It's easy to bewitch with water. Suspicion of a man's love from a distance. Bewitch your ex-husband

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  • Love spell for husband, love spell for ex-husband, boyfriend, man, bewitch husband, man, boyfriend, make him come back
  • Bewitch a husband, man, boyfriend, make him come back
  • Bewitch your husband, man, boyfriend, at home, on your own
  • Period love spell on husband, bewitch on menstruation
  • Remove love spell from husband, boyfriend, man
  • How to determine if your husband has a love spell and who did it
  • Old Russian love spells on a man, husband, boyfriend
  • Ancient gypsy love spells on husband, man, boyfriend
  • Bewitch someone you like at home

Powerful magical rituals: doing it right Very often, love hurts. And, probably, if there were no unrequited love, the majority of poets and writers would not know what to write about. But in real life everything is a little more complicated. Getting over a breakup is very difficult, especially if you still have feelings and hopes in your heart.

It’s not much easier for those who are unrequitedly in love: living and not seeing reciprocity does not bring any pleasure. To find happiness and reciprocal feelings of a loved one, magic is often used. A very strong love spell will help not only to return your lover, but also to win the favor of the man you like. You can perform magical rituals at a distance and their effectiveness will not decrease. However, before you start choosing a magical ritual, you should figure out which ritual is right for you and what they are in principle.

Magical influence First, you should take into account that you can only cast a strong love spell on a person with whom you were in an intimate relationship. Typically, such rituals involve the use of black magic, which in turn is based on the use of particles of skin, nails, hair or blood. These rituals are very serious events, during which there should be no room for errors and inaccuracies.

Any “deviations” can lead to unpleasant consequences. If it is possible to limit yourself to a light love spell, then it is better to do so. After all, a strong dryness can change the character of a lover beyond recognition. And then it may turn out that you don’t need such a weak-willed and characterless man at all. This is the first development of the plot.

The second has negative consequences. If a man has a strong character, then resistance to magic will begin. The person will be aggressive and hot-tempered, and it may even lead to assault. And in addition, alcoholism can be a frequent side effect: a man feels a strong influence that is difficult to resist and finds a way out in “forgetting” through strong alcoholic drinks. Only after weighing the pros and cons and analyzing the situation can you begin to choose a strong love spell. This is done only when other magical actions no longer help, and being at a distance with a loved one becomes unbearable. Magic rituals in the cemetery

The most powerful love spells are performed in the cemetery. And since the influence on a man is exerted with the help of the afterlife, such rituals have a high degree of effectiveness and there is no need to fake them. However, side effects can also be serious. Some magicians consider such a love spell at a distance to be damage. Let's consider the first version of the ritual. To do this, you need to pick grass from your loved one’s house and go with it to the cemetery. We find there the grave of a man who bore the name of your man. We put grass on the grave with the words: “As I brought you the deceased (name) from the house of grass, where (name) lives to your house, it will lie here and you will protect it. Also, the slave (name) will cherish me and take care only of me. Amen!".

Having said a love spell, go home without looking back and it is very advisable not to talk to anyone along the way. This ritual is considered to be as powerful as possible, and a love spell bouquet of herbs collected at a lover’s house helps to quickly implement your plan. The second version of the cemetery rite does not require any preparation. You need to go to the cemetery late in the evening and find forty graves with wooden crosses there. Holding the very top of the cross with your palm, you need to read the spell for each grave: “Remember the servants of God (names) who sleep not in the earth, but who walk on the earth, for eternal love. Amen!".

You need to leave the cemetery without looking back. The love spell is very strong and begins to act within the first few days, even if you and your lover are at a distance. A magical ritual for the strong love of a husband. Early in the morning, while everyone is sleeping, you need to cast the most powerful love spell on a salt shaker. The salt shaker is in the right hand at the time of the conspiracy. And you need to do the ritual for nine days in a row. On the tenth day you need to add salt to your husband’s food. “My God, help me! I will sigh bitterly, shake my head, leave the cemetery in anguish and attack the servant of God (name).

So that he would be sad, God’s servant (name) could not live without me. There is no one who would break my conspiracy, and the servant of God (name) will never forget me, from now on until the end. Amen!". This love spell does not work at a distance; you must live in the same apartment or house. After performing this ritual, the husband’s fidelity and love are guaranteed. The ritual begins to take effect on the eleventh day. Magic ritual with blood It is believed that the most powerful love spell is done using blood. Blood for such a ritual can be taken from a finger. However, girls more often resort to a variant of the ritual with menstrual blood. If you decide to make such a love spell, remember that its effect is not aimed at love, but rather at submission. And since the impact comes from within, the consequences can be serious. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract and potency are just a few of them. Follow all the instructions carefully and the love spell ritual will be very effective.

It is advisable to use the blood immediately, but you need to take it on the second or third day of your period. The spell is read on her: “Just as a worm cannot live without earth, a fish cannot live without water, and just as a person cannot live without blood, so you (name) do not live without me a single day, not a single night, not an hour, not a minute. My words are strong for now and for centuries, for all times. Amen!". The charmed blood is added to the drink and given to the man. A strong ritual is obtained if you use red wine as a drink. This drink is ideally complemented by blood in both consistency and color. The effectiveness of such a ritual will be visible almost immediately. On a physiological level, a man will be attracted only to you alone. But the main disadvantage of the ritual is its duration. It works for a month. Then you will need to either repeat it or not. If you decide not to use magic a second time, your lover may develop a desire for other women. Therefore, it is best not to use this love spell on your husband or regular partner. For the person with whom you live together and are planning or have already started a family, other types of rituals that can be performed at a distance are more suitable.

Magic in bed To enhance feelings or if everything is not going well with your boyfriend, you can use a very strong love spell in bed. During intimacy, a conspiracy is read to oneself: “Love affair from body to body. Your love is my blood. You will love me more than yourself. Amen!" This ritual will help improve the relationship between you and the young man. Feelings become more intense, and you experience a new “honeymoon”. However, you don’t need to use it often; once every six months will be enough. When can you do the ritual? The above magical rituals can only be used in relation to a man with whom you had a love affair. Such love spells help to return a man to his family, push him to take a responsible step in the form of marriage and ignite extinguishing feelings.

It is impossible to overestimate the role of love in the life of every person. But in response to their feelings, not everyone and not always find understanding and reciprocity. Sometimes your loved one simply doesn't pay any attention to you. A situation may arise that a husband or wife begins to look for entertainment outside the home. All situations are quite real and common to the point of banality. People each try in their own way to find solutions to these problems. But if solutions are not found, they decide to bewitch their loved one or loved one on their own.

You can approach love spells in different ways. Some believe that with the help of a love spell you can really find a way out of a difficult situation. Others are absolutely convinced that magical actions can bring nothing but misfortune, while others do not believe in anything at all.

But, despite all the doubts, denials and even prohibitions, people have been using various kinds of love spells for many centuries, having accumulated vast experience in this matter.

Without any doubt, people will continue to resort to the services of magic in the future. However, everyone must decide for themselves whether to use a love spell on a loved one or not. The main thing is that any of your actions are aimed at love and are performed with love and do not carry even a hint of evil and hatred.

How to bewitch your loved one yourself

Many people who decide to resort to love magic strive to do everything on their own, without the help of sorcerers and psychics. Sometimes this approach justifies itself, because in our time, unfortunately, there is a very high probability that instead of a truly experienced and knowledgeable specialist, you can turn to another charlatan and crook for help, of which there are a huge number around us.

Nowadays, a very large number of relatively simple love spell rituals have become available, so almost anyone can bewitch a loved one at home. In addition, you perform these rituals absolutely free.

But before taking action, it is necessary to study and evaluate not only the procedure for performing a love spell, but also the consequences that these actions can have, so that instead of joy and happiness you do not end up with disappointment and trouble in your life.

Love spells at a distance

In our turbulent times, casting a love spell on a loved one from a distance has become one of the most popular magical acts. This is explained primarily by the revolutionary development of communications and communications. For magic now there are no distances, state borders or language barriers.

Another important point is the choice of ritual and how to independently bewitch your loved one from a distance.

A very balanced and individual approach is required here. It should be understood that the power of a love spell on a loved one does not depend on the distance, but on the correctness of the ritual and the motivation of the customer. There are two main, most common and popular types of love spells at a distance:

  1. Love spell from a photograph;
  2. Love spell on personal belongings.

Performing such love spells is available to both men and women. In order to cast a love spell on your loved one yourself, you need as recent a photo as possible. A photo taken no more than one year ago is best. There should be no strangers or animals in the photo. It is very important that the person's face (especially his eyes) is clearly visible. The best time to cast love spells is when the moon is in the first or second quarter (the moon is waxing).

The effectiveness of a love spell directly depends on the gender of the person and the day it is performed. In magic, the week is usually divided into men's and women's days:

  • Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are considered men's days.
  • Women's days are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Rituals in which you want to bewitch a man yourself are recommended to be carried out on men's day. Magic aimed at women works best on women's days. The same applies to rituals such as weight loss spells. As an example of a love spell based on a photograph, the following option can be considered:

Self-made love spell from a photo

After sunset, you need to sit down at the table and put on it your photo and the photo of the person on whom the love spell will be cast. Photos should be placed face up;
For several minutes you need to sit calmly and relaxed in complete silence, mentally imagining yourself next to your loved one;
Then you need to turn your photo over and write on its reverse side the name of the person for whom the love spell is being cast, as well as his date of birth. You should do the same with its image, but write your data on the back;

After this, the photographs are stacked with images facing each other. Now take a thick red thread, thread it through a needle and very carefully, so as not to touch the images of people, pierce the corner of the folded photographs, pull the thread through and tie a strong knot. At the same time it is pronounced:

“I knit the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) with unbreakable bonds, amen.”

After reading the plot, the thread breaks. Similar actions must be carried out for the three remaining corners of the photographs, after which the enchanted photographs are placed in a white envelope without inscriptions. The envelope is sealed. A wax candle (new!) is lit and the envelope is sealed with its wax. At the same time it is pronounced:

“I seal the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) from the evil eye, from unkind intent, from the cold lapel.”

The enchanted envelope must be safely hidden at home.

A love spell on a loved one's thing is one of the most common and oldest types of love spell. A love spell on a loved one using his personal objects is the reading of a special text (spell) that charges the object with a certain energy. To carry out the ritual, an item can be chosen arbitrarily, it could be:

  • Lighter;
  • Comb;
  • Handkerchief;
  • Cloth;

And the like.

Ways to cast a love spell on a thing

There are three ways to cast a love spell on things:

  1. In the first, a new item is bought, a ritual is performed with it, and then the charmed item is thrown or given to the person being bewitched. At the same time, it is important that this item is not thrown away and is constantly used.
  2. In the second case, the necessary thing is selected from those that the desired person is already using. It is advisable that he use this item as often as possible. After the love spell is cast, this item is secretly or openly returned to the owner.
  3. In the third option, the thing belonging to the object of the love spell is not returned to him after the ceremony, but is destroyed or stored in a specially selected place.

Features of performing a love spell on a thing

A love spell on a thing can be classified as a ritual that has a relatively short duration. This disadvantage of the ritual can be circumvented by performing it repeatedly, periodically. The duration of the love spell primarily depends on the energy potential of the person who performs it, but, as a rule, does not exceed two to three months.

It is important to remember that the more necessary and familiar the object on which the love spell ritual is performed, the higher the likelihood of success of the entire magical action. It is also important that the very fact of performing the ritual remains a secret for the person being bewitched.

Before you bewitch your loved one yourself, you need to realize that the ritual must be performed with utmost precision. So any mistake in carrying it out can turn a love spell into damage, which will fall on both the person being bewitched and the one who performed the ritual.

Spell a love spell on your beloved girl on her thing

The ritual must be performed on the night from Thursday to Friday. To carry out a love spell, you just need to know the girl’s name and have an item that belongs to her (or at least part of an item). How to bewitch your beloved girl using this ritual:

You need to put the name of the person being bewitched on the new candle with a sharp object. The candle must be placed opposite the mirror. The performer faces the mirror and lights a candle. After this, he reads the text of the spell three times:

“Fire of fate, hear me. Let ... (the name of the bewitched) become mine. Fire, my friend, do no harm. Secure your union with your beloved forever.”

Turn your back to the candle and repeat three times:

“If there is an enemy, take him away. Turn your soul... (name of the one being bewitched) to me.”

Turn your face to the candle again and say three times:

“Fire, I make a sacrifice to you. Grant your wish, I’m leaving.”

The love spell ends with the girl's personal belongings being burned in the fire.

Spell a love spell on your boyfriend yourself

This ritual is an excellent way to bewitch an unmarried man yourself. It works quickly and very effectively. You need to perform a love spell in absolute silence, during the day and only before sunset. The ritual consists of biting your tongue and pronouncing the text of the conspiracy:

“Just as I bite my tongue, I call my betrothed (name) to me and attach it to me. So that he would not know rest, he (his name) would yearn for me (his name), on a quiet night, on a moonlit night, on a bright day and early in the morning. So that everyone thinks about me, both in the sun and in the moon. Amen! (3 times).”

The text of the love spell must be said 7 times within one day.

Casting a love spell on your loved one with water is done as follows:

You need to take half a glass of water in your left hand. With your right hand you need to move along the edge of the glass, pronouncing the name of your loved one. The love spell is performed at night. Then a glass of water is placed on the windowsill so that the water is charged with energy.

The next evening, invite your loved one over to your place and treat him to tea. Before doing this, quietly add 2-3 drops of water from a glass. When a man drinks tea, you need to look at the bridge of his nose several times.

The conspiracy is pronounced through an open window after 12 o'clock at night. It is also possible to conduct it on the balcony. However, in any case, you need to position yourself in such a way that the wind blows in your face. The ritual must be done for three days in a row.

To perform the ritual you need to buy a small padlock. The lock needs to be unlocked and hidden under the doormat at your door. This must be done before your chosen one comes to visit you. After he enters the house, thus stepping through the lock, the lock must be locked with a key. At the same time, the following words are pronounced:

After this, the key must be thrown into a river or lake, and the lock must be kept secret and inviolable.

This love spell is performed on a full moon. You need to go out into the field before noon and collect a bouquet of flowers and herbs. Moreover, you need to collect only those flowers that your hand reaches for. Mint, sage, tansy are good for a bouquet. While collecting flowers and herbs, you should continuously recite the following spell:

After collecting the bouquet, go home and brew the plants in a large saucepan. Continuously stirring the brew with a spoon, mentally imagine that your husband has already returned home. While stirring the broth, read the same spell over a boiling pan as when collecting a bouquet. All this must be done until you feel a slight tingling sensation in your fingers.

As soon as this happens, you should stop stirring and let the broth brew a little. Then you need to take a bath of warm water, pour the prepared broth into it and bathe in it. Before taking a bath, you must wash yourself thoroughly! Take a bath for 15-30 minutes.

After completing the procedure, you need to collect some water from the bath in a glass container and place the container in a dark place. At the first opportunity you need to give your husband this water to drink. The result will not be long in coming.

How to bewitch yourself using a potion

Water is a unique substance that has the ability to retain any information that enters it. Our ancestors believed that unclean entities inhabit uncovered water. That's why it was always closed at night. This unusual property is used by sorcerers and magicians for healing, casting spells and, of course, love spells.

Love rituals that involve water are not suitable for every occasion. You can use such a ritual only when you have access to the products that the person being bewitched uses. Close enough communication allows you to invite your loved one home and give him a drink, which will include charmed water. You can discreetly add a love potion to a cup if you work in the same organization and have lunch together.

Water is one of the simplest and most effective ways to bewitch. Influences directed at a person from the outside world cause resistance, which the magician is not always able to overcome. The influence exerted on a person from the inside makes him more defenseless.

Love spells using water can be used not only when your loved one is nearby and you can give him/her a “magic” drink. There is a special group of rituals in which water is also involved, but its ingestion is not required. We are talking about love spells in the bathroom, by the river, etc.

How to correctly read a love spell on water?

Some recommendations:
  • You need to read the spell so that light ripples are visible on the water. If you are too far away from the container, the information sent will be scattered in space and will not reach the medium to which you are sending it. The appearance of ripples indicates a connection by spells with water molecules;
  • While reading, try to concentrate on what you are saying. Avoid parallel thought processes. If you instruct your loved one to reciprocate your feelings and at the same time remember yesterday's conversation with a friend, you will not be able to charge the water as needed.

For love spells, they use not only some special, but also the most ordinary tap water. If the master is experienced enough, he will be able to provide the desired effect through any liquid. The leading role here is played not by the quality of the water, but by the intention of the magician. However, those who are not professionals should give preference to pure spring (still) water, which can be bought in the store.

Holy water is often used in love spells. However, it should be used only in cases where there is an appropriate indication for this. The fact is that a love spell is the subjugation of the will of another person. You do not allow your neighbor to make an independent choice, you interfere in his fate. This is contrary to Christian morality, according to which everyone must make their own choices in this life. Water brought from the church is charged with the energy of the holy place. If it is used in love spells, it is very limited, for example, in order to reconcile quarreling spouses. This ritual relates to love spells only conditionally, since it is aimed at uniting people who already love each other, who have interrupted their relationship due to a stupid quarrel. The ritual will help avoid final divorce, which the Orthodox Church considers one of the greatest sins.

Options for love spells on water

Love spell for a guy or man using salt and water

To perform the ritual you will need a glass of spring water and a little salt. If water has already been purchased previously, you can use it. No one should drink from the bottle in which it was stored. Salt must be purchased specifically for the ritual. Do this on Friday.

You need to make a small ball out of salt. Ideally, it should look like a heart. It’s not easy to prepare such a figurine, so the shape of a ball is also quite suitable. Spring water is used in the preparation. The ball should dry. Choose one of the men's days of the week: Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Seclude yourself in a room, light a church candle (you can use one earlier).

Next, read the spell on water:

“Just as this salt in water cannot live for an hour, it will dry out and dissolve, so you, (the man’s name), will no longer be able to live a single hour without me, you will melt and dissolve from love for me. As for how many drops there are in this glass, that’s how many times you, (man’s name), (your name), will breathe. Amen."

This water should be touched by the man you are bewitching. You might “accidentally” spill it on his hands. Sprinkle the enchanted liquid on your loved one’s clothes or shoes. When a man undresses or takes off his shoes, he will touch the place that you poured, which means he will touch the water itself. Please note: the guy should not drink what you prepared for him. Don't put water in his drinks or food. If your loved one lives far away, you can pour water at an intersection. Since the charmed liquid will probably have to be carried somewhere, it is permissible to pour it from a glass into a bottle or any other container.

Sooner or later, a crisis happens in every family. The spouse who loved you madly just recently becomes cold and distant. It is quite possible that he did not fall out of love with his current wife, but became the victim of a love spell by another woman who is trying to take him away from the family. That is why it is necessary to carry out the ritual periodically immediately after the wedding. You do not subjugate the will of your spouse; he fell in love with you without a love spell. Your goal is to protect your family and your beloved husband.

Bring from the church at least a liter of holy water and candles (at least seven pieces). The ritual should be carried out on the same day, so when visiting church, choose days when no one will be at home and no one can disturb you. Place a container of water in the middle of the table and surround it with candles.

Then you need to light the candles and read the plot 12 times in a row:

“I protect my lawful husband (the man’s name) from a black woman, from a white woman, from a red-haired woman, from a fair-haired woman, from a young woman, from a gray-haired woman. I turn, (your name), my husband’s heart towards me. If he only loved me, he didn’t want to know other women, he would have lived out his life with me. Amen."

The love spell is only suitable for the legal spouse. If you did not get married in a church, then at least you must be registered in the registry office. A civil marriage is not considered a legal marriage.

After you read the plot 12 times, the candles must be left to burn out. Subsequently, the husband should be given the charmed water to drink so that he does not notice it. Make sure that other family members do not drink what you give to your spouse.

Before you cast a love spell, find an opportunity to receive some personal item from your loved one. Traditionally, preference is given to underwear. However, if you don't have access to clothing, you can choose another item. Photos are not used, since you will have to immerse yourself in water with this item. The photo may be blurry.

When you get home, fill the bathtub and cast a spell on the water:

“Drown, water, the heart of (the name of your loved one) in longing for me, (your name). Just as water presses on my chest and does not allow me to breathe, so the love of (name of a loved one) for me, (your name), presses on the chest of (name of a loved one). The water will not bring back the drowned man, the heart of (the name of the loved one) will not let go of love. Amen."

Take off your clothes, tie your loved one's personal item to your right leg, and enter the water. You need to lie down so that the water covers most of your body. Dive several times and read the spell 3 more times. You should stay in the water for at least 20 minutes. The object strapped to the leg must be submerged. After the ritual, quietly return the item to the owner.

Effective love rituals can be performed with other liquids: compotes, jelly, wine and others. However, if the ritual suggests using water, you should not replace it with any other liquid at your discretion. The ritual may not achieve your goal.

Let us consider in detail the love spell of an ex-husband at a distance - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.


We will teach you how to bewitch a man you love, but he does not want to marry, and a strong love spell at a distance without a photo will help you with this, which you will do yourself. The magic of love will help you bewitch your loved one, and he won’t even know about it, but his feelings for you will awaken and increase every day. This ancient love spell was used by girls back in ancient Rus', and this method of drying up the goodness of a young man is actively used by knowledgeable girls in our time. If you don’t know how to bewitch a man, perform this simple magic ritual - a love spell and quickly get what you want. Each of us wants great and pure love, strong and necessarily mutual.

Love spell on your beloved husband


If a husband has begun to live his own separate life, albeit under one roof, a love spell to return the love of a husband whose heart has grown cold will help bring him to reason. This ritual is recommended to be done if the man is already middle-aged - over 35 and the family has not been well for a long time. You need to cast a love spell for your husband’s love at night, after midnight, 9 times for 9 days, breaking 9 branches alternately from any feminine tree (birch, alder, etc.) and 9 branches from a masculine tree (oak, maple, etc.). d). This love spell is done if the husband’s love for his wife has faded or the family is on the verge of divorce. Love spell words for husband's love:

how to dry at a distance

Previously If you don’t have a photo of a guy, and you don’t know how to make a drying, we will tell you how to do a strong wind drying yourself without a photo of your beloved guy who is at a distance from you.

To make the drying yourself, memorize its words that you need to read yourself. At home, in strong windy weather, open the window and loudly say the memorized text of the dryer for the guy’s love, once into the wind, turning your face to the window, and once against the wind - turning away from the window, looking at your door, which after the drying action you must enter beloved man.

  • Words of a strong effect on love that you need to read yourself at home:

Love spells on husband from a distance

This « a strong love spell on your husband needs to be read at home from a distance » from a loved one. This love spell has already helped many save a disintegrating family and return the husband to the house, even in cases where he has already left for his mistress and is at a distance from the person reading the text of the love spell.

Many people who decide to resort to love magic strive to do everything on their own and at home, without the help of sorcerers and psychics. A love spell at a distance involves the use of both white and black magic. The most powerful love spells at a distance are usually done from a photo of the person who needs to be bewitched with a mirror corridor of two mirrors and a church candle. Some magicians cast powerful love spells on a husband on a thing or on an apple, the effect of which occurs quickly and regardless of how far away the husband is. For the uninitiated, these methods are complex and are not suitable for reading a love spell on your own.

Read a love spell for a guy at home from a distance

You can cast quick and strong love spells on a guy at home, at a distance from your loved one. You can do this very strong white love spell without a photo about which you will read on your own, but you need to prepare well, this is the only way you can make the young man you like fall in love with you. Are you ready? Then let's begin.

The most common love spells that have enormous power and are made forever need to be read on things and objects. Most often, a strong love spell is cast:

Strong love spells that cannot be removed: white in the photo and black in the cemetery

Love spells that cannot be removed and the effect of which is permanent are perhaps the most popular and powerful love spells for the love of a person who does not show love feelings. Love spells are divided into two types: black and white, and they all work at a distance.

  • A black love spell is done in a cemetery under the moon and cannot be removed on your own, only an experienced and trained psychic sorcerer is able to facilitate the effect of a cemetery love spell.
  • A white love spell that cannot be removed needs to be read in the photo and the hair of the one you want to bewitch. You can do such a love spell ritual at home, and this is much more convenient, because not every person is ready to go to a cemetery.

By strictly following the ritual of a love spell, even an unprepared person can independently bewitch a loved one or a loved one. The following describes in detail the white and black rite of an eternal love spell - “a love spell that cannot be removed”(this is a very strong magic of love), you will have to read it yourself, if you decide to bewitch for free the person you like and deeply love who does not reciprocate your feelings.

How to bewitch your husband and return your loved one to your family if he doesn’t want to. How to return your husband to your family - the best way

A love spell is a very powerful way to return a husband to the family if he went on a spree or went to his mistress, forgetting the way home. Today we will tell you how to bewitch your beloved man so that he stops cheating and leaving home. Get ready to make a strong love spell on your own to get your husband back in order to bewitch him to you.

Women have always used magic and arranged their personal lives by bewitching someone they liked or returning a wandering man to their house, bewitching him once and for all, but you just need to read one of the most powerful love spells on a husband who left the family. The popularity of love spells that have survived to this day from ancient times indicates that our great-grandmothers did not turn to sorcerers and fortune-tellers for help, but could independently carry out an effective love spell ritual right at home; modern wives can also repeat all the necessary steps and receive the love of their chosen one and make him return to his home.

Love spell on your ex. Love spell how to get your ex-husband, man, lover or boyfriend back

The best proven way to get your husband, boyfriend, or lover back after a quarrel is to cast a love spell on your ex. The magic of love, namely, a self-made love spell on a former friend of yours, husband or boyfriend with whom you broke up, may not always be a safe activity worth undertaking on your own. The consequences of a love spell performed with errors can cause more harm to you than good and the ex will not return and the retribution for the love spell can be very severe. It is best to turn to professionals for help and ask for help from a magician who can return an ex with a strong love spell while being at any distance from the person being bewitched.

Love spell on the waxing moon. A unique love spell on the waxing moon

It was customary to read love spells in Rus' on the waxing moon; it is in this lunar phase, along with its growth, that you can quickly and forever bewitch any person, and no matter whether a man or woman is bewitched by the waxing moon, no one will ever be able to remove this strong love spell which you need and can do yourself during the waxing of the moon right at home!

If you independently make a strong love spell for a man’s love, it is better to read the love spell on the waxing moon and perform the ritual of love magic, you can use a photo or without a photo of the person being bewitched, mentally imagining the image of the person being bewitched. Someone casts a love spell on menstruation, but a love spell on menstrual blood is black magic, the consequences of which are very difficult to predict. Those who specifically wait for the moon to rise in order to cast a love spell on an apple are just wasting their time - apple love spells can be done regardless of the moon and even during the day.

How to bewitch a guy. How to bewitch a guy you like without a photo from a distance

I know how to make a love spell on a guy’s love for himself and I will teach you: “How to independently bewitch a guy you like without a photo from a distance, and even at home”! Are you interested in a ritual that you can easily do yourself right at home? Immediately after you finish reading the love spell for a guy, the next day your beloved guy will fall very much in love with you and will love you for the rest of his life. There are many rituals on the site on how to make a love spell from a photo; this method is special and, like the previous ones, unique in its own way.

To bewitch the guy you love, you don’t need his photo, although getting a photo is not difficult, there is a phone on which you can take a photo, and there is the Internet and it’s very easy to find a guy’s photo from the Internet, just go to his page and print out any photo to cast a love spell.

How to bewitch someone you like

The white magic instructions will teach you how to bewitch a boy and quickly make a guy you like but don’t love fall in love with you, by independently and without consequences making an easy love spell based on a photo and his name, effective at any distance from the object of the love spell. In the modern world, you can take a photo for a love spell on the Internet - by going to social media. page of a classmate from school or college, or take a photo of a guy you like on your phone and at home, where no one bothers you to read a love spell on a photo of a loved one who is at a distance from you.

This is all that is required of you, oh, yes, you need the magic words of a love spell, which should be read independently 3 evenings, once before bed. Looking at the photo, you need to read the words of the love spell on the photo, and after reading, put the photo under your pillow.

How to bewitch your loved one using a photo

The most effective love spell that you need to read yourself at home on the photo of the person you really like will help you bewitch your loved one who is at any distance from you and then the love spells will tell everyone what to read and how to bewitch your loved one from his photo.

Having made this easy but very strong love spell, no one will be able to find out whether a person has been bewitched or not, the consequences of the love spell are completely hidden and all the signs of a love spell from a photo made for the love of someone you like will only be that the bewitched person will have a strong longing to communicate with you without obsessive behavior to constantly be near the object of love passion.

Love spell for love at a distance - white magic at home

White magic for the love of another person allows you to read love spells at home and a white love spell works at any distance from your beloved guy or man. If you need to quickly bewitch someone you love, the love spell that we will talk about today is just the way that will allow you to bewitch your loved one yourself right at home. To quickly and successfully perform a ritual for love and get the desired result, you will need a photo of your loved one, a church candle and a piece of red fabric. In the afternoon or evening, find a time so that no one is at home and no one distracts you from reading the love spell and begin the ritual.

Take a photo of your loved one on which you are making a love spell, a candle and a red cloth. Wrap the photo in a flap (like in an envelope) and dripping wax from a church candle to seal the photo read a love spell yourself - love spell :

How I was able to make a love spell at a distance without a photo on my own and quickly

When I fell in love with a boy, the guy had another girlfriend and he constantly ignored me. All the ways to show him my love and let him know that I like him were tried, but they never brought any results. In desperation, I decided to do whatever it takes make a love spell for your loved one yourself. A prerequisite for the love spell ritual was quick love spell without photo and from a distance(without contact with the guy). For several days I read reviews about the effect of conspiracies and love spells on love and about all the possible consequences after an independent love spell that could occur for both of us. After several days, I finally selected several of the fastest, safest and most effective love spells that suit my needs and ability to do everything myself. I immediately discarded several rituals in which the guy’s things or his photos were needed, because I didn’t have them, but I chose a quick love spell at a distance that can be read on a red and yellow church candle without a photo bewitched.

Love spell at a distance for a guy or girl

Love is the meaning of existence for most women and men, regardless of age, worldview, or distance from their loved one. Mutual feeling, unfortunately, flares up in hearts quite rarely.

Ladies and gentlemen can make unsuccessful attempts to win a soul mate for years, decades. Lovers do incredible, imaginable and unthinkable things, wanting to achieve their goal. However, sometimes it is simply impossible to do without the help of magic.

Most love spells are effective, and some rituals do not require the customer to have magical skills.

Most rituals require the often impossible, namely physical contact between lovers. A love spell at a distance is available to beginners, but for a guaranteed effect you can resort to the services of professional magicians. Love rituals that help to cast a love spell on a man at a distance are performed using photography.

The visual image of your loved one allows you to concentrate and will help you direct your own energy as correctly as possible. Some types of love spells are ideal for beginners without any magical experience. It is easy to remove the consequences of such a ritual, even if it was performed by a professional magician. For those who are unsure, it is better to do divination using specific objects. The ritual is carried out at a distance, the thing with which the object of passion is in contact is handed over or sent by mail.

Types of distant love spell rituals

There are several types of rituals that allow you to cast a love spell at a distance. Most involve working with a specific object, for example, a photograph of a loved one, an object that resembles a betrothed, something that has magical powers. A love spell at a distance (for men), associated with dark forces, is used in hopeless situations. The most important thing is to strictly follow the instructions and concentrate on what you love, otherwise the process will go wrong and it will be more difficult to remove the consequences.

Before implementing your plan, we recommend that you think again, especially if the idea came spontaneously. Love spells are used in cases where conventional methods are powerless. Getting results quickly often discourages interest in continuing the relationship.

Examples of distance love spells

A love spell at a distance is carried out using magic knots. You will need a regular rope; random knots are tied on it. Before work, you need to light a triangle of candles around you, extinguish other light sources. A love spell requires reading a special spell or intense concentration on the image of the betrothed.

They put a rope with knots under the pillow, put out the candles, and go to bed. After waking up, expect the first fruits of the work done. Do not show the rope to anyone; tighten the knots occasionally, as they will become loose.

A love spell at a distance is carried out using photography.

At one o'clock in the morning, light the candles, place several candles so that you get a triangle. Thread three threads into the needles and tie three knots on the tail of each. Place the photo of your lover in the center of the triangle, facing you. Use chalk or charcoal to close the space by drawing a circle on the floor connecting the vertices of the triangle. Afterwards, concentrate as much as possible on your favorite image.

Pass the needle and thread through the photo, starting from the head, forehead, leave the photo without cutting the thread. Do the same with the second needle, only in the area of ​​the heart. With the third needle you need to make a hole in the area of ​​your loved one’s intimate organs. Then take a button from your shirt and thread the needles through it. The optimal thread distance is a few centimeters. At the end of the procedure, tie the threads together, after which the button will become a love talisman.

Possible consequences for lovers

A love spell at a distance evokes in a man feelings similar to love, but understand that they are created artificially, however, the consequences of a love spell are easy to remove. Changes may occur in the character of a loved one that will become so noticeable that only the appearance will remain of the previous personality.

Some become very flexible, calm, but so much so that they will not be interested in practically anything.

A man may lose all the qualities for which he was loved, so you need to prepare for such a situation in advance. Some men, on the contrary, may react too negatively to love fortune-telling at a distance, turning relationships and love into sheer torment.

If you bewitch your husband

A love spell at a distance, although not as effective as other types of love spells, can have a devastating effect if the head of the family is subjected to it. The effect of a love spell can be determined by the behavior of men.

Under the influence of magical powers, they lose interest in everything except their new “lover,” even if she is at a distance.

Going to extremes, victims of magical influence are too calm or, on the contrary, nervous. Such a person needs the help of a specialist in the field of magic; it is also very important to find out who bewitched him. Limit your lover’s contact with the person who ordered the love spell, no matter how strong the attraction. The consequences of a love spell at a distance can only be removed by feeling true love for a man.

How to bewitch a man from a distance.

You have a life situation where you need to bewitch a certain person, but you don’t have the attributes necessary to carry out such a ritual (photos of your loved one, his personal belongings), what should you do in this case? There is no need to be upset and give up, because there are many magical love spells for a man who is at a distance from you. If you do not have the opportunity to meet, then naturally it is not possible to get the personal belongings of your loved one. In such cases, rituals help that do not require personal contact with your loved one, just your desire and a little magic. Such rituals are no different in their results from those carried out in direct contact with objects associated with your chosen one.

A strong love spell on a man from a distance.

To perform this love spell, you need to visit a church and attend a service; there, purchase two church candles of the same size. On the waxing moon, when midnight comes, take candles and write your name on one of them, and on the other the person you are bewitching. Twist them together with a tourniquet and light them. On a piece of blank paper, write the words of the love spell. Looking at the flame, read these words:

Read the love spell words three times, then burn the sheet with the love spell words over a candle flame and scatter the ashes to the wind. Extinguish the candles and put them away until the next ritual.

Perform the next ritual exactly seven days later. Again, exactly at midnight, light the remaining stubs from two candles and read the words of the same love spell over them until the candles burn out completely, collect the remaining wax and store it in a secluded place. After these two rituals, your loved one will definitely turn his attention to you.

Love spell on a married man from a distance.

You like a married man, and he also has certain feelings for you, but circumstances do not allow him to see you, don’t be lazy, go to the market and buy a piece of fresh meat. When you come home, say the following words to this piece:

After reading the love spell, feed the enchanted meat to any male dog. Soon the man will find time to meet with you.

Love spell on a man from a distance.

For this love spell you will need a small mirror and a church candle. At midnight from Friday to Saturday, place a mirror on the table next to it and place a candle. The ceremony is performed only in solitude. Light a candle and, looking at yourself in the mirror, begin to say the following words:

After reading, turn the mirror to the other side towards you and start reading these words

To secure the love spell you have made, turn the mirror back and read the words:

After the ritual, place the enchanted mirror on the windowsill, with the mirror side facing the direction where your chosen one lives.

A love spell cast on a man from a distance.

If for some reason you broke up with your loved one, but really want him to return, try to make such a love spell. This love spell is cast at dawn, when the sun is just beginning to rise. It must be read for seven days in a row near an open window. Read these words:

After some time, your loved one will definitely return to you.

Love spell on a guy from a distance.

You really like a certain guy. But he doesn’t show you any signs of attention and doesn’t seem to notice you. There is an easy and effective love spell on a guy from a distance. This love spell is cast on a ball of woolen thread. Take a ball of woolen thread (preferably red) in your right hand and begin to rewind it to your left with the following words:

After the threads are rewound, remove the enchanted ball away so that no one finds it. There is no need to tell anyone about the ritual, not even your closest friend.

How to bewitch your own husband for a long time?

Family life can sometimes be very unpredictable. And quite often it happens that the husband’s feelings cool down. This leads to the fact that the husband begins to look at other women. To avoid a breakdown in relationships, you can use magic, but you just need to know how to bewitch your husband.

The use of magic is allowed in the following cases:

  • As soon as you notice that your family life is filled with disagreements and omissions, it leads to a deterioration in the relationship as a whole.
  • If the desire to have sex becomes less and less frequent.
  • When you notice that your husband is looking at other women, and you suspect that he is harboring thoughts of separation.
  • If the spouse left the family, citing the fact that he needed a break from family life.
  • When the suspicion arose that the husband was bewitched by another woman with the aim of destroying the family.

Love love spells can help restore family relationships. But you should remember that magic is not a toy, so you first need to understand the current situation and understand how necessary magical intervention is in order to improve family life.

Love spells at a distance

If it so happens that your husband has already left home against the backdrop of cooled feelings, then you need to know how to bewitch your husband from a distance. An important condition for the success of a love spell ritual is that the desire to return the spouse to the family is sincere.

Ritual with a personal item

To bewitch your husband from a distance, you can use his personal item. It is important that he has worn it before and that it is unwashed. New or washed items are not recommended for use when performing love spells.

Suitable additional magical attributes are:

  • Underwear.
  • Tie.
  • Shirt.

Even if the husband left home, some of these things will definitely remain in the closet. That is, living together allows the wife to perform a quick and effective love spell.

The ritual is carried out in a separate room completely alone. Nothing should distract you from the magical action, so it is better to turn off all communication equipment and remove pets from the room.

The table should be covered with a clean light tablecloth and three church candles should be placed in front of you, so that they are at the vertices of an imaginary triangle. In the center of such a triangle you need to place a glass of holy water. After this, you need to pick up the prepared item and press it to your chest.

You need to visualize the image of your husband and cast the following love spell:

After this, you need to sprinkle the charmed item with water from a glass and put it under your pillow at night. After this, the candles should be extinguished and immediately go to bed. It is a good sign if you dream about your husband that night. The next day, you must definitely meet with your spouse and, under any pretext, give him the enchanted item. Soon your husband will return home and you will need to show all your feminine wisdom to restore the relationship.

Ceremony with a wedding ring

Many people ask how to bewitch a husband at home using a wedding ring. This is indeed a very well-known effective ritual that allows you to return your spouse to the family.

Carrying out the ceremony is very simple and for this you will need, in addition to your own wedding ring, a glass of spring water. Once you are alone in a separate room, you should turn off artificial lighting and light candles. Place a glass of water in front of you and place your wedding ring in it.

After this, you need to cast the following spell over a glass of water:

After pronouncing such words, you need to take out the ring and put it on your finger. The water should be thrown under the threshold of your house. The wedding ring should not be removed for a minute until your spouse returns home.

The above ritual is only suitable if your spouse left home for the first time. But if this has already happened before, then you need to perform another love spell ritual.

The first thing you need to do is wrap your wedding ring in a light scarf made of natural fabric and go to the temple. The entire service must be defended there. In this case, the bundle must be held in the right hand at all times. At the end of the church event, you should buy three church candles and quickly head home. At home, secluded in a separate room, you need to unwrap the scarf, put the ring on your finger and light the candles brought from the temple. They need to be installed so that they are at the vertices of an imaginary triangle.

Magic words are spoken three times. The first results after the ceremony can be seen within a week. But in order to consolidate the results of the love spell, it is recommended to repeat the ritual a couple more times.

Love spells without consequences

As you know, love spells performed incorrectly can lead to negative consequences. To avoid this, you need, first of all, to understand whether you really love your spouse so much and are ready to keep him by any means necessary.

If you are interested in how to bewitch your husband at home without consequences, you should remember that after the love spell works, you will need to follow three basic rules in real life.


  • Never reproach your loved one.
  • Never remember your husband’s misconduct, that is, you simply need to erase everything that happened from your memory.
  • Trust your spouse completely.

Ritual of fidelity to a spouse

You can bewitch your husband at home without consequences if you use a ritual aimed at ensuring the fidelity of your spouse. With this effect, you simply consolidate your husband’s feelings for you, without absolutely disturbing his energy aura. But at the same time, this ritual is allowed to be performed only if you are confident in your husband’s feelings and do not feel even the slightest cooling towards you.

In this case, the bed linen is charmed. According to magicians, it is best to use the sheet on which you and your husband are currently sleeping as an additional attribute in this ritual. It is important that it is unwashed.

This ritual should be performed during the waxing moon. You need to choose a day on which your husband will not spend the night at home. For example, he will be on a business trip. Late in the evening, you need to place seven church candles around the bed, covered with a sheet, which will need to be purchased in advance. You need to light them, then sit on the bed and imagine yourself next to your husband. You should feel happiness and joy at this moment. This will help you tune in correctly in order to carry out a powerful energy message.

After this, a spell is cast, which must be spoken without hesitation. That is, it should be learned by heart in advance.

The magic words sound like this:

Returning home, the spouse must sleep at least one night on the charmed sheet. Such a conspiracy is an ideal remedy against betrayal, but it will not help bring back a spouse who has already left.

Option to strengthen relationships

You can also answer the question of how to bewitch your ex-husband without consequences by suggesting a ritual aimed at strengthening the relationship. For this ritual, one night you should cut off a lock of hair from your spouse and yourself. It is clear that this needs to be done in such a way that the husband does not wake up and suspect anything. If this cannot be done, then the magical ritual will simply be useless.

The next day, early in the morning, you need to finely chop your hair and mix it. Then they are poured into a pre-sewn bag made of thick natural red fabric.

During this process, the following magic words are spoken:

This bag should be discreetly placed under the spouse's pillow. In winter, you can sew it into the lining of your clothes. This love spell ritual begins to work immediately, and from now on your relationship will only strengthen.

Bewitch your ex-husband

Quite often, after parting with her husband, a woman realizes that she cannot live without him. Therefore, the question of how to bewitch your ex-husband without consequences is very relevant. It must be remembered that using love spell magic if the ex-husband falls in love with another woman is strictly prohibited. We must remember that by breaking up a relationship between two loving people, you can, first of all, greatly harm yourself. The reverse wave of negativity will be so strong that it can completely destroy the health of the ritual performer.

If, after breaking up, you feel that you continue to experience sincere love feelings for your husband, then you can return him with the magical love spell ritual described below. But for this you need to have a well-developed imagination.

On the day chosen for the ritual, during the waxing of the moon, you should retire to a separate room. You should go to an open window and close your eyes. Next, you need to imagine a real scene of how your ex-husband returns home, opens the door with his own key, enters, kisses and hugs you. In general, he behaves as usual, that is, he does everything that he did in a past life, when you were happy together. If you succeed, then you will be able to perform a powerful, targeted love spell that will force your ex-spouse to return to you.

After this, in order to bewitch your husband at home, you need to open your eyes and, looking out the open window, say magic words.

The ritual must be performed every day until your ex-husband returns to you. After this happens, you need to stop performing the magic act. For some period, you need to be very careful about the person who has returned to you. His character may have changed under the influence of magic, so you will need to rebuild the relationship.

In order to avoid the negative consequences of any love spell ritual, you should strictly follow all the recommendations and rules of the chosen ritual. It is very good if you find time and visit the temple first. You need to pray and also light candles for your health and the health of your bewitched spouse. Remember that if you did everything right, but you were unable to get your loved one back, then this may mean that fate itself is indicating to you that you are not suitable for each other and you need to start life from scratch and build new relationships.

If men try to sort things out in open conflict, often with the help of physical force, then female competition is often hidden. Women are more inclined to build intrigues against each other, which have a completely sudden effect. And the methods for getting a man to love women are often hidden and magical in nature. Sucking on a man is one such method. In what situations and how is it used?

What is drying?

Drying is one of the methods of love magic. You can dry a man to yourself at home. This is a type of love spell. The peculiarity of dryness is that with it, the feeling of longing towards the customer becomes especially acute in the person who is dry. It is on this not the most joyful feeling that relationships are built. Although the feelings are not joyful, the relationship can be quite strong. Prisushenny is very attached to the customer. However, this attachment is external in nature, since it is imposed on a person from the outside by dark forces.

If you are asking yourself how to attract a man to you, then most likely we are talking about a new attractive acquaintance, although there may be other options. You can dry a man in other cases.

In what situations is dryness needed?

The strongest suction on a man can be used in the following situations:

  • If a new acquaintance has appeared in your environment and you want to win him over, arouse initial interest or outright love.
  • A love sip for a guy or a man can be used if you have a crisis in your relationship with your man. Your love has cooled, you want to regain the delight of your former love. Then you can also bewitch the guy, make him yearn for himself.
  • It’s great that drying works if you are at a distance with your lover. This is the situation when you are completely unsure of how your lover behaves, you cannot completely control all the women who are around him. So, here's drying from a distance, this is a good way to influence your loved one even when he is far away. But this is not the brightest way, because lower energies are called upon here. A bright way in this case would be to pray for your lover.
  • Drinking from a distance also helps in those cases when you feel or clearly know that another woman has appeared on the horizon of your loved one who wants to lure him to her forever. By the way, women feel this well, the appearance of a rival on the horizon, and if necessary, they can perform drying at home at any time.
  • Dryness can also work in a situation where you are a mistress and want to take your husband away from the family. But in this situation, it is very important to understand that if there is strong true love between a husband and wife, then the power of dryness can turn against you. Even the strongest woman in the role of a mistress will not be able to destroy the union if the husband has true feelings for his wife.

What are the consequences of drying?

Many people are interested in how such a magical ritual as drying manifests itself and what negative consequences it can have. The fact is that there really can be consequences, because drying is not a ritual of white magic. To ensure that there are no negative consequences after it, you need to carry it out as correctly as possible.

Drying at a distance acts in such a way that a person suddenly begins to think about the customer, the image seems to be imposed on his consciousness. It is important to understand that this magical ritual evokes not only pleasant feelings. Often the dried person feels a certain anxiety, the source of which he cannot understand at all. He can’t do anything about this anxiety, but it seems to him that if he is close to the customers, the anxiety will go away.

But in fact, this is a misconception. Dried, next to the customer does not feel a sense of peace. One of the negative features of love rituals is that the victim basically loses his state of peace. It is almost impossible to relieve anxiety while the dry spell is in effect.

This is precisely why the relationships that result from drying out are not the most pleasant in nature. There may be many crises in them and two people will have to make a lot of effort in order to somehow make this relationship harmonious. It must be said that these efforts will mainly be made by the customer, because the victim is in a state of dulled will, he does not fully understand the situation.

This ritual may also have negative consequences if the customer suddenly wants to break off relations with the victim. This cannot be done. It is imperative to properly remove the dryness using the reverse ritual.

If you have realized all the nuances of dryness, and nevertheless want to produce it, then we offer you several options.

Drying at a distance using photography

It is not difficult to produce dryness yourself at home. To perform this magical ritual you will need: one red candle, a photo of your loved one, so that only he is on it.

How to dry a man at home? To perform the ritual you need to be completely alone with yourself. Light a candle, look at the candle flame for three to four minutes. This will help relax your mind. After this, you need to fully tune in to the image of your chosen one. You need to imagine his face in all the small details. To do this, you need to use his photo, first, look at it properly, remember it in the smallest detail, for sure. And then imagine how this person suffers without you, how he constantly wants to see you, how he is looking for meetings with you everywhere and always. This powerful visualization gains its greatest strength when you begin to feel in your body the feelings that you want to impose on your chosen one. When you feel that your body is already completely filled with such feelings, then you can read the following plot:

“Your hearts are not close, but you always remember, you are God’s servant (Name of the man), you don’t do anything without me, you don’t change anything without me. Just walk and wander and feel longing for me, the servant of God (your name). And I don’t just make you sad, I let you know my love for you. So that you know that without my beloved you will not be happy. The plot will tell you, love will support you from a distance. No matter who caresses you, who moves towards you, whoever wants anything from you, I am alone in your thoughts, even there far away, even there along the road. You think about me alone, you strive for me alone.”

It is advisable that you learn the text of this conspiracy by heart, then you will be able to put the most energy into these words. Give the candle that remains after this ritual the opportunity to burn out to the end. Place the photograph that was used in the ritual in a place where no one can see it. Now you know how to dry up the man you love and make him come.

If everything is done correctly, the dryness at a distance will begin to act within the first day after the procedure. You will notice that the target has begun to call and write to you more often on his own. If this has not happened before, then the dried-up person may be planning a trip to you. If you act as a wife who wants to enhance feelings with the help of this remedy, then you need to very clearly monitor the moment when your husband wants to come to you. As soon as this conversation happens, support the idea of ​​​​arriving, this is very important so that the dry spell becomes stronger. If there are sad moments, then before the man arrives, discard thoughts of relieving the dry spell.

These love spells can be done on a married man, but remember what the consequences may be. If you do not take your wife into account, then higher powers may punish you later.

Dryness at a distance to a flower

The flower has long been a symbol of love, amorous feelings. You can also make a high-quality magical ritual with it. To carry out the ritual you will need: a dark red rose, a red thread from a new spool, a candle.

Drying for the love of a man from a distance, the ritual begins with the fact that you go to a flower shop, and there you will like the most burgundy rose. Already on the way to the store, you should think about your loved one, imagine his image and how much he loves you. Go to the store and choose a rose that looks exactly like you. On the way back, also think about love, passion, about your loved one. This way you increase the likelihood that it will dry out.

When you come home, put the rose in water and wait until evening time. Every time you look at a rose, your thoughts and heart should be filled with thoughts and feelings about your chosen one.

Be alone in the evening. Light a candle. Take a new spool of red thread in your hands and begin to unwind it, while saying the following spell:

“Fast threads, red threads, they will entangle you in feelings, they will turn to me, they will never turn back. You are for me, I am for you, together we are strength, apart we are weakness, you feel it, but you become attached to me forever.”

Say this plot several times, try to do this by investing as much energy as possible. The strongest energy usually comes at the end of each conspiracy.

After that, take a rose in your hands, inhale its aroma, truly enjoy it. Imagine that at this moment you are enjoying the aroma of your love. After this, touch the rose petals with your hands, fingertips, then place it on your chest and read the following plot:

“The two of us, although not together, are close. I will be with you in my thoughts, I will be with you in my heart, even if you are far, far away. Don't forget our tenderness. Every time you, servant of God (name of the man), go to bed, you remember my soft lips, how they caress gently, how they touch passionately. Like the rose petals that are now on my chest. You are drawn towards the servant of God (your name), you cannot cope with that pull, you cannot pull yourself together, you keep coming to me, you keep striving for me. Chara works, love grows, you go, you love, you dream of one. As she said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way. The petal dries up, but your love, your longing, your passion for me only grows, it gets higher and higher. Just as the whole flower dries up, so you will dry up for me and come to where I am, but there can be no other way.”

After that, take a rose and take it to the crossroads, place its bud in the direction where your chosen one is.

After that, go home without looking back. If everything is done correctly, the ritual will begin to take effect within a day. If the ritual is set up for a married man, then it takes effect a little later.

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These are substances whose solutions or melts conduct electric current. They are also an indispensable component of liquids and...
12.1. BORDERS, AREAS AND TRIANGLES OF THE NECK The boundaries of the neck area are the top line drawn from the chin along the lower edge of the lower...
Centrifugation This is the separation of mechanical mixtures into their component parts by the action of centrifugal force. Devices used for this purpose...
For the full and most effective treatment of a wide variety of pathological processes affecting the human body, it is necessary...
As a whole bone, it is present in adults. Until the age of 14-16, this bone consists of three separate bones connected by cartilage: the ilium,...
Detailed solution to final assignment 6 in geography for 5th grade students, authors V. P. Dronov, L. E. Savelyeva 2015 Gdz workbook...