The problem of choice in Soviet literature. OGE: arguments for the essay “What is a moral choice? What does a person’s moral choice depend on?

Andriy, the youngest son of Taras Bulba, had to make a choice: remain faithful to his father and Motherland or take the path of betrayal, going over to the side of the enemy for the sake of love. The young man did not hesitate to choose love, betraying the people truly dear to him. In this situation of moral choice, Andriy’s true inner qualities emerged. His father, Taras Bulba, found himself in a situation of moral choice later. He could have left his traitorous son alive or killed him, regardless of family ties. For Taras Bulba, honor is most important, so he kills his unworthy son without betraying his principles.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

The moment of the capture of the Belogorsk fortress became decisive in many respects for Pyotr Grinev. He had to make a choice: go over to the side of the impostor Pugachev or die as a proud and worthy man. For Pyotr Grinev, the betrayal of the Motherland was shameful; he did not even think of saving his life by dishonoring himself. The hero chose execution and only due to circumstances remained alive. Even with a choice on which his life depended, Pyotr Grinev remained faithful to his country. The situation of moral choice showed that he is a man of honor.

His complete opposite is Shvabrin. This unworthy man immediately recognized Pugachev as the sovereign, saving his life. People like Shvabrin are disgusting. In situations of moral choice, they are ready to betray anyone in order to make themselves better.

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"

Andrei Sokolov showed his best moral qualities in situations of moral choice. For example, in captivity of the Germans, being summoned for interrogation by Müller, he refused to drink to the victory of German weapons, although these minutes could have been the last in his life. Andrei Sokolov, exhausted by hunger and overwork, remained true to his moral principles. He showed Muller the character of a real Russian soldier, which earned him respect. The German did not shoot Andrei Sokolov, recognizing him as a worthy person, and sent him back with bread and lard.

Arguments to the problem of moral choice can be found in almost every work. Are these three books not enough? Read short works by A.P. Chekhov or A.S. Pushkin. It is worth reading “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy, if you are not afraid of large texts. No bank of arguments will give you the “foundation” with which you can easily find arguments for almost every problem.

When using the phrase “real man” in conversation, as a rule, both women and representatives of the stronger sex are talking about the same type.

“Normal men,” as they call themselves, behave in accordance with the ethical standards of society, value marriage and their family, love loved ones, and live “correctly.” There is no clear definition of what a man should be who is an example of morality.

But usually such people have the following traits: a strong, tough character, wisdom, loyalty to their loved ones, physical strength, strength, the ability to make decisions, responsibility and a worthy life partner. Today we invite you to talk about moral freedom of choice, because every man should know how to act better and more correctly in various life situations.

The problem of human moral choice

Interest in this problem is caused by the fact that sooner or later every person faces a situation of moral choice. Moral choice is a person's choice in favor of good or evil, the choice of an ethical alternative. Aristotle also said that it must be different from desires, be known and relevant to a person, and the choice must be conscious. We live in a free society, therefore freedom is the determining factor in the moral position of any person. How does it manifest itself?

The concepts of “good” or “bad” are abstract for every person, despite generally accepted norms. But in any society, a person’s morality is considered through his behavior, actions, attitude towards certain things, towards his freedom of choice. It is in these areas that a person shows himself, while manifesting himself as a creative and independent person.

Finding himself in a difficult life situation or in any extreme situation, a person is able to express himself in a way that he would never have done at any other time. Or, on the contrary, his behavior will be as follows: as usual, and this will also be an indicator of his morality.

Also, a huge indicator of morality is a person’s willpower; not everyone has it. When we fight for the freedom of our own choice, we often forget that it is better not to be able to purchase anything at all, for example, if you are addicted to alcohol, buy vodka, spend all your free time, capabilities and health on it. If a person has strong free will, which in fact turns out to be much more expensive and more important than many factors, then he is unlikely to face the problem of moral choice.

Life is a series of choices, the future fate of a person depends on them. It is often difficult to do this, since you need to choose between a convenient and fair option; if you prefer the latter, some privileges are lost. This problem is touched upon in art and is found everywhere in life.

Arguments from literature

  1. (51 words) Pyotr Grinev, the hero of A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter,” was guided in his life by the proverb: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” When Grinev was faced with a choice: to go over to the side of the rebel Emelyan Pugachev or to remain faithful to the oath, he chose the latter, despite the fact that he could be killed for this. His decision is moral, as it is based on virtue.
  2. (46 words) In the story by A.S. Pushkin's "Shot" (from the cycle "Belkin's Tale") Silvio waited for revenge for many years, wanted to kill his arrogant rival when he was afraid to die. And now the enemy is having a good honeymoon, and Silvio points a gun at him. But the main character chose pardon, having committed a highly moral act.
  3. (60 words) In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" the hero hesitated: whether to accept Tatyana's feelings or reject her. On the one hand, the girl loved him like no one else, but, on the other hand, what could he give her? There were no such feelings in response, and pretending to love would only ruin the heroine’s life. And Evgeny gave her a harsh rebuke, but made a choice in favor of a moral act.
  4. (60 words) The hero of the poem M.Yu. Lermontov’s “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov,” faced a choice: to bear the insult inflicted on his wife, or to wash it off with the blood of the offender. The merchant chose a duel and killed Kiribeevich, but for this he was executed himself. But with his victory he was still able to ensure her safety. His decision is moral, because he protected his family at the cost of his life.
  5. (52 words) In the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time" Grushnitsky and his cronies planned to kill Pechorin using forgery in a duel (the main character's gun would not be loaded). Such a vile act could not go unpunished; Pechorin found out about the impending vileness, outwitted Grushnitsky and killed him himself. Thus, immoral choices will never lead to victory.
  6. (48 words) In the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin's "The Wise Minnow" the hero faced a large-scale choice: a full life, but dangerous, or a miserable existence, but safe. The gudgeon climbed into a hole where no one could reach him, but at the same time all the best passed him by. His choice is immoral because it is based on cowardice and selfishness.
  7. (40 words) In the story by A.P. Chekhov's "Chameleon" Ochumelov chooses between official duty and respect for rank. The dog that bit the jeweler Khryukin becomes either guilty or innocent depending on who its owner is. Unfortunately, officials often make immoral choices in order to please the “right people.”
  8. (47 words) The hero of the story is M.A. Sholokhov’s “The Fate of Man” always acts according to his conscience. For example, when there was a traitor next to him who was going to hand over his commissar to the Nazis, Sokolov killed him. So Andrei saved not only this commissar, but also many other people who would have been destroyed by a traitor. This is a difficult but moral choice.
  9. (49 words) The main character of the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky’s “Vasily Terkin” in the chapter “Crossing” is faced with a choice: to swim across a cold river under enemy fire in order to establish communication, or to step aside, because someone else may be found. Terkin swam and saved the whole company. Moreover, the hero did not even expect a reward, he simply did it because he had to.
  10. (58 words) In the story by V.P. Astafiev’s “Horse with a Pink Mane” the boy picked strawberries for sale, then ate them, and put grass in place of the berries. The hero was very tormented by his conscience. The grandmother, who brought strawberries to the market, was disgraced when, after the sale, she began to pour the berries. However, the young hero repented, and his grandmother forgave him. A truly moral person always returns to the path of virtue, even if he makes a mistake in his choice.
  11. Examples from life

    1. (46 words) Moreau, the main character of R. Nugmanov’s film “The Needle,” faced a choice: stand up for his beloved girl against the drug mafia or give up. Moreau chose the first, tried to get Dina out of the vicious circle, and when that didn’t work out, he decided to punish the criminals. His choice is a moral feat, because he sacrificed himself to save another person.
    2. (43 words) Rose, the main character of D. Cameron's film Titanic, faced a choice between a respectable life and love. The heroine chose the second, so she got several days of happiness with Jack. By choosing true love, a person becomes happy and virtuous, but an immoral choice in favor of greed does not promise happiness.
    3. (53 words) Driss, the main character of O. Nakash’s film “1+1,” lived in a poor area on unemployment benefits, not wanting to change anything. He stood at a crossroads: continue this existence or try to change it for the better. He began to work, helping the disabled person get a taste for life. By helping him, he helped himself, because a moral choice always turns out good.
    4. (52 words) Nikita Tyukin was swimming in the Chagan River, but his calm was interrupted by a scream. The girl was drowning, she had to choose quickly. And Nikita decided to rescue the drowning woman. It turned out that the girl had a friend with her who had already sunk to the bottom. The young hero saved her too. By making a choice in favor of a moral act, he saved two lives, although he risked his own.
    5. (52 words) Little Zhenya Oshchepkov was taking a bath on an ordinary Sunday. Coming out of the bathroom, the child discovered that his parents were lying unconscious on the floor. The boy was not at a loss, but called his grandmother. And then he lost consciousness because carbon monoxide had accumulated in the house. However, Zhenya’s correct choice saved the whole family; the grandmother called the police and firefighters.
    6. (49 words) The rector of the Assumption Church, Evgeny Mozyakov, accidentally witnessed the tragedy: a boy fell into a fire well, they could not pull him out, since the child could not catch the fire hose. The priest jumped into the well, put Vanya on his shoulders, and he was saved. The man risked himself, but the reward for his moral act was a saved life.
    7. (56 words) An elderly woman was attacked on the street with a knife and demanded to give her money. A young man passing by could pretend not to hear anything, but he stood up for the victim. The modest hero didn’t even say his name; he doesn’t need gratitude. But his choice helped not only the pensioner, but also himself, because the young man avoided pangs of conscience.
    8. (63 words) Once, in the company of a friend of mine, they offered to smoke a narcotic mixture. They tried to persuade her for a long time, they even threatened that they would stop communicating with her if she fell behind the team. But the girl adequately assessed the situation and left the party, and one of those who agreed ended up in the hospital. Under pressure from others, it is difficult to make the right choice, but you need to think about yourself, and not about public opinion.
    9. (57 words) One of my friends bought answers to exams via the Internet. This man spent about ten thousand rubles, and on the eve of the exam, the seller deleted his page from the social network and did not contact him. So a friend of mine, having made the wrong choice and hoping for answers, did not pass the Unified State Exam. When choosing, it is better to always rely on virtue, because the price for a mistake is too high.
    10. (62 words) A few years ago, I accidentally forgot my phone in my jacket when I handed it in to the school cloakroom. After class, I didn’t find it in my pocket. However, a week later, a random passer-by found this phone lying in a snowdrift. He could have taken it for himself, but he made a different choice by calling my mom's number and returning it to me. For this I am still grateful to that person.
    11. It is sometimes difficult to make the right choice, since you pay for it with your own conveniences and benefits. But, without doing it, you are deprived of something much more important - peace, because conscience is the strictest judge of a person; it will remind you of a wrong action for years.

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God created man in his own image. But the most important thing that he gave to his creation was the ability to think, reflect and make choices. Sometimes we face very complex problems that seem quite difficult to solve on our own. In this case, the heroes of literary works come to the rescue, offering their weighty arguments. The problem of choice is the main topic of Unified State Exam essays, so the younger generation needs to properly prepare for the decisive stage in their lives.

Problems of choice in human life

Think about it, how often in a day do you have to solve questions to which there are two or even more answers? First you think about what to eat for breakfast, then how to dress for school and which way to go there. After classes, you usually wonder whether to do your homework now, or after the party? Should I go for a walk with Masha or Kolya today? All these issues are just minor daily problems that you can surely handle easily.

But in life there are more serious choices. Sooner or later, you will have to think about where to go to study, where to work, how to determine your path in life. We need to think about this now, on the threshold of adulthood. This is why teachers ask students to read works at school, analyze them and draw conclusions. So that in the future it will be easier for you, based on the experience of others. We invite you to consider the problem of life choice found in literature. We present the arguments as examples.

Social problems

What difficulties might a young person have with society? Teenagers, as you know, are very emotional and emotionally unstable people. During puberty, they have completely unusual thoughts, and sometimes it seems to them that the whole world is against them. But survival in society is the key to a happy adult life. And you need to learn this as early as possible. The table on the left side presents the selection problem, arguments from the literature on the right.

Problem name


Some people are too rich, others are too poor.

Dostoevsky F. M. “Crime and Punishment.” Despite the fact that the novel raises many different problems, the main one is the level of poverty beyond which the main characters are forced to exist.

Closedness, focus only on one’s own world, without regard to others.

There is a problem of choice in the works: Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Wise Minnow” and Chekhov “The Man in a Case”.

Loneliness and its severity.

A good example is “The Fate of Man” by Sholokhov. The problem of life choice and loneliness appears in two characters at once - Andrei Sokolov and the boy Vanya. Both lost everything that was dear to them during the war.

School relationship problems

Such difficulties also occur quite often. Moreover, understanding them, let alone solving them, can be very difficult for a teenager. Parents, as a rule, cannot or do not want to interfere with the relationship between teachers and students. Let's consider what the literature has to say about this.

Problem name


Reluctance to learn and gain knowledge

This is also a significant problem of choice in a person’s life. There are arguments about the reluctance to acquire knowledge in F. I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor.” The main character, being lazy and a slob, never achieved anything in life, and was not fit for independent existence.

A. M. Gorky offers excellent arguments in his autobiographical trilogy “Childhood”, “In People”, “My Universities”.

The role of the Russian language in the life of any person

Nabokov, in his novel “The Gift,” extols the Russian language as a gift of fate and teaches how to appreciate what is given from above. It is also useful to read Turgenev’s poems, in which he admires the power and greatness of the Russian language.

The clash of different views on life

Teacher and student are like father and child. One has enormous experience behind him and his own adult view of the world. The other has his own opinion, often contradicting the adult. This is also a kind of problem of choice. Arguments from literature can be drawn from Turgenev’s work “Fathers and Sons.”

Family problems

Where would we be without them? Family problems always arise at any age. We can hurt the person closest to us, and not even think about his feelings. He will still forgive. And sometimes we hurt our own parents the most. It is very difficult to protect yourself from mistakes. But you can read what the problem of choice is. Arguments from the literature will help with this.

Problem name


The complexity of the relationship between parents and children.

Parents often do not understand their offspring's point of view. The choice of children seems terrible to them, contrary to the norms and rules of life. But sometimes children are also wrong. Read Gogol's story "Taras Bulba". This is a very serious work that makes you think about how the problem of choice happens in a person’s life. The arguments are impressive.

The role of childhood

Do you think everything is simple for children? No matter how it is. We live in a relatively calm and stable time and can give children the joy of growing up. But not many people had it. Pristavkin writes about how quickly one can grow up during the war years in the story “The Golden Cloud Spent the Night.” Tolstoy also encounters the problem of life choice. Look for arguments in the trilogy “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”.


Family relationships. Orphanhood.

Family values ​​need to be preserved. Proof of this is the epic novel by L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. Don’t be lazy, read everything, and you will understand how important it is to preserve what has developed and been established for centuries.

The problem of choosing a life path. Arguments from literature

Even an adult sometimes feels like his life has failed. The work is not to your liking, the profession does not bring the desired profit, there is no love, nothing around promises happiness. Now, if I had then, ten years ago, gone to study there, or married so-and-so, then my life would have turned out completely differently, perhaps happier. A person creates his own destiny and everything depends on this choice. The biggest difficulty is that the literature will help to understand this extremely complex issue.

Probably the best example for the younger generation is Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. The theme of the entire work is choosing your place in life. Based on the destinies of several people, the author tells what can happen if you are weak-willed, or, conversely, strong-willed and stubborn. Ilya Oblomov, as the main character, carries negative traits - inability to work, laziness and stubbornness. As a result, he turns into a kind of shadow, without purpose and happiness.

Another example of how inheritance, and not one’s own choice, influence a person’s life is “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin. It would seem, what else does a young nobleman need? Carefree life, balls, love. There is no need to think about how to work, where to get money for food. But Onegin is not satisfied with such a life. He protests against established social life, against the moral standards of his time, for which many consider him an eccentric. Onegin's main task is to find new values, the meaning of his life.

What to do with the profession

Another insoluble problem of the younger generation is the problem of choosing a profession. Parents can give completely different arguments when offering their child the best activity in life, in their opinion. Now this situation is not uncommon. Moms and dads force them to go to study where their child does not want to go. They argue their position in different ways: being a doctor is profitable, being a financier is prestigious, being a programmer is in demand, but a poor teenager just wants to become a machinist.

This happened with the main character of Mikhail Weller’s work “I Want to Be a Janitor.” The main character had a problem choosing a profession. His parents gave him arguments in favor of who he should become. They advised me to look at others who successfully defend their candidate's theses and perform at concerts after the conservatory. But the hero did not want to exchange his freedom for sitting in his pants in classrooms and studying books. He was attracted by his childhood dream of becoming a janitor, which is what he aspired to.

An example of the fact that it is not enough to choose a good profession to your liking, but you also need to develop your skills, is given by A.P. Chekhov in the story “Ionych”. Especially if you are a doctor. This was the case with the main character Ionych. He worked conscientiously, helping people until he became obsolete. He did not follow new developments in pharmacology and was not interested in new methods of treatment. He risked losing his well-being. Moral of the piece: choosing the right profession is only half the success; you need to improve your skills and talent.

Problem Arguments

All our actions are influenced by the world around us. Before taking this or that step, we will definitely think about whether it contradicts the norms of social relations, conscience, morality, etc. This is all a problem of moral choice. The arguments here are simple. A wise man once said that there is never a right decision. Because for you it will be true, but for others it will be false. Let's see what literature teaches us.

Problem name


Humanity, mercy

The best examples are given by M. Sholokhov. He has several stories from which one can draw ideas about mercy and humanity. This is “The Science of Hate”, “The Fate of Man”.


Sometimes circumstances force a person to commit cruel and terrible acts. It's hard to find such arguments. The problem of choice arose among the heroes of M. Sholokhov’s epic novel “Quiet Don”. The action takes place during the years of the revolution, and the main characters have to sacrifice something in the name of the revolution.


About dreams and reality

Here you can’t do without A. Green’s romantic story “Scarlet Sails”. But what would have happened if Gray had never appeared in Assol’s life? In reality this does not happen. Of course, dreams sometimes come true, but you need to put a lot of effort into it yourself.


The fight between good and evil

Two elements are always fighting within us - good and evil. Think about your actions and you will find arguments. The problem of choice also faced the heroes of Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”. This is an excellent work in which the branches of good and bad deeds are very skillfully intertwined.



And again “The Master and Margarita”. A woman left her home, wealth and family for the sake of her beloved. She became weightlessness, a shadow, and sold her soul to the devil for the sake of her Master. The work makes you think.

And one more story that I would like to remember in this context. This is Gorky's "Old Woman Izergil". The brave hero Danko tore his heart out of his chest to save people, thanks to which the path was illuminated and everyone was saved.

Personal problems

The most painful topic for teenagers is love. At the same time, it is the most interesting thing to write about. And how many examples can you give! Love and romantic relationships are another issue of choice. The essay is forced to be written based on one’s own thoughts, which are sometimes confused and mixed up. Let's consider what arguments can be given in this context.

I immediately want to remember the tragic love of Romeo and Juliet in Shakespeare's play. Misunderstanding on the part of relatives and enmity between clans lead to tragic consequences, although the young people were sincerely in love and experienced only the most tender and virginal feelings for each other.

An excellent example of a real romantic relationship in Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet”. After reading this work, I want to believe that love is the best feeling that has ever arisen in a person. “Garnet Bracelet” is an ode to the young, a hymn to happiness and prose of innocence.

Love is sometimes destructive. There are arguments for this in the literature. The problem of choice appeared before Anna Karenina in the novel of the same name by L.N. Tolstoy. The feelings that arose for the young officer Volkonsky became destructive for her. For the sake of new happiness, a woman abandoned her devoted husband and beloved son. She sacrificed her status, reputation, position in society. And what did you get for it? Love and happiness or sadness and disappointment?

Problems of ecology, relationships with nature

The problem of choice in life is different. A variety of arguments were given. It's time to talk about the environment in which we live. Recently, humanity has seriously thought about the fact that man, in fact, treats his home, Mother Earth, very disdainfully. And all actions aimed at preserving the health of the planet do not bring significant results. The ozone layer is being destroyed, the air is being polluted, there is practically no clean fresh water left in the world...

Do you allow yourself to leave garbage behind after a vacation in the forest? Do you burn plastic and put out the flames before leaving? The authors wrote a lot about relationships with nature. Let's consider what can be useful for the Unified State Exam.

Let's start with the dystopian novel “We” by E. Zamyatin. We are talking about the inhabitants of a certain Unified State who have become numbers, and their entire existence is possible only within the framework of the Tablet of Hours. They have no trees and rivers, because the whole world is built from human buildings and devices. They are surrounded by perfectly even proportions of glass houses. And relationships and love are allowed if there is a pink card. Such a world was depicted by Zamyatin specifically to show that a person will turn into a programmed robot without nature, real feelings and the beauty of the world around him.

The struggle between nature and man takes place in E. Hemingway’s work “The Old Man and the Sea.” This shows the real problem of human choice. The arguments are flawless. If you want to live, hold on. This applies to both a weak old man and a strong shark caught on a hook. The fight for life goes to the death. Who will win and who will give up? A short story that makes you think deeply about the meaning and price of life.

The problem of patriotism

Excellent arguments about love for the Motherland can be found in many. It is in these difficult times that the sincerity of feelings truly manifests itself.

An example of ideology about false and true patriotism can be considered L. N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace.” There are many scenes in the books dedicated to this. It is worth remembering Natasha Rostova, who persuaded her mother to sacrifice carts for the wounded at Borodino. At the same time, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky himself is mortally wounded in a decisive battle.

But the greatest love for the Motherland is among ordinary soldiers. They do not make loud speeches, do not praise the king, but are simply ready to die for their region, for their country. The author directly says that Napoleon was defeated in that war only due to the unity of the entire Russian people. The French commander in other countries faced exclusively the army, but in Russia he was opposed by ordinary people of different classes and ranks. At Borodino, Napoleon's army suffered a moral defeat, and the Russian army won thanks to its powerful fortitude and patriotism.


How to pass the exam perfectly is the main problem of choice. We tried to present arguments (Unified State Examination) that are most often found in essay topics. All that remains is to choose what you need.

The problem of moral choice in books about war CHOICE M. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man” V. Bykov “Sotnikov”, “Confrontation” Andrei Turgenev “Sleep and Believe” B. Vasiliev “Tomorrow there was a war” V. Kondratyev “Sashka” K. Vorobyov “German in felt boots” V. Rasputin “Live and Remember” V. Zakrutkin “Mother of Man” “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”

“That’s why you’re a man, that’s why you’re a soldier, to endure everything, to endure everything, if need calls for it” M. Sholokhov The war crossed out the family happiness of Andrei Sokolov: the family died, the eldest son, an officer, was killed. In captivity, in order to save a skinny boy, commander Sokolov strangles the traitor with his own hands. It was not easy for him to make this decision “For the first time in my life I killed, and then my own...”. But by the death of the traitor, he prevented the death of many honest people.

He made the main moral choice of the hero in captivity immediately: he did not collude with the enemies, did not betray his comrades for a piece of bread, courageously endured torture and humiliation, “so that the enemies would not see at my last minute that I had to give up my life.” it’s still difficult.” It was important for him to show that “although I am disappearing from hunger, I am not going to choke on their handouts, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride, and that they did not turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.”

The hero made his last choice already in the post-war period of his life, when almost everything was lost, but the opportunity was given to somehow endure hardships, losses, the grief of loneliness, and Andrei Sokolov finds the strength to pick up an orphan boy and adopt him.

The story of B. Vasilyev “Tomorrow there was a war” In the story of B. Vasilyev “Tomorrow there was a war” the atmosphere of a pre-war Central Russian town is surprisingly recreated. The main characters of the story are pre-war schoolchildren brought up on the romance of “revolutionary everyday life.” Naive and straightforward, sincere and fearless, they try to understand the complex lives of adults and the world around them. The universal human values ​​that parents instill in their children gradually come into conflict with reality, which is cruel and inhumane. And children have to make moral choices, since not only their own lives depend on them, but also the lives of other people.

The heroes of the story will go through many trials, eventually discovering the well-known truth, which the author formulated with extreme precision in Vika Lyuberetskaya’s suicide letter: “... you cannot betray your fathers. It’s impossible, otherwise we will kill ourselves, our children, our future.” And you can’t betray children either. You can't betray anyone! It's scary when betrayal occurs in private life. It’s even worse when this betrayal is committed by the state towards its citizens.

The problem of choice in classical literature “Taras Bulba” “Mtsyri” “Song about the merchant Kalashnikov” “The Captain’s Daughter” “Dubrovsky.” “After the Ball”, “War and Peace” “Biryuk” I.S. Turgenev A.N. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm” F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment” N.S. Leskov “Lefty”

The hero and his choice in the literature of the 20th century “...everyone has his own truth, his own furrow” M. Sholokhov “Song of the Falcon” “Quiet Don” “The Master and Margarita” “In Bad Society” V. Kaverin “Two Captains” Ch. Aitmatov “The Block” D. Granin “Bison” V. Rasputin “French Lessons” Zheleznikov “Scarecrow” “Old Woman Izergil”

V. Zheleznikov. Scarecrow. The story is about a sixth-grader girl, Lenka Bessoltseva, who found herself in a difficult situation; her classmates declared a boycott on her. Shy and indecisive, she turned out to be a persistent, courageous person, and the guys realized that the moral values ​​that Lenka and her grandfather carry within them are the good in whose name they must fight.

The choice of a hero in modern literature Andrey Gelasimov “Alien Grandmother”. Nineteen-year-old Tatyana, the daughter of Ivanovna, a former paratrooper who currently works as a dispatcher, gets married and finds out that her husband has a daughter, Olya. Her father wants to send her to a boarding school. Without hesitation, showing determination and firmness, as required by the character of an athlete, Ivanovna, Tatyana’s mother, urgently applies for a pension and makes a bold and unexpected decision for her family: she demands that her son-in-law allow her to take custody of the girl. She cannot bear for a child (even a stranger) to grow up without a family. Someone else's grandmother turned out to be dearer than the closest people.

Roman Senchin “Yoltyshevs” The duty officer at the sobering-up center Nikolai Yeltyshev “for most of his life, he believed that you need to behave like a human being, fulfill your duties, and for this you will gradually be rewarded.” But one day he breaks the law: he locks in a small room of the sobering-up station several “night violators” who came on his duty, who by the morning “suffocate” in the stuffy room, and some of them die. Faced with “fate”, with the need to survive, with the opportunity to act, find a way out, make some decision, Nikolai loses his human face and gradually turns into an indifferent, pitiful person. The problem of an act on which human fate may depend is of interest to the author and he brings it to the attention of the reader. The hero's fate is broken; he moves through life, caught up in the general flow of indifference, heartlessness, and indifference. The hero, unable to cope with the circumstances, drives himself more and more into a corner, becomes more and more “dirty” in the “swamp” of village life, dies himself and destroys his family. Why did it happen so? What happened? What didn't he notice? What passed by? The author of the work himself answers these questions: “The moment when, as in a fairy tale about a hero, it was necessary to choose the path along which to move further, Eltyshev slept through.” More than once “the opportunity arose to change his fate,” but “he did not dare” and turned into a “murderer,” already so familiar to us from classical literature.

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