Presentation on the topic of the largest art museums in the country. The largest museums in Russia presentation on art on the topic. Presentations about “Museums”

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Museums of the world

Hermitage The Hermitage, the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, is one of the largest art, cultural and historical museums in the world. Founded in 1764 by Empress Catherine II;

This wonderful building and future artistic institution are capable of mastering all the forces of the soul, constituting for its creator both joy and pride, and an object of the purest and strongest love. I. V. Tsvetaev, 1903

British Museum The British Museum in London is one of the largest museums in the world. Founded in 1753. The British Museum houses monuments of art, culture and history of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

Louvre Louvre in Paris, an architectural monument and one of the largest art museums in the world.

Metropolitan Museum of Art The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is the largest art collection in the United States and one of the largest in the world. Founded in 1870 on the basis of private collections donated to the museum, opened in 1872.

Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin in Moscow, the second most important collection of foreign fine art in Russia (after the Hermitage in St. Petersburg). Created on the initiative of Professor I.V. Tsvetaeva on the basis of the Cabinet of Fine Arts of Moscow University as the Museum of Casts; until 1937 it was called the Museum of Fine Arts.

National Gallery National Gallery in London The National Gallery in London, one of the world's best collections of Western European painting. Founded in 1824 on the basis of the collection of J. J. Angerstein.

Prado Prado, the Prado National Museum of Painting and Sculpture, in Madrid, is one of the largest art museums in the world. Founded in 1819 on the basis of royal collections.

Uffizi Uffizi in Florence, an art gallery, one of the largest in Italy. Housed in a building built for government offices (1560–1585, architects G. Vasari and B. Buontalenti). Founded in 1575 on the basis of the collections of the Medici family.

Russian Museum In the center of St. Petersburg on Arts Square there is a majestic building with a classic eight-column portico - the former Mikhailovsky Palace, built by the outstanding Russian architect K. I. Rossi in 1819-1825. The Russian Museum was opened here in 1898, which, along with the Tretyakov Gallery, is the largest collection of Russian fine art.

State Tretyakov Gallery In a quiet Lavrushinsky Lane there is a building that is well known to both Muscovites and guests of the capital. This is the Tretyakov Gallery, or Tretyakovka. The art gallery bears the name of its founder - the enlightened Moscow merchant Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov (1832-1898), who, collecting works of Russian art, worked for more than 30 years to create a public museum of the Russian national school of painting.


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Moscow Kremlin

The Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin is the oldest Russian treasury museum

The Armory Chamber houses military relics of Russian military glory, ancient signs of state power, precious clothes, national dishes made of silver and gold.

The Armory Chamber is located on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin, at the Borovitsky Gate

We invite you to a “virtual excursion” to the ARMORY CHAMBER - one of the most interesting museums of the Moscow Kremlin

We have to find out... valuable items from the weapons collection. household items. We will see... We will look with interest... highly artistic samples of clothing. exhibits in the hall of embassy gifts. why the museum is called the Armory Chamber. when it arose. what interesting exhibits are stored here.

We can answer the questions: What exhibits are presented in the Hall of State Regalia? What period in the history of the Russian state are they associated with? What is a collection of ceremonial horse equipment?

A little history The first mention of the Armory dates back to 1508. But in ancient documents (letters) there is earlier information about the creation of the princely treasury. In 1485, a special building was built for the production and storage of treasures. Since 1967, the lower floor of the Armory has housed a permanent exhibition - the Diamond Fund.

How did the name Armory Chamber come about? Chambers (plural; obsolete) - workshops where valuable items were made - the property of Moscow princes. Chambers (plural; obsolete) – large stone buildings where these workshops were located.

In one of these chambers there was a large weapons workshop. The museum was named after this workshop. In which halls is the collection of weapons displayed today?

One of the nine rooms is occupied by a collection of weapons.

Which exhibit in the weapons hall is the most ancient item? - Helmet of the Russian prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich - father of Alexander Nevsky

To describe the exhibits in this hall, we will have to use outdated words and terminological vocabulary (see also slide 31) Weapons Ceremonial and military weapons Firearms Hunting flint weapons Chain mail Helmet Saber, dagger

Ancient handwritten liturgical books are richly represented

Interesting collection of precious dishes Bowl Ladle (one of the most honorable awards in the Russian state) Dish Church utensils Gold and silver dishes Items of palace decoration

Antique and modern dishes and decorative items in the shape of a ladle

Bratina - an ancient drinking cup - “healthy cup”

Golden chalice - a cup for church rituals (sacraments)

Ancient clothing: Ceremonial clothing (“sakkos”) of the head of the Russian church, Metropolitan Peter (1322)

Samples of artistic embroidery and ceremonial secular clothing

Hall of State Regalia Monomakh's Cap was used by all Russian tsars in the 16th-17th centuries to crown their kingdom. Historical signs of state power.

Samples of Russian jewelry art

A unique collection of royal thrones. The most ancient throne is made of wood. Belonged to Ivan the Terrible

“Who will become the Russian sovereign after Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich?” Why does this throne (1682) have two chairs?

Hall of Ambassadorial Gifts Rich gifts brought to Moscow by ambassadors, messengers and other diplomatic representatives. The richer the gifts, the more honor and respect shown to the state.

German silverware Items made of ivory, mother-of-pearl shells London collection of silverware and many others.

The “Diamond” Throne is the most luxurious of the museum’s exhibits. The throne was brought by the Persian ambassador to Tsar Boris Godunov. Decorated with gold, turquoise and gems. Made by the court jewelers of the Shah of Iran

Crews of Russian and foreign work

Let's discuss! Which of the exhibits from the huge and richest collection of the Armory Chamber made the greatest impression on you? Why?

EXPRESS SURVEY Why is the museum called the Armory Chamber? Name what interesting exhibits are kept in the Armory Chamber. Tell us about the most valuable items from your weapons collection. What did you learn about household items at the Armory? What is their value? What highly artistic clothing samples are presented in the exhibition? Which of the exhibits in the Hall of Ambassadorial Gifts surprised you the most? Why? What exhibits are presented in the Hall of State Regalia? What period in the history of the Russian state are they associated with? What is a collection of ceremonial horse equipment? What artistic merits does it have? Which of the exhibits from the richest collection of the Armory Chamber made the greatest impression on you? Why?

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Famous museums of the world

Completed by: Mitrakova Yulia Nikolaevna

Teacher MBOU "Krasnoberezhskaya Secondary School"


This is the first Russian museum founded by Peter the Great I in St. Petersburg. The population brought antiquities to the museum, bones of ancient animals - everything that was unusual and old. The Tsar loved to tell visitors about the exhibits of his museum. In gratitude for their curiosity, listeners received a free treat. Today it is called the “Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after. Peter the Great" and includes collections of antiquities and everyday life of the peoples of the world.

Hermitage in St. Petersburg

– Winter Palace , Small Hermitage , Old Hermitage , New Hermitage and the Hermitage Theater ,

  • One of the largest art and cultural-historical museums in the world. Founded in 1764 by Empress Catherine II; the main part of the collection is housed in 5 interconnected buildings on Palace Embankment – Winter Palace , Small Hermitage , Old Hermitage , New Hermitage and the Hermitage Theater , as well as in the Menshikov Palace on Vasilyevsky Island. The Hermitage collection is based on the collections of the Russian imperial house, in the 18th – early 20th centuries. constantly replenished by the purchase of valuable foreign collections, the receipt of materials from archaeological excavations, etc.
  • One of the largest art and cultural-historical museums in the world. Founded in 1764 by Empress Catherine II; the main part of the collection is housed in 5 interconnected buildings on Palace Embankment – Winter Palace , Small Hermitage , Old Hermitage , New Hermitage and the Hermitage Theater , as well as in the Menshikov Palace on Vasilyevsky Island. The Hermitage collection is based on the collections of the Russian imperial house, in the 18th – early 20th centuries. constantly replenished by the purchase of valuable foreign collections, the receipt of materials from archaeological excavations, etc.

Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin in Moscow

The second most important collection of foreign fine art in Russia (after the Hermitage in St. Petersburg). Created on the initiative of Professor I.V. Tsvetaeva as a Museum of Casts. Initially, the museum's collection included casts of outstanding works of ancient and Western European sculpture, a unique collection of art monuments of Ancient Egypt, works of European painting, and a valuable collection of antique vases and coins. Nowadays the Museum of Fine Arts stores art monuments of the Ancient East, ancient Greece and Rome, Byzantium, Western and Eastern Europe.

  • One of the largest museums in the world. Founded in 1753. The British Museum houses monuments of art, culture and history of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome (Parthenon reliefs, the richest collection of Greek vase paintings, a collection of antique cameos), the peoples of Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Oceania, unique in the size and representativeness of the collection of engravings, drawings, coins and medals. The British Museum library contains more than 7 million books, about 105 thousand manuscripts, including Egyptian papyri.

  • One of the best collections of Western European paintings in the world. Founded in 1824 on the basis of the collection of J. J. Angerstein. Stores collections of European schools of painting, represented by outstanding works of art, including “Madonna of the Rocks” by Leonardo da Vinci

  • An architectural monument and one of the largest art museums in the world. Originally a royal palace in the historical center of the city; was built since 1546. Among the masterpieces of the Louvre are the ancient Greek statues “Nike of Samothrace” and “Venus of Melos”, Michelangelo’s statues “The Rebellious Slave” and “The Dying Slave”, a portrait of Monna Lisa (“La Gioconda”)

  • Founded in 1870 on the basis of private collections donated to the museum, it opened in 1872. The Metropolitan Museum of Art includes departments of American painting and sculpture, weapons, art of Ancient Egypt, ancient art, European painting, engraving and lithography, and departments of musical instruments.

  • One of the largest art museums in the world. Founded in 1819 on the basis of royal collections. Contains the richest collection of Spanish painting of the 15th–16th centuries.

  • Art gallery, one of the largest in Italy. The gallery houses the world's richest collection of Italian paintings 13–18 centuries (works by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Titian, etc.), works of ancient art, most schools of European painting, a unique selection of self-portraits of European artists.

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What is a Museum?

Museum is an institution engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects - monuments of natural history, material and spiritual culture

Previously, this concept referred to a collection of exhibits on art and science, then, since the 18th century, it also included the building where the exhibits are located.


National Museum of France. One of the first European museums and one of the most visited museums in the world and the third largest in the world.

The museum is located in the center of Paris, on the right bank of the Seine. The most famous masterpieces of the Louvre are Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, the ancient Greek sculptures of the Venus de Milo and the Nike of Samothrace.

Museum of St. Petersburg Labyrinth

Interactive entertaining science museum for children and adults

It opened quite recently - in December 2010. Here you can get acquainted with the basic laws of physics experimentally. The museum has a hall with optical illusions; a room with instruments where you can take part in experiments with electricity; water experiment room; mirror Maze.

Museum of the Human Body

The building of the museum, located in Leiden, the Netherlands, is made in the form of a human figure. Moving from floor to floor, museum visitors seem to be making a journey inside the human body: past huge organs or right through them. On special screens you can see various processes taking place in the body: digestion, oxygen supply, etc.

Instant Noodle Museum

Instant noodles were invented by the Japanese Momofuku Ando in 1958, and the museum located in Osaka contains everything that can be related to this product. Moreover, visitors can not only gawk at the exhibits, but also take part in the creation of unique noodles in a mini-factory, and they can take the finished product in a plastic cup with them.

Central Museum of Communications named after. A.S. Popova

One of the oldest scientific and technical museums, visitors can get acquainted here not only with rare exhibits related to the history of postal, telegraph and telephone communications, radio communications and broadcasting, television and space communications, but also with modern means of telecommunications.

Railway Museum

The museum is located near the Brest Fortress. Founded in 2002. In the open air you can see about 50 examples of railway equipment from the beginning and middle of the last century. A distinctive feature of the museum is that most of the exhibits are active. It’s true that you won’t be able to ride like a breeze, but it’s easy to arrange a photo shoot.

Darwin Museum in Moscow

An entertaining journey will introduce you to amazing animals presented in the exhibition of the halls “History of the Museum”, “Diversity of Life on Earth”, “Origin of Species (Microevolution)”, “Zoogeography”. The “Fun Museum” will tell you stories about a cone animal, a mushroom bird, a swimming hedgehog, a six-legged deer, a toy dog ​​and other animals, birds and fish. You won't be bored in our museum.

Vienna Clock Museum

Represents the history of time measurement since 1921. Here you can see the famous Nuremberg egg and pocket sundial, as well as clocks built into paintings and singing clocks.

Museum. Children in the museum. Museums of Russia. School Museum. Mini-museum. Mini-museum. Zoo museum. Madame Tussauds museum. Ethnographical museum. Museum-estate "Yasnaya Polyana". British museum. Types of museums. Darwin Museum. Museum birthday. Dresden Art Gallery. University Museum. Yasnaya Polyana Museum. "Come to our museum.

Glass Museum. How did museums appear? Museums of the Ryazan region. Excursions to the school museum. I'll take you to the museum... Museum of Russian hut. Home museum. Museum “Russian Life. Romanov Museum. School Museum of Local Lore. Museum of Mathematics. Famous museums of the world. Museums in the life of the city. The most famous museums in the world. We invite you to our museum.

Russian Ethnographic Museum. Stepanov Museum. Project "school museum". A peace museum for all the people of the world. Sherlock Holmes Museum. Museum of Mothers. Museums of the city of Voronezh. Museums of Belgium. National Museum of the Komi Republic. Historical museums, monuments, cities. About the program “Hello, Museum”. Museum "Our Relics". Museum of Chemistry.

Project "Children in the Museum". International Museum Day. Excursion to the school museum. The best museums in Russia. Name of the museum. Historical information about the museum. Mini-museum "Chicken Ryaba". Virtual excursions to museums around the world. Museum - fortress "Korela". Pilgrim Museum. Mini-museum "TIME". Museums of Bryansk. Mini-museum of folk art.

Questions on the topic “Museums”. Albums "Museums of the World". Museums of the city of Cheboksary. Museum of School No. 5. Museum "Epoch and Children". Project “Creation of a School Museum”. Novosibirsk Museum of World Funeral Culture. The museum came to the school. Organization of the project “Mini-Museum of Preschool Educational Institution”. Mini-museum "Pets". Tomsk District Museum.

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