Presentation on the topic "Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko". Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko Purpose: To summarize information about Mikhail Zoshchenko

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Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko (1895-1958) No, I, perhaps, did not manage to become very good. It is very difficult. But this, children, is what I have always strived for. Mikhail Zoshchenko

In 1913 he entered the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. In 1915, during the First World War, having interrupted his studies at the university, Zoshchenko went to the front, where he was a platoon commander, warrant officer and battalion commander. volunteered to go to the front and commanded a battalion.

In 1917 he returned to St. Petersburg, in 1918, despite heart disease, he volunteered for the Red Army, where he was the commander of a machine gun team and an adjutant. After the Civil War in 1919, Zoshchenko studied in a creative studio at the publishing house “World Literature” in Petrograd, headed by K. I. Chukovsky.

In 1920-1921 his stories appeared.

Mikhail Zoshchenko at a meeting of the Serapion Brothers literary circle.

Zoshchenko’s works, which went beyond the scope of “positive satire on individual shortcomings,” were no longer published. However, the writer himself increasingly ridiculed the life of Soviet society.

He died on July 22, 1958, but was not allowed to be buried in Leningrad. He is buried in Sestroretsk.

Monument to M.M. Zoshchenko in Sestroretsk.

State Literary and Memorial Museum named after. MM. Zoshchenko in St. Petersburg

Zoshchenko, like a kind wizard, accompanies the children, admonishing and guiding them on the path to truth, goodness, and justice. This is the theme of the story “Golden Words”.

Who are the main characters of the story? From whose perspective is the story told?

Ethical standards from M. Zoshchenko’s story “Golden Words” 1. Do not interrupt your interlocutor. 2. Respect the speaker. 3. Consider the age difference. 4. Act taking into account the current circumstances. Ethics - the study of rules of behavior

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Presentation for a literary reading lesson at the Harmony Educational Complex on the topic “Stories by M.M. Zoshchenko for children” in 3rd grade. Can be used for extracurricular reading lessons and literary reading lessons of various teaching materials. In the presentation, third-graders get acquainted with the biography of the writer and go on a journey “Into the world of M.M. Zoshchenko’s books.” Various tasks and quizzes await them. From the words they will be able to make up the names of the works that the students read. Based on the lines from the stories, they will be able to remember and name the work, and determine the main idea of ​​the story.



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Literary reading lesson “Stories by M.M. Zoshchenko for children" 3rd grade UMK Harmony Teacher Gorshkova Irina Vyacheslavovna


Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko (1894 - 1958) Born on July 29 (August 9), 1894 in St. Petersburg in the family of an artist. There were 8 children in the family.

Misha Zoshchenko 1897 Museum-apartment M.M. Zoshchenko Misha with sisters Elena and Valentina 1897 The uniqueness of this museum is that in the writer’s office all the things are original.



Determine the title of the story “Great Travelers” “...We will go straight and straight, crossing mountains and deserts. And we will go straight until we come back here, even if it took us a whole year...”

Determine the title of the story “Golden Words” “...When I was little, I really loved having dinner with adults. And my sister Lelya also loved such dinners no less than me ... "

Determine the title of the story “Yolka” “...And Lyolya was such a tall, long-knitted girl. And she could reach high. She stood on her tiptoes and began to eat the second lozenge with her big mouth...”

Determine the title of the story “No need to lie” “- Come on, give me your diary here! I'll put a unit there for you. And I cried, because it was my first unit and I still didn’t know what happened…”

Determine the title of the story “The Most Important Thing” “From now on, Mom, I decided to be a brave person. And with these words Andryusha went into the yard for a walk. And in the yard the boys were playing football. These boys usually offended Andryusha. And he was afraid of them like fire. And he always ran away from them. But today…"


Determine what type of literature the works “Golden Words” belong to FICTION “Don’t lie” “Great travelers” “Yolka” “The most important thing”

Find sentences in the text that express the main idea of ​​the story proposed to you.

Find sentences in the text that express the main idea of ​​the story “Yolka” “... And in all these thirty-five years, I, children, have never eaten someone else’s apple and never hit someone who is weaker than me. And now the doctors say that that’s why I’m so relatively cheerful and good-natured."

Find sentences in the text that express the main idea of ​​the story “No need to lie” “...The fact that you admitted this made me extremely happy. You confessed something that could have remained unknown for a long time. And this gives me hope that you won’t lie anymore...”

Find sentences in the text that express the main idea of ​​the story “Golden Words”: “Everything must be done taking into account the changed situation. And you need to write these words in golden letters in your heart. Otherwise it will be absurd."

Find sentences in the text that express the main idea of ​​the story “Great Travelers” “- It’s not enough to know geography and the multiplication table. To go on a trip around the world, you must have a higher education of five courses. You need to know everything that is taught there, including cosmography. And those who set off on a long journey without this knowledge come to sad results that are worthy of regret.”

Find sentences in the text that express the main idea of ​​the story “The Most Important Thing”: “Everything must be done taking into account the changed situation. And you need to write these words in golden letters in your heart. Otherwise it will be absurd."

Find sentences in the text that express the main idea of ​​the story “The Most Important Thing”: “You need to know a lot. And in order to know a lot, you need to study. He who studies becomes smart. And whoever is smart must be brave. And everyone loves and respects the brave and smart.

What do M.M.’s stories teach us? Zoshchenko, whom we learned about today? What stories by M.M. Zoshchenko, do you still know about Lela and Minka?”

“No, I may not have managed to become very good. It is very difficult. But this, children, is what I have always strived for.” Mikhail Zoshchenko

Project work on literature: “The life and work of Mikhail Zoshchenko” Completed:
Kukin Roman
Student 9 "A" class
Teacher of Russian language and literature
Zharkova Marina Evgenievna

Purpose: To summarize information about Mikhail Zoshchenko

1. Study and select material
2. Design the material
3. Present the project

Mikhail Mikhailovich
Zoshchenko was born
on the Petrograd side,
in house no. 4, apt. 1,
along Bolshaya Raznochinnaya

In 1913 Zoshchenko
graduated from the 8th gymnasium in
Petersburg. One year
studied law
Faculty of Emperors
whom St. Petersburg
university (was
expelled for non-payment)

February 5, 1915
sent to
headquarters of the Kyiv
military district,
where he was sent from
for replenishment
to Vyatka and Kazan, to
106th Infantry
reserve battalion
as commander of the 6th
marching company.

Debuted in print
in 1922.
Belonged to
literary group
"Serapion's brothers."
From left to right: K. Fedin, M.
Slonimsky, Tikhonov, E. Polonskaya,
M. Zoshchenko, N. Nikitin, I. Gruzdev, V.

August 14, 1946
Resolution comes out
Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks
magazines "Star" and
"Leningrad", in which
literary platform
to the writer Zoshchenko"
were subjected to the most severe
devastating criticism of the editors
both magazines - magazine
"Leningrad" actually existed
closed forever

Mikhail Zoshchenko during his life
received many awards:
Order of St. Stanislaus III class.
Order of St. Anne IV Art. Order
St. Stanislaus II Art. with swords.
Order of St. Anne III class. Order
St. Vladimir IV century.
For literary work:
January 31, 1939 - Order of Labor
Red Banner.
April 1946 - Medal "For
valiant work in the Great
Patriotic War 1941-1945."

Zoshchenko is not a writer
only comic style,
but also comic
provisions. Style it
stories are not
just funny
words, incorrect
grammatical phrases
and sayings.

Zoshchenko of the 30s completely
refuses not only
usual social mask, but
and from developed over the years
fabulous manner. The author and his
the heroes now speak quite
correct literary
tongue. At the same time, naturally
speech becomes somewhat dull
gamma, but it became obvious that
the same Zoshchenkovsky style
could no longer be realized
a new circle of ideas and images.

High and pure
didactics with special
embodied in a cycle
touching and affectionate
stories for children,
written in 1937 -1938

In June 1953
Zoshchenko was again
admitted to the Union
writers. Boycott
not for long

In the spring of 1958 Zoshchenko
it gets worse - he
got poisoned
nicotine, which led to
is short-term
spasm of cerebral vessels. U
Zoshchenko has difficulty speaking,
he stops recognizing
those around you.
July 22, 1958 at 0:45
Mikhail Zoshchenko died from
acute cardiac

links to sites used in the project

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko
28.07.1984 – 22.07.1958
Russian writer, satirist and playwright

Mikhail Zoshchenko was born in St. Petersburg (according to other sources, in Poltava). In September 1927, Zoshchenko, at the request of the editors of Behemoth, wrote an autobiography.

Father - Mikhail Ivanovich Zoshchenko, an artist, was a member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. He participated in the production of mosaic panels on the facade of the Suvorov Museum. Five-year-old Mikhail placed a branch of a small Christmas tree in the left corner.
Mother - Elena Osipovna (Iosifovna) Zoshchenko, née Surina, played in the amateur theater and wrote short stories.
Mikhail with his sisters

In 1913 Zoshchenko entered the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. His first surviving stories, Vanity (1914) and Two-kopeck (1914), date back to this time.
In 1915, Zoshchenko volunteered to go to the front, commanded a battalion, and became a Knight of St. George. Literary work did not stop during these years. In 1917 he was demobilized due to heart disease that arose after gas poisoning.

Upon returning to Petrograd, Marusya, Meshchanochka, Neighbor and other unpublished stories were written, in which the influence of G. Maupassant was felt. In 1918, despite his illness, Zoshchenko volunteered for the Red Army and fought on the fronts of the Civil War until 1919.
In the humorous Orders on railway police and criminal supervision written at that time, Art. Ligovo and other unpublished works can already feel the style of the future satirist.

“By the mid-20s of the 20th century, Zoshchenko became one of the most popular writers. His humor appealed to the broadest masses of readers. His books began to sell out instantly, as soon as they appeared on the book counter...” (K. I. Chukovsky)

M. Zoshchenko considered the book “Before Sunrise” to be a significant work. For Zoshchenko, this book was important because it helped him understand the reasons for his nervousness and gloom. From the book, the reader learns about the writer's life in very fine detail.
The book was published in the magazine "October" in 1943. The beginning was published in issues 6-7, and the writer was hit with a barrage of criticism. Printing was suspended and books were banned.

In the most difficult years for himself, Zoshchenko writes stories for children: “Stories about Lenin”, written from the memoirs of Anna Ilyinichna Ulyanova, stories about children in the war, about animals, “Exemplary Child”, “Coward Vasya”. The best of all that Zoshchenko has written for children are the stories about the writer’s own childhood - “Lelya and Minka”.

In the spring of 1958, he became worse - Zoshchenko received nicotine poisoning, which resulted in a short-term spasm of cerebral vessels. Zoshchenko has difficulty speaking and no longer recognizes those around him. On July 22, 1958 at 0:45 Zoshchenko died of acute heart failure. The authorities banned the writer’s funeral on the Literary Bridge of the Volkovsky Cemetery; Zoshchenko was buried in Sestroretsk.


No, I may not have been able to become very good. It is very difficult. But this, children, is what I have always strived for.

Mikhail Zoshchenko

In 1913 he entered the Faculty of Law

St. Petersburg University.

In 1915, during the First World War, interrupting

studying at the university, Zoshchenko went to the front, where

was a platoon leader, warrant officer and commander

battalion volunteered to go to the front, commanded


In 1917 he returned to St. Petersburg, in 1918, despite

heart disease, volunteered for the Red Army, where he was the commander of a machine gun team and an adjutant. After the Civil War in 1919, Zoshchenko studied in a creative studio at the publishing house “World Literature” in Petrograd, headed by K. I. Chukovsky.

Mikhail Zoshchenko at a literary circle meeting

"Serapion's brothers."

Zoshchenko's works that go beyond

"positive satire on individual

shortcomings,” they stopped printing.

However, the writer himself increasingly ridiculed

life of Soviet society.

Monument to M.M. Zoshchenko

in Sestroretsk.

State Literary and Memorial Museum named after.

MM. Zoshchenko in St. Petersburg

- Who are the main characters of the story? From whose perspective is the story told?

Ethics- the doctrine of rules of behavior

Ethics from the story

M. Zoshchenko “Golden Words”

1. Don't interrupt your interlocutor.

2. Respect the speaker.

3. Consider the age difference.

4. Act taking into account the current circumstances.

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