Presentation of the Cossack village - religious traditions of my fellow countrymen. Presentation “Traditions of the Kuban Cossacks. Rituals associated with the birth of a child

Character of a Cossack Any Cossack could consider himself one, and he was considered a Cossack only in
in the event that he tried to comply with customs and traditions
In the character of an ordinary Cossack, as a nation, there was
complacency, kindness, generosity, hospitality.
At the same time, there was cruelty and mercilessness towards
to the enemy. This gave rise to some duality of character and
its swings. The Cossack was usually cheerful, playful and funny, but
unexpectedly, fell into depression, where he became silent and
not available. This can be explained by the nature of his life and
services. And the life of a Cossack was accompanied by constant risk,
constant proximity to death. Lost joy of life and
health added to his mood, which stopped, from
mentions or recollections of elements of his service and
dangers of fate.

Cossack traditions and customs had one basis - the Ten Commandments of Christ

Don't kill
Don't steal
Don't commit adultery
Work conscientiously
Do not envy your neighbor and forgive those who offend you
Take care of your children and parents
Cherish girlish chastity and female honor
Help the poor, do not harm orphans and widows
Don't hurt orphans and widows
Defend your Fatherland from enemies

Appeal among the Cossacks

Among the Cossacks, the wife addressed her husband only by name and
patronymic. This paid tribute to his parents. Husband
addressed his wife in the same way. Father-in-law and mother-in-law,
The mother-in-law and father-in-law were God-given parents for the spouses.
For a Cossack woman to appear in public with her head uncovered,
was considered a sin and a shame. It was considered a sin and shame
appearing in public in men's clothing, or with short shorts
The Cossacks' treatment of an unknown woman depended on her
age. The Cossack was obliged to eldest, in age, woman
calling someone the same age as sister, calling someone younger in age -
daughter or granddaughter. To the wife - individually, each, according to
learned order from a young age: “Nadya, Dusya, Oksana”, to
in older years - often “mother”, or even by name and patronymic.

The Cossacks greeted each other
During the anthem
friend, when meeting,
Don troops or
raising the head
Russian anthem, Cossacks
cleaning and a handshake.
were obliged to remove
When the Cossack approached the group
hats that
other Cossacks, it was accepted
required by the charter.
take off your hat, bow and
inquire about health:
“Great, Cossacks!”, “Great
there were Cossacks!” or
“Hello bulls, Cossacks!”
To which I received the answer: “Glory
God!" In the ranks, at reviews,
in parades the Cossacks answered,
according to the military regulations:
“I wish you good health,

Relations among the Cossacks

Without prayer, not a single thing began or ended.
Give something dropped to a stranger, help pick it up,
give up a seat. At a feast, a Cossack always
before eating it myself, I had to offer it
to the person sitting nearby. Before quenching your thirst yourself
campaign, the Cossack had to offer this to his partner.
It was considered big to refuse alms to a beggar.
sin. The saying goes: “It’s better to give your whole life than
ask all my life." Greedy people were worthy
contempt, and they were never approached with a request.
If, at the moment of fulfilling the request, the giver showed
Because of his greed, the Cossack refused the service. He thought,
what you shouldn’t take from this person is not good.
Deception was considered a great sin, and not only
in deed, but also in word. The man who couldn't keep his way
promises or given words, lost the trust of others.
In Cossack Old Believer families there was
smoking ban. There were also drinks
restrictions. You could only drink wine

Seeing off the Cossack for service

After reaching the draft
age, conscript, in
for a whole year,
underwent military training
at the village. Military
preparation took place under
leadership of the Cossack
management of the village, after
what was he leading up to?
The oath procedure has begun
in church during a service.
After this, the conscripts
lined up in the square
opposite the altar, with
banner. Permission to
took the oath
priest, after
fulfillment of prayer.

Text of the oath, before the formation
conscripts, the Cossack read out,
appointed for this purpose by the chieftain.
Conscripts repeat
read aloud. After reception
oaths, future Cossacks
approach the lectern or table, with
the Gospel lying on it and
After kissing the Cross and
Gospels, they bow
kneel before the banner and kiss
its edge. After signing the book
taking the oath, they become
into operation. The priest sprinkles
sacred water of conscripts and
gives them parting words.

Attitude towards a woman

In Cossack society, a woman
associated with mother, wife
or sister. By the honor of a woman, by
her behavior was measured
the dignity of a husband, brother or father.
The standard for the relationship between husband and
the wife was the holy scripture, and
it is written in scripture
the following: “Not a husband for a wife, but
a wife for her husband”, “Let the wife fear
husband." With all this, strictly
adhered to the rule that the wife
does not interfere in men's affairs, but
husband should not be interested in business

A woman was forbidden to attend the Cossack gathering. For
outlining her problems in a circle, it was possible to involve her father, brother, son,
godfather, and if she had no one left or had no one, her interests could
represent the ataman.
The woman was such a respected subject of Cossack society that
she simply did not need the rights to participate in the circle. If a woman is talking about something
asked, her questions were definitely resolved. The point is that, as a rule,
the woman was always alone. A husband or brother could be in
on the march, at the cordon. Her man's stay in the house was, as a rule,
short-term, and the woman was responsible for all household issues.
In raising the younger generation, women were helped not only
her parents or her husband’s parents, the entire population helped her in this matter
farm or village.
If the younger generation committed any offense, completely
an outsider had the right not only to make a remark, but also
punish the offender physically. After that, inform
parents who could also add. Another useful rule
hostel of the Don Cossacks there was a ban on sorting things out, in
presence of children.

Cossacks and parents, attitude towards elders

Truly undeniable
the Cossacks had an attitude towards
your parents. Parents were
so revered that without
their blessing was impossible
start any work. Without them
blessings were not accepted
decisions on the most important
Don't honor your father or mother
was considered a great sin. Without them
consent, without the consent of relatives in
Overall, it was impossible to decide
issues of creating a new family.
The Cossacks had divorces
a rare occurrence.

Appeal to parents
provided only “You” - “You,
Mom,” “You, tattoo.” Addressed as "you"
to all elders.
When the old man appears, everything
those present stood up, the Cossacks,
who were in uniform, applied
hand to the headdress, and those who
were out of uniform, had to stand up,
take off your headdress and bow.
If you are older, not
allowed to sit, smoke or
talk (without him
permissions). In the presence of an elder
It was not allowed to swear obscenely.
It was impossible to contradict the elder.
The youth had to show
your endurance in any case. Words
senior were mandatory for
younger Cossack.

Hospitality of the Cossacks

The guest was considered God's messenger.
The guest was given the most honorable place at the table.
A guest could even be seated in the place of an old man, even
if he was much younger. The guest could have three
do not answer questions about the purpose of his arrival for a day
and where he comes from. Ask questions like this
was considered indecent.
Another characteristic feature
hospitality is that among the Cossacks
It was considered unacceptable to take food for yourself on the road
and for the horse. On any farm, in any village
were obliged to feed, even if there was no
his relatives or colleagues.

Rituals and holidays


In front of the girl he liked, the Cossack lad threw
hat out the window or into the yard, and if the girl didn’t immediately throw it away
hat outside, in the evening he could come with his father or godfather
The guests said: “Good people, don’t be angry, guy.”
I lost my hat, haven’t you found it yet? - Found
found... - answers the father of the bride, - they hung him on the fur coat,
Let him take it and never lose it again. This meant that matchmaking
didn’t happen - the bride’s parents are against it, the matchmaker could have done it
to object, they say, the thing is not ours, we will look for ours. And this
meant that there was an agreement between the girl and the guy, and the groom
will try to steal it. Somewhat frightened by this
Turn of events, the girl's father shouted: - Hey, Maryana! Come on,
give me the hat, whose is it with us!
If a girl brought a hat and laid it bottom down, this
meant that she agreed to marry the guy. If the papakha went to bed
on the table upside down with a cross up, this meant that the question of
marriage with the girl has not been agreed upon.


Young people leaving the church pass
under three "gates".
Leaving the doors of the cathedral or
church, there was a gate made of two naked
blades. It was called "passing under"
Pass under the second gate: two
the Cossack was held over their heads
newlyweds removed caps or
hats. That's what it's called - passing
under caps, which meant endowment
family and all legal offspring
protection, full legal rights,
which protected the family.
The third gate is formed from
a towel raised by an arch, a symbol
family customs. After, over them
heads, a rain of grain fell,
small coins and sweets in pieces of paper.

Rituals associated with the birth of a child

The Cossack was born a warrior, and with
birth of a baby
his military school began.
All relatives and
my father's friends brought a gun as a gift,
cartridges, gunpowder, bullets, bow and arrows.
These gifts hung on the wall,
where the mother and baby were lying.
After forty days the child
carried to church to “receive
prayers." Upon returning from church
home, the father put it on the child
saber sword belt, mounted the horse and
then he returned the son to his mother,
congratulated her on the Cossack.

Seeing off the Cossacks and welcoming them back from service

According to custom, everyone who went to
Cossacks gathered for service
church for a prayer service. Leaving for
war, be sure to take a handful
land near a church or cemetery with
graves of father, mother, or in the garden
the house itself. The earth was sewn into
bag, hung to the cross on
breast. If the Cossack was destined
to be killed, native land first
lay on his chest.
Together with the marching ataman and
The army listened to mass, prayed
Nikolai Ugodnik about
patronage and help.


Ivan Kupalo

We are direct descendants
cultural heritage of our ancestors. From
it is up to us to preserve this huge
Therefore, we must not only carefully
keep these traditions, but use
them in their family traditions: to sing
grandfather's songs, dance folk dances,
know your history, holidays and
rituals, be proud of your Cossacks

Orthodox holidays among the Cossacks The holidays were held like this: Military formation (in fifty and hundreds); Removal of banners, icons, centenary flags from the temple; The chieftain with a mace and insect led the celebration; Liturgy - church service; Speed ​​racing and overcoming an obstacle course on horses; Dzhigitovka; Demonstration of possession of weapons - saber, dagger, pike; Public feast for groups and families, mass celebrations. Cossack songs were sung in almost every house. On patronal feasts, according to ancient custom, a common dinner was held in the village hut after the prayer service. They brought everything that was most delicious to him. Christmas

  • The Yuletide tradition is universal sleigh rides. Children went down the slides on ice boats - household baskets doused with water in the cold
  • The Cossacks always prepared for the Christmas holidays carefully and in advance. They washed the house, whitewashed the walls, washed and starched curtains and tablecloths. A Christmas tree was an obligatory decoration in the house; its eternal greenery symbolized renewed life. For Christmastide, village residents sewed elegant dresses, made mummers’ costumes and masks.
  • A wide variety of dishes were prepared for the festive table. They slaughtered wild boar, lamb, geese, and turkeys. They prepared sausages, jellied meat, pies and pies with meat and fruit filling. The Christmas table was supposed to reflect the idea of ​​prosperity, abundance, and well-being.
  • However, on the eve of the Nativity of Christ (January 6), or on Bagata Vecheryu, Lenten dishes were placed on the table. Housewives always prepared ritual food - kutya and broth. Kutya is porridge, an obligatory dish when commemorating the dead, and vzvar is a drink brewed in honor of the birth of a child. Kutya was cooked early in the morning from grains of wheat, barley or rice, simmered in the oven, honey, hemp and cow butter were added. The broth was prepared using water from dried fruits. Kutya made from wheat with honey or linseed oil was placed under icons on hay as a sign of the birth of Jesus Christ in a manger. They prepared carefully for the evening: a plate with kutya was placed on a white scarf in the center. Pies, bagels, gingerbreads, and sweets were placed on top, then the ends of the scarf were tied with a cross. The celebration of the supper was carried out by children, teenagers, and young married couples on the evening before Christmas. In some villages the supper was served to grandparents, parents, including godparents. In others, not only to relatives, but to almost all residents in their region. The important point was that after tasting the brought kutia and pies, the owners added their own in return. This was done in every family, which contributed to renewal and strengthening of social ties cemented by ritual food.
  • During dinner on the eve of the Nativity of Christ, a device for deceased ancestors was placed on the table. In some villages they opened the door and called them to the table. The owner, and if he was not there, the hostess invited Frost, and sometimes the brownie, to the table. The text of the invitation asked not to freeze people, animals, or plants. The holy supper always began with prayer. During the feast, it was necessary to conduct as little conversation as possible, and not leave the table unless necessary. The girl and the guy were forbidden to sit on the corners of the table, so as not to be left without a married couple. It was impossible to pick up the spoon and put it back on the table. The dishes were washed down not with water, but with broth. It was believed that until the meal was finished, one could not leave the table, as well as the house, so as not to let in evil spirits.
  • After dinner, the youth went to caroling. Carols are Christmas songs and at the same time a treat that was prepared for the holidays from rye unleavened dough with various fillings or toppings. Such a treat was given to cheerful guests. Along with the Christian custom of going to glorify Christ (caroling) at Christmas, the pagan tradition of dressing up in animal skins, masks and costumes of sorcerers and witches also remains. Men and women, old and young, in order to scare away and remove evil spirits from themselves, these days themselves appeared in the guise of evil spirits. Singing and laughter could be heard from everywhere - carolers were walking, mostly girls and young women, accompanied by a “guide”. They went from house to house and, having asked the owners for permission, sang special carol songs, receiving bread, lard, sweets, and less often a small coin as a gift for their singing.
  • Baptism, according to tradition, was marked by a religious procession to the river, where a “Jordan” (decoration) was made under an ice hole.
  • Christmas time concludes with Epiphany (January 19). Before him, a strict one-day fast was observed, which ended either with the appearance of the evening star, or after the first blessing of water, which took place at approximately two o'clock in the morning in the church.
  • They returned home with blessed water and sprinkled, baptized, marking crosses with chalk, the farmstead, the house, family members, and the entire household. In some villages, at the same time, a solid chalk line was drawn around the outside of the house, so that the hemp would grow tall, so that nothing would run away from the house, and so that the chickens would lay eggs well. At that time, hemp was a strategically important raw material, since only ship ropes were made from it, including for the British fleet.
  • Before the blessing of the water in the river, if there was frost, a cross or several crosses were cut out of ice and a throne was made. Crosses could be painted, for example, with beet red kvass. As a rule, at the moment the priest lowered the cross into the water, those present released doves, shooting was carried out, and those who wished bathed.
  • Maslenitsa is the week preceding Lent and separating winter and spring in the calendar. According to Orthodox Easter, the celebration of Maslenitsa began 56 days before Easter and fell during the cheese week. Being the oldest holiday, Maslenitsa united pagan and Christian beliefs. For a whole week, folk songs were sung, the Cossacks went to visit each other for pancakes. Demonstration races and shooting were organized. Everyone was covered in Maslenitsa fun. Everyone felt like a member of a single Cossack family. More numerous and longer entertainments were held on Easter - the brightest holiday of the spring cycle. Easter celebrations began with Palm Sunday. This day was dedicated to children. Fairs with various performances (scientific bears, buffoons, bathing performances) were organized in villages, cities, and settlements.
  • The Cossacks also celebrated Trinity. Celebrating this holiday, as an Orthodox holiday, we honored the blossoming vegetation to ensure its growth and fruiting. To do this, be sure to cut the grass (mostly thyme) on Saturday before Trinity and spread it in the kuren
October 14 – Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Holiday of the Cossacks of all troops. Celebrated as Victory Day of 5.3 thousand Cossacks over 150 thousand Turks at the end of September 1641 in the Azov fortress

  • On this day, races and competitions were held, and a memorial dinner was always organized with drinks and chants in memory of all the fallen Cossacks.
Modern Cossacks A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary comprehensive Cossack cadet school" Transbaikal region, Nerchinsky district, village. Znamenka Presentation for the elective “Spiritual Culture of the Cossacks” on the topic “Rituals and Traditions of the Cossacks” Part 1 Prepared by Music Teacher Svetlana Yuryevna Trushina

A Cossack cannot consider himself a Cossack if he does not know and observe the traditions and customs of the Cossacks. Merciless to their enemies, the Cossacks in their midst were always complacent, generous and hospitable. There was some kind of duality at the core of the Cossack’s character: sometimes he was cheerful, playful, funny, sometimes he was unusually sad, silent, and inaccessible. On the one hand, this is explained by the fact that the Cossacks, constantly looking into the eyes of death, tried not to miss the joy that befell them. On the other hand - they are philosophers and poets at heart - they often thought about the eternal, about the vanity of existence and about the inevitable outcome of this life.

Meeting and seeing off the Cossacks.
According to custom, all Cossacks leaving for service gathered in the church for a prayer service. When leaving for war, they always took a handful of earth from the church or cemetery from the grave of their father or mother, or in the garden near the house. The Cossacks were met not only by their relatives and friends, but also by all the residents of the village.

Wedding. Pre-wedding.
Communication between the bride and groom

Bachelorette and bachelor parties
Wedding songs

Greetings and addresses.
The greeting sounded in three versions (derived from “great”): “It’s been a great day!” (afternoon, rather evening), “we had a great night!” (morning, before lunch), “you live well!” (Anytime). To greet each other, the Cossacks slightly raised their headdress and, with a handshake, inquired about the family’s health and the state of affairs. When meeting, after a long separation, and also when saying goodbye, the Cossacks hugged and touched cheeks. They greeted each other with a kiss on the Great Feast of the Resurrection of Christ, on Easter, and kissing was allowed only among men and separately among women.

Attitude towards elders.
In the presence of an elder, it was not allowed to sit, smoke, talk (enter without his permission), and especially not to express himself obscenely. It was considered indecent to overtake an old man (senior in age); it was necessary to ask permission to pass. When entering somewhere, the eldest person is allowed in first. It was considered indecent for a younger person to enter into conversations in the presence of an older person. The younger one must give way to the old man (senior). The younger one must show patience and restraint, and not argue in any case. The elder's words were binding on the younger. During general (joint) events and decision-making, the opinion of the elder was necessarily sought. In conflict situations, disputes, discord, and fights, the word of the old man (senior) was decisive and its immediate execution was required. In general, among the Cossacks and especially among the Kuban people, respect for elders was an internal need in the Kuban, even in address you can rarely hear - “grandfather”, “old”, etc., but it is affectionately pronounced “batko”, “batki”.

Funeral rite
For a Cossack, death on the battlefield or among his family was considered worthy. The Cossacks buried them according to the Orthodox rite. The body of the deceased was washed: men - men, women - women. The deceased was dressed only in new clothes. Underwear was sewn by hand. The coffin was carried in their arms. It was the duty of the son and relatives to accompany the parent on his last journey. They buried him on the third day. And they always organized a wake: on the day of the funeral, on the 9th and 40th days and on the anniversary of death. When a person died in the village, they “called to their hearts.” If a child died, the bell would ring high; if an elderly person died, the bell would ring low.

SOURCES =Cossacks+pictures&newwindow

Cossack folk holidays

Fine arts lesson in 4th grade

Completed by: Fine Arts teacher MBOU "Alekseevo-Tuzlovskaya Secondary School" Dukacheva Galina Ivanovna

Target : acquaintance with the life, way of life, customs and traditions of the Don Cossacks. Tasks : develop creative imagination, graphic skills and the ability to work in groups, improve skills in depicting people, make interdisciplinary connections (art, history, music, literature), and cultivate interest in the traditions of the Don Cossacks.

Life and everyday life of the Don Cossacks

You and I live in a region rich in glorious traditions and people. And today we will get acquainted with another page of its history - the life and way of life of the Don Cossacks. We will learn about the origins of the Don Cossacks, about the morals and customs of these heroic people.

Our roots go deep into the past. The Cossacks came to the Don a very long time ago. Amazing lands, untouched, deserted, dense forests and wide steppes. You won’t see a single person, but there are a great many animals and birds.

Which ones do you know Proverbs and sayings, associated with Cossack prowess?

Proverbs and sayings of the Cossacks

  • “Either your chest is covered in crosses, or your head is in the bushes” (decided to act).
  • “A Cossack would rather die than leave his native land” (he fights for his native land to the end).
  • “Whoever is afraid of a bullet is not fit to be a Cossack” (a Cossack cannot be a coward in danger).
  • “The Don Cossack will not betray honor, even if his little head perishes” (honor is more valuable to him than life).
  • “Get it - or not be at home.”
  • “Kick your foot into the stirrup and lose your head” (you may not return from service).
  • “Gaitan on the neck, and a hat on the side - death is not coming soon” (faith and strength are what gives the Cossack hope).

All power on the Don belonged to the Cossack circle (Military, stanitsa, farm), which resolved issues of war and peace, life and death, weddings and divorces. This is how it is sung in the Cossack song:

The Cossacks gathered - friends, free people, They gathered, brothers, in a single circle, They all thought the same thought.

What the circle decreed was sacred - it was the law.

The Cossack always served for the faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland, and the Cossack woman raised children and created family comfort. “A Cossack fights in a foreign land, but his wife grieves at home” (the burdens of war also fall on the family). Such was the life and customs of the Don Cossacks.

What were the Cossacks’ revered holidays and how did they spend them?

Cossack Orthodox holidays

The holidays went something like this: Military formation (in fifty and hundreds); Removal of banners, icons, centenary flags from the temple; The chieftain with a mace and insect led the celebration; Liturgy - church service; Speed ​​racing and overcoming an obstacle course on horses; Dzhigitovka; Demonstration of possession of weapons - saber, dagger, pike; Public feast for groups and families, mass celebrations.

Cossack songs were sung in almost every house. On patronal feasts, according to ancient custom, a common dinner was held in the village hut after the prayer service. They brought everything that was most delicious to him.


Yuletide tradition- general sleigh rides. Children went down the slides on ice boats - household baskets doused with water in the cold.


Epiphany According to tradition, it was marked by a religious procession to the river, where a “Jordan” (decoration) was made under an ice hole.


Maslenitsa- the week preceding Lent and separating winter and spring in the calendar. According to Orthodox Easter, the celebration of Maslenitsa began 56 days before Easter and fell during the cheese week. Being the oldest holiday, Maslenitsa united pagan and Christian beliefs. For a whole week, folk songs were sung, the Cossacks visited each other for pancakes. Demonstration races and shooting were organized. Everyone was covered in Maslenitsa fun. Everyone felt like a member of a single Cossack family.


More numerous and lengthy entertainments were held on Easter– the brightest holiday of the spring cycle. Easter celebrations began with Palm Sunday. This day was dedicated to children. Fairs with various performances (scientific bears, buffoons, bathing performances) were organized in villages, cities, and settlements.


It was noted among the Cossacks and Trinity. Celebrating this holiday, as an Orthodox holiday, we honored the blossoming vegetation to ensure its growth and fruiting. To do this, on Saturday before Trinity, they cut the grass (mostly thyme) and spread it in the kuren.


As a general Cossack holiday, the day was celebrated Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this day, races and competitions were held, and a memorial dinner was always organized with drinks and chants in memory of all the fallen Cossacks.

Independent work of students

Exercise . Create a panel of a Cossack folk holiday.

The order of work on the panel

1. Divide the class into 2 groups.

2. In each group, select a group of “main artists”.

3. Think over the theme and composition of the Cossack holiday.

4. For a group of “main artists,” draw and paint elements of the landscape (buildings, trees) on a sheet of paper.

5. Another group should draw figures of people in Cossack costumes and cut them out.

6. Under the guidance of the “main artists”, paste the cut out figures of Cossacks and Cossack women onto the panel.

Slide 1

Slide 2

Traditional appearance of the Cossacks. By tradition, in Russia the mustache was an integral part of the military uniform. The hat played an integral role in the appearance of the Cossack. . A hat knocked off a woman's head, as well as a scarf torn off a woman, was a mortal insult, followed by bloody retribution. Earrings (for men) signified the role and place of the Cossack in the family. The Cossack simply had to be charming, cheerful, friendly and witty.

Slide 3

Meeting and seeing off the Cossacks. According to custom, all Cossacks leaving for service gathered in the church for a prayer service. When leaving for war, they always took a handful of earth from the church or cemetery from the grave of their father or mother, or in the garden near the house. The Cossacks were met not only by their relatives and friends, but also by all the residents of the village.

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6

Greetings and addresses. The greeting sounded in three versions (derived from “great”): “It’s been a great day!” (afternoon, rather evening), “we had a great night!” (morning, before lunch), “you live well!” (Anytime). To greet each other, the Cossacks slightly raised their headdress and, with a handshake, inquired about the family’s health and the state of affairs. When meeting, after a long separation, and also when saying goodbye, the Cossacks hugged and touched cheeks. They greeted each other with a kiss on the Great Feast of the Resurrection of Christ, on Easter, and kissing was allowed only among men and separately among women.

Slide 7

Attitude towards elders. In the presence of an elder, it was not allowed to sit, smoke, talk (enter without his permission), and especially not to express himself obscenely. It was considered indecent to overtake an old man (senior in age); it was necessary to ask permission to pass. When entering somewhere, the eldest person is allowed in first. It was considered indecent for a younger person to enter into conversations in the presence of an older person. The younger one must give way to the old man (senior). The younger one must show patience and restraint, and not argue in any case. The elder's words were binding on the younger. During general (joint) events and decision-making, the opinion of the elder was necessarily sought. In conflict situations, disputes, discord, and fights, the word of the old man (senior) was decisive and its immediate execution was required. In general, among the Cossacks and especially among the Kuban people, respect for elders was an internal need in the Kuban, even in address you can rarely hear - “grandfather”, “old”, etc., but it is affectionately pronounced “batko”, “batki”.

Slide 8

Funeral ritual For a Cossack, death on the battlefield or in the family circle was considered worthy. The Cossacks buried them according to the Orthodox rite. The body of the deceased was washed: men - men, women - women. The deceased was dressed only in new clothes. Underwear was sewn by hand. The coffin was carried in their arms. It was the duty of the son and relatives to accompany the parent on his last journey. They buried him on the third day. And they always organized a wake: on the day of the funeral, on the 9th and 40th days and on the anniversary of death. When a person died in the village, they “called to their hearts.” If a child died, the bell would ring high; if an elderly person died, the bell would ring low.
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Light tasty salads with crab sticks and eggs can be prepared in a hurry. I like crab stick salads because...
Let's try to list the main dishes made from minced meat in the oven. There are many of them, suffice it to say that depending on what it is made of...
There is nothing tastier and simpler than salads with crab sticks. Whichever option you take, each perfectly combines the original, easy...
Let's try to list the main dishes made from minced meat in the oven. There are many of them, suffice it to say that depending on what it is made of...
Half a kilo of minced meat, evenly distributed on a baking sheet, bake at 180 degrees; 1 kilogram of minced meat - . How to bake minced meat...
Want to cook a great dinner? But don't have the energy or time to cook? I offer a step-by-step recipe with a photo of portioned potatoes with minced meat...