Presentation on the Tolstoy Museum in Yasya Polyana. Clear Glade of the Tolstoy Lion. L.N. Tolstoy sits on a horse

The main idea of ​​the poem. The originality of the ideological-imaginative system. Pushkin traditions in the works of Rasul Gamzatov. Comparative analysis of poems. Responsiveness. Essential. Controversy. Mentor and teacher. Poetic size. Main thought. Pushkin traditions. Family origins of love.

“Years of the life of Saltykov-Shchedrin” - The writer’s parents. The story “Contradictions” was called “idiotic stupidity” by Belinsky. April 28, 1889 - death of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The word “softness” was coined by Saltykov-Shchedrin. Evgraf Vasilievich Saltykov Father of the writer. Achievements of Saltykov-Shchedrin. In the village of Spas-Ugol, Tver province, in a wealthy landowner family. N. G. Chernyshevsky Shchedrin has a magnificent, purely folk, apt style... L. N. Tolstoy.

“Literary quiz on Pushkin” - The life and work of A.S. Pushkin. When and with whom the route from Ekaterinoslav to Chisinau was completed. Ode "Liberty". Where are the lines from? The first work of fourteen-year-old A. S. Pushkin. The first poem by A. S. Pushkin. For what reason did he hug? The house on Nemetskaya Street where Pushkin was born. In the Poem “To the Sea,” Pushkin calls them “the rulers of our thoughts.” Southern link. The speech is about Alexander I. The epigraph was given to the collection “Poems of Alexander Pushkin”.

“The cycle of Gogol’s St. Petersburg stories” - Continuator of traditions. Moor of Peter the Great. Queen of Spades. Formation of competence. Diagnostic results. Plot plan and composition. Results of students' research work. Completed short stories. The story "Portrait". The appearance of Christ to the people. The last day of Pompeii. Composition. Discussion of the work plan. Painting and iconography in the story. Methodological goals. Petersburg stories. Stages and timing of the project.

“The Book “Poor Liza”” - Tale by N.M. Karamzin "Poor Liza". Love. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. Sentimentalism. History of Russian Goverment. Introduction. From the life of N.M. Karamzin. Vocabulary work. The story "Poor Lisa". Let's return to the epigraph of the lesson. Questions and tasks for the text.

“Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” - Requirements of the genre canon. The writer created the main book in the genre of literary travel. “I looked around me - my soul was wounded by the suffering of humanity...” Analysis of “Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow” by A.N. Radishcheva. “Here is the dispersal of the French infection...” Catherine II. A.N. Radishchev. Analysis. Traditional motives and techniques. The purpose of the lesson. Literary journey. The key to the entire Radishchev work.

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Purpose: To introduce the writer’s biographical information related to the life of Leo Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana. Objectives: To increase, using information technology, interest in the work of the writer L.N. Tolstoy. To develop the creative abilities of students, the ability to see the beauty around them. To cultivate a sense of beauty, love for nature and the work of the artist B.V. Shcherbakova

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Equipment: Computer, multimedia screen, projector. Explanatory note: Lesson on the topic “L.N. Tolstoy. Yasnaya Polyana in the life of a writer" is studied in the 8th grade. Students continue to study the biography and work of Leo Tolstoy - one of the most striking pages in the history of Russian literature. Pupils have computer skills and show a keen interest in lessons using ICT. Methods: Verbal, visual Lesson type: Learning new material Lesson form: Presentation lesson (Lesson fragment)

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“The purest joy, the joy of nature... ...Without my Yasnaya Polyana, I can hardly imagine Russia and my attitude towards it. Without Yasnaya Polyana, perhaps I will see more clearly the general laws necessary for my fatherland, but I will not love it to the point of passion." L.N. Tolstoy

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Description of Yasnaya Polyana.

Yasnaya Polyana is a picturesque corner in the Tula region, associated with the name of the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy. Yasnaya Polyana is Tolstoy's childhood and his first impressions of the world around him. Yasnaya Polyana today is one of the largest memorial museums in the country. Yasnaya Polyana during the lifetime of L.N. Tolstoy was one of the significant cultural centers of Russia.

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On an area of ​​about four hundred hectares, the residential building of L.N. is preserved in historically intact form. Tolstoy with authentic furnishings, outbuildings, park, forest, orchard.

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In 1960, an exhibition of works by Soviet artists dedicated to L.N. was opened at the estate museum. Tolstoy and Yasnaya Polyana. It was located in one of the memorial buildings - in Volkonsky's house - and aroused great interest among museum visitors.

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Two years of hard work. In Yasnaya Polyana in 1961, an exhibition of works by B.V. Shcherbakov opened in the Volkonsky house: “Four seasons in Yasnaya Polyana.” More than fifty paintings were exhibited.

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The artist dedicated several works to the Yasnaya Polyana summer: “Entering Yasnaya Polyana”, “Lilacs are in bloom”, “Voronka River”, “Apartment Forests” and other landscapes.

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The artist takes us through the memorable places of Yasnaya Polyana. We pass by the entrance stone turrets, climb the famous “prespekt” and head to Tolstoy’s house, remembering either scenes from the novel “War and Peace” or chapters from “Anna Karenina”.

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Entrance to the estate

The road leading to the estate was called Posolskaya in the old days, as ambassadors traveled along it from Moscow to the Crimea, to the Caucasus, to Persia and back. The round brick towers at the entrance to the estate were built by Tolstoy’s maternal grandfather. From the entrance to Tolstoy’s house there is a wide entrance alley with the ancient name “Preshpekt”. The stone gate at the entrance and “Preshpekt” are mentioned more than once in the novel “War and Peace” when describing the Bolkonsky estate “Bald Mountains”, the prototype of which was Yasnaya Polyana.

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Middle Pond

In the middle of the park there is the “Middle Pond”. Once upon a time, a ravine ran through the entire park. Under N.S. In Volkonsky it was dammed in several places and filled with water, as a result three ponds were formed: “Upper”, “Middle” and “Lower”. In the 1890s, a bathhouse was installed on the “Middle Pond”, where members of Tolstoy’s family and guests swam.

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Tree of the Poor

There is an old spreading elm tree in front of the house. Every morning, petitioners waited for Tolstoy under the elm tree: beggars, passers-by, peasants. Hence the name of the elm, “Tree of the Poor.”

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Bridge over the Voronka River

The bridge over the Voronka River in this place was built in the early 1860s, when L.N. Tolstoy set up an apiary on the opposite bank of the river and planted forests.

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In a green grove

In 1873-1881, on the left side of the road leading to the Voronka River, Tolstoy planted a birch grove, which has retained the name “Abramovskaya” to this day, named after the gardener Abramych, who took part in this planting.

Yasnaya Polyana dates back to the end of the 17th century, from the moment its first owners, the Kartsevs, appeared here. The estate went through several stages before thoroughly changing its appearance during a radical reconstruction undertaken by L.N. Tolstoy’s grandfather, Prince Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky.

Yasnaya Polyana is a unique memorial and natural reserve. Old buildings have been preserved here, surrounded by picturesque parks, gardens, and forests. The traditions of the Tolstoy family still live here. A walk through Yasnaya Polyana will take you into the world of Russian noble estates of the 19th century.

Ponds On the left side of “Preshpekt” there is a Big Pond. On the other side of the Preshpect, in a ravine, an English park was laid out with a cascade of three small ponds: Upper, Middle and Lower. In the 90s, a bathhouse was installed on the Sredny Pond.

Lower (English) Park In the old days it was called the “Aglitsky garden”. In this picturesque corner of Yasnaya Polyana, everything reminded Tolstoy of his mother, Maria Nikolaevna. Maria Nikolaevna loved to walk along the paths of the Lower Park, planting rose bushes, euonymus, hazel, and silver poplars here.

Gardens Fruit orchards are the decoration of the Yasnaya Polyana estate. Its garden and park ensemble was created over 150 years. The estate had two regular gardens - each of eight wedges, where apple trees, currants, gooseberries, raspberries and strawberries grew. There are 849 apple trees in the garden of 25 different varieties.

Kuzminsky wing In 1859, Tolstoy opened a school for peasant children in the wing, which existed until 1862. Later guests stayed here. More often than others, the writer’s sister-in-law, his wife’s younger sister, Tatyana Andreevna Kuzminskaya and her family lived here. After her name, the outbuilding was called the Kuzminsky outbuilding.

House of L.N. Tolstoy Tolstoy settled in this house. Tolstoy lived in this house for more than 50 years. All things, books, paintings here are genuine: they belonged to Tolstoy, his family, and even the writer’s ancestors. The house still retains the furnishings of 1910, the last year of Tolstoy's life.

Chepyzh This name refers to the oak forest. Chepyzh is part of the historical Tula settlements. The age of the trees is years. Tolstoy loved to choose these places for his daily walks.

Fir trees near Grumant Spruce crops were planted on the arable land of S. A. Tolstoy in the years.

L. N. Tolstoy’s favorite bench At the request of L. N. Tolstoy, a wooden bench was built in “Yolochki”. This place is known as his favorite place of reflection in the peace and quiet of the young spruce forest, a place of rest after long walks around the estate and the surrounding area.

Museum-Estate "Yasnaya Polyana" Virtual excursion Prepared by: Zhakulina Irina Valentinovna, primary school teacher at Municipal Educational Institution-Occupational School No. 23 in Chapaevsk, Samara Region, 2011 Happy is the one who is happy at home. L.N. Tolstoy Yasnaya Polyana is an estate in the Shchekinsky district of the Tula region (14 km southwest of Tula), founded in the 17th century and belonging first to the Kartsev family, then to the Volkonskys and Tolstoys. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born in it on August 28 (September 9), 1828, here he lived, wrote his works, and his grave is located here. The main role in creating the appearance of the estate was played by the writer’s grandfather, Prince Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky. Yasnaya Polyana is a unique memorial and natural reserve. Old buildings have been preserved here, surrounded by picturesque parks, gardens, and forests. The traditions of the Tolstoy family still live here. A walk through Yasnaya Polyana will take you into the world of Russian noble estates of the 19th century. 33 22 18 Pavilion Volkonsky House 16 Gardens 17 24 11 23 3 46 7 2 5 1 Ponds At the entrance to the estate there are two round brick towers, simple and graceful. They were built by Tolstoy's grandfather, Prince N.S. Volkonsky. Once upon a time there were iron gates between the towers, but under Tolstoy they were no longer there. The inside of the towers is hollow; watchmen took shelter from the weather in them. To the left of the entrance is a small house called a “kamenka”. A gardener lived here. In the 90s, in Kamenka there was a school for peasant children, where Tolstoy’s eldest daughters, Tatyana Lvovna and Maria Lvovna, taught. “Preshpekt” is a birch alley that appeared in Yasnaya Polyana around 1800. It starts from the entrance towers and goes to the Writer's House. In 1903, Lev Nikolaevich’s wife Sofya Andreevna planted spruce trees here instead of old birches. In 1965, spruce trees were again replaced by birch trees. On the left side of the “Preshpekt” there is a bathhouse located in the ravine. On the other side of the “Preshpekt”. The prince was in the Big Pond in the 90s. On the Middle Pond there was a children's park with a cascade of three small ones. On the banks of the pond, Tolstoy, guests, and in winter, ancient willows, growing in the estate since the beginning of the 19th ponds: Upper, Middle and Lower, swam in this English pond. there was a skating rink here. The lower century, when the owner of Yasnaya Polyanyprud was decorated by Prince N.S. with picturesque birch bridges. Volkonsky. There was also a bathhouse on the shore of the pond. Tolstoy settled in this house (former outbuilding) in 1856. He brought his young wife here in 1862. Here he lived for more than 50 years. All things, books, paintings here are genuine: they belonged to Tolstoy, his family, and even the writer’s ancestors. The house still maintains the furnishings of 1910, the last year of Tolstoy’s life. The Kuzminskys' Wing once housed a school for peasant children, then guests of Yasnaya Polyana stayed in the house. Currently, the outbuilding hosts rotating memorial exhibitions telling about the writer and his family. The pavilion was built in 1888. Guests of Yasnaya Polyana lived there in the summer, including artists I. E. Repin and N. N. Ge. Volkonsky's house is the oldest stone building in the estate. Under L.N. Tolstov, the building had a commercial purpose; servants lived here. Now the museum administration is located in the house. Around the Volkonsky House there are outbuildings: a barn, a coachman's hut, a poultry house, and a stable. Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky was a statesman close to Empress Catherine II. After retiring, he married Ekaterina Dmitrievna Trubetskoy and settled in Yasnaya Polyana. He built a rich manor house on the estate, laid out a park, and dug a large pond. In 1821 he died. Chepyzh is an oak forest, which is part of the historical Tula fences and is located behind the “Red Garden”. The age of the trees is 180-250 years. Tolstoy loved to choose these places for his daily walks. According to legend, in a “hut on pillars” built on a now overgrown clearing in the western part of the massif, at one time he also built a working “office”. At the request of L.N. Tolstoy, a wooden bench was built in “Yolochki”. This place is known as his favorite place of reflection in the peace and quiet of the young spruce forest, a place of rest after long walks around the estate and the surrounding area. Fruit orchards are a decoration of the Yasnaya Polyana estate. Its garden and park ensemble was created over 150 years. Each section of the Yasnaya Polyana garden has its own name: the Old Garden - the first Yasnaya Polyana garden, the Red Garden - next to Tolstoy's house, the Young Garden - planted in the early 80s of the 19th century; Garden "Kliny" - restored by L.N. Tolstoy in memory of his mother. Under Prince N.S. Volkonsky village was located on the busy Posolskaya road. Houses were located on both sides of it. Both the road and the chain of houses have survived to this day. The Tolstoys believed that Yasnaya Polyana got its name from the wide sunny valley that opens when turning to the estate, and perhaps along the Yasenka River, which flows nearby. Volkonsky N.S. Gardens Estate "Yasnaya Polyana" museum/manor/index.htm Yasnaya Polyana http://www. Okuneva N.F. Virtual excursion “Visiting L.N. Tolstoy” Photos: L.Tolstoy on a bench – Map – http:// Entry towers – L.N. Tolstoy and his daughters – http://www. N.S. Volkonsky – E.D. Trubetskaya M.N.Volkonskaya N.I. Tolstoy L.N. Tolstoy in 1849 Preshpekt Middle Pond http: // Lower Pond Birch Bridge ru/get/7/katerina810.2/0_4969_b926acc5_XL Bathhouse in the Middle Pond Bathhouse House of Leo Tolstoy Veranda in the house L.N. Tolstoy In the house of L.N. Tolstoy Living room Writer's office a7/95e28a45731f.jpg Writer's office Kuzminsky wing 0_f394_7af23277_XL Pavilion I.E. Repin jpg N.N.Ge House of N.S. Volkonsky Stable L.’s favorite bench. N. Tolstoy Tolstoy’s grave 14/0_100ba_b5ffa54c_XL Chepyzh Glade in Chepyzh jpg Yasnaya Polyana Village Yasnaya Polyana Village JPG Fruit garden Young garden Fruit garden garden Background

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