Cool congratulations to colleagues on the New Year. Cool Happy New Year greetings at a corporate party New Year's greetings for a corporate party

Who said that April Fool's Day is not December 31st, but April 1st? Cheerful, funny, comic New Year greetings are more in demand than ever: they do not leave anyone indifferent. Do you want everyone without exception to smile in your New Year’s photos: colleagues, friends, parents, grandparents, and even your mother-in-law? Please them with “cool” New Year wishes in poetry and prose from our section!

They say laughter lengthens life. I'm all for longevity! Even when you have to smile through tears.

Arthur Pozhelaikin

About life

(dark humor?)

Hello Dedushka Moroz,

A beard made of cotton wool!

I'm not asking you

Fur coat and diamonds!

I don't want a cool i-phone

A dacha in the Caribbean,

Card to the V.I.P. salon,

Dress from Versace…

Promise that in a year

Gifts for Donbass

Your three will bring -

Not a humanitarian;

They will celebrate the holiday in the region

Peaceful and carefree

And at the festive table -

Not stew with buckwheat.

Make all your wishes come true

You are helping us!

And the i-phone.. Well, so be it,

I do not mind!

They say on New Year's Eve

The dollar will fall sharply!

I wish I knew where he would fall,

Celebrate the New Year there!

“Oh, it won’t be an easy year!” –

Foreigners write.

Our people do not give up.

We are not afraid of sanctions!

Let the foreigner understand:

We are not born with bastards!

Let's save, let's push -

We will pay off loans.

Happy New Year, fellow countrymen!

Happy new life!

Despite all adversity

Let's be healthy!

About the Christmas tree

(as expected - fun :-)

New Year, New Year!

Photo sessions are coming,

It's time for bright shots:

I'm at the Christmas tree - hurray!

I'm behind the Christmas tree - hurrah!

I'm at the Christmas tree - hey!!!

Now I'm under it...

Instead of a Christmas tree, here I am.

Happy new year friends!

We wish you such New Year holidays that you will truly be sorry to say goodbye to; so that later in March, when looking at a fairly yellowed tree and a pile of fallen needles, one could philosophically ask the question, “Or maybe the tree will go away on its own?” – and wait for the New Year again!

About the New Year

What does stability mean in Russian? Watch “Yolka” on New Year’s Eve, recite “The Irony of Fate” by heart, sing “Hurdy Organ” with Baskov, fall asleep in a “fur coat”, wake up on January 3 with an irresistible desire to eat last year’s borscht and feel: this is happiness!.. That’s it. We're standing. Happy New Year!

Once upon a time there lived someone: two years ago he was greeted in a hostel... A year ago he was greeted in a one-room, but his apartment... Now he is greeted in a country villa... So let's drink to HIM - to the one who is met in hostel, and in an apartment, and in a villa, hoping that it will be successful! Here's to the New Year!

About family, friends, work.

And my mother-in-law.


We start working together right in the morning - and so on, without slowing down, until the end of the working day. We all bring the work we purchased in advance and start working. We will courageously not put off until tomorrow work that we can drink today. We will look into neighboring departments, exchange work, treat each other to work, and work for the brotherhood. It’s important to do your work properly, otherwise you might end up working in the trash, but you still have to work at home with your family.

We will try, we will try. With coming! Work mood!

Colleague, remember! New Year's corporate party is not a reason:

- turn Olivier into an office aquarium,

– fight with that guy (why is he so funny?!!!),

– fall asleep in the cleavage of an employee from the HR department,

- give the guard some vodka,

- make a sour face when toasted by the deputy director,

– with a bare torso, speed off in someone else’s car... and

So let's raise a glass to our team, where you want to relax and work with dignity! Happy New Year!

Dear Colleagues! I’ll tell you a little secret: in the New Year it will be quite easy for me to love Mondays!.. After all, I work with people like you! Happy and prosperous New Year to you!

To a friend

There is an opinion that a Christmas tree is better than a girl.

Firstly, it will never prohibit watching football.

Secondly, he won’t ask: “Where did you go?”

Thirdly, he won’t be jealous of his neighbors’ Christmas trees.

And he won’t be drawn to the store to buy a fur coat.

And yet I will risk wishing you to celebrate the New Year at the New Year tree in a wonderful female company! With coming!!!

To a friend

Today you forget about everything in the world,

After all, there is nothing sadder in the world,

Than New Year and thoughts about diet.

Imagine that Olivier has no calories!

Then we will start life again from the beginning,

Let's make our dreams come true in the gym.

In the meantime, let's raise our glasses

For willpower, charm and beauty!

I want to meet the right guy

So that he doesn’t spoil your mascara, but only your lipstick!


Dear Parents!

Only as I grew up did I realize how lucky I am to have you! You always gave me your best and did not pull out the most delicious candies from New Year's gifts.


Live a new life!

Everyone's calendars lie:

Be young, healthy,

Make it a rule

Have fun more often

And dance in the club,

After all, in dancing and girls

You can give a head start!


According to this grandfather

The girls are still drying!

I need to quench my thirst

And pour some champagne!

On the New Year, as on Victory Day,

We drink to the best grandfather!


Darling, you are simply a magician! And how do you do it? Clean and cook all day on December 31st, and on New Year's Eve look like you just came from the salon! It’s impossible not to believe in a miracle next to you!

The sage was right when he opened the way to her husband through the stomach.

My soul! I'm losing my mind over your dishes!

Darling! Your kitchen makes me smile!

You are not my mistress - you are a Fairy!!!

Of good! Charming! Beautiful!

In the new year, go out with friends to drink beer more often!

To my husband

Honey, thank you for not having to write letters to Santa Claus. After all, I can ask for any gift directly from my husband!

To kid

Sunny, no need to shout so loudly! Although Grandfather Frost is old, he has good hearing! He will already hear about all your gifts!

And mother-in-law!

Dear mother-in-law, I want to tell you so many kind words that if I entrusted them to a snowman, he would definitely melt. And I'm holding on! If suddenly after a feast I accidentally burst, know: it’s from an excess of feelings! If everyone had such a wonderful mother-in-law like me, there would be no one to tell jokes about. Thank you for everything! Happy New Year!

On the road

I'll give you advice almost like a doctor,

Looking at things correctly and soberly.

In the Year of New Gin, Champagne and Vodka

There is no need to interfere, it is not useful!

Dear Sirs! I have the honor to congratulate you on a powerful and fast-paced New Year! May Luck, Recognition and Success be your constant companions this year. Well-being to you and your families!

Dear colleagues, I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish each of you that you will finally turn from formidable tigers into affectionate cats! And then the team will be full of purring, which, as you know, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system! This means that peace will finally reign, which is not very good for work, but the atmosphere in the team will be excellent! Happy New Year!

Dear my employees! May luck replace failures with the New Year; worries and worries - joy and fun; low income – income growth; longing and despondency - love and happiness! Then I am sure that big changes for the better will definitely take place in our team, which will have a beneficial effect on all our work! Let it be so! Happy New Year!

Colleagues! It just so happened that we have to wish each other a Happy New Year! While I was thinking, I thought about my wish and this is what I decided: may the New Year give each of you what you want most! I am sure that then you will want even more, so make a wish right away so that you have everything, more and at once. Let everything come true, but for now let's drink to the New Year and to all our dreams!

I want to wish each of my colleagues romance in their work, because this will help them achieve success; efficiency in completing assigned tasks, because this will help get the job done faster; responsibility, because this will improve quality! But, no matter how you look at it, they still won’t give you your salary early! So is it worth worrying so much about work!? It's time to relax, because today is New Year! Let's drink to friendship in our team!

Well, friends! The Christmas tree is decorated, the candles are lit, and the champagne is already on the table! You are all elegant and beautiful! I want you to feel the same way throughout the 365 days of the coming New Year as you do right now! May New Year's happiness last for the whole year. You still can’t do without problems, but let them be solved by you easily and naturally! Happy New Year and may everything be fine!

There is an ancient Japanese belief. One day, animals gathered around the fire on New Year's Eve: Horse, Tiger, Mouse and Cat, Bull, Dragon, Goat, Pig, Monkey and Snake, Dog, and Rooster. And they began to argue about who would reign over everyone. Things came to a head until a Japanese god came down from heaven and reconciled them. He divided the power equally and ordered the animals to line up in a row and reign in turns. Each - once every 12 years. Let's drink to order in the leadership and to the wisdom of the "commander in chief"!

Colleagues! Well, another year has passed when we all worked hard together! I wish that in the New Year we not only work well, but also receive money well! Let there be exactly as many of them as each of us wants! Then we'll see which of us is the greediest! Happy New Year!

Dear Colleagues! Another year has come to an end! It’s a bit of a pity, because those wonderful events that brought our team together are becoming a thing of the past. But don’t be discouraged, because there is still a lot of new things ahead that we have to experience together! Let everything that comes in the New Year bring only changes for the better, prosperity and income growth to our team! Happy new year dear friends!

New Year's greetings:

New Year is coming,
What will he bring us?
I wish that all plans
We performed with a bang,
So that, colleagues, we are lucky,
To spite all the competitors,
And let the salary grow
Life was happy!

New Year again - beautiful, bright
He came to visit us,
He brought gifts for everyone,
Frosty burning chill.

My good colleagues!
I hasten to congratulate you all,
May the year bring success
To you for your support and kindness.

Happy New Year to everyone
And I sincerely wish you:
With a smile and a kind word
Let's start our business.

I wish you success and victories,
Let the team prosper
Let him reach heights
Let positivity reign in him.

Let the competitors remain
Eternally somewhere behind,
Finances are flowing intensively,
Like spring streams.

Congratulations to everyone once again,
My colleagues and friends!
We will achieve a lot, I know
Our team is one family!

Happy New Year,
My dear colleagues!
What do I wish for you today?
So that even the snow can warm you!

So that in the frost and bitter cold
You weren't afraid of obstacles,
Life is bright and cool for everyone,
May you be happy every day.

I want to wish you good luck,
To go everywhere next to you,
Let every day be brighter
Let there be joy in the house.

So that your career strives upward,
The money was like a river,
And so that fate doesn’t get angry,
There was peace in my soul.

Our team is almost like a family,
We've been together for so long.
Let our affairs be argued
And let the salary be a joy!

Happy New Year, my colleagues,
May he be successful and happy.
May we achieve everything together
And everyone will do their best!

Health, goodness, beauty to everyone
And success in the family and in work.
May all your dreams come true
Achievements will be held in high esteem!

Leave your affairs and worries, colleagues,
The New Year is already knocking on our gates,
Let's meet him and have fun,
After all, we had to work all year.

May there be luck and may there be luck,
The soul does not recognize insults and doubts.
All good things await you in the new year,
May he bring you happiness and joy.

Let's raise our glasses to the year that is coming,
Let love and prosperity find you.
I wish all your dreams to come true
And your most cherished wishes will come true!

Happy New Year!
I wish you warm words.
Live richly, without sadness,
To be greeted at work
Only bright moments -
Lightness, friendship, compliments,
Big money and luck
There is a lot of happiness in addition to you,
May you have great health
And a funny mood.

Happy New Year!
Let everything go smoothly,
I wish you happiness for the whole year,
Have a better life, without hassle!

Let luck wander around
Caressing you with a gentle gaze,
And will fulfill all wishes
For a worthy effort!

May you all be lucky all year long,
And may happiness await you,
Tenderness, sincerity, smiles,
Without any error!

I want to wish you in the coming year,
Always be in harmony with your team,
May peace and tranquility reign in the family,
So that after work they hurry home.

May you be surrounded by love and kindness.
And not just a cup of happiness, but a bucket!
So that sunlight shines through your windows,
Success is in the undertakings, the answer is in the questions.

There is a strong motive for the storm of emotions,
After all, I congratulate my native team,
A work in which I am very proud.
Oh, how wonderful, friends, is our union!

In our friendly team
Let's celebrate the New Year.
Let him come beautifully
Without sadness and adversity!

Let them succeed in their work
All achievements, milestones.
I wish everyone to take a plunge
Achievements from the heart!

Let us be pleased with the results,
Let comfort reign in families.
So that we all have time
One hundred percent here and there!

I wish that this night,
Work faded into the background.
So that instead of folders and reports -
A glass of champagne and cake!

May you be close this New Year
Faith and luck walk,
The health of loved ones and in addition,
Events have the best turnover.

I also wish you creativity,
More laughter, positivity,
Emotions, lightness, freedom...
Let your income skyrocket!

Comic congratulations on the upcoming New Year to colleagues from your department.

Beautiful congratulations to colleagues

I wish you to get enough sleep in the New Year,
And looking in the mirror with a smile, they admired themselves.
The work was successfully completed before lunch.
And in the evening after work so that they don’t stay.

So that they would wait for you at home, love you, protect you,
And the best gift was chosen for you on New Year’s Day.
So that time flies and you grow younger in spite of yourself,
May you be damn lucky in the New Year!

Dear Colleagues!

Have a sweet New Year!
Always treat your work with love!
Concerns are met and solved easily,
You don't know how tired you are at work!

May your loved ones surround you,
Even all expectations will be fulfilled.
Let the sun wake you up with a warm ray
And in life you are always lucky in everything!

We would like to celebrate today
And celebrate the New Year with fresh strength!

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues

Comic Happy New Year card

Dear colleagues, we want to congratulate you!
May the New Year 20.. fulfill everything we are silent about.

May your families be happy, friendly,
Of course, we can overcome everything together.

May times come at our work,
That life will come as a cup that is full.

On the day of joy - advance payment, as well as on salary day,
We need potato sacks to cook with.

Otherwise, so that the salary does not go into your pockets,
And the plastic card is crazy!

May we be lucky everywhere, in the lotto and casinos,
And the dishes were beaten for good luck at the same time!

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues from the boss

In the year 20.. everything should suddenly come true!
As a boss, I declare: I’m raising everyone’s salaries!
From January, see the calculation,
And then praise me!

But I will demand from you:
1. Being in a great mood – that’s it!
2. Doing your business is two things!
3. If you’ve done something, then help a colleague – that’s three!
4. And fourthly, don’t sleep on the table!
5. Well, fifthly, New Year 20.. celebrate together!

It seems like I reported everything and didn’t miss anything!
Well, if you didn’t miss it, you need to miss it urgently! 😉

Comic New Year greetings to female colleagues

Dear employees, forever beauties,
For your husbands you are companions, but for us you are colleagues.
Happy new year to the future
We congratulate you,
In the 20th... this is what we wish:

Don't get sick, don't be sad,
delicious to eat. sleep for a long time,
dress up, buy,
to be surprised, to surprise,
to become prettier and younger,
and warm us with a smile!

New Year greetings for colleagues

We are sitting in the New Year's company in the company of dear,
And dumplings and beer warm our souls.
Colleagues are all dancing and the tree is on fire,
The boss is the most beautiful of all, but he looks askance.

He looks angry, they forgot to refill,
We won’t ruin our careers now!
We'll dance for the bosses, sing about the Christmas tree,
Colleagues, we rejoice! We are all looking forward to the holiday!

In our team, there are enough women,
I would like to have more, to be honest.
What beauties, my lady and miss,
You look sharp, every whim.

Today we will fulfill all the dishes for you,
And we offer you a toast, because women are class!
In short, colleagues, let’s leave it aside,
We'll just congratulate this lyric.

Each other today, to the fullest!
Hurray, happy new year! Dear team!

Playful New Year greetings to colleagues

Happy New Year, dear colleagues,
You are beautiful today, sweet,
You are very elegant today,
They came in a good mood.

May it be funny for many people in the New Year,
Let our team have fun,
Even the boss is not angry today,
And he says funny words.

Today we are not just colleagues,
Today we are simple friends,
We forget in our everyday run,
At work we have one life.

On the New Year I must wish you:
Be healthy in the new year,
To sadness and any bad weather
They visited your family.

So that your enemies don't get angry anymore,
And they forgave each other forever.
On New Year's Eve, let everyone have fun.
May luck find us all.

New Year's jokes about men: “New Year's classification of men”

Of course, the complete exploitation of men by women is prohibited by law. But according to the law of nature it is allowed.
Take the average man. We carry out New Year's classification on it.

So, from the age of two to ten, he sincerely believes that Santa Claus exists. He writes letters to him, asking for a gift, since he studied well all year, helped his mother and behaved well. And then on January 1st he looks under the Christmas tree in anticipation of a gift. And he finds...

From 11 to 15 years old, as a rule, he does not believe in Grandfather Frost. And all because one day on a holiday he noticed painted lips and recognized “grandfather” as his teacher.

From 16 years old to 45 years old. At first he works part-time as Moroz at matinees. And then he fulfills his duty as a parent.

And starting from the age of 45, he himself looks like a real Santa Claus. And makeup is no longer needed!


You will find the best Happy New Year 2019 greetings to your work colleagues right here. In the new collection we have included official short texts in prose dedicated to the coming of the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig, funny, funny poems and beautiful lines with humorous holiday greetings. They perfectly convey the New Year's atmosphere, lift your spirits and charge you with positivity. In this pleasant way you can congratulate employees of any structures, enterprises and organizations on the coming Year of the Pig. It is quite appropriate to recite a welcoming speech in person during a holiday meeting or corporate event. An equally good option is to write kind phrases on themed cards with New Year’s pictures and give a gift to each employee. You will really like this sweet gesture and will long be remembered for its sincerity and sincerity.

You will find the best words for the holiday on the following topics:

  • Happy New Year of the Pig greetings to colleagues in prose - official
  • Happy New Year greetings to work colleagues - funny
  • Happy New Year greetings to work colleagues - in prose
  • Happy New Year greetings to work colleagues - with humor
  • Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in your own words
  • Funny New Year greetings to colleagues in verse
  • New Year greetings to colleagues - funny at a corporate party

Optimistic official congratulations on the New Year of the Pig to colleagues in prose

The most optimistic official congratulations on the New Year of the Pig can be conveyed to colleagues in prose by the director, representatives of the management team and the employees themselves. It is appropriate to give such a pleasant speech at the final meeting, where the whole team gathers together to sum up the results of the year. If a lot of people work at an enterprise, but they cannot get together at the same time due to the specifics of the production process, it is quite acceptable to print congratulatory phrases on thematic cards and give them to all employees. Such a pleasant gift will create a festive atmosphere around and give everyone a lot of bright emotions.

Several beautiful official congratulations in prose to colleagues for the New Year of the Pig

On this fabulous New Year's Eve, I wish you, colleagues, to experience a storm of positive emotions and a hurricane of happy moments. Let a cheerful round dance of smiles, pleasant surprises, and miracles swirl you around. May the coming year bring you friendly support, the favor of your superiors, successful resolution of all sorts of problems and cover you with a snowfall of banknotes.

May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, give us new brilliant ideas and help us bring them to life. Let peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and let the love of loved ones warm us with an unchanging hot flame at any moment. Let's wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

Dear Colleagues! I congratulate you on the most long-awaited holiday - the New Year. When the clock strikes, I wish you to remember everything pleasant that happened last year and thank him. And in the coming year, take with you good luck, prosperity and love. Let everything be fine both at work and at home!

Dear and dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. I would like to wish you a smooth and prosperous road to success, clear goals and long-term plans, unquenchable strength and friendship of the team, family happiness and sure prosperity, high prosperity and constant good luck. May New Year's Eve fulfill the wishes of each of you and give everyone a wonderful mood.

Dear Colleagues! Great luck to be in the same friendly team with you and, every day, together and amicably solve new, even complex, tasks! In the New Year, I want to wish you and those who are dear to you health, success in everything planned, and your most secret dreams come true in an incredibly magical, unimaginable way!

Short funny New Year greetings to work colleagues in verse

Funny, short and funny Happy New Year greetings to work colleagues in verse are a great way to defuse the work environment on the eve of the holidays and create a joyful, pleasant atmosphere around you. To say funny couplets out loud, you don’t need to choose a special time or place. Funny, humorous lines will sound appropriate at any time and will set the team in an optimistic mood.

Examples of short funny congratulations in verse for work colleagues for the New Year

New Year greetings to everyone

I happily send it to my colleagues!

Let there be no problems at work,

And at home, I wish that everything would be “ok”!

Happy New Year!

May there be a lot of luck

Don't let the bad things bother you

Let good things come.

Let it be a wonderful year,

Wonderful, kind, very cool.

Our plans are fulfilled

May the New Year give

And will add patience to us,

If there is too much to do.

Let, colleagues, work for you

Will bear fruit:

Income will increase

And dreams will come true!

May the holiday be joyful

Let the hurricane of happiness come!

And all kinds of gifts

The New Year's storm will give us!

Colleagues - health and good luck to you,

Higher salaries, more often, to boot!

For colleagues, my best words,

My mighty congratulations!

May the New Year not be a hindrance to you

Achieve great success in your career!

Heartfelt Happy New Year greetings in prose to work colleagues

Sincere and sincere congratulations on the New Year in prose are best conveyed to work colleagues in person. This can be done on the eve of the holiday on the last day before the official weekend. Kind phrases, complemented by wishes for well-being, career growth, financial stability, health and family happiness, will please even the most strict and reserved employees who do not like to publicly show sentimental feelings. Employees who are on a business trip before the holidays can be sent good words via the Internet or by phone. They will be very pleased to know that the team remembers them and wishes them all the best on the eve of wonderful special days.

Options for sincere congratulations in prose for the New Year for colleagues from work

My dear, close and dear people - colleagues! May each of you realize your cherished dream and achieve your desired goals this New Year. Love to you - strong and tender, friendship - strong and faithful. Salaries are great, health is indestructible. Hooray!

Happy New Year, my dear colleagues. I would like to wish you vigor and strength, confidence and enthusiasm. May the new year be full of prospects, may every day be eventful and fruitful, may great achievements and victories await you in life, may there be comfort and grace in your families.

May the old year be remembered with a smile, and may the new year bring many pleasant moments. Let difficulties be rare, and life be successful and easy. May work in the new year be a joy and unite our team even more. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, colleagues. I wish that everyone has their own Santa Claus, who will fulfill your wishes, I wish that the new year brings happiness and joy to everyone in huge quantities. Be successful in the new year, be loved and inspired by a wonderful dream. Good luck to everyone and, most importantly, health!

Happy New Year, dear and dear colleagues. I wish each of you great success and income, great happiness and goodness, sincere love and joy, bright luck and hope, cheerful mood and well-being.

Short New Year greetings with humor for work colleagues - texts in prose

Funny, short, humorous New Year greetings for work colleagues need to be prepared in advance. If the team is small, you can choose a small individual text for each. When there are a lot of employees, it is worth contacting everyone at once with a cheerful, cheerful text and adding to the funny phrases a few sincere wishes for goodness, happiness and prosperity. No matter how familiar and ordinary these words may seem, they always sound appropriate and touch the most delicate strings of the soul. They are equally sincerely enjoyed by strict managers, constantly rushing managers, office employees and handymen. No one is left indifferent by simple speeches filled with good humor, good mood and joyful, pleasant emotions.

A collection of short humorous New Year greetings in prose for work colleagues

Happy New Year 2019 to you, dear colleagues! Thank you for your brilliant work for the benefit of our common cause. May this year give us all a sea of ​​career successes and achievements, but with all your diligence in your work, I wish you not to forget about your loved ones!

Dear colleagues, the New Year is coming, and on this amazing holiday I would like to wish you great success in your work career, fabulous financial achievements and wonderful bosses with always a good mood. May your skills become more valuable than any treasure in the world. But if someone suddenly decides to buy them, bargain until the end!

I would like to wish a Happy New Year to everyone with whom I share both joy and sorrow side by side on every single working day - this is our friendly team. I wish that they receive much more money, and much less labor is spent on them

Dear colleague! I had an amazing dream today: in it you win a huge amount of cash in the lottery, your boss gives you his place, and the most famous director gives you the main role in his film. I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and wish that your dream turns out to be prophetic

I love every weekday morning - I get up and go to work like it’s a holiday, and I absolutely hate weekends, because on these days I don’t see the nicest, most intelligent and sincere colleagues in the whole world! With all my heart I wish you prosperity, success and sincere comrades like me in the New Year.

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in your own words

Kind and good New Year greetings to colleagues can be said in your own words on the last working day before leaving for a long winter weekend. If you want to dedicate a holiday greeting to the entire team, it is better to choose the right moment when employees gather in one room and are ready to hear sincere phrases coming from the heart.

It is worth conveying congratulations personally to your closest colleagues, with whom you have long been connected not by formal working relations, but by warm and friendly relations, adding pleasant wishes for great luck in the coming year of the Earth Pig, successful and productive career growth, good health, love, happiness and mutual understanding. These words always sound appropriate and make the most wonderful impression.

How to congratulate colleagues on the upcoming New Year in your own words

Dear and respected colleagues! I wish you to achieve your previous goals and find new ones! I wish you the most daring ideas and the embodiment of all plans, and I also wish you strength, energy and impeccable health to accomplish all this! Happy New Year!

Dear colleague and friend! May the New Year become the year of five peaks for you! The first peak that you will conquer this year will be love, which will give life new meaning and fill it with the most vivid impressions. The second peak will be FRIENDSHIP. After all, if you have real friends, then life is good! The third peak will be VOCATION. From here the path to success and fulfillment of your cherished dreams will open for you! The fourth peak is WELL-BEING. From the moment your foot touches this peak, all obstacles ahead will disappear. In the end, you will find yourself on the last, fifth peak, from which all the others will be visible, and once on it, you will understand that the fifth peak is HAPPINESS!

Dear colleagues and colleagues! Let only good and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory, and this will allow us to boldly and joyfully look into the future.

Colleagues, happy holiday! Achieve new heights, boldly move forward - you are on the right path! Leave everything unnecessary in the past year, because in the new year you will find amazing, wonderful events that will definitely bring joy, energy, optimism and faith in your happy destiny!

I congratulate you, colleagues, on the New Year. We always associate this holiday with the smell of spruce, the taste of tangerines, the explosion of firecrackers and a great mood! But the main thing is that it is associated with new plans, ideas and endeavors. I wish that everything you wish will definitely come true in the New Year. Happy holiday to you!

Funny New Year greetings to colleagues - humorous texts in verse

Funny, funny New Year's greetings to colleagues are comic texts in verse, humorously playing out some funny work moments and all sorts of funny situations that are inevitable in any team. Light, funny rhymes always contain a lot of joy, optimism and positivity. They can be memorized, and then recited out loud on the eve of the holiday during a corporate party or a cozy get-together over tea and cake. A bright, original performance will definitely please you and will be met with applause and applause. So why not please your colleagues with a few humorous couplets dedicated to the wonderful holiday?!

A selection of humorous, funny texts in verse to congratulate colleagues on the New Year

Dear colleagues, we want to congratulate you!

May the New Year 2019 fulfill everything we are silent about.

May your families be happy, friendly,

Of course, we can overcome everything together.

May times come at our work,

That life will come as a cup that is full.

On the day of joy - advance payment, as well as on salary day,

We need potato sacks to cook with.

Otherwise, so that the salary does not go into your pockets,

And the plastic card is crazy!

May we be lucky everywhere, in the lotto and casinos,

And the dishes were beaten for good luck at the same time!

Let's celebrate the New Year beautifully -

With Olivier and cognac,

And to all of us, astonishingly, he

He will bring gifts to the house.

What does anyone need, admit it?

You'll get it right away!

Happiness, profit and joy,

Tenderness, affection and ecstasy

The world is kind, warm, healthy,

Security and success

And, of course, with love,

New Year is coming for everyone!

I wish you in your personal life

Everything to be “okay”

Wonderful, excellent!

I love my friends!

So let's burn the tags

Outdated now

Happy New Year to you, colleagues!

With everything new, friends, to you!

To work, as if on a holiday,

We are in a hurry from year to year.

A lot of things, big and important,

And a crowd of customers is waiting.

I wish everyone success

And diligence in work,

So that there is no interference,

May you always be lucky, everywhere.

To increase wages

There was enough strength for the family.

Happy New Year

Our entire friendly team!

We are sitting in the New Year's company in the company of dear,

And dumplings and beer warm our souls.

Colleagues are all dancing and the tree is on fire,

The boss is the most beautiful of all, but he looks askance.

He looks angry, they forgot to refill,

We won’t ruin our careers now!

We'll dance for the bosses, sing about the Christmas tree,

Colleagues, we rejoice! We are all looking forward to the holiday!

In our team, there are enough women,

I would like to have more, to be honest.

What beauties, my lady and miss,

You look sharp, every whim.

Today we will fulfill all the dishes for you,

And we offer you a toast, because women are class!

In short, colleagues, let’s leave it aside,

We'll just congratulate this lyric.

Each other today, to the fullest!

Hurray, happy new year! Dear team!

It's winter again, and on the fallen snow

A fresh trail, and paths nearby.

The New Year is very close, colleagues,

We are all happy about this holiday.

We are all different, but of course

We are together in a team for a reason,

For only common labor is the basis

For success and in the future

Many different activities and events

Many good big undertakings,

Trials, errors, huge discoveries,

Petty sadness and bold daring...

Congratulations, friends, Happy New Year!

How wonderful - you are next to me!

Let good luck dance in circles,

And sadness will pass by!

Original, funny texts of New Year congratulations to colleagues at a corporate party

It is advisable to prepare creative and original, funny texts for New Year greetings for colleagues at a corporate party in advance. This is a responsible task that requires a competent approach. Words for holiday greetings are suitable both in poetry and prose. The most important thing is a positive style, sincerity and bravura. It is better to recite congratulatory lines from the stage through a microphone. Then every employee in the room will hear them. If the format of the event does not require a lot of time for congratulations, you can write kind words on cards and hand them over to everyone during the celebration. Such a sign of attention will complement the solemn atmosphere, and no one present will feel forgotten on the most magical night of the year.

A collection of funny New Year greetings in verse and prose for colleagues

Our cheerful, friendly team

Got ready for a corporate event again.

Let's celebrate the New Year,

Seeing off the old year with a smile.

May the New Year bring us

Pleasant and simple chores.

Let everyone's income grow.

The work makes me happy all year long.

May our holiday be merry,

So that the mood is not heavy.

Everyone smile, don't be sad,

Dance, rejoice and have fun.

My funniest, most successful, most wonderful colleagues, I congratulate everyone on the New Year, let’s hold a corporate event today that we will all remember with bright moments and positive emotions. May everyone have great joy in the new year, may everyone’s work allow them to realize all their interesting ideas and achieve new successes, may everyone’s life be happy and amazing. Happy New Year, comrades! Believe in your dream and it will certainly come true.

We are a friendly team

Let's enter the New Year!

May he be happy

And we will all be lucky!

Let's not be upset

For every little thing...

And meet on holidays

May God give us more often!

Happy New Year, my dear colleagues. I wish everyone to be in a wonderful mood today, I wish us to have a lot of fun, and may the whole coming year be as easy and successful as this holiday for us. Let us leave all the mistakes and failures in the past and, with new strength, absolute confidence and grandiose plans, set out on a new path. I wish you all love, inspiration and good luck.

A difficult year is behind us,

Well, that's right.

Will come to visit us soon

The long-awaited new one.

Hurry up to meet him

There is no other way.

It should be joyfully noted

This is a celebration, friends.

So that in our team

There was more happiness than snow,

Every day is positive.

Happy New Year to you, colleagues!

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