I dreamed of muddy water in a well. Dream interpretation - well

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 17th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today come true on the 19th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is strictly a day of Saturn, the planet of fate, rock, and trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams for Saturday will tell us about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful and pleasant, it means that no serious restrictions are foreseen, and much of what was planned can be easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come to life only as a result of hard work, that is, nothing will come easy in the near future. On Saturday night you can learn about your fate or the fate of other people.

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WELL – Miller's Dream Book

If you dream that you are drawing water from a well or a spring, this indicates that you have recently abused your power, as a result of which such an unfavorable situation has developed around you that you yourself will no longer be able to withstand it. As a result, you will allow your opponents to dictate their will to you.

If you fell into a well, this means overwhelming despair that will take possession of you. If you went down into the well on your own, then a crushing victory over your enemies awaits you - their plans will be completely crossed out by your own.

Seeing an empty well means that you will be robbed by fate if you trust strangers.

Seeing water being pumped from a well means new opportunities to improve your prospects.

If you saw an artesian well in a dream, this dream is a harbinger that your brilliant capabilities will open you up to the kingdom of knowledge and pleasure.

Getting water from a well portends the satisfaction of passionate desires.

If the water is dirty, expect trouble.

WELL – Modern Dream Interpretation

A dream about a well is a happy dream for everyone, especially for the poor and those in great need. Seeing a well in your dream is a sign of great success in business and prosperity in the family.

A good well in a dream is a harbinger that signs of attention and gifts await you.

If you dreamed of a well with clean water, then such a dream predicts a successful marriage, a profitable enterprise, or the birth of a healthy child.

If the water in the well is cloudy and musty, this means that you may become a victim of self-deception: what seems attractive and worthy of your attention will soon reveal its true essence, which will disappoint or even terrify you.

To unexpectedly see or discover it in a place where it has never been and could not be means that you will receive money and support from where you did not expect.

Drinking from a well, washing or drawing water in a dream foretells wealth and good health if the water in the well is clean, clear and tasty.

Taking water from a well to drink in a dream means satisfying a passionate desire. If the water splashes, then your love will cause you a lot of trouble.

Giving others clean well water is a harbinger that you will help someone get rich. If the water is cloudy, then everything will be according to the saying: “Do not do good, you will not receive evil.”

Digging a well in a dream is a sign of obstacles in business and losses through the machinations of enemies.

Falling into a well in a dream is a sign of great despair, misfortune, and failure.

Dropping something into a well means loss and failure.

Being at the bottom of a well and not being able to get out of it means a serious, long-term illness.

Finding an empty well in a dream is a sign that you are unlucky. Fate always trips you up, and all your efforts to correct your unenviable situation end in failure.

Going down a well in a dream means that you will not stop at any difficulties to achieve what you want.

An empty well in a dream is a sign of alarm.

You see an artesian well in a dream - you will enjoy acquiring new knowledge, you will treat each new knowledge as wealth.

It’s as if you fell into a well - your chronic failures will drive you to despair. You will hope that some out-of-the-ordinary act will help you break out of the vicious circle.

You are descending into the well using a rope - the machinations of your enemies are doomed to failure. You will understand the mechanism of the intrigues of your ill-wishers, and you will be able to turn the enemy’s weapons against him.

It is as if you are looking from a well at the stars in broad daylight - your dreams will give you pleasure - but nothing more.

You see someone taking water from a well - you will have new opportunities that you will immediately take advantage of. New real prospects will elevate you in the eyes of your friends, and make you invincible in the eyes of your enemies.

It’s as if you are cleaning a well - in reality, you are removing obstacles from your path; a quick career awaits you, to the envy of your enemies. Ill-wishers will not be able to harm you - your purity, decency, honesty will protect you better than any armor.

WELL – Slavic Dream Interpretation

With a bucket - wealth; overcrowded - losses; without water - anxiety; drinking from a well is good deeds.

WELL – Dream Book of Zhou-Gong

Digging a well and seeing water means there will be a letter from afar.

The well is destroyed, breaks on its own - there will be big trouble in the family.

The water in the well gushes like a fountain, overflowing - portends material profit and wealth.

The water in the well dries up to the last drop - there will be no material wealth in the family.

Seeing your reflection in a well is an appointment to a position.

Falling into a well means illness or trouble.

Your house is in a well - illness.

Drawing water from a well - clean - fortunately, muddy - unfortunately.

If you collect water from a well, but all you get out is silt or dirt, this portends an improvement in your material well-being.

The water in the well is about to dry up - the family will soon fall apart, the clan will fade away.

There are fish in the well - nobility.

Looking into the well and hearing sounds means there will be a squabble, a verbal quarrel.

Hiding in a well means matters related to punishment and prison.

Falling into a well drunk means a situation will arise related to officials, official business.

The family lives in a well - misfortune, troubles with the eldest son.

Human speech is heard from the well - there will be joyful events.

To clean or build a well means nobility, great ranks.

Dishes falling into the well means there will be a joyful event.

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As a rule, people intuitively feel what this or that event means in their dreams. Much depends on the sensations experienced in a dream or remaining the next morning, significant details, the colorfulness of the dream and much more. For example, it is believed that dreams where it was a sunny, fine day more often leave a person with positive emotions than night dreams, the events of which develop at night or in gloomy stormy weather. Therefore, the dream in which a person saw a well will largely depend not only on the interpretation of this symbol, but also on third-party factors.

People have long associated a well with a kind of portal to another world or a parallel dimension. Let us recall, for example, the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm “Mistress Blizzard,” in which a girl jumps after a spindle that has fallen into a well and finds herself in a sun-drenched meadow in a magical land. In Russian literature, the events in Odoevsky’s fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich” developed according to the same principle, only instead of a spindle, the girl dropped a bucket. The image of a peculiar place of transition to another world is clearly visible in dream interpreters with this image. Many dream books agree that people see this symbol in their dreams on the eve of important events in life.

Seeing a bucket on the edge of a well in a dream means profit

Let's look at the most interesting meanings of this sign in various dream books:

  • Miller - very soon your life will be filled with joyful events, you may receive good news from work or from distant friends; trips are possible, the memories after which will warm your heart for a long time;
  • according to Hasse, to see in a dream a bucket standing on the edge of a well, or to draw water with it, means monetary profit; fate is smiling at you, so it’s not time to sit still - use every opportunity to strengthen your financial position;
  • Solomon - a quick solution to any housing issues awaits you; if you have long been thinking about moving, buying or selling an apartment - now is the best time to do this; you will be pursued by good luck in matters related to farming and property;
  • Vangi - if in a dream you look into a well and look intently into the depths, there is a high probability that in the coming days you will begin to experience a feeling of anxiety due to lack of confidence in your own abilities and the future;
  • Tsvetkova - a dream has an unfavorable interpretation; if you see from the outside how a stranger draws water from a well, this foreshadows unpleasant events in life; the stranger is a prototype of the ill-wisher who “steals” your happiness.

A man or woman dreamed of a well

If a married woman dreamed that her husband fell into a well and could not get out of it, this indicates her unstable emotional state. Most likely, at present the lady is very worried about how the circumstances are developing in her personal life, she is afraid of loneliness and does not trust her chosen one. If the husband drowned in such a dream, this may foreshadow an imminent separation.

The well often symbolizes the feminine principle. This is a container of water, mysterious and enigmatic. A closed source (including a sewer) personifies virginity and innocence. Accordingly, the serpent, a sign of the masculine, drinking well water is a strong sexual symbol.

If a young girl falls into a well in a dream, this is a bad sign. Such a dream means that in the future she may be drawn into an unpleasant story that will greatly tarnish her reputation. Try to avoid ambiguous situations when communicating with unfamiliar people. Close friends should not tell personal secrets.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she drops a bucket into a well, the birth will be premature.

If a man dreams that he is sitting on the edge of a well with his feet in the water, he will soon have many new opportunities. It's worth taking this chance. Positive changes will affect all areas of life. An unmarried guy dreams that he is digging a well - a fateful meeting.

A well full of water in a man’s dream is a symbol of happiness and abundance with which his life will be filled. You will receive a worthy reward for your past work, you can relax and start living for your own pleasure. This image also suggests that it is time to allow yourself to rest after hard and diligent work.

The dreamer's actions: draw water, fall or jump inside

Scooping or pumping water from a well, or trying to dry it completely is an unfavorable sign. Your future is vague, there is a high probability that you will not be able to cope with the circumstances. You will have to be patient in order to stay afloat and not lose your already achieved social status and well-being.

Jumping into a well is a desperate desire to change your life. Slowly plunging into it in a dream - your plans and hopes will not soon come true. You show excessive gullibility towards strangers who take advantage of you without giving anything in return. It's time to start thinking about your own benefit first.

If in a dream you saw a child drowning in a well, in reality you will worry about your loved ones

Drinking clean well water while feeling very thirsty is a sign that in real life you cannot satisfy your physical needs. Basically we are talking about the state of affairs in love relationships. Perhaps you are unhappy with your partner or can’t decide on his choice.

Scooping out dirt, silt and algae from a well is a good sign. Such a dream indicates financial well-being, which will soon become even stronger. Success in business awaits you, so do not hesitate to express your ideas to your superiors and feel free to take on new projects.

The well appears frequently in the Bible as a place of fateful encounters. Next to him, Jacob and Rachel saw each other for the first time; here Jesus and the Samaritan woman communicated.

Getting something out of the depths means pleasant meetings with old friends. Sometimes such dreams are seen on the eve of family holidays or important events in personal life. Many pleasant emotions and impressions await you in the coming days.

Seeing a magic well in a dream means prosperity and new acquaintances

Digging a well in a dream means unpleasant incidents and financial problems. Dropping something inside means small monetary losses, which will soon be compensated. It happens that such dreams foreshadow a short separation from a loved one. Very soon you will be together again, but the nature of the relationship will change.

If a sick person dreams of washing his face or bathing in cool well water, the dreamer will soon recover.

Meaning of dream details

A person who expects good news from loved ones sees a dry, empty well in his dreams. But soon this news will turn into anxiety and disappointment. They may try to mislead you, so you should not make quick and rash decisions.

Among the ancient Slavs, the well was associated with many rites and rituals. Thus, water from a new source in Bulgaria was given to a woman who could not get pregnant, and in the Czech Republic they sprinkled water on cows to protect them from witches.

To see a fish swimming in a deep well in a dream means a promotion at work or a change in social status. Seeing a star in the reflection of water means all your desires will come true. This is one of the most favorable signs, as many interpreters say. All problems will be resolved very soon without your participation, life will be harmonized.

An old dry well dreams of joyful events

If you dream of a well with dirty, muddy water, you feel the unpleasant putrid smell that it emits - get ready for conflicts with others. People will perceive any of your actions and words with hostility, trying to drag you into an open conflict. Don't fall for other people's tricks. Major quarrels are not in your interests now.

Seeing your reflection in the water inside means promotion. Standing next to a well in a dream and hearing human speech coming from there is a sign of joy. For women, such a dream can mean an unplanned pregnancy, which will bring her even closer to her chosen one.

If in a dream you see a well with warm water covered with snow, financial problems and debts await you

Trying to illuminate a well with a torch, dropping it there, or extinguishing it means serious illness. Most likely, the cause of poor health will be severe overwork and a violation of harmony between the spiritual and physical worlds of a person. Give yourself some time to relax and sort out your own thoughts.

If in a dream water gushes out of a well like a fountain, unpleasant events await you in your personal life. For married people, such a dream will be a harbinger of a spouse’s infidelity and family breakdown. For a woman who cannot get pregnant for a long time, the dream will become a symbol that she is not destined to become a mother.

Video: why do you dream about a well with water?

You should pay close attention to dreams in which a well appears, since many of them can warn of danger and negative changes in life. In addition to the meanings that you find in the dream book, listen to your feelings the next morning. It happens that despite unpleasant events in the dream itself, a person wakes up in an excellent mood. Often this may indicate that he will be able to avoid the problems and troubles that such a dream portends.

Dream interpretation well

People usually know what certain iconic symbols mean in dreams. But it happens that in a dream you see an empty well. What does such a symbol lead to, good or evil? Why do you dream about a well?

I dreamed about a well

Dreams where there was a well can be different. A joyful dream - quench your thirst with clean, cool water. Scary - falling into a deep well.

General characteristics

When interpreting dreams about wells, an important point is which side you are looking from, up or down. Where you are can change the interpretation.

In one case, a dream may mean a desire to go back to the origins, to study the life of ancestors and their traditions. Perhaps you are simply going deeper into yourself, analyzing.

If you dreamed of a well

In another case, you are consumed by external troubles, you are drawn into the wrong enterprise, maybe you are simply not satisfied with your lifestyle. In such cases, the subconscious signals - do not change anything, it may end badly.

A positive dream is one where the well is represented in the shape of a crane.

A dream where you started digging and another female wants to help you - this is a rival who is hunting for your betrothed.

Degree of fullness

A source full of water displays the following interpretation. A sleeping person has worked hard enough to earn material well-being.

Oddly enough, a well completely filled with dirty water is a positive dream. It is believed that the dreamer will have money like the dirt in his dream.

A completely empty source - you are too gullible and too talkative. Don't trust everyone, because not all people have pure intentions.

Why does an empty woman dream of an abandoned well - to failure in love.

The meaning of an empty well is considered fatal. Bad luck will haunt you in all areas of life. Any job falls through the cracks, relationships don’t work out. At the same time, the interpretation says there is nothing you can do. Take a time out and have a good rest.

Your actions

After such dreams, remember what your actions were. Perhaps you started digging a deep spring, collecting some water, and accidentally fell into the water.

Fall to the bottom of the well

If you fell to the bottom

To fall, meaning - spiteful critics are preparing a trap. Someone has a grudge against you and will go to open war. Interpretation of dreams, where you yourself went down with the help of special devices - you will unravel the enemy’s plan and get ahead of him.

The dream book also gives another meaning for such dreams. Fall - you will get involved in an unpleasant story with disastrous consequences.

For a woman, a dream where her husband happened to fall and drown means the critical emotional state of her husband. Your loved one is in danger; prolonged depression and blues can lead you down the wrong path.

Sometimes the dream book gives such an interpretation of dreams where you have fallen to the bottom - you will be tormented by extreme despair, to the point of experiencing a nervous shock.

Seeing a well in a dream and dropping something there means you will lose something in reality. At the same time, the dream book does not explain how important this thing will be for you.

Get water

Why do you dream of a well from which you get water? The meaning of dreams and their interpretation will depend on the quality of the water.

What you used to collect the water, with your hand, a bucket, or another container, will play an important role in the interpretation.

To get a full bucket of water:

  • in difficult times, your family will come to your aid;
  • what you have long wanted and what you have been striving for will come true;
  • for childless couples - the imminent birth of their first child.

What was the water like?

If it is full of muddy water, then the dream book gives the following meaning - get ready for troubles, and they will not be minor. But this prediction only works when you don’t drink water.

Drinking water means you are very tired, you may even get sick.

Interpretations from competent sources

Almost all the symbols that we see in dreams are collected in dream interpreters. Let's see what the well is about in dreams.

Women's dream book

  • Drawing water with a bucket - old dreams will come true.
  • Muddy water means obstacles and troubles.
  • Empty - you will be deceived by people you trusted.
  • Falling is a nervous shock.
  • Draining a well is a new stage in your life, new horizons.

Gypsy dream book

If you drank water from a well

See - increase your land. Draw water with a bucket:

  • turned out to be clean - a happy marriage with benefits;
  • dirty - failure in marriage, illness.

Offer a drink to someone else:

  • clean water - you will contribute to their well-being;
  • muddy - you will be involved in their ruin.

Seeing a well where it a priori cannot be located means a quick recovery.

Aesop's Dream Book

Drink water - you will need the help of loved ones, most likely they will not refuse you.

Getting water with a bucket is a pleasant pastime with good people.

To see empty, destroyed - by your actions you will harm your friend.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Finding a source of clean water in the desert means meeting a person with whom you will have a spiritual relationship.
  • Take water with a bucket - get complete information. If it's dry, there's trouble.
  • Wash your face with it - you will be cured of an illness that has tormented you for years.
  • To fall - some news will greatly excite you, perhaps not in a good way.
  • Dig - you will think about the meaning of life.
  • Seeing a star at the bottom is undoubted luck.

Miller's Dream Book

Drinking well water means you will break under the pressure of unfavorable factors that will be caused by your own inappropriate behavior.

The rest of the predictions completely coincide with previous sources.


In general, a dream about such a source of water is not negative. Whether you are digging a deep well, or drinking water from an already dug one, all these dreams are just a warning of possible danger. You will have time to change tactics, change yourself, and thus avoid trouble.

Your mark:

In order to properly understand why a well is dreamed of, the dream book first suggests remembering that it has a top and a bottom. Depending on whether you look from the bottom or deeper, the meaning of what you see in a dream fundamentally changes. Also note whether water is present and what its properties are.

When someone manages to drop something, regardless of the value of the item, the dream tries to warn about a possible loss. The extent of the loss is not specified; all that matters is the fact that it will no longer be possible to return the loss.

If you happen to see a well in a dream, the dream may be allegorical in nature. The more carefully you treat him in your dream, the more respectful you are towards others in reality.

Another symbolic interpretation of dreams: a well indicates your subconscious desire to return to your roots. It is quite possible that you have thought more than once about compiling a family tree, or recently you have found stories about folk traditions incredibly fascinating.

What does falling mean

When you fall into a well in a dream, the dream book warns of possible trials prepared by ill-wishers. The long-standing hidden enmity risks escalating into direct threats and insults. If the dreamer descended voluntarily, he will be able to get ahead of his enemies and destroy his insidious plans.

The dream book believes that falling into a well in a dream is not the most favorable sign. In the near future, the sleeper may get involved in a dubious story with unpredictable consequences.

If a woman dreamed that her husband fell into a well and drowned, the dream book connects what she saw with his desperate emotional state. No matter how hard he tries not to show it, it is impossible to hide depression and a feeling of hopelessness from those closest to him.

Rest and a change of scenery can help him, but it is highly not recommended to abuse alcohol. The dream suggests that the husband will have enough strength to regain cheerfulness.

Everything you dream of about a well with clean water is associated with new opportunities that will soon open up for the dreamer. Try to be more attentive so as not to lose sight of wonderful prospects.

Why you dream of a well full of water, the dream book explains with the coming abundance. Previously, the dreamer did a good job, and now prosperity and prosperity await him.

Interpreting what a well with dirty water means in a dream, the dream book focuses specifically on dirt, which is often a harbinger of prosperity in reality.

Often, what one dreams of about drawing water from a well is explained in the dream book by ordinary thirst. But its reasons deserve attention: from the heat in the bedroom to increased temperature.

If you had to dig a well in a dream, there is a lot of work ahead. But how beneficial it will be, the opinions of interpreters differ. Hasse's dream book promises profit, while Dvoryansky promises complete losses.

A dream in which you happened to see a well in a dream may reflect a desire to understand yourself, to look into your subconscious. This symbol also represents the search for a soul mate or true values.


    What could this mean? My brother fell into the well, and I wanted to call for help, but first I looked into it and saw that my brother was lying curled up in it and not moving. The water in the well seemed clean, but the walls of the well were concrete, so it seemed that the water was dark.

In a dream, we can sometimes see the most unexpected objects and images. Sometimes night vision gives us pleasant emotions and we wake up in a great mood, and from time to time we are haunted by nightmares that make us wake up in a cold sweat. For a long time people have tried to interpret the meaning of this or that dream. Thanks to this, a lot of different collections have appeared that explain what a particular night vision symbolizes and portends. Today we will try to find out why a well is dreamed of. To do this, we will resort to the help of the most popular and trustworthy sources.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

First of all, we invite you to find out how the well-known American esotericist interprets the dreamed well. So, according to Gustav Miller, in most cases this is not a good dream:

  • Falling into a well is a sign of overwhelming despair, which may take possession of you in the foreseeable future. However, if you yourself descend into it, then you will be able to neutralize your enemies, destroying their plans.
  • Using a well means there is a high probability that you will not be able to withstand the unfavorable situation that will arise as a result of your abuse of your power or authority. You run the risk of allowing other people's interests to influence your behavior.
  • The dream interpretation of a well that turns out to be empty is interpreted as a sign that fate will not be favorable to you because of your too good attitude towards a bad person.
  • If it is full, but the water in it is dirty, then this also promises various troubles.
  • Seeing an artesian well is an opportunity to gain access to important knowledge and hitherto unknown pleasures. Drinking water taken from it means your most cherished desires will come true.

Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

Seeing a well with a bucket at night promises the acquisition of wealth. Falling into it means difficulties that you will have to face in the near future. Digging a well means getting a profitable and prestigious job. Drinking from it means the emergence of promising ideas. If the water turns out to be unclean, then your plan may fail.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

How did the world-famous predictor of the future interpret this seemingly ordinary subject? This source considers the well as a symbol of infinity. It can also be associated with improved health, prediction of future events and secrets:

  • If your dream is a well of water in the middle of a hot desert, then it indicates a high probability of meeting a person in whom you can find a soul mate.
  • Drawing water is a chance to get answers to questions that have been bothering you for a long time.
  • The dream book considers a dried up well as a warning about any danger that may threaten you.
  • Falling into it means shock or severe fear due to unexpectedly received news.
  • Washing with well water is a chance to recover from a serious illness.
  • But if the water in it is cloudy, then this may, on the contrary, symbolize possible illness or loss of strength.
  • If you dreamed that you saw a star in a well, then this is a very good sign. It promises the implementation of all plans.
  • Digging a well means the need to search for true values.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

  • Digging a well and seeing water means receiving an important letter from afar. If it collapses during the process, this is seen as a harbinger of family troubles.
  • Water gushing out of a well is a sign of making serious profits and gaining wealth. A dried up well means financial problems in the family.
  • If you see your reflection in the water, then career advancement awaits you.
  • Falling into a deep well means trouble or health problems.
  • Drawing clean water - fortunately, dirty water - brings profit.

How else does this collection answer the question of why a well is dreamed of? If sounds come from it, then get ready for quarrels. If you dreamed that your family lived at the bottom of a well, then some kind of trouble could threaten your eldest child. Hearing human speech from it is a sign of joyful events.

Dream Interpretation of Taflisi

This source states that the well, as a rule, indicates a representative of the fair sex who is preparing to get married:

  • If you dream that you are trying to dig a well, and another woman comes to your aid in this matter, then she is your rival in reality. She probably plans to seduce and take away your chosen one.
  • If a man sees such a dream, then he will probably get married soon. If he dreams that he is scooping and drinking water, then in order to marry the girl he likes, he will have to seize the chance and take advantage of the right situation. Otherwise, he is unlikely to succeed.
  • If the water is cold and tasty, then this is a good sign, promising various benefits.
  • If it is warm, then this can serve as a warning about possible financial difficulties.

Why do you dream of a well full of water? For a woman, such a vision can serve as an indication that her chosen one will be a generous person. But if there is very little water, then the future betrothed may turn out to be a stingy and petty person with a terrible character. If a pregnant woman dreams that she dropped a bucket into a well, then she may experience premature birth.

"Russian dream book"

This source draws attention to the fact that people, as a rule, very rarely see a well in their night dreams. This item is seen as a symbol of relationships with others, as well as a certain secret.

So, drinking water from a well in a dream means the need to return to your roots and origins. Dropping something into it means losing something not very valuable or parting with someone. A destroyed well indicates that some of your actions are wrong.

"A collection of tips received in a dream"

If you dreamed of a well with clean water, then you have internal reserves that will help you successfully overcome any situation. Perhaps you yourself are not aware of your own strengths and abilities. However, you can rely on them at the right time.

Why dream of a well with no water left? Such a vision may indicate that you have exhausted your hidden reserves. Therefore, you may encounter a loss of strength, apathy, and feel inner devastation. A good solution would be to take a break and relax, putting all your affairs aside for a while. If you see a well with muddy water, then it’s time to think about your health. You may be at risk of encountering a disease whose symptoms are very difficult to identify on your own.

"Dream Book from A to Z"

A well seen in night dreams, according to the authors of this collection, indicates that someone will trust you with their deepest secrets. Perhaps this will be a person from whom you do not expect such frankness.

The crane well is a harbinger of success in business. It also symbolizes strong love and happiness in your personal life. A dream about a well with a gate is seen as a symbol of decline in business and the emergence of a feeling of internal dissatisfaction.

If there is no water in it, then you risk suffering serious losses by trusting unfamiliar, untested people. What does it mean if the water in the well is cloudy and disturbed? This dream book considers such an image as a harbinger of troubles and worries.

Crystal clear water promises bright prospects, love, happiness and a generally cloudless future. Drawing on it means realizing the most ambitious plans and satisfying the most cherished desires.

If a bucket falls into a well, there is a high probability that you will receive a rich inheritance. To fall yourself means a situation will arise in which you will succumb to despair due to the failures that constantly haunt you. If you go down the well using a ladder, then you will be able to fool your competitors and force them to act on your terms. A dream in which you had to climb out of the bottom using a chain from which a bucket is suspended indicates that you may allow the interests of others to prevail over your own. Of course, these circumstances will not bring a positive result.

Why dream of digging a well? The authors of the collection interpret such a vision as a chance to receive a very lucrative job offer.

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