Reception day. Admission day Dates of enrollment in universities in the year

Every year, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation reviews the conditions for admission to universities, develops new requirements and terminates outdated admission rules. Graduates need to carefully study changes that directly affect the likelihood of admission to their desired university. Of course, at the moment, new rules in the education system aimed at enrolling applicants in 2019 have not yet appeared, but, based on the experience of past years, you can prepare documents for admission to a university in 2019 and draw some preliminary conclusions.

Taking into account the fact that in Russia you are allowed to submit documents to only five universities, you need to decide in advance which of them you should bring the originals to. The remaining four higher educational institutions can send copies of documents by mail and register online.

If you need to take additional university exams, then the documents must be submitted within the deadlines prescribed by the university itself. As a rule, this date “floats” in the early days of July.

If the university does not require entrance exams, then the answer to the question of when to submit documents to the admissions committee is immediately after the school graduation.

Should I carry the documents in person or send them by mail?

Every higher education institution wants students who are not just random students to study there. Therefore, a secret screening of applicants is carried out:

  • preference is given to those applicants who personally appear at the admissions committee;
  • brought the originals of the documents required for admission, rather than sending them by email.

Thus, any university wants to get those people who are trying with all their might to get into their university or institute.

How to enter a university

After the universities to which the school graduate is going have been selected, you need to collect a package of documents for admission. As a rule, the list of required documents differs little from previous years. To confirm your personal data, exam results, education, you are required to present a number of certificates and documents. The admissions committee requires the following documents.

Application addressed to the rector (a sample application is issued by the admissions committee or can be downloaded from the university portal). It should contain information about passing the Unified State Exam. The applicant must list all the subjects he took, indicating the number of points scored. Complete information must be provided, both about compulsory subjects and those taken electively. It is necessary to indicate the results of the Unified State Examination in full.

When filling out a special form, applicants indicate not only information about themselves and the results of the Unified State Exam, they fill out the “specialty” column (indicate which one they are applying for), indicate how they are going to study (full-time or part-time), add information about the presence of a certificate , about admission benefits, about health (about disabilities) and other information.

The application should also note that the applicant agrees to the processing of his personal data. This is a common requirement for applicants. The information provided must be verified. By the way, errors and omissions made when filling out the form are prohibited from being corrected. All information must be confirmed by relevant documents. You must provide the following:

  • A document confirming the availability of secondary education (this is a certificate of completion of secondary school). Applicants who enter a university already having some kind of professional education must submit a document confirming their secondary technical or vocational education. To obtain a second higher education, you need a diploma from the first university.
  • Any document proving identity and citizenship (there is a special list approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation). But it’s still better to show your passport.
  • Photos size 3x4 (2 pcs.) Photos must be black and white (color can be provided, but in this case they must be made on matte paper, not glossy). It is allowed to use photos taken one year before entering the university.
  • Medical certificate (form 026-U or 086-U). It should be noted that some institutes or universities require a medical examination. The website of the selected university always lists the specialties for which such a certificate is required for admission.
  • A document for beneficiaries (who have priority rights upon admission) and other documents depending on the category.

There are situations in which the admissions committee requests additional documents. This applies to applicants who received their education abroad (you must present a document confirming the recognition of foreign education). For people with disabilities, supporting documents are also required:

  1. A document confirming the disability group (to establish benefits or to create special conditions when taking the exam, if necessary).
  2. A certificate confirming that the applicant can study at the university without restrictions (disability groups I and II, disabled children, childhood disabled people, and others).

All of the listed documents are provided for any forms of education that are available at this university. A list of them is published on the university website.

What benefits can you use upon admission?

Applicants applying for admission to the chosen university need to find out whether they have benefits when enrolling.

The following categories of citizens can take advantage of the benefits:

  • winners and medalists of Olympiads at various levels;
  • winners of sports competitions (this includes various types of Olympics, European and world championships);
  • members of international national teams of the Russian Federation.

The following have priority rights for admission to universities:

  • National Guard members and their children;
  • citizens, participants in the liquidation of consequences of nuclear and radiation accidents.

When entering a higher educational institution, they can receive credit for the following results (Unified State Examination, tests of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Olympiads, state preparatory departments, results of entrance tests in 2019 at another university).

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Individual achievements upon admission

Each graduate can use additional bonuses in addition to the Unified State Exam - up to 10 points for various achievements. This right is given, for example, by a school medal, participation in competitions and olympiads, a gold GTO badge, a well-written graduation essay, and others.

Without what documents will they not be admitted to the university in 2018? Watch the video:

Every year, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation develops new conditions for admission to higher education institutions. In accordance with the latter, each university adopts its own rules. Anyone wishing to obtain higher education in Russia should be sure to read this information before enrolling.

Procedure for admission to universities

Such institutions in Russia can enroll:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation and Belarus;
  • compatriots from the CIS;
  • foreign citizens living in Russia;
  • citizens without citizenship living in the Russian Federation.

Citizens who have:

  • certificate of secondary education;
  • University diploma.

The number of budget places is determined by the ministry to which the educational institution is subordinate. This figure is consistent with the Ministry of Education. The number of places in the master's program is determined by the university itself. This number is agreed upon with the founder.

A university can accept students in excess of a certain number under an agreement. The maximum number of seats is determined by the license.

Educational organizations can organize a targeted enrollment of students from among budget places. This can be done for the purpose of:

  • assistance in training certain personnel in order to solve pressing problems of the region;
  • ensuring equality in admissions;
  • creation of preparatory courses.

For this purpose, universities have the right to organize a separate competition. To regulate this issue, they enter into agreements with interested parties. Applicants from abroad, including the CIS, are accepted for study in accordance with international agreements.

Compatriots from the former Union can apply for budget-funded places by participating in the competition.

A special commission is created for admission. Its leader is, as a rule, the rector of the institution.

Certification and examination commissions are organized to conduct entrance exams. Their functions are also approved by the head of the educational institution.

Only those universities that have received the appropriate license can announce the admission of citizens for study. They must inform all applicants that they have not only a license, but also accreditation, which gives the right to issue diplomas of the appropriate type.

Admission to universities is carried out in compliance with all rights and freedoms established in the Russian Federation. The commissions work openly and guarantee an objective assessment of the applicant’s knowledge.

Before the start of the admission process, the company announces the specialties for which the educational process will be carried out, in accordance with the license.

The number of budget and commercial places is also subject to disclosure. Information about exams for each specialty is also notified in advance. The admissions committee also deals with:

Determining everything related to receiving documents;
organizing a competition for exams on a commercial basis;
consideration of appeals.

What is required for admission

To enroll in a university, you must write an application and provide the following documentation:

  1. passport;
  2. school certificate;
  3. document on vocational education;
  4. diploma of higher education;
  5. photos.

If an applicant wishes to take advantage of existing benefits, he must provide additional documents.

Deadlines for submitting documents:

Everything related to entrance exams is developed by a specific university.

In the case of a large competition, the Ministry of Education does not recommend conducting entrance events through an interview. It is also prohibited to use the results of exams of paid university courses as an assessment. When enrolling in a paid form of education, the list of exams does not change.

Benefits upon admission

Students who have graduated from secondary educational institutions with honors or a medal are enrolled in universities as a result of an interview. An exception may be specialized universities.

You can also enter without exams:

  • prize-winners and winners of Russian and Ukrainian Olympiads in basic educational subjects, etc.;
  • members of international teams of the Russian Federation in similar subjects;
  • prize-winners of sports competitions: all types of Olympics, European and world championships.

Upon admission, the following may be taken into account as exams:

  • results of passing preparatory departments, which are financed through the budget;
  • results of tests conducted by the Ministry of Education;
  • Unified State Examination results;
  • results of all types of Olympiads;
  • exam results for another university of the same year.

Students are enrolled in accordance with the results of entrance exams, but no later than ten days before the start of classes.

If they successfully pass the exams, orphans, disabled people, if they have no contraindications, and other citizens provided for by law are excluded from the competition.

Every year, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation reviews the conditions for admission to universities, develops new requirements and terminates outdated admission rules. Graduates need to carefully study changes that directly affect the likelihood of admission to their desired university. Of course, at the moment, new rules in the education system aimed at enrolling applicants in 2018 have not yet appeared, but, based on the experience of past years, you can prepare documents for admission to a university in 2018 and draw some preliminary conclusions.

When to apply to university in 2018?

Taking into account the fact that in Russia you are allowed to submit documents to only five universities, you need to decide in advance which of them you should bring the originals to. The remaining four higher educational institutions can send copies of documents by mail and register online.

If you need to take additional university exams, then the documents must be submitted within the deadlines prescribed by the university itself. As a rule, this date “floats” in the early days of July.

If the university does not require entrance exams, then the answer to the question of when to submit documents to the admissions committee is immediately after the school graduation.

Should I carry the documents in person or send them by mail?

Every higher education institution wants students who are not just random students to study there. Therefore, a secret screening of applicants is carried out:

  • preference is given to those applicants who personally appear at the admissions committee;
  • brought the originals of the documents required for admission, rather than sending them by email.

Thus, any university wants to get those people who are trying with all their might to get into their university or institute.

How to enter a university?

First, you should prepare your documents. What documents are needed to submit to the admissions committee?

  1. An application addressed to the rector, which contains information about the successful passing of the Unified State Exam (both mandatory subjects for passing the Unified State Exam and those chosen by the applicant himself) indicating the exam results.
  2. Identity document and citizenship of the applicant.
  3. High School Certificate.
  4. If an applicant enters a university after receiving secondary vocational or higher education, then you need to submit a document on vocational education or a diploma from the university confirming your higher education.
  5. Photos in the amount of two pieces.
  6. Certificate in form 086-u.

In some cases, the following documents should be attached to the main documentation:

Document on recognition of foreign education Required if education was received abroad and the relevant documentation of the education received was issued by another state
A document confirming disability Needed to use benefits if the applicant is disabled or to create special conditions during entrance examinations, if there is such a need
Conclusion on the absence of restrictions for studying at a university A similar document is issued by the medical and social examination institution of the Russian Federation. Required for admission of disabled people of groups I and II, disabled children, disabled since childhood, as well as those who received a disability during military service

Other documents - depending on the category of the applicant.

Medical documents for admission

Medical documents for admission to a university include certificate 086-u. You can obtain such a certificate at the clinic at your place of residence. If you decide to undergo a medical examination yourself, then you will need to go through the following specialists:

  • therapist;
  • surgeon;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • otolaryngologist.

If you don’t want to stand in lines, you can go to paid medical institutions.

What benefits can I use upon admission?

School graduates who received honors or medals are enrolled in the university without a competition. Such applicants are interviewed.

Some specialized universities adhere to the practice of enrolling such applicants on a general basis.

  • winners and medalists of Olympiads;
  • prize-winners of sports competitions;
  • members of international teams of the Russian Federation.

Applicants who have advantages when entering universities:

  • National Guard military;
  • children of National Guard employees;
  • liquidators of accidents at nuclear and radiation facilities.

Individual achievements upon admission

Each graduate can use additional bonuses in addition to the Unified State Exam - up to 10 points for various achievements. This right is given, for example, by a school medal, participation in competitions and olympiads, a gold GTO badge, a well-written graduation essay, and others.

Without what documents will they not be admitted to the university in 2018? Watch the video:

Applicants applying for admission to the chosen university need to find out whether they have benefits when enrolling. Graduates of 2017-2018 have very little time left to choose their future profession. The last bell, the unified state exam and the farewell prom are ahead. And you need to choose an educational institution where young people will receive further education.

What should I do? When to apply to university in 2018? These and other questions are being asked by future applicants and their parents right now.

The new conditions for admitting applicants for the next 2018-2019 academic year are not yet known. Based on the legislative framework of past years, certain conclusions can already be drawn.

If a university is chosen, then you need to find out all the nuances of admission, namely:

  • what documents are needed;
  • are there any additional examination tests;
  • how to send documents (by email or in person);
  • does this university accept copies or only originals are needed;
  • how many universities can documents be sent to at the same time (previously there were five).

Future graduates are asking themselves these and other questions now. After all, every year the Russian government (Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation) makes changes to the admission conditions. Yes, higher education institutions themselves are changing some of the rules.

This is understandable. After all, universities always want students who have dreamed of getting here to come to them. And not based on the principle of where they took it. Therefore, amendments and changes are made.

For example, the admissions committees of some universities prefer to accept a package of documents from applicants only in person, and not by email. Of course, they have every right to do this. But what to do when applicants want to apply to several universities at the same time or live in another locality. There are several tips you can use:

  1. You need to decide exactly where you will need to submit the original.
  2. The remaining copies must be notarized and sent by email, and registered on the university website.
  3. Bring copies of documents with a notary seal to the university admissions office in person.

As for the question of when is the best time to submit documents for admission, there is no clear answer. Documents can be submitted immediately after the school graduation. More precisely, the next day or within a week after receiving the certificate (or possible before the end of the period specified in the admission rules). Many non-resident applicants do this and submit documents as quickly as possible.

If the university provides for additional examination tests, then this must be taken into account when registering with the admissions committee. Typically, you should be aware that such exams are scheduled sometime in early July. More detailed information can be found on the university website in the “for applicants” section. Such a section is always available on the educational institution’s portal.

So, having familiarized yourself with the rules for admission to the chosen university and following them, a package of documents prepared in advance can be submitted immediately after receiving the certificate.

After the universities to which the school graduate is going have been selected, you need to collect a package of documents for admission. As a rule, the list of required documents differs little from previous years. To confirm your personal data, exam results, education, you are required to present a number of certificates and documents. The admissions committee requires the following documents.

Application addressed to the rector (a sample application is issued by the admissions committee or can be downloaded from the university portal). It should contain information about passing the Unified State Exam. The applicant must list all the subjects he took, indicating the number of points scored. Complete information must be provided, both about compulsory subjects and those taken electively. It is necessary to indicate the results of the Unified State Examination in full.

When filling out a special form, applicants indicate not only information about themselves and the results of the Unified State Exam, they fill out the “specialty” column (indicate which one they are applying for), indicate how they are going to study (full-time or part-time), add information about the presence of a certificate , about admission benefits, about health (about disabilities) and other information.

The application should also note that the applicant agrees to the processing of his personal data. This is a common requirement for applicants. The information provided must be verified. By the way, errors and omissions made when filling out the form are prohibited from being corrected. All information must be confirmed by relevant documents. You must provide the following:

  • A document confirming the availability of secondary education (this is a certificate of completion of secondary school). Applicants who enter a university already having some kind of professional education must submit a document confirming their secondary technical or vocational education. To obtain a second higher education, you need a diploma from the first university.
  • Any document proving identity and citizenship (there is a special list approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation). But it’s still better to show your passport.
  • Photos size 3x4 (2 pcs.) Photos must be black and white (color can be provided, but in this case they must be made on matte paper, not glossy). It is allowed to use photos taken one year before entering the university.
  • Medical certificate (form 026-U or 086-U). It should be noted that some institutes or universities require a medical examination. The website of the selected university always lists the specialties for which such a certificate is required for admission.
  • A document for beneficiaries (who have priority rights upon admission) and other documents depending on the category.

There are situations in which the admissions committee requests additional documents. This applies to applicants who received their education abroad (you must present a document confirming the recognition of foreign education). For people with disabilities, supporting documents are also required:

  1. A document confirming the disability group (to establish benefits or to create special conditions when taking the exam, if necessary).
  2. A certificate confirming that the applicant can study at the university without restrictions (disability groups I and II, disabled children, childhood disabled people, and others).

All of the listed documents are provided for any forms of education that are available at this university. A list of them is published on the university website.

What benefits can you use upon admission?

Applicants applying for admission to the chosen university need to find out whether they have benefits when enrolling.

The following categories of citizens can take advantage of the benefits:

  • winners and medalists of Olympiads at various levels;
  • winners of sports competitions (this includes various types of Olympics, European and world championships);
  • members of international national teams of the Russian Federation.

The following have priority rights for admission to universities:

  • National Guard members and their children;
  • citizens, participants in the liquidation of consequences of nuclear and radiation accidents.

When entering a higher education institution, they can receive credit for the following results (Unified State Examination, tests of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Olympiads, state preparatory departments, results of entrance tests in 2018 at another university).

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At the moment, for all future graduates, as well as their parents, the most important time in life is coming - determining the future direction of study. Now even the most sought-after student has many options where he can enroll after finishing 11th grade in order to continue the process of acquiring the necessary knowledge for the further implementation of his life plans. True, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation annually changes some of the rules for admission to such educational institutions, therefore it is considered useful to find out the current rules for admission to universities in 2017-2018, documents.

How to apply to study in Russia?

According to the order of the Ministry of Education, from 2017 the following changes to the current rules for admission to universities are being introduced in the Russian Federation.

1. The admission program for bachelor's, specialist and master's programs has been supplemented with some innovations.
2. The list of entrance tests during admission to bachelor's and specialist studies has changed.

Before submitting documents for admission to a pre-selected university, you should pay attention to the complete list of persons entitled to be enrolled in an approved bachelor’s and specialist’s program.

1. Employees of the Federal Troop Service and military personnel.
2. Children of FSV employees of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.
3. Liquidators of radiation accidents at nuclear installations.

Only a certain category of persons has the right to submit documents with the possibility of further admission.

1. Citizens of Russia or Belarus.
2. Citizens who do not have citizenship, but live on the territory of the Russian Federation.
3. Compatriots from the CIS.
4. Citizens who have a certificate of secondary education.
5. Foreign citizens living in Russia.
6. Persons who own a document on vocational education or a diploma of graduation from a university.

Disabled people and orphans remain off the list if they do not have any contraindications regarding the educational process.
Only the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation determines the exact number of budget places for each university, in addition to the list of vacancies in the master’s program - everything is decided by the leadership of the educational institution itself.

To become a student at any Russian university, you will have to follow a clear sequence of actions.

1. Write a statement about such a desire.
2. Collect and provide the special bodies of the university with a package of documents, the exact list of which is prescribed in the legislation of the Russian Federation: school certificate, passport, diploma of higher education, document on vocational education, a couple of photographs of the declared format.

If a certain applicant wants to take advantage of the benefits provided for his case, he will have to prepare another package of documents depending on the patent quota.

Benefits for admission in 2017-2018

The latest amendments to Russian legislation concern the following categories of benefits that current applicants can count on.

1. Students who graduate from a secondary educational institution with a medal or honors have the right to be enrolled in the chosen university, based on the results of a previously conducted interview. However, if there is too much competition for a designated institution, the Ministry of Education strongly recommends not trying to get on the list this way. True, the final decision is still made by the university management.

2. Winners or prize-winners of Olympiads in basic educational subjects.

3. Prize-winners of sports competitions of various directions, or rather of all existing types of Olympiads, or championships.

4. Students who are members of the country’s international teams in various subjects.

5. Instead of an entrance exam, the results of passing preparatory departments financed from the budget, the results of a test of the Ministry of Education, the results of all types of Olympiads, the results of the Unified State Exam or grades for entrance exams at another university can be counted.

6. Students from Crimea. In this case, the benefits apply to passing the Unified State Exam - such an exam is not yet held on the peninsula.

Any graduate can be enrolled as a student of this or next year solely based on the results of entrance exams. Such an opportunity is considered valid if it is announced no later than 10 days before the start of classes at the designated university. The rules for admission to any educational institution of this level have remained the same since last year, with the exception of only a few small adjustments.

Admission to Moscow universities

To enroll in any university in the capital of Russia, it is necessary to take into account other conditions for admitting applicants. For example, the following universities accept applications from everyone exclusively under new conditions.

1. Russian New University. Acceptance of documents for bachelor's and specialist degrees begins on June 9, 2017. The deadline ends on the 19th of the same month. The master's program is designated by its time frame - from June 19 to August 7.

2. Moscow Polytechnic University. Entry documentation can be submitted between June 20 and July 10 of this year. The cost of training for one year starts from 75 thousand rubles. For next year, 2,176 paid and 1,510 budget places are provided.

3. Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Applications for training will be accepted from June 20 to July 26 this year. This process is guided by a program that does not require additional entrance exams. Testing in English is scheduled from July 12 to 15. A creative competition for all applicants to the Faculty of Journalism will be held on July 10. For a year of study at Moscow State University, you will have to pay at least 420 thousand rubles, while only 411 places are allocated for budget education.

4. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Acceptance of applications for admission to a university on a paid basis begins on June 20 of this year and will continue until August 6 inclusive. The same fate awaits foreign citizens during the period from June 20 to August 25. Tuition fees start from 176 thousand rubles per year. In 2017, 860 budget places and 170 paid places are allocated.

5. First Moscow State Medical University. The admissions committee of the designated university begins its work on June 20, while the final date for submitting applications is July 7. All entrance exams will be held until July 27, and detailed information about their results will appear on the official website of the institution. The cost of studying at a university starts from 90 thousand rubles per year. The number of budget places for next year is 1462, while another 1830 applicants can be enrolled on a paid basis.

6. Moscow State Law University named after. O. E. Kutafina. Acceptance of applications for admission begins on June 20 and continues until July 10 inclusive. If you want to enroll in a master's program at a university, you will have to focus on the time frame from June 20 to August 11. The cost of training starts at 135 thousand rubles.

Having such information, it is very easy to decide when exactly it is worth starting preparation for future admission and which university is most suitable for realizing the dreams of a graduate. After all, Russia is rich in prestigious higher education institutions.

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