Cool New Year's competitions for congratulating colleagues. Games and competitions for corporate events for the New Year

New Year's corporate events can be truly exciting and memorable. The most important task is to decide which games and competitions are the best.

Regardless of faces.

So, you should collect leaves with the names of employees in one box, and in another box with wishes for the coming year. Notes must be pulled out at random. Just imagine what exciting and unusual, extraordinary and funny options you can get.

Team feeling.

Each person must wear blindfolds. You must tell the person's place in the queue. After the signal sounds, participants must line up based on their numbers. However, the task is made more difficult by the fact that not a single sound can be uttered.

I like.
You should take a larger box or bag in advance.
This game is an ideal option only for that corporate company where everyone is their own. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to eliminate risks regarding unpleasant moments and risky aspects.

First of all, you need to set a specific topic. Each participant introduces himself and then says what he likes. At the same time, you need to pronounce an ironic phrase. Performances will go clockwise. After the circle has been successfully completed, you need to choose a new topic. In each round, you need to choose only those topics that are directly related to the country, city, or company. The game is an exercise in wit, but there is no way to choose the winner.

Intonate it!

It's called a simple phrase. Then each participant must pronounce the phrase with a certain intonation. Various shades should be felt in the voice: questioning, surprised, indifferent, menacing. You should try and come up with a variety of shades in your voice. If a participant cannot come up with something new in intonation, he is eliminated. As a result, a winner should be determined who was able to present his emotional world from the most diverse facets.

Dialogue of the deaf.

The animator invites the manager and his subordinate.

The manager puts on headphones. A subordinate should ask a variety of questions regarding his work. The catch is that the manager will not hear the questions of his subordinate, since the music will be playing in the headphones at maximum volume, but at the same time he must try to understand the questions, focusing on the movements of the lips and the facial expression of the company employee. The leader must provide answers, but most likely he will tolerate mistakes. After this, the participants change places. Just imagine how interesting and unusual the answers will be.

I never…

This game is suitable for a corporate evening if everyone knows each other well.

Each participant must report something that they have never done. Those people who have the necessary experience bend their fingers. The person who bends 3 fingers is eliminated. You need to honor the one who stayed in the game with the words: “He hasn’t tried much in life - he has everything ahead of him!” At the same time, you can time this game with worthy toasts that will fit the meaning of the game and the holiday, the New Year, which allows you to hope for the discovery of new facets in life.

It is imperative that you bend your fingers honestly, since only in this case is it possible to preserve the meaning of the chosen gameplay. Perhaps company employees will subsequently be able to find new communication opportunities for themselves and share their experiences.

Hot snow.

You need to imagine that a big hot snowball has appeared in your hands. If this snowball stays for a long time, it will melt. All participants must stand in a circle. Then you need to pass the synthetic snowball to the music. After the music has stopped, the participant leaves. This must continue until the last participant. A fun and relaxed game that allows you to diversify your corporate event.

Sew on a button.

Participants are divided into 2 teams, each of which will have 4 people. The teams will stand behind each other. In this case, you need to prepare large buttons (for each team you need 4 buttons). Buttons can be made from thick cardboard. They should be placed on chairs next to the participants. At a distance of about 5 - 6 meters there are large reels on which the rope is already pre-wound. The first participant must unwind the rope and thread it into the knitting needle, after which it must be passed to the next participant, who sews on the button. Then you need to transfer it again. All actions can be started only at the command of the leader. The winning team must be the first to complete the task.


Number of participants – 2 people. To carry out gaming activities, you need to take 2 chairs, which will be placed at a distance of about 10 meters. In addition, you will need 10 balls of 2 colors, 2 empty bottles. After the presenter has given the signal, the shepherd must drive his sheep (balls of a certain color) into chairs using plastic bottles. You need to try to cope with this task as quickly as possible. At the same time, the balls cannot be lost.

Dance with a ball.

Number of participants – 5 – 6 people. Participants need to tie a balloon to their left leg. You need to dance to the music, trying to burst the ball tied to your opponent with your right foot. The participant must have only 1 ball left.

Musical vinaigrette.

The game involves 3 pairs. To modern songs, couples must dance a variety of dances, namely gypsy, lady, tango, modern dance, lezginka. Other company employees carefully observe the performances, after which they determine the best participants.

Next year I will definitely...

This competition is ideal for a New Year's corporate event. Each person present should take pieces of paper and try to write 3 versions of what he will do next year. Then the papers are placed in a common box and mixed thoroughly. The written phrases should then be read aloud by different people. Just imagine how funny it will sound if a man reads that he will definitely give birth to a child, and a cleaning lady reads that she will definitely go to the Canary Islands for 2 weeks. The success of such a competition is determined by the imagination of all participants.


You need to invite one participant to play. It will be covered with a blanket. After this, they report that the people around him wished for an item that was already on him. The participant must guess the hidden thing. For incorrect answers, the player must gradually remove things. In this case, the correct answer is a blanket, but the participant, despite the ease of the answer, does not realize this.

Where did I go last year?

To play you need to choose 3 – 4 people. They will stand with their backs to other company employees. Pieces of paper with the names of public institutions and organizations written on them will be glued to people's backs. If the peculiarities of relationships in a team allow you to relax, you can even choose options such as a maternity hospital or a toilet. Participants should not know what is actually written. Each of them will hear certain questions that should gradually lead to the correct answer. In fact, it will be difficult for participants to immediately find their bearings, because the answers to the questions asked regarding the nuances of visiting a public institution are funny and ridiculous. This way, the atmosphere is sure to be relaxing.


First you need to call 2 men who will participate in a boxing match. In this case, participants must wear boxing gloves. Guests must join hands to symbolize the boundaries of the ring. The presenter should gradually increase the intensity of the situation, as if a real boxing match was taking place. Participants can warm up and prepare, but as a result they must end up in the center of the ring. The judge talks about how the fight should be conducted. Participants then receive the same candy and must quickly remove the wrapper.

Hang the toy on the Christmas tree.

Participants must take Christmas tree decorations and then go to the central part of the room. They will be blindfolded. The main task is to try to hang the toy on the Christmas tree. You can't turn away from the path. If a person initially took the wrong path, he must hang the toy on the object he approached. Some guests at a corporate party may be distributed around the room, standing on different possible paths. There will be 2 winners in the game: the one who hangs the toy on the Christmas tree, and the one who finds the most unusual place for the Christmas tree toy.

Don't take it off!

This gaming activity can actually be very exciting. The most important thing is to do the preparation.

You need to collect a variety of things in an opaque container.

At the signal issued by the leader, the participants must pass the box or bag to each other. After the music has stopped, you need to pull out a thing at random and put it on yourself. It is mandatory to walk with the item on for the next 30 minutes.

It is best to take care to take a camera and a video camera, as such corporate chronicle should appear.

Game "Flying gait".

To play you will need plastic or glass bottles.

Participants must stand and bottles will be placed in a row in front of them. Now the volunteers must try, blindfolded, to get through the obstacle without hitting the bottles. In reality, the participants will be indignant because the task is difficult, but the obstacles need to be removed. As a result, you can carefully monitor how a person carefully walks throughout the room. The most important thing is to avoid tension in relationships in the team after such New Year's games. Please note that the bottles must be removed quietly, because they will be needed, and the participant should not have to guess what is actually happening.


Any number of men can participate in the game. You will need inflated balloons, matches and good quality tape.

Most likely, the gameplay will be unusual and exciting. If a man wants to appear pregnant and earn $1,000,000, he can play. Of course, your pregnancy dream will not come true, but you can still set yourself up for receiving significant finances in the coming year. Perhaps the man can even work to ensure that his wife becomes pregnant in the near future. In any case, the game can be one of the best during a corporate event.

You will need to tie balloons to the men's bellies using tape. In this case, matches must be scattered in front of each participant. The main task is the desire to collect matches as quickly as possible without allowing the “stomach” to burst.

"Will be done".

Participants must be prepared to perform a variety of songs. At the same time, there may be problems with the ability to sing.

So, you need to divide into several teams, focusing on the number of players. Now you need to choose the topic of the competition. Each team must remember a song on a topic of interest and sing lines from it. The most important thing is to successfully hold out for a long time.

In order for the game to be remembered in the best possible way, you can be creative and ready for an argument.

"Test cartoon".

The optimal number of participants is 5 – 20 people. To play you will need pencils, erasers and paper.

Each player must draw a cartoon of someone present. In this case, portraits need to be passed around in a circle. Everyone will write their guesses on the reverse side. Then you need to count the number of points for each option. The winner must receive the highest number of points, which will confirm that the portrait is recognizable.

We must try to ensure that everyone is included.

Games and competitions will allow you to diversify corporate events, but you need to try to ensure that no one is left offended or upset. On the contrary, a corporate event should unite the team.

Are you going to celebrate the coming year of the pig with a friendly work team? Then we will help you and give you some tips and ideas so that the scenario for the 2019 New Year’s corporate party for colleagues turns out to be fun and not boring. Watch games, competitions and interesting video entertainment. This will make your holiday the best event and all your colleagues will be delighted.

The beginning of the holiday should be made solemn and a little official. Let the boss say his words first. And then invite your colleagues to write down their wishes for 2019 at work on sheets of paper. Afterwards, collect all the leaves, put them in an empty bottle, and seal it. In a year, you can get together again and open this bottle to see what you wished for and who made it come true.

Now let's start the holiday itself.

Let's start the fun with a wonderful chant. The presenter reads out his words, and the guests shout their words in unison: ONKH-OONK!

Competition - what's hidden there?

There probably isn’t a single person in Russia who hasn’t watched our favorite New Year’s comedies. And that is why we will hold a competition where you need to remember New Year’s films and guess what is hidden behind the scenes.
Guests are shown a still from the film, and something is hidden behind a gift box. Whoever guesses what is hidden there first wins a prize.


The game is known to everyone, but they still play it and enjoy it like children. Prepare beautiful cards in advance on which to write tasks. Guests take turns taking out cards and completing tasks.
List of sample tasks:
- you need to sell carrots at auction, claiming that this particular carrot is the one that is attached to the snowman
- eat three spoons of Olivier salad and praise it after each spoon
- put on a New Year’s mask and, without removing it, take a selfie with ten colleagues
- to congratulate all colleagues on the New Year, I use the following words in the congratulation: in short, well.
- solemnly inform everyone every hour until the end of the holiday how many bottles of wine and champagne have already been drunk

A sketch from Santa Claus

Another small chant, only it can be done on behalf of Santa Claus.
Santa Claus comes out and starts asking the guests one by one. And the guests answer:

Gift from Santa Claus

While Santa Claus is still on stage, you need to play with him further. Santa Claus chooses one guest and invites him to the stage. He says that he has prepared a gift for him, but will only give it if the guest answers the questions and Santa Claus understands that he needs the gift.
And so, the gift is not shown and Santa Claus begins to ask questions:
- Do you need this gift?
- where will you put it at home?
- will you use it?
- how often?
- if someone asks, will you lend it?
- How long can you borrow it?
- Can you manage without him this time?
- could you advise your friends to buy this for their home?
- Which of your colleagues needs this most?

After asking questions, Santa Claus decides that the gift can be given away and takes the enema out of the bag!
Next, you need to call the person again and ask him the same questions again. Only later will the gift be better, for example, a phone case or a flashlight, a table fountain or something else.

Sobriety test

The holiday is in full swing and it’s time to check if everyone is keeping up with the set pace.
To do this, let guests read funny tongue twisters. You listen and choose the most sober one, to whom you give a prize - a bottle of wine.
Tongue Twisters:


Since you have a corporate party, you can play mental games. And it will be a game - puzzles.
It's simple: show the puzzles to your colleagues, and they guess them.


To play, you need to divide the guests into two teams of four people each. Each team is given tablets with numbers: 2, 0, 1 and 9. The leader reads the task, and the teams must stand so that they get the correct answer.

As a rule, the brightest and most memorable corporate events are holidays with fun competitions and skits in which all company employees can express themselves. We hope that the games and competitions offered to your attention will help you in organizing a corporate vacation.

Leap into the New Year
A ribbon is pulled in front of the players, symbolizing the junction of two years. As soon as the presenter calls the number “three”, everyone makes a jump into the “new year”, that is, they jump over the ribbon.

New Year is my favorite holiday,
How beautiful, look.
We'll jump into the New Year together,
As I say: one-two-five...
New Year comes at midnight
Look at the clock
How the arrows come together
Let's jump together: one-two-one!
Round dances around the Christmas tree...
Come on, Christmas tree, burn!
Our Christmas tree will light up
When he hears: one-two-seven!
We are tired of waiting for a long time,
It's time to say "three".
Those who didn't jump are a cucumber!
Whoever jumped, well done!

Sew on a button
2 teams of 4 people each participate. The teams stand behind each other. Large fake buttons (4 pieces for each team), made of thick cardboard, lie on the chairs next to the teams. At a distance of 5-6 meters from the teams there are large reels on which a 5-meter long rope is wound and a knitting needle lies. At the command of the leader, the first participant unwinds the rope, threads it into a needle (knitting needle) and passes it to the next participant, the second player sews on a button and passes the needle to the third participant, etc. The team that completes the task first wins.

The game involves 2 people. To play the game you need 2 chairs, which are located at a distance of about 10 meters from each other, 10 balloons in two colors (for example, 5 red and 5 blue), 2 empty plastic bottles. At the signal from the leader, 2 “shepherds” must drive their “sheep” (balls of a certain color) into their “caves” (chairs) with plastic bottles. This needs to be done quickly, without “losing” a single “sheep.”

Dance with a ball
The game involves 5-6 people. A balloon is tied to the left leg of the participants. Participants must dance to the music and try to burst their opponent's balloon with their right foot. The game continues until the participant has one ball left.

Musical vinaigrette
The game involves 6 people, i.e. 3 pairs. To modern music, couples need to dance “gypsy”, “lezginka”, tango, “lady”, modern dance. Based on the audience's applause, the best couple is chosen.

The player is asked to cover himself with a blanket. Then they report that those around him have made a wish for the thing that is on him and offer to guess what it is. For each incorrect answer, the player must remove the named item. The secret of the game is that the correct answer is a blanket, and the player, as a rule, does not know about it. For convenience, the blanket can be supported by someone else.

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends
1. Who sometimes walks with a cheerful gait with vodka?
2. Tell me out loud, which of you catches flies at work?
3. Who is not afraid of frost and drives like a bird?
4. Which of you will grow up a little and become a boss?
5. Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
6. Which of you, so wonderful, always drinks vodka barefoot?
7. Who completes the work task on time?
8. Which of you drinks in the office, like at today’s banquet?
9. Which of your friends walks around dirty from ear to ear?
10. Which of you walks on the pavement with your head upside down?
11. Which of you, I want to know, likes to sleep at work?
12. Which of you comes to the office an hour late?

Where did I go last year
This game requires three to four people. They turn their backs to the guests. Sheets of paper are attached to their backs, on which the names of institutions, organizations, and public places are written. For example: bathhouse, police station, railway station, etc. If the party is private, close people have gathered, you can be naughty and, without holding back your imagination, diversify the list (toilet, maternity hospital, etc.). Participants should not see what is written. Each of them is asked questions in turn. How often do you visit this place? Do you go there alone or accompanied by someone? What are you doing there? Is admission to this place free or do you have to buy a ticket?
Since the participants do not see what is written on their backs and answer at random, ridiculous and funny mismatches and inconsistencies arise.

Khristoforovna, Nikanorovna
You need space to run, at least a little. We divide everyone into 2 teams, put 2 chairs, and hang scarves on the chairs. On command, the first players run, run to a chair, sit down, put on a scarf, say: “I am Khristoforovna” (or “I am Nikanorovna”), take off the scarf, run to their team, the second player runs, etc. The faster team wins. The losing team sings ditties.

Gifts from Santa Claus
Call 5-6 people. They must illustrate with movement the words of the presenter. The winner is the one who shows all the movements better.
Santa Claus brought gifts to the family.
He gave dad a comb.
Show him with one hand how he combs his hair.
He gave his son skis.
Show him how he skis.
He gave his mother a meat grinder.
Show her how she twists the meat.
He gave his daughter a doll.
She bats her eyelashes and says “Mom.”
And he gave his grandmother a Chinese bobblehead that shakes its head.”
All movements are performed simultaneously.

Long arm
Place the glasses with the drink on the floor at your feet and walk as far as possible. And then get your glass without leaving your place and without touching the floor with your hands and knees.

At the beginning of this game, the host of a corporate party challenges two men to participate in a boxing match. Participants put on boxing gloves; several guests, holding hands, mark the boundaries of the boxing ring. The presenter escalates the situation, as if holding a real boxing match. After a short warm-up, the opponents converge in the center of the ring. The judge announces the rules of the fight. After that, he gives the participants the same candy and asks them to remove the wrapper as quickly as possible.

Hang the toy on the Christmas tree
Participants with their Christmas tree decorations go out to the middle of the room. Everyone is blindfolded and everyone is rotated several times around their axis. The task of each participant is to go in the direction where, in his opinion, the tree is located and hang a toy on it. You can't fold it. If the participant chooses the wrong path, he is obliged to hang the toy on what he “bumps” into. To create confusion in the ranks of the participants, women can be evenly distributed around the room and stand in their way. The winner is the one who hangs the toy on the tree and the one who finds the most original place for the toy.

Guests are divided into 3 groups. They sing the phrases:
“There are soaked brooms in the bathhouse” (in a low voice).
“The spindles are not crushed” (high).
“But the sponges are not dried” (low).
All: “Mistress, lady, lady-madam.”

Whose ball is bigger
Whoever inflates the biggest balloon without it bursting wins.

Each dancing couple holds an apple or a small ball between their foreheads. The musician changes melodies from slow to fast. The dancers' task is to hold the apple. The last one sounds is “Apple”, and you are invited to dance in a squat position.

For accuracy competitions, it is best to use a factory-made Darts game. A simpler option is to throw markers or felt-tip pens (with the cap open) from a distance of 3-5 m at a target drawn on a sheet of paper attached to the wall. You can come up with a humorous meaning for each number that determines the degree of attitude towards work. The most accurate participant receives a prize. The marker should be intended for drawing only on paper, then accidental traces of it can be easily washed off with alcohol.

The scenario is designed for a corporate New Year's party. Next, the most interesting and fun competitions will be presented that will not let any colleague present at the event get bored. The host will give a poetic introduction and explain the essence of the competitions.

Office people today
A crowd celebrates the New Year!
Today we have competitions
Everything is prepared for you,
So that you don't yawn at the table,
We weren’t sad, we weren’t bored!
And to begin with, we will play the game “Who are you?”

Competition "Guess who you are?"
Everyone sitting at the same table needs to write on small pieces of paper the names of the characters of famous films, cartoons, the names of Hollywood stars or Russian film and pop stars. Then the pieces of paper are glued to the neighbor's forehead, but the neighbor should not see whose name is written on his forehead. The players' task is to guess who he is.

Now we know each other
Now in the whirl of winter,
We'll dance on the island
After all, we are all adults!
Let me hug
Even kiss!
But remember one thing -
Dance for good luck!

Competition "Dancing on the Island"
Men and women are invited to participate in the competition. Paper sheets, such as newspaper, are spread on the floor. The couple stands on the “island”, the music turns on and they dance. The couple's task is not to leave the island. The music turns off. The newspaper is folded in half. The couples start dancing again. And gradually the islands are becoming smaller. The winner is the couple who continues to dance on the island the longest.

New Year is coming,
What new awaits us?
For a new leaf to begin,
So that he is insanely clean,
You confess everything to us!
Happy New Year! Happy New Day!

Competition “I like and I don’t like”
The presenter invites everyone present to name what they like and what they don’t about their neighbor on the right. For example, I like his forehead and absolutely dislike his hands. After everyone has spoken, the host suggests kissing what the person likes about his neighbor and biting what he doesn’t like. The competition will be especially fun if the holiday is in full swing and colleagues have had time to drink.

Who wants to surprise us?
Who wants to score a goal?
Who is the bravest of all, my friend?
Let's all play Snowball!

Competition "Snowball"
Participants are divided into two teams. A net is stretched between the teams and each participant is asked to throw a snowball over the net. The snowball can be tennis balls or plastic New Year's balls. Snowballs should not be thrown. It is important to throw the snowball as if it were a volleyball. The winner is the team that scores the most goals - snowballs according to all the rules of volleyball.

Here it is again New Year
Lights candles!
People are having fun here
Singing songs!
And we dance and we spin!
And we laugh and we laugh!
We all eat and drink
Let's play cooks now!

Competition "Cook"
At each table, guests prepare a list of dishes that begin with “N” (in honor of the New Year) or with “D” (in honor of the symbol - Dragon). After this, a representative from each table is selected. Representatives of each table begin to read out the lists of dishes in turn. The table that comes up with the most dishes starting with the given letter wins.

Do you want your dreams to come true?
Do you want a heartbeat?
Do you want a little excitement?
Let's play with me, without a doubt!
Let's close our eyes and you
You will fly away on the wings of love!
Guess who's standing in front of you
And you will receive a big gift!

Competition "Closed Eyes"
Men and women are invited to the center of the hall. The leader puts winter woolen mittens on his hands. In them, he must determine by touch who is standing in front of him and say his name.

Friends, our New Year
It's just gaining momentum!
Let's dance together
Let's dance! Away with worries!
Let's have a drink together!
Let's have fun!
To get up for work tomorrow,
Wake up, don't forget!
And so that the 15th year
Bring us luck
So that all work is hassle-free
I wish I had given up more often!
So that we are always with you
Achieved all goals
And no matter tomorrow, never
We wouldn't have any problems!
So Happy New Year, gentlemen!
Fun, happiness, laughter!
Love, health and goodness,
Good luck and success!


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