Presentation on the topic "Jet propulsion in nature." Presentation for the lesson "jet propulsion" Jet engine in nature presentation

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Tsigareva L.A.

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Wildlife is the primary source of jet propulsion

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History of jet engines
Back in the first century AD, one of the great scientists of ancient Greece, Heron of Alexandria, wrote the treatise “Pneumatics”. It described machines that used heat energy. Number 50 describes a device called Aeolipile - the Aeolus ball. This device was a bronze boiler mounted on supports. Two tubes rose upward from the cauldron lid, on which the sphere was attached. The tubes were connected to the sphere in such a way that it could rotate freely at the junction. At the same time, steam from the boiler could flow through these tubes into the sphere. Two tubes came out of the sphere, bent so that the steam coming out of them rotated the sphere.

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The principle of operation of the device was simple. A fire was lit under the cauldron, and when the water began to boil, steam entered the sphere through tubes, from where it escaped under pressure, spinning the sphere. It is generally accepted that Aeolipile was used in ancient Greece only for the purpose of entertainment. In fact, Aeolipile was the first steam turbine known to us.
First ideas about jet propulsion

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EOLIPIL - The first steam engine of the 1st - 2nd centuries. AD
Creator: Heron of Alexandria

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The Chinese were the first to use the principle of jet propulsion

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On March 3, 1849, field engineer Staff Captain Tretessky turned to the Caucasian governor, Prince Vorontsov, with a proposal to build a controlled balloon. Attached to the note were the work “On ways to control balloons, assumptions of field engineer Staff Captain Tretessky” and a detailed drawing pasted onto canvas. The balloon, which had an elongated shell, was divided inside into compartments so that in the event of a break in the shell, “the gas could not escape all of the balloon.” The balloon was supposed to be moved by a reactive force resulting from the release of gases through an opening at the stern of the balloon.

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Kibalchich N. I.1853-1881

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showed that the only device capable of overcoming gravity is a rocket, i.e. a device with a jet engine that uses fuel and oxidizer located on the device itself.
(1857-1935), Russian scientist, pioneer of astronautics and rocket technology. Born on September 17 (29), 1857 in the village of Izhevskoye near Ryazan.
Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

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K.E. Tsiolkovsky developed the fundamentals of the theory of jet propulsion and the design of a liquid jet engine.

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Tsiolkovsky's projects were implemented in our country by the outstanding scientist and designer S.P. Korolev
Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (December 30, 1906 (January 12, 1907), Zhitomir - January 14, 1966, Moscow) - Soviet scientist, designer and organizer of the production of rocket and space technology and rocket weapons of the USSR.
Sergei Pavlovich Korolev

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Jet propulsion is based on the recoil principle. In a rocket, when fuel burns, gases heated to a high temperature are ejected from the nozzle at high speed relative to the rocket. Let us denote the mass of ejected gases by m, and the mass of the rocket after the outflow of gases by M. Then for the closed system “rocket + gases”, based on the law of conservation of momentum, we can write:

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What is a jet engine?
A jet engine is an engine that creates the traction force necessary for movement by converting the potential energy of the fuel into the kinetic energy of the jet stream of the working fluid.

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Components of a jet engine
Any jet engine must have at least two components: Combustion chamber (“chemical reactor”) - it releases the chemical energy of the fuel and converts it into thermal energy of gases. Jet nozzle (“gas tunnel”) - in which the thermal energy of gases is converted into their kinetic energy when gases flow out of the nozzle at high speed, thereby creating jet thrust.

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Jet engine classes
There are two main classes of jet engines:
Air-breathing engines are heat engines that use the energy of oxidation of combustible air with oxygen taken from the atmosphere. The working fluid of these engines is a mixture of combustion products with the remaining components of the intake air. Rocket engines contain all the components of the working fluid on board and are capable of operating in any environment, including in airless space.

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N.E. Zhukovsky, the “father of Russian aviation,” who first developed the basic issues of the theory of jet propulsion, is rightfully the founder of this theory.
Creation of the first jet engines
Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky

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Scientists have conducted studies of the effects on animals of most factors of a different nature: altered gravity, vibration and overload, sound and noise stimuli of varying intensity, exposure to cosmic radiation, hypokinesia and physical inactivity. When conducting such experiments in the USSR, additional tests were carried out on emergency rescue systems for rocket warheads with passengers.
Animals in space

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Dogs in space
Dezik and Gypsy
Brave and Malek
Chanterelle and Seagull

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Belka and Strelka
The main goal of the experiment was to study the influence of space flight factors on the body of animals and other biological objects, to study the effect of space radiation on animal and plant organisms, on the state of their vital functions and heredity.
Soviet dog-cosmonauts who made an orbital space flight and returned to Earth unharmed. The flight took place on the Sputnik 5 spacecraft. The launch took place on August 19, 1960, lasted more than 25 hours, during which time the ship made 17 complete orbits around the Earth.

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Cats in space
It is believed that Felix the cat made a successful suborbital flight, but many sources claim that the first flight was made by Felicette the cat. On October 18, 1963, France launched a rocket with a cat into near-Earth space. 12 animals took part in preparations for the flight, and Felix was the main candidate. He underwent intensive training and was approved for the flight. But shortly before the launch, the cat escaped, and he was urgently replaced by Felicette.

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A total of 32 monkeys have flown into space. Rhesus, cynomolgus and squirrel monkeys were used, as well as pig-tailed macaques. Chimpanzees Ham and Enos flew to the United States as part of the Mercury program.

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Turtles in space
On September 21, 1968, the Zonda-5 descent module entered the Earth's atmosphere along a ballistic trajectory and splashed down in the Indian Ocean. Turtles were found on board. After returning to Earth, the turtles were active and ate with appetite. During the experiment they lost about 10% in weight. Blood tests did not reveal any significant differences. The USSR also launched turtles into orbit aboard the unmanned Soyuz-20 spacecraft. On February 3, 2010, two turtles made a successful suborbital flight on a rocket launched by Iran.

Creation of the first jet engines
Although the first patent for a workable gas turbine (turbojet) engine was obtained by Frank Whittle, von Ohain was ahead of Whittle in the practical implementation of the turbojet engine design, marking the beginning of practical jet aviation.
Heinkel 178 turbojet with Ohaina engine

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Most military and civil aircraft around the world are equipped with turbojet engines and bypass turbojet engines, and they are used on helicopters. Liquid rocket engines are used on launch vehicles of spacecraft and spacecraft as propulsion, braking and control engines, as well as on guided ballistic missiles.

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Practical application of jet engines
Electric rocket motors and nuclear rocket motors can be used on spacecraft. Solid propellant rocket engines are used in ballistic, anti-aircraft, anti-tank and other military missiles, as well as on launch vehicles and spacecraft.

Presentation for a 9th grade physics lesson on the topic “Jet propulsion”
Author of the material: Olga Ivanovna Marchenko, physics teacher of the highest qualification category, Municipal Educational Institution-Secondary School No. 3, Marx, Saratov Region
Marks, 2015.

Lesson of “discovery” of new knowledge 9th grade Marchenko Olga Ivanovna, physics teacher 2013
Jet propulsion

Goals. Educational: 1. Give the concept of jet propulsion, 2. Give examples of jet propulsion in nature and technology. 3. Describe the purpose, structure, operating principle, and use of missiles. 4. Be able to determine the speed of a rocket, be able to use the law of conservation of momentum and Newton’s III law. 5. Show the significance of the works of K.E. Tsiolkovsky. and Korolev S.P. in the development of space rocket propulsion. Educational: show the practical significance of physical knowledge on the topic “Jet propulsion”; increase the labor and creative activity of students, expand their horizons through self-education, Developmental: develop the ability to analyze facts when observing phenomena; develop the skills of cultural dialogue, express and justify your point of view, defend the correctness of judgments, analyze the results.

Heliocentric system of the world
Teacher. - You know how our solar system works. By the way, how does it work?
- Now it’s time to begin a detailed study of the surroundings of the solar system
- Let's find out what the Sun is. What is the Sun?
What is the name of such a structure? Why is it called that?
- Do you know which planets are part of the solar system? By the way, which ones?
I. Motivation for educational activities.
(nearest star)

Road to space. The spaceship was flying along the space route and the oncoming stars sparkled and went out. How could it, from what flights and wanderings, suddenly find itself in interstellar space?..
-It's time to go into space!

Jet propulsion
It's time to go into space! -Find out: How to “get” to space.
The spaceship was flying along the space route and the oncoming stars sparkled and went out. How could it, from what flights and wanderings, suddenly find itself in interstellar space?..
But first, let's find out why we can move at all?

1. Why can we move on earth?
- push off from the ground

1. Why can we move - on water?
push off from the water

3.Why can we travel through the air?
- push off from the air
What to start from in space? How to move there?

Task 1. Jet ball
Conclusion. The air comes out in one direction and the ball moves in the other.
Let's do a little research and find out what a body can push off from if there is nothing to push off from.
Task 1. Jet balloon Two people will take the fishing line on which the tube with the balloon is attached and pull it. Inflate the balloon and release it. What happened to the ball? What caused the ball to start moving?
(air separated from it)

Task 2. Jet stroller.
Conclusion: The air comes out in one direction - the stroller. moves to another.
Take a cart with a balloon attached to it. Inflate the balloon through a straw. Place the cart on the desk and release the ball
What happened to the cart? What caused the cart to start moving?
(air separated from it)

Lesson topic: Jet propulsion
Reactive motion is a movement that occurs when any part of it is separated from the body at a certain speed.

Physical education minute
Show your imagination and try to depict: octopus, squid, jellyfish, cucumber.
"Mad" cucumber

EXAMPLES OF JET MOTION IN NATURE: Jet motion is characteristic of octopuses, squids, cuttlefish, jellyfish - all of them, without exception, use the reaction (recoil) of an ejected stream of water for swimming

Jet propulsion in technology
FROM THE HISTORY OF JET PROpulsion The first gunpowder fireworks and signal flares were used in China in the 10th century. In the 18th century, combat missiles were used during hostilities between India and England, as well as in the Russian-Turkish wars. Jet propulsion is now used in airplanes, rockets and spacecraft
Rocket launcher

Exercise. Open the textbook p. 84 “Design and principle of operation of a launch vehicle”
Examples of jet propulsion in technology
So, we have found the way to space - this is jet propulsion

great Russian scientist and inventor, discovered the principle of jet propulsion, who is rightfully considered the founder of rocket technology
Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935)
Founders of astronautics:

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1907-1966)
spaceship designer
Founders of astronautics:

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin1934-1968
The first cosmonaut in the history of mankind made the first manned space flight on April 12, 1961 on the Vostok spacecraft.
Founders of astronautics.

Jet propulsion

  • I've done the work
  • student of class 10B
  • Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 22" Mikhno Vladimir
  • Supervisor:
  • Balasanova Olga Valentinovna
Jet propulsion
  • Content:
  • What is jet propulsion?
  • Jet motion in our lives.
  • Details of jet propulsion.
Jet propulsion
  • Reactive movement is a movement that occurs as a result of the separation of any part from the body, or as a result of the attachment of another part to the body.
Observing jet motion is very simple. If you inflate a balloon and let it go without tying it. The ball will move as long as the air flow continues.
  • Observing jet motion is very simple. If you inflate a balloon and let it go without tying it. The ball will move as long as the air flow continues.
  • Reactive force occurs without any interaction with external bodies
Reactive force occurs without any interaction with external bodies.
  • For example, if you stock up on a sufficient number of balls, then the boat can be accelerated without the help of oars, using only internal forces. By pushing the ball, the person (and therefore the boat) himself receives a push according to the conservation law
Some representatives of the animal world move according to the principle of jet propulsion, for example, squids and octopuses. Periodically throwing out and absorbing water, they are able to reach speeds of 60 - 70 km/h.
  • Some representatives of the animal world move according to the principle of jet propulsion, for example, squids and octopuses. Periodically throwing out and absorbing water, they are able to reach speeds of 60 - 70 km/h.
Rockets and satellites
  • There is no medium in outer space with which a body could interact and thereby change the direction and magnitude of its speed. Therefore, only jet aircraft can be used for space flights.
  • Rockets are a device with a jet engine that uses fuel and oxidizer located on the device itself.
  • He developed a theory of rocket propulsion.
  • He derived a formula for calculating their speed.
At the beginning of the 20th century, people dreamed of the possibility of space flights; now multi-purpose orbital stations are already operating. What is impossible today will become possible tomorrow. Tsiolkovsky dreamed of a time when people could easily “go” to visit any planet and would be able to travel throughout the entire Universe.
  • At the beginning of the 20th century, people dreamed of the possibility of space flights; now multi-purpose orbital stations are already operating. What is impossible today will become possible tomorrow. Tsiolkovsky dreamed of a time when people could easily “go” to visit any planet and would be able to travel throughout the entire Universe.
  • Orbital station
  • "WORLD"
  • International Space
  • Station
Jet motion in nature.
  • The squid is the largest invertebrate inhabitant of the ocean depths. It moves according to the principle of jet propulsion, absorbing water, and then pushing it with enormous force through a special hole - a “funnel”, and at high speed (about 70 km/h) it pushes backwards. At the same time, all ten tentacles of the squid are gathered into a knot above its head and it takes on a streamlined shape.
The salpa is a marine animal with a transparent body; when moving, it receives water through the front opening, and the water enters a wide cavity, inside of which the gills are stretched diagonally. As soon as the animal takes a large sip of water, the hole closes. Then the longitudinal and transverse muscles of the salp contract, the whole body contracts and water is pushed out through the posterior opening. The reaction of the escaping jet pushes the salpa forward.
  • The salpa is a marine animal with a transparent body; when moving, it receives water through the front opening, and the water enters a wide cavity, inside of which the gills are stretched diagonally. As soon as the animal takes a large sip of water, the hole closes. Then the longitudinal and transverse muscles of the salp contract, the whole body contracts and water is pushed out through the posterior opening. The reaction of the escaping jet pushes the salpa forward.

Reactive force occurs without any interaction with external bodies. For example, if you stock up on a sufficient number of balls, then the boat can be accelerated without the help of oars, using only internal forces. By pushing the ball, a person (and therefore a boat) himself receives a push according to the law of conservation of momentum.

Jet propulsion of living organisms Some representatives of the animal world, for example, squids and octopuses, move according to the principle of jet propulsion. They are capable of reaching speeds of km/h.

At the end of the first millennium AD, China used jet propulsion to power rockets - bamboo tubes filled with gunpowder, they were used as fun. One of the first car projects was also with a jet engine and this project belonged to Newton

The great Russian scientist and inventor, discovered the principle of jet propulsion, who is rightfully considered the founder of rocket technology, the great Russian scientist and inventor, discovered the principle of jet propulsion, who is rightfully considered the founder of rocketry, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky ()

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1 Sergei Pavlovich Korolev () spacecraft designer

The first artificial Earth satellite October 4, 1957 On October 4, 1957, at 22:28 Moscow time, the world's first artificial Earth satellite (AES) took off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in the USSR. With a diameter of 580 mm, the mass of the first satellite was 83.6 kg. It existed for 92 days at 22 hours 28 minutes Moscow time, the world's first artificial Earth satellite (AES) launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in the USSR. With a diameter of 580 mm, the mass of the first satellite was 83.6 kg. It lasted 92 days

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin The first cosmonaut in the history of mankind, on April 12, 1961, made the first manned space flight on the Vostok spacecraft.

Lesson outline: “Jet propulsion”

Goals and objectives:

1. Developmental: introduction to the use of jet propulsion.

2. Educational: study of the principle and theory of jet propulsion.

3. Educational: familiarization with the history of the development of jet propulsion and the scientists who worked in the development and application of jet propulsion.

Lesson equipment:

1. Educational and methodological set “Physics 10”.

2. Poster "Multistage rocket".

3. Computer, video projector, C D "Open Physics", screen.

4. Model of a rocket.

Lesson plan.


What is impulse?

Why is momentum a vector quantity?

How is the impulse directed?

What is the unit of measurement for impulse?

The main property of impulse...

Why do you need to press the butt of your weapon tightly against your shoulder when shooting?

Lesson plan.

Reactive motion is the movement that occurs when a certain mass is separated from the system at a certain speed.

Jet propulsion in nature: jellyfish, squid, etc.

The law of conservation of momentum for the rocket-gas system.

For the rocket-gas system, according to the law of conservation of momentum, we have:

m g v 0g + m r v 0r = m g v g + m r v r

Since v 0r = 0 and v 0p = 0,

then m g v g + m r v r = 0, whence

m r v r = - m g v g and

v r = - m g v g / m r

The first artificial satellite of the Earth

On October 4, 1957, humanity entered the era of space exploration. On this day, the world's first Soviet artificial Earth satellite was launched into low-Earth orbit. Soviet scientists and engineers solved the most complex scientific and technical problems associated with the creation of rocket and space technology and ensuring space flight. This outstanding achievement became convincing evidence of the inexhaustible capabilities of the human mind and clearly demonstrated the unprecedented level of science and technology in our country.
The launch vehicle, having provided a first escape velocity of 7.9 km/sec at the end of the active phase, launched the satellite into a geocentric (near-Earth) orbit with a maximum distance from the Earth's surface (at apogee) of 947 km and a minimum offset (at perigee) of 228 km . The weight of the satellite was 83.6 kg, its body was shaped like a ball with a diameter of 0.58 m.
The first space explorer worked actively for three weeks. With its help, the first measurements of atmospheric density were carried out, and data on the propagation of radio signals in the ionosphere was obtained.
The first orbits of the satellite became the first steps of world astronautics.

The first domestic passenger jet aircraft is Tu-104.

Jet propulsion in aviation and artillery.

Repetition. Generalization

What is the essence of jet propulsion?
Can a rocket move in space?
Can a fan installed on the deck propel a sailboat?
By what principle do jellyfish and cuttlefish move?

What determines the speed of a rocket?

Explain the idea of ​​a multi-stage rocket?

Homework: § 22, repeat § 21; Nos. 351, 353 (additional).

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