The problem of guilt. According to Leonov's text. Polya’s inflamed state, and most importantly, her confused, ambiguous speech... (Unified State Examination Arguments). The problem of showing a feeling of remorse (according to the text by V.P. Astafiev) The problem of awareness of guilt arguments

Repentance is an incredibly important ability of the human soul. If a person is unable to repent of his bad actions, committed intentionally, this means that, most likely, he is mentally deprived, he has no morals and conscience. We have found some definition of repentance, but what significance does it have in people's lives and why? Arguments from the literature will help you understand this.

Regarding the problem of repentance, of course, the most striking work is “Crime and Punishment” by the famous Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. The main character, Rodion Raskolnikov, commits murder and suffers. He cannot find a place for himself, although initially he believed that this was a murder for the benefit of his theory that not all people are needed. After a conversation with his beloved Sonechka, he truly repents, yields to his conscience and confesses everything to the investigator. He suffered his punishment, but he showed that he remained human. From all of the above, it turns out that repentance is precisely what makes it possible to understand that a person still remains such, that he does not accept the evil that he has committed. Isn't this an important indicator?

Next, I want to turn to the wonderful play “The Eldest Son” by Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov. Two acquaintances: Silva and Busygin end up in the musician’s family, not wanting to stay on the street at night in another city. The young people decide that one of them will pretend to be his son, and they will stay to warm up. But the man was deprived of the attention and love of his own children, so he very warmly accepted the named son, he wanted to believe him. The musician gives the impostor an heirloom.

In the end, Busygin repents; he does not want to break the heart of the person who received him so cordially. Therefore, when his acquaintance opens his eyes to everyone, he confesses, although he could not do this, because the head of the family firmly believed that this was his eldest son. After the confession, their relationship only became stronger, they remained father and son, Busygin became closer to the man in a short time than anyone else. Thus, repentance puts everything in its place; it allows a person to return to a state of harmony, when his feelings and mind are one.

After some reasoning, it can be revealed that repentance is of great importance - it is what keeps people in a certain balance with themselves, it makes it clear that inside a person, despite his actions, something very important remains - morality. In addition, repentance allows those who have been offended to forgive, and this makes repentance an even more important point in life.

Essay The Problem of Repentance based on the text by Astafieva Postscript

In front of me is an excerpt from a text by a famous writer of the Soviet period, in which the problem of repentance stands out as a red thread. The author analyzes the named problem in such a way that it becomes completely clear to the reader that the shameful act that was once committed in the orphanage was turning off the loudspeaker.

Years pass, but that act from childhood torments the author to this day. He describes himself as an adult in a city garden. He experiences true pleasure from listening to a symphony concert. But this pastime of his disrupts the behavior of other vacationers: they get up from their seats, slam the seat covers, and speak loudly and impolitely. Their behavior is a manifestation of ignorance and lack of education. It is important that at this moment the author realizes that in childhood he disrespected the manifestation of someone else’s talent. Today the author is a different person who, in his own thoughts, pays respect to the musicians who “strain themselves” to cover the noise that the ignorant created.

I agree with the author's opinion. Admitting your own mistakes is a strong-willed step that not every person is capable of. It is important that the repentance be sincere, as they say “from the heart” - then nothing like this will happen in the life of such a person.

I will try to confirm my point of view with examples from fiction.

First, I will turn to the well-known story “Sotnikov” by Vasil Bykov. In it, Vasil talks about the partisan Rybak, who betrayed Sotnikov, his comrade in arms, to the Germans. Moreover, during the execution by hanging, he pushes the bench out from under his feet... But..., then Rybak could not live with such a heaviness in his soul and took his own life.

Secondly, let’s re-read Bunin’s story “Dark Alleys”. The key problem in it is also the problem of repentance. The author focuses on a man who deceived a girl in his youth. Fate is very cruel to this man: he is quite experienced, lonely, and his son is a worthless person...

Thus, the problem of repentance is very popular both in life and in fiction. We must remember that a person who admits his mistakes will not repeat them in later life.

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Sometimes when we do something we don’t even think about the consequences and then very often we regret it, because it’s impossible to fix everything. Only after some time does the realization come. In this text, V.P. Astafiev raises the problem of repentance.

The narrator tells about his shameful act, which he committed in childhood: when the singer’s voice was heard through the loudspeaker, the hero, with words of indignation, pulled the plug out of the socket, thereby setting an example for other children.

Many years later, he found himself at a free symphony concert at a resort where they played

decent classical music. Almost immediately, the audience began to show their dissatisfaction: leaving the hall “with indignation, shouting, cursing..., as if they had been deceived in their best desires and dreams.” And the narrator sat, shrinking into himself, and listened to the musicians, remembering his act, but that singer “will never hear my repentance, she will not be able to forgive me,” he thought. “Life is not a letter; there is no postscript in it.”

I completely agree with V.P. Astafiev and believe that everyone learns from their mistakes. Having stumbled once and repented, a person forever remembers his action as a moral lesson.

The problem under discussion is so important that many writers raised it in their works, for example, F. M. Dostoevsky in the novel “Crime and Punishment.” The main character Raskolnikov created a theory according to which people are divided into “trembling creatures” and those who have the right.” To test this, Rodion decided to kill, but it did not bring him happiness. With Sonya's help, the hero managed to atone for his sin through repentance.

V.P. Astafiev has a story “A Horse with a Pink Mane”, where he is concerned about the same problem. The hero deceived his grandmother (he put grass at the bottom of a basket of strawberries). But immediately his conscience began to torment him: upon his grandmother’s return, the boy cried bitterly and repented of what he had done; and my grandmother initially believed that he would confess, so she still bought him a “carrot with a horse.”

Thus, anyone can face this problem, and it can be difficult to solve, but those who are able to realize their own mistakes will never repeat them again.

Other works on this topic:

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  2. It is common for every person to commit shameful acts, but not everyone can admit their mistake or repent of what they have done. It is precisely the problem of repentance that Astafiev poses in his text. Thinking...
  3. Repentance is an incredibly important ability of the human soul. If a person is unable to repent of his bad actions, committed intentionally, this means that, most likely, he...
  4. Every fighter probably experiences hunger in war. But is everyone capable of sharing the last thing they have? The author of this text raises the problem of manifestation of humanity and...
  5. Feat and heroism... What do these two concepts mean to people? What gives rise to “heroic selflessness” – “nobility of people” or “underdevelopment of personality”? This topic has become the subject of...
  6. Poetry is a fire that lights up in the Soul of a person. This fire burns, warms and illuminates. JI. H. Tolstoy Poetry is truly the ocean of the soul. A real poet himself unwittingly...
  7. In the text proposed for analysis, V.P. Astafiev raises the problem of the loss of loved ones and late repentance for them. This is exactly what he is thinking about. This...
The remorse experienced by a person after committing a shameful offense is a consequence of remorse - a feeling of guilt before other people, and also, more importantly, before oneself. Viktor Petrovich Astafiev, an outstanding Soviet and Russian writer, raises in the text the problem of showing a feeling of repentance.

Discussing the problem, the author cites an incident from his childhood spent in an orphanage. Being irritated by the voice that was unlike anyone else, with words of indignation he pulled the plug of the loudspeaker out of the socket, which aroused a sympathetic attitude from the children towards his action. However, many years later, having become an adult, the author regrets that once in childhood he insulted Nadezhda Obukhova, a singer who is now his favorite performer, over whose songs he cried more than once.

So, step by step, you come to understand the author’s position. It lies in the fact that a person who has repented of his actions no longer commits them. Repentance is needed, first of all, in order to forgive yourself.

To prove my thoughts, I will turn to Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.” Rodion Raskolnikov, according to his immoral theory, kills the old money-lender. Sonya Marmeladova helps him repent of his crime, who, with the power of her spirit, puts Raskolnikov on the path of correction. It took Rodion a lot of courage to admit his mistakes to the investigator, God, and most importantly to himself.

Another example that proves my point of view is the story of Viktor Petrovich Astafiev “The Horse with a Pink Mane.” The main character, the boy Vitya, incited by the Levontiev children, decides to deceive his grandmother. Vitya puts grass at the bottom of the basket of strawberries that his grandmother wanted to sell in the city. But the child’s conscience torments him as soon as he has committed a deception. Vitya has trouble sleeping at night and the next morning he firmly decides to confess, but does not have time, since his grandmother has already left for the city. Upon his grandmother’s return, Vitya cries bitterly and repents of his actions. And the grandmother, seeing the boy’s sincere repentance, still gives him a gingerbread - a horse with a pink mane, which he dreamed of. This incident became a good moral lesson for Vitya.

Thus, having repented of the committed offense, a person takes the path of correction.

p/s The essay was written according to the text by V.P. Astafieva

Guilt. Why do we experience it? How does it affect our lives? Is it easy to get rid of this feeling? These and other questions arise in my mind after reading L.M. Leonov’s text.

What is this event? We learn about him from a letter from a soldier to his beloved girl Polya. He writes that only she can tell this and asks her to burn the letter. What is this secret? We learn that part of Rodion’s army is constantly retreating, leaving the civilian population “at the mercy of the enemy.” We know from history that in the first years of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet army had to retreat. In “one Russian village, which our unit passed through in retreat,” a girl of about nine approached him with a bouquet of wild flowers. “She had such inquisitive, questioning eyes - it’s a thousand times easier to look at the midday sun, but I forced myself to take the bouquet, because I’m not a coward... I closed my eyes and took it from her.” Since then, Rodion has been carrying a dried bouquet, “like fire in his bosom.” And he doesn’t know whether “my whole life will be enough to pay for that gift.” The problem that the author raises made me think deeply about the feeling of guilt that sometimes haunts us.

The author’s position is clear to me: the feeling of guilt is a painful feeling that haunts us, forcing us to return again and again to our actions, when we are forced for various reasons to act against our moral principles and values. Rodion understands that this girl remains in territory that is about to be captured by the enemy, and that by retreating, they are betraying their people. But war dictates its own rules, and he is unable to change them.

I agree with the author. Guilt is the voice of our conscience, our inner judge. Our conscience tells us that we did wrong. I believe that responsible, highly moral people more often experience a feeling of guilt and remorse, because they realize the complexity, inconsistency, and sometimes injustice of our life. Heroes of works of fiction often experience feelings of guilt. I will give examples.

In the story “The Fate of a Man” by M.A. Sholokhov, Andrei Sokolov loses the most valuable thing he had during the war. Home, family. His wife and daughters were killed by a bomb, and his captain son was killed on the last day of the war. The hero went through captivity, hard work in captivity, bullying, an unsuccessful escape and a successful one, when he also managed to grab the tongue of an important officer with documents. But, having learned about the death of his family, he blames himself for it. He blames himself for building the house near the airfield. The Germans bombed the airfield, and a bomb hit his house. He blames himself for reproaching his wife Irina when they separated, because she cries as if she were burying him. It turned out that she felt that they would never see each other again. The feeling of guilt fell heavily on the hero’s heart. Of course, he blamed himself for being alive, but his closest people were gone. Meeting Vanyusha and caring for him pushed this feeling into the background. Andrey Sokolov now has someone to live for.

In F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment,” Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonechka Marmeladova are young people, but they both feel guilty. I'm not talking about crime and making obscene money, I mean guilt for injustice in life. Why do people live so poorly? Why do they suffer and suffer? Are they the only ones to blame for this? Raskolnikov is imbued with sympathy for Marmeladov, because he understands how this man suffers, how sick he is. Sonechka does not leave Raskolnikov, having learned about the crime, she stays with him to ease his suffering. The girl understands what a painful and difficult path lies ahead of him. They cannot be happy when someone else is having a hard time. Suffering, worries, the desire to help others - this is their lot. Inability to help everyone, to change lives - they feel guilty about this. That's why we like these heroes so much.

Thus, the feeling of guilt is not only a painful feeling, but also a cleansing and elevating one. Only a moral person is capable of truly experiencing guilt. This person is incapable of either meanness or betrayal.

Updated: 2018-01-24

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Lyudochka in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev tries to escape from loneliness. But Even the first lines of the work, where the heroine is compared to limp, frozen grass, suggest that she, like this grass, is incapable of life. The girl leaves her parents' house, where there are people who are strangers to her and who are also lonely. The mother has long been accustomed to the structure of her life and does not want to delve into her daughter’s problems, and Lyudochka’s stepfather did not treat her at all. The girl is a stranger both in her home and among people. Everyone turned their backs on her, even her own mother was like a stranger to her.


Lyudochka in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev encountered indifference everywhere, and the worst thing for her was the betrayal of people close to her. But the apostasy appeared earlier. At some point, the girl realized that she herself was involved in this tragedy, because she also showed indifference until the trouble touched her personally. It is no coincidence that Lyudochka remembered her stepfather, whose plight she had not previously been interested in; It was not in vain that she remembered the guy dying in the hospital, all the pain and drama of which the living did not want to understand.


The problem of crime and punishment in the story “Lyudochka” by V. Astafiev is the embodiment of the author’s experiences, who points out to people their sins, for which they, one way or another, are responsible.

Social crimes are perceived casually here. However, to this day the most terrible crime is violence against a person. Strekach committed it by abusing Lyudochka. The girl was punished for lethargy and indifference, atoning with her death not only for her sins, but also for the sins of her mother, the school, Gavrilovna, the police, and the youth of the town. But her death destroyed the indifference that reigned around: her mother, Gavrilovna, suddenly needed her.Her stepfather took revenge for her.


Probably none of us could remain indifferent to fate Lyudochki in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev. Any human heart will tremble with compassion, but the world that the writer shows is cruel. The insulted, humiliated girl finds no understanding from anyone. Gavrilovna, who was already accustomed to insults and did not see anything special in them, does not notice the girl’s suffering either. The mother, the closest and dearest person, also does not feel her daughter’s pain... The writer calls us to compassion, mercy, because even the girl’s name means “dear to people,” but how cruel the world around her is! Astafiev teaches us: we must say a good word in time, stop evil in time, and not lose ourselves in time.

5 . THE PROBLEM OF FATHERS AND CHILDREN , misunderstanding of loved ones in a difficult situation

One feels some kind of disharmony in the relationship between mother and daughter in V. Astafiev’s story “Lyudochka”; what is familiar to each of us is violated: the child must be loved. But the heroine does not feel her mother’s love, so even the most terrible trouble for the girl does not admit to a loved one: she is not understood in the family, her home is a stranger to her. Mother and daughter are separated by a moral abyss of alienation.


We are accustomed to the fact that a park is a place where a person can relax, breathe fresh air, and rest. But in V. Astafiev’s story “Lyudochka” everything is different. A terrible sight appears before us: along the ditch, breaking into the weeds, there are benches, bottles of various shapes stick out from the dirty ditch and foam, and there is always a stink here in the park, because puppies, kittens, and dead piglets are thrown into the ditch. And people behave like animals here.This “landscape” resembles a cemetery where nature suffers death at the hands of man. For a person, according to V. Astafiev, It is impossible to exist without it. That's moral foundations are destroyed - this is the result of punishment for a crime committed against nature.

7 . Childhood impressions and their influence on a person’s future life

Lyudochka lived uncomfortably and lonely at home in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev, because there is no warmth, understanding and trust in the relationship between mother and daughter. And Lyudochka, even in adulthood, remained shy, fearful and withdrawn. Her unhappy childhood seemed to be imprinted on her subsequent short life.

8.The problem of disappearing villages

Going extinctt spirituallyand gradually disappearsin the story by V. Astafiev “Lyudochka” the villageVychugan, and with it traditions and culture are becoming a thing of the past. The writer sounds the alarm: the village,like a dying candle, it is living out its last months. LPeople break the connections between man and nature, forget their origins, where their roots come from.They didn’t even dare to bury Lyudochka in her native village of Vychugan, because soon the united collective farm would plow everything into one field and fill up the cemetery.

9. The problem of alcoholism

It’s bitter and painful to read how drunk young people behave at a disco in V. Astafiev’s story “Lyudochka.”The author writes that they rage like a “herd.” The girl's father was also an inveterate drunkard, fussy and dull. The mother was even afraid that the child might be born sick, and therefore conceived him during a rare break from her husband’s drinking. Yet the girl was bruised by her father's unhealthy flesh and was born weak. We see how people degenerate under the influence of alcohol.

10. The fall of public morality

What killed Lyudochka? Indifference and fear of others, their reluctance to interfere. And Astafiev says that in the city people live separately, each for himself, that wolf laws reign around. There is drunkenness, violence, and a decline in morals all around. But we have the power to make this world a better place so that we can enjoy life!

11. “Reading” and a true, living book.

Victor Astafiev’s story “Lyudochka” describes the cruel reality of life. The author wrote it in the late eighties of the twentieth century, but the work is still relevant now, because it raises problems that concern my contemporaries - environmental pollution, the decline of morality and personality degradation, the death of the Russian village, mental loneliness. The story makes you think about the world around us, about indifference and indifference. In my opinion, “Lyudochka” is one of the best works of Russian literature. The story encourages us, young readers, to think about life, about choosing a path, about the moral problems of society.

12. The problem of the purity of the native language and speech culture. The problem of the connection between language and society.

V. Astafiev’s heroes inherit the style and spirit of their time, and their speech is not just talk, but an “exponent” of a person’s mental and moral qualities. The words of rollicking young people are an indicator of lack of spirituality: “we are tearing our claws”, “sidekicks”, “fuck off”, “godfather”. The clogging of the language with criminal jargon reflects the dysfunction of society, and such characters and their lack of culture in speech cause rejection in the reader.

13. The problem of late repentance, the realization that you missed something important in life.

Everywhere the main character was faced with indifference and could not withstand the betrayal of loved ones who did not listen to her and did not help. Only after her death did her mother, Gavrilovna, suddenly become necessary to her, but, alas, nothing could be changed. Later, repentance came to Lyudochka’s mother and will now accompany her throughout life. She promises herself that the future child will bond them with their husband, keep them afloat in life, and will be a joy for them.

14. The problem of education.

Lyudochka grew like roadside grass. The girl is timid and shy by nature; she had little contact with her classmates. The mother did not openly show her love for her daughter,, as they say, did not knock on her daughter’s soul, did not give advice, did not warn against life’s adversities and, in general, was practically not involved in upbringing, so there was no warmth and spiritual closeness between them.

15 . About God.

We don’t see believers in the story: the heroes lack this moral support that could support them in difficult times, that could save them from a disastrous step... It was terrible to listen to Vychuganikha. The women cowardly, ineptly, forgetting which shoulder to start with, crossed themselves. The woman put them to shame and taught them to make the sign of the cross again. And alone, when they grew old, the women willingly and obediently returned to faith in God. Lyudochka’s mother remembers him, who understands her guilt before her already dead daughter. Before her death, the girl herself turns to God with a request to forgive her. She didn’t believe in him, but at the subconscious level she understood that she had no one else to turn to for help, but she never decided to go to church...

16.About the absence of love

V. Astafiev’s story “Lyudochka” shocks the reader with the harshness, indifference of its characters and the lack of warmth, kindness, and trust in relationships between people. But, perhaps, what shocks readers most of all is the absence of love, without which neither harmony nor the future are possible. Children born not out of love are a doomed generation of either cynics, or weak, weak-willed people.

17. About the attitude towards one’s professional duties, about conscientiousness; about indifference to his profession

Young paramedic in the story With disgusting fingers she crushed the abscess that had swollen on the young man’s temple. And a day later she was forced to personally accompany a young lumberjack, who had fallen into unconsciousness, to the regional hospital. And there, in a place unsuitable for complex operations, they were forced to perform a craniotomy on the patient and saw that nothing could be done to help. The death of a person is on the conscience of an unscrupulous, squeamish girl who was not even saddened by this.

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