Presentation after the ball by Tolstoy. Presentation on the topic: L.N. Tolstoy “After the ball. at the same time expose social

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The story “After the Ball” History of the creation of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Expand knowledge about the writer’s biography; Show the originality of Tolstoy's historicism; Get acquainted with the history of the creation of the story “After the Ball”; Identify the social and moral problems of the story; Lesson objectives:

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate near Tula. Among the writer's paternal ancestors is an associate of Peter I - P. A. Tolstoy, one of the first in Russia to receive the title of count. The writer’s father, Count N.I. Tolstoy, took part in the Patriotic War of 1812. On his mother's side, Tolstoy belonged to the family of the Bolkonsky princes. The writer’s mother is M.I. Bolkonskaya Father - Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy Biography of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

The writer’s entire life is connected with the Yasnaya Polyana estate. Yasnaya Polyana during the writer's lifetime. Yasnaya Polyana today.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy received his education at Kazan University, first at the Eastern Faculty, then at the Faculty of Law. Tolstoy enters military service in the Caucasus, where he receives an officer rank. Participated in the Crimean War. The writer's impressions of the Caucasian War were reflected in the stories "Raid" (1853), "Cutting Wood" (1855), "Demoted" (1856).

In the early 1860s. For decades, the order of Tolstoy’s life, his way of life, is established. In 1862, he married the daughter of a Moscow doctor, Sofya Andreevna Bers.

In the fall of 1859, the writer opened a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana. At this school, the children learned to write, read, count, they had classes in social studies, Russian history, drawing, and singing.

In Yasnaya Polyana, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote his most famous novels: “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina”.

By 1890, Tolstoy came to a complete denial of his previous literary activity, took up physical labor, plowed, sewed boots, and switched to vegetarian food. Weighed down by the lordly way of life in the estate, Tolstoy secretly left Yasnaya Polyana on November 10, 1910. The health of the 82-year-old writer could not withstand the journey. He caught a cold and, falling ill, died on November 20 on the way at the Astapovo station of the Ryazan-Ural Railway.

What is a story? (The short story is an epic genre. The basis of the story is usually one event or incident, although there may be larger themes covering long periods of time, even the entire life of the hero.) How many plot lines are there in a story? (Usually one storyline.)

History of the story The story was written in 1903. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy writes about the forties of the 19th century, about the reign of Nicholas I, nicknamed Nikolai Palkin. The accession of Nicholas I to the throne is associated with such a historical event as the Decembrist Uprising.

Tolstoy turns to the events of seventy years ago to show that during this time almost nothing has changed: arbitrariness and cruelty reign in the army, justice and humanity are violated at every step. What worried him most was that “educated people are convinced that this is necessary “for a good, correct life.” He exclaims: “What terrible moral mutilation must occur in the minds and hearts of such people!” Why did Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, in his old age, return to the memories of his youth, using them as the basis for the plot of the story “After the Ball”?

Initially, the story had several draft titles: “The Story of the Ball and the Gauntlet,” “Daughter and Father,” “And You Say...”. Why do you think the writer settled on the title “After the Ball”? Let us remember the words of the hero of the story, Ivan Vasilyevich: “My whole life changed from one night, or, rather, morning.” The main thing in the story is what happened early in the morning, after the ball: the narrator saw how a soldier was being tortured, and his beloved’s father commanded the execution.

What events are described in the story?

What social and moral problems does Tolstoy raise in his story “After the Ball”? The main idea of ​​Tolstoy's story is a passionate protest against hypocrisy and violence, against the humiliation of human dignity. The fate of the modest and unpretentious decent man depicted by Tolstoy reflected a phenomenon whose significance is not immediately revealed, but, in fact, is very great and does not decrease, but increases in the course of human history. The shock experienced by Ivan Vasilyevich freed him from narrow class morality, with its legalized inhumanity towards the lower: the Tatar’s plea for mercy, compassion and anger sounding in the words of the blacksmith became clear to him; Without realizing it, he shares the highest human laws of morality.

Homework: Answer questions 1-7 (p. 40) Prepare a description of the characters in the story “After the Ball”

Literature lesson. 8th grade

Tolstoy's idea that you cannot be happy if there is a lot of grief and suffering next to you; He looked at his talent not as a means to achieve personal goals, but as a weapon given to him from above to serve humanity; His whole life is service to humanity. Tolstoy, in numerous articles and works of art, fights existing evil and untruth, denounces the violence and despotism of power, protests against ongoing wars, calling war “the most terrible crime that a person can commit”; Tolstoy called on every person to moral renewal, to struggle with their shortcomings, to create their own moral responsibility for all their actions.

The name of the author, L.N. Tolstoy, is already well known to us. Let Leo Tolstoy live a long life and die at eighty, let’s talk a little about this man. What do you know about him? third year; Tolstoy became aware of the moral illegitimacy of his position as a landowner amid the misery of the poor people around him. I have experienced a lot in my life. He was both a student at Kazan University and a military man, and was exposed to mortal danger in the Caucasus and Sevastopol; was a traveler, and a teacher, and a public figure, and a philosopher; Count Tolstoy loved to take part in peasant labor (he plowed the land himself, planted gardens and forests); Very active, energetic, loved life in all its manifestations. At the age of 67, he learned to ride a bicycle and skate. Tolstoy was a tireless walker, rode excellently, and swam excellently; I thought about the serious problems of existence: about the meaning of life, about death, about good and evil;

The entire life of the writer Yasnaya Polyana is connected with the Yasnaya Polyana estate during the life of the writer Yasnaya Polyana in our days

Initially, the story had several draft titles: “The Story of the Ball and the Gauntlet,” “Daughter and Father,” “And You Say...”. Why do you think the writer settled on the title “After the Ball”? Let us remember the words of the hero of the story, Ivan Vasilyevich: “My whole life changed from one night, or, rather, morning.” The main thing in the story is what happened early in the morning, after the ball: the narrator saw how a soldier was being tortured, and his beloved’s father commanded the execution.

What events are described in the story?

Work in groups Assignment: observe the text, select key words, phrases from the episodes. “At the ball” first group, “After the ball” second group.

What conclusions can be drawn from these observations? The episode of the ball and the events after the ball are contrasted with each other. A contrasting depiction of characters, circumstances, and events is an important technique for comprehending the idea of ​​a story. These episodes are organically connected with each other. The contrast helped show the turning point in the hero’s soul. The mask from the outwardly prosperous, elegant reality is torn off. The more festive and luxurious the hero imagined the world to be at the beginning, the more unexpected, tragic, and bitter his insight turned out to be.

Now let's take a closer look at the narrator on whose behalf the story is told. What kind of person is this, what problems bother him, what does he think about? Why does the author “trust” the story about the event to Ivan Vasilyevich? A thinking person, reflecting on life. The hero is concerned about moral and social problems. A person who is not indifferent, with a conscience. The author’s attitude towards the narrator is expressed by a direct assessment of one of the listeners: “Well, we know how good you are... No matter how many people would be no good if you were not there.”

Why didn’t Ivan Vasilyevich intervene in what was happening? He cannot imagine that a bad, evil, disgusting deed was accomplished with such ease and confidence without a serious reason: “... they knew something that I did not know.” What did the incident with the soldier make Ivan Vasilyevich think about? What was he “trying to find out” about? It is important for the hero to know what the moral principles of society are, the criteria for assessing good and evil, what the army is based on, of which he dreamed of being an officer. Public morality, based on cruelty and violence, contradicts the moral ideas of Ivan Vasilyevich. How did Ivan Vasilyevich’s life change after the incident with the Tatar? He abandoned his military career. The hero chooses the path of “non-participation in lies” and cruelty. This is the path of moral self-improvement, internal opposition to social evil. And the hero’s love began to wane.

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L.N. Tolstoy “After the Ball”

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History of creation
The story “After the Ball” is based on a real event that Tolstoy learned about when he lived as a student with his brothers in Kazan. His brother Sergei Nikolaevich fell in love with the daughter of the local military commander L.P. Koreysha was going to marry her. But after Sergei Nikolaevich saw the cruel punishment commanded by the father of his beloved girl, he experienced a strong shock. He stopped visiting Koreish's house and gave up the idea of ​​getting married.

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Basis of the work
This story lived so firmly in Tolstoy’s memory that many years later he described it in the story “After the Ball.” It is interesting to note that the story was first called “Daughter and Father,” then “And You Say,” and finally, “After the Ball.”

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Colonel at the ball
Colonel at the ball L.N. Tolstoy shows himself as a person respected by everyone. “Varenka’s father was a very handsome, stately, tall and fresh old man... He was beautifully built, with a broad, sparsely decorated, protruding chest, with strong shoulders and long, slender legs,” is how Ivan Vasilyevich describes the colonel.

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Character of the Colonel
Throughout the ball, Varenka’s father was at his best. His manners were obvious. Although the colonel danced the mazurka a little awkwardly, his self-esteem covered up all his shortcomings. Affectionate, leisurely speech emphasized the aristocratic essence of the colonel and aroused even more admiration. Pyotr Vladislavovich did not hide his care and tender attitude towards his daughter. “Rising up with some effort, he gently and sweetly grabbed his daughter’s ears with his hands and, kissing her forehead, brought her to me, thinking that I was dancing with her,”

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Scene after the ball
The second part of the story... Different music... Other people... And most importantly - a different colonel. Everything changes just like the African savannas during the dry season... The colonel appears before us beating a powerless and innocent soldier, a helpless prisoner. Instead of dance steps, we see the colonel's boundless hatred of Caucasians, merciless blows of sticks and rods, and a human performer. However, it does not seem that the Colonel is a two-faced Janus, in both situations he is sincere and loyal to his home. Nor can he be considered absolutely inhuman; shame and embarrassment in front of Ivan Vasilyevich are proof of this. All these were “wooden” (stick) chains of Nicholas’s time.

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There was not a single sweet, good-natured feature left on his face. There was nothing left of the colonel who was at the ball, but a new one appeared, menacing and cruel.

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In his story L.N. Tolstoy accuses society of the colonel's hypocrisy. We cannot say that Pyotr Vladislavovich’s behavior at the ball, his manners, and his attitude towards his daughter are false. Those around him treat the colonel with respect, and these feelings are mutual. It's a completely different matter after the ball. If there had not been such cruelty and injustice from Nicholas Russia, there would have been no cruelty and anger in the colonel’s heart.

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Human and society
Tolstoy wants to convince us that human behavior depends on society, and society is us. And we must try not to provoke the people around us into behavior similar to the behavior of the colonel after the ball.

L.N. Tolstoy. Biography.

Story "After the Ball".

(8th grade)

teacher of Russian language and literature


Lesson objectives:

  • expand students’ understanding of the life and work of L.N. Tolstov;
  • consider the plot and composition of the work;
  • give an idea of ​​contrast as an artistic device on which a work is based;
  • determine the social and moral problems of this work.

Are you ready to start the lesson? Let's listen, reason and help each other!

Good afternoon

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

in youth,


old age

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born (August 28) on September 9, 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate, Tula province, into a noble family

Yasnaya Polyana.

Tolstoy, his three brothers and younger sister spent their entire childhood here, and here the writer lived most of his life.

Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya (1790-1830). Mother of L. Tolstoy.

  • I don’t remember my mother at all. I was one and a half years old when she died... everything I know about her is wonderful...
  • L. Tolstoy “Memoirs”

Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy (1795-1837). Father of L. Tolstoy.

  • The first place...occupies, although not in terms of influence on me, but in terms of my feelings for him,... is my father.

L. Tolstoy “Memoirs”

When Lyovushka was 2 years old, her mother died. The closest person was a distant relative of Pelageya Nikolaevna’s grandmother, Tatyana Aleksandrovna Ergolskaya.

Childhood memories always remained the most joyful for Tolstoy: family legends, first impressions of the life of a noble estate served as rich material for his works, and were reflected in the autobiographical story “Childhood.”

Adolescence and youth

  • Tolstoy was 13 years old, the family moved to Kazan.
  • For two and a half years he prepared to enter university.


In 1844, L. Tolstoy entered Kazan University. He attends classes at the Faculty of Philosophy (Department of Arabic-Turkish Literature) for a year and at Law for two years.

In 1847, L.N. Tolstoy left the University.


  • In 1851, his elder brother Nikolai, an officer in the active army, persuaded Tolstoy to go together to the Caucasus. For almost three years, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy lived in a Cossack village on the banks of the Terek, participating in hostilities (at first voluntarily, then he was accepted into service).

Stele in memory of a participant in the defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855. L. N. Tolstoy

at the fourth bastion

L. N. Tolstoy

The writer's impressions of the Caucasian War were reflected in the stories "Raid" (1853), "Cutting Wood" (1855), "Demoted" (1856), and in the story "Cossacks" (1852-1863).

In the Caucasus, the story "Childhood" was completed and in 1852 it was published in the magazine "Sovremennik".

Literary activity of the first half of the 1850s.

1852 - the story “Childhood”, published in Sovremennik, later “Adolescence” (1854) and

"Youth" (1856).

In 1855, L. Tolstoy completed work on “Sevastopol Stories”

Pedagogical activity

Back in 1849, L.N. Tolstoy began classes with peasant children.

In 1859 he opened a school in Yasnaya Polyana.

In 1872, L. Tolstoy wrote “The ABC,” which was published 28 times during the writer’s lifetime.

L.N. Tolstoy discovered 26 public schools, where 9,000 children studied.

He published the pedagogical magazine Yasnaya Polyana in 1862 and wrote educational fairy tales and stories for children.

L.N. Tolstoy with the children of the peasants of Yasnaya Polyana.

Photo from 1908


In 1862

L. Tolstoy married the daughter of a doctor.

“Count L.N. Tolstoy did not like to be separated from his family even for a single day, he always complained about urgent trips and was in a hurry to return home as soon as possible.”

Over 17 years of marriage, they had 13 children.

L.N. Tolstoy with his wife and children. 1887

In the late autumn of 1910, 82-year-old Tolstoy, accompanied only by his personal physician D.P. Makovitsky, left Yasnaya Polyana. The journey turned out to be too much for him: on the way, Tolstoy fell ill and was forced to get off the train at the small Astapovo railway station. Here, in the station master's house, he spent the last seven days of his life. All of Russia followed reports about the health of Tolstoy, who by this time had already gained worldwide fame.

Awaiting news about the writer's health

General view of Astapovo station.

Happiness of all mankind

not worth one's tears

offended child.

L.N. Tolstoy



Lesson topic message

Today in class we will introduce you to the story

L.N. Tolstoy “After the Ball”.

History of the story

L. N. Tolstoy wrote the story “After the Ball” in 1903, when he was well over 70 years old.

The story was first published in the posthumous collected works of Tolstoy.

The story describes the 40s of the 19th century.

The writer recalled this time in the article “Nikolai Palkin,” written back in 1886 (the article was banned in Russia).

The story is based on a story that happened to the writer’s brother, Sergei Nikolaevich.

History of the story

It is known that the story is based on a story that happened to the writer’s older brother, Sergei Nikolaevich.

Story - This is an epic genre.

The basis of the story is usually

constitutes one event or

incident, although there may be more

voluminous topics covering long-term

periods of time, even the entire life of the hero.

As a rule, one storyline.

The story highlights

the following main parts:

after the ball


at the ball

Composition of the work

The work has 4 parts:

1) Dialogue between Ivan Vasilyevich and a company of young people.

2) Ball scene.

3) Execution scene.

4) The story ends with a remark from Ivan Vasilyevich.

One of the compositional features of the story “After the Ball” is the presence of two narrators.

The story highlights

the following main parts:

after the ball



at the ball

The story is thus enclosed in a “frame”.

This compositional technique is called

"a story within a story"

because the work is written by the writer in such a way that we learn about all events from the narrator

  • What events are described in the story?

ball at the governor's leader

Punishment scene

Analysis of the first part. "Ball".

Write it out in two parts

text key expressions,

indicating colors (1 gr.),

sounds (2 gr.),

description of the colonel (3 gr),

psychological state of the hero

(4 gr.).

Please indicate which languages

funds have been used.

Analysis of the first part “Ball”.

  • Varenka in white dress, in white x gloves, wearing white shoes. White color is the personification of purity, light, joy. Vivid means of expression were used - epithets: ball wonderful , hall beautiful , the buffet is great and etc.
  • sounded graceful mazurka, perky polka, funny quadrille, gentle, smooth waltz.
  • Varenka's father - handsome, stately, tall, fresh, with a joyful smile ; the guests are delighted by the colonel's charm and courtesy. expressive verbs: touched the boots, performed beautiful and fast steps.
  • Ivan Vasilyevich “at that time embraced the whole world with his love,” “he was happy, blessed, and kind. “I was not me, some unearthly creature who knows no evil and is capable only of good. I loved the hostess...and her husband, and even the engineer Anisimov.”

Analysis of the second part. "The Punishment of a Soldier"

"The Punishment of a Soldier"

  • The colors change sharply: the landscape of a spring morning is not encouraging, at first something is visible at the end of the field big, black , then the soldiers in black uniforms, the soldier’s back is described as “something motley, wet, red , unnatural." Verbs, participles, gerunds are expressive: “a man naked to the waist, tied to the guns of two soldiers,” “a face wrinkled with suffering,” pushed, pulled, sobbed, twitching with his whole body, tipping back, etc.
  • The melody is unpleasant, shrill, “something different, harsh, bad.”
  • The colonel walked with a firm, trembling gait, “...hitting the weak soldier in the face with a strong hand.” Means of expression are antonyms: a stumbling soldier writhing in pain and the tall, stately figure of the colonel.
  • Condition of I.V. conveyed by the words “And it seemed to me that I was about to vomit with all the horror that entered me from this sight”

At the ball:

ball wonderful, hall beautiful, buffet fabulous

Quadrilles, waltzes, polkas

the hosts of the ball

good-natured old man, rich man - hospitable ,


his wife good-natured

V white dress, in white gloves, in white shoes, she has radiant, flushed face and affectionate cute eyes


, With white mustache , white sideburns, with shiny eyes

Ivan Vasilievich

Execution - a punishment common in the first half of the 19th century in the army during the reign of Nicholas I. The offending soldier was driven through the ranks, beaten with sticks or rods.

Vocabulary work:

Review the concepts of “fable”, “moral”, “allegory”,

Execution (corporal punishment) :

Something music

A lot of black people in black uniforms,


Naked waist-deep, his back is something


High military man, walking hard trembling gait

Ivan Vasilievich

Was ashamed , lowered his eyes, my heart was almost

Observations on heroes


at the ball

Ivan Vasilievich

after the ball

Satisfied, happy, blissful, kind.


Handsome, stately, tall, fresh , With white mustache , white sideburns, with shiny eyes

Was ashamed , lowered his eyes , my heart was almost physical melancholy, reaching the point of nausea.

High military man, walking hard trembling gait.

There is also contrast in the system of images.

ball wonderful, hall beautiful, buffet fabulous

Quadrilles, waltzes, polkas



good-natured old man, rich man - hospitable ,

Something big, black, hard, bad music

his wife good-natured

the hosts of the ball

V white dress, in white gloves, in white shoes, she has radiant, flushed face and affectionate cute eyes

Unpleasant, shrill melody


Handsome, stately, tall, fresh, With white mustache , white sideburns, with shiny eyes

A lot of black people in black uniforms,


Naked waist-deep, his back is something motley, wet, red, unnatural


Satisfied, happy, blissful, kind,

Ivan Vasilievich

High military man, walking hard trembling gait

Was ashamed , lowered his eyes, my heart was almost physical, almost nauseating, melancholy

Observation of linguistic means




the hosts of the ball






Ivan Vasilievich

Ivan Vasilievich

in the composition of the story

in the composition of the story

in the descriptions

in system

in system

in linguistic means

in linguistic means



What conclusions about the colonel’s mental qualities do observations of his attitude towards his daughter at the ball suggest?

What qualities of his nature are revealed in the scene on the parade ground?

What is the root of these contradictions, according to Tolstoy?

Ivan Vasilievich

How does Ivan Vasilyevich appear in the characteristics of his interlocutors?

What role did “chance” play in Ivan Vasilyevich’s life?

How does the hero characterize his decision not to serve in military service and not to serve anywhere?

“If this was done with such confidence and was recognized by everyone as necessary, then it follows that they knew something that I did not know.”

The young man realized that he cannot change the world, but he can change himself in this world. That's why he gave up his dreams of military service.

Ivan Vasilyevich knew and understood incomparably more than what was simply inaccessible to the colonel. He was and remained a sincere, pure and bright person.

Contrasting image of heroes,

their psychological state,


in which they operate

allows the writer

reveal the essence of their characters and

at the same time expose social

contradictions in tsarist Russia.


The work makes you think about:

A) a person’s personal responsibility for the life of society;

B) the fate of the colonel;

C) the love of Ivan Vasilyevich.

  • Expressed his attitude towards the cruelty of treatment of soldiers.
  • Social injustice: Why some live a carefree life, while others eke out a miserable existence.
  • Problems of honor, duty, conscience.

Story Quiz

With whom did Varenka dance the mazurka?

With engineer Anisimov

What did Ivan Vasilyevich have left after the ball in memory of Varenka?

Her glove, a feather from her fan.

“I was singing all the time in my soul and occasionally heard the motif of a mazurka. But it was some other, hard, bad music.” What kind of music was that?

Flute and drum sounds

What artistic device is used as the basis for the composition of the story “After the Ball”?

Contrasts (antitheses)

With the help of what artistic detail L.N. Does Tolstoy prove the sincerity of the colonel’s feelings for his daughter?

“To take out and dress his beloved daughter, he does not buy fashionable boots, but wears homemade ones”

Which emperor is paralleled with?

when describing the colonel ?

with Nicholas the First

Why was the soldier punished? ?

For escaping

Why did the colonel hit the short, weak soldier in the face? ?

“.. for the fact that he did not bring his stick down hard enough on the red back of the Tatar”


  • Read the story

L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball".

  • Mark Features
  • Answer question No. 4 (page 40 of the textbook), using additional literature about the historical era


- learned well

- I learned it perfectly and can put it into practice

- I learned it well, but

have questions

- much is unclear.

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Objectives of the lesson To lead students to an understanding of the author's intention and to determine the role of the author's principle in the story, To reveal the originality of the composition of the story, To pay attention to the role of linguistic means and techniques in the story, symbols and details in creating portrait characteristics of characters, in the way of expressing the author's thought, To formulate Tolstoy's appeal to the reader of the story, using the writer’s diary entries.

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“Our happiness, my friend, is like water in delirium: if you pull it, it’s inflated, but if you pull it out, there’s nothing” (Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”) “...deeds are born from thoughts” (Tolstoy) “You need to write only when, every time, what you dip the pen, you leave a piece of meat in the inkwell” (A. B. Goldenweiser “Near Tolstoy.” Recording of Tolstoy’s words)

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“All great changes in the life of one person, as well as of all humanity, begin and are accomplished in thought. In order for a change of feelings and actions to occur, a change of thought must first occur... Fruits are born from a seed. Also, actions are born from thoughts.” ("Path of Life")

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History of writing the story The story was written by a 75-year-old writer on one day (1903), and the work was published posthumously in 1911. The work was written at the request of the famous Jewish writer Sholom Aleichem for a literary collection, the funds of which will be directed to benefit the Jews who suffered from the Kineshma pogrom. The author writes about an event that occurred in the 40s of the 19th century, so the distance between the time of events and the narrative is 35 years. In 1895, Tolstoy writes: “And now 75 years have passed... Obviously, a terrible change has taken place in the environment of the so-called higher Russian society... which considers it necessary to subject it to disgusting, rude and stupid section.”

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Mazurka is a frivolous, carefree dance. Idle fun and personal happiness reign at the ball. The main character is in love: he loves Varenka, her father, he loves the whole world.

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A feeling of happiness, a premonition of something inevitable, terrible “Everything was singing in my soul and occasionally I could hear the motif of a mazurka” a shrill flute and a frightening drum roll The candle with which the serf footman Petrusha greeted the fog in which Ivan Vasilyevich walked more than “a hundred steps”

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The writer gave the opportunity to the lover, who had lost his head with happiness, to think about staying in the room “by candlelight,” but Ivan Vasilyevich again left the real perception of life, as if the fog had “stepped away.” These 100 steps will turn him upside down and change his life: he will wake up, “see the light”, i.e. will begin to see the obvious - the terrible true face of life. The hero will hear not only the voice of his loving heart, but will also “hear” the sob of the punished soldier: “Brothers, have mercy.” The events of the first part of the story take place on the last day of Maslenitsa - Forgiveness Sunday, and the beating of the Tatar - on the first day of Lent, when it was prescribed to watch yourself especially carefully: whether you had inadvertently offended anyone.

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The author clearly contrasts two words: “man” and “military”. Why does the writer avoid calling Varenka’s father a man? Tolstoy talks about the terrible punishment of man by man, in which the executioner is deprived of the right to be called a man. The antithesis reflects the contradiction in the social life of Russia: the people (army) and the power that oppresses, suppresses, and deals with them with the help of spitzrutens. The idea of ​​the story is that the punishment does not fit the “crime.” Tolstoy emphasizes that punishment can be more criminal than the “crime” itself, and protests against this.

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Why does the writer tell in such detail how the body twitched from the blows, how it fell back and forth, how the feet splashed on the melted snow, how the colonel got it to the one who weakly hit the man? Tolstoy was opposed to violence, but demonstrated all the horrors of violence in order to stop the evil in someone’s soul while it could still be stopped. “There is evil in the world,” Tolstoy reminds us in his story. There are punishments in the world that are equal to crime. But man has no other world and no other life.

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Ivan Vasilyevich is annoyed with himself after so many years, because he wavered, because the law allowed such outrages, because it is impossible to fight violence alone. The story is filled with pain for the imperfection of the world in which a person is forced to live, often subduing and suppressing honest manifestations of conscience. From modern life Vladimir Savelyevich Gengut, a writer of the 20th century, in the 80s was traveling on a bus to Medvedkovo and saw how local punks were bullying, beating and mocking passengers - tall, thin, intelligent Gengut sternly and firmly demanded to stop the outrages, and The teenagers beat him with particular pleasure... How did the hero change after this incident?

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It is possible that Varenka could have been kind and gentle under her cruel father as a kind of compensation, a counterbalance. But with Tolstoy everything is more complicated. Good accumulates in the depths of the family. Ivan Vasilyevich did not want to have anything to do with Varenka, but with her entire family. This means that the action of one person casts a shadow on the entire family.

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The ability to love people is the secret of the success of his life From modern life There is a place near Uzhgorod called Nevitskoye - and an unknown person came there every year, who built a wooden bridge over a mountain stream, made fire pits, put up artistically made signs and birdhouses, made foundations for tents... Nadezhda Grigorievna Baukova-Yushina, the wife of the deputy minister, a member of the parent committee of school No. 578, after the war, bought pies with jam for 4 kopecks at the school buffet and distributed them to the hungry fatherless. Having two higher educations, she raised her son, a gold medalist, and helped hundreds of children, teaching them mathematics, which was so difficult for children after the war, helping them finish school... For ten years, a pensioner in the city of Kazan filled a skating rink in the courtyard of his house and trained local boys, although many laughed at him and assured him that he would not succeed. Now his boys are fighting for championship among the neighborhood teams...

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Used literature Truntseva T. N. “After L. N. Tolstoy’s ball.” Kharchenko V.K. “After the ball”: hidden meanings. Lizinsky V. M. Ethical and cultural sermons for every week.
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