Sample program in English. The sample English language program is based on the federal component of the state standard of basic general education. Sample English language programs

Sample programs of basic general education

in foreign languages


Explanatory note

1. Program status

The sample English language program is based on the federal component of the state standard of basic general education.

The approximate program specifies the content of subject topics of the educational standard, gives an approximate distribution of teaching hours by course topics and recommends the sequence of studying topics and language material, taking into account the logic of the educational process, the age characteristics of students, interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary connections. Based on the approximate federal program, regional and proprietary programs are developed, textbooks and teaching aids are created.

The program implements the following main functions:

    informational and methodological;

    organizational planning;


Information and methodological the function allows all participants in the educational process to get an idea of ​​the goals, content, general strategy of education, upbringing and development of schoolchildren through the means of an academic subject, and the specifics of each stage of education.

Organizational planning The function involves highlighting the stages of learning, determining the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the educational material and the level of students’ preparation in a foreign language at each stage.

Controlling The function is that the program, by setting requirements for the content of speech, communication skills, the selection of language material and the level of training of schoolchildren at each stage of education, can serve as a basis for comparing the results obtained during control.

The sample program can serve as a guide for thematic planning of the course. The sample program defines the invariant (mandatory) part of the educational course, outside of which there remains the possibility of choosing a variable component of the educational content. At the same time, the authors of curricula and textbooks can offer their own approach in terms of structuring educational material, determining the sequence of studying this material, as well as ways to form a system of knowledge, skills and methods of activity, development and socialization of students. Thus, the model program contributes to the preservation of a unified educational space, without hindering the creative initiative of teachers, and provides ample opportunities for the implementation of various approaches to course construction, including taking into account the characteristics of the regions.

2. Document structure

The sample program includes three sections: an explanatory note; main content with an approximate distribution of training hours by topic of the course; requirements for the level of training of graduates.

3. General characteristics of the academic subject “Foreign language”

Foreign languages ​​(including English) are included in the general education field “Philology”. Language is the most important means of communication, without which the existence and development of human society is impossible. The changes taking place today in social relations and means of communication (the use of new information technologies) require increasing the communicative competence of schoolchildren and improving their philological training. All this increases the status of the subject “foreign language” as a general educational discipline.

The main purpose of a foreign language is to develop communicative competence, i.e. ability and readiness to carry out foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers.

A foreign language as an academic subject is characterized by

    interdisciplinary (the content of speech in a foreign language can be information from different fields of knowledge, for example, literature, art, history, geography, mathematics, etc.);

    multi-level (on the one hand, it is necessary to master various linguistic means related to aspects of language: lexical, grammatical, phonetic, on the other hand, skills in four types of speech activity);

    multifunctionality (can act as a learning goal and as a means of acquiring information in a wide variety of fields of knowledge).

Being an essential element of the culture of the people who are native speakers of a given language and a means of transmitting it to others, a foreign language contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in schoolchildren. Proficiency in a foreign language increases the level of humanitarian education of schoolchildren, contributes to the formation of personality and its social adaptation to the conditions of an ever-changing multicultural, multilingual world.

A foreign language expands the linguistic horizons of students, contributes to the formation of a culture of communication, and promotes the overall speech development of students. This reveals the interaction of all language academic subjects that contribute to the formation of the foundations of philological education for schoolchildren.

The sample program is aimed at implementing a student-oriented, communicative-cognitive, sociocultural activity-based approach to teaching foreign languages ​​(including English).

The formation of foreign language communicative competence is considered as an integrative goal of education, that is, the ability and real readiness of schoolchildren to carry out foreign language communication and achieve mutual understanding with native speakers of a foreign language, as well as the development and education of schoolchildren using the means of the academic subject.

A personality-oriented approach, which places the student’s personality at the center of the educational process, taking into account his abilities, capabilities and inclinations, assumes a special emphasis on the sociocultural component of foreign language communicative competence. This should ensure a cultural orientation of education, the familiarization of schoolchildren with the culture of the country/countries of the language being studied, a better awareness of the culture of their own country, the ability to present it through the means of a foreign language, and the inclusion of schoolchildren in the dialogue of cultures.

Teaching a foreign language (English) in primary school should ensure continuity with the preparation of students in primary school. This stage of learning a foreign language is characterized by the presence of significant changes in the development of schoolchildren, since by the time they start studying in primary school, their horizons and general understanding of the world have significantly expanded, elementary communicative skills have been formed in four types of speech activity, as well as general educational skills necessary for studying a foreign language as an academic subject, some knowledge has been accumulated about the rules of speech behavior in native and foreign languages. At this age, they develop a desire for independence and self-affirmation, and a selective cognitive interest is formed.

In the basic school, the importance of the principles of individualization and differentiation of learning is increasing, the use of project-based methods and modern technologies for teaching a foreign language (including information ones) is becoming more important. All this makes it possible to expand the connections between the English language and other academic subjects, promotes foreign language communication between schoolchildren and students from other classes and schools, for example, during project activities with peers from other countries, including via the Internet, and promotes their social adaptation in the modern world . It is possible to introduce a second foreign language through the school component.

In grades 8-9, pre-profile orientation of schoolchildren through the means of the English language becomes real. At this stage of language development, schoolchildren also show significant age-related and individual differences, which must be taken into account both when selecting content and using teaching methods. In connection with the dynamics of the age development of schoolchildren at the secondary level, this program provides for the identification of two stages:

Teaching English in grades 5-7

Teaching English in grades 8-9.

By the end of their studies in basic school, it is planned that students will achieve the pan-European pre-threshold level of training in a foreign language (English) (level A-2). This level allows graduates of basic school to use a foreign language to continue their education at the senior level in secondary school, in special educational institutions and for further self-education.

4. Objectives of teaching English

Studying a foreign language in general and English in particular in primary school is aimed at achieving the following: goals:

    development foreign language communicative competence in the totality of its components – speech, language, sociocultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive:

speech competence– development of communication skills in four main types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing);

language competence– mastery of new language means (phonetic, spelling, lexical, grammatical) in accordance with the topics, areas and situations of communication selected for basic school; mastering knowledge about linguistic phenomena of the language being studied, different ways of expressing thoughts in the native and target languages;

sociocultural competence– introducing students to the culture, traditions and realities of the countries/countries of the foreign language being studied within the framework of topics, areas and situations of communication that correspond to the experience, interests, and psychological characteristics of students in primary school at its different stages (grades V-VI and VII-IX); developing the ability to represent one’s country and its culture in the conditions of foreign language intercultural communication;

compensatory competence – development of skills to overcome a situation in conditions of a shortage of language resources when receiving and transmitting information;

educational and cognitive competence– further development of general and special educational skills; familiarization with the ways and techniques available to students for independent study of languages ​​and cultures, including the use of new information technologies;

    development and education schoolchildren understanding the importance of learning a foreign language in the modern world and the need to use it as a means of communication, cognition, self-realization and social adaptation; nurturing the qualities of a citizen and patriot; development of national self-awareness, the desire for mutual understanding between people of different communities, and a tolerant attitude towards manifestations of another culture.

5. Place of the foreign language subject in the basic curriculum

The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation allocates 525 hours for compulsory study of an academic subject at the stage of basic (general) education, including 315 hours in grades 5-7 at the rate of 3 teaching hours per week; in grades 8-9, 310 hours based on 3 teaching hours per week.

The sample program is designed for 525 teaching hours. At the same time, it provides a reserve of free time in the amount of 10% of the total hours for the implementation of original approaches, the use of various forms of organizing the educational process, and the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies.

In cases where the school cannot provide teaching of a foreign (English) language from the 2nd grade, training can begin from the 5th grade, while achieving the planned threshold level of learning is possible only by increasing the number of hours in grades 5-7 by at least 1 an hour a week to create equal opportunities for all students (and those starting to study a foreign language from the 2nd and 5th grade).

Compulsory study of a foreign (English) language at the elementary, middle and senior stages, as well as the implementation of a person-centered approach to the education and upbringing of schoolchildren, places increased demands on the professional training of a teacher who is able to work at different levels of education, taking into account their specifics.

6. General educational abilities, skills and methods of activity

The sample program provides for the formation in students of general educational skills and abilities, universal methods of activity and key competencies in the following areas: the use of educational skills related to methods of organizing educational activities, available to students in grades 5-9 and facilitating independent study of the English language and culture of the countries of the language being studied; as well as the development of special educational skills, such as finding keywords when working with text, their semantization based on linguistic guesswork, word-formation analysis, selective use of translation; ability to use bilingual dictionaries; participate in interdisciplinary project activities.

7. Learning outcomes

The results of teaching English in grades 5-9 are set out in the section “Requirements for the level of training of graduates”, which fully complies with the standard. The requirements are aimed at implementing an activity-based, person-oriented approach; students' mastery of intellectual and practical activities; mastering knowledge and skills that are in demand in everyday life, significant for the social adaptation of the individual, and his familiarization with the values ​​of world culture.

The “Be able to” section includes requirements based on more complex types of activities, including creative ones: question, explain, study, describe, compare, analyze and evaluate, conduct an independent search for the necessary information, navigate a simple foreign language text, make short messages in English language.

The heading “Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life” presents requirements that go beyond the educational process and are aimed at solving various life problems.


(525 hours)

5-7 grades

(315 hours)

Subject content of speech

  1. Relationships in the family, with friends. Appearance. Leisure and hobbies (sports, music, visiting the cinema/theater/amusement park). Purchases. Correspondence - 80 hours.

  1. School and school life, subjects studied and attitudes towards them. Vacations and their implementation at different times of the year - 60 hours.

  1. Home country and target language country/countries. Their geographical location, climate, weather, capitals, their attractions. Urban/rural living environment for schoolchildren - 90 hours.

  1. Health and personal hygiene. Environmental protection - 40 hours.

Speech skills


Dialogue speech . In grades 5–7, the development of such speech skills as the ability to conduct an etiquette dialogue, dialogue-questioning, dialogue-incitement to action continues, while in comparison with elementary school the subject content of speech becomes more complex, the number of remarks uttered by schoolchildren during the dialogue increases, The linguistic design of speech becomes more diverse.

Lead training etiquette dialogues character includes such speech skills as:

    start, maintain and end a conversation;

    congratulate, express wishes and respond to them;

To express gratitude;

    politely ask again, express agreement/refusal.

The volume of dialogues is up to 3 replicas from each student.

When learning to lead dialogue-questioning verbal skills are developed to request and provide factual information (Who? What? How? Where? Where? When? With whom? Why?), moving from the position of the questioner to the position of the answerer. The volume of dialogues is up to 4 remarks from each student.

When learning to lead dialogue-encouragementTo action skills are being developed :

    make a request and express willingness/refusal to fulfill it;

    give advice and accept/not accept it;

    invite to action/interaction and agree/disagree, take part in it.

The volume of dialogues is up to 2 remarks from each student.

When learning to lead dialogue-exchange of views skills are practiced:

    express your point of view;

    express agreement/disagreement with the partner’s point of view;

    express doubt;

    express feelings, emotions (joy, sadness).

The volume of educational dialogues is up to 2 remarks from each student.

Monologue speech. The development of monologue speech in grades 5-7 involves mastering the following skills:

    speak briefly about facts and events, using such communicative types of speech as description, narration and message, as well as emotional and value judgments;

    convey the content, the main idea of ​​what was read based on the text;

    make a message in connection with the text read/listened to.

The volume of a monologue statement is up to 8-10 phrases.


Possession of the ability to perceive a foreign language text by ear involves understanding simple texts with different depths of penetration into their content (with understanding of the main content, with selective understanding and full understanding of the text) depending on the communicative task and the functional type of the text.

This provides for the development of skills:

    highlight the main idea in a text that is perceived by ear;

    select the main facts, omitting the secondary ones;

    selectively understand the necessary information in messages of a pragmatic nature based on linguistic guesswork and context.


Schoolchildren learn to read and understand texts with varying depths of penetration into their content (depending on the type of reading): with an understanding of the main content (introductory reading); with a full understanding of the content (study reading); with selective understanding of necessary or interesting information (scanning/search reading).

Reading with understanding of the main content of the text is carried out on simple authentic materials with a focus on the subject content highlighted in grades 5-7, including facts that reflect the features of everyday life, life, and culture of the countries of the language being studied. The volume of reading texts is 400-500 words.

Reading skills to be developed:

    determine the topic and content of the text by the title;

    highlight the main idea;

    select the main facts from the text, omitting the secondary ones;

    establish a logical sequence of the main facts of the text.

Reading with full understanding of the text carried out on simple authentic texts focused on the subject content of speech in grades 5-7. The following skills are formed and practiced:

    fully and accurately understand the content of the text based on its information processing (linguistic guesswork, word-formation analysis, use of a bilingual dictionary);

    express your opinion on what you read.

The volume of reading texts is up to 250 words.

Reading with selective comprehension of necessary or interesting information involves the ability to review a text or several short texts and select information that is necessary or of interest to students.

Sociocultural knowledge and skills

Students become acquainted with individual sociocultural elements of speech behavioral etiquette in the English-speaking environment in the conditions of playing communication situations “In the family”, “At school”, “Leisure activities”. The use of English as a means of sociocultural development of schoolchildren at this stage includes familiarization with:

    surnames and names of prominent people in the countries of the language being studied;

    original or adapted materials of children's poetry and prose;

    foreign language fairy tales and legends, stories;

    with state symbols (flag and its color symbols, anthem, capitals of the country/countries of the language being studied);

    with the traditions of Christmas, New Year, Easter, etc. in the countries of the language being studied;

    words of the English language that are included in many languages ​​of the world (including Russian) and Russian words that are included in the lexicon of the English language.

It is planned to master the following skills:

    write your first and last name, as well as the first and last names of your relatives and friends in English;

    write the address correctly in English;

    describe the most famous cultural attractions of Moscow and St. Petersburg, cities/villages/villages in which schoolchildren live.



Graphics and spelling

Knowledge of the rules of reading and writing new words selected for this stage of training and the skills of their application within the framework of the lexical and grammatical material being studied.

Sample program

... ApproximateprogramMaingeneraleducationBy ApproximateprogramBy... features of native and foreignlanguages English Education. D. Locke...

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    ... ApproximateprogramMaingeneraleducationBy history Explanatory note Document status ApproximateprogramBy... features of native and foreignlanguages. Students' knowledge of historical... sciences. I. Newton. English Education. D. Locke...

  • Place of the foreign language subject in the basic curriculum.

    The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation allocates 210 hours for compulsory study of an academic subject at the stage of complete secondary education at the rate of 3 teaching hours per week in grades 10-11.

    The sample program is designed for 210 teaching hours. At the same time, it provides a reserve of free time in the amount of 10% of the total hours for the implementation of original approaches, the use of various forms of organizing the educational process, and the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies. The compulsory study of a foreign (English) language in grades 10-11, as well as the implementation of a person-centered approach to the education and upbringing of schoolchildren, places increased demands on the professional training of a teacher who is able to work at the senior stage of education, taking into account its specifics.

    General educational abilities, skills and methods of activity.

    The sample program provides for the development of students' learning skills related to methods of independent acquisition of knowledge: using bilingual and monolingual (explanatory) dictionaries and other reference literature, navigating written and audio text in English, summarizing information, highlighting it from various sources; as well as the development of special educational skills: using selective translation to achieve understanding of the text; interpret linguistic means that reflect the cultural characteristics of English-speaking countries; participate in interdisciplinary project activities, including using the Internet.

    Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
    Download the book Sample programs in foreign languages, English, basic level, grades 10-11 -, fast and free download.

    • Unified State Exam 2020, English language, 10 training versions of exam papers to prepare for the unified state exam, Muzlanova E.S., 2019
    • Unified State Exam-2013, English language, Standard exam options, 10 options, Verbitskaya M.V., 2012
    • Oral topics for preparation for the compulsory final exam in English, grade 11, Kazyuchits G.E., 2018 - The manual consists of 25 sections covering all communication situations presented in the tickets for the compulsory final exam in the academic subject English ... Books on English
    • Tutor for preparation for the Unified State Exam, Grammar and vocabulary, Sokolinsky A.

    The following textbooks and books:

    • English language, Enjoy English, grade 8, Teacher's book for the textbook English with pleasure, Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N., Babushis E.E., 2012

    Social and domestic sphere. The daily life of a family, its income, housing and living conditions in a city apartment or in a house/cottage in a rural area. Family traditions in co-studied cultures. Distribution of household responsibilities in the family. Communication at home and at school, interpersonal relationships with friends and acquaintances. Health and care, medical services, environmental and health issues. (68 hours).

    Social and cultural sphere. Life in the city and countryside, living environment, its fauna and flora. Nature and ecology, scientific and technological progress. Youth in modern society. Leisure time for young people: visiting clubs, sports sections and interest clubs. Country/countries of the language being studied, their cultural attractions. Study tours in the country and abroad, educational tourism and eco-tourism. Main cultural and historical milestones in the development of the countries studied and Russia. The contribution of Russia and the countries of the language being studied to the development of science and culture. Socio-economic and cultural problems of the development of modern civilization.(200 hours).

    Educational and labor sphere.Russian and international exams and certificates in foreign languages. The modern world of professions, the labor market and the problems of choosing the future sphere of labor and professional activity, professions, plans for the near future . Philology as a field of professional activity (writer, translator, linguist, language teacher, librarian). Opportunities for continuing education in higher education in Russia and abroad. New information technologies, Internet resources in humanities education. Languages ​​of international communication and their role in a multilingual world, when choosing a profession, when getting to know the cultural heritage of countries and continents. (110 hours).



    Dialogue speech

    Improving the skills to participate in dialogues of an etiquette nature, dialogues-questions, dialogues-incitement to action, dialogues-exchange of information, in mixed-type dialogues, including elements of different types of dialogues based on expanded topics, in situations of official and informal everyday communication, including professionally oriented ones situations.

    Skill development:

    • participate in a conversation, conversation in situations of everyday communication, exchanging information, clarifying it, asking for clarification, expressing your attitude to what is being expressed and discussed;

    • talk when discussing books, films, television and radio programs;

    • participate in polylogue, including in the form of a discussion in compliance with speech norms and rules of behavior adopted in the countries of the language being studied, requesting and exchanging information, expressing and arguing your point of view, objecting, questioning your interlocutor and clarifying his opinions and points of view, taking the lead in conversation, making clarifications/additions, expressing an emotional attitude towards what was said/discussed/read/seen.
    Monologue speech

    Development of public speaking skills such as: message, report, presentation of the results of the project, focused on the selected profile.

    Skill development:

    • present in detail/briefly what you have read/listened to/seen;

    • characterize characters in fiction, theater and cinema, outstanding historical figures, scientists and cultural figures;

    • describe events, state facts;

    • represent your country and its culture in a foreign-language environment, the countries of the language being studied and their culture in a Russian-speaking environment;

    • express and argue your point of view; draw conclusions; evaluate facts/events of modern life and culture.

    Further development of the skills to understand by ear (with varying degrees of completeness and accuracy) the statements of interlocutors in the process of communication, as well as the content of authentic audio and video texts of various genres and duration up to 3-4 minutes:

    • understand the main content of oral dialogues, monologues and polylogues, television and radio programs on familiar and partially unfamiliar topics;

    • selectively understand the necessary information in advertisements and informational advertising, significant/interesting information from simple foreign language audio and video texts;

    • relatively fully understand the statements of native speakers in the most typical situations of everyday communication and elementary professional communication.
    Skill development:

    • separate main information from secondary information;

    • identify the most significant facts, determine your attitude towards them;

    • extract necessary/interesting information from audio text;

    • determine the topic/ problem in radio/television programs of philological orientation (including television lectures) , highlight facts/examples/ arguments in accordance with the question/problem posed, summarize the factual and evaluative information contained in the audio/teletext, determining your attitude towards it.

    Further development of all main types of reading authentic texts of various styles: journalistic, popular science philological, artistic, pragmatic, as well as texts from various fields of humanities (taking into account interdisciplinary connections):

    • introductory reading – in order to understand the main content of messages, reviews, interviews, reports, publications in the field of philology, excerpts from works of fiction;

    • student of reading - with the aim of fully understanding the information of pragmatic texts for orientation in situations of everyday communication, as well as popular science articles within the chosen profile, excerpts from works of fiction;

    • browsing/search reading – in order to extract the necessary/requested information from the text of an article or several articles, information and reference material.
    Skill development:

    • highlight the necessary facts/information;

    • separate basic information from secondary information;

    • determine the temporal and cause-and-effect relationship of events and phenomena;

    • predict the development/result of the stated facts/events;

    • generalize the described facts/phenomena;

    • evaluate the importance/novelty/ reliability information;

    • understand the meaning of the text and its problems using elements of text analysis;

    • select significant information in a text/series of texts to solve problems in design and research activities.
    Written speech

    Skill development:

    • write a personal and business letter: provide information about yourself in the form accepted in the country of the language being studied (autobiography/resume, questionnaire, form);

    • present the content of a foreign language text read/listened to in theses, abstracts, reviews;

    • briefly record the main content of the teacher’s lectures;

    • use written language in a foreign language during design and research activities, record and summarize the necessary information obtained from different sources; draw up abstracts or a detailed plan for a speech;

    • describe events/facts/phenomena; report/request information expressing your own opinion/judgment.

    At the profile level in high school, the development of professionally oriented skills in written translation of texts from a foreign language into Russian is carried out. When learning written translation as a bilingual communicative activity, schoolchildren master:

    • skills in using explanatory and bilingual dictionaries and other reference literature to solve translation problems;

    • skills in using translation techniques such as substitution, rearrangement, addition, omission, tracing;

    • technology for performing such types of written translation as full/selective written translation;

    • skills to edit text in their native language.
    Familiarization with possible translation difficulties and ways to overcome them, with types of non-equivalent vocabulary and methods of its transmission in the native language, types of international vocabulary and such a phenomenon as “false friends of the translator”. Foreign language materials for translation are texts that are related in their subject matter to the selected profile.


    A foreign language, together with such subjects as Russian language and literature, determines the direction of the philological profile in high school.

    Taking into account interdisciplinary connections, a foreign language contributes to the formation of schoolchildren’s ideas about:

    • such linguistic disciplines as phonetics, lexicology, grammar, stylistics, linguistics, sociolinguistics;

    • the close connection of linguistics with the humanities (for example, history, regional studies, cultural studies, literary studies);

    • cultural and historical milestones in the emergence and study of language, related languages, classification of languages, differences between Russian and foreign languages;

    • basic units of language (phoneme, morpheme, word, phrase, sentence, text);

    • official business style (scientific, journalistic, literary and artistic varieties) and conversational style;

    • main types of lexical units, homonymy, synonymy, polysemy, paronymy, foreign borrowings; neutral vocabulary, vocabulary of colloquial and book styles;

    • grammatical meanings, grammatical categories;

    • about the text as a product of human speech activity; narration, description, reasoning as compositional types of speech; substantive, rhetorical, linguistic, stylistic and intonation means of communication in the text; about the features of constructing dialogic and monologue speech;

    • functional styles: journalistic, colloquial, scientific, business and artistic-fictional styles; linguistic means of the English language, characteristic of bookish (high), middle (neutral) and reduced (colloquial) styles; ways of interpreting a literary text.
    Skills being developed:

    • make linguistic observations regarding the use of words, grammatical structures, lexical-grammatical, intonation-syntactic structure of speech in various functional types of text and generalize them in the form of language and speech rules;

    • compile thematic lists of words (including linguistic and cultural lists);

    • compare the scope of meanings of related lexical units in the native and foreign languages, write comments and explanations in the native language to foreign language realities and words with a linguistic and cultural background;

    • compare grammatical phenomena, linguistic means of expressing grammatical categories in foreign and native languages, highlight grammatical difficulties;

    • collect and classify idiomatic expressions and proverbs;

    • classify linguistic phenomena according to formal and communicative characteristics.

    Expanding the range of skills to use existing foreign language speech experience to overcome communication difficulties caused by a deficiency of language resources, as well as developing the following skills:

    • use paralinguistic (extralinguistic) means (facial expressions, gestures);

    • use rhetorical questions;

    • use reference apparatus (comments, footnotes);

    • predict the content of the text based on preliminary information (heading, beginning);

    • understand the meaning of unstudied linguistic means based on linguistic and contextual guesses; use questioning to clarify understanding;

    • use paraphrase/interpretation, synonyms;

    • equivalent replacements to supplement, clarify, clarify thoughts.


    Development special educational skills, ensuring co-study of language and culture with:

    • searching and highlighting new lexical means in the text (including linguistic and cultural realities and vocabulary with a linguistic and cultural background);

    • correlation of means of expression and communicative intention of the speaker/writer;

    • analyzing the linguistic difficulties of the text in order to more fully understand the semantic information;

    • grouping and systematization of linguistic means according to a certain criterion (formal, communicative);

    • filling out generalizing diagrams/tables to systematize linguistic, regional/cultural material;

    • interpretation of linguistic and cultural facts in the text;

    • using dictionaries of various types, modern information technologies in the compilation of individual profile-oriented thematic lists of words.


    The development of sociocultural knowledge and skills occurs by comparing the rules of speech behavior in situations of everyday communication, comparing the facts of the native culture and the culture of the countries of the language being studied. Sociocultural skills develop in the process of teaching high school students to communicate in the target language, as well as when reading, listening and discussing the content of foreign language texts.

    In grades 10-11, students deepen:

    • subject knowledge about sociocultural rules of polite behavior in standard situations of social, social, cultural and educational and labor spheres of communication in a foreign language environment (including etiquette of behavior when living in a foreign family, when inviting guests, accepting invitations and behavior when visiting); about linguistic means that can be used in situations of an official and informal nature;

    • interdisciplinary knowledge about the cultural heritage of the country/countries of the language being studied, about the living conditions of different sectors of society; opportunities for obtaining quality education; value guidelines; about the features of life in a multicultural society.
    At the profile level, students’ speech is enriched with linguistic and cultural realities and background vocabulary; they learn to recognize and understand them in oral and written texts, using information and reference materials.
    Skills being developed:

    • use the necessary linguistic means to express opinions, express agreement/disagreement in a non-categorical, non-aggressive form;

    • use the necessary linguistic means with the help of which it is possible to present the native country and culture in a foreign language environment, to provide assistance to foreign guests in situations of everyday communication;

    • use speech etiquette formulas within standard communication situations.
    In high school, the language knowledge of schoolchildren acquired in primary school is systematized, and students continue to acquire new language knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements of the profile level of foreign language proficiency.

    Knowledge of spelling rules, improvement of spelling skills, including in relation to new language material included in the lexical and grammatical minimum threshold level.

    Phonetic side of speech

    Improving auditory-pronunciation and rhythmic-intonation skills, including in relation to new language material.

    Lexical side of speech

    Systematization of lexical units studied in grades 2-9 or 5-9, mastery of lexical means that serve new topics, problems and situations of oral and written communication. The lexical minimum for high school graduates is 1600 lexical units.

    Expanding the potential vocabulary by mastering the use of international vocabulary, new meanings of known words, new words formed on the basis of productive methods of word formation. Development of skills in recognizing and using in speech lexical units that serve situations within the framework of high school topics, the most common set phrases, cliche remarks of speech etiquette, characteristic of the culture of the countries of the language being studied, as well as terms within the chosen profile.

    The grammatical side of speech

    Productive mastery of grammatical phenomena that were previously learned receptively and communicative-oriented systematization of grammatical material learned in basic school.

    Improving the skills of recognizing and using previously studied communicative and structural types of sentences in speech; systematization of knowledge about complex and compound sentences, including conditional sentences with varying degrees of probability: probable, unlikely and improbable: Conditional I, II, III.

    Formation of skills in using and recognizing sentences in speech with the construction “I wish...” (I wish I had my own room), the construction “so/such + that” (I was so busy that forgot to phone to my parents); emphatic constructions: It’s him who knows what to do. All you need is confidence and courage.

    Improving the skills of recognizing and using verbs in speech in the most common tense forms of the active voice: Present Simple, Future Simple and Past Simple; Present and Past Continuous; Present and Past Perfect and passive voice: Present Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive; modal verbs and their equivalents.

    Formation of recognition skills and use in speech of verbs in the active voice: Present Perfect Continuous and Past Perfect Continuous and passive voice: Present Perfect Passive; phrasal verbs that serve topics, problems and communication situations at this stage.

    Knowledge of signs and recognition skills when reading verbs in passive voice forms: Present and Past Continuous Passive, Past Perfect Passive, Future Perfect Passive; infinitive with as a means of expressing purpose, addition, reason, time in a subordinate clause; imfinite forms of the verb: Participle I and Gerund without distinguishing their functions.

    Formation of skills in using various grammatical means in speech to express future actions: Simple Future, to be going, Present Continuous.

    Improving skills in using definite / indefinite / zero articles; singular and plural nouns, including exceptions. Improving the skills of recognizing and using personal, possessive, demonstrative, indefinite, relative and interrogative pronouns in speech; adjectives and adverbs in the positive, comparative and superlative degrees, including exceptions; adverbs expressing quantity (much, many few, little, very), having spatio-temporal meanings (always, sometimes, often, never, daily, weekly, already, soon, early, here, there); cardinal and ordinal numbers.

    Systematization of knowledge about the functional significance of prepositions and improvement of skills in their use in speech: in phrases expressing the direction, time, place of action. Systematization of knowledge about the place of adverbs in a sentence; about different means of communication in the text to ensure its integrity, for example, adverbs (firstly, finally, at last, in the end, however, etc).

    Improving self-control skills for the correctness of lexical and grammatical formatting of speech.


    As a result of learning a foreign language at the profile level in high school a student must


    • the meanings of new lexical units associated with the topic of this stage and with the corresponding communication situations;

    • language material : idiomatic expressions, evaluative vocabulary, units of speech etiquette that serve communication situations within the framework of new topics, including profile-oriented ones;

    • new meanings of the studied verb forms (aspectual-tense, impersonal), means and ways of expressing modality, conditions, assumptions, causes, consequences, incentives to action;

    • linguistic and cultural information, expanded by new topics and problems of speech communication, taking into account the selected profile.
    Be able to


    • conduct a dialogue (dialogue-questioning, dialogue-exchange of opinions/judgments, dialogue-incitement to action, etiquette dialogue and their combinations) in situations of official and informal communication in everyday, socio-cultural and educational and labor spheres, using argumentation, emotional and evaluative means;

    • talk, reason in connection with the studied topic, the problems of read/listened to texts, describe events, present facts, make messages, including those related to the topic of the selected profile;

    • create a verbal sociocultural portrait of your country and the countries/countries of the language being studied on the basis of a variety of regional and cultural information;

    • understand relatively fully (general meaning) statements in the foreign language being studied in various communication situations;

    • understand the main content of authentic audio or video texts of an educational nature on topics related to personal interests or the chosen profile, selectively extract the necessary information from them;

    • assess the importance/novelty of information, determine your attitude towards it;

    • read authentic texts of different styles (journalistic, artistic, popular science, pragmatic, as well as simple specialized texts related to the topic of the selected profile), using the main types of reading (introductory, studying, viewing/searching) depending on the communicative task;
    written language

    • describe phenomena, events, state facts in a letter of a personal and business nature; fill out various types of questionnaires, provide information about yourself in the form accepted in the country/countries of the language being studied, compile written materials necessary for presenting the results of project activities.
    Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

    • successful interaction in various communication situations, including profile-oriented ones; compliance with etiquette norms of intercultural communication;

    • expanding opportunities to use new information technologies for professionally oriented purposes;

    • expanding employment opportunities and continuing education;

    • participation in profile-oriented Internet forums, intercultural projects, competitions, olympiads;

    • enriching one’s worldview, awareness of the place and role of native and foreign languages ​​in the treasury of world culture.
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