Prepare washing gel at home. How to make washing powder and washing gel yourself. Gel for disinfecting clothes

Washing gel (and more)...homemade!

Of course, now the choice of washing powders is simply huge! For every taste and color! But very often, these powders, to put it mildly, do not correspond to what they say about themselves... And they wash poorly, and the scents are not the same, and the stains remain! And the prices….. well, you know!

I have been looking for a long time for at least some kind of recipe for myself, so that I could at least try to make something like this at home. And what luck!
Somewhere on the Internet I saw a homemade washing gel in automatic machines - I really wanted to try for myself what it is and how it works.
I was seduced by the simplicity and cheapness... And, of course, the naturalness... Phosphates contained in washing powders then pollute rivers and lakes. In addition, the powders are not completely washed out of the laundry, which, of course, already poisons us...

So here's the recipe:
soda ash (washing soda) - 40g
Antipyatin soap (any laundry soap) -50g
water - 1 liter.
Grate the soap and dissolve it in a glass of hot water. Boil the remaining water, pour baking soda into it and pour out the water and soap. Mix everything and leave to cool
At first I did everything strictly according to the recipe - the gel turns out thick and is difficult to wash out of the powder compartment in the machine. Besides, our water is soft - maybe this still has an effect.
Therefore, I decided to increase the amount of water by 1.5 times, and put a little more into the machine directly into the drum.
My gel preparation process in the photo: I make a double portion at once
Grate laundry soap - 100 g (2/3 of a bar of soap in 150 g)
We measure out soda ash - 80 g (measured with spoons - 3 tbsp)
Dissolve soap in a liter of hot water. Boil 2 liters of water, pour in baking soda and pour out soapy water. Stir and set to cool. It can't be called a gel yet - it looks like brown water. But as it cools, the gel thickens and acquires a grayish-white color.
This is what cooled gel looks like
And here I mixed the gel.
To make the gel more homogeneous, I beat it with a mixer - now it looks “more appetizing”
With an increase in the amount of water, the gel did not become much thinner - practically no different from the original version. It’s still a bit runny after the mixer, but after standing for a few hours it will become thick, like jam.

I pour the gel into a container and store it in the bathroom. Over time, it separates a little - some water comes out - I just stir it with a spoon.
This gel washes well - I’ve been using it for about three months now and I like it. True, it is better to pre-soak heavily soiled items, or go over the stains with laundry soap by hand, and then wash them in a machine. They say you can add a teaspoon of salt, but I haven’t tried it yet.
There is no smell left on the laundry after it.

The most wonderful remedy! It not only washes, but also cleans: stoves, tiles, doors (if painted with oil paint). I’m absolutely delighted, I found a forum on this topic, where girls tell me that they wash clothes in a machine, wash floors, clean pots and tiles - all with this product!

All women involved in housework sooner or later come across such a concept as washing, and the components necessary for it - powders, washing gel. Moreover, if every woman knows about powders and these products are used constantly, then washing gels are a rather new concept. The popularity of gels is also justified by the fact that they are quite easy to prepare with your own hands from the components present in the house, which significantly saves money.

In order to create your own laundry gel, you do not need to have any specific knowledge, but before looking for recipes for creating these products, you need to understand their positive and negative sides.

So, a DIY washing gel can have the following advantages:

  1. All store-bought products contain surfactants (surfactants), which are the main component for removing contaminants. These elements are so aggressive that during the cleansing process they wash away the protective layer present on the hands. This cannot happen in self-made gels, since most of them are created from ordinary soap.
  2. Washing powders are characterized by the presence of phosphates in their composition, which, despite the fact that they are able to remove even the most stubborn stains, have a negative effect on the skin, immunity and nervous state of a person. When creating a washing gel with your own hands, you don’t have to add this component.
  3. The peculiarity of washing powders is that they are able to remove stains only at high temperatures, while a well-made gel is able to remove stains even at low temperatures.
  4. The main advantage of a gel made at home is that it requires virtually no financial investment, is easy to make and does not have any specific scents.
  5. The gel, made by hand, is characterized by the fact that it contains only those components that have been tried more than once by housewives and do not cause any harm to health.
In turn, even the best homemade gels may have some disadvantages:

  1. A large number of gel recipes contain soap, and it is known to dissolve quite poorly in cold water. Washing should be done in water with a temperature of at least forty degrees.
  2. If the item was washed with a gel that contained soda ash, then the color of the clothing may fade. Gel made on the basis of baking soda will not spoil the color of the item, but the quality of washing will noticeably decrease.
  3. If the recipe for making the gel contains a component such as technical soda, then such a product can only be used if you need to wash a heavily soiled item. This is explained by the fact that technical soda affects things in such a way that they quickly wear out.

In order for the homemade product to be effective enough, it is recommended to pre-soak the laundry. And the gel itself should be poured directly into the drum of the washing machine, this will prevent it from attaching to the walls of the tray.

If you wash bed linen, then for 2 kilograms of its weight you need to take about one tablespoon of gel.

How to make laundry gel from soda ash? Quite simple.

Initially, you should prepare the following components:
  • laundry soap – 100 grams;
  • soda ash - 3 large heaped spoons;
  • water – 4 liters;
  • If desired, you can add any essential oil - used for aroma, a few drops are enough.
To achieve the best results in preparing the gel, you need to follow a specific plan:
  1. Laundry soap is grated on a coarse grater.
  2. The grated soap is placed in a pan and filled with a liter of water. Place the container on low heat and stir constantly (the action is carried out until the soap is completely dissolved).
  3. At the same time, dissolve 3 large tablespoons of calcined salt in 3 liters of water over the fire.
  4. The prepared solutions are combined. It is during this period that you can also add a few drops of essential oil to get a more pleasant aroma.
  5. The liquid must be left for a while so that it can cool.
  6. After cooling, the liquid transforms into a gel with a thick consistency.
  7. The gel is whipped using a mixer. This action is performed to make it more convenient to move the product into a container where it will be stored in the future.

The optimal gel dosage for one wash is 200 grams of product per 5 kilograms of laundry. The amount of gel used directly depends on the hardness of the water and how dirty the clothes are.

These washing products not only have the ability to efficiently remove various types of contaminants, but can also significantly help in the fight against mold. Due to the presence of components such as borax and laundry soap, it provides a disinfecting effect. If you want to give things a pleasant aroma after washing, then during the preparation of the gel you can also add a little essential oil to the composition.

Many housewives note this recipe as the best of all possible, since it is not only effective, but also quite easy to prepare.

First you need to prepare the following ingredients:
  • 5 liters of water;
  • laundry soap or other types of soap – 0.3 kg;
  • baking soda;
  • dry borax.
Next, the washing product is manufactured according to the following plan:
  1. The soap is grated on a fine grater and then placed in a pan, where 500 milliliters of unheated water is already present. Under no circumstances should you mix soap with already boiled hot water.
  2. The mixture is placed on low heat and stirred constantly.
  3. When the mixture acquires a homogeneous consistency, the remaining components are placed in the pan. They need to be poured in very slowly, while stirring constantly. Finally, another 4500 milliliters of water is poured in a thin stream.
  4. The mixture remains on the fire until it warms up; there is no need to add boiling water.
  5. The prepared product is placed in a cool place for a day, and after this time it is poured into containers for storage.

If you have ever washed clothes with this gel, you will notice that it is much softer than the previous one, so its dosage per wash can be slightly increased. It is strictly forbidden to use technical soda instead of baking soda. This is argued by the fact that the latter has a much more aggressive effect.

It is difficult to find a replacement for this detergent, because it has virtually no effect on the condition of the fibers of clothing, so it can be constantly used to remove dirt from a wide variety of things. This is a good option for delicate washing.

At this stage of time, there are a huge number of recipes for making washing gels (the most popular of them are presented above), and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you must determine which one is better yourself.

As a last resort, you can consult with friends or relatives.

There's no need to wonder, "Aren't we going to make things worse by creating our own laundry detergent?" Just act and you will never again sleep with dirty bed linen because it is your favorite and some stain has not been washed out.

An alternative to harmful washing powders is a self-made natural detergent, which is absolutely safe for the environment and humans, since it does not cause allergic reactions even on the delicate skin of children. It allows you to save the family budget because it consists of inexpensive and accessible ingredients. This powder effectively washes even heavily soiled items. It is enough for a large number of washes.

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    Main components of natural detergents

    Homemade washing powders and gels contain only natural ingredients that are safe for human health:

    1. 1. The main ingredient in homemade detergent is soap. Any powder or gel is suitable for making: household (preferably dark 72%, since it softens fabric fibers, which is especially important for things of small family members or delicate materials), toilet or children's. You can also use more natural soap, for example, Castile soap based on olive, coconut, palm and other oils or glycerin. Even a small amount of dried soap will do, which will save money.
    2. 2. Soda ash and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) are effective cleaning agents that should also be added to eco-friendly laundry detergent. It is capable of disinfecting not only various surfaces, but also fabrics. This substance has a whitening and softening effect, eliminates unpleasant odors and is completely safe for fabric fibers. Soda ash is more concentrated than baking soda. It is more active and effectively softens water, preventing scale from settling on the parts of the automatic machine. This product is very cheap, which will undoubtedly help save the family budget.
    3. 3. Borax (sodium tetraborate or sodium boric salt) is also an essential ingredient in natural laundry detergent. It has a powerful washing, cleaning and disinfecting effect. Since it is an alkali, it has an additional softening effect on clothes. Borax is also absolutely safe for humans, which is why it is actively used in products for bleaching children's clothes.
    4. 4. Aromatic oils are needed not only for the pleasant smell of clothes after washing. The natural substances included in their composition have additional disinfecting properties. They are retained in the fabric fibers and come into contact with the skin, having a beneficial effect on the body. It is recommended to use lavender, mint, and chamomile oil. They have a relaxing and calming effect. Tea tree essential oil fights fungi and bacteria, citrus fruits (lemon, orange or bergamot) effectively remove greasy stains and give a boost of energy for the whole day, and eucalyptus or pine oil will help with colds. You can choose any other scent.

    How to make your own laundry detergent?

    There are many easy ways to make homemade detergent. They have repeatedly proven their effectiveness and safety, and the cost of their ingredients will pleasantly surprise the thrifty housewife. It will take very little time to make the product according to any recipe, and a slight violation of the proportions will not in any way affect the quality of the wash.

    It should be noted that the soap included in the homemade powder must be grated on a fine grater, otherwise when washing in an automatic machine, large pieces of it may not dissolve and stick to clothes, ruining their appearance. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the prepared mixture is stored in a tightly closed glass or plastic container in a cool, dark and dry place.

    Classic methods of making washing powder

    The basic recipe for homemade laundry detergent includes:

    • 1.5 cups finely grated soap;
    • half a glass of baking soda;
    • 1 cup borax;
    • 15 drops of any aromatic oil.

    You can also use a simplified version:

    • 1.5 cups soap crumbs;
    • 2 cups of soda ash and the same amount of baking soda;
    • 10-15 drops of essential oil if desired, but you can do without it, since soap and soda give the laundry a fresh effect.

    Another simple option:

    • 200 grams of soda;
    • 200 grams of borax.

    To wash 2 kg of soiled laundry, you need to pour about 30 grams of this powder with a small amount of hot water and stir thoroughly. Add the mixture to the tray and wash at a temperature no higher than 40–60 degrees.

    Where should you put the powder in the washing machine?

    Recipes with citric acid, vinegar and salt

    There is a recipe with the addition of citric acid, which has an additional disinfecting, washing and refreshing effect on the fabric, and also helps preserve the color of clothes. It contains the following ingredients:

    • 0.15 kg of any laundry soap (preferably dark);
    • 0.5 kg baking soda;
    • 400 grams of soda ash;
    • 200 grams of borax;
    • 2 tablespoons of citric acid;
    • a few drops of aromatic oil (optional).

    For washing cotton and linen fabrics, citric acid should not be added to this composition. But for woolen or silk fabrics it is better to double its dose. In this case, soda ash should be completely excluded from the recipe. It is not recommended to use it for washing artificial fabrics.

    You can make a laundry detergent using wine vinegar and table salt, which will preserve and refresh the color of things. However, vinegar itself should not be added to the washing powder, but to the conditioner compartment in an amount of no more than 100 ml. It will help soften things up.

    This recipe is suitable for both white and colored fabrics. It includes:

    • 200 grams of table salt;
    • 200 grams of borax;
    • 200 grams of baking soda.

    However, it should be taken into account that colored fabrics may fade when washed with baking soda. It is necessary to pre-soak them in a weak solution of table salt. Regular table vinegar of 3% or 9% vinegar will also help preserve the color of clothes when using homemade washing powder using soda. In addition, it is also effective as a conditioner, since it has softening properties.

    For colored items, you can use washing powder without using soda, which in this composition must be completely replaced with salt. It includes:

    • 150 grams of grated laundry soap;
    • 500 grams of salt;
    • 3 tablespoons of citric acid.

    Remedy for stubborn stains

    For complex contaminants, the following composition is used:

    • 250 grams of soap shavings;
    • 50 grams of table salt;
    • 100 grams of citric acid;
    • 250 grams of borax;
    • 25 milliliters of table vinegar;
    • five drops of orange, lemon or lavender essential oil.

    Children's and hypoallergenic composition

    The method of preparing detergent for washing clothes for children is also simple and inexpensive. The following components must be mixed:

    • 150 grams of finely grated or ground soap in a blender, preferably baby or laundry soap;
    • 500 grams of baking soda;
    • 200 grams of borax;
    • 5 drops of tea tree oil.

    There is also the option of hypoallergenic homemade washing powder. It should include:

    • 500 grams of soap shavings;
    • 250 grams of soda ash;
    • 250 grams of baking soda;
    • 50 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide.

    Other methods for making dry detergent

    Coconut soap option includes:

    • 100 grams of soap crumbs;
    • 150 grams of borax;
    • 150 grams of soda.

    There is no need to add additional fragrances to this powder, since coconut soap has a pleasant aroma. For this recipe, you can also use any other suitable soap, such as olive soap.

    In some cases, factory-made water softeners can be used together with homemade powder. For this detergent you will need:

    • 100 grams of soda ash;
    • 100 grams of softener;
    • 200 grams of borax;
    • any flavoring (optional).

    Homemade washing gel

    It contains the following ingredients:

    • 1 piece of laundry soap;
    • 20 liters of water;
    • half a glass of borax;
    • 1 cup soda ash;
    • 20–30 drops of essential oil.
    1. 1. Grate laundry soap.
    2. 2. Place soap shavings in a large enamel pan.
    3. 3. Pour in water so that it completely covers the grated soap.
    4. 4. Place the container on medium heat.
    5. 5. Boil the mixture until smooth.
    6. 6. Take an enamel bucket.
    7. 7. Fill it halfway with boiling water.
    8. 8. Add soda, borax and soap solution to it.
    9. 9. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
    10. 10. Fill the remaining volume of the bucket with water.
    11. 11. Cover with a lid.
    12. 12. Leave for about 12 hours or overnight.
    13. 13. After the resulting homemade washing gel has cooled, you can optionally add any essential oil to it.
    14. 14. Pour the mixture into glass or plastic containers and close the lids tightly.

    There is another simplified version of liquid detergent, which includes:

    • 100 grams of soap;
    • 200 grams of soda;
    • 1 liter of water;
    • 15–20 drops of ether (optional).

    To prepare you need:

    1. 1. Grate the soap on a fine or coarse grater.
    2. 2. Add soda to the shavings.
    3. 3. Place the prepared mixture in a large enamel pan or bucket.
    4. 4. Boil water.
    5. 5. Add boiling water to the soap and soda mixture.
    6. 6. Wait until the ingredients are completely dissolved in water.
    7. 7. Allow the mixture to cool.
    8. 8. Enrich the composition with essential oil.
    9. 9. Pour into plastic or glass containers and wrap the lids tightly.

    Washing paste

    Paste is a highly concentrated version of washing gel. To prepare it yourself you will need:

    1. 1. Grate 100 grams of laundry soap.
    2. 2. Transfer it to a large enamel pan.
    3. 3. Pour in approximately 1.5 liters of cold water.
    4. 4. Place the soap solution on low heat.
    5. 5. Beat the contents of the container with a spoon until all the soap is dissolved in the water.
    6. 6. Add 200 grams of borax and the same amount of soda.
    7. 7. Continue stirring the mixture until its volume approximately doubles.
    8. 8. Remove the pan from the heat.
    9. 9. Allow the solution to cool.
    10. 10. Fill an enamel bucket about a quarter full with hot water.
    11. 11. Add the contents of the pan with a mixture of soap, soda and borax.
    12. 12. Stir thoroughly.
    13. 13. Leave for a day.
    14. 14. Place the resulting paste into glass or plastic containers with tightly screwed lids.

    Homemade detergent is used for pre-soaking things, and for hand washing, and for automatic washing. In the first and second cases, one tablespoon is enough. It can be added to an automatic machine either in a special compartment or in the drum directly to things. For automatic washing you will need no more than two tablespoons of natural powder for every 2 kg of laundry. They can first be dissolved in a small amount of hot water so that soap stains do not form during washing. The powder must be shaken before each use.

    Homemade washing gel or paste is also much more economical than store-bought ones. For 5–6 kg of things you will need one glass of gel. When washing with homemade detergents, select the temperature mode that is used for this type of fabric. The powder perfectly washes things at both high and low temperatures.

    To switch from a synthetic product to a self-made product, you should wash your clothes in hot water with the addition of 50 grams of soda to get rid of chemical residues that have settled on the fabrics. Without this procedure, white items may turn slightly yellow when exposed to soap.

    To achieve excellent results when washing heavily soiled clothes, you should:

    1. 1. pre-soak them in a solution of water and homemade powder;
    2. 2. distribute items by color and type of fabric;
    3. 3. Pre-treat stubborn old stains with hydrogen peroxide, ammonia or citric acid solution, depending on the nature of their appearance.

    To protect the washing machine mechanism from scale, once a month you can turn it on at a temperature of 90 degrees without loading laundry with two tablespoons of citric acid. This simple cleaning will remove soap residue that may be deposited on parts during washing.

Living in the era of the heyday of the chemical industry, many people are looking for the opportunity to use everything natural and made with their own hands in their everyday life. This also affected washing powders and gels. By making your own laundry detergent, you know exactly its composition, you can choose and add your favorite scent to it, or make it unscented. This is especially important for those who are prone to allergies.

Homemade washing gel is made from inexpensive ingredients, soap and soda ash, so the product is cost-effective. It erases no worse than conventional powders. All these facts explain the popularity of self-made gel.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade washing gels

If you read the composition of washing powder, you will notice that it definitely contains surfactants. These substances are designed to remove dirt. They do their job well, but at the same time they also break down the fat that protects the skin of the hands, for example, during hand washing. The powder also contains phosphates, which are very harmful to human skin. Phosphates tend to be difficult to rinse out of material fibers. Phosphates remaining on the tissue irritate the skin, can cause both dermatological diseases and, when they enter the blood through the skin, affect the body as a whole, reduce immunity, disrupt the functioning of the central nervous system, and cause allergies. By preparing your own laundry detergent, you get the opportunity to avoid coming into contact with these harmful substances once again.

The advantages of the gel also include: ease of manufacture, absence of strong odors and low cost.

The disadvantages include the fact that it does not dissolve very well in cold water. Therefore, the gel should be used at temperatures of 40 degrees and above. Colored laundry becomes dull from soda ash, so it is better to use baking soda to wash such laundry, but this makes washing less effective. It should be noted that soda ash is a rather aggressive substance even for thick cotton fabrics. Therefore, from frequent washing with a product containing large quantities of technical soda, things quickly wear out.

How to make washing gel with your own hands

The basic recipe for homemade washing gel is as follows. Using a fine grater, grate one-fourth of a piece of laundry soap. If you want to take another soap, it is important to pay attention to its composition. Because if it contains, for example, citric acid, as in baby soap, then during the preparation of the gel, at the time of adding soda, you will get abundant foam. You can use homemade soap. Good results are also obtained from Antipyatin soap.

Pour 1 liter of water into a fairly high saucepan or bucket and bring to boil. Drop soap shavings into boiling water in small portions and stir thoroughly. After dissolving the soap, add 45 grams of soda ash (or 300 grams of baking soda). And stir again until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Remove from the stove and cool. As the gel cools, it will begin to thicken.

There is another version of the recipe for gel with borax. It is added for additional disinfection of linen and giving it a fresh smell. It is better to take borax in powder rather than in glycerin. Glycerin will make the consistency of the gel slimy, but this will not affect the quality of the wash. 25 grams of borax should be added to the soap mass immediately after the soda. Place carefully and leave to cool.

You can drop a little essential oil with your favorite scent into the cooled gel to add aroma. If you add tea tree oil, this product will also have additional antibacterial properties.

For a whitening effect, add one or two drops of blue to the finished gel.

Pour the finished gel into a suitable container, preferably one with a wide neck. Close tightly. If it starts to separate during storage, stir with a spoon or blender.

How to properly wash clothes with homemade gel

Homemade gel can be used for hand washing or placed directly into the washing machine tub. You should not pour gel into the powder cuvette, since it is not all washed off inside.

The frozen gel acquires a rather thick consistency, so it is more convenient to take it out and measure it with a spoon. To wash two kilograms of laundry you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of gel. And if the laundry is heavily soiled, then 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

To preserve the color of the laundry, add 1 teaspoon of salt to the portion already prepared for washing. It is not recommended to pour salt into the washing gel in advance, as it will separate. Colored and dark clothes need to be rinsed additionally so that no white traces of soda remain.

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Washing powders and gels are something without which it is impossible to imagine everyday cleaning or laundry. Many modern products contain surfactants (surfactants) and phosphates (salts and esters of phosphoric acids), which, although they are excellent washing aids, if rinsed poorly, remain in the fabric and often provoke allergic reactions and human skin diseases. The desire to reduce the use of all kinds of chemicals in everyday life forces us to look for alternative products that contain natural ingredients. To minimize the risk and contact with harmful substances, you can make your own washing gel at home.

One of the simplest and most common detergent recipes is laundry soap gel. It is easy to prepare and, with the addition of an essential oil of your choice, can have a unique formula familiar only to you.

It is worth noting some points, knowing which you can decide in favor of making the product at home or, conversely, abandon this process:

  1. The desired effect is achieved if the washing temperature is 40 degrees and above. Not all items can be washed at the specified temperature;
  2. Suitable for cotton linen, bed sheets, towels;
  3. Frequent use of the product will lead to rapid wear of things. This is caused by the use of soda ash; it has pronounced alkaline properties and has a negative effect on the material;
  4. Colored laundry may fade;
  5. Avoid use on silk and wool products;
  6. If you wash by hand, wear rubber gloves, otherwise you will not avoid dry skin.

We have to:

  • a saucepan in which you no longer plan to cook food;
  • regular laundry soap 50 grams;
  • soda ash about 100 grams;
  • water 1 l.;


  • brewing green tea (bagged tea is better) - 50ml (2 bags);
  • essential oil - a couple of drops.

How to make washing gel:

  1. Grind the soap, it is better to use a grater.
  2. Bring the water to a boil.
  3. Place the crushed laundry soap in water, stir until completely dissolved.
  4. Pour in the baking soda and stir until completely dissolved. It is good mixing that will allow you to prepare a quality product. If this is not done, it will leave white marks on the laundry. If foam forms, scoop it up and remove it.
  1. Add tea infusion and stir.
  2. Turn off the heat. As it cools, the gel will thicken.
  3. Add essential oil after the mixture has cooled completely, stir. The oil can be anything, depending on what flavor you prefer.
  4. Pour into a bowl or box. It is better to store the finished product in a warm and dry place.

We can start!

Use laundry soap gel

Homemade washing gel is suitable for both hand washing and machine washing. When using in a washing machine, add gel directly to the drum to avoid residue sticking to the tray. The dosage depends on the degree of contamination of things and the hardness of the water. As a rule, one tablespoon of the product is enough for two kilograms of things. For more severe contamination, you need to add half a spoon or an additional spoon of the product. Over time, you will be able to adjust the consumption of the gel for each time depending on the volume of laundry and the degree of soiling.

Instead of the usual conditioner, you can use table vinegar. It helps remove soap residue. Moreover, vinegar will make your laundry fresh and soft. Add it, about a quarter cup, during the rinsing stage.

Unconditional advantages

  • DIY washing gel is easy to prepare. You can prepare the product at once, or you can increase the volume by simply doubling the ingredients;
  • has no pungent odor;
  • suitable for people suffering from allergic diseases;
  • low cost of the product;
  • Suitable for washing dishes and floors.

How to make washing gel even more effective

  • Depending on the choice of essential oil, the aroma of the gel can become varied and acquire new properties. For example, by adding tea tree oil, the gel will have antibacterial properties. It is not uncommon to use lavender or eucalyptus oil for aroma. But the absolute favorites are orange and rose oils;
  • Add a few drops of blue to whiten;
  • One teaspoon of salt will help not to lose the color of the linen, just add it to the finished product. Remember to rinse the laundry again to avoid white marks;
  • Adding one teaspoon of citric acid to the gel before washing can make your laundry softer.

Reviews about the use of the gel can be found in a variety of ways. Someone immediately follows all the recommendations, the required proportions and receives a tool to help with household chores. Some housewives lose sight of the sequence of cooking steps, and the home remedy does not cope with dirty stains. Conduct an experiment and make your own washing gel. It will take some time, but the question of its effectiveness and the decision whether or not to use a homemade detergent will be closed once and for all.

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