Presentation of cultural monuments and careful treatment of them. Monuments of history and culture. Activities of project participants at various stages

  1. 1. Victory Square. Monument to the soldiers who took part in the liberation of the city from the Nazi invaders. Sculptor I.P. Shmagun, architect E.G. Lashuk, 1965
  2. 2. There is a five-meter tall figure of a Soviet soldier - the winner of German fascism. With his head held high, the famous PPSh machine gun in his hands, and a defeated fascist banner under his feet. On the sides of the central figure of the liberating warrior, like bowed banners, there are two steles. The left depicts the moment of the fierce battle for Krasnodar, and the right depicts a cordial meeting with the residents of the city. A container with historical information about the heroes and liberators of Krasnodar, as well as the names of its authors and builders, was laid in the foundation of the monument.
  3. 3. Square in Memory of Heroes. Memorial complex to the Kuban citizens who died in the fight for their homeland. Sculptor I.P. Shmagun, architects V.T. Goloverov, N.P. Shlykov, 1967
  4. 4. On the left side of the memorial stands the majestic figure of a woman, personifying the Motherland - Mother. In the background, behind the bowl of the Eternal Flame, is a monumental wall with images of combat episodes of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars carved on it. Both sides of the complex are framed by a wall with cherry-colored stone memorial plaques, on which are inscribed the names of the soldiers who glorified Kuban on the battlefields. Initially, six memorial plaques were installed, but in the last few years six more plaques have been added to them with the names of Kuban soldiers and officers who showed their bravery in Afghanistan and Chechnya.
  5. 5. Monument to 13 thousand Krasnodar residents - victims of fascist terror, 1975, sculptor I.P. Shmagun, architect I.I. Goloverova. Located in Pervomaiskaya Grove.
  6. 6. Monument in honor of the 200th anniversary of the Kuban Cossack army, 1897 (restored in 1999), architect V.A. Filippov, author of the restored monument A.A. Apollonov. Located at the intersection of the street. Krasnaya and st. Budyonny
  7. 7. In fact, the Kuban Cossack Army was created in 1860, and the bicentennial anniversary was celebrated in 1896 by the oldest Khopyorsky regiment, called up for official service in the ranks of the Russian Army by Peter the Great during the storming of the Turkish fortress of Azov. The memorial plaques of the obelisk tell about these events, as well as about the heroic service of the Kuban Cossacks for the glory of Russia.
  8. 8. Memorial Arch “Kuban is proud of them”, 1997, sculptor A. Apollonov, architects R. Railov, L. Kovtun. Located on Krasnaya Street next to the building of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory.
  9. 9. For many centuries, the symbol and patron of the Russian army was the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious. It was with his image that Russian soldiers carried the banners. Faith, at times, helps people create miracles, and where, if not in war, is it necessary to do the impossible to protect one’s homeland.
  10. 10. During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Army did not carry the face of St. George the Victorious on its banners, but through the terrible war the name of the First Commander Georgiy Konstantinovich Zhukov ran like a red thread. His name became a real symbol of Victory over fascism.

“Cultural monuments are our heritage of time”

Completed by: 2nd year student, SGSPU, Samara;

Faculty: Primary Education;

direction: TNF+OVD;

Sharikova Elena Igorevna

Research plan

Understand what a cultural monument is.

Determine where and to whom/what the first monument was built.

Consider ways to care for and preserve monuments.

To identify the historical value of cultural monuments and the attitude of people towards them in Russia and other countries.

Check the reliability of the information found: refute or prove the hypothesis.


All people treat cultural monuments with care and respect.

What do you think a cultural monument is?

This only sculpture of a soldier and other brave people.

This is a structure designed to capture events, people,

objects, literary and cinematic characters.

This only a valuable building of antiquity, past centuries.

To advance to the next slide, press SPACEBAR

This is important to know!

A cultural monument is a structure designed to capture events, people, objects, literary and cinematic characters.

There are monuments:


Memorials of military glory

For writers

Religious monuments

To literary heroes

Unusual objects

This is interesting!

The first architectural monument is

The “Great Wall of China”, the construction of which has begun

in the 3rd century BC, in order to protect the Chinese state from enemies.

Actions of specialists in the field of monument protection

arts and culture

1.The work of the cultural institute

and natural heritage.

2.Identification of acts of vandalism

and protection of cultural monuments.

Methods of care and preservation of cultural monuments

Actions taken by schoolchildren to protect

monuments of art and culture

1. Participation in community cleanups.

2.Organization of school

marches to protect

cultural monuments.

This is interesting!

People of different nationalities

monuments are judged differently.

And how exactly?

A monument is erected to everything that is least memorable...

R. L. Stevenson

I would erect monuments for dogs so that they have something to lift their legs on.

S. E. Lec

Just put up some kind of monument somewhere or just a fence - God knows from where and they will cause all sorts of rubbish.

N.V. Gogol

Cultures and attitudes towards them

Ukraine - Kazakhstan...

Not all people can understand and come to the realization that: “A people that does not know its past has no future.”

Historical value of monuments

cultures and attitudes towards them

Attitude to cultural monuments in Ukraine


Historical value of monuments

cultures and attitudes towards them

Historical value of monuments

cultures and attitudes towards them

Relations to cultural monuments in the city of Palmyra


Historical value of monuments

cultures and attitudes towards them

Historical value of monuments

cultures and attitudes towards them

Attitude to monuments in Russia


Historical value of monuments

cultures and attitudes towards them

Attitude to monuments in China


This is important to know!

The previously put forward hypothesis has been refuted!

In fact, many people do not value the cultural heritage of their country and destroy it, thereby showing their disrespect for cultural monuments.

Dear guys, you have learned a lot about cultural monuments. Do you want to test your knowledge with your reliable assistant, Auntie Owl?

“How does the person in this photograph relate to the cultural monument?”

1 option

Option 2



Great, that's right!

Press SPACEBAR to continue the quiz.

“Where was the first cultural monument built and what is it called?”

"The Great Wall of China" in China.

Monument to “Minin and Pozharsky” in Moscow

Amazing! No errors yet. Press SPACEBAR to continue the quiz.

“In these photographs, does the person treat the cultural monument with respect?”

1 option

Option 2

Wonderful! The material was learned well!

Press SPACEBAR to get your surprise!

You have successfully completed the quiz tasks.

As you can see, you liked the topic. So get your surprise:

catalog of Internet resources, which tells in detail about cultural monuments,

methods for their restoration, what monuments exist on the territory of Russia and much more.

Receive a gift

Catalog of Internet resources

Interactive presentation competition

"Interactive mosaic" - 2017

Nomination “Other interactive presentation”

“Cultural monuments are our heritage of time”

Completed by: 2nd year student, SGSPU, Samara;

Faculty: Primary Education;

direction: TNF+OVD;

Sharikova Elena Igorevna



1. Wikipedia website, article “The Great Wall of China” -

2. Website "Libreria" -

3. Website "" -



1. Logo of the website “” -

2. Photo 1 “Man with a Magnifying Glass” -

3. Photo “Grandmother with a monument” -

4. Photo “Monument to A.S. Pushkin" -

5. Photo “Monument to the characters of the cartoon “Prostokvashino” -

6. Photo “Monument to musician E. Presley” -



7. Photo “Monument to M. Yu. Lermontov” -

8. Photo “Military Glory Memorial” -

9. Photo “Religious monument” -

10 Photos “Monument to the cartoon characters “Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka” -

11. Photo “Apple Monument” -

12. Photo 1 “The Great Wall of China” -



13. Photo 2 “The Great Wall of China” -

14. Photo 3 “The Great Wall of China” -

15. Photo “Potala Palace” -

16. Photo 2 “Man with a Magnifying Glass” -

17. Photo “Man with a red button” -

18. Photo “Man with a green button” -



19. Photo 1 “Disrespectful attitude towards a cultural monument”


20. Photo 2 “Disrespectful attitude towards a cultural monument”


21. Photo 3 “Disrespectful attitude towards a cultural monument”


22. Photo 4 “Disrespect for cultural monuments”


23. Photo 1 “Destruction of monuments in Syria” -

24. Photo 2 “Destruction of monuments in Syria” -



25. Photo 1 “Respect for cultural monuments”


26. Photo 2 “Respect for cultural monuments”


27. Photo “Little Man – Denial” -

28. Photo “Clock” -

    Taking this into account, search tasks for classes within the project were developed, and a program was drawn up.

    Explanatory note

    The project is carried out throughout the second half of the year and includes training sessions as part of the extracurricular activities “I am a researcher”. Work on the project involves the joint activities of students, parents and teachers.

    Goals:Raising a citizen of Russia, a patriot of his small homeland, who knows and loves his city , through the study of historical monuments.

  • Educational:
  • Developmental:
  • Educational:


1. Contribute to the formation of interest in the history of the Fatherland, your city, expanding ideas about the history of the small Motherland;

2. Foster a caring attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage of the Fatherland;

3. Develop students’ independent cognitive activity skills and their creative abilities;

4.Create conditions for self-expression and self-realization of each member of the class team;

5. Promote team unity for joint creative activities.

6.Development of communication and speech skills.

7. Get acquainted with the historical events associated with the emergence of monuments in the city of Sharypovo.

8.Teach to summarize and process information using information and communication technologies;

9.Enriching parent-child relationships with the experience of joint activities through the formation of ideas about their hometown.

Predicted result.

2.Increasing parental competence on the presented problem. Participation of students' families in the educational process.

3.Photos, drawings, release of the album (presentation) “Monuments of my city”

Project update.

Research materials can be used in literature, history, local history classes, as well as in extracurricular activities. The material will help make classes bright and memorable. The emotional tone of such lessons is very high. The study of monuments opens up great opportunities for the education of moral and value orientations of schoolchildren, the formation of their citizenship, and the formation of high patriotic convictions.

Foundation of the project.

This project is focused on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO, namely, it is aimed at creating a common culture for students, at their spiritual, moral, social, personal and intellectual development, at creating the basis for independent implementation of educational activities that ensure social success, the development of creative abilities, and self-development. (Culture, development, basis, implementation, success).

Participants, project partners:

teachers, students, parents of students;

employees of the Museum of Local Lore

Planning the content of the educational project and the stages of its implementation.

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental Question

Should monuments be preserved?

What are monuments?

Research methods.

  • search and processing of information;
  • excursion and study of historical materials;
  • analysis of studied materials;
  • generalization of the obtained data;
  • synthesis as an independent part of the study.

Purpose of the study: What sights of the city of Sharypovo do you know?

Take a tour of the city, find out what monuments there are in Sharypovo, in memory of what they were installed? Collect photographic materials and information about the city’s attractions, collaborating with the city’s Local History Museum.

Didactic goals of the project:

Formation of competence in the field of independent cognitive activity, skills of independent work with large volumes of information,

The student’s understanding of historical information about the city, city monuments.

Learn to briefly express your thoughts orally and in writing.

Methodological tasks:

Find historical information about the city, monuments. Create an album (presentation) about the city’s monuments.

Selection of topics for individual student research: city monuments, memorial plaques.

Proposing hypotheses for solving problems:

We conducted a survey and saw that the guys knew little about their city, its monuments, and attractions.

Leading activity.

Creative, searching, research.

Expected results:

For students:

Development of initiative, activity, independence in children;


For teachers:

Increased professionalism;

For parents:

The project is focused on studying issues related to expanding knowledge about their hometown Sharypovo. In particular, younger schoolchildren search for information from various sources (documents of the local history museum, books) about the memorable sights of the city. As a result of their search activities, students present the materials they have prepared in the form of a message on an A4 sheet for further stitching into a common album.

Project implementation principles:

In the process of work, you must be guided by the following principles:

1) Development principle- reflects a clear focus on personal development.

2) The principle of differentiation and individualization- involves creating conditions for the full manifestation of the abilities of each child and his family.

3) The principle of dialogic communication- reflects openness, sincerity, mutual understanding of all subjects of the creative project.

4) Accessibility principle- provides for the organization of work taking into account age characteristics, preparedness, as well as individual characteristics of family relationships.

Educational activities, excursions, meetings;

Productive activity;

Project plan.

The project was implemented in 6 stages.

Istage - Preparatory, includes: diagnosing children in order to identify the level of formation of knowledge and ideas about the history and culture of their hometown. Analysis of the results obtained in order to identify the relevance and demand for knowledge and ideas about the hometown.

Stage II - Immersion in the project

Entering the topic, defining the goal and guessing the result, getting to know the issues of the project. The teacher prepares a presentation for parents. Presentation of a starting presentation by a teacher to schoolchildren in order to identify interests and level of knowledge on the proposed topic. Formation of interest groups, distribution of roles in groups for conducting research and determination of the form for presenting the results. Division into groups Preliminary joint planning of project progress.

IIIstage - Basic(project implementation) includes:

Proposing hypotheses for solving the problem. Organize and conduct a city tour, visit the Local History Museum. Collecting information on the Internet, accumulating and discussing it in a group, preliminary self-assessment of the group’s work. Independent or group work to complete the research (differentiated: strong students - making presentations, weak students - adding additions to it.) Reflection, teacher checking the activity of group members, completing progress on the project.

Registration of the results of project activities. Independent work of groups. Students prepare a presentation on the report on the work done in the form of a message on an A4 sheet for further stitching into a common album. The guys also supplemented their messages with photographs and illustrations.

Stage IV. Final(Presentation of work results)

Defense of your works (lesson - presentation). Evaluation of the project results by schoolchildren, parents and teachers. Filling out an assessment sheet based on the criteria chosen by the children. Stitching all materials into one album “Monuments of our city”. At the end, the teacher may offer a quiz. For example: the teacher shows students objects on the screen and asks them to answer questions.

V stage.- Summing up, rewarding children.

Stage VI. Reflection.

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"Monuments of my city"

« Monuments of my city »

Abstract of the project.

One of the urgent tasks facing the teacher is the preparation of a responsible citizen who is able to think independently, evaluate what is happening, and build his life in accordance not only with his own interests, but taking into account the interests and demands of the people around him. The solution to this problem is closely related to the formation of moral qualities of the individual. This is facilitated by the spiritual and moral development and education of younger schoolchildren. One of these tasks is the education of citizenship and patriotism. It is out of love for one’s small Motherland that love for Russia as a whole is brought up.

The theme of the project “Monuments of my city” is relevant and interesting. The study of monuments reveals to students the connections between their hometown and the Motherland, and forms an educational interest in the history of the city.

Project work is based on search and interest in the past.

  • This project is universal and can be implemented in most school settings. The project does not require significant material costs; parents are actively involved in its implementation. Information about the city is accessible and interesting not only for children, but also for adults.
  • The project takes into account the specifics of primary school age (grades 1-2), therefore work on the module chosen by the children is built according to a simplified scheme, because pursue the following goals:
  • - to interest the child, to captivate him with the history of his native city,
  • -contribute to strengthening family ties, communication between the older and younger generations.

  • Before starting work on the project, we tried to find out what the students knew about the history of the city in which they live. For this purpose, a survey was conducted. It showed the following:
  • know about the history of the city - ___14_%
  • know the monuments of Sharypovo, the history of their creation - __23__%
  • would like to expand and deepen their knowledge of the history of their city - __87___%

  • Goals: Raising a citizen of Russia, a patriot of his small homeland, who knows and loves his city, through the study of historical monuments.
  • Educational: to form students’ basic knowledge about project activities. Update your knowledge about the Windows program (purpose, capabilities). Get acquainted with the history of our city by studying the sights (monuments). Find out how many monuments there are in the city.
  • Developmental: promote the development of oral and written speech, creative abilities of students, cognitive interest in subjects, skills in working in the Windows program, as well as develop the ability to present a finished product.
  • Educational: Formation of moral foundations and education of a patriotic worldview, respectful attitude towards one’s city and its inhabitants through studying the sights of Sharypovo. To cultivate tolerance, the ability to work in a group, and respect for the historical past of your city and cultural monuments.

  • Tasks:
  • Contribute to the formation of interest in the history of the Fatherland, your city, expanding ideas about the history of the small Motherland;
  • Foster a caring attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage of the Fatherland;
  • Develop the skills of independent cognitive activity of students, their creative abilities;
  • Create conditions for self-expression and self-realization of each member of the class team;
  • Promote team unity for joint creative activities.
  • Development of communication and speech skills.
  • Get acquainted with the historical events associated with the emergence of monuments in the city of Sharypovo.
  • Learn to summarize and process information using information and communication technologies;
  • Enriching parent-child relationships with the experience of joint activities through the formation of ideas about their hometown.

  • Predicted result.
  • Enriched and systematized knowledge of children about the history of the city and cultural values.
  • Increasing parental competence on the presented problem. Participation of students' families in the educational process.
  • Photos, drawings, release of the album (presentation) “Monuments of my city”

  • Personal computers;
  • Multimedia projector;
  • Digital camera;
  • Standard Windows program
  • Album (A4 format)
  • Printer, scanner
  • projection system.
  • Internet
  • Materials from the Museum of Local Lore

Is the past reflected in the present?

  • Do the city and people need monuments?
  • How are the monuments of the city of Sharypovo related to the history of Russia?
  • Monument decoration or landmark?
  • What is the connecting thread between generations?
  • Should monuments be preserved?
  • How can people preserve what was created before?

  • What are monuments?
  • What monuments in our city do you know?
  • In honor of what events were they installed?
  • How many monuments are there in our city?

Research progress

In order to find out what the city was like in the past, we:

  • We visited the city museum
  • Went on excursions
  • We talked with city residents of different ages
  • Summarized and made conclusions

  • Expected results:
  • For students:
  • - responsible attitude towards socially significant tasks;
  • - development of initiative in children,

activity, independence;

  • - self-realization.
  • For the teacher:
  • - increasing professionalism;
  • - introduction of new methods in working with children and parents;
  • - personal and professional growth;
  • For parents.
  • - increasing the level of personal consciousness; strengthening relationships between children and parents, self-realization.

  • - Educational classes, excursions, meetings;
  • - Productive activity;
  • - creation of the album “Monuments of my city”, exhibition of photographs and drawings.

Activities of project participants at various stages





Student and parent activities

identifying the level of formation of knowledge and ideas about the history and culture of the native city.

Activities of a teacher

Carrying out diagnostics of children (questionnaires of parents)

Conducting surveys, analyzing questionnaires

Immersion in the project(Organizational and orientation)

Entering the topic, defining the goal and guessing the result, getting to know the issues of the project.

Formation of interest groups, distribution of roles in groups for conducting research and determination of the form for presenting the results.

Division into groups

Presentation of the starting presentation of the teacher for schoolchildren and parents in order to identify interests and level of knowledge on the proposed topic.


(project implementation)

Carrying out work that reveals the ideas of the project.

Registration of the results of project activities.

Gathering information: visiting a museum. Studying conversations with adults, the Internet, excursion activities. Execution of work; decor,

Independent work of groups

Photo competition ,

Conducting thematic classes, individual conversations: about the city. Organization of excursions around the city, to the local history museum.


(Presentation of work results).

Enriched and systematized knowledge of children about the history of the city and cultural values.

Presentation and defense of your works. Stitching all materials into one album “Monuments of our city”.

The teacher observes and advises.


Final discussion of the project with guests and parents.

Gratitude for work in the project


To identify the level of final diagnosis of children and

parent survey.

Discussion of the prospects for the development of the project (creation of an album, presentation for further use.

Identification of leaders,

The hero city of Volgograd

Monument in honor of the founding of Volgograd at the beginning

Lenin Avenue

Population of Volgograd

amounts to

986.4 thousand people (2007)

within the city limits

(13th place in the Russian Federation)

Center of Volgograd. View of the train station

The history of our city is rich and colorful. The city's first name, Tsaritsyn, was first mentioned by the English traveler Barro in 1579. The founding date of the city is considered to be July 2, 1589

The modern coat of arms of Volgograd is a golden shield, divided into two halves by the ribbon of the medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad”. The upper half of the coat of arms is a symbolic image of an impregnable fortress on the Volga. It is presented in the form of battlements of a fortress wall, painted red. The red color symbolizes courage, sovereignty, blood shed for the fatherland, strength, and energy. This is complemented by the “Gold Star” medal, which was awarded to the city, depicted in golden color on a general red background. In the lower half of the coat of arms there is a golden-colored gear, symbolizing the developed industry of the city, and a golden-colored sheaf of wheat, a symbol of the abundance of the Volgograd land. The blue color throughout the field in this part of the coat of arms symbolizes the Volga.

City `s history

In 1670, the fortress was taken by the troops of S. Razin


Mamaev kurgan- “the main height of Russia.” During the Battle of Stalingrad

Some of the fiercest battles took place here. Today on Mamayev Kurgan

A monument-ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” was erected.

The central figure of the composition is the sculpture “The Motherland is Calling!”

Memorial Motherland on Mamayev Kurgan

Monuments of the Great Patriotic War

Ruins of the old mills- the only building in the city that has remained unrestored since the war.

The old mill building today

Historical monuments

A memorial was opened here

monument dedicated to

Heroes of the Soviet Union and

Knights of the Order of Glory,


Volgograd region and

Battle of Stalingrad

Volgograd. Avenue of Heroes

Historical monuments

Memorial sign in honor of the 400th anniversary


Architect O. Sadovsky

Symbols of Volgograd.

Railway The station was originally wooden.

Later it was rebuilt from brick. During the Battle of Stalingrad the building was almost completely destroyed. . In 1997, the railway station building was recognized as an architectural monument.

Train Station

Symbols of Volgograd

Located on the street.

1954. The building is crowned

sculptural group "Peace" works

Vera Mukhina

Volgograd Planetarium building

Symbols of Volgograd

River Station- the largest building

similar type in Europe. In 1985-1988

years was the largest in terms of passenger

cargo turnover of the port on the Volga. Building length

296 meters, which is almost equal to the length

Red Square. The height of the station in its

highest point, so-called. "puck" where before

there was a restaurant

is 47 meters. Waiting hall

designed for 700 people. Directly

to the station piers at the same time can

6 motor ships moor.

1 of 19

Presentation on the topic: Monuments of history and culture

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Immanuel Kant was buried in 1804 on the north side of the Cathedral. In 1881, the grave was ennobled: a small funerary chapel appeared, the walls of which were decorated with a copy of Raphael’s painting “The School in Athens.” In 1924, the chapel was replaced by an open colonnade designed by F. Lars. After the Second World War, the tomb of the famous philosopher was restored.

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Built in 1657. A hundred years later, by order of the Prussian King Frederick II, the wooden gates were destroyed, and a massive brick building with two spacious passages was built on this site. In 1843, during restoration work, the gates were decorated with pointed decorative pediments and cross-shaped flowers made of sandstone. Sculptural portraits of Field Marshal Boyen (Minister of War) and Lieutenant General von Aster (one of the authors of the second rampart fortification) decorated the walls of the structure. Currently, the building has been restored and is under state protection. Of the 6 gates preserved in the city, only the Brandenburg Gate fulfills its transport function.

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Named after prominent secular rulers of Prussia. On the facade of the tower there are three stone statues and a coat of arms, which symbolize the formation and history of the Prussian state. The sculpture of King Ottokar II Przemysl of the Czech Republic is a tribute to the memory of the founder of Königsberg. The statue of Frederick I, the first king of Prussia, occupies a central place in the sculptural composition. His name is also associated with the fact that, on the instructions of Frederick I, the famous amber room was made at the beginning of the 18th century. Duke Albrecht I is famous for laying the foundations for a new spiritual life in Prussia, creating a secular Lutheran state. Currently, restoration of the gate has begun, in In the future, it is planned to open a museum here, telling about the past life of the city.

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Located at the intersection of Moskovsky Prospekt and Litovsky Val. Built in 1848 on the site of old wooden ones. In their architecture they are similar to the Friedrichsburg ones - just as heavy, massive and durable. The hollow towers have narrow lancet windows covered with decorative crowns on top. Between them there are protective teeth. A little higher earlier, high reliefs of General von York and General von Bülow were placed, who during the war with Napoleon gathered the people's militia and participated in the liberation campaigns of 1813 -1815.

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In 1657, by order of the Elector of Brandenburg, Friedrich Wilhelm, a citadel was built<Фридрихсбург>. Located on the left bank of the Pregel, it reliably covered the ducal castle. The structure was made in the form of a regular bastioned square, surrounded by a stone wall. Inside there were guards, a customs service, a commandant's office, a church, and in the basements there were warehouses and a prison. In 1848, a new brick gate was built at Fort Friedrichsburg. In the center there is an architecturally designed huge entrance. To the left and right of the entrance there are four voluminous hollow towers with round and lancet windows. The towers had names:<Алмаз>, <Жемчуг>, <Рубин>And<Смарагд>. Decorative battlements are installed on the roof of the gate and the towers. Currently, the keys to the Friedrichsburg Gate are kept in the Kazan Cathedral Museum in St. Petersburg as evidence that Russian troops captured Konigsberg in 1758.

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Located at the intersection of Kalinin Avenue and st. Dzerzhinsky. Built in 1657 (the year of Prussia's liberation from Poland's vassalage). In 1852 they were rebuilt and included in the Haberberg Front system. The building is made in a neo-romantic style. The side brick extensions housed service and storage rooms and a casemate for guards to live in. The gate got its name from the city of Friedland (now Pravdinsk), into which the road passed through it.

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They owe their name to the pastures that stretched out in these places. Built in 1705, they are in neo-Gothic style and are very well preserved. The double-leaf gates are located in a kind of triumphal arch with high arches and octagonal towers. The side extensions on the inside are decorated with arcades, forming an open gallery. At the top there are rows of decorative battlements, bounded at the corners by tetrahedral towers. Above the gate are two round medallion portraits of heroes of the war with Napoleon: General Field Marshal von Gneisenau and General von Scharnhorst. Today there is a cozy fish restaurant inside the gate.

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Tower "Der Dona"

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The fortification tower is located on the shore of Lake Superior. It bears the name of the Prussian Field Marshal Don, who participated in the war of liberation against Napoleonic France as part of the Russian-German region and was in Russian service from 1812. The tower is a historical and architectural monument of the mid-19th century, forming, together with the Rossgarten Gate, a single fortress complex. The history of the complex is also connected with the development of Königsberg and the events of World War II. The tower was built from 1852 to 1853. It is round in plan, its diameter is 34 m, height 12 m, two floors above ground and one underground - basements. The basements were intended for storing food supplies, ammunition and military equipment. In total, the tower has 42 casemates, located in two ring tiers. Their enfilade arrangement, without internal partitions, created convenience for the garrison’s maneuvers during defense. During the construction of the tower, a special fortification brick was used, which underwent multi-firing hardening according to the principle of hardening steel (heating - tempering, and so on several times). Plaster was not used, because In the local climate with frequent rains, high humidity and mild winters, exposed brick was stronger and more durable, while giving the facade an expressive external beauty.

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Wrangel Tower

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It is the mirror “twin” of the Der Dona tower and is located at the beginning of Lake Superior. Built in 1853, it was named in honor of Field Marshal Count Wrangel. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Wrangel Tower was called the treasure chamber. It opened on certain days when items made of gold and silver, precious stones and amber were examined. Nearby there was an art hall, where not only exhibitions were held, but also the creative intelligentsia gathered, and a music club functioned. During World War II, warehouses for military equipment and military equipment were located within the walls of the tower. Today, restoration work is being carried out here, after which it is planned to place a passage, exhibition halls, pavilions for the sale of souvenirs and handicrafts. Today, tourists can explore the tower from the inside, visit antique shops and a restaurant with a wonderful summer terrace.

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