Presentation on the topic of tribal communities. Presentation for a history lesson on the topic: "Clan communities of hunters and gatherers." With the development of hunting


Prepare a detailed answer to the question: “How did ancient people live?”

To do this, remember:

When did primitive people appear on Earth?

Where did ancient people live?

-What did primitive people look like? (Compare with the appearance of a modern person.)

How did ancient people differ from animals?

What occupations did primitive people have?

Sample student answer

The earliest people appeared on Earth about 2 million years ago, in Northeast and East Africa. They looked like monkeys, but unlike them they knew how to make primitive tools. In addition, they were engaged in gathering and hunting. Thanks to the ability to work, ancient people were able to survive.

So, thanks to the ability to work, the most ancient people were able to stand out from the natural world and survive. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed. The appearance of a person gradually changed, his brain increased. Speech arose. About a hundred thousand years ago, a sharp cooling occurred on the planet. A glacier was advancing from the north onto the territory of Europe and Asia - a huge layer of ice about two kilometers thick.

Lesson plan.

Life in harsh climates.

Hunting for wild animals. Invention of the bow and arrow.

Tribal community.

Independent work with the textbook text.

What helped primitive people survive frosty winters?


Primitive people learned to use fire, began to live in caves, dig dugouts, and sew clothes;

invented new hunting tools: a spear with a stone tip and a harpoon with a bone tip;

continued to hunt mammoths, cave bears, and woolly rhinoceroses.

Working with textbook illustrations.

Describe in Fig. With. 14 hunting

wild goats. What are its difficulties and dangers?


Several tens of thousands of years ago the herd was replaced by tribal community -a group of relatives running a joint household.

Relatives were related by blood ties, so the basic law was "Blood Feud" .

Women were considered the main ones, as continuers of the family.

Tribal community - a group of relatives who have a common home, a fire, food supplies, tools, and run the household together.

One hundred thousand years ago, a powerful glacier began its attack on the territory of Europe.

People who had settled by this time in the vast expanses of the Eurasian continent were forced to wage a difficult struggle for survival


In the conditions of a long and cold winter, people began to sew clothes from animal skins, from their bones they built a frame for their homes, which they covered with the same skins.

The tools of labor also changed - they became more advanced.


The main occupation of people was hunting large animals.

Instead of an ancient spear, a stick burned at the stake, a man used a chopper to cut out a long pole, to which a stone pointed tip was tied with leather straps.

For fishing they invented bone harpoon

a spear



The hunt was usually for large animals - mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses, cave bears.

? Why?

A successful hunt provided people with everything they needed for a long time.

Woolly rhinoceros



To succeed in hunting, people resorted to cunning - they drove herds of animals to a cliff, or to a trap-hole, which was skillfully camouflaged.

At the bottom of the pit there were dug stakes. The beast, falling down, fell on them, and the hunters finished it off with stones.


About 10,000 thousand years ago, mammoths disappeared.

People began to hunt more small, fast-running animals.

This led to the appearance of the bow and arrow. Man looked for the idea of ​​a new weapon in nature.

The bow made it possible to hit a target at a distance of several hundred steps.

Choose the correct answer-

Cold weather

The emergence of new weapons

labor was associated with...

With the development of hunting

With the development of the North.

Hares and squirrels.

Ancient people hunted

Herds of goats and deer

Large animal

Human development

The appearance of the bow and arrow

was related to...

Mammoth extinction

Moving to the forest.

Place of residence

In the tribal community people

were connected...

Common cause

Family ties

“Ancestors of the Slavs” - And in the summer, when it was warm, men wore only shirts and pants. A quick arrow will catch both a hare in the field and a bird in the sky. Flax and hemp were grown. The land here produced rich harvests and could feed many people. From the history of Ancient Rus'. Benches, tables and all household utensils were made of wood. The Slavs who settled in the fields along the middle reaches of the Dnieper were called glades.

“Settlement of the Slavs” - Archaeological finds allow us to identify several types of Slavic dwellings. Pagan Slavic gods. Stribog is the lord of the wind. Religious beliefs of the Slavs. East Slavs. A) folklore B) linguistics C) heraldry. The science that studies folk art, works created by the people: 1 question.

“Life of the Eastern Slavs” - Evening Assembly in Rus'. Life - everyday life; morals - customs, way of social life. Occupations of the Slavs: Southern. Life and customs of the Slavs. Gods and sanctuaries. Amulets. The Slavs were pagans. Fabrics were woven from flax, hemp, and spun from sheep and goat wool. Elders. Western.

"Unions of the Eastern Slavs" - Drevlyans. The Eastern Slavs were pagans. Krivichi. Beliefs. Dryagovichi. The text and illustrations were prepared by Anton Akinfeev with the participation of Denis Blokhin. Customs of the Slavs. East Slavs. Initially, the Eastern Slavs lived “each in his own family and in his own place.” At the head was a tribal elder who had great power.

“Tribes and Peoples” - Ilmen Slovenes appeared on the territory of our region in the 4th century; 8th century; 11th century. Question No. 1. Incorrect! Great! Break a leg…

“Tribes of the Eastern Slavs” - Greece, Other. Defeat under Vladimir Monomakh (early 12th century). Defeated by the Mongol-Tatars. Bulgars. In the Black Sea region in the 2nd century. AD They fought with the Sarmatians. The reasons for the process are different opinions. Non-Slavic peoples in Eastern Europe (before the 12th century): Cimmerians. Destroyed in Western Europe in the 5th century. Avars (obry).

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