reach Moscow, but from there you will run away as best you can." The Germans did not touch him, but when the old prophet told the Banderas that they would not do anything by strangling the people of Ukraine, the Banderas came and beat him until they beat him.
Now I will describe my family. Brother Stepan was an inveterate Bandera, but I did not lag behind him, I went everywhere with Bandera, although I was married. When the Russians came, arrests began, people were taken out. Our family too. Olya agreed at the station, and they let her go, but Bandera came, took her away and strangled her. My father left with his mother and sister Nina in Russia. The mother is old. Nina flatly refused to go to work for Russia, then the authorities offered her to work as a secretary. But Nina said that she did not want to hold a Soviet pen in her hands. They again met her halfway: “If you don’t want to do anything, then sign that you will give out Bandera, and we will let you go home. Nina, without thinking for a long time, signed, and she was released. Nina had not yet arrived home, as Bandera was already waiting for her, they gathered a meeting of guys and girls and tried Nina: look, they say, whoever raises a hand against us, it will be like that with everyone. To this day, I don't know where it went.
All my life I carried a heavy stone in my heart, because I believed Bandera. I could sell any person if someone says something about Bandera. And they, cursed, may they be cursed by both God and people for all eternity. How many people have chopped up the innocent, and now they want to equate them with the defenders of Ukraine. And who did they fight? With their neighbors, damned murderers. How much blood is on their hands, how many boxes with the living are buried. People were taken out, but even now they do not want to return to that Bandera.
I tearfully beg you, people, forgive me my sins" (newspaper "Soviet Luganshchina", January 2004, N 1)..."

135 tortures and atrocities used by OUN-UPA terrorists against civilians

Driving a large and thick nail into the skull of the head.
Ripping off the hair from the head with the skin (scalping).
Striking with the butt of an ax on the skull of the head.
Striking with the butt of an ax on the forehead.
Carving on the forehead "eagle".
Driving a bayonet into the temple of the head.
Gouging out one eye.
Gouging out two eyes.
Nose cutting.
Circumcision of one ear.
Circumcision of both ears.
Piercing children with stakes through and through.
Punching with a pointed thick wire through and through from ear to ear.
Lip cutting.
Cutting the tongue.
Throat cutting.
Cutting the throat and pulling the tongue out through the opening.
Cutting the throat and inserting a piece into the hole.
Knocking out teeth.
Jaw breaking.
Tearing of the mouth from ear to ear.
Plugging mouths with tow when transporting still living victims.
Cutting the neck with a knife or sickle.

Vertical cutting of the head with an ax.
Rolling the head back.
Crushing of the head by placing in a vise and tightening the screw.
Cutting off the head with a sickle.
Cutting off the head with a scythe.
Cutting off the head with an axe.
Striking with an ax in the neck.
Stab wounds to the head.
Cutting and pulling narrow strips of skin from the back.
Infliction of other chopped wounds on the back.
Strikes with a bayonet in the back.
Breaking of the bones of the ribs of the chest.
Striking with a knife or bayonet at or near the heart.
Infliction of stab wounds to the chest with a knife or bayonet.
Cutting off women's breasts with a sickle.
Cutting off women's breasts and sprinkling salt on wounds.
Cutting off the genitals of male victims with a sickle.
Sawing the body in half with a carpenter's saw.
Infliction of stab wounds to the abdomen with a knife or bayonet.
Punching the belly of a pregnant woman with a bayonet.
Cutting the abdomen and pulling out the intestines in adults.
Cutting the abdomen of a woman with a long-term pregnancy and inserting instead of the removed fetus, for example, a live cat, and stitching the abdomen.
Cutting the abdomen and pouring boiling water inside - boiling water.
Cutting the stomach and putting stones inside it, as well as throwing it into the river.
Cutting the belly of pregnant women and spilling broken glass inside.
Pulling out the veins from the groin to the feet.
Investing in the groin - the vagina of a red-hot iron.
Insertion of pine cones into the vagina with the top side forward.
Inserting a pointed stake into the vagina and pushing it up to the throat, right through.
Cutting the women's front part of the body with a garden knife from the vagina to the neck and leaving the insides outside.
Hanging victims by the insides.
Inserting a glass bottle into the vagina and breaking it.
Inserting a glass bottle into the anus and breaking it.
Cutting the abdomen and spilling the food inside, the so-called fodder flour, for hungry pigs, which pulled out this food along with the intestines and other entrails.
Chopping off one hand with an axe.
Chopping off both hands with an axe.
Penetration of the palm with a knife.
Cutting off the fingers with a knife.
Cutting off the palm.
Cauterization of the inside of the palm on the hot stove of a charcoal kitchen.
Chopping off the heel.
Severing of the foot above the heel bone.
Breaking with a blunt instrument of the bones of the hands in several places.
Breaking with a blunt instrument of the bones of the legs in several places.
Sawing the body, lined with boards on both sides, in half with a carpenter's saw.
Sawing the body in half with a special saw.
Sawing off both legs with a saw.
Sprinkling of bound feet with red-hot coal.
Nailing hands to the table, and feet to the floor.
Nailing in the church on the cross of hands and feet with nails.
Inflicting blows with an ax to the back of the head to the victims, previously laid on the floor.
Striking with an ax all over the body.
Chopping a whole body into pieces with an ax.
Breaking on the living legs and arms in the so-called strap.
Nailing the tongue of a small child to the table with a knife, which later hung on it.
Cutting the child into pieces with a knife and throwing them around.
Opening the abdomen for children.
Nailing a small child to a table with a bayonet.
Hanging a male child by the genitals on a doorknob.
Knocking out the joints of the child's legs.
Knocking out the joints of the child's hands.
Strangulation of a child by throwing various rags on him.
Throwing little children alive into a deep well.
Throwing a child into the flames of a burning building.
Breaking the baby's head, taking it by the legs and hitting it against a wall or stove.
Hanging a monk by his feet near the pulpit in the church.
Planting a child on a stake.
Hanging a woman upside down on a tree and mocking her - cutting off her chest and tongue, dissecting her stomach, gouging out her eyes, and cutting off pieces of her body with knives.
Nailing a small child to a door.
Hanging upside down on a tree.
Hanging upside down on a tree.
Hanging on a tree with feet up and singeing the head from below with the fire of a fire lit under the head.
Throwing down from a cliff.
Drowning in the river.
Drowning by dropping into a deep well.
Drowning in a well and throwing stones at the victim.
Piercing with a pitchfork, and after roasting pieces of the body on a fire.
Throwing an adult into a fire in a forest clearing, around which Ukrainian girls sang and danced to the sounds of an accordion.
Driving a stake into the stomach through and through and strengthening it in the ground.
Tying a man to a tree and shooting him like a target.
Exposing in the cold naked or in linen.
Choking with a twisted soapy rope tied around the neck - a lasso.
Dragging the body along the street with a rope tied around the neck.
Tying the woman's legs to two trees, as well as her hands above her head, and cutting her stomach from the crotch to the chest.
Tearing the body with chains.
Dragging on the ground tied to a cart.
Dragging on the ground of a mother with three children tied to a wagon drawn by a horse, in such a way that one leg of the mother is tied with a chain to the wagon, and one leg of the eldest child is tied to the other leg of the mother, and the youngest child is tied to the other leg of the eldest child, and the leg of the youngest child is tied to the other leg of the youngest child.
Punching through the body with the barrel of a carbine.
Pulling the victim with barbed wire.
Pulling together two victims with barbed wire at the same time.
Pulling together with barbed wire several victims at the same time.
Periodically tightening the torso with barbed wire and pouring cold water on the victim every few hours in order to come to his senses and feel pain and suffering.
Burying the victim in a standing position in the ground up to the neck and leaving it in that position.
Buried in the ground alive up to the neck and later cut off the head with a scythe.
Tearing the body in half with the help of horses.
Tearing the body in half by tying the victim to two bent trees and then releasing them.
Throwing adults into the flames of a burning building.
Setting fire to the victim previously doused with kerosene.
Laying around the victim with sheaves of straw and setting them on fire, thus making the torch of Nero.
Stabbing a knife in the back and leaving it in the victim's body.
Putting a baby on a pitchfork and throwing him into the flames of a fire.
Cutting the skin off the face with blades.
Driven between the edges of oak stakes.
Hanging on barbed wire.
Ripping off the skin from the body and filling the wound with ink, as well as pouring boiling water over it.
Attaching the torso to a support and throwing knives at it.
Binding - shackling hands with barbed wire.
Inflicting fatal blows with a shovel.
Nailing hands to the threshold of the dwelling.
Dragging the body on the ground by legs tied with a rope.

In recent decades, especially with the collapse of the Soviet Union, both in the West and in a number of states formed in the post-Soviet space, everything possible has been done to rehabilitate war criminals. The authorities of the Baltic countries and Ukraine were especially successful in this, encouraging the perpetuation of the memory of the SS legionnaires and collaborators of other stripes who fought on the side of Nazi Germany.

With the coming to power in Kyiv of the Nazi-oligarchic regime, the rehabilitation of war criminals reached new heights there. Monuments are erected to the head of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) S. Bandera and the commander of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) R. Shukhevych and their henchmen, streets and squares are named after them, and young people are educated by their example. On April 9 last year, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a law recognizing the OUN-UPA militants as fighters for the independence of Ukraine in the 20th century and granted them the right to social guarantees.

Attempts by the junta to pass off punishers and murderers as fighters "for national independence" are accompanied by the humiliation of fellow citizens who fought in the Red Army and other formations on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition, the destruction of monuments to Soviet soldiers-liberators. Under these actions, the legislative base has already been laid down - the infamous law of Ukraine "On the condemnation of the communist and national socialist totalitarian regimes and the prohibition of their propaganda." The authorities of the “independent”, so striving for Europe, are not even embarrassed by the fact that, according to the December 2015 assessment of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, this law does not comply with European legislative standards.

Who is being protected by the ideological structures of the new Kiev regime in the person of the so-called Ukrainian Institute of National Memory and other similar bodies of “national forgetfulness”?

In April 1943, by decision of the German military authorities, the 14th SS division "Galicia" was created, staffed mainly by ethnic Ukrainians. She began her bloody path with fighting in the Carpathians against the partisans. After the "Galicia" in the summer of 1944 was thoroughly battered by the Red Army near Brody, destroying 7 out of 12 thousand people of its composition, the SS command moved the division to Slovakia, then to the Balkans, where it continued to fight against the Yugoslav partisans and Soviet troops .

And if you look at the OUN and its armed formation of the UPA? Despite the fact that Ukrainian nationalists happened to clash with the Wehrmacht, their appearance during the Great Patriotic War was determined by close cooperation with the German Nazi regime and a fierce struggle against the Red Army and Soviet power, launched from the first days of the war. What is the only instruction issued by the leadership of the OUN (b) in the spring of 1941, which directly stated: “Muscovites, Poles, Jews are national minorities hostile to us,” which must either be assimilated, or isolated, or destroyed. The instruction proclaimed terror as the main method of implementing such a national policy.

The arrival in Lviv on June 30, 1941, together with the German units of the OUN marching group led by J. Stetsko, was marked by mass pogroms, during which, according to various sources, from 4 to 7 thousand people died. Among the punishers were servicemen of the Nachtigal battalion, formed by the Abwehr to act as part of the Brandenburg-800 sabotage unit, led by Shukhevych. The bloody trace of the Banderaites is also clear in the infamous Babi Yar near Kiev, which became in 1941-1943. the place of executions of at least 150 thousand civilians and prisoners of war.

On the territory occupied by the Germans, Bandera destroyed Poles, Jews, Belarusians, Gypsies, Russians. Ukrainians, suspected of sympathy for the Soviet regime, were not spared either. With the creation of the UPA in 1942, ethnic cleansing acquired a massive, systematic character. And today these sadists and murderers are passed off as "heroes" of the "national liberation movement".

Part of the blame for the current rampant lawyers of collaborators and the tolerant attitude of Ukrainian society must be taken by historians, including Russian ones. For too long, the criminal activities of the OUN-UPA were covered without proper systematicity and thoroughness, and only a few, the most bloody pages of their history were made public. However, the all-out offensive of the Ukronazis must be countered by an equally decisive counter-offensive with the weapons of truth.

In this regard, we consider it important to publish in 2015 by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation a collection of documents “The Liberation of Ukraine”, which tells about the true liberators of Ukraine from the German occupiers, and about those who are trying to pretend to be “liberators”. A significant section is devoted to the actions of the latter, which contains documents containing new and irrefutable facts of cooperation between the OUN-UPA and the Wehrmacht and the organizers of the Nazi occupation regime, the Ukrainian nationalists conducting an armed struggle against the Red Army and carrying out the most severe repressions against the civilian population.

Thus, the message of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR to the head of the Main Political Directorate of the Red Army dated January 19, 1942 refutes the theses of OUN-UPA lawyers that the latter fought for "independent Ukraine" equally with the Red Army and the Wehrmacht. What kind of independence from the Germans could there be if the German command - just six months after the start of the war - began to create a "Ukrainian army". In Novograd-Volynsky, Zhytomyr region, a special school was completed from the captured commanders of the Red Army. The occupying authorities also formed punitive detachments from persons of Ukrainian nationality, including deserters and prisoners of war. Such detachments were tasked with fighting the growing partisan movement in the rear of the German troops, "catching and destroying persons who are not desirable to the German authorities."

Cursing before the bearers of the German "new order", the Bandera went to any provocation, often putting on the Red Army uniform and posing as Soviet military units. Entering the confidence of the people, identifying partisans, underground workers, party and Komsomol activists, the punishers then mercilessly dealt with them. One of these atrocities was recorded in an act signed on April 11, 1944 by members of a special commission of the 1st division of the 206th guards light artillery regiment and several surviving residents of the village of Nova-Brikula, Strusovsky district, Ternopil region. Here, at the hands of Bandera, dressed in Red Army uniforms, 115 local residents were killed in one day.

According to the memorandum of the head of the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement T.A. Strokach to the commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front, Marshal G.K. Zhukov dated May 10, 1944, one can judge how widely the Bandera movement in Volyn bred under the auspices of the Nazis. Parts of the Wehrmacht, the German secret services coordinated with the OUN joint actions against the advancing Red Army, supplied them with weapons, ammunition, and food. As follows from the order of the regional conductor of the OUN in the northwestern territories, D. Klyachkivsky (Klim Savur), intercepted by partisans, all the efforts of the nationalists were directed against the Red Army and Soviet partisans.

After the active army left the territory of Ukraine, starting to liberate Eastern Europe, the OUN-UPA stepped up terror against the civilian population. Attacks on small garrisons, villages, individual military personnel and party and Soviet activists became more frequent. The philosophy of the killers is vividly conveyed by Shukhevych's call to his militants: “Do not intimidate, but exterminate! We should not be afraid that people will curse us for cruelty. Let half of the 40 million Ukrainian population remain - there is nothing terrible in this.” As you can see, the fanatics of "Ukrainian integral nationalism" used weapons not only against "Muscovites, Poles and Jews", but also against their fellow tribesmen, without looking at who was hit by a bullet or an ax - an old man, a woman or a baby.

Such a case is mentioned, for example, in the report of the head of the political department of the Kyiv military district, Colonel Lukashuk, to the head of the GlavPU of the Red Army dated February 6, 1945, which provides details of a raid by a gang of 200 OUN-UPA militants on the regional center of Gorodnitsy, Zhytomyr region. Bandera exterminated many inhabitants, including infants, and left ashes behind them.

Volyn massacre(Polish Rzez wolynska) (Volyn tragedy, Ukrainian Volyn tragedy, Polish Tragedia Wolynia) - genocide against Poles, Jews, Russians. Mass destruction (Bandera) by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army-OUN (b) of the ethnic Polish civilian population and civilians of the above nationalities, including Ukrainians, in the territories of the Volyn-Podolia district (German: Generalbezirk Wolhynien-Podolien), until September 1939, were under the control of Poland, started in March 1943 and peaked in July of that year.

In the spring of 1943, large-scale ethnic cleansing began in Volyn, occupied by German troops. This criminal action was carried out mainly by militants of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, who sought to "clear" the territory of Volhynia from the Polish population. Ukrainian nationalists surrounded Polish villages and colonies, and then proceeded to kill their civilians. Within about twelve hours, from the evening of July 11, 1943 to the morning of July 12, the UPA attacked 176 settlements ....

They killed everyone - women, the elderly, children, infants. The victims were shot, beaten with clubs, chopped with axes, sawed with two-handed saws, their eyes were gouged out, and their stomachs were ripped open. Then the corpses of the destroyed Poles were buried somewhere in the field, their property was robbed, and finally the houses were set on fire. In place of the Polish villages, only burnt ruins remained.

They also destroyed those Poles who lived in the same villages with the Ukrainians. It was even easier - there was no need to collect large detachments. Groups of OUN members of several people passed through the sleeping village, went into the houses of the Poles and killed everyone. And then the locals buried the killed fellow villagers of the “wrong” nationality.

The photo above was taken almost 70 years ago. The child in the photo is a 2-year-old Cheslava Khzhanovskaya from the village of Kuty (Kosovo district, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Western Ukraine). An angelic child looks into the camera lens ...

This is her last photo. In April 1944, Bandera attacked the village of Kuta. sleeping Cheslav at night they were bayoneted in a crib. For what? “For the fact that she was a non-Ukrainian.

2 year old Cheslav Khzhanovskaya pierced with a bayonet. And an 18 year old Galina Khzhanovskaya Bandera took with them, raped and hanged at the edge of the forest. In the picture above - Galina Khzhanovska, a village girl in a national shirt, smiles broadly at the camera. Why was she raped and hanged? - For the same. He was not Ukrainian.

All non-Ukrainians in the village of Kuty were to be exterminated. There were about 200 of them - Poles and Armenians. Yes, yes, Armenians. There was such a small national minority in the Commonwealth, Polish Armenians. They lived in the Carpathians since the Middle Ages. No longer live. All were slaughtered together with the Poles in 1944, when the Volhynia massacre reached the Carpathians.

There were mixed families in the village of Kuty. Pole Francis Berezovsky had a Ukrainian wife. And his wife has a nephew, a Banderite. Francis Berezovsky cut off his head, put it on a plate and presented it to his wife as a "gift". Presented by her nephew. After these bullying, the woman went crazy. The incitement to massacre among the Bandera people was carried out by a local Uniate priest.

All of the above is one of the episodes. This is the ethnic cleansing of Western Ukraine from non-Ukrainians in 1943-44. Mostly they slaughtered the Poles (there were most of them), well, and the rest to the heap. The purge was carried out by militants from the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). That's what they were called - rezuny. What for? And why does independent Ukraine need residents of non-Ukrainian nationality?

Why does Bandera Ukraine need this Polish family Kleshinsky ( cut out 08/16/1943 in the city of Podyarkov, Lviv region)?

Or this Pole Maria Grabovskaya with her 3-year-old daughter (killed by Bandera on 11/10/1943 in the village of Blozhev Gorna, Lviv region)?

Or this Pole Ignacy Zamoyski from daughter 15 years old. On January 22, 1944, they were strangled with a noose in the village of Bushe, Berezhansky district, Ternopil region.

On the same day, January 22, 1944, in the village of Bushe, Bandera killed and this one woman with 2 children(Polish family Popiel). But, they themselves are to blame. They, all three, were of the wrong nationality.

And here is the Polish the Shier family, mother and two children, cut out at his home in Vladinopol in 1943. Three of the more than 80,000 victims of the massacre.

On August 30, 1943, the UPA gang under the command Ivan Klimchak nicknamed "Bold" carved out the Polish village of Volya Ostrovetskaya.

Rezuny killed 529 people, including 220 children. Pole Heinrich Klok miraculously survived that day, he was wounded and taken for dead. Next to him, over the corpse of a villager Maria Yesinyuk sat her 5 year old son and asked my mother to go home. A 5-year-old child could not understand that his mother was no more. A Bandera man approached the boy and killed with a headshot.

In the photo - the victims of the Bandera massacre in the Polish village of Germanovka, Luts district ka, 11/28/1943:

The logic of genocide is that children cannot be left alive. Ukrainian Nazis from the UPA learned this from the Germans. Same gang leader "Bold", which the cut out the village of Volya Ostrovetskaya, before joining the UPA was a policeman. He served with the Germans in the 103rd battalion of the Schutzmannschaft (“security police”, punishers). The “commander-in-chief” of the UPA Roman Shukhevych (201st battalion) was also a policeman.

In the photo, Latach district, Zalishchyky region. Ternopil. Karpiakow family, on which the UPA committed murders on 12/14/1943 Maria Karpiak- 42 years old, mother; Joseph- 23 years old, son; Ivan- 20 years old, son; Vladislav- 18 years old, son; Sofia- 8 years old, daughter; Sigmund- 6 years old, son:

Another vivid episode of the "national liberation" struggle, the village of Katerynivka, May 1943:

The girl in the center Stasya Stefanyak was killed because of a Polish father. Her mother Maria Boyarchuk, Ukrainian, that night killed too. Because of the husband. Mixed families aroused particular hatred of the Rezuns.

In the village of Zalesye Koropetskoye (Ternopil region) on February 7, 1944, there was an even more terrible incident. The UPA gang attacked the village with the aim of massacring the Polish population.

About 60 people, mostly women and children, were herded into a barn, where they were burned alive. One of those who died that day was from a mixed family - half Pole, half Ukrainian. Bandera set him a condition - he must kill your Polish mother, then they will let him live. He refused and was killed along with his mother.

Rezun UPA used simple improvised tools. For example - a two-handed saw:

From the testimony of a witness Tadeusz Kotorsky, a resident of the Polish village of Ruzhin (15 km from Kovel):

“On November 11, 1943, our self-defense group in the colonies of Ruzhin and Truskoty repelled attempts by the UPA group to break into these villages. The next day we left Truskoty. There Stefan Skovron, 18 years old, a complete orphan, who was a good friend of mine, was seriously wounded in the leg. We gave him possible first aid, and he asked us to leave him near the house of our neighbor Gnat Yukhimchuk. The next day, Stakh Shimchak went to pick up Stefan. It turned out that he was no longer alive. He had r asporot belly, all the insides are stretched out, eyes gouged out and the shoes are off. Soon his brother Sigmund identified these shoes on a villager Lublinets Lenka Aksyutich.

The death of Ukrainians was a great tragedy for me. Ivan Aksyutich And his son Sergei autumn 1943. Man in years Aksyutich Ivan lived well with his neighbors, did not enter into any political intrigues, had the courage not to support Ukrainian nationalists. They killed him in the village of Klevetsk with nephew Leonid, which for native uncle chose a terrible death - cut a living body with a saw . His son of Sergei OUN members shot dead«.

Bandera Lenka Aksyutich, which the witness describes, is a typical UPA resonator. He found a wounded Pole, cut open his stomach, took out the insides, took off his shoes. He sawed his native uncle, a Ukrainian who did not support the Banderaites, alive with a saw.

Two-handed saw - long. An ax is faster. On the picture - hacked to death Bandera Polish family in Maciew (Lukov), February 1944. In the far corner, something lies on a pillow. It's hard to see from here:

And lie there - severed human fingers. Before their death, Bandera tortured their victims:

Ukrainian nationalists wanted non-Ukrainian nationalities to die in torment.

To this Polish woman, they burned the body of those with red-hot iron and tried to cut off the right ear:

During the Bandera massacre, sadism towards the victims flourished in the most magnificent color. In the picture below - the victim of the UPA gang attack on the passenger train Belzec - Rava-Ruska on June 16, 1944. The attack was carried out by the gang Dmitry Karpenko nicknamed "Hawk".

Karpenko-Yastrub- Bandera "hero", was awarded the highest award of the UPA - the Golden Cross "For Military Merit", I degree.

On June 16, 1944, his gang stopped a passenger train in the Rava-Ruska area, sorted the passengers according to their nationality (Poles, Ukrainians and Germans were traveling there). After that, the Poles were taken to the forest and killed.

The Polish woman in the photo below also rode this "death train". Her stomach was torn open, her hand was cut off with an ax:

Bandera atrocities. Belzec, region, Rava Ruska county, Lviv voivodeship June 16, 1944:

The Polish village of Lipniki (Kostopolsky district, Rivne region), March 26, 1943. At night, this village was attacked by a gang under the command of a sadist UPA Ivan Litvinchuk nicknamed "Oak". A wild massacre began. These nonhumans killed 179 people, including 51 children. Among the dead - 174 Poles, 4 Jews and one Russian woman. In the photo: victims of the massacre in Lipniki in a mass grave:

That night, the future first cosmonaut of Poland almost died at the hands of nonhuman UPA. Miroslav Germashevsky. He was 2 years old. His family arrived in Lipniki at the very beginning of 1943, hoping to hide from the Bandera terror that was flaring up in Volhynia. There was a full village of such refugees. The Germashevskys were taken in by a local Pole, Yakub Varumzer. Bandera burned the house, Varumzer was beheaded, grandfather Miroslav Germashevsky was killed with 7 blows of the bayonet. The mother grabbed 2-year-old Miroslav and ran across the field towards the forest. They started shooting at her. She fell and fainted from fear. They thought they killed her.

An hour later, she came to her senses and was able to hide in the forest. Then the shock receded a little and she realized that she had lost a child on the field. Dropped it while running. In the morning, father and elder brother rushed to look for little Mirko. The whole field was littered with corpses. Suddenly, the brother saw a black bundle in the snow and in it - a child who showed no signs of life. At first, they thought that Miroslav froze. The bundle was brought to the village, they began to warm it. Suddenly the child stirred and opened his eyes. Miroslav survived and became the first Polish cosmonaut.

In the photo below: Miroslav Germashevsky(left) and a peasant from Lipniki Yakub Varumzer(on the right), to whom the Bandera cutters cut off their heads:

LIPNIKI (LIPNIKI), Kostopil County, Lutsk Voivodeship. March 26, 1943. A resident of the Lipniki colony - Yakub Varumzer without a head, the result of a massacre committed under cover of night by OUN-UPA terrorists (OUN-UPA):

Another victim of the massacre in Lipniki - 3-year-old Janusz Belavsky. What degree of military merit did the UPA rezun deserve for this kid?

Now a lot of lies are emerging about how the UPA allegedly fought against the German occupiers.

12 March 1944 a gang of UPA militants and the 4th police regiment of the SS division "Galicia" jointly attacked the Polish village of Palikrovy(former Lviv Voivodeship, now - the territory of Poland).

It was a village with a mixed population, approximately 70% Poles, 30% Ukrainians. Having driven the residents out of their houses, the policemen and Bandera began to sort them according to their nationality. After separation Poles - they were shot from machine guns. It was 365 people were killed, mostly women and children.

Pictured below: The Palikrovs, March 1944, the child next to his mother. The mother was killed during the massacre perpetrated by the UPA and punishers from the Ukrainian SS division "Galicia":

On February 9, 1943, Bandera from the gang of Pyotr Netovich, under the guise of Soviet partisans, entered the Polish village of Parosle near Vladimirets, Rivne region. The peasants, who had previously provided assistance to the partisans, warmly welcomed the guests. After eating plenty, the bandits began to rape and kill women and girls:

From the village of Volkovya one night, Bandera brought a whole family into the forest. For a long time they mocked the unfortunate people. Then, seeing that the wife of the head of the family was pregnant, they cut open her stomach, tore out the fetus from it, and instead they pushed in a live rabbit. One night, the bandits broke into the Ukrainian village of Lozovaya. Over 100 peaceful peasants were killed within 1.5 hours. A bandit with an ax in his hands broke into the hut of Nastya Dyagun and hacked to death her three sons. To the smallest four-year-old Vladik, chopped off his arms and legs.

One of the two Kleshchinsky families in Podyarkovo was tortured to death by the OUN-UPA on August 16, 1943. The photo shows a family of four - a wife and two children. The victims' eyes were gouged out, they were hit on the head, their palms were burned, they tried to cut off the upper and lower limbs, as well as the hands, stab wounds were inflicted on the whole body, etc.:

TARNOPOL, Tarnopol Voivodeship, 1943. One (!) of the trees of the country road, in front of which the thugs and sadists of the OUN-UPA (OUN-UPA) hung a banner with an inscription translated into Polish:

"The Road to Independent Ukraine".

And on each tree on both sides of the road, the executioners created from Polish children, the so-called "wreaths" - the killed children were tied to a tree with barbed wire:

From the interrogation of Banderovka:

“They strangled the old, and small children up to one year old by the legs - once, hit the head on the door - and it's ready, and on the cart. We felt sorry for our men that they suffered hard during the night, but they would sleep off during the day and the next night they would go to another village. There were people hiding. If a man was hiding, they were mistaken for women ... "

LIPNIKI (LIPNIKI), Kostopil County, Lutsk Voivodeship. March 26, 1943. The corpses of Poles, victims of the massacre committed by the OUN-UPA, brought for identification and burial. Standing behind the fence is Jerzy Skulski, who saved a life thanks to the available firearms:

POLOVETS, region, Chortkiv county, Tarnopol voivodeship, forest called Rosokhach. January 16 - 17, 1944. The place from which 26 victims were pulled out - Polish residents of the village of Polovtse - taken away by the UPA on the night of January 16-17, 1944 and tortured to death in the forest:

From the interrogation of Banderovka:

“..In Novoselki, Rivne region, there was one Komsomol member Motrya. We took her to Verkhovka to the old Zhabsky and let's get a living heart. Old Salivon held a watch in one hand, and a heart in the other, to check how much more the heart would beat in his hand ... ".

Lipniki, Kostopil district, Lutsk voivodeship. March 26, 1943. View before the funeral. Polish victims of the night massacre committed by the OUN - UPA brought to the People's House:

The Volyn massacre began on February 9, 1943. from the attack of the UPA gang on the village of Paroslya, where about 200 Poles were killed. The organizers of the Volyn massacre were the leaders of the UPA - Roman Shukhevych, Mikola Lebed and Roman Klyachkivsky.

However, while slaughtering the Polish minority in Western Ukraine, the Rezun leaders forgot something. On the Ukrainian minority in southeastern Poland. Ukrainians lived there among the Poles for centuries and at that time they were up to 30% of the total population. The atrocities of the Bandera rezuns in Ukraine came back to haunt Poland, local Ukrainians. Although, maybe the leaders of the UPA counted on that?

In the spring of 1944 Polish nationalists held a series of actions of retribution against Ukrainians in southeastern Poland. Suffered as usual innocent civilians. According to various estimates, from 15 to 20 thousand Ukrainians were killed. The number of Poles - victims of the OUN-UPA is about 80 thousand people.

The largest action was the attack of the detachment Home Army to the village of Sagryn (Poland, Lublin Voivodeship) March 10, 1944 AK-sheep about 800 Ukrainians were killed, the village was burned. In the photo: soldiers of the Home Army against the backdrop of the burning village of Sahryn:

Another Sagryn: a Pole from the Home Army at the corpse of a murdered Ukrainian.

The second major episode was the massacre in the village of Verkhovyna (Lublin Voivodeship), on June 6, 1944. The village was attacked by militants of the NSZ (“People's Forces Zbroyny”), an ultra-right underground organization that competed with AK. 194 Ukrainians were killed. In the photo below - the village of Verkhovyna, Soviet officers (Eastern Poland at that moment was occupied by the Red Army) are investigating the massacres of Ukrainians in the village:

The Soviet power, established in liberated Poland by the Red Army and the Polish Army, did not allow the nationalists to arrange full-scale actions of revenge on the Ukrainians for the Bandera atrocities. However, the Bandera rebels achieved their goal: the relations between the two nations were poisoned by the horrors of the Volyn massacre. Their further living together became impossible.

On July 6, 1945, an agreement "On the exchange of population" was concluded between the USSR and Poland. 1 million Poles went from the USSR to Poland, 600 thousand Ukrainians - in the opposite direction (Operation Vistula), plus 140 thousand Polish Jews went to British Palestine.

It's a paradox, but it was Stalin who turned out to be the man who civilizedly resolved the national question in Western Ukraine. Without cutting off heads and disemboweling children, by exchanging populations. Of course, not everyone wanted to leave their homes, often the resettlement was forced, but the ground for the massacre was eliminated.

But with the rezun UPA, the Soviet authorities, as well as the authorities of post-war Poland and Czechoslovakia, launched an irreconcilable war. It has already been said above about the horrors of the Bandera massacre in the village of Volya Ostrovetskaya on August 30, 1943. More than 500 people were killed, including a 5-year-old boy who was sitting by the corpse of his mother and asked his mother to get up and go home. The leader of the UPA gang, Ivan Klimchak, nicknamed "Bald", who arranged all this, hardly thought that one day he would have to answer for what he had done.

In Poland, the Volyn massacre is very well remembered.
This is a scan of the pages of a Polish book:

The list of ways in which the Ukrainian Nazis dealt with the civilian population:

Driving a large and thick nail into the skull of the head.
Ripping off the hair from the head with the skin (scalping).
Carving on the forehead "eagle" (the eagle is the coat of arms of Poland).
Eye gouging.
Circumcision of the nose, ears, lips, tongue.
Piercing children and adults with stakes through and through.
Punching with a pointed thick wire through and through from ear to ear.
Cutting the throat and pulling the tongue out through the opening.
Knocking out teeth and breaking jaws.
Tearing of the mouth from ear to ear.
Plugging mouths with tow when transporting still living victims.
Rolling the head back.
Crushing of the head by placing in a vise and tightening the screw.
Cutting and pulling narrow strips of skin from the back or face.
Breaking bones (ribs, arms, legs).
Cutting off women's breasts and sprinkling salt on wounds.
Cutting off the genitals of male victims with a sickle.
Punching the belly of a pregnant woman with a bayonet.
Cutting the abdomen and pulling out the intestines in adults and children.
Cutting the abdomen of a woman with a long-term pregnancy and inserting instead of the removed fetus, for example, a live cat, and stitching the abdomen.
Cutting the abdomen and pouring boiling water inside.
Cutting the stomach and putting stones inside it, as well as throwing it into the river.
Cutting the belly of pregnant women and spilling broken glass inside.
Pulling out the veins from the groin to the feet.
Inserting a hot iron into the vagina.
Insertion of pine cones into the vagina with the top side forward.
Inserting a pointed stake into the vagina and pushing it up to the throat, right through.
Cutting the women's front part of the body with a garden knife from the vagina to the neck and leaving the insides outside.
Hanging victims by the insides.
Inserting a glass bottle into the vagina or anus and breaking it.
Cutting the belly and spilling feed flour inside for hungry pigs, which pulled out this feed along with the intestines and other entrails.
Chopping off / cutting off with a knife / sawing off of hands or feet (or fingers and toes).
Cauterization of the inside of the palm on the hot stove of a charcoal kitchen.
Sawing the body with a saw.
Sprinkling of bound feet with red-hot coal.
Nailing hands to the table, and feet to the floor.
Chopping a whole body into pieces with an ax.
Nailing the tongue of a small child to the table with a knife, which later hung on it.
Cutting a child into pieces with a knife.
Nailing a small child to a table with a bayonet.
Hanging a male child by the genitals on a doorknob.
Knocking out the joints of the legs and arms of the child.
Throwing a child into the flames of a burning building.
Breaking the baby's head, taking it by the legs and hitting it against a wall or stove.
Planting a child on a stake.
Hanging a woman upside down on a tree and mocking her - cutting off her chest and tongue, dissecting her stomach, gouging out her eyes, and cutting off pieces of her body with knives.
Nailing a small child to a door.
Hanging on a tree with feet up and singeing the head from below with the fire of a fire lit under the head.
Drowning children and adults in a well and throwing stones at the victim.
Driving a stake into the stomach.
Tying a man to a tree and shooting him like a target.
Dragging the body along the street with a rope tied around the neck.
Binding the legs and arms of a woman to two trees, and cutting her stomach from the crotch to the chest.
Dragging on the ground mother with three children connected with each other.
Pulling one or more victims with barbed wire, pouring cold water on the victim every few hours in order to come to his senses and feel pain.
Buried in the ground alive up to the neck and later cut off the head with a scythe.
Tearing the body in half with the help of horses.
Tearing the body in half by tying the victim to two bent trees and then releasing them.
Setting fire to a victim doused in kerosene.
Laying around the victim with sheaves of straw and setting them on fire (Nero's torch).
Putting a baby on a pitchfork and throwing him into the flames of a fire.
Hanging on barbed wire.
Ripping off the skin from the body and filling the wound with ink or boiling water.
Nailing hands to the threshold of the dwelling.

Illustrations from a Polish book:

In 1944 the former policeman and the rezun were overtaken by the well-deserved bullet of the NKVD. The corpse of "Bald" was hung up for public viewing in Shatsk (Volyn region). Below is his posthumous photo. As they say, a dog - a dog's death:

In 1950, the “commander-in-chief” of the UPA, Shukhevych, received his bullet:

The territory of Poland was also cleared of ghouls. In the photo: Poland, 1947, a Polish officer interrogates captured Bandera:

Czechoslovakia, 1945 These rezuns were also recaptured. Look at their faces - they are all cut down from one piece of wood:

The destroyed assistant of the OUN security service Ivan Diychuk, nicknamed "Carpathian"in the village of Tataria, Transcarpathian region:

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