Presentation moral culture. Formation of worldview, moral, aesthetic and civil culture of the individual. Eternal feelings will pour out of us

1.What is the full name of our

2. Federation means...

3. A country where many different people live
peoples of different nationalities,

4. Name the famous people
who glorified our Motherland
Great figures of Russian

Great figures of Russian culture


Great figures of Russian culture


Great figures of Russian culture


Great figures of Russian culture


Great figures of Russian culture


Great figures of Russian culture


Great figures of Russian culture


Prominent figures of Russian culture


Andrey Rublev


Man is a creator and
bearer of culture



Man is the creator and bearer of culture

Explain if there is a connection between the photographs,
located on the left and right.

Man is the creator and bearer of culture

Explain if there is a connection between the photographs,
located on the left and right.

1) Outside of culture
human life is impossible.
see p.13
When outstanding
English scientist Isaac
Newton was congratulated on his great
scientific discovery, he modestly
remarked: “I am like a dwarf,
who stood on his shoulders
predecessor giants and
that's the only reason I was able to look
a little further than them."
Let's evaluate Newton's words.
What condition, in his opinion,
determines success
human creativity?
Let's compare ours01/23/2018
Isaac Newton.
Encyclopedia.mp4 up to 3.39 min.

2) Laws of morality - Is it possible to have morality?
consider part of the culture
part of the culture of society
the science,…
(from lat. moralis -
moral), rules
behavior (norms)
in society,
help to distinguish
good from evil.
see p.13-14
Let's compare ours
judgments with text.

2) Moral laws are part of the culture of society

the person is conscientious.
Conscience is
inner voice,
person about
one or another
actions, wakes up
feeling of shame for
bad behavior.

2) Moral laws are part of the culture of society

Everyday ethical
ideas were reflected in
folklore - proverbs and
sayings, fairy tales and

Proverbs and sayings.
Not the friend who's at the party
+ D/Z
walks, and the one who helps in trouble.
(Ossetian proverb)
A friend looks in the face, but an enemy looks in
back. (Tatar proverb)
Don't rummage at the bottom of the bag - don't
remember past grievances.
(Tatar proverb)
The tongue wound does not heal.
(Tatar proverb)
Hide the mistakes of others, and
see your own. (Tatar
The rich man will not get enough, but the hero
won't give up. (Buryat
What a moral proverb)
Are there any rules in them?

Proverbs and sayings.
There is no ford in a deep place,
+ D/Z
There is no good word for slander.
(Buryat proverb)
Reserve left in the tundra -
both for us and for you. (Nenets
Friendly people under one
lamb skin is placed.
(Buryat proverb)
Suffer for people, fight for
people. (Buryat proverb)
It's better to tell a lie
be silent.
Whoever lies will steal.
There's nothing better than a human
It happens. (Dagestan proverbs)
What moral
Are there any rules in them?

There lived a man
The history of Russia knows a lot
examples of wonderful
women who were distinguished
noble qualities.
One of them was great
Princess Elizaveta Fedorovna
Romanova, brother's wife
Russian Emperor
Alexandra III. One of
her main qualities were love
to your neighbor.
Why, leaving the cell
murderers of their husbands,
Elizaveta Fedorovna
left it there
Gospel and icon?

?? p.17 - What kind of society can be considered morally healthy? - What qualities characterize a moral person?



Read p.12-17
Pick up
proverbs and
sayings on topics

Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanova

The history of Russia knows many examples of wonderful women distinguished by noble qualities. One of them was Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanova, the wife of the brother of Russian Emperor Alexander III. One of her main qualities was love for her neighbor. During the revolution of 1905-1907. her husband died tragically from a bomb thrown by terrorist Ivan Kalyaev. On the day of the funeral, Elizaveta Fedorovna asked to be allowed into the cell where Ivan Kalyaev was kept. The Grand Duchess went to this meeting, having no hatred for the murderer, but experiencing only a feeling of immense sadness. Her heart was filled with pity and even compassion for this man. Elizaveta Fedorovna went to the cell to convey forgiveness to him on behalf of her husband.

When she left, she left him the Gospel and an icon.

A few years after the tragic events, the Grand Duchess sold her jewelry and bought an estate in Moscow with the proceeds. The estate housed the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent, where a hospital, a free pharmacy, a canteen, and a shelter for children were opened. Having become famous in the monastery, Elizaveta Fedorovna led an ascetic life: she cared for the sick, went around the poorest neighborhoods, rescuing street children from there.

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“Man is the creator and bearer of culture”

Man is the creator and bearer of culture

spiritual and moral


  • When the outstanding English scientist Isaac Newton was congratulated on a great scientific discovery, he modestly remarked: “I am like a dwarf who stood on the shoulders of giant predecessors and only because of this was able to look a little further than they did.”
  • Evaluate Newton's words. What condition, in his opinion, determines the success of human creativity? Compare your judgments with the text.

  • Without culture, human life is impossible. In relation to culture, a person acts in two qualities. On the one hand, he creates culture: he creates material values, makes scientific discoveries, establishes traditions and customs.

On the other hand, he assimilates the previously created culture: he uses various material values, and joins the traditions, customs, and norms of behavior accepted in society. Man is both a creator and a bearer of culture. From early childhood we begin to learn about the culture of our people - we listen to fairy tales, songs, play with nesting doll pyramids, and participate in folk festivals. As adults, we can enrich the culture of society with our work - write books, compose music, erect monuments, make scientific discoveries. So gradually the culture of society becomes richer and more diverse.

Each person's contribution is different. It depends on his talent, abilities, perseverance.

Working with textbook text (reading)

  • How do you see the future for these boys?
  • What needs to be done to make the future of the boy from the painting “Deuce Again” worthy?
  • What advice would you give him?
  • Do you think that a person is obliged to think that the rules of life for people in society are necessary to preserve the culture of the people.

Proverbs and sayings peoples of Russia

  • Not the friend who walks on a holiday, but the one who helps in trouble. ( Ossetian proverb);
  • A friend looks in the face, and an enemy looks in the back. ( Tatar proverb);
  • Don’t rummage at the bottom of the bag - don’t remember previous grievances. ( Tatar proverb);
  • Hide the mistakes of others and look at your own ( Tatar proverb);
  • The rich man will not be satisfied, and the hero will not give up. ( Buryat proverb);
  • There is no ford in a deep place, there is no good word in slander. (Buryat proverb).

  • He bore the Hebrew name Saul. In his youth, he even participated in the persecution of Christians, but his encounter with the risen Jesus Christ changed his life. He repented and became one of the most prominent preachers of the new faith, the founder of many Christian communities. His letters to Christians form a significant part of the New Testament.
  • The Apostle Paul suffered for Christ, accepting martyrdom in Rome.

  • The world of culture is rich and diverse. Man is not only the creator of culture, but he himself changes in the process of creating and perceiving cultural values. An integral part of culture are moral laws. The science of ethics helps us understand what morality is.

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Culture and morality Cancer Galina Vladimirovna primary school teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 151, Novosibirsk

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You will learn: What the word “culture” means. Why is culture called second nature? How did morality arise?

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The concept of culture appeared in Ancient Greece and translated from Latin meant “cultivation of the land.” It was assumed that field care was not just cultivating the land, but also caring for it.

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The word “culture” entered the Russian language in the middle of the 19th century. It was used in two meanings: 1) arable farming, farming; 2) education.

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Culture is sometimes called second nature. Unlike natural nature, which can exist without humans, culture is created by the work of many people who continue to support, develop, and enrich it.

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Moreover, unlike nature, culture does not exist in the singular. Each nation at different times created and is now creating its own culture.

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These cultures exist together, enriching each other. Therefore, it is very important to study the culture not only of your country, your people, but also of other countries and peoples.

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Culture of different peoples Culture includes objects of human labor (material culture), as well as ideas, ideas, values ​​and ideals, traditions and customs, norms and rules (spiritual culture).

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Types of spiritual culture There are many different types of spiritual culture. For example, political culture is the ideals and life values ​​of people in a state, legal culture is the laws by which people live in society and which are binding on everyone without exception. A special type of spiritual culture is morality – a system of norms and values ​​regulating people’s behavior.

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Morality arose when people realized that some actions help to live, while others interfere. For example, if you help each other, life becomes easier. And if you are lazy, quarrel, or cheat, then people’s lives become worse.

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Gradually, ideas about good and bad, good and evil began to take shape. As a result, a need arose to support (encourage) good (kind) deeds and prohibit bad (evil) deeds.

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In addition, it became necessary to pass on the knowledge of good and evil to future generations. This knowledge gradually turned into norms of behavior.

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Moral standards are associated with requirements that are understandable to everyone: Respect parents Keep promises Help those in need Do not steal Do not kill Do not deceive, etc.

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And always, at all times, they have been condemned: Cowardice Betrayal Greed Cruelty Slander Hypocrisy

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What does the word "culture" mean? The concept of “culture” appeared in Ancient Greece and translated from Latin meant “cultivation of the land.” It was assumed that field care was not just cultivating the land, but also caring for it. The word “culture” entered the Russian language in the middle of the 19th century. It was used in two meanings: 1) arable farming, farming; 2) education.

Slide 17

Why is culture called second nature? Culture is sometimes called second nature. Unlike natural nature, which can exist without humans, culture is created by the work of many people who continue to support, develop, and enrich it. Moreover, unlike nature, culture does not exist in the singular. Each nation at different times created and is now creating its own culture.

Questions and tasks: Give examples of material and spiritual culture. Explain why morality arose. Together with your parents, draw up a set (list) of moral norms (rules) accepted in your family.

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Materials used: Textbook for educational institutions “Fundamentals of secular ethics” grades 4-5 Moscow “Enlightenment” 2010 %D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9%20%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%80&stype=simage& /11/612/11612943_1470229665.jpg&p=880 images text=%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%B8%D1%8F&stype=image yandsearch?rpt=simage&text=%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%8F%20%D0%BC%D1%83%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1 %86%20%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%B5%20%D0 %B4%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B3&

Morality is the rules of behavior accepted and approved by society Moral norms are based on people’s ideas about good and evil, good and bad, justice, honor, conscience Moral norms are based on people’s ideas about good and evil, good and bad, justice, honor, conscience The norm of morality is a pattern of behavior recognized as mandatory in society Moral norms regulate the behavior of people

Lines of comparisonMoralLaw Established by whom? SocietyState Where are they recorded? Nowhere, passed down orally from generation to generation In laws - Criminal Code, Administrative Code, Family Code, Education Law, etc. Protected by whom? Public opinion State - police, army, special services What happens for a violation? Condemnation from people. Fine, imprisonment, correctional labor, etc. Example You cannot lie, envy, or offend the weak. You need to respect people, help, tell the truth, etc. You cannot steal or beat a person. Keep a weapon, cross the street at a red traffic light, etc.

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