Presentation of the creation of Juno and maybe. Operas Rock opera "Juno and Avos." List of musical themes: Prologue Funeral Service Romance “I will never forget you” Aria Rezanova “I am madly tired in my soul” Scene. Setting goals, lesson topics

List of musical themes: Prologue Funeral Romance “I will never forget you” Aria Rezanova “I am madly tired in my soul” Scene in the church, prayer Aria of the Blessed Virgin Sailors’ song “Maybe” Sailing Arrival in America Scene at the ball White rosehip Night. Conchita's bedroom. Rezanov’s aria “Angel, become a man” Duel with Fernando Engagement Rezanov’s monologue “Bring me the cards of discovery” Choir and scene “Give to the Lord” Scene in the cell. Waiting for Conchita Finale Epilogue. "Hallelujah"

“Juno” and “Avos” is one of the most famous Soviet rock operas by composer Alexei Rybnikov with poems by poet Andrei Voznesensky. The premiere took place on July 9, 1981 on the stage of the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater (director Mark Zakharov, choreographed by Vladimir Vasiliev, artist Oleg Sheintsis), whose repertoire the play is still included in. The title of the play uses the names of two sailing ships, “Juno” and “Avos”, on which Nikolai Rezanov’s expedition sailed. History of creation In 1978, composer Alexey Rybnikov showed director Mark Zakharov his musical improvisations on the themes of Orthodox chants. Zakharov liked the music, and then the idea arose to create a musical performance based on it based on the plot of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

He addressed this proposal to the poet Andrei Voznesensky (this was their first meeting), but he did not support this idea: Then I was an arrogant young poet, it seemed incomprehensible to me why it was necessary to write something Slavophile based on “The Tale of Igor’s Host”, while while its author is unknown and it is not even known whether there was an author of the Lay or not. I say: “I have my own poem, it’s called Avos! about the love of forty-two-year-old Count Rezanov for sixteen-year-old Conchita, let’s make an opera based on this poem.” Mark was a little confused and said: “Let me read it.” The next day he told me that he agreed and that we would make an opera, and the choice of the composer would be his, Mark. He chose Alexey Rybnikov. It was a happy choice.

The libretto was indeed based on the poem “Maybe” (1970), although for the theatrical production it was necessary, naturally, to add many arias and scenes. Since the word “rock opera” was prohibited at that time (as was rock music in general), the authors wrote “modern opera” under the title of the work. The dance numbers were staged by choreographer Vladimir Vasiliev, who also initially felt that the upcoming production had no analogues on the Soviet stage. Unlike Rybnikov’s previous rock opera “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrieta,” which the commission rejected 11 times, the new performance was allowed immediately. At the same time, according to Voznesensky’s recollections, before passing the commission, Zakharov went with him in a taxi to the Yelokhovsky Cathedral, where they lit candles at the icon of the Kazan Mother of God (which is mentioned in the opera).

The opera premiered on July 9, 1981 on the stage of the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater, starring Nikolai Karachentsov (Count Rezanov), Elena Shanina (Conchita), Alexander Abdulov (Fernando). A few days later, according to Rybnikov’s recollections, scandalous articles about the play were published in the West, assessing it as anti-Soviet, which made life difficult for its authors: The Western press reacted as if we were premiering on Broadway, and not in Soviet Moscow. After that, I was pushed into the shadows for a very long time. The play was performed, but was not released abroad, the record was not released for a very long time (after all, 800 people go to the performance 2-3 times a month, and the record is widely known). They didn’t even recognize me as the author, they didn’t sign an agreement with me, and I sued the USSR Ministry of Culture, foreign correspondents came to the trial... Having won the trial, I fell into the category of people with whom it is better not to get involved at all.

However, after some time, thanks to Pierre Cardin, the theater toured in Paris and on Broadway in New York, then in Germany, the Netherlands and other countries. Subsequently, the opera was staged in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Germany, and South Korea. In Lenkom, for more than a quarter of a century, the play has gone through hundreds of performances and still plays to constant full houses. The performers of the main roles changed several times, although Nikolai Karachentsov invariably played the role of Nikolai Rezanov, until the accident. Currently, the role of Rezanov is played by Dmitry Pevtsov and Viktor Rakov. The role of Conchita is successfully played by Alla Yuganova Spirina Elizaveta 5-b

MKOU "Unyuganskaya secondary school No. 2" Presentation music lesson development in the 7th grade Lesson 5 2nd quarter

Municipal government educational institution

"Unyugan secondary school No. 2"

Lesson topic:


7th grade

Learning new material.


Ivanova Irina Vladimirovna


We present to your attention the development of a music lesson “JUNO AND AVOS”.

In accordance with the Basic curriculum in the 7th grade, 35 hours are allocated for the subject “Music” (at the rate of 1 hour per week), including 2 general lessons.

The main theme of the 7th grade program is “Classics and Modernity”.

Goal: introduction to the modern genre of stage music with the rock opera “Juno and Avos”


  • expanding knowledge about the genres of modern music;
  • development of creative potential, associative thinking;
  • education of musicality, artistic taste;
  • identifying the features of the language of music, its expressive capabilities in creating musical images.


  • method of artistic, moral and aesthetic knowledge of music;
  • method of emotional dramaturgy;
  • method of intonation-style comprehension of music;
  • artistic context method;
  • method of perspective and retrospective;


Multimedia presentation for the lesson;

"Juno and Avos"

During the classes

-Do you agree with this statement?(Students' answers)

Serious music is the music that a person thinks about, which leaves a mark on his soul and does not leave him indifferent. It is precisely such works that include the work of the modern composer Alexey Rybnikov, written to the words of Andrei Voznesensky.

The topic of our lesson: “Rock opera “Juno and Avos”.

The purpose of the lesson: to get acquainted with a new modern stage genre in music for you - rock opera.

Slide No. 1 is projected on the screen with an image of two ships and the name of the rock opera “Juno” and “Avos”.

At this stage of the lesson, the topic is announced to students, the goals and objectives of the lesson are clearly formulated

During the classes

“Juno” and “Avos” were the names of the two ships on which the Russian count, chamberlain Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov, set off for California to the shores of America in 1806.

Rezanov Nikolai Petrovich (1764-1807) - an outstanding Russian traveler and statesman, one of the founders of the Russian-American trade campaign. He came from a poor family of nobles in the Smolensk province. He served as lieutenant of the Life Guards of the Izmailovsky Regiment, and later served as chief secretary of the civil department and managing director of the main board of the Russian-American Company. In 1806, he traveled to California, where he helped establish trade relations between the Russian-American Company and the Spanish colonists.

Slide No. 2 with the image is projected on the screen


The explanation of the new material begins with historical information about the outstanding Russian traveler N.P. Rezanov, and about his romantic love for the daughter of the mayor of San Francisco, Conchita di Arguello, which formed the basis for writing a rock opera.

During the classes

The opera is based on a romantic love story between a Russian traveler and the daughter of the mayor of San Francisco, Conchita di Arguello.

Spiritual suffocation and the unbearability of existence in Russia force Rezanov to look for new lands to fulfill the eternal dream of a free country for the Russian people. He, however, understands the utopian nature of his plans and understands that the difficulties in his path are insurmountable.

But even the presence of the most minimal chance of luck, the belief in “maybe” forces Rezanov to submit one petition after another asking for permission to travel to California. But refusal after refusal broke his will.

-What do you think, in moments of despair and melancholy, who does a person turn to? Whose help does he hope for?(children's answers).

Slide No. 3 with the image is projected on the screen

Church of the Intercession in Fili.

During the classes

Certainly. He goes to the Temple and turns to God. And it is no coincidence that in the opera, sacred music is very closely intertwined with modern rhythms of rock, and “represents a huge palette that includes all the diversity - from the melodies of heavy metal rock to the mesmerizing melodies of captivating romances, and often Russian Orthodox music,” foreign newspapers wrote in 1983 year.

And it was no coincidence that Alexey Rybnikov chose the Church of the Intercession on Fili for the first performance of the rock opera, where people listened to music that was new to them for an hour and a half.

Slide No. 4 is projected on the screen with the names of the authors of the rock opera.

And so, having come to the Temple with the last hope of God’s help, Rezanov prays in front of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God for his blessing on the journey. Turning to the Mother of God, he falls in love with her image, her unearthly beauty. And now he seems to hear her blessing... the mystical voice of the Mother of God.

Before listening to music, students are asked questions aimed at consciously perceiving the musical material.

During the classes

Now we will listen to the aria of the Blessed Virgin.

Listen to the sound of this aria. What means of musical expression did the composer use to create this unearthly image?

-Why does the aria begin with such a high sound and how does the melody move on?

Slide No. 5 with the image of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is projected on the screen.

After this blessing, Rezanov unexpectedly receives permission to sail on a state mission - to establish friendly relations with America. Arriving in America, Rezanov meets at a ball given in honor of their arrival with the daughter of the mayor of San Francisco, Conchita di Arguello. Her appearance reminds him of the image of the Blessed Virgin and he falls in love with her. Having secretly gotten married, he goes back to Russia.

Listen carefully to the romance and tell me what awaits the lovers, are they destined to meet? How is this reflected in the music?

(Children's answers)



Mother of God


"Aria of the Blessed Virgin"

After listening to the aria, the children answer the questions posed earlier.


Novel “I will never forget you”

After listening to the romance, the children answer questions posed by the teacher.

During the classes

We will now learn this wonderful piece.

Slide No. 6 is projected on the screen: musical notation and text of the romance “I will never forget you”

Having sailed on ships to Russia, Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov dies in Krasnoyarsk from a fever. Conchita waited for him for 32 long years, and then took a vow of silence and took monastic vows.

The rock opera is crowned by the famous hymn glorifying love and fidelity “Hallelujah”.

Slide No. 7 with a video fragment from the rock opera “Juno and Avos” is projected on the screen.

Today we turned to the new musical stage genre of rock opera for you? Rock and opera, modernity and past.

-What genre can we classify it as? Mild or serious?

-Do you think this work can be called a classic work?

(children's answers)


Romance “I will never forget you”

Performing romance in character.

Listening and watching a video fragment of the play “Juno” and “Avos”:

Epilogue "Hallelujah"

During the classes.

To understand any piece of music, be it a piece written 200 years ago, or music written by our contemporary composer, you need to be able to listen to it, get into its mood, and let it pass through you. Only then will it find a response, be remembered and become familiar, close and understandable.

Slide No. 8 from the cover of the first and only record of the rock opera “Juno” and “Avos” is projected on the screen.

Write down your homework for the next lesson.

Thank you for the lesson!

At the end of the lesson, students answer the questions posed and draw their own conclusions on the topic.

Homework assigned:

Learn the text of the romance and draw a picture based on any of the musical fragments of the rock opera listened to in class.

The libretto of the performance is based on the poem “Maybe” (1970). The libretto of the performance is based on the poem “Maybe” (1970). The word “rock opera” was banned at that time, as was rock music in general, so the authors wrote: modern opera.

The performance was surprisingly allowed immediately. At the same time, according to Voznesensky’s recollections, before passing the commission, Zakharov went with him to the Yelokhovsky Cathedral and lit a candle at the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. The performance was surprisingly allowed immediately. At the same time, according to Voznesensky’s recollections, before passing the commission, Zakharov went with him to the Yelokhovsky Cathedral and lit a candle at the icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

The title of the play uses the names of two sailing ships, “Juno” and “Avos”, on which Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov’s expedition sailed. The title of the play uses the names of two sailing ships, “Juno” and “Avos”, on which Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov’s expedition sailed.

42-year-old statesman and naval commander, widower and father of two children, he dreamed of sailing to the shores of North America 42-year-old statesman and naval commander, widower and father of two children, he dreamed of sailing to the shores of North America Nikolai Rezanov was one of the founders The Russian-American company, which carried out the development of Alaska, was the first extraordinary and plenipotentiary envoy of the Russian Empire to Japan.

Rezanov receives the highest order from the imperial court to go to the shores of California to deliver food to the Russian colonies in Alaska. Rezanov receives the highest order from the imperial court to go to the shores of California to deliver food to the Russian colonies in Alaska.

Rezanov secretly gets engaged to his beloved, but for the wedding he needs to obtain permission from the Pope in St. Petersburg to marry a Catholic. Rezanov secretly gets engaged to his beloved, but for the wedding he needs to obtain permission from the Pope in St. Petersburg to marry a Catholic. However, they are not destined to see each other again. Along the way, Rezanov becomes seriously ill and dies near Krasnoyarsk. Conchita refuses to believe the terrible news and waits for her lover for more than thirty years, after which she becomes a nun and ends her days as a recluse.

For more than a quarter of a century, the play has had more than a hundred performances and is still sold out. For more than a quarter of a century, the play has had more than a hundred performances and is still sold out. The leading actors changed several times. Currently, the role of Count Rezanov is played by Dmitry Pevtsov and Viktor Rakov.

Memory Conchita Argüello (monstrance Maria Domingo) died in 1857 at the age of 67. Count Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov was buried in the cemetery of the city cathedral of Krasnoyarsk in 1807. Almost two centuries later, in 2000, a white marble cross was installed on his grave, on which on one side it reads: “I will never forget you,” and on the other it is written: “I will never see you.”

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